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Khonsu, the Lunar Guardian

Denizen of the Time Aspect

Khonsu is the Ancient Egyptian God of Moon and Time. He could influence the fertility of both
people and livestock, and is said to have played a major role in the creation of the world. He is
also a god of healing, having cured the pharaoh Ptolemy IV personally, and would extend this
protection to the common people. He also has a darker side, early on he was a dangerous and
bloodthirsty god, one that protected the pharaoh and slayed his enemies. He is called ‘He Who
Lives On Hearts’ for this reason. He is a child at the beginning of the year, one that would grow
to infirmity as it passes, and would be reborn as a child once more at the start of the new year.
He loves playing games, especially Senet, and would often play against Thoth. One time he lost
a bet against Thoth and had to give an additional five days to every year.

The Quest
Land of Stasis: A Land of eternal stillness and lifelessness. The Denizen has taken away all
the Time in the Land, causing everything to freeze. Well, everything but air, light, the
Underlings, and the Player for some reason. Those without Time are trapped frozen on the
pose they had when they ran out, completely immovable. All the Time on the planet has been
stored within various Dungeons, and it is the Player’s job to travel the Land, find these
containers of Time, and unfreeze everything upon the planet.

The Battle
Khonsu is a formidable opponent indeed, having a varied array of powers and an ability that
allows him to alter his stats to better suit his situation. His first ability is his moonlight abilities,
which can perform a variety of effects from bug repellent, to fertilizer, to healing, to air
purification, to time manipulation. Another ability of his is to change his Phase, which would alter
his stats and grant him a new ability based on which form he is taking. Finally, he has an ability
which would allow him to resurrect himself, if he is prior warning about his death. Powerful
indeed, of course there are other ways of challenging Khonsu. A favored method of his is
through a game of Senet, particularly through a bet.

The Prize
Bottled Moonlight - A glass bottle glowing with a faint silver light. Moonlight, perfectly
preserved and captured for later use. When the contents are released, either by breaking the
bottle or simply opening it, the moonlight shall add more time into the world, creating new days,
new hours within the course of everyday life. This can have such effects as prolonging the time
the user has until a designated period, such as the Reckoning, or any other similar prophecies.
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Lunar Rays
Khonsu is the god of the moon, and thus the god of light in the night. He would protect those
bathed in his light from wild beasts, and aid aid them in healing. He also clears people's nostrils
and make both people and livestock more fertile for some reason. This ability is actually a
collection of abilities, all tied to the fact that they are all casted through magic moonlight. All of
them can be used on both Khonus and any others he could detect;
● Repellant - Causes all animals to avoid the target and refrain from attacking so long as
they are not provoked in some way.
● Moonlit Remedy - Heals the target for a small amount of Damage.
● Purifying Light - Purifies the air that the target is breathing from a*ll pathogens and
● Moon’s Fecundity - Increases the likelihood of the target giving birth.
● Lunar Calendar - Grants the target additional time, either prolonging their lifespan,
delaying a prophecy or event, or granting them a round in which no one else can act.

Phases of the Moon

Khonsu is like the moon itself, he has many faces and while some are similar, they are all
unique in their own way. This ability allows Khonsu to transform himself into a different Phase,
which shall alter his stats as well as grant him new abilities only accessible in certain forms and
enhances some of his other abilities. This transformation requires a single turn to invoke, during
which time Khonsu is completely vulnerable to attacks. His Phases are;
● The Heart-Eater - Increased Alacrity and Vim. Grants the ability to gain Shenergy
through killing others. Enhances Moon’s Fecundity.
● The Bull - Increased Mangrit and Vim. Increases all Physical Attributes further during the
New Moon and increases Acumen during a Full Moon. Enhances Repellant.
● The Child - Increases Pulchritude and Alacrity. Allows the spontaneous creation of
Underlings during battle, maximum one per round. Enhances Purifying Light.
● The Provider - Increases Vim and Pulchritude. Allows Khonsu the create better
Underlings easier,granting them additional Prototypings. Enhances Moonlit Remedy.
● The Life-Decider - Increases Vim and Acumen. Increases all Damage dealt by anyone to
a single target, decided upon the start of each round. Enhances Lunar Calendar.
● The Chronographer - Increases Acumen and Sagacity. Allows Khonsu to see into the
past, future, and alternate timelines. Enhances Renewed Light.

