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Desperados, Dudes & Deputies

A modification1 of the Desperado game rules by Steve Bean modified from a previously modified version by Bob Burke
Special thanks to Tom Rogers
Desperado developed by Leonard Albright, James Albright, Tom Kelly & Chip Mann
Original version published in 1992 by Monday Knight Productions

Desperados, Dudes & Deputies brings cinematic-style Wild West gunfights to the
miniatures table in 1:32/54mm scale (measurements are also provided for 28mm scale)

General Game Materials:

Rule Booklet
Miniature Character Sheets
24 Character Type Badges: x3 Con Artist/Cardsharp, x3 Gunslinger, x3 Greenhorn/Civilian,
x3 Mounaineer/Trapper, x3 Rider, x3 Rifleman, x3 Sharpshooter,
x3 Shootist, x3 Tough
“Wanted Poster” Play Order Board
21 Numbered Movement-Plotting Cowboy Boot Counters
Movement Rate Counters: 12 Serpentine, 12 Walk, 12 Run, 12 Trot, 12 Gallop
30 Poker Chips – 8 White, 14 Blue, 8 Red – for “Fancy Shootin’” (Special Actions)
Deck of Playing Cards
Materials Each Player Should Bring
Flexible Tape Measure
Dice (per player): 20-sided (d20) and x12/ 6-sided (d6)

Version 3D.8, 7/7/12
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Object of the Game
Typically, the object of Desperados, Dudes & Deputies is to be the last man standing in a team-based or
free-for-all Wild West gunfight. Scenario-based play will often present alternate victory conditions such
as exiting minis off the board or finding counters and moving them off the board to represent the loot
from a bank robbery, train robbery or gold mine.

Desperados, Dudes & Deputies utilizes one polyhedral die common to role-playing and minis skirmish
games – the icosahedron, or 20-sided die, referred to as a d20 – and six-sided dice, referred to as a d6,
common to family board games and gambling games. In the game, the six-sided die is used to generate
number ranges other than 1-6, most importantly 1-2 and 1-3. When the game calls for a six-sided die to
be used to generate the number range 1-2, it is referred to as a d2. To use a d6 as a d2, roll the d6 – if the
roll is a 1, 2 or 3, treat it as a roll of 1; if the roll is a 4, 5 or 6, treat it as a roll of 2. When the game calls
for a six-sided die to be used to generate the number range 1-3, it is referred to as a d3. To use a d6 as a
d3, roll the d6 – if the roll is a 1 or 2, treat it as a roll of 1; if the roll is a 3 or 4, then treat it as a roll of 2;
if the roll is a 5 or 6, treat it as a roll of 3.

Desperados, Dudes & Deputies is a turn-based game with a minced sequence of play. The pace of game
play is kept brisk through mechanics that enable players to act simultaneously during the five phases that
make up the turn:
I. Round ‘Em Up Phase - Clean-up, Recovery and Initiative
II. Ill Intent Phase – Declare intended movement for that turn
III. Hightail It Phase – Execute movement
IV. Do Unto Others Phase – Conduct combat and determine damage
V. Reckonin’ Phase – Damage takes effect

Phase I: Round ‘Em Up

Three things happen in this phase:
A) Players retrieve any counters, markers or tokens from the board from the previous turn or that are
no longer in effect. Single-use tokens are removed from play entirely.
B) Minis with debilitating conditions (eg System Shock) that expired at the end of the previous turn
are restored to active status.
C) Round Em ‘Up Rolls are made to serve as play order determination, aka “initiative.”

Each player rolls a d20 for EACH of his or her Minis (The Greenhorn/Civilian Character is
comprised of two Minis, each of which must have its OWN initiative). Any ties are diced-off. A
ranked order or play is determined from this set of rolls. This ranked order is recorded on the
Play Order Wanted Poster and displayed for all players to see.

OPTIONAL: Play order may be determined by having players draw a card randomly from a
deck of playing cards, then rank ordering players according to their cards from high card (Ace is
high) to low card. Note that suits are ranked (in descending order): Spades, Hearts, Diamonds
and Clubs. Thus the highest card in a deck is the Ace of Spades and the lowest card is the Two
of Clubs. This ranking ensures that there will be no ties.

Basic Rule - Invoking Initiative

The game plays more quickly when initiative is ignored and players’ activity during Phases in 3D is
conducted simultaneously. Thus, the game starts with initiative suspended. However, this rather
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informal system also allows for one player to observe other players’ choices before committing his or
her Mini Character(s) to actions, potentially granting that player an advantage. To counteract this,
players DO NOT ignore initiative during a turn in which one or more players declare that they want to
observe the play order established by the Round ‘Em Up Subphase. This is called “Invoking Initiative.”
Initiative may be invoked by any player AT THE START OF ANY OF THE PHASES IN A GAME
TURN. Damage effects in Phase V. - the Reckonin’ Phase - are simultaneous so invoking initiative is
unlikely to have an impact during this phase.

Basic Rule - One Regular Action

Each mini character may perform ONE Regular Action during a turn. Below is the list of the 14 Regular
Actions from which mini characters may choose a Regular Action to perform in a game turn:


1. Standard Move or Ride
2. Climb, or Climb + Walk OR Run Move
Requires a successful Bravado Roll or Move Action is lost for that turn. A Mini Character that succeeds
at a Bravado Roll for climbing may move vertically up to 6”. A Mini Character may NOT attack in the
same turn that he or she Climbs. A player may combine a Climb Move with a Walk or Run Move. If the
character succeeds in the Bravado Roll, his or her mini character may Climb up to half the number of
inches remaining from the Move Roll after the horizontal movement, to a maximum of 6” of Climb.
3. Sneaky Move
Limited to Walking pace on foot only (no horseback). Sneaking requires that the Mini Character
maintain base contact with covering terrain, without losing contact for more than 2” at a stretch, for the
entire executed move. Also requires a successful Bravado Roll. Whether the Mini Character succeeds or
fails at the Bravado Roll, movement is halved during that turn. A Mini Character that succeeds at a
Bravado Roll for sneaking and who does not attack during the turn cannot be the target of attacks from
Mini Characters whose line of sight passes through covering terrain.
4. Mount or Dismount a Moving Animal or Vehicle
Requires that the Mini Character use the Run movement type and make a successful Bravado Roll. If the
Bravado Roll is unsuccessful the Mini Character attempting this action must stop his move at the point of
intersection with the moving target. If the Bravado Roll is successful, the Mini Character may mount the
animal or vehicle.
5. Running Leap
Requires that the Mini Character use the Run movement type and make a successful Bravado Roll or the
Mini Character attempting this action must stop his move at the starting point for the attempted leap. If
the Bravado Roll is successful, the Mini Character may leap up to 4” horizontally and up to 1 1/2”


6. Move or Ride plus Fire Gun
7. Move or Ride plus Reload
8. Move plus Brawl (aka Charge)
9. Disengage from Brawl
Requires a successful Bravado Roll. A Mini Character that succeeds at Disengaging from a brawl may
ignore all attempts to Hamstring him or her during the current turn.

