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1.What is consumer rights?

-An Act to amend the law relating to the rights of consumers and protection of their interests from
products or services. Some advantages of it are avoiding false or misleading information in marketing,
Inappropriateness, and product warranties

2.How does right to safety help consumers?Explain with example.

- Right to safety means that we as consumers have the right to be protected against the marketing of
goods and delivery of services that are hazardous to life and property. ... For example, pressure cookers
have a safety valve, which if defective can cause a serious accident.

3.How does right to be informed help consumers?Explain with example.

- Every consumer has the right to be informed of his product. Consumer has the right to know all about
his product. In case consumer is not informed correctly, can complan in consumer forum.

4.What is meant by adulteration?

-It is the action of making something poorer in quality by the addition of another substance.

5.Consumers have the right to be informed about the goods and services they purchase.Give three
-Consumer can ask for compensations or replacement of the product that proves to be defective in any
-Consumer can protest and complain if a product is being sold at more than the printed price on the
-Consumers can bargain with the seller to sell at less than the MRP.

6.”There is a great need for acquiring knowledge and skill to become a well informed
consumer.”Support the statement.
-It tells us that we need to be informed by our rights correctly and we need to understand our rights for
us to be a well informed consumer.

7.What precaution do you suggest for a consumer to take while purchasing products from market?List
down at least three precautions.

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