Renewed Light
Each year Khonsu is born, he ages as the year goes by, and dies at the end of it. And at the
start of the new year, he is reborn anew, ready to start the cycle once more. This ability is quite
costly in Shenergy. When activated, Khonsu designates a period of time, during which he shall
start as a baby and then rapidly ages to infirmity at the end of that period. Should Khonsu die
during this period, he shall be reborn once the span of time has passed, ready to do anything
once again. Should Khonsu live until the period ends, he reverts once more to his prime, and
the ability deactivates.

Treasure Hoard

Khonsu’s Senet Board

A wooden game board, made out of thirty squares arranged in three rows of ten. There are two
sets of five game pieces with which to play with. This particular set is the favorite of Khonsu,
and he is often playing it.
Gamble of Days - An interesting game indeed, should the user properly arrange the pieces and
begin playing, an invisible force shall play as their opponent. An extension of Khonsu it seems.
He is quite a formidable opponent, having played this game possibly millions of times before,
but he is still beatable. Should the user wish for more time, either to extend their life, to delay a
prophecy or event, or to afford them some time where in others are frozen, they may bet
something of value to Khonsu and attempt to beat him in his own game. Should the user lose,
then the thing they betted is lost to Khonsu, to be stored in his hoard as a trophy. Should the
user win, then they get an amount of time proportionate to how valuable their betted object was.

Bottled Moonlight
A glass bottle labeled, Bottled Moonlight, in bold lettering and in all caps. It is quite light for its
full appearance, and seems to glow a faint silver light, especially visible when the moon is out.
Leap Days - When the contents are released, either by breaking the bottle or simply opening it,
the moonlight trapped within shall add more time into the world, creating new days, new hours,
within the course of everyday life. This would make an ominous full moon to appear in the sky,
and create the illusion of time not moving forward, when all it did was delay everything for a
short amount of time. Drinking the contents has an interesting effect, it causes everyone but the
user to freeze in place as if Time was frozen. This effect has a Duration depending on how
much of the moonlight the user managed to drink before it escaped, a single photon would allow
for a single second of independant time, while drinking the whole thing would grant one that
would last for days.

Lunar Sabre
A sword, a sabre to be exact, made entirely out of silver and encrusted with mystic moonstones.
Despite its inadvisable material options, the blade is tougher than any weapon of mundane
construction, is balanced perfectly though mysterious techniques, and has an edge that shall
never dull.
Crescent Slash - The blade, while a melee weapon, could extend its reach beyond that of its
wielder. It’s Range is increased to Medium, allowing it to attack targets up to that range. Attacks
made through this weapon are Undodgeable. This could take on different forms depending on
the wielder, some have it as a sort of beam or a projectile being shot, others merely mime a
slash at the target and have the cut spontaneously form on them, still more has no effect at all
and simply have the target feel pain and drop dead for seemingly no reason.
Kratos, Spirit of Power
Denizen of the Life Aspect

Kratos is the Greek Spirit of Strength, Might, Power, and Sovereign Rule. He, along with his
siblings Victory, Force, and Rivalry, are the enforcers of Zeus’ rule over the world. When
Prometheus gave fire to mankind and was found guilty, it was he and Force that brought him to
Hephaestus to bind to a rock for all eternity. He ensured that the deed was done well, and that
Prometheus, ever the clever Titan, could never escape.

The Quest
Land of Tyranny: The Denizen has installed one of the Dersite Agents as the ruler of the Land,
a declaration enforced by his power. The Denizen now rest on the foot of the Agent’s throne
within his massive castle, awaiting for the Player’s arrival. The Agent, of course, is using his
power to force the Consorts to aid the Underlings in accosting the Player, and outlawing any aid
granted to them. There are some resistance cells, yet they are quite ineffective. The Player
must overthrow this ruthless government and free the Consorts.

The Battle
Kratos is a powerful Denizen, considering his domain, yet surprisingly not among the strongest.
Underestimating him however, is a grave mistake. His physical strength is great, capable of
shattering most objects and armor with ease. His mystical and spiritual strength are similarly
potent, granting him a vast pool of Shenergy to draw upon as well as the means to regain it
quite quickly. Finally, his sovereign rule compels all but the most powerful to obey his
commands, which may allow him to end battles before they begin.

The Prize
Gauntlets of Vitality - A pair of grey steel gauntlets with a tree motif. They increase the
wearer’s Mangrit by a dramatic amount, along with a minor boost to both Alacrity and Vim.

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Exalted Potency
Kratos is the spirit of power and might, and as expected he has plenty of both to spare. This
ability expands Kratos’ Shenergy pool and increases his Shenergy generation. Both are
powerful boons on their own, allowing him to use more abilities more frequently, in addition to
granting him the option of exerting more power on a single use of an ability than he otherwise

Mighty Spirit
Kratos is the Spirit of physical strength as much as mystical and ephemeral strength, though he
is far from the mightiest of Denizens he is still quite formidable. This ability permanently
increases Kratos’ Mangrit score for all purposes.

