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Basic Principles

 Political Law – Branch of public law which deals
with the organization and operations of the
governmental organs of the state and defines the
relations of the state with the inhabitants of its
 Politics - The science of government; the art or
practice of administering public affairs
 Government
 Administration - practical management and
direction of the executive department, or of the
public machinery or functions, or of the
operations of the various organs of the sovereign
 Power
 Authority
B. Scope of Political Law Review
 Constitutional Law – Study of the maintenance of
the proper balance between authority as
represented by the 3 inherent powers of the
state and liberty as guaranteed by the Bill of
 Administrative Law – Branch of public law which
fixes the organization of the government,
determines the competence of the administrative
authorities who executes the law, and indicates
to the individual remedies for the violation of
 Law on Public Officers
 Election Laws
 Local Government
 Public International Law

society was getting split over hostile classes

with conflicting interests. State became
THE STATE instrument of domination and oppression of 1
class over the other.
- Group/Community of people, more or less Territory
numerous, living together in a definite territory
under an independent government organized for - Territory - Fixed portion of surface of the earth
political ends and capable of entering into in which people of the state reside, necessary
international relations. Legal concept for jurisdiction, big enough to be self-sufficient
- Nation – Racial concept (example arab nation) and small enough to be administered.
- Elements: - Acquisition
1. Permanent population/People – Both sexes o Discovery and Occupation
and sufficient in number to maintain and  Original mode of acquisition by which
perpetuate themselves territory not belonging to any state or terra
2. Defined territory – fixed portion of the nullius is placed under the sovereignty of
surface of the earth in which people of the discovering state
state reside, necessary for jurisdictional  May be uninhabited or habited by natives
reasons, big enough to be self-sufficient and with rights of habitation only
small enough to be easily administered and  Open seas and outer space is res communes
defended. – not susceptible to discovery and
3. Government – agency through which the will occupation
of the state is formulated, expressed and  Requisites
realized. Entity to represent people which 1. Possession – formal declaration and
maintain order within realm and comply with symbolic act of raising of national flag.
responsibilities under the law of nations Inchoate title of discovery pending
4. Sovereignty or independence – external compliance to administration. Inchoate
aspect or manifestation of sovereignty, power title of discovery bars other states from
of the state to direct own external affairs entering territory until lapse of
without interference or dictates from other reasonable period within which
states. Quicksand on which the foundations of discovering state may establish a
international law is built. settlement thereon and commence to
- Other Elements administer it.
5. Recognition by other states – Political act 2. Administration
which may not be compelled. o Prescription
6. Possession of sufficient degree of civilization o Cession
- Creation of State: o Subjugation
1. Revolution - US o Accretion – based on Accessio cedat principali
2. Unification - Italy – accomplished either natural or artificial as
3. Secession - Bangladesh by gradual and imperceptible deposit of soil
4. Assertion of independence – Philippines on the coast
5. Agreement and attainment of civilization – - Loss
Japan o Abandonment
- Origin of State o Dereliction
1. Divine theory – State is created by God and king  State exercising sovereignty over it
is an agent physically withdraws from it with the
2. Patriarchal (Sir Henry Maine) –City is intention of abandoning it altogether
conglomeration of several families which  2 Conditions to concur:
developed under the control and authority of 1. Act of withdrawal
the eldest male member. The elementary group 2. Intention to abandon
is the family connected by common subjection o Cession – method by which territory is
to the highest male ascendant. The aggregation transferred from one state to another by
of families forms gens/houses. Houses make agreement between them. Essentially
tribes, and tribes constitute commonwealth. consensual, effected by meeting of the minds
3. Matriarchal (Morgan, Meclennan and Edward and does not have to bide the actual delivery
jenks) – Mother was the head since kinship was o Subjugation – having previously conquered in
established through mother the course of war, it is formally annexed to it
4. Force theory – wars and aggression by power. at the end of that war. Conquest only confers
War begot king inchoate right, it needs formal act of
5. Social contract theory (Thomas Hobbes, John annexation
Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau) o Prescription – no rule yet, but takes longer
- State came into existence out of contract than that provided under municipal law
between people and sovereign (State of o Erosion
Nature and Civil Society) o Revolution
- State of Nature was exchanged with civil o Natural causes
society to lead a regulated life under political - Components of territory
authority 1. Terrestrial Domain – refers to land mass
- Men created the government for purpose of which may be integrate, or dismembered,
securing their pre-existing natural rights which several islands.
comes first (natural law) 2. Maritime and Fluvial Domain – composed of
Marxician Theory – State is a creation by class- bodies of water within the land mass and
struggle with help force with passing time,

the waters adjacent to the coasts of the o Embodied in 1982 Convention on the Law of
state up to specified limit, including internal the Sea, with modification that archipelagic
waters in land locked lakes, rivers, sealanes shall be designated over the internal
a. Rivers waters through which foreign vessel shall have
 Classification the right of passage
o National – situated completely in the - Basis of Article I, 1987
territory of one state. Ex: Pasig River o RA 3046 as amended by RA 5446
o Multi-national – flow to different  All waters within the limits set forth in the
states. Ex: Mekong River Treaty of Paris (Dec 10, 1898) and Treaty of
o International – Navigable from open Washington, and Treaty of US and GB, have
sea and open to use of vessels from always been part of territory of Philippines
all states. Ex: Danube River  All the waters around, between and
o Boundary – divide the territories of connecting the islands, irrespective of width
riparian state. Ex: St Lawrence River. or dimension, have always been considered
Bound by Thalweg Doctrine: as necessary appurtenances of the land,
Boundary line is laid on the center, forming inland or internal waters
not of the river itself but of its main  All waters beyond the outermost island but
channel, dividing line follows the new within the limits of the boundaries
course in case of accretion or comprise the territorial sea
erosion. If avulsion, boundary  Baselines from which territorial sea is
remains the same. determined is consist of straight lines
b. Bays – well-marked indentation whose joining appropriate points of the outermost
penetration is in such proportion to the islands
width of its mouth as to contain land-  Without prejudice to North Borneo
locked waters and constitute more than
mere curvature of coast. If low-water Article I – National Territory
marks have distance of not more than 24
miles, considered internal waters if The national territory comprises the Philippine
enclosed in the closing line drawn from archipelago, with all the islands and waters
these low-water marks. Exception: embraced therein, and all other territories over
Historic Bays which the Philippines has sovereignty or
c. Territorial sea – belt of water adjacent to jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and
the coasts of state, excluding the internal aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the
waters in bays and gulfs, over which the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other
state claims sovereignty and jurisdiction. submarine areas. The waters around, between, and
Traditionally, reckoned 3 nautical miles connecting the islands of the archipelago,
from low-water mark regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form
3. Aerial Domain – airspace above the part of the internal waters of the Philippines.
terrestrial domain and maritime and fluvial
domain to an unlimited altitude but not ARTICLE III Treaty of Paris, 1898
including outer space.
Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago
- UN Conference on Law of the Sea known as the Philippine Islands, for ($20,000,000)
o Geneva (1958) – adopted Convention on payable within three months after the exchange of
Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, the ratifications of the present treaty.
Convention on High Seas and Convention on
Fishing and Living Resources of High Seas, Nov 7 1900- Treaty of Washington (US-Spain Treaty)
Convention on the Continental Shelf
o Geneva (1960) – Spain relinquishes to the United States all title and
o Jamaica, UN (1970) – Adopted new claim of title, which she may have had at the time of
Convention on the Law of the Sea – provides the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace of Paris, to any
the 12 miles for territorial sea, contiguous and all islands belonging to the Philippine
zone from outer limits, and an economic zone Archipelago, lying outside the lines described in
or patrimonial sea extending 2 hundred miles Article III of that Treaty and particularly to the islands
from low-water mark of coastal state of Cagayan, Sulu and Sibutu and their dependencies,
- Philippine Territorial Sea and agrees that all such islands shall be
o Based on treaty limits theory (international comprehended in the cession of the Archipelago as
law should recognize historic title to territorial fully as if they had been expressly included within
waters as it recognizes historic bays) those lines for ($100,000) within six months after the
- Archipelagic Doctrine – as stated in Art I sec 1 exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.
o All islands are considered one integrated
whole, instead of fragmented (which will Jan 2, 1930 – Treaty of Great Britain
make the territorial seas in between as high
seas) Delimiting definitely the boundary between the
o Archipelago – group of islands, including parts Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo
of islands, interconnecting waters and other which is under British protection. All islands to the
natural features which are so closely north and east of the said line (Turtle and Mangsee
interrelated that such islands, graphical, Groups)
economic and political entity or which
historically have been regarded as such 1935 Constitution (Batanes)