10. Stationary Hide

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Requires covering terrain and a successful Bravado Roll. A Mini Character that succeeds at a Bravado
Roll for sneaking and who does not attack during the turn cannot be the target of attacks from any Mini
11. Stationary Gun Firing
12. Stationary Reload
13. Stationary Brawl
14. Stationary Physical/Motor Skill Task (eg saddle a horse, play the piano)

Mini characters may perform one or more Special Actions during the game, and may attempt multiple,
different Special Actions within a single turn, but may NOT perform more than one successful Special
Action in any single turn. Special Actions are listed and described in Section XX, below.

Picking up an object, drawing or holstering a weapon, mounting or dismounting a stationary horse and
other simple tasks DO NOT require an action. More complicated tasks are covered under the Stationary
Physical Task action, above.

Basic Rule - Flexibility

Players in 3D are meant to have some flexibility in reacting to what is happening in the game. Therefore,
several guidelines apply to actions:
A) A player does not have to specify or make public the action he or she intends a Mini Character
UNTIL he or she executes it,
B) A player MAY change an action he or she intended for a Mini Character so long as that Mini has
NOT performed any actions that turn which would violate the conditions of the new action.

EXAMPLE #1 At the beginning of a turn, a player decides - without telling the other players anything – that her
character will make a Running Charge at an opposing player’s mini. The player reveals the Running Charge in
the Ill Intent Phase by placing her Mini Character’s Cowboy Boot Counter on the target. But in the Hightail it
Phase, the player rolls her movement dice in the and coming up short on movement to engage the original target
in hand to hand comba. So in the oO Unto Others Phase, the player decides she wants her mini to shoot a pistol
at the target of the charge. Since nothing about a failed Charge precludes this, the player may make the attack,
applying a Running Movement Rate penalty (along with any other modifiers) to the attack.


Basic Rule - The Bravado Roll

Some Regular Actions actions - and all Special Actions - are difficult for a Mini Character to perform
successfully. To determine whether a Mini Character can succeed at difficult actions, a Bravado Roll is
made. The player controlling the Mini Character needing a successful Bravado Roll rolls 2d6 and adds
any applicable modifiers. If the modified Bravado roll is equal to or greater than 8, the Mini
Character succeeds.

Phase II: Ill Intent

During this phase, players plot the movement they intend their characters to complete during the turn.

For each Mini Character a player controls that he or she chooses to Move as part of its Regular Action
that turn, the player chooses the Movement Rate at which it will move during the turn, ie Walk or Run
on foot, Walk, Trot or Gallop on horseback or Walk, Trot or Gallop if driving a team of horses attached
to a wagon or coach. A character with a Serious Leg Wound or a Seriously Wounded Mount will be

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forced to use the Hobble rate. Once a player has chosen a Movement Rate for a Mini Character, he or
she places a Movement Rate Counter that matches the movement rate selected face down on the
character’s Character Sheet.

Basic Movement Types and their Rates (Given in number of d3 or d6 inches)

On Foot On Horseback In a Vehicle (Wagon or Coach)
Hobble 2d3 Hobble 2d3
1:32 Walk 4d3 Walk 4d3 Walking Team 4d3
Scale Run 8d3 Trot 8d3 Trotting Team 8d3
Gallop 16d3 Galloping Team 12d3

Hobble 2d2 Hobble 2d2

28mm Walk 4d2 Walk 4d2 Walking Team 4d2
Scale Run 9d2 Trot 9d2 Trotting Team 6d2
Gallop 10d3 Galloping Team 8d3

The distance a Mini Character actually moves will be determined by rolling dice and may be further
affected by Difficult Movement (see below) and Evasive Movement (see below).

After choosing types of movement for Mini Characters, players mark the intended destinations for their
Mini Characters using the Numbered Movement-Plotting Cowboy Boot Counters. Destinations must be
within the outside limit of the Movement Rate selected for the turn, eg if a player selected Walk
movement for a Mini Character then the destination marked for that character cannot be more than 12
inches away. Players should also take note of any Restricted Movement involved in their planned move.

EXAMPLE A player wants his 54mm Tough to run up to a door 12” away and kick it down. Since kicking down a
door is Restricted Movement, the door has to be within half of the possible movement distance for Run. Since half
of the movement distance for run is 16”, the player’s declaration is valid. The player places his Cowboy Boot
Token by the door.

Evasive Movement aka “Serpentine”

A player may choose to have a Mini Character that he or she controls use Evasive Movement (aka
Serpentine) in conjunction with a Movement Rate. Evasive Movement makes a Mini Character harder to
hit with gunfire. Evasive movement can ONLY be used in combination with THREE of the FIVE basic
Movement Rates: Run, Trot & Gallop. Evasive Movement CANNOT be used in combination with
Restricted Movement (see below).

A player must declare that his or her Mini Character is using Evasive Movement during the Ill Intent
Phase. The Player places a Serpentine Counter by the Mini Character to indicate Evasive Movement.
Using Evasive Movement changes the dice rolled to determine how far that Mini Character can move in
the subsequent Hightail It phase.

When a player wants one or more Mini Characters he or she controls to use a Charge Move to engage an
opposing Mini Character in hand-to-hand combat AND prevent that Mini Character from simply
running away, he or she may attempt to Hamstring the opposing Mini Character. If the Hamstring is
successful, Hamstrung Mini Character may not move regardless of initiative.

To declare a Hamstringin’ attempt, the player simply places the Movement-Plotting Cowboy Boot
Counter for the Mini Character attempting the Hamstringin’ on the target Mini Character. The target

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Mini Character plots intended movement as normal. In the subsequent Hightail It Phase, Hamstring
attempts are resolved BEFORE any other movement, regardless of initiative.