Voice of Authority
Kratos is the Spirit of sovereign rule as well as physical and mystical power, he stands next to
the throne of Zeus, as one of the enforcers of his rule. This ability increases Kratos’ Pulchritude
score, and grants his voice an enchanted quality. Those who hear it becomes compelled to
follow his commands, whatever they may be. Only those with strong wills to resist or those who
wield divine power could go against this ability.

Treasure Hoard

Gauntlets of Vitality
A pair of heavily armoured steel gauntlets. They are of a dark grey color, and are decorated with
engravings of plant life and mighty oak trees. While they seem quite heavy, and they are
actually much heavier than they look, their wearer would be able to move them as if they are
light as air.
Bolstered Vitality - The object increases the wearer’s physical might, adding a great deal to
their Mangrit score, it also grants a much smaller boost to Alacrity and Vim as well. The boosts
are passive in nature and only applies while the user is wearing or is otherwise holding the

Power Glaive
A large silver polearm covered with engravings of vines and thorns. Its default size is much
larger than any other weapon of its type, yet strangely the wielder would have no problem using
such a large weapon.
Power Strike - The weapon is surprisingly deadly, even for one as feared as itself. It increases
any damage it deals by a great amount of the same type as is already dealt.
Crown of Kings
A golden circlet forged into the shape of several tangled vines. It seems quite light to the naked
eye, and is actually so while carried. However, anyone who wears the crown would feel the
heaviest thing in the universe upon their head, and the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Sovereign’s Voice - The object grants the wearer’s voice an interesting effect. It compels
others to obey their commands, with such force that most would succumb to its effects. Only
those with powerful wills could resist this ability.
Kronos, King of the Titans
Denizen of the Time Aspect

Kronos is the Greek Titan of Empyrical and Destructive Time, along with Agriculture. He is the
son of Gaea and Ouranos, and one of the conspirators to his father’s dethronement. When
Gaea called for him and his brothers to dethrone Ouranos the rest were hesiatnt, Kronos
himself was the only one brave enough to take up Gaea’s offered scythe, and shed the blood of
his father. When Ouraoos came to mate with Gaea, his brothers (sans Oceanus) held him down
as the four Pillars of the World, while Kronos used the opportunity to castrate and kill him. With
this act he freed his Hekatonkhire and Cyclopse brothers, and was crownedd as the new Ruler
of the Universe. Of course, Kronos was worried that he too, would be deposed by his children,
as his father has prophesized. Thus, as a precaution, Kronos ate all of his children, the
Olympians, as they were born. His wife, Rhea, understandably didn’t like that her children were
being vored by her husband, and thus decided to save the youngest of them. She gave birth to
Zeus and hid him to be raised by another in Crete, and she tricked Kronos by giving him a rock
inside swabling clothes. As Kronos did not suspect anything, it can be assumed that he
swallowed the rock whole, clothes and all. He laso ate a horse at some point. The rest, of
course, is history. Zeus grew up, challenged Kronos, who was forced to regurgitate his siblings,
and started the war between the Titans and Olympians known as the Titanomacy. Kronos and
his Titans were eventually defeated after years of war, and they were casted into Tartarus, to be
chainedfor all eternity. Kronos was bound by Zeus to ensure that Time’s courses are not infinite,
and so that he may bind chronos with the chains of the stars.

The Quest
Land of Devouring: A Land filled with giant, Consort-eating plants. These carnivorous flora
were planted by the Denizen, and are capable of speading at a frightening pace. These plants
are quite tough, with most being equivalent to a Basic Underling while rarer ones could match
Intermediate and Advanced Tier enemies. While they use ther monstrous jaws to swallow the
Consorts whole, they don’t actually need Consorts to live, and are quire capable of surviving off
of the nutients in the earth. The Consorts they devour are actually transported to a prison within
the Denizen’s Palace, and it is up o the Player to protect and free them

Land of Famine: A Land once so verdant and green, now a barren wasteland of rust. The
planet was once so full of life, with so many creatures and edible plants that hunger was a mere
myth to the Consorts, though they do worship the cycle of life. That all changed when the
Denizen came, he accelerated the speed at which the flora of the Land grew and perished,
reducing the soil to lifeless, if nutrient rich, dirt within a short time. Most of the herbivores on the
Land died out soon after,most too starved to fight off predators. With their prey gone, the
predators set their hungry eyes upon the Consorts, who themselves have trouble storing and
making their food supples last. The cycle of life and predation has been broken, and it is up to
the Player to fix it.

