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(Tipe-Tipe Media dan Teknik Pengajaran dalam Pengajaran Berbicara

di SMP Brawijaya Smart School)

Muh. Rajib Silmi

Magister Linguistik, University of Brawijaya Malang
Jalan Veteran, Malang, Jawa Timur 65145, Indonesia

Abstract: The aims of this research is to find out the teaching techniques and media used by the
English teacher in teaching speaking to the seventh-grade students at SMP Brawijaya Smart School
Malang. This is a case study research design. Instruments of this research are observation sheets,
interview guides and documentation. The researcher observes all of the English teaching processes at
the seventh-grade class. The researcher also interviews teachers and five students to get additional
information. The documentation is used to confirm the data from observation. The result of the
research shows that the English teachers use various teaching techniques namely question-answer
display, translation, drilling, and discussion. The English teachers also use various teaching media
namely human, printed, visual media and multimedia. However, the English teachers mostly use the
question-answer display as teaching technique and printed media as the teaching media. Most
students are interested in teaching techniques and the teaching media used by the teacher in teaching
speaking. Based on the finding, the researcher has several suggestions for the English teacher and
also for a further researcher. For the English teacher at SMP Brawijaya Smart School, the researcher
suggests the teachers keep good things of teaching techniques and teaching media because the
techniques are interesting. However, it will be better if the English teacher can give other teaching
techniques and teaching media. Besides, it can also give the other views of the English teacher on
teaching technique and teaching media. For further researchers, the study with a similar topic, the
researcher suggests further researchers explore on more specific focus dealing with teaching
technique or teaching media by conducting a research on more specific focus, it can be analyzed more

Keywords: teaching speaking, teaching technique, teaching media

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknik dan media mengajar berbicara Bahasa
Inggris pada siswa kelas tujuh di SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian studi kasus. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar observasi,
wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan
berbagai macam teknik dan media pengajaran, antara lain teknik tanya jawab, teknik penerjemahan,
teknik pengulangan, teknik diskusi, manusia sebagai media, media cetak, media visual, dan
multimedia. Namun, guru seringkali menggunakan teknik tanya jawab sebagai teknik mengajar dan
media cetak sebagai media mengajar. Berdasarkan hasil interview, kebanyakan siswa tertarik dengan
teknik dan media mengajar yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut,
peneliti menyarankan guru bahasa Inggris di SMP Brawijaya Smart School untuk menjaga keunggulan
dalam pengunaan teknik dan media yang digunakan karena menarik bagi siswa. Namun, hal tersebut
akan lebih baik jika guru menggunakan lebih banyak variasi teknik dan media pengajaran agar bisa
memberikan lebih banyak pengetahuan. Selain itu, untuk peneliti selanjutnya yang melakukan
penelitian dengan topik yang hampir sama, peneliti menyarankan untuk mengembangkan fokus
penelitian yang lebih mendalam agar bisa dianalisis secara mendalam