Phase III: Hightail It (Move) Phase

Resolving Hamstringin’ Attempts

Attempts to Hamstring another Mini Character are the first things resolved in the Hightail It Phase.
Players using their Mini Characters to Hamstring other Mini Characters make their movement rolls. It
should be noted that a Charge (Move + Brawl) is Difficult Movement and therefore halves the result of
the dice roll. If the roll provides sufficient inches of movement to allow base-to-base contact between
the Charging mini and the target mini, the target is hamstrung and CANNOT move that turn. In the
event that his or her mini is Hamstrung, a player MAY change his intended action to a Disengage from
Brawl so long as that Mini has not performed any actions that turn which would violate the conditions
necessary for the Disengage from Brawl attempt.

Executing Moves
In the Hightail It Phase, players execute their plotted moves. Players flip the movement rate counter
(Hobble, Walk, Run, Trot or Gallop) on their character sheet face up and then make a Movement Roll
for that Mini Character rolling the number of dice appropriate to the Movement Rate they selected,
according to the chart above. The sum of the numbers rolled on the dice is the MAXIMUM number of
inches the player may move his or her Mini Character towards its Cowboy Boot Counter. If a player has
placed a Mini Character’s Cowboy Boot Counter more than 2” away, that Mini MUST move at least 2”.
Otherwise, a player may stop a Mini Character’s move anywhere along its legal movement path. A
player CANNOT move a Mini Character beyond or past its Cowboy Boot Token when moving along its
plotted move. However, an allowable deviation or special action may allow a player to move a Mini
Character beyond its Cowboy Boot Counter.

Basic Rule – Whole Inch Movement Increments

Things like Difficult Movement and Evasion/Serpentine may result in adjusted movement rate rolls
containing fractions. Movement must always be made using whole inch increments. If an roll adjustment
results in a fraction, ROUND DOWN to the nearest whole inch.

Deviating from Intended Movement

Move execution CANNOT deviate MORE
than 30 degrees to either side of the path of
travel between the starting point and the
destination Cowboy Boot Token. If the
plotted move involved sharp turns or moving
around corners, then new deviation limits are
in effect each time the plotted move changes
direction 45-degrees or more.

EXAMPLE During the Ill Intent phase, the player

controlling the Shootist at the bottom of the diagram
decides to Run him around the corner and places his
#17 Cowboy Boot Counter accordingly. At the same
time, the player controlling the Greenhorn in the upper
right corner of the diagram chooses to have his Mini
Character run straight down the street and the player
places his #8 Cowboy Boot Counter accordingly. When

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the Hightail phase starts, both players decide that they want their Minis to take cover behind the stacks of barrels closest to
each of their Minis rather than shooting it out in the open. Assuming the player rolls enough inches of movement on his
movement roll, the Greenhorn can make this deviation to his plotted move because the barrels are within the allowable 45
degree arc to either side of the plotted move. The Shootist cannot move behind the barrels near him because they are outside
of the allowable 45 degree arc. Note, however, that, before reaching the corner where the player originally planned a hard
right turn, the Shootist could move to the other side of the far barrels within his allowable deviation, assuming the payer
rolled sufficient inches of movement with his movement roll.

Measuring Deviation: The “Finger Spread”

Players may use a 30 degree template to guide the allowable deviation of the Mini Character’s executed
move from their plotted move, but a simpler method more in line with the “beer-and-pretzels” flavor of
3D is the “finger spread” method. There are two variations of the Finger Spread:

1) Make a relaxed “V,” “victory,” or “peace” sign

with your hand (don’t stretch your muscles or the
“V” will be too wide). Place your hand over the
mini so its center is in the “valley” where the
first and middle fingers meet. Aligning your
index finger with the original path of travel, a 30
degree arc is indicated by the line along your
middle finger.
2) Hold your four fingers together with your thumb
pointed out sideways (not shown in diagram).
Place your hand over the mini so its center is in
the “valley” where your thumb joins your hand.
Aligning your index finger with the original path
of travel a 30 degree arc can be determined by
drawing a straight line from the center of the mini to the outside corner of the tip of your ring
finger or to the point where your third and fourth fingers meet.

Difficult Movement
Difficult Movement requires a player to halve the results of the movement roll made for that move.
There are several types of Difficult Movement:
Mounting/dismounting a horse and moving both the horse and rider in a single phase (eg approaching a
tethered horse, mounting, then riding off on the horse). Both the rider and horse must move at Walking pace
during that turn and BOTH movement rolls must be halved.
Carrying a heavy load (eg a wounded comrade, large bags of money/gold, a keg of blasting powder)
Forcing open a locked or stuck door or window
Climbing over a fence or short wall (more than 2” and less than 4” tall)
Charge: Run and make a Brawl Attack

Evasive Movement
A player who declared Evasive Movement for a Mini Character in the Ill Intent phase must adjust his or
her Movement Roll for that Mini Character during the Hightail It phase. A 1/32 scale Mini Character
using d3s for movement and performing Evasive Movement subtracts 1” from the Movement Roll total
for every d3 rolled. A 28mm scale Mini Character using d2s for movement and performing Evasive
Movement subtracts 1/2” from the Movement Roll total for every d2 rolled.

EXAMPLE In the Ill Intent Phase, a player declares that his 1:32 scale Mini Character is Running AND
performing Evasive Movement. The player places a Serpentine Counter next to the Mini. During the Hightail It

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Phase, that same player rolls 8d3 for the Run Movement Rate, then subtracts 8” from the roll total. Thus if the
player’s Movement Roll is a 17” he or she may move the Mini Character up to 9”.

Phase IV: Do Unto Others (Combat) Phase

A player may attack as many times as allowed by the weapons he or she is wielding. A player MUST
declare each attack, though if a Mini Character has more than one attack per turn, the player may resolve
one attack before declaring the next one.

In order to be able to attack another Mini Character with a Ranged Weapon, a player’s own Mini
Character MUST be able to see the target. Being able to see the target is called having line of sight
(LOS). Line of Sight is determined by What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG, pronounced
“WIZZY-wig”): If a player sighting at the eye level of his or her Mini Character can see approximately
25% or more (the equivalent of MORE than a full arm) of the Mini Character he or she wishes to target,
then that Mini Character has Line of Sight. If ANY portion of the target Mini not counting hands and
feet is obscured by cover, then the attacking Mini applies the -1 Cover modifier to the attack roll. Mini
Characters engaged in hand to hand combat have cover.