The Battle
Kronos is a powerful and frightening Denizen, with an… interesting selection of powers to say
the least. His most obvious ability is that of time manipulation, with his favorite effects being to
speed himself up and to rapidly age a target. His second ability is that of his Golden Age, where
he causes plants to rapidly grow abundant, animals to speak in human tongue, and all
technology to malfunction and die. Another of his ability is a trophy gained from the slaying of
the Sky, which shall allow him to severely Damage any being associated with it, and to resist
their abilities as well. Finally, as a remnant of his deed of voring his children, Kronos could
devour anyone he so wishes and trap them within his gut. Wherein he could drain them of their
Shenergy to heal himself.

The Prize
Scythe of Kronos - A large stone scythe,froged from the bones of the earth and capable of
tearing apart the sky. The scythe could deal Bane Damage to those attuned with the power of
the sky and freedom, which is to say, those with an affinity to the Aspect of Breath. This
obviously includes Heroes and Denizens of the Breath Aspect, and would also include a number
of Wind and Air Elementals, anything naturally born with Wings, and most Ephemeral beings.
The scythe could also steal the Time of the target to grant to the user, this would slow down the
movements of any who is struck for a period of time, while allow the user to slightly increase
their speed at anytime afterward.

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Empirical Time
Kronos is the Titan of Empirical and Destructive Time. He is insatiable and all devouring, willing
to consume his children and the past and future without a second thought. He is the insigator of
the changing of ages, for he ended the age of Ouranos with his actions, and his own Golden
Age was ended by his paranoia and his son, Zeus. This ability allows Kronos to use several
other abilities, though all of them would cost Shenergy to use and maintain. These abilities are;
● Devoured Youth - Rapidly ages the target. This effect could both Damage them and
Decrease some of their Attributes, should they be susceptible to the ravages of time.
Immortal beings are immune to this effect.
● Swallowed Time - Stops the progression of time within a wide area, while allowing
Kronos to move and act freely within it. This ability takes a small amount of time to
charge up, and consumes a lot of Shenergy as it remains active.
● Stolen Seconds - Increases Kronos’ Speed and Alacrity for a short burst. While similar to
Swallowed Time in effect, Stolen Seconds is cheaper to use and a lot shorter in duration.
Kronos usually uses this to flash step around, or to make his attacks harder to avoid.
● Passing of Ages - Allows Kronos to Time Travel to a major event in the Timeline. Major
Event in this case, would be an event that could spawn hundreds of wildly different
Alernate Timelines. This effect usually takes a few seconds to activate, and cannot be
used in Strife.
● Harvest Time - Accelerates the growth rate of a targeted plant, allowing it to reach
maturity within instants. Similar to Devoured Youth, ye far cheaper to use and far less
directly damaging. Kronos would sometimes use this to grow plants within an enemy bay
targeting any seeds they may have swallowed. It is unkown where the effected plants
gain their nutrients from.

Golden Harvest
Kronos is the Titan of Agriculture in addition to being the Titan of Empirical Time, for he is the
King of the Golden Age. An age wherein the earth gave her bounties freely and abundantly and
all the animals were friendly and spoke with the voice of a human. A marvelous age indeed.
This ability allows Kronos to make the soil around him, in a radius big enough to cover whole
Lands, into verdant fields filled to the brim with edible plants of all kinds. There would be so
much plants in fact, thta not only would there be enough to feed everyone within the Session,
but it would also completely wreck any and all artificial infrastructure the Consorts have set up,
seting them back to the stone age in terms of technology. But hey,evreryone ccould understand
the animals of the Land with no problem now.