effective occupation and control established in

Section 1. The Philippines comprises all the territory accordance with international law, such areas must
ceded to the United States by the treaty of Paris now be deemed to belong and subject to the
concluded between the United States and Spain, sovereignty of the Philippines;
together with all the islands embraced in the treaty
concluded at Washington, between the United While other states have laid claims to some of these
States and Spain and in the treaty concluded areas, their claims have lapsed by abandonment and
between the United States and Great Britain and all cannot prevail over that of the Philippines on legal,
territory over which the present Government of the historical, and equitable grounds.
Philippine Islands exercises jurisdiction.

Article I.—THE NATIONAL TERRITORY Exclusive economic zone extending to a distance of

200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the
SECTION 1. The national territory comprises the territorial sea is measured is vital to the economic
Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and survival and development of the Republic of the
waters embraced therein, and all the other Philippines;
territories belonging to the Philippines by historic
right or legal title, including the territorial sea, the air where the outer limits of the zone as thus
space, the subsoil, the sea-bed, the insular shelves, determined overlap the exclusive economic zone of
and the other submarine areas over which the an adjacent or neighboring state, the common
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction. The boundaries shall be determined by agreement with
waters around, between, and connecting the islands the state concerned or in accordance with pertinent
of the archipelago, irrespective of their breadth and generally recognized principles of international law
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the on delimitation.
Rights included:
TERRITORIAL SEA OF THE PHILIPPINES (a) Sovereignty rights for the purpose of exploration
and exploitation, conservation and management of
- All the waters within the limits the natural resources, whether living or non-living,
- inland or internal waters - All the waters around, both renewable and non-renewable, of the sea-bed,
between and connecting the various islands of the including the subsoil and the superjacent waters,
Philippines archipelago, irrespective of their width and with regard to other activities for the economic
or dimension, have always been considered as exploitation and exploration of the resources of the
necessary appurtenances of the land territory zone, such as the production of energy from the
- territorial sea - All the waters beyond the water, currents and winds;
outermost islands of the archipelago but within (b) Exclusive rights and jurisdiction with respect to
the limits of the boundaries set forth in the the establishment and utilization of artificial islands,
aforementioned treaties off-shore terminals, installations and structures, the
- Baselines - from which the territorial sea of the preservation of the marine environment, including
Philippines is determined consist of straight lines the prevention and control of pollution, and
joining appropriate points of the outermost islands scientific research;
of the archipelago
(c) Such other rights as are recognized by
RA 5446 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION ONE OF international law or state practice.
BASELINES OF THE TERRITORIAL SEA OF THE (a) explore or exploit any resources;
PHILIPPINES (b) carry out any search, excavation or drilling
The definition of the baselines of the territorial sea (c) conduct any research;
of the Philippine Archipelago as provided in this Act (d) construct, maintain or operate any artificial
is without prejudice to the delineation of the island, off-shore terminal, installation or other
baselines of the territorial sea around the territory of structure or device; or
Sabah, situated in North Borneo, over which the (e) perform any act or engage in any activity which is
Republic of the Philippines has acquired dominion contrary to, or in derogation of, the sovereign rights
and sovereignty. and jurisdiction herein provided.

PD NO.1596 DECLARING CERTAIN AREA PART OF Section 4. Other states shall enjoy in the exclusive
THE PHILIPPINE TERRITORY AND PROVIDING FOR economic zone freedoms with respect to navigation
THEIR GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. and overflight, the laying of submarine cables and
pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of
Kalayaan Island Group is part of the continental the sea relating to navigation and communications.
margin of the Philippine archipelago, in Province of
Palawan as administered by Secretary National UNCLOS (UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE
Defense or in such officers of the Armed Forces of LAW OF THE SEA)
the Philippines as may designate.

Areas do not legally belong to any state or nation

but, by reason of history, indispensable need, and

independence of the coastal State, or in any other

manner in violation of the principles of international
law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations;
(b) any exercise or practice with weapons of
any kind;
(c) any act aimed at collecting information to
the prejudice of the defence or security of the
coastal State;
(d) any act of propaganda aimed at affecting
Straight Baseline Method the defence or security of the coastal State;
Determine the outermost island and its outermost (e) the launching, landing or taking on board of
point. Connect the points. any aircraft;
(f) the launching, landing or taking on board of
Archipelagic Principle: any military device;
Archipelago is regarded as a single unit. The waters (g) the loading or unloading of any commodity,
around, between and connecting the islands of the currency or person contrary to the customs, fiscal,
archipelago, irrespective of their breadth and immigration or sanitary laws and regulations of the
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the coastal State;
State. (h) any act of wilful and serious pollution
contrary to this Convention;
An archipelagic state means a state constituted (i) any fishing activities;
wholly by one or more archipelagos and may include (j) the carrying out of research or survey
one or more islands. activities;
(k) any act aimed at interfering with any
Archipelago" means a group of islands, including systems of communication or any other facilities or
parts of islands, interconnecting waters and other installations of the coastal State;
natural features which are so closely interrelated (l) any other activity not having a direct
that such islands, waters and other natural features bearing on passage
form an intrinsic geographical, economic and
political entity, or which historically have been Right to Sea Lane Passage
regarded as such. Archipelagic sea lanes passage means the exercise in
accordance with this Convention of the rights of
Territorial sea navigation and overflight in the normal mode solely
Every State has the right to establish the breadth of for the purpose of continuous, expeditious and
its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 unobstructed transit between one part of the high
nautical miles, measured from baselines determined seas or an exclusive economic zone and another part
in accordance with this Convention. of the high seas or an exclusive economic zone.