To be able to attack another Mini Character with a firearm, a player’s own Mini Character ALSO MUST
be within the range limit of the weapon being used. Ranges for weapons and the bonus or penalty to the
attack roll are given in the table, below. While these ranges are about 1/3 the potential ranges of the
weapons they represent, studies of policeman have shown that firing in combat situation reduces the
effective range of even these experienced combat shooters to this range.

Basic Rule – “On the Edge” Range Measurements Favor the Attacker
Sometimes when measuring ranges, a measurement will be right on the edge between two range

An attack MUST be declared BEFORE range is measured using a measuring tape. Range is measured
between the two closest edges of the bases on the attacking and targeted minis. If the actual range
exceeds the weapon’s range, the attack automatically MISSES.

Mini Characters using firearms that allow more than one attack in a single turn may fire at MORE
THAN ONE target IF the additional targets are within a 30-degree arc on either side of the Mini targeted
by the first attack.

Combat with firearms in 3D is resolved using a single d20 die roll. For each attack, a player rolls a d20
and adds and/or subtracts all applicable modifiers. In the event of a contradiction between Character-
Specific Modifiers and other attack modifiers, Character-Specific Modifiers take precedence.

If a player rolls an 11+, modified, the attack is successful. A roll of 20 ALWAYS hits and a roll of 1
ALWAYS misses, even if the modified results would indicate otherwise.

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Ranged Weapons Characteristics Table
Weapon # of Attacks Reload Rate # of Reloads Real-World Examples
Each Turn per Game
Pistol 2 After 6 3 Colt 45 Peacemaker
consecutive attacks Remington New Army
Scattergun 2 After 2 4 Sawed-off Double-Barrelled 12- Gauge
consecutive attacks
Shotgun 2 After 2 4 Double-Barrelled 12-Gauge
consecutive attacks
Carbine 1 After 8 2 Sharps Carbine
Consecutive attacks Spenser Carbine
Lever-Action 2 After 12 0 Winchester Model 1894
Repeating Rifle consecutive attacks 1860 Henry Repeater
Rifled Musket 1 After 6 1 1853 Enfield Rifle, 185
Consecutive attacks 50 cal Hawken Rifle
Recurve Bow
Knife, Thrown
Tomahawk, Thrown
Lance, Thrown

Weapon Attack Table, Ranges and Targeting Roll Range Modifiers

Ranges: Scale Point Blank Short Medium Long Extreme
Pistol 54mm 00-01” +6 01-15” +2 15-24” -2 24-28” -4 28-32” -8
28mm 00-01” +6 01-09” +2 09-15” -2 15-18” 4 18-20” -8
Scattergun 54mm 00-01” +8 01-10” +5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
28mm 00-01” +8 01-06” +5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Shotgun 54mm 00-01” +3 01-16” +4 16-25” 0 25-32” -2 32-38” -8
28mm 00-01” +3 01-10” +4 10-16” 0 16-20” 2 20-24” -8
Carbine 54mm 00-01” +2 01-20” +5 20-28” -2 28-38” -6 38-44” -8
28mm 00-01” +2 01-12” +5 12-18” 2 18-24” -6 24-28” -8
Lever-Action Rifle 54mm N/A N/A 01-24” +4 24-40” 0 40-48” -2 48-60” -8
28mm 00-01” +4 01-15” +4 15-25” 0 25-30” 2 30-36” -8
Rifled Musket 54mm N/A N/A 01-32” +5 32-44” +1 44-58” -1 58-66” -8
28mm 00-01” +2 01-20” +5 20-28” +1 28-36” -1 36-42” -8
Grenade-Like 54mm N/A N/A 01-10” +6 10-15” +2 15-18” -4 18-20” -8
28mm N/A N/A 01-06” +6 06-10” +2 10-14” -4 14 -16” -8

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Attack Modifiers, Firearms
Condition Condition Defined Modifier
Second Shot with Same Gun -1 to die roll
Target in Cover or Concealed Line of sight passes through cover or concealing terrain -1 to die roll
Target engaged in Brawling Target is in cover
Off Hand Shot Gunslinger firing second weapon during same turn -1 to die roll
Attacker executed a Run-, Trot- -1 to die roll
or Gallop-rate move this turn
Target performing Evasion/Serpentine -1 to die roll
Target Evading -1 to die roll
Hampered (Serious Arm Wound) All Wound Point Circles in Arm filled -1 to die roll
Target Zeroed-In Applied on 3rd consecutive turn target has not moved >6” +4 to die roll
Target experiencing System Shock Target took a Serious Torso Wound last turn +4 to die roll
Character-Specific Conditions Character(s) Modifier
Expert Shooter Shootist +2 to die roll
+3 (single shot)
Single Shot Bracing Bonus (Range Rifleman +1 to die roll
Specific) Sharpshooter
Mediocre Shooter Greenhorn/Civilian -1 to die roll
Unfamiliar Weapon Greenhorn/Civilian Lever-Action Repeating Rifle -1 to die roll
Rifleman Pistol
Sharpshooter Pistol
Severe Movement-Rate Penalty Conman/Cardsharp Scattergun -1 to die roll for
Greenhorn/Civilian Any weapon Walk-rate move
Rider Shotgun , Lever-Action
Repeating Rifle Stacks up to a
Rifleman Carbine -2 for a Run-
Sharpshooter Carbine, Rifled Musket rate move with
Tough Carbine, Pistol that weapon

Determining Wounds from Combat Hit Location Table (roll 2d6)

RANGED WEAPONS - When a player successfully hits with an attack, Roll Location
he or she rolls 2d6 on the Hit Location Table and a d3 to determine how 2 Head
many wound points the hit inflicts in that location. 3-4 Leg
5 Arm
BRAWLING (hand-to-hand combat; see below) – When a player 6-7-8 Torso
successfully hits in Brawling, he or she rolls 2d6 on the Hit Location 9 Arm
Table and inflicts one wound point (plus bonus for Advanced Weapon, if 10-11 Leg
applicable) to that location. 12 Head

Dynamite can be used as a grenade-like missile in 3D. Unlike other ranged weapons, dynamite has a
fuse that burns down to cause it to explode. When it explodes, it does damage not only to a single target
but to every mini character and structure in its blast radius.

Dynamite is treated a single Stick or a bundle. A Mini Character may light and throw a single stick of
dynamite in a turn. A Mini Character may spend an entire turn to prepare a bundle of dynamite, which
can then be lit and thrown in the following turn.

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When a player chooses to have his or her Mini Character throw dynamite, the player marks a target
point on the board using that Mini Character’s numbered Cowboy Boot Token. The player then rolls a
to-hit roll treating the throw as any other ranged attack.