Kata Kunci: pengajaran berbicara, teknik mengajar, media mengajar

Suar Bétang, Vol.12, No. 2, Edisi Desember, 2017: 223—233

INTRODUCTION simulation, discussion, composition, and a

propos. Hence, controlled technique is a
Technique and media in teaching are teacher centered; semi controlled is role of
needed by teachers. Nurhayati (2012) stated combination between the teacher and
that appropriate technique and media students, free technique is a student
chosen by the teachers in teaching process centered. From those three categories, the
can lead students to achieve the goal of researcher took some techniques from each
learning. Teaching technique helps both the category because those techniques can be
teachers and students in teaching and used in teaching speaking process, such as
learning process, especially to encourage discussions, role play, simulation,
students’ ability in learning. Meanwhile, brainstorming, storytelling, and games.
teaching media helps the teachers in Kayi (2006) stated that discussions, role
presenting material when teaching and play, simulation, brainstorming, and
learning process is conducted. storytelling are the techniques for teaching
Teaching technique can help both speaking.
teachers and students in teaching speaking Teaching media helps teacher in
process, especially to encourage students’ conducting teaching and learning activity in
ability and understanding the material the class. It makes teacher easier in
given. Indriyani (2015) stated that teaching delivering knowledge during teaching
technique is one of the ways for students to process. However, before using the media,
understand English. Teaching technique can the teachers should know whether the
be as a supporting detail for the English media is useful or not. Bertram, Ranby,
teachers to reach lesson objectives. Based Adendorff, Reed, and Roberts, (2010)
on Crookes and Chaudron (1991), teaching stated that the teachers need to understand
technique are divided into three categories, how media resource can be useful within
namely controlled, semi controlled and free. learner-centered. The teachers should
Crookes and Chaudron (1991) stated that choose the media that will be used in
controlled technique is when a teacher has teaching and learning based on material
controlled over teaching process. needs in order to reach the goal of learning.
Controlled technique category is a basic Moreover, media offers positive
teacher-centered; the way teacher controlled contributions towards teaching and learning
teaching and learning process. In controlled process. Nowadays, there are many kinds of
technique, there are many techniques that media that can be used in teaching and
can be used in teaching process such as learning process. Arsyad (2015) stated that
warm up, setting, organizational, content there are six categories of teaching media
explanation, role play demonstration, such as human media, printed media, audio
dialogue or narrative presentation and media, visual media, audio-visual media,
recitation, reading aloud, checking, and multimedia. Those six categories of
question-answer display, drill, translation, media can be used in teaching and learning
dictation, copying, identification, process especially in a scope of English
recognition, review, testing, and meaningful teaching and learning process. Human
drill. Then, semi controlled category covers media is also part of teaching media.
brainstorming, storytelling, question- Arsyad (2015) stated that human as media
answer referential, cued narrative or is the oldest media that is still used to
dialogue, information transfer, information deliver the knowledge.
exchange, wrap-up, narration or exposition, Further, in language teaching process,
and preparation. Free category is focusing language teachers especially the English
on student centered. It covers role-play, teachers, can guide other people (students)
games, report, problem solving, drama, to be able to speak fluently with the

Muh. Rajib Silmi: Types of Media and Teacing Techniques ...

technique and media they have as role of a Smart School became the winners in many
teacher. Indriyani (2015) stated that the competitions such as first winner in Speech
teachers have important role in succeeding Content Competition in Malang, first
students in speaking. However, before winner in Story Telling Competition in
using appropriate technique and media in Malang, second winner in News Reading
teaching process, the English teachers need Competition in Malang, and runner up in
to make their students understand that they English Debate Competition in Surabaya.
also need to know what is required in For academic score, almost all of the
speaking a foreign language. Khameis students passed the minimum score (78) in
(2006) stated that learning to speak a SMP Brawijaya Smart School.
foreign language requires more than In this research, the researcher
understanding grammar and vocabulary. It focused on teaching techniques and
also requires the function of language. teaching media in teaching speaking at
As a foreign language in Indonesia, it SMP Brawijaya Smart School focusing on
is important that English should be taught at teaching speaking skill. The researcher
the seventh grade. Students at the seventh chose SMP Brawijaya Smart School
grade are also called late childhood. because it has a score for accreditation and
Pradana (2012) stated that a kid in late got many achievements which meant SMP
childhood phase is started to think Brawijaya Smart School is a well-known
critically, they want to show their ability in school. Therefore, the researcher was
public. To teach the seventh grade students, interested in conducting the research
the English teachers should have a good entitled “Technique and Media in Teaching
technique, good teaching media, and also Speaking of the Seventh Grade Students at
good skills in teaching. Reed (2003) SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang”.
concluded that there are three general skills
for the teachers they should have such as METHOD
knowledge of what is to be taught, an
understanding of how people learn what is This research is a case study. A case study
to be taught, the ability to convey is a part of qualitative research. This
knowledge and skill from the teacher to research described the phenomena
students. Those three general skills should happened in the classroom. The phenomena
be studied by the English teachers before happened in the classroom refers to the
teaching them. If the English teachers have teaching techniques and teaching media
those three general skills, teaching used by the English teacher during the
technique, and teaching media, it will make English teaching process.
teacher easier to teach the seventh grade In this research, the researcher
students. followed several steps in conducting the
While talking about teaching research such as observation, interview, and
technique, teaching media, and general documentation. Firstly, the researcher used
skills of teaching, the English teachers of observation sheet to observe the teaching
SMP Brawijaya Smart School has those speaking process. The observation focused
three important things (technique, media, on teaching technique, teaching media, and
and general skills) in teaching. With students’ responses during the teaching
teaching technique and teaching media used speaking process. The observation was
by the English teachers, they guide their conducted in every class in every English
students to get achievements. As the teaching process that was A class, B class,
evidence, in 2015, after the researcher C class, D class, and E class. The researcher
conducted interview with the English also used a camera for documentation
teacher, some students at SMP Brawijaya during the English teaching speaking