Limits of Territorial sea – low-water line along the The coastal State may, where necessary having
coast as marked on large-scale charts. regard to the safety of navigation, require foreign
ships exercising the right of innocent passage
Right of innocent passage through its territorial sea to use such sea lanes and
Ships of all States, whether coastal or land-locked, traffic separation schemes as it may designate or
enjoy the right of innocent passage through the prescribe for the regulation of the passage of ships.
territorial sea.
In particular, tankers, nuclear-powered ships and
Passage means navigation through the territorial sea ships carrying nuclear or other inherently dangerous
for the purpose of: or noxious substances or materials may be required
a. traversing that sea without entering internal to confine their passage to such sea lanes.
waters or calling at a roadstead or port facility
outside internal waters; or In the designation of sea lanes and the prescription
b. proceeding to or from internal waters or a call at of traffic separation schemes under this article, the
such roadstead or port facility. coastal State shall take into account:
a. the recommendations of the competent
Passage shall be continuous and expeditious. international organization;
However, passage includes stopping and anchoring, b. any channels customarily used for
but only in so far as the same are incidental to international navigation;
ordinary navigation or are rendered necessary by c. the special characteristics of particular ships
force majeure or distress or for the purpose of and channels; and
rendering assistance to persons, ships or aircraft in d. the density of traffic.
danger or distress.
The coastal State shall clearly indicate such sea lanes
Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to and traffic separation schemes on charts to which
the peace, good order or security of the coastal due publicity shall be given.
State. Such passage shall take place in conformity
with this Convention and with other rules of Republic Act No. 9522 N ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN
international law. Passage of a foreign ship shall be PROVISIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3046, AS
considered to be prejudicial to the peace, good order AMENDED BY REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5446, TO DEFINE
or security of the coastal State if in the territorial sea THE ARCHIPELAGIC BASELINE OF THE PHILIPPINES
it engages in any of the following activities: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
(a) any threat or use of force against the
sovereignty, territorial integrity or political

"Regime of Islands" under the Republic of the Article II

Philippines consistent with Article 121 of the United Section 1. The Philippines is a democratic and
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people
a) The Kalayaan Island Group as constituted under and all government authority emanates from them.
Presidential Decree No. 1596; and
b) Bajo de Masinloc, also known as Scarborough Section 4. The prime duty of the Government is to
Shoal. serve and protect the people. The Government may
call upon the people to defend the State and, in the
People fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required,
under conditions provided by law, to render
As inhabitants personal, military or civil service.

Article III Article III

Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, Section 7. The right of the people to information on
or property without due process of law, nor shall any matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access
person be denied the equal protection of the laws. to official records, and to documents and papers
pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions,
Section 2. The right of the people to be secure in as well as to government research data used as basis
their persons, houses, papers, and effects against for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen,
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever subject to such limitations as may be provided by
nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and law.
no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue
except upon probable cause to be determined Government
personally by the judge after examination under oath
or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses - Definition
he may produce, and particularly describing the o Agency/instrumentality through which the will
place to be searched and the persons or things to be of the state is formulated, expressed and
seized. realized.
o Government of the Republic of the Philippines
Article II refers to the corporate governmental entity
Section 15. The State shall protect and promote the through which the functions of government are
right to health of the people and instill health exercised throughout the Philippines, including,
consciousness among them. save as the contrary appears from the context,
the various arms through which political
Section 16. The State shall protect and advance the authority is made effective in the Philippines,
right of the people to a balanced and healthful whether pertaining to the autonomous regions,
ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of the provincial, city, municipal or barangay
nature. subdivisions or other forms of local government.
- Functions:
As Electors 1. Constituent/Public/Governmental/Jure Imperii –
acts of state or exercise of sovereignty which
SECTION 4. The President and the Vice-President include maintenance of peace and order,
shall be elected by direct vote of the people for a regulation of property and property rights and
term of six years which shall begin at noon on the administration of justice (Mandatory)
thirtieth day of June next following the day of the 2. Ministrant/Private/Proprietary – Functions
election and shall end at noon of the same date six intended to promote welfare, progress and
years thereafter. The President shall not be eligible prosperity of people (Optional)
for any reelection. No person who has succeeded as - Parens Patriae – Parent of the people (State acting
President and has served as such for more than four as parents). Government may act as guardian of
years shall be qualified for election to the same rights of people who may be disadvantaged or are
office at any time. suffering from some disability/misfortune.
- Kinds of government
No Vice-President shall serve for more than two 1. De Jure
consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of the a. Effective control of administrative
office for any length of time shall not be considered machinery of state
as an interruption in the continuity of the service for b. Popular acceptance
the full term for which he was elected. c. Comply with international obligations
d. Recognition by other states
Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular e. International recognition
election for President and Vice-President shall be 2. De facto
held on the second Monday of May. o Established not in accordance or in defiance of
existing legal process, exercise of power or
Article XVI control without legal title.
SECTION 2. The Congress may, by law, adopt a new o Kinds of de facto
name for the country, a national anthem, or a  Takes possession/control of, or usurps by
national seal, which shall all be truly reflective and force or by voice of majority, the rightful
symbolic of the ideals, history, and traditions of the legal government and maintains itself
people. Such law shall take effect only upon its against will of latter
ratification by the people in a national referendum.  Established by inhabitants of a territory who
rise in insurrection against parent state
As Citizens

 Established by invading forces of an enemy 1. Territorial – power of state over persons and
who occupy a territory in course of war (De things within its territory, except:
facto of paramount force)  Foreign state properties (embassy,
- Classification consulate, vessel of non-commercial)
a. As to number of rulers  State heads, diplomatic representative and
 Monarchy – 1 consul
 Aristocracy – few  Acts of state
 Democracy – many  Foreign merchant vessel under right of
 Poliarchy – by most number of people innocent passage
b. Manner/ Accountability to people  Foreign armies
 Democratic – for/of/by the people  Waiver of jurisdiction over organization
 Republican – Representative 2. Person – over its nationals
 Dictatorial – authoritarian 3. Extraterritorial
 Totalitarian – almost all is controlled by
c. Economic System
 Capitalism – Free market, least intervention Citizenship Nationality
by the state Membership in political Membership in any class
community which is or form of any political
 Command economy – dictated by personal and more or community
government less permanent
 Mixed f. Citizen – Democratic
d. Legislative/Executive relations g. Subject – Monarchial
Does not necessarily
 Presidential – separation of the two include right/privilege of
branches exercising civil/political
 Parliamentary – Fusion of the two branches rights
with actual executive power vested in prime
minister, chosen and accountable to the Importance of Citizenship
e. Division of State 1. Holding of public positions, whether elective or
 Unitary – single and centralized government appointive
exercising both external and internal affairs 2. Engage in business and acquisition of properties
 Federal – Autonomous/local state or 3. Protection by state even when abroad
government units merged into a single 4. Exercise of civil and political rights
state. National government exercises limited
degree of power over the domestic affairs Rights of Citizens
but full direction as to external affairs.  Art III – Bill of rights
 Art IV – Citizenship
Sovereignty  Art V – Suffrage
 Art XIII – Social Justice and human rights
- Sovereignty – Supreme and uncontrollable power  Art XIV – Education
inherent in the state by which state is governed.
- Dual aspect Duties - Preamble
a. Internal – Supremacy. Command and demand
obedience over inhabitants Modes of Acquiring Citizenship
b. External – Independence
- Kinds Section 3. Philippine citizenship may be lost or
a. Legal – power granted by the people to the reacquired in the manner provided by law.
state to issue final command.
b. Internal – power to exercise directly/indirectly 1. Involuntary (By Birth)
- Characteristics a. Jus Soli/Loci – Determines citizenship on the
 Permanence – continue without interruption basis of place of birth
 Exclusiveness - supreme b. Jus Sanguinis – Child follows the
 Comprehensiveness – extends to all persons nationality/citizenship of the parents regardless
 Absoluteness of place of birth
 Indivisibility 2. Voluntary (By Naturalization)
 Inalienability o Naturalization – Act of formally adopting a
 Imprescriptability foreigner into the political body of a nation by
- Change in Sovereignty clothing him with privileges of a citizen
 Political – abrogated o Kinds:
 Municipal - remain a. Direct naturalization
- De facto/belligerent/military occupation 1. Judicial
 Political – suspended except law on treason
 Municipal – remain unless repealed by the CA No. 63
- Doctrine of Jus Postliminum – suspended political  Dual citizenship
laws automatically become effective upon ouster  Iberian and any friendly democratic
of belligerent. Ibero-American countries or from the
- Dominium – Capacity to own/acquire property United Kingdom
- Imperium – Authority possessed by the state  Law of that country grants the same
embraced in concept of sovereignty. privilege to its citizens
- Jurisdiction  With treaty
 How citizenship may be reacquired