Simultaneously, the player rolls a Bravado Roll to determine how well his or her Mini Character timed
the fuse. Bravado Rolls for timing the fuse on dynamite are made with a +1 bonus by all characters. If
the Bravado Roll succeeds, the dynamite explodes after it hits the target. If the Bravado Roll fails, then
the player rolls a d6. On a 1-2 the dynamite explodes halfway to the target point. On a 4-6, the dynamite
will explode on the second turn following (allowing other characters the chance to pick it up and throw
it elsewhere)

If the to-hit roll is successful, the dynamite lands on the target point. If the to-hit roll is unsuccessful, the
dynamite lands in a different spot on the board.
To determine where the dynamite lands off-target the player
rolls a d6 for direction using the scatter diagram pictured at right: 6 2

Then the player rolls 3d3 (2d3 in 28mm scale) to determine Location

how many inches away in the direction indicated by the 5 3

off-target roll the dynamite lands.
When dynamite explodes, it does damage to ALL characters
and structures within 6” according to the table, below:

Exploding Dynamite Damage Table

In the Open In an Enclosed Space
Single Stick d3 d3+2
Bundle d3+2 2d3+2

Brawling (Hand to Hand Combat)

Players may also have their Mini Characters engage in hand-to-hand combat, aka “Brawling.” In order
to Brawl, a player’s mini must be touching the base of the target mini. A Mini Character engaged in
Brawling automatically has cover against ranged attacks.

Unlike firearm attacks, Brawl attacks do not suffer a penalty from being combined with the Run
Movement Rate. A combined Run + Brawl attack is called a Charge and is one of the Basic Action

A Mini Character can make one Brawl attack in the Do Unto Others Phase unless the Mini Character has
a Characteristic that states otherwise.

To determine whether a Brawl attack is successful, the player controlling the attacking Mini Character
makes a Bravado roll for that Character and factors in any applicable modifiers from the table below. If
the Bravado roll is successful.

P a g e 11
Brawl attack hits inflict one wound point of damage on a randomly determined location. An Advanced
Weapon wielded by a Trained Brawler inflicts +1 damage for a total of 2 wound points in a random

Attack Modifiers, Brawling

Condition Condition Defined Modifier
Short, hand-held weapon Knife, club, pistol butt, broken whiskey bottle, etc +1 to die roll
Heavy hand-held weapon Barstool, spear, swung rifle, etc. -- +2 to die roll
Target Hampered or Hobbled Serious Arm Wound or Serious Leg Wound +1 to die roll
Attacker Hampered or Hobbled Serious Arm Wound or Serious Leg Wound -1 to die roll
Target succeeded at “Ain’t Lookin’ Target can ignore one successful Brawl attack during the current -1 to die roll
for No Toruble” Special Action Do Unto Others Phase
Character-Specific Conditions Character(s) Modifier
Untrained All except Con Artist/Cardsharp, Tough and Tribal Warrior -1 to die roll
Trained in Brawling Tough and Tribal Warrior +1 to die roll
Knife Fighter Con Artist/Cardsharp (must be wielding knife) +1 to die roll
Damage-Modifying Conditions Condition Defined Modifier
Trained Brawler with Advanced Weapons: Cavalry Saber, Fixed Bayonet, Tribal Warrior +1 DAMAGE
Advanced Weapon Lance, Tomahawk

Phase V: Reckonin’ (Apply Damage) Phase

Mini Character Sheets feature a section for recording wounds. When the wound roll is made during the
Do Unto Others phase, the player whose character is wounded marks the number of wound points in the
row(s) of wound point circles appropriate to the hit location(s) struck by the attack(s) and also records
the total number of wounds received in the “TOTAL” wound section below the hit locations. The player
records wounds on the sheet during the Do Unto Others Phase by making a diagonal slash through a
wound point circle for each wound point taken. This lets the player track wounds when they are rolled
while remaining aware that any detrimental effects of those wounds do not take effect until after the
Reckonin’ Phase. During the Reckonin’ Phase, a player changes wounds indicated in the previous phase
to an “X” in the wound circle, or by blackening in the circle to indicate that wounds have taken effect.

Unwounded character – Head
Character is wounded for two wound points
from a gunshot in the Do Unto Others Phase – Head
Player indicates that wounds take
effect in the Reckonin’ Phase -- Head or Head

Serious Wounds
At the end of the Reckonin’ Phase, if ALL the wound point circles associated with a particular hit
location (ie Head, Arm, Leg, Torso) are filled, that location has a Serious Wound.

List of Serious Wounds and their In-Game Effects

Serious Head Wound – Mini Character is dead and is removed from play
Serious Arm Wound – Mini Character is Hampered and must apply a -1 penalty to all Attack Rolls
Serious Leg Wound - Mini Character is Hobbled and can only use that Movement Rate
Serious Torso Wound – System Shock: Mini Character cannot act next turn
Serious S**t! (All Arm AND all Leg AND all Torso Wound Circles filled) - Mini Character is dead and
removed from play

P a g e 12
Total Wounds
If the “TOTAL” wound section below the specific hit locations is filled, the Character is dead and
removed from play.


Fancy Shootin’ (Special Actions)

Fancy Shootin’ is the 3D term for extraordinary feats attempted by Mini Characters. Players may choose
to have their Mini Characters perform Special Actions during a turn. Special Actions DO NOT count as
a Mini Character’s one Basic Action. Mini Characters may attempt more than one Special Action in a
turn, but a Mini Character may NOT attempt the same Special Action two or more times in the same
turn and once a Mini Character is successful at a Special Action he or she may NOT attempt further
Special Actions. Mini Characters may attempt a Special Action AT ANY TIME during the turn,
including between an attack roll and a wound roll.

Special Action Chips

In order to attempt a Special Action, a player’s Mini Character must spend a Special Action Chip and
make a Bravado Roll. Special Action Chips may also be spent to improve a Mini Character’s chances of
succeeding at a Bravado Roll associated with Difficult Movement. There are three different Special
Action Chips: White, Red and Blue.