Suar Bétang, Vol.12, No. 2, Edisi Desember, 2017: 223—233

process to check and confirm the result of Smart School to continue her master. Those
the observation check list. The observation strengths meant Mrs Yusi has a qualified
and documentation was conducted in nine capability in teaching English.
meetings in three weeks because the data In analyzing the data, this research
was already repeated. Secondly, after used flow or interactive model presented by
observing, the researcher interviewed the Miles and Huberman (1994). In this section
English teacher (Ms. Yusi) to get valid consists of data reduction, data display,
information from the English teacher. conclusion, and data triangulation. Data
Third, after interviewing Ms. Yusi, the reduction was used because the researcher
researcher also interviewed five students of should reduce the data to give the
the seventh grade students at SMP researcher clear understanding about the
Brawijaya Smart School about techniques data based on the objective on the research.
and media used in teaching speaking to get In this section, after the data collected
supporting information based on students’ through observation, interview, and
point of view. The researcher interviewed documentation, the researcher selected
those five students because the teacher only important data based on the teaching
allowed the researcher to interview students technique and the teaching media used by
who got the highest score in speaking skill the teacher, and also students’ response
based on the English teacher’s suggestion. during teaching speaking.
The researcher conducted the research After reducing the data, the researcher
at SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang. displayed the data into two categories
The researcher chose SMP Brawijaya Smart (teaching technique and teaching media) in
School because the school has A score for a form of descriptive report. Sugiyono
accreditation. Besides, based on the (2014) stated that a conclusion in
interview on pre-observation, teachers at qualitative research is a result of the
SMP Brawijaya Smart School have done research based on the phenomena in the
very well in guiding their students to get field. From that statement, in this research,
many achievements especially in English. after the data reduced and displayed, the
As an evidence, in 2015, for non-academic researcher concluded the teaching technique
achievements, several students of SMP and teaching media used by the teacher in
Brawijaya Smart School became the winner teaching speaking. The researcher also
in many competitions such as first winner concluded students’ response based on the
in Speech Content Competition in Malang, teaching and learning process. The
first winner in Story Telling Competition in researcher’s conclusion was in a form of
Malang, second winner in News Reading descriptive report. Sugiyono (2014) stated
Competition in Malang, and runner up in that when the researcher used data
English Debate Competition in Surabaya. triangulation, it means the researcher collect
For academic achievement, almost all of the the data from many sources to check
students passed the minimum score (78) in validity of the data. In this study, for
SMP Brawijaya Smart School. enhancing the validity of the data,
The researcher observed the process triangulation was done by cross checking
of teaching speaking conducted by the the three sources of data. They were the
English teacher, namely Mrs Yusi. She data from the interview with the teacher and
teaches all of the seventh graders (104 five students, the data from the observation,
students). Besides, Mrs Yusi has some and the data from documentation.
special strength as a teacher, such as Whenever the data collected from all
guiding her students to get achievements, sources were similar, the data was
taking in charge of curriculum, and she also considered true and trustworthy.
got a scholarship from SMP Brawijaya

Muh. Rajib Silmi: Types of Media and Teacing Techniques ...