1. By naturalization municipalities, or political subdivisions

2. By repatriation of deserters of the thereof;
Army, Navy or Air Corp 2. Having established a new industry or
3. By direct act of the National Assembly. introduced a useful invention in the
 Procedure incident to reacquisition of Philippines;
Philippine citizenship 3. Being married to a Filipino woman;
1. At least twenty-one years of age 4. Having been engaged as a teacher in
2. Resided in the Philippines at least six the Philippines in a public or recognized
months before he applies for private school not established for the
naturalization; exclusive instruction of children of
3. Conducted himself in a proper and persons of a particular nationality or
irreproachable manner during the race, in any of the branches of
entire period of his residence in the education or industry for a period of
Philippines, in his relations with the not less than two years;
constituted government as well as 5. Having been born in the Philippines.
with the community in which he is  Disqualified
living; and 1. Persons opposed to organized
4. Subscribes to an oath declaring his government or affiliated with any
intention to renounce absolutely and association or group of persons who
perpetually all faith and allegiance to uphold and teach doctrines opposing
the foreign authority, state or all organized governments;
sovereignty of which he was a citizen 2. Persons defending or teaching the
or subject. necessity or propriety of violence,
 Procedure for Repatriation personal assault, or assassination for
1. by merely taking the necessary oath of the success and predominance of their
allegiance to the Commonwealth of ideas;
the Philippines 3. Polygamists or believers in the practice
2. Registration in the proper civil registry. of polygamy;
4. Persons convicted of crimes involving
CA No. 473 – Revised Naturalization Law moral turpitude;
5. Persons suffering from mental
 Qualifications alienation or incurable contagious
1. Not less than twenty-one years of age diseases;
on the day of the hearing of the 6. Persons who, during the period of
petition; their residence in the Philippines, have
2. Resided in the Philippines for a not mingled socially with the Filipinos,
continuous period of not less than ten or who have not evinced a sincere
years; desire to learn and embrace the
3. Good moral character and believes in customs, traditions, and ideals of the
the principles underlying the Filipinos;
Philippine Constitution, and must have 7. Citizens or subjects of nations with
conducted himself in a proper and whom the United States and the
irreproachable manner during the Philippines are at war, during the
entire period of his residence in the period of such war;
Philippines in his relation with the 8. Citizens or subjects of a foreign
constituted government as well as with country other than the United States
the community in which he is living. whose laws do not grant Filipinos the
4. Must own real estate in the Philippines right to become naturalized citizens or
worth not less than five thousand subjects thereof.
pesos or must have some known  Procedure for Naturalization
lucrative trade, profession, or lawful 1. Declaration of intention
occupation;  Filed 1 year prior to the filing of his
5. Able to speak and write English or petition for admission to Philippine
Spanish and any one of the principal citizenship
Philippine languages;  Filed with the Bureau of Justice
6. Enrolled his minor children of school  Shall set forth name, age,
age, in any of the public schools or occupation, personal description,
private schools recognized by the place of birth, last foreign residence
Office of Private Education of the and allegiance, the date of arrival,
Philippines, where the Philippine the name of the vessel or aircraft, if
history, government and civics are any, in which he came to the
taught or prescribed as part of the Philippines, and the place of
school curriculum, during the entire residence in the Philippines at the
period of the residence in the time of making the declaration.
Philippines required of him prior to the  Lawful entry for permanent
hearing of his petition for residence has been established and a
naturalization as Philippine citizen. certificate showing the date, place,
 Special qualifications - The ten years and manner of his arrival has been
residency to five years issued.
1. Having honorably held office under the  With two photographs of himself.
Government of the Philippines or under  Persons exempt to make a
that of any of the provinces, cities, declaration of intention