Whhiittee = Special Action attempt (No modifier to Bravado Roll) or +1 to Bravado Roll for Difficult Movement
Red = Special Action attempt with +1 Modifier to Bravado Roll or +2 to Bravado Roll for Difficult Movement
Blue = Special Action attempt with +2 Modifier to Bravado Roll or +2 to Bravado Roll for Difficult Movement

Each Character Type starts the game with the selection of Special Action Chips indicated in that
Character’s Character Type Profile, below. By agreement, players may increase the number of Special
Action Poker Chips used in the game, taking note that adding more chips is likely to lengthen the time
required to finish the game.
List of Special Actions (In Alphabetical Order)
1. Aim for Vitals
Success: Mini Character rolls d3+1 to determine wounds for one attack.
2. Ain’t Lookin’ for No Trouble
ALL Characters receive a +1 to their Bravado Roll for this Special Action.
Success: All Mini Characters targeting this Mini Character with Brawl Attacks during the current Do
Unto Others Phase are -1 on their Bravado Roll to hit. This Mini Character may ignore the effects of one
successful Brawl attack that hits him or her during the current Do Unto Others Phase. A Mini Character
that succeeds at this Special Action during the Ill Intent Phase may ignore any successful Hamstringin’
inflicted on him or her and still benefits from the other bonuses during the Do Unto Others Phase.
3. Burst of Speed
Success: This Mini Character may add two dice to his or her Movement Roll this turn. The roll is
adjusted according to Movement Rate as follows: -2” for Hobble, -1” for Walk, 0 for Run or Trot, +2” for
4. Call Someone Out
An opposing Mini targeted by this Special Action must be within 30” of the Mini Character attempting
this Special Action and the Mini Character attempting this action must be aware of the general location of
the opposing Mini targeted by the action.
Success: Next turn, the opposing Mini Character must plot a move in a direct line to the nearest point out
of cover within 16”of the Character Mini using Call Out.
5. Dive for Cover
Success: Damage from the next firearm attack that hits the Character is reduced by d3 points.

P a g e 13
6. Fire Restricted Weapon
Success: Mini Character may use a restricted weapon for one turn’s worth of attacks.
7. Get the Drop
Success: The Mini Character attacks before all other Mini Characters this turn and if one or more attacks
are successful the damage from the attack(s) is applied immediately. If more than one Mini Character
succeeds at Getting the Drop on the other Characters in the same turn, the order in which the effects of
these Special Actions is resolved is determined by the Round ‘Em Up Roll for that turn.
8. Guide My Hand
Success: A player may reroll one failed attack roll made during that turn. The reroll receives a +1 bonus.
9. Have a Look-See
Success: The Mini Character can ignore its plotted move during the next Hightail It Phase.
10. Haymaker
Success: One of the Mini Character’s Brawl attack inflicts +1 Wound Points. Thie player controlling this
Mini Character may choose to apply this extra Wound Point to either the Head or Torso Hit Location
without rolling on the Hit Location Table.
11. Patch Up Wound
A Mini attempting to Patch Up Wounds on himself or another Mini Character CANNOT choose any
other action to perform in conjunction with Patch Up Wound that turn EXCEPT the following: Standard
Move (Hobble, Walk, Run), Climb, Walk and Sneak, Hide in Place, Mount or Dismount a Moving
Animal or Vehicle, Running Leap, Stationary Physical/Motor Skill.
Success: Patch Up Wound restores d3 wound points in locations of that player’s choosing. No more than
one wound point may be restored in any single hit location.
12. Sucker Punch
Success: A Mini Character may make an extra Brawl Attack during the current turn’s Do Unto Others
13. Trick Shot
A Trick Shot is any attempt by a Mini Character to use a firearm to achieve in-game effects that DO NOT
cause direct damage to another Mini Character. Examples include: Shooting a gun out of someone’s
hand (which makes the gun inoperative), severing a noose rope with a gunshot, severing a winch cable to
drop a large object on another Mini Character, etc. Trick Shots receive a base -1 penalty to the Bravado
Roll before other modifiers are applied.
Weapons & Ammunition
Each Mini Character is allowed ONE Primary Ranged Weapon and ONE Backup Ranged Weapon
PLUS a bonus backup Pistol or Derringer. The character sheets provide a chart with three rows to use to
list the ranged weapons carried by a character.

Characters may also carry ONE hand to hand weapon such as a knife, club, bayonet or
tomhawk/hatchet. This weapon, along with any other basic equipment (rope, lantern, bedroll, etc.)
should be recorded by the player in the Equipment & Loot section of the character sheet.

Ammunition supply is presented abstractly in 3D. The Ranged Weapons Characteristics Table indicates
how much ammunition a Mini Character has for each weapon by identifying how many reloads are
available for each type of weapon. Once a player has used up all the reloads for an individual weapon,
that weapon has NO MORE ammunition unless the player has the Mini Character scavenge a new
weapon or ammunition from a dead Mini Character.

Scavenging Weapons and Ammunition

A player can have a Mini Character that is in base-to-base contact with a dead Mini Character scavenge
EITHER a weapon OR extra ammunition once each turn as a free action. If the Mini Character
scrounges a weapon, then the exact condition of that weapon, in terms of remaining reloads, should be
copied from the Mini Character’s character sheet. If the Mini Character scrounges extra ammunition, he
P a g e 14
No Wild West-themed game would be complete without horses!

In 3D, horses are treated as a separate Mini Character which human Mini Characters ride or otherwise
interact. There are three different categories of horse in 3D, with these categories representing
differences in quality, training and “personality:” broken-down nag, average and legendary. A horse is
assumed to be average unless specified otherwise.

Statistics for horses are provided in the Character Profiles and Character Sheets section, below.

Horses & Gunfire

Any horse not under the direct control of a Mini Character that is within 12” of a discharging firearm or
within a 30-degree arc to either side of a line of attack between a shooter and a target will react to that

A tethered horse will panic – rearing and kicking. Any Mini Character within 2” must make a Bravado
roll. If the roll fails, that Mini Character is subject to a Brawling Attack from the panicking horse.

A loose horse will bolt, galloping in a random direction determined using the scatter diagram for
grenade-like missiles. If the bolting horse’s path of travel intersects an impassable obstacle before the
horse has used up all its inches of movement, roll for a new direction on the scatter diagram until a
traversable direction is indicated.

Legendary-quality horses are not subject to these effects of gunfire.