FINDING AND DISCUSSION question-answer display. The English

teacher stated that question-answer help
Finding of the Interview students to be active in answering the
The researcher interviewed the teacher and question in English. The English teacher
five students by using interview guide (see only used textbook as teaching media. She
appendix 7 and 13) that had been validated said that textbook that she used was
by the expert. The researcher conducted appropriate. She added that all of the
interview nine times with the teacher for students enjoyed the teaching and learning
five classes (A-E class) because it was process.
based on the time of the observation. The Third, for E class, based on the
interview with the teacher was on April finding of the interview on April 27th, 2016,
26th, 2016 (D class and E class), April 27th, the researcher found that the English
2016 (E class), May 3rd, 2016 (D class and teacher used question-answer and
E class), May 13th, 2016 (D and A class), discussion as teaching technique. The
and May 16th, 2016 (B class and C class). English teacher also used textbook as
The researcher also interviewed five teaching media. The English teacher stated
students from five classes. The researcher that she used question-answer and
only interviewed five students because the discussion because it can help the students
English teacher suggested the researcher to to be active in speaking English.
conduct an interview to students who got Fourth, for D class, based on the
highest score in speaking skill. The finding of the interview on May 3rd, 2016,
interview with the students was on April the researcher found that the English
27th, 2016 (student from E class), May 3rd, teacher used question-answer, translation,
2016 (student from D class), May 13th, and also drilling as teaching technique. The
2016 (student from A class), and May 16th, English teacher also used textbook and
2016 (student from B class and student whiteboard as the teaching media. The
from C class). English teacher used question-answer,
translation, and drilling because she wanted
Finding of the Interview with the English the students to be active students. The
Teacher English teacher also used textbook and
First, for D class, based on the interview on whiteboard as media because these media
April 26th, 2016, it was found that the could help and appropriate for students in
English teacher only used question answer- learning English.
display. The English teacher used question- Fifth, for E class, based on the finding
answer because question-answer made of the interview on May 3rd, 2016, it was
students paid attention to the teacher. The found that the English teacher used
English teacher stated that the students in D question-answer, translation, drilling,
class is often make some noisy so question- textbook, and whiteboard because she
answer made them paid attention. The wanted the students to be active in
English teacher also used power point and speaking. For the response of the students,
whiteboard as teaching media. The English the English teacher also stated that all of the
teacher stated that power point and students in E class followed teaching and
whiteboard made students paid attention for learning process.
her. She added that most of the students in Sixth, for D class, based on the
D class followed teaching and learning finding of the interview on May 13th, 2016,
process. the researcher found that the English
Second, for E class, based on the teacher used question-answer and
interview on April 26th, 2016, it was found translation as the teaching techniques. The
that the English teacher also only used English teacher also used textbook and

Suar Bétang, Vol.12, No. 2, Edisi Desember, 2017: 223—233

whiteboard as the teaching media. She used teaching and learning process. The English
question-answer and translation because she teacher added that the response of the
wanted the students understand about students was very good, all of the students
English. The English teacher also used paid attention to teaching and learning
textbook and whiteboard as teaching media process.
because those media were appropriate and
made the students easier to understand Finding of the Interview with the
English. The English teacher stated that the Students
response of the students was good enough First, based on the interview with the
and most of them followed the teaching and student from E class, the researcher found
learning process. that the teaching technique and teaching
Seventh, for A class, based on the media were interesting. The student stated
finding of the interview on May 13th, 2016, that teaching technique and teaching media
it was found that the English teacher used used by the English teacher were interesting
question-answer, translation, and textbook. and appropriate with real-life situation.
The English teacher used those techniques Second, based on the finding of the
and media because those techniques and interview with the student from D class, the
media helped students in understanding researcher found that the teaching technique
English. The English teacher added that the and teaching media were interesting. The
textbook was appropriate for students student stated that teaching technique and
because the textbook was easy to teaching media were interesting and helped
understand and there are many pictures in them to understand English easier.
the textbook. The response of the students Third, based on the finding of the
was also good and all of them followed interview with the student from A class, it
teaching and learning process. was found that the teaching techniques and
Eighth, for B class, based on the teaching media were interesting. The
finding of the interview with the English student in A class stated that the teaching
teacher on May 16th, 2016, the researcher and learning process conducted by the
found that the English teacher only used teacher was interesting and funny. The
question-answer as teaching technique. The student also stated that the textbook was
English teacher also used textbook and interesting because there were so many
whiteboard as teaching media. The English pictures.
teacher used question-answer and textbook Fourth, based on the interview with
because she wanted the students to follow the student from B class, the researcher
the teaching and learning process. For the found that teaching techniques and teaching
response of the students, the English media conducted were interesting. The
teacher said that there were some students student stated that technique and media
who did not engage with teaching and used by the teacher were interesting
learning process. because it made the students enjoy and
Ninth, for C class, based on the understand the difficult words.
finding of the interview with the teacher on Fifth, based on the finding of the
May 16th, 2016, the researcher found that interview with the student from C class, the
the English teacher only used question- researcher found that teaching techniques
answer as teaching technique. The English and teaching media were interesting. The
teacher also used textbook and whiteboard student stated teaching technique used by
as teaching media. The English teacher the English teacher was very interesting
stated that she used question-answer, because they can understand English.
textbook, and whiteboard because she However, the student also stated that the
wanted the students to pay attention to the teaching media used by the teacher were

Muh. Rajib Silmi: Types of Media and Teacing Techniques ...