1.Persons born in the Philippines and  Express Renunciation of Title or

have received their primary and Orders of Nobility
secondary education in public 3. Notification and appearance - Duty of
schools or those recognized by the the clerk of the court at petitioner's
Government and not limited to any expense
race or nationality,  Publication - once a week for three
2.Resided continuously in the consecutive weeks, in the Official
Philippines for a period of thirty Gazette, and in one of the
years or more before filing their newspapers of general circulation in
application, the province where the petitioner
3.Widow and minor children of an resides
alien who has declared his  Posting - Copies of said petition and
intention to become a citizen of the a general notice of the hearing
Philippines, and dies before he is posted in a public and conspicuous
actually naturalized. place in his office or in the building
2. Petition for citizenship where said office is located, setting
 Filed with the competent court forth in such notice the name,
CFI of the province in which the birthplace and residence of the
petitioner has resided at least one petitioner, the date and place of his
year immediately preceding the arrival in the Philippines, the names
filing of the petition of the witnesses whom the
 In triplicate petitioner proposes to introduce in
 Accompanied by two photographs support of his petition, and the date
 Setting forth of the hearing of the petition
his name and surname; 4. Hearing
his present and former places of  After ninety days from the date of
residence; the last publication of the notice.
his occupation;  No petition shall be heard within
the place and date of his birth; thirty days preceding any election.
whether single or married and the  Must be Public, and the Solicitor-
father of children, the name, age, General/ delegate or the provincial
birthplace and residence of the fiscal concerned, shall appear on
wife and of each of the children; behalf of the Commonwealth
the approximate date of his or her  After hearing: order the proper
arrival in the Philippines, the name naturalization certificate to be issued
of the port of debarkation, and, if and the registration of the said
he remembers it, the name of the naturalization certificate in the
ship on which he came; proper civil registry
a declaration that he has the  Appeal – to Supreme Court within 30
qualifications required by this Act, days from notice
specifying the same, and that he is 5. Issuance of the Certificate of
not disqualified for naturalization Naturalization
that he has complied with  State the following: The file number
Declaration of Intention of the petition, the number of the
That he will reside continuously in naturalization certificate, the
the Philippines from the date of the signature of the person naturalized
filing of the petition up to the time affixed in the presence of the clerk of
of his admission to Philippine the court, the personal
citizenship. circumstances of the person
 Signed by the applicant in his own naturalized, the dates on which his
handwriting declaration of intention and petition
 Supported by the affidavit of at least were filed, the date of the decision
two credible persons, stating that granting the petition, and the name
they are citizens of the Philippines of the judge who rendered the
and personally know the petitioner decision and a photograph of the
to be a resident of the Philippines for petitioner with the dry seal affixed
the period of time required by this thereto of the court which granted
Act and a person of good repute and the petition
morally irreproachable, and that said 6. Oath
petitioner has in their opinion all the "I, __, solemnly swear that I renounce
qualifications necessary to become a absolutely and forever all allegiance
citizen of the Philippines and is not in and fidelity to any foreign prince,
any way disqualified under the potentate, state or sovereignty, and
provisions of this Act. particularly to the
 Names and post-office addresses of ____________________. of which at
such witnesses as the petitioner may this time I am a subject or citizen; that
desire to introduce at the hearing of I will support and defend the
the case. Constitution of the Philippines and
 The certificate of arrival, and the that I will obey the laws, legal orders
declaration of intention must be and decrees promulgated by the duly
made part of the petition. constituted authorities of the
Commonwealth of the Philippines;

[and I hereby declare that I recognize promulgated rules, or committed any

and accept the supreme authority of act prejudicial to the interest of the
the United States of America in the nation or contrary to any Government
Philippines and will maintain true faith announced policies.
and allegiance thereto; and that I  Order of the court granting citizenship
impose this obligation upon myself shall be registered and the oath be taken
voluntarily without mental reservation by the applicant
or purpose of evasion. 4. Administrative

"So help me God." RA No. 9139 The Administrative

Naturalization Law of 2000
7. Clerk shall, as soon as possible,  Qualifications
forward copies of the petition, the 1. Born in the Philippines and residing
sentence, the naturalization certificate, therein since birth;
and other pertinent data to the 2. not be less than eighteen (18) years of
Department of the Interior, the Bureau age, at the time of filing of his/her
of Justice, the Provincial Inspector of petition;
the Philippine Constabulary of the 3. good moral character and believes in
province and the Justice of the Peace the underlying principles of the
of the municipality wherein the Constitution, and must have
petitioner resides. conducted himself/herself in a proper
 Effect of the naturalization on wife and and irreproachable manner during
children. - his/her entire period of residence in
 Married to a citizen and who might the Philippines in his relation with the
herself be lawfully naturalized - deemed duly constituted government as well as
a citizen of the Philippines. with the community in which he/she is
 Minor children of persons naturalized living;
 born in the Philippines - citizens 4. Must have received his/her primary
 A foreign-born minor child, if and secondary education in any public
dwelling in the Philippines at the school or private educational
time of the naturalization of the institution duly recognized by the
parent - automatically become a Department of Education, Culture and
Philippine citizen Sports, where Philippine history,
 foreign-born minor child, who is not government and civics are taught and
in the Philippines at the time the prescribed as part of the school
parent is naturalized - deemed a curriculum and where enrollment is
Philippine citizen only during his not limited to any race or nationality:
minority, unless he begins to reside Provided, That should he/she have
permanently in the Philippines when minor children of school age, he/she
still a minor, in which case, he will must have enrolled them in similar
continue to be a Philippine citizen schools;
even after becoming of age. 5. Must have a known trade, business,
 A child born outside of the profession or lawful occupation, from
Philippines after the naturalization - which he/she derives income sufficient
Philippine citizen, unless within one for his/her support and if he/she is
year after reaching the age of married and/or has dependents, also
majority, he fails to register himself that of his/her family: Provided,
as a Philippine citizen at the however, That this shall not apply to
American Consulate and to take the applicants who are college degree
necessary oath of allegiance. holders but are unable to practice their
 Right of Widow and Children of profession because they are
Petitioners who have Died. may continue disqualified to do so by reason of their
the proceedings. citizenship;
6. Able to read, write and speak Filipino
RA NO. 530 - An Act making additional or any of the dialects of the
provisions for naturalization Philippines; and
 Court hearing only after six months from 7. Must have mingled with the Filipinos
the publication of the application and evinced a sincere desire to learn
required by law. and embrace the customs, traditions
 Decision granting the application become and ideals of the Filipino people.
executory:  Disqualifications
1. until after two years from its 1. Those opposed to organized
promulgation, and government or affiliated with any
2. After the court, on proper hearing, association or group of persons who
with Solicitor General or his uphold and teach doctrines opposing
representative, is satisfied, that all organized governments;
applicant has 2. Those defending or teaching the
3. not left the Philippines, necessity of or propriety of violence,
4. has dedicated himself continuously to personal assault or assassination for
a lawful calling or profession, the success or predominance of their
5. has not been convicted of any offense ideas;
or violation of Government

3. Polygamists or believers in the practice intention to acquire Philippine

of polygamy; citizenship and to renounce
4. Those convicted of crimes involving absolutely and forever any
moral turpitude; prince, potentate, State or
5. Those suffering from mental alienation sovereign, and particularly the
or incurable contagious diseases; country of which the applicant is
6. Those who, during the period of their a citizen or subject.
residence in the Philippines, have not o Attachments
mingled socially with Filipinos, or who a. Duplicate original or certified
have not evinced a sincere desire to photocopies of petitioner’s birth
learn and embrace the customs, certificate;
traditions and ideals of the Filipinos; b. Duplicate original or certified
7. Citizens or subjects with whom the photocopies of petitioner’s alien
Philippines is at war, during the period certificate of registration and
of such war; and native born certificate of
8. Citizens or subjects of a foreign residence;
country whose laws do not grant c. Duplicate original or certified
Filipinos the right to be naturalized photocopies of petitioner’s
citizens or subjects thereof. marriage certificate, if married, or
 Special Committee on Naturalization the death certificate of his
 Composition spouse, if widowed, or the court
 Solicitor General as chairman, decree annulling his marriage, if
 Secretary of Foreign Affairs, or his such was the fact;
representative, d. Duplicate original or certified
 National Security Adviser photocopies of birth certificates,
 Procedure for filing alien certificate of registration or
1. File with the Special Committee on native born certificate of
Naturalization residence if any, of petitioner’s
o petition of five (5) copies legibly minor children, wherever
typed and signed, thumbmarked and applicable;
verified by him/her, with the latter’s e. Affidavit of financial capacity by
passport-sized photograph attached the petitioner,
to each copy of the petition f. sworn statements on the good
o Content moral character of the petitioner
a. The petitioner’s name and by at least two (2) Filipino citizens
surname, and any other name of good reputation in his/her
he/she has used or by which place of residence stating that
he/she is known; they have personally known the
b. The petitioner’s present and petitioner for at least a period of
former places of residence; ten (10) years and that said
c. The petitioner’s place and date of petitioner has in their own
birth, the names and citizenship opinion all the qualifications
of his/her parents and their necessary to become a citizen of
residences; the Philippines and is not in any
d. The petitioner’s trade, business, way disqualified under the
profession or occupation, and if provisions of this Act;
married, also that of his/her g. A medical certificate that
spouse; petitioner is not a user of
e. Whether the petitioner is single prohibited drugs or otherwise a
or married or his/her marriage is drug dependent and that he/she
annulled. If married, petitioner is not afflicted with acquired
shall state the date and place of immune deficiency syndrome
his/her marriage, and the name, (AIDS);
date of birth, birthplace, h. School diploma and transcript of
citizenship and residence of records of the petitioner in the
his/her spouse; and if his schools he attended in the
marriage is annulled, the date of Philippines. Should the petitioner
decree of annulment of marriage have minor children, a
and the court which granted the certification that his children are
same; enrolled in a school where
f. If the petitioner has children, the Philippine history, government
name, date and birthplace and and civics are taught and are part
residences of his/her children; of the curriculum; and
g. A declaration that the petitioner i. If gainfully employed, the income
possesses all the qualifications tax return for the past three (3)
and none of the disqualifications years.
under this Act; 2. Processing fee - (₱40,000.00).
h. A declaration that the petitioner 3. Determination within fifteen (15)
shall never be a public charge; days from the receipt of the petition
and 4. Publish pertinent portions of the
i. A declaration that it is the petition indicating the name,
petitioner’s true and honest qualifications and other personal