P a g e 15
Bravado Roll
Difficult Movement
Do Unto Others Phase
Evasive Movement (aka Serpentine)
Hightail It Phase
Ill Intent Phase
Invoking Initiative
Line of Sight (LOS)
Move Only Action
Move Plus Action
Movement Rate, Gallop
Movement Rate, Hobble
Movement Rate, Run
Movement Rate, Trot
Movement Rate, Walk
Movement Roll
Numbered Movement-Plotting Cowboy Boot Counters
Reckonin’ Phase
Round ‘Em Up Phase
Round ‘Em Up Roll
Serious Wound
Seriously Wounded Mount
Serpentine (aka Evasive Movement)
Severe Movement-Rate Penalty
Special Action
Special Action Poker Chips
Unfamiliar Weapon
Wound Points

P a g e 16
Character Profiles

P a g e 17
Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________
Primary weapons: Pistol, Knife Backup weapons allowed: Scattergun
Restricted weapons: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, Shotgun, Rifled Musket, Carbine, Native Ranged
Ace Up My Sleeve – This Mini Character may make one offhand attack per turn. To use this characteristic, one of the
weapons being wielded MUST be a Derringer (Stats provided below):
Weapons Characteristics Table
Weapon # of Attacks Reload Rate # of Reloads Real-World Examples
Each Turn per Game
Derringer 2 After 2nd consecutive attack 6 Remington 2-Barrel .41 Rimfire

Weapon Attack Table, Ranges and Targeting Roll Range Modifiers

Ranges: Scale Point Blank Short Medium Long Extreme
Pistol 54mm 00-01” +5 01-06” +1 06-10” -3 N/A N/A N/A N/A
28mm 00-01” 01-04” 04-06” N/A N/A N/A N/A

Knife Fighter – This Character is trained in Brawling and receives a +1 bonus to Brawl Attack rolls when wielding a
Slippery Like a Snake – This Character receives a +1 bonus to all Bravado rolls made to perform Walk & Sneak and
Stationary Hide actions
Quick, Like Lightning – This Character adds +1” to his Movement Roll total for each movement die rolled.
Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Scattergun - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with a
Scattergun if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls
made with a Scattergun if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.

Special Action Chips: One White, One Blue, One Red

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

P a g e 18
Player Name: _____________________________
Primary weapons: Any ONE Firearm Backup weapons allowed: Any ONE Firearm
Restricted weapons: Native Ranged
Two Mini Characters – This Character consists of two identical Mini Characters
Mediocre Marksman – This Character suffers a -1 penalty to all firearm attack rolls
Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Any Firearm - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with
any firearm if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack
rolls made with any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.
Unfamiliar Weapon: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle -- This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made
using a Lever-Action Repeating Rifle
Low Wound Tolerance – Each of this Character’s two Mini Characters begins the game with one wound in each Hit
Special Action Chips: None

Character #1 NamE: ___________________________

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

Character #2 NamE: ___________________________

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 
P a g e 19
Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________
Primary weapons: Double Pistols Backup weapons allowed: None
Restricted weapons: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, Scattergun, Shotgun, Rifled Musket, Carbine,
Native Ranged
Two Weapon Shooting – This Mini Character may make one offhand attack per turn.
Expert Targeting – If this Character attacks with a firearm that allows more than one attack in a turn, this character
may choose targets that are NOT within a “fingerspread” (approximately 30 degree) arc to either side of the 1st target.

Special Action Chips: Two Blue

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds: Head  Equipment & Loot:

Leg 

P a g e 20
Player Name: _____________________________
Primary weapons: Rifled Musket or Shotgun Backup weapons allowed: Pistol
Restricted weapons: Carbine, Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, Scattergun

Loyal Animal Companion – This Character consists of two Mini Characters: the Mountaineer and an animal: dog,
wolf, raccoon, bear cub, mountain lion cub, large snake, falcon/eagle, etc. Animal Companion stats are found below.
Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Pistol - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with a Pistol
if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls made with
any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.
Survivalist – This Character is trained in Brawling and receives a +1 bonus to Brawl Attack rolls.
Special Action Chips: Two White

Character NamE: ___________________________

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

ANIMAL Character TYPE: ___________________________ NamE: ___________________________

Primary weapons: None Backup weapons allowed: None Restricted weapons: ALL
Low Wound Tolerance – This Mini Characters begins the game with one wound in each Hit Location
Hunter – This Character is trained in Brawling and receives a +1 bonus to Brawl Attack rolls.
Well Trained – this Mini Character may select and execute an action each turn like other Mini Characters. This Mini
Character CANNOT use the following action types: Move or Ride plus Fire Gun, Move or Ride plus Reload,
Stationary Gun Firing, Stationary Reload, Stationary Physical/Motor Skill Task (eg saddle a horse, play the piano). If
the Mountain Man with whom this Mini Character is associated is removed from play, this Mini Character is also
removed from play.
Preternaturally Intelligent – This Mini Character may attempt to perform exceptional actions (eg fetching a specific
item, chewing through bonds, unlocking a door, patch up wounds), as a Fancy Shootin’ Special Action. This Mini
Character receives an additional +1 bonus to the Bravado Roll for these special actions on top of other bonuses.
Wounds: : Head
Leg 
P a g e 21 TORSO

Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________

Primary weapons: Pistol Backup weapons allowed: Carbine, Shotgun, Lever-Action Repeating Rifle
Restricted weapons: Rifled Musket, Scattergun, Native Ranged

Expert Mounted Shooter – This Character does NOT suffer the -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls when he or she
executes a non-Walk move in a turn so long as his or her move was made on horseback.

Giddyap! – This Character does not have to spend a Special Action Chip to attempt a Burst of Speed Special Action.
Moving Mount/Dismount – This Character does NOT treat “Mounting/dismounting a horse and moving both the
horse and rider in the same turn” as Difficult Movement.

Mounted Evasion/Serpentine – This Character does NOT change dice type when making Evasive Movement so long
as the movement was made on horseback.

Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack
rolls made with a Lever-Action Repeating Rifle if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This
Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls made with any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same

Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Shotgun - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with a
Shotgun if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls
made with any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.

Special Action Chips: One White, One Blue

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

P a g e 22

Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________

Primary weapons: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle Backup weapons allowed: Pistol, Carbine
Restricted weapons: Native Ranged, Rifled Musket, Scattergun, Shotgun

Single Shot Bracing Bonus at Long Range -- If this Character does not move during the turn, he or she receives a +1
attack modifier to attacks made at Long Range with a Primary Weapon

Expert Targeting – If this Character attacks with a firearm that allows more than one attack in a turn, this character
may choose targets that are NOT within a 30-degree arc to either side of the first Mini targeted

Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Carbine - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with a
Carbine if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls
made with any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.

