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Golden Real Analysis

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document or have access to additional information which are in conjuction with GOLDEN REAL ANALYSIS

Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2016. So cover. Book Condition: New. 5th or later edition. The book provides a
fairly rigorous introduction to real analysis and a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles. The
language of the book is simple and easy to understand. Each topic has been presented in a systematic, simple,
lucid and exhaustive manner. A large number of typical and important examples selected from various
university question papers, have been provided for a clear grasp of the subject. Special features of the book are
the notes, remarks and cautions added here and there for a better understanding of the subject. Chapter 1 on
`Sets and Functions` provides an essential pre-requisite for further chapters. The chapters on `Arbitrary Series
and Infinite Products`, `Sequences and Series of Functions` and `Improper Integrals` distinguish the book
from most of the other books available on the subject. The book covers the entire syllabus for the Honours
students and will be found very helpful for competitive examinations. Contents: 1. Sets and Functions 2.
Countability of Sets and the Real Number System 3. Topology of Real Numbers 4. Sequences 5. Infinite Series 6.
Limit and Continuity of Functions 7. The Derivative and Mean Value Theorems 8. Arbitrary Series and Infinite
Products 9. Riemann Integration 10. Sequences and Series of Functions 11. Improper Integrals 12. Beta and
Gamma Functions 13. Di erentiation Under the Integral Sign 14. Indeterminate Forms 15. Maxima and Minima
Printed Pages: 835.

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