not really interesting because the teacher 2016, the researcher found that the English
often used textbook. teacher used question-answer display and
translation as teaching techniques. The
Finding of the Observation and English teacher also used textbook as
Documentation teaching media. Question-answer combined
The researcher observed the English with the textbook, namely Bupena. It was
teaching process nine times in five classes. used to describe characteristics of things
In conducting the observation, the around. The English teacher used
researcher used observation sheet (see translation technique to translation some
appendix) that had been validated by the difficult words. The English teacher asked
expert. The observation conducted on April the students about the meaning of some
26th, 2016 (D and E class), April 27th, 2016 words. The responses of students were also
(E class), May 3rd, 2016 (D and E class), good. They were all showing good response
May 13th, 2016 (D and A class), and May during teaching and learning process.
16th, 2016 (B and C class). The observation Third, for E class, based on the
conducted nine times in three weeks (with finding of the observation on April 27th,
D and E class had three meetings for 2016, the researcher found that the English
observation and documentation while A teacher used question-answer, translation,
class, B class, and C class only had one and discussion as teaching techniques. The
meeting for observation and English teacher also used human media and
documentation) because it was based on the printed media as teaching media. Question-
English teaching process conducted by the answer display used with the material about
English teacher. The English teacher describing people and describing things
somehow was busy because she had to around. It is combined with printed media.
attend some workshop meetings so that she Printed media used by the English teacher
could not conduct the English teaching was textbook, namely Bupena. The
process. However, the data based on responses of the students were good.
observation and documentation was Translation technique used with the
repeated. So, the data collected by the material about describing people and
researcher was enough. describing things around. It was combined
First, for D class, based on the finding with human media. The responses of the
of the observation on April 26th, 2016, the students were also very good. For
researcher found that the English teacher discussion technique, the teacher asked the
used question-answer display and students to make a group. The group
translation as teaching techniques. The consisted of two persons in a group. The
English teacher also used visual media and teacher asked the students to make ten
multimedia as teaching media. Visual questions and ten answers. All of the
media used by the English teacher was students were showing good response.
whiteboard while multimedia used by the Fourth, for D class, based on the
English teacher was power point. Question- finding of the observation on May 3rd,
answer display combined with power point 2016, the researcher found that the English
and whiteboard. It was used to describe teacher used question-answer display,
characteristics of people and things around, translation, and drilling as teaching
while translation was used to translate some techniques. The English teacher also used
difficult words. In using those techniques human media, printed media, and visual
and media, all of the students paid attention media as teaching media. The English
to the English teacher. teacher used question-answer display and
Second, for E class, based on the drilling as teaching techniques. Question-
finding of the observation on April 26th, answer display combined with human

Suar Bétang, Vol.12, No. 2, Edisi Desember, 2017: 223—233

media and whiteboard. The teacher gave about the characteristics of the animal.
some questions about animal. Translation Question-answer display was combined
technique combined with the textbook. The with textbook. The English teacher also
English teacher asked the students about the used translation technique by translating
meaning of animal and the behaviour of the some words about animal and public signs.
animal. Drilling technique was also Translation technique combined with
combined with textbook. All of the students human media. In implementing those
were showing good response during techniques and media, there were 17
English teaching process conducted by the students looked interested and three
teacher using those techniques and media. students did not pay attention.
Fifth, for E class, based on the finding Eighth, for B class, based on the
of the observation on May 3rd, 2016, it was finding of the observation on May 16th,
found that the English teacher used 2016, the researcher found that the teacher
question-answer display, translation, human used question-answer display and
media, and visual media. In the action, the translation as teaching technique. The
teacher gave some questions some words English teacher used human media as
about animal such as part of the body of the teaching media. The English teacher
animal and behaviour of the animal. In combined human media with question
using question-answer display, all of the answer display and translation. In
students showed good responses. implementing question-answer display, the
Translation combined with visual media, English teacher asked the students to
namely whiteboard. The English teacher mention name of animal, characteristics of
translated some words about part of the the animal, and also the name of the public
body of the animal. In using translation signs or symbols orally. In using translation
technique, all of the students showed good technique, the English teacher gave some
responses. words about animals and public sign orally
Sixth, for D class, based on the then the students translated them in Bahasa
finding of the observation on May 13th, orally. In implementing those technique and
2016, the researcher found that the English media, there were 17 students looked
teacher used question-answer display, interested and four students often talked
translation, human media, and printed together with their friends.
media. The English teacher used question- Ninth, for C class, the researcher
answer display by giving some questions found that the English teacher used
about behaviour of the animal. Question- question-answer display, drilling, and
answer display was combined with human translation. The English teacher also used
media and textbook, namely Bupena. The human media, printed media, and
English teacher also used translation by whiteboard as teaching media. The English
translating some words about behaviour of teacher combined human media and
the animal. In implementing those whiteboard as visual media with question
techniques and media, most of the students answer display. In implementing question-
looked interested during English teaching answer display, the English teacher asked
process. the students to mention name of animal,
Seventh, for A class, based on the characteristics of the animal, and also the
finding of the observation on May 13th, name of the public signs or symbols orally.
2016, the researcher found that the English In implementing translation technique, the
teacher used question-answer display, teacher gave some words about animal and
translation, human media, and printed sign orally then the students translated it in
media. The English teacher used question- Bahasa orally. In implementing drilling
answer display by giving some question technique, the English teacher only used

