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Shipboard ECM System

The AN/SLQ-32(V)5 electronic countermeasures

system offers powerful protection for small
and mid-sized ships. It detects and identifies
threats, confuses targeting radars and diverts
launched missiles from hitting their target.

Powerful Protection for built AN/SLQ-32 electronic Typical anti-ship missile radars
Smaller Ships warfare systems for the U.S. will not burn through this jam-
<< Full-threat band frequency Navy for more than 20 years. ming power until they can no
coverage The AN/SLQ-32(V)5 electronic
The AN/SLQ-32(V)5 was dev- longer adjust their flight path
countermeasures (ECM) system
<< 360° instantaneous azimuth eloped to meet the electronic sufficiently to hit the ship.
coverage provides powerful protection
defense needs of its smaller
for small and mid-size combat The lens-fed multibeam array
<< 100% probability of intercept ships — in the 900 to 4,500 ton
ships. Designed to prevent generates very high jamming
range — with a highly flexible,
<< Simultaneous response to surprise attacks, the system adds power at continuous wave, so
multiple threats
supportable and cost-effective
“Sidekick” multibeam array/ a virtually unlimited variety
<< Cost-effective implementa- active jamming technology to of jamming techniques can be
tion and support SLQ-32(V)1 and (V)2-equipped Multibeam Antenna used. Many radars of different
combatants, substantially Technology types and on different bearings
enhancing their defensive Raytheon’s lens-fed multibeam can be simultaneously engaged,
capabilities. array is the key feature of its each with a different jamming
AN/SLQ-32 product family. wave form.
Even in an environment crowded
with emitters, the AN/SLQ- The AN/SLQ-32(V)5 adapts Superior Identification and
32(V)5 detects aircraft search- this technology to the small to Response
and-target radars long before mid-size ship by using smaller,
The AN/SLQ-32(V)5’s
they can detect the ship. The lighter solid-state components.
reprogrammable online library
system also detects surface and The system’s multibeam archi- can hold parameters of all
submarine radars beyond the tecture allows its ECM trans- modes of emitters, even in the
radar horizon. Once it detects mitter to produce extremely most dense scenario. Should
and identifies the threat, the high noise, jamming effective ambiguous identification
system instantly responds to radiated power and prevent- occur, the system’s identifica-
confuse targeting radars and ing burn-through of a typical tion algorithms treat any
divert launched missiles away targeting radar until its source emitter as the most threatening
from their target. Raytheon has is within the hard kill envelope. of the possible matches.
Shipboard ECM System

The system’s rapid response Minimal Support
time ensures that jamming Requirements
protection is applied in time The AN/SLQ-32(V)5’s high
to prevent long range targeting reliability and graceful degra-
of the ship, or deceive a missile dation ensure minimal support
launched against the ship. requirements. In addition,
Easy, Cost-Effective Raytheon offers worldwide
Installation support service and repair
within hours of any navy port.
Separate ECM and ESM
(electronic support measures)
enclosures are located above
deck, allowing both instal-
lation flexibility and 100
percent look-through between
isolated transmit and receive
antennas. Below deck, the
system requires only two racks
of electronics and a display AN/SLQ-32 multibeam technology features.

ESM Antenna Assembly EW Room ESM Antenna Assembly

Port (V)2 Equipment Racks Starboard

Sidekick ECM CIC Room Sidekick ECM

Operator Console Raytheon Company
Space and Airborne Systems
The AN/SLQ-32(V)5 features separate ECM and ESM enclosures above deck for flexible, 6380 Hollister Avenue
cost-effective installation. Goleta, California
93117-3114 USA

Cleared for public release. Copyright © 2010 Raytheon Company.

Customer Success Is Our Mission is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company.
Printed in the USA. SASDS117 04/10 1K

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