Killer of the Sky

While his brothers (sans Oceanus) held down the sky so that he cannot escape, it was Kronos
who castrated him, and who cut him such that hi blood rained upon the earth to bring forth
monstrosities. This ability acts as a more… advanced version of his brethren’s (sans Oceanus)
Pillar of the [Direction] ability. As his brothers (sans Oceanus), Kronos can effect Ephemeral
and Gaseous beings as if they were solid, allowing him o attack and hold them even while they
are normally unouchable. Also as his brothers (sans Oceanus, and yes Kronos is still sort of
sore about that), this ability grants him a resistance to Breath Aspeced attacks and abilities,
though at a much greater level than theirs, as this could make him outright immune to low level
abilities of that Aspect. Finally, in an effect that is uniquely his own, this ability also turns all
Damage he deals to beings with an association to the sky into Bane Damage, which is not only
harder to heal, but also inflicts greater wound penalties. For the purposes of this ability, those
associated with thesky are those born with Wings, wielders of Breath, air/wind elementals, most
Ephemeral or Gaseous beings, etc.
Kronos devoured his sons and daughters as they were born, for he Sky has prophesized that he
too shall be overthrown and replaced by one of his children, much as he had overhrown
Ouranos. Due to this, he swallowed his children, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Posiedon, and Hades,
as hey were born. This represented how he, Time, shall insatiably devour everything. His
youngest son, Zeus, however, has hidden by Rhea, and he was given a stone wrappen in
swaddling clothes to eat instead. This ability allows Kronos to vore gods… yes, seriously. Once
someone has been vored by Kronos, they would lose access to all their powers, and they
cannot escape from the stomach of the Denizen on their own. They won’t die, of course, but
they can’t get out on their own either. WIth each God Tier or equivalent being Kronos devours,
he gains more Time. This allows him to heal his wounds by draining the Shenergy of those
trapped in his gullet. He cannot use his own Shenergy to heal. Should a victim of this ability die
within Kronos’ gullet or somehow manage to escape, Kronos would no longer be able to absorb
their Shenergy.

Treasure Hoard

Scythe of Kronos
“An adamantine scythe forged from the very bones of the World herself. A gift from Gaea to slay
her spose Ouranos, it was the weapon that was used to cut a part the Sky Incarnate himself.
The wind stills in its presence, as if the very air itself is aftaid of its accursed power.”
Type: Sharpened Cleaving Weapon - Damage: Medium - Attribute: Mangrit - Range: Short
Anathema (Sky) - The object deals an incredible amount of additional Bane Damage against
enemies and objects with an affinity to the sky, and would be able to tear apart defences made
with such an affinity like a hot knife through /nothing/. This invariably includes all things attuned
to the Aspect of Breath, anything with an Element of any type of Gas, most flavors of Ephemeral
beings, and anything born with wings.
Reaping the Moments - Each strike of the scythe shortens one’s time upon the world. With a
successful strike, the target would be inflicted with the Slowness Status Effect, reducing their
Speed and Alacrity and making it much harder for them to dodge. This Status Effect lasts an
amount of time proportional to the amount of Damage dealt. With each Turn the victim spends
with the Status Effect, the scythe would gain a single Charge, which can be spent by the wielder
either to increase their Speed and Alacrity for a Turn or to increase their chances of dodging an
attack. The Slowness effect takes the form of the victim slowing down as if they have been
placed in slow motion, while the speed boost looks like the user was put on fast forward.
Super Fertilizer
“An incredible miracle substance that could revolutionize the farming industry. To one not
interested in farming or gardening, it’s pretty much useless. Still, it might make some pretty cool
Alchemizations with some imagination.”
Type: Consumable - Damage: None - Attribute: N/A - Range: Long
Instant Harvest - This seemingly ordinary clump of dirt could revitalize land that has long been
damaged by over cultivation and by lack of both nutrients and vegetation. All land within its
range when it is planted into the ground shall be revitalized into prime condition within mere
seconds. The earth shall become healthy and hyrated soil, even if it was a desert mere
moments before, plants shall spring forth from every patch of soil available, growing to maturity
in a short time. Once the effect ends, the land affected by the object would be a veritable garden
of eden, filled with enough edible plants and friuts to feed an entire city of millions for weeks,
with the remaining land becoming prime farming areas. WIth a little ingenuity, a single use of
this item could feed a large city for years to come.

Entropic Sickles
“A pair of sickles with blades of crimson red, engraved with sigils of Time and Harvest. They are
the pair that accompanies the scythe Kronos was gifted with by his mother. While not as
impressive as their counterpart, these weapons are still quite potent, as the universe seem to
grow older simply by their existance. Plus they’re great for harvesting crops and such.”
Type: Dual Cleaving Weapons - Damage: Low - Attribute: Mangrit - Range: Melee
Universal Decay - Each strike of these weapons would drain the target of their remaining Time,
aging them up by an amount proportional to the amount of Damage they dealt. The smallest
denominator of Time they could age someone is one second, while the most they could age
someone in one attack (no matter how much Damage they deal) would be a year.
Harvest Time - The sickles are traditionally used as tools of agriculture, ones that were
repurposed into weapons of war. This ability represents the former option. The sickles could be
used as exceptional harvesting tools, flawlessly cutting down wheat and other plants in one
swipe, while simultaneously casting an enchantment that shall ensure all such crops are in
perfect condition.

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