Muh. Rajib Silmi: Types of Media and Teacing Techniques ...

drilling technique in one topic that was teacher explained the material. For
describing animal. From those processes, discussions technique, it is included in free
the researcher found that there were 18 category. Crookes and Chaudron (1991)
students and all of the students paid stated that discussion is a debate or other
attention to the English teacher and form of grouped discussion based on
teacher’s instruction. All of them joined in specified topic. Quite similar with Crooks
English teaching process. and Chaudron, Kayi (2006) also stated that
discussion is a technique that letting the
Discussion on Teaching Technique students to find solution or share their idea
From the findings, it can be seen that the on given topic in a form of group.
English teacher mostly used question-
answer display and translation. The English Discussion on Teaching Media
teacher used those techniques at every class From the findings, it can be seen that the
of the seventh graders. Based on Crooks English teacher mostly used human media,
and Chaudron’s theory, question-answer and printed media. The English teacher
display and translation is included in used those media at every class of the
controlled category. Controlled category is seventh graders. For human media, the
a basic teacher centered, the teacher as main English teacher used herself as media. The
role. For question-answer display, Crookes English teacher used herself as media to get
and Chaudron (1991) stated that question- interactive learning. Besides, the English
answer display is an activity involving teacher can also pay attention to students as
encouraging of student responses based the much as possible. For printed media, the
material explained before. Question-answer teacher always used textbook as printed
display is not an open question. This is media. The textbook used by the English
similar to what the English teacher had teacher was Bupena. The teacher used
done in the classroom. The English teacher Bupena because that book provides material
gave questions which have definite answer. that related with real life situation and easy
For translation technique, Crookes to understand. The other media used by the
and Chaudron (1991) also said that English teacher in teaching speaking were
translation technique is a technique that multimedia and visual media. For visual
used by the teachers by combining first media, the teacher used whiteboard as
language with the second or foreign visual media. For multimedia, the English
language. The teachers translate the teacher used power point as multimedia.
language from foreign language to students’ Andresen and Van Den Brink (2013) stated
first language or from the first language to that the characteristic of multimedia
students’ foreign language. Based on the contains texts, graphics, animations, video
findings, the English teacher mostly and sound in an integrated way and the
translated the language from foreign content can be presented differently. In this
language to the first language. case, the students always paid attention to
The findings also showed that the the teacher. However, all of those media
other techniques used by the English combined by the English teacher with
teacher were drilling and discussions. For various techniques.
drilling, drilling technique is also part of
controlled category. Crookes and Chaudron CONCLUSION
(1991) stated that drilling is a technique that
used by the teacher to make the students Based on the finding and discussions, the
understand how to say the words correctly researcher is able to make conclusion by
by combining with repetition. In this case, answering research problems. The first is
the teacher used drilling technique after the teaching techniques used by the teacher in

Suar Bétang, Vol.12, No. 2, Edisi Desember, 2017: 223—233

teaching speaking. The second is the (Edisi Revisi). Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
teaching media used by teacher used by the Bertram, C., Ranby, P., Adendorff, M.,
teacher in teaching speaking. Reed, Y., & Roberts, N. (2010). Using
The first conclusion is about teaching Media in Teaching. (J. Gultig, Ed.).
techniques used by the teacher in teaching Braamfontein: Saide. Retrieved from
speaking at the seventh grade students. The
researcher concludes that the teacher used 10734/umitintoductory-
various techniques in teaching speaking at section.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10
the seventh grade students. The techniques 734&force=
used by the teacher were question-answer
display, translation, drilling, and discussion. Crookes, G., & Chaudron, C. (1991).
Techniques used by the teacher are good Guidelines for Classroom Language
and appropriate because it can make Teaching. In M. Celce Murcia (Ed.),
students interested in teaching and learning Teaching English as a Second or
process especially in speaking. Foreign Language (pp. 46–67).
The second conclusion is about Rowley: Newbury House. Retrieved
teaching media used by the teacher in from
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