Unfamiliar Weapon: Pistol – This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made using a Pistol

Special Action Chips: Two White

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

P a g e 23

Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________

Primary weapon: Rifled Musket Backup weapons allowed: Pistol, Carbine
Restricted weapons: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, Native Ranged, Scattergun, Shotgun

Single Shot Bracing Bonus at Extreme and Long Ranges – If this Character does not move during the turn, he or she
receives a +1 attack modifier to attacks made at Long and Extreme Range with a Primary Weapon

Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Carbine - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with a
Carbine if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls
made with any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.

Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Rifled Musket - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with
a Rifled Musket if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack
rolls made with any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.

Unfamiliar Weapon: Pistol – This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made using a Pistol

Special Action Chips: One Red

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

P a g e 24

Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________

Primary weapon: Pistol Backup weapons allowed: Carbine
Restricted weapons: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, Native Ranged, Rifled Musket, Scattergun, Shotgun,

Expert Shooter - +2 modifier to every firearm attack roll, increased to +3 if Mini Character makes only ONE firearm
attack that turn.

Special Action Chips: One Blue, One Red

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

P a g e 25
Tough/ THUG

Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________

Primary weapon: Shotgun, Scattergun or Carbine Backup weapons allowed: Pistol
Restricted weapons: Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, Native Ranged, Rifled Musket

Tough to Kill - Ignores the first Wound Point applied to each Hit Location
Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Pistol - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with a Pistol
if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls made with
any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.
Severe Movement Rate Penalty: Carbine - This Character suffers a -1 penalty to firearm attack rolls made with a
Carbine if he or she executed a Walk-rate move in the same turn. This Character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls
made with any firearm if he or she executed a Run-rate move in the same turn.

Barfighter - This Character receives a +1 bonus to Brawl Attack rolls.

Special Action Chips: One White, One Blue

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload


Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 

P a g e 26
Character NamE: ___________________________ Player Name: _____________________________
Primary weapons: Bow, Lance Backup weapons allowed: Tomahawk, Knife
Restricted weapons: All Firearms
Close Quarters Fighter – This Character may attack twice in a single Do Unto Others Phase if the Character has a
Brawl weapon in each hand
Edged Weapon Wielder – This Character is trained in Brawling and receives a +1 bonus to Brawl Attack rolls.
Native Weapons Master – This Character may wield the Recurve Bow, Thrown Lance and Thrown Hatchet. Statistics
for these ranged weapons are given below:
Weapons Characteristics Table
Weapon # of Attacks Reload Rate # of Reloads Real-World Examples
Each Turn per Game
Recurve Bow 2 After 12th consecutive attack 0
Lance, thrown 1 After 2nd consecutive attack 0
Hatchet, thrown 1 After 1st attack 0

Weapon Attack Table, Ranges and Targeting Roll Range Modifiers

Ranges: Scale Point Blank Short Medium Long Extreme
Recurve Bow 54mm 00-01” +2 01-14” +4 14-24” 0 24-32” -4 32-36” -8
28mm 00-01” 01-09” 09-15” 15-20” 20-22”
Lance, thrown 54mm N/A N/A 01-06” +2 06-10” -4 N/A N/A N/A N/A
28mm N/A N/A 01-04” 04-06” N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hatchet, thrown 54mm N/A N/A 01-06” +2 06-10” -6 10-16” -8 N/A N/A
28mm 00-01” +2 01-04” 04-06” 06-10” N/A N/A

Stealthy Hunter – This Character receives a +1 bonus to all Bravado rolls made to perform Walk and Sneak and
Stationary Hide actions
Hunter’s Speed – This Character adds +1” to his Movement Roll total for each movement die rolled.
Native Mounted Shooter – This Character does NOT suffer the -1 penalty to Native Ranged Weapon attack rolls
when he or she executes a non-Walk move in a turn so long as his or her move was made on horseback.
Moving Mount/Dismount – This Character does NOT treat “Mounting/dismounting a horse and moving both the
horse and rider in the same turn” as Difficult Movement.
Mounted Evasion/Serpentine – This Character does NOT change dice type when making Evasive Movement so long
as the movement is made on horseback.

Special Action Chips: None

Weapons : Attacks 1st Reload Attacks 2nd Reload Attacks 3rd Reload Attacks 4th Reload

Wounds:: Head  Equipment & Loot:
Leg 
P a g e 27
ANIMAL Character: HORSE, BROKEN-DOWN NAG NamE: ___________________________
Primary weapons: None Backup weapons allowed: None Restricted weapons: ALL
Poorly Trained – This Mini Character CANNOT perform basic actions other than providing a Riding Movement
Rate for another Mini Character mounted on this horse. Mini Characters mounted on this horse CANNOT use
beneficial Characteristics (eg a Rider’s Giddyup! ability) and CANNOT attempt mount-specific Fancy Shootin’
Special Abilities.
Slow – This Mini Character subtracts -1” for each Movement Roll die from its Movement Roll total.
Panicky – Each time this Mini Character receives a Wound, it IMMEDIATELY bolts 2d6” (or its Hobbled
Movement Roll in inches if the Wound Hobbled it) in a random direction determined by rolling a d6: 1= straight
ahead, 2= 45 degrees forward and to the right, 3= 45 degrees backwards and to the right, 4= directly rearwards, 5 =
45 degrees backward and to the left, 6 = 45 degrees forward and to the left
Wounds:: Head  TOTAL 
R Leg

ANIMAL Character: HORSE, AVERAGE NamE: ___________________________

Primary weapons: None Backup weapons allowed: None Restricted weapons: ALL
Trained – This Mini Character CANNOT perform basic actions other than providing a Riding Movement Rate for
another Mini Character mounted on this horse. However, Mini Characters mounted on this horse MAY use beneficial
Characteristics (eg a Rider’s Giddyap! ability) and MAY attempt mount-specific Fancy Shootin’ Special Abilities.
Wounds:: Head  TOTAL 
R Leg 

ANIMAL Character: HORSE, LEGENDARY NamE: ___________________________

Primary weapons: None Backup weapons allowed: None Restricted weapons: ALL
Mighty Steed – This Character is trained in Brawling and may make a Brawling Attack with its hooves or teeth.
Well Trained – This Mini Character gives a +1 bonus to any Bravado Rolls made by a Mini Character mounted on
this horse that relate to riding.
Preternaturally Intelligent – This Mini Character may attempt to perform exceptional actions (eg fetching a specific
item, chewing through bonds, unlocking a door, patch up wounds) independent of its owner as a Fancy Shootin’
Special Action, using its owner pool of Poker Chips.
Wounds:: Head
R Leg 
P a g e 28

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