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Prayer National Anthem gfef

Approval of previous minutes


S: gfef

Privilege hour

Mho National alert dengue

Hrrr this shld be at the priv hour

Rjf any privilege speech

If there’s none. Next order of business madam sec

Question hour

Invite dr. dum to answer question on dengue

Dr dum provided data to have info and know re situation of dengue in the mun.

Jan-present 25 cases, 10 cses registered jan 4 feb 2 march 3 april 1 may

Update of the regional office - different data – office – differential diagnosis of dengue

Naguilian – 87 cases in 2018; 209 mun. record, 87 regional

Relies on the platelet count – below- considered as dengue suspect

2018-highest registered case casilagan and daram 20

San Antonio and bimmotobot (second)

What we are doing now? Advocate for 4s Fever-platelet count and cbc

Barangay ensure the safety of children in the school the whole day

Mho – during consultn there is bench conference to inform the public to have knowledge

4s means S-eek early consultation


S-elf protection

Socks, mosq net, repellant

S-Yes to

When needed


Any questions?
Gfef made a comparison 2018 and 2019

Congratulate 78 1st sem 2018

1st sem 25 2019

Manifestation- oplan is effective

July 22, 2019 report-fogging operations in all public schools

Private schools (some)

What are the priv schools?

Rjf good doctor answer ques of gfef

Doc all public only; priv schools who requested


Naguilian learning

Rar recognized

Resolution file gfef

Is the situation of Naguilian still manageable?

Doc yes

If there is a need for us to suspend the wearing of skirt

Req-eo suspension of wearing of skirts

Dilg released order-first to comply in LU-dilg directs lgu to contain the spread of dengue fever

Undertake clean up drives

Alarming increase-act now and act fast

We should not allow dengue to debilitate facilities

Increase efforts in addressing dengue infection

National dengue alert-cases of viral disease more than 100k since june

Brgy clean up areas in breeding sites of mosq

Wag nang iasa ang paglilinis sa kapaligiran – Sec aNo said

Communicate with DILG that we are complying with the directive

Mayor – eo for them suspend skirt all levels

Rjf-answer from doc

Rise of cases during raining seasons – june july and augut

Hrrr ask why you listed in the ref material total of 25

Gusing norte 11

Doc 4-15 years old – most

In this percentage, what age bracket is greater 40-60% infant

Rar said concentrate – suspension of wearing of skirts and wearing of long pants

Include in your program – provision of mosquito repellant to schools

Dfh – fogging operation is effective

Cases – January to june

Doc fogging operation not just twice a week

2nd week - adult mosquito die within a month only

Larva will become adult within a week

Water put stick – medicine within 1 week - throw dry places

5-6pm at home – very effective – OV trap

Basin with clean water – solution given by the doh

So that there will be no adult mosquito

Dfh any possibility fogging operation 1st and 3rd semester

Doc yes

Rjf dts

Dts error in 2019 data bec 23 only because add vertically 23 only

Doc casilagan and mi was not included

This year is there deaths to make necessary actions –

Lff neem tree distribution

Jfh onset of dengue cases – suggest use of chemicals in all barangays cheaper and effective

So we achieve zero cases

Doc solicit from doh ro1 fogging chemical

Provide name of chemical

Hrrr late cousin scientist d of a of us

Rar not confirmed?

recommendation already noted by the good doctor

doc yes not confirmed – 2 days fever did not go down dengue suspect

e.g. lioac, 1 house 3 cases – turned out as UTI

rjf do you know the cause why mountainous barangays

doc if a person is affected and specie bite them dengue is transmitted

urban barangays breeding places

more stagnant canals within 50m radius

hco experience mountains – rotten leaves, dark place, temperature conducive for breeding, plants that
retain water

jeg – unang hirit chemical – request from mho

rjf more water, plants breeding site mosq – IEC

address to sk pres – clean up drive

1st reading

Rjf Rice – request committee meeting and committee hearing important due to rice tarffcation


Hrrr 10 minute recess

Visitor from manila


Unassigned business

Jfh deleted condolence pb casua

Seconded by dfh


Rar - cause of death lightning

Measure amount of financial reso

Reso treasurer to release and reso to provincial govt

Jfh 10k lb la union chapter

Prov govt 30k


Moved and seconded deepest sympathy late brgy captain of casilagan

Reso authorizring treas release amot of 30k

Delivery of committee reports


Chairperson is recognized

Second reading

Any objection?


Chair Social services committee report was prepared by the lady from bancagan

Recess RAR

Committee report hco supplemental budget

Recess dts

Committee report

2nd reading

4.49% feeding program increase of 67% weight improvent

Dswd support supplemental program

Move for the approval


Sk pres - jeep or truck are only allowed sk pres coordinate with gso

Gfef how mankaeng primary school was chosen

Sk pres of gusing once receive assistance

How many receipients? Gfef

Jeg 37

Rjf any other announcement?

Rar legislator – integrated farm

Lff request committee hearing 2pm on Monday

Committee meeting social services 3pm gfef

Rqst secretary schedule

Jfh seconded for adjournment

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