circumstances of the applicant, once fraudulently or illegally, the certificate

a week for three (3) consecutive of naturalization shall be cancelled;
weeks in a newspaper of general b. If the naturalized person or his wife, or
circulation, and have copies of the any of his minor children who acquire
petition posted in any public or Filipino citizenship by virtue of his
conspicuous area. naturalization shall, within five (5)
5. Furnish the (DFA), the (BI), the civil years next following the grant of
registrar of the petitioner’s place of Philippine citizenship, establish
residence and the (NBI) copies of the permanent residence in a foreign
petition and its supporting country,
documents. These agencies shall c. If the naturalized person or his wife or
have copies of the petition posted in child with acquired citizenship allows
any public or conspicuous area in himself or herself to be used as a
their buildings, offices and premises, dummy in violation of any
and shall, within thirty (30) days from constitutional or legal provision
the receipt of the petition, submit to requiring Philippine citizenship as a
the Committee a report stating condition for the exercise, use or
whether or not petitioner has any enjoyment of a right, franchise or
derogatory record on file or any such privilege,
relevant and material information d. If the naturalized person or his wife or
which might be adverse to child with acquired citizenship
petitioner’s application for commits any act inimical to national
citizenship. security
6. Approval or Disapproval of the  SEC. 15. Any person who failed to register
Petition - Within sixty (60) days from his/her birth with the concerned city or
receipt of the report of the agencies municipal civil registrar may, within two
or the date of the last publication of (2) years from the effectivity of this Act,
the petition, whichever comes in file a petition for the acquisition of the
later Philippine citizenship: Provided, That the
7. Payment of Naturalization fee applicant possesses all the qualifications
o Within thirty (30) days from the and none of the disqualifications under
receipt of the notice of the this Act and subject to the requirements
approval pay (₱100,000.00) - of existing laws.
(₱50,000.00) upon the approval of  Special Disposition of the Filing Fee
the petition and (₱50,000.00) upon o (25%) of the filing fee - University of
the taking of the oath of allegiance the Philippines Law Center
8. Issuance of Certificate of o (25%) - publication of the Journal of
naturalization the House of Representatives
9. Oath of allegiance - Within sixty (60)
days from the issuance of the 5. Legislative
certificate, otherwise, deemed  Special act of legislature
abandoned.  Collective change of naturalization
10. BI shall forward a copy of the (naturalization en masse) as a result of
petitioner’s oath to the proper local cession or subjugation
civil registrar and cancel the alien  Philippine Bill of 1902 (Phil Organic
certificates of registration of the Act, or Cooper Act) - Sec. 4
applicant — Within five (5) days after  All inhabitants of the Philippine
the applicant has taken his oath Islands continuing to reside therein
 Status of Alien Wife and Minor Children (Spanish subjects on the April 11,
o Lawful wife and minor children may 1899 and then resided in the
file a petition for cancellation of their Philippine Islands)
alien certificates of registration with  Children born subsequent thereto,
the Committee subject to the payment  Exception: Those who elected to
of the filing fee of (₱20,000.00) and preserve their allegiance to the
naturalization fee of Forty thousand Crown of Spain
pesos (₱40,000.00)
 Status of Alien Husband and Minor  General law on naturalization
o Will not benefit her alien husband  LOI 270 - Naturalization of Deserving
o Minor children may file a petition for Aliens by Decree
cancellation of their alien certificates  Qualifications:
of registration with the BI subject to a.He must not be less than 21 years
the requirements of existing laws. of age on the date of the filing of
 Cancellation of the Certificate of his petition;
Naturalization b.If born in a foreign country, he
a. Made false statement or must have been legally admitted
misrepresentation or committed any into the Philippines either as an
violation of law, rules and regulations immigrant or non-immigrant;
in connection with the petition for c.He must have had a continuous
naturalization, or if he otherwise residence in the Philippines of ten
obtains Philippine citizenship years, or five years if:

1. Having honorably held officer for the success and

under the Government of the predominance of his ideas;
Philippines or under that of any c. He must not be a polygamist or a
of the provinces, cities, believer in the practice of
municipalities or political polygamy;
subdivisions thereof; d. He must not have been convicted
2. Having established a new of any crime involving moral
industry or introduced a useful turpitude;
invention in the Philippines; e. He is not suffering from mental
3. Being married to a Filipino; alienation or any incurable
4. Having been engaged as a contagious disease.
teacher in the Philippines in a  Cases of aliens born of Filipino
public or recognized private mothers. - If, however, the applicant
school not established for the was born of a Filipino mother before
exclusive instruction of children the effectivity of the new
of persons of a particular Constitution and has resided
nationality or race, in any of the continuously in the Philippines since
branches of education or birth, he shall be considered
industry for a period of not less qualified hereunder without need of
than two years; any further qualification, provided he
5. Having been born in the does not suffer from the
Philippines. disqualifications above enumerated.
d.He must be of good moral  Procedure
character and believes in the  Application with the committee
principles underlying the Philippine  Application shall be in triplicate,
Constitution, and must have signed and verified by the
conducted himself in a proper and petitioner himself with his
irreproachable manner during the photographs and certified true or
entire period of his residence in the xerox copies of his certificate of
Philippines in his relation with the arrival (if any), his Alien
constituted government as well as Certificate of Registration and his
with the community in which he is Immigrant Certificate of
living; Residence,
e.He must have a known trade,  Supported by the separate
business, profession, or lawful affidavits of two credible
occupation, from which he derives witnesses stating that they have
income sufficient for his support personally known the petitioner
and, if he is married or has for the period of time required
dependents, also that of his family; under par. 1 hereof, that
f. He must be able to speak and write petitioner is a person of good
Filipino; or English or Spanish, and repute and morally
any of the principal Philippine irreproachable, and that said
languages; petitioner has, in their opinion,
g.He must have enrolled his minor all the qualification necessary to
children of school age in any of the become a citizen of the
public or private schools recognized Philippines and is not in any way
by the Department of Education disqualified under the provisions
and Culture, where Philippine of this LOI.
history, government and civics are  Committee shall submit appropriate
taught or prescribed as part of the recommendations to the president
school curriculum, during the b. Derivative naturalization (by marriage)
period of residence in the  Wife of naturalized husband
Philippines required of him prior to  Minor children of naturalized person
the filing of his petition hereunder;  Alien woman upon marriage to national
h.He must have, during the period of Modes of losing citizenship
his residence in the Philippines,
mingled socially with the Filipinos a. Involuntary
and evinced a sincere desire to 1. Denaturalization (Cancellation of certificate of
learn and embrace the customs, naturalization)
traditions and ideals of the Filipino 2. Found by final judgment to be a deserter of
people. war
 Disqualifications: b. Voluntary (expatriation)
a. He must not be opposed to 1. Naturalization in foreign country
organized government or 2. Express renunciation of Phil citizenship
affiliated with any association or Section 4. Citizens of the Philippines who
group of persons who uphold and marry aliens shall retain their citizenship,
teach doctrines opposing all unless by their act or omission, they are
organized governments; deemed, under the law, to have renounced it.
b. He must not defend to teach the
necessity or propriety of violence,
personal assault, or assassination

3. Taking of oath of allegiance to a foreign 4. Minor children of the person naturalized

country, except: Doctrine of indelible failed to graduate from a public or private
allegiance high schools recognized by the Office of
Private Education of the Philippines, where
Doctrine of indelible allegiance – an individual Philippine history, government and civics
may be compelled to retain his original are taught as part of the school curriculum,
nationality notwithstanding that he has through the fault of their parents either by
already renounced or forfeited it under the neglecting to support them or by
laws of a second state whose nationality he transferring them to another school or
has acquired schools.
5. Naturalized citizen has allowed himself to
o CA 63 be used as a dummy requiring Philippine
 How citizenship may be lost citizenship as a requisite for the exercise,
1. By naturalization in a foreign country; use or enjoyment of a right, franchise or
2. By express renunciation of citizenship; privilege.
3. By subscribing to an oath of allegiance to  A certified copy of the decree cancelling the
support the constitution or laws of a foreign naturalization certificate shall be forwarded by
country upon attaining twenty-one years of the clerk of the Court to the Department of the
age or more, except while the Republic of Interior and the Bureau of Justice.
the Philippines is at war with any country;  Prescription. - information or complaint is filed
4. By rendering services to, or accepting within five years from the detection or
commission in, the armed forces of a discovery of the commission
foreign country except with the consent of
the Republic with either of the following Modes of reacquiring citizenship
circumstances is present:
a. The Republic of the Philippines has 1. Naturalization
a defensive and/or offensive pact 2. Repatriation
of alliance with the said foreign a. CA 63 - a deserter of the Philippine armed
country; or forces in time of war, upon whom a plenary
b. The said foreign country maintains pardon or amnesty has been granted
armed forces on Philippine b. RA No. 965 – Reacquisition of Philippine
territory with the consent of the citizenship by persons who lost such by
Republic of the Philippines: rendering service to or accepting commission
That he took oath of allegiance only in in, the armed forces of an allied foreign
connection with his service to said country, and taking an oath of allegiance
foreign country incident thereto - may reacquire Philippine
Shall not be permitted to participate citizenship by taking an oath of allegiance to
nor vote in any election the Republic of the Philippines and registering
5. By cancellation of the of the the same with the Local Civil Registry in the
certificates of naturalization; place where he resides or last resided in the
6. By having been declared by competent Philippines within one year from the date of
authority, a deserter of the Philippine the approval of this Act. The said oath of
armed forces in time of war, unless allegiance shall contain, in addition, a
subsequently, a plenary pardon or renunciation of any other citizenship.
amnesty has been granted; and c. RA 2630 - rendering service to, or accepting
7. In the case of a woman, upon her commission in, the Armed Forces of the
marriage to a foreigner if, by virtue of United States, or after separation from the
the laws in force in her husband's Armed Forces of the United States, acquired
country, she acquires his nationality. United States citizenship
d. PD 725 – Filipino women who lost their
o CA No. 473 Philippine citizenship by marriage to aliens;
and natural born Filipinos who have lost their
 Cancellation of Naturalization Certificate Issued Philippine citizenship
 Upon motion by the Solicitor-General or his  Applying with the Special Committee on
representative, or by the proper provincial fiscal Naturalization created by Letter of
 Grounds: Instruction No. 270
1. If it is shown that said naturalization  Upon approval, Commission on Immigration
certificate was obtained fraudulently or and Deportation shall thereupon cancel
illegally. their certificate of registration
2. If the person naturalized shall, within the e. RA 8171 Repatriation of Filipino women who
five years next following the issuance of said lost citizenship by marriage to aliens and of
naturalization certificate, return to his natural born Filipinos, including their minor
native country or to some foreign country children, on account of political or economic
and establish his permanent residence necessity
there. ( More than one year in his native or  Provided applicant is not:
former nationality, or two years in any other 1. Person opposed to organized
foreign country prima facie evidence of government or affiliated with any
intention of taking up his permanent association or group of persons who
residence) uphold and teach doctrines opposing
3. If the petition was made on an invalid organized government;
declaration of intention; 2. Person defending or teaching the
necessity or propriety of violence,

personal assault, or association for the with law. with law.

