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Multiple choice tests

Multiple choice questions usually include a phrase or stem

followed by three to five options:
Test strategies:

Read the directions carefully

Know if each question has one or more correct option
Know if you are penalized for guessing
Know how much time is allowed (this governs your strategy)
Preview the test
Read through the test quickly and answer the easiest questions first
Mark those you think you know in some way that is appropriate
Read through the test a second time and answer more difficult questions
You may pick up cues for answers from the first reading, or become more comfortable
in the testing situation
If time allows, review both questions and answers
It is possible you mis-read questions the first time
Answering options
Improve your odds, think critically:

Cover the options, read the stem, and try to answer

Select the option that most closely matches your answer

Read the stem with each option

Treat each option as a true-false question, and choose the "most true"

Strategies for answering difficult questions:

Eliminate options you know to be incorrect

If allowed, mark words or alternatives in questions that eliminate the option
Give each option of a question the "true-false test:"
This may reduce your selection to the best answer
Question options that grammatically don't fit with the stem
Question options that are totally unfamiliar to you
Question options that contain negative or absolute words.
Try substituting a qualified term for the absolute one.
For example, frequently for always; or typical for every to see if you can
eliminate an option
"All of the above:"
If you know two of three options seem correct, "all of the above" is a strong
Number answers:
toss out the high and low and consider the middle range numbers
"Look alike options"
probably one is correct; choose the best but eliminate choices that mean basically
the same thing, and thus cancel each other out
Double negatives:
Create the equivalent positive statement
Echo options:
If two options are opposite each other, chances are one of them is correct
Favor options that contain qualifiers
The result is longer, more inclusive items that better fill the role of the answer
If two alternatives seem correct,
compare them for differences,
then refer to the stem to find your best answer

Always guess when there is no penalty

for guessing or you can eliminate options
Don't guess if you are penalized for guessing
and if you have no basis for your choice
Use hints from questions you know
to answer questions you do not.
Change your first answers
when you are sure of the correction, or other cues in the test cue you to change.
Remember that you are looking for the best answer,
not only a correct one, and not one which must be true all of the time, in all
cases, and without exception.

When you take a test,

you are demonstrating your ability
to understand course material or perform certain tasks.
Successful test taking avoids carelessness.

Examples of objective tests are true-false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank.

Examples of subjective texts are short answer, essay, or oral exams

NB: If you have any doubts about the fairness of tests, or of the ability of tests
to measure your performance, please see your academic counseling service.

These suggestions and links at left may help you succeed in having your abilities
properly evaluated and efforts rewarded!

Analyze how you did on a similar test in the past.

Review your previous tests and sample tests provided by your teacher.
Each test you take prepares you for the next one!

Arrive early for tests.

List what you need beforehand to avoid panic.
Good preparation prepares you for the task at hand.

Be comfortable but alert.

Choose a comfortable location with space enough that you need
Don't slouch; maintain good posture.

Stay relaxed and confident.

Keep a good attitude and remind yourself that you are going to do your best.
If you find yourself panicking, take a few deep breaths
Don't talk to other students right before: stress can be contagious.

Read directions carefully!

and avoid careless errors.

If there is time, quickly look through the test for an overview.

Scan for keywords. If permitted, jot any notes that come to mind.

Answer questions in a strategic order:

Easy questions first to build confidence.
Then those with the most point value.
On objective tests, eliminate obvious incorrect answers.
On essay tests, broadly outline your answer and sequence of points.

Review! if you have time.

Resist the urge to leave when you complete the exam--
check if you have answered all the questions,
and not made any errors or mis-marked any answers.

Change answers to questions if you erred, or misread the question!

You may also find information in the test that will correct a previous answer.

Decide on and adopt study strategies that work best for you.
Review where you succeed and where you are challenged.
Check out your academic support center or a trusted teacher for advice.

Exercise text without examples:

Every part of a true sentence must be "true"

If any one part of the sentence is false,
the whole sentence is false despite many other true statements.

Pay close attention to

negatives, qualifiers, absolutes, and long strings of statements

Negatives can be confusing.

If the question contains negatives, as "no, not, cannot"
Drop the negative and read what remains.
Decide whether that sentence is true or false.
If it is true, its opposite, or negative, is usually false

Qualifiers are words that restrict or open up general statements.

Words like "sometimes, often, frequently, ordinarily, generally" open up the
possibilities of making accurate statements. They make more modest claims, are
more likely to reflect reality, and usually indicate "true" answers.

Absolute words restrict possibilities.

"No, never, none, always, every, entirely, only"
imply the statement must be true 100% of the time and usually indicate "false"

Long sentences often include groups of words set off by punctuation.

Pay attention to the "truth" of each of these phrases.
If one is false, it usually indicates a "false" answer


Often true/false tests contain more true answers than false answers. You have more
than 50% chance of being right with "true". However, your teacher may be the
opposite. Review pasts tests for patterns...

A teacher's primary purpose

in giving a short-answer test is to test whether you have a foundation of knowing
the material, usually factual.
Prepare for the test
Develop summary sheets of the course material information.
Focus on key words, events, vocabulary, concepts
Organize and categorize the material, then review

When taking the test

Respond directly to the question or directive

Focus on keywords and ideas called for
Eliminate those that do not directly address the information requested in the test
Respond and write concise answers
Connect key facts into short sentences according to the test instructions
If you can think of several answers
let the instructor know. The instructor may give you a clue to the correct answer
he/she's looking for
A guess made with common sense
could get you more test points than if you leave an answer blank

Reading texts
Marking & Underlining
Read a section of your text (that you own!)
that you consider "manageable" but make no entries

Review the section:

Number important or sequential ideas in the margins

Underline or highlight:

main subjects
examples of these main ideas
that help you understand them
unfamiliar vocabulary and/or definitions
Jot down paraphrases, questions, and summaries
in available space within the text

Develop a system to coordinate various sources

of information: workbooks, CDs, Web sites, classroom notes, etc.

Taking notes
First: read a section of your textbook chapter
Read just enough to keep an understanding of the material.
Do not take notes, but rather focus on understanding the material.

It is tempting to take notes as you are reading the first time, but this is not an
efficient technique: you are likely to take down too much information and simply
copy without understanding

Second: Review the material

Locate the main ideas, as well as important sub-points

Set the book aside

Paraphrase this information:
Putting the textbook information in your own words forces you to become actively
involved with the material
Third: write the paraphrased ideas as your notes
Do not copy information directly from the textbook
Add only enough detail to understand
Review, and compare your notes with the text,
and ask yourself if you truly understand

Take good notes in your class lectures and textbooks

See the Guides on Taking notes in Lectures
(and Taking notes from a textbook!)
Review your notes soon after class/lecture
Review notes briefly before the next class
Schedule some time at the end of the week for a longer review

Take good notes

about as your teacher tells you what will be on the test
Organize your notes, texts, and assignments
according to what will be on the test
Estimate the hours you'll need to review materials
Draw up a schedule
that blocks units of time and material
Test yourself on the material
Finish your studying the day before the exam

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