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New Lahore Grammar School

Total Marks75 Ali Raza Abad December 2017

Name--------------------------- Class 5th Paper Sci
Twenty Five (25) Multiple Choice Questions (Mcqs) Are Given In This Part. ?
Each Question Carries Two Mark? 50
Q. 1 Frog Belongs To?
Amphibian Reptiles Birds Mammals
Q.2 Shark Breathing Throw:
Lungs Fins Scales Gills
Q.3 Classification Of Animals Help Us To Know About Their?
Weight Similarities Number Colour
Q.4 Apple Plant Belongs?
Fungi Conifers Dicots Monocots
Q.5 Number Of Petals In A Flower Of Monocots Plants May Be?
4 6 8 10
Q.6 The Group Which Belongs To Microorganism Is:
Insects Bird Virus Mammals
Q.7which Of The Followings Is The Cause Of Infection In Our Body?
Vaccines Germs Antibiotics Antibodies
Q.8 Dengue Fever Spread By:
Mosquito House Fly Wasp Honey Bee
Q.9 Poisonous Gases Are Product When:
Building Are Constructed Soil Erosion Takes Place Garbage Is Burnt Trees Are Cut
Q.10 The Main Cause Of Cholera Is:
Find Pollution Noise Pollution Air Pollution Water Pollution
Q.11 Regular Arrangement Of Particles Is Present In:
Sugar Milk Honey Bee Water
Q.12 the Pollution Caused By Burning Of Petrol Is
Land Pollution Water Pollution Air Pollution Noise Pollution
Q.13change Is Water Into Is Called:
Evaporation Freezing Melting Condensation
Q.14 Change Of Vapours Into Water Is Called:
Evaporation Freezing Melting Condensation
Q.15 Friction Helps Us In:
Reading Writing Thinking Seeing
Q.16the Main Cause Of Earth Rotation Around The Sun Is:
Magnetism Electricity Friction Gravity
Q.17a Bar That Turns About A Fixed Point Is Called A/An:
Pulley Wedge Lever Inclined
Q.18 Objects Through Which We Can See But Nit Clearly Are Called:
Transparent Translucent Opaque Luminous
Q.19 An Example Of An Opaque Substance Is:
Tissue Paper Tracing Paper Water Steel
Q.20 Electric Current Is Due To The Flow Which Of The Following Particles:
Neutrons Protons Electrons Atoms
Q.21 The Meter Used To Measure Electric Current Is:
Thermometer Ammeter Voltmeter Barometer
Q.22 Particles With Positive Charge Is:
Neutron Proton Electron Atom
Q.23 A Fuse Is Used As A:
Doorbell Security Alarm Circuit Breaker Galvanometer
Q.24 Which of the Following Is a Planet:
Earth Moon Pluto Sun
Q.25 The Gases In Sun Include:
A Helium and Hydrogen Chlorine and Hydrogen
Oxygen and Helium Hydrogen and Nitrogen
 Open Ended Questions give answer with details.
Q: 26 gives two examples each of the following group.
Group Animals
Q: 27 define water pollution. Write its two causes?
Q: (b) give two effects of water pollution. give two suggestions to reduce water pollution?
Q:28.(a) define gas?
(B) Give two examples of gas?
(C) State the reason for the following property of gas:
(I) gasses has neither shaped nor fixed volume?
(II) Smell of a gas spread in the room?
Q.29 (a) defines electric circuit?
(B) Name four components to make a electric circuit?
(C) Describe the role of a fuse in an electric circuit?
Q.30define star and give its one example?
(B) How Many Planets Are There In Our Solar System? Name First Four Planets Closest
To The Sun In The Correct Sequence?
( C) why can we not see the star other the sun during day time?

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