predominance of their ideas;
3. Person convicted of crimes involving 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of
moral turpitude; or the Philippines;
4. Person suffering from mental alienation 3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino
or incurable contagious diseases. mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
 Procedure reaching the age of majority; and
 Taking the necessary oath of allegiance a. 1987 constitution
to the Republic of the Philippines and b. 1973 constitution
registration in the proper civil registry c. 1935 constitution
and in the Bureau or Immigration. d. Procedure under CA 625
 The Bureau of Immigration shall  Election must be expressed in a
thereupon cancel the pertinent alien statement
certificate of registration and issue the  Signed and sworn to by the party
certificate of identification as Filipino concerned
citizen to the repatriated citizen.  Filed with the nearest civil registry or
f. RA No. 9225 Civil Registry of Manila in case party is
a. Before RA 9225, natural-born Filipinos who absent in the Philippines.
become naturalized citizens of other  Accompanied with oath of allegiance to
countries lost their citizenship and it may the Constitution and the Government of
be re-acquired provided they took the oath the Philippines.
of allegiance under the new law. 4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with
b. After R.A. 9225, they shall retain Philippine law. (Direct naturalization)
citizenship despite having acquired foreign - Types of citizenship
citizenship provided they took the oath of 1. Natural Born
allegiance under the new law. Section 2. Natural-born citizens are those who
3. By law (direct act of congress) are citizens of the Philippines from birth without
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect
Who are citizens (Section 1) their Philippine citizenship. Those who elect
Philippine citizenship in accordance with
- Who are citizens paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed
1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the natural-born citizens.
time of the adoption of this Constitution; 2. Naturalized – not natural but become such
through judicial proceedings
Philippine bill of 1935 1973 3. Citizens by election – those who by virtue of
1902 constitution constitution certain legal provision, become such, by
That all 1. Those who are Those who are
choosing or electing Philippine citizenship at age
inhabitants of citizens of the citizens of the
the Philippine Philippine Philippines at of 21 or within reasonable time thereafter.
Islands as of Islands at the the time of the
April 11 1899, time of the adoption of this Dual/Multiple Citizenship
and their adoption of Constitution.
children born this
subsequent Constitution. Section 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the
thereto, who did national interest and shall be dealt with by law.
not to preserve
their allegiance
RA 9225 - “Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition
to the Crown of
Spain Act of 2003.”
2. Those born in - Declaration of Policy. —all Philippine citizens who
the Philippine become citizens of another country shall be
Islands of deemed not to have lost their Philippine
parents who, citizenship under the conditions of this Act.
before the - Retention of Philippine Citizenship
adoption of o Any provision of law to the contrary
notwithstanding, natural-born citizens of the
had been Philippines who have lost their Philippine
elected to citizenship by reason of their naturalization as
public office in citizens of a foreign country are hereby deemed
the Philippine
to have re-acquired Philippine citizenship upon
3. Those whose Those whose taking the following oath of allegiance to the
fathers are fathers or Republic
citizens of the mothers are o Natural-born citizens of the Philippines who,
Philippines. citizens of the
after the effectivity of this Act, become citizens
4. Those whose Those who of a foreign country shall retain their Philippine
mothers are elect Philippine citizenship upon taking the aforesaid oath.
citizens of the citizenship - Derivative Citizenship. — The unmarried child,
Philippines under 1935
whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, below
and, upon Constitution
reaching the eighteen (18) years of age, of those who re-
age of acquire Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of
majority, elect this Act shall be deemed citizens of the
5. Those who are Those who are - Civil and Political Rights and Liabilities
naturalized in naturalized in 1. Those intending to exercise their right of
accordance accordance suffrage

 Section 1, Article V of the Constitution acquire Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of

o Not otherwise disqualified by law this Act shall be deemed citizenship of the
o At least eighteen years of age, Philippines.
o Resided in the Philippines for at least one - Citizenship of a foundling
year, and in the place wherein they propose o The 1930 Hague Convention on Certain
to vote, for at least six months immediately Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality
preceding the election. Laws, while yet unratified by the Philippines, are
 RA No. 9189, “The Overseas Absentee Voting generally accepted principles of international
Act of 2003” and other existing laws; law provides that a child whose parents are both
1. Those who have lost their Filipino unknown shall have the nationality of the
citizenship in accordance with Philippine country of birth. If the child’s parentage is
laws established, its nationality shall be determined
2. Those who have expressly renounced their by the rules applicable in cases where the
Philippine citizenship and who have pledged parentage is known.
allegiance to a foreign country o The burden of proof was on private respondents
3. committed and are convicted in a final to show that petitioner is not a Filipino citizen.
judgment punishable by imprisonment of Her admission that she is a foundling did not
not less than one (1) year shift the burden to her because such status did
4. An immigrant or a permanent resident who not exclude the possibility that her parents were
do not declare that he/she shall resume Filipinos, especially as in this case where there is
actual physical permanent residence in the a high probability, if not certainty, that her
Philippines not later than three (3) years parents are Filipinos. To deny full Filipino
from approval of his/her registration citizenship to all foundlings and render them
5. declared insane or incompetent by stateless just because there may be a theoretical
competent authority chance that one among the thousands of these
2. Those seeking elective public office foundlings might be the child of not just one,
 Qualifications for holding such public office as but two, foreigners is downright discriminatory,
required by the Constitution and existing laws irrational, and unjust.
and, o Foundlings are as a class, natural-born citizens.
 at the time of the filing of the certificate of
candidacy, make a personal and sworn
renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship
before any public officer authorized to
administer an oath;
3. Those appointed to any public office
 subscribe and swear to an oath of allegiance
to the Republic of the Philippines and its duly
constituted authorities prior to their
assumption of office:
 Renounce their oath of allegiance to the
country where they took that oath;
4. Those intending to practice their profession
in the Philippines shall apply with the proper
authority for a license or permit to engage in
such practice; and
5. That right to vote or be elected or appointed
to any public office in the Philippines cannot be
exercised by, or extended to, those who:
 are candidates for or are occupying any public
office in the country of which they are
naturalized citizens; and/or
 are in active service as commissioned or non-
commissioned officers in the armed forces of
the country which they are naturalized

a. How acquired
 By birth
 By naturalization
b. Dual citizenship vs dual allegiance

Dual Citizenship Dual Allegiance

result of the concurrent situation in which a person
application of the different simultaneously owes, by
laws of two or more states, some positive act, loyalty to
a person is simultaneously two or more states.
considered a national by the
said states
Involuntary Voluntary

- Derivative citizenship - The unmarried child,

whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, below
eighteen (18) years of age, of those who re-

appropriate measures to prevent the delivery

of prohibited material to Cuba. USSR backed
down and averted the outbreak of what
would have been WWIII
o Regional Arrangements
 Collective self-defense – impliedly provided in
Art VII of Regional Arrangment in Art 52, Sec
 Ex: Organization of American States, NATO
 Attach to any member is attack against all. In
such case, assist member attacked,
individually or in concert
 Balance of Power – arrangement of affairs so
that no state shall be in position to have
absolute mastery and dominion over others. It
contributed international peace
o Aggression (UN GA Resolution 3314, Art 1 to 8)
 Use of armed force by a state against the
sovereignty territorial integrity or political
independence of another state, or in any
other manner inconsistent with the Charter of
 The First use of armed force by a State in
contravention of the Charter shall constitute
prima facie evidence of an act of aggression.
 Any of the following acts, regardless of a
declaration of war, are acts of aggression:

a. The invasion or attack by the armed forces

of a State of the territory of another State,
military occupation, or any annexation by
the use of force of the territory of another
FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE STATE (Chapters 7 State or part thereof
to 12)
1. Existence and Self-defense b. Bombardment by the armed forces of a
o Most important right, comprehensive (all other State against the territory of another State
rights are supposed to flow and be derived from or the use of any weapons by a State
it) against the territory of another State;
o Enable state to take measures, necessary to
resist any danger to its existence c. The blockade of the ports or coasts of a
o does not depend for its validity previous State by the armed forces of another State;
recognition of state or on consent of other
states d. An attack by the armed forces of a State on
o Requisites (Art 51 of UN Charter) the land, sea or air forces, or marine and air
 Only in the face of a necessity of self-defense fleets of another State;
instant, overwhelming and leaving no choice
of means and no moment for deliberation e. The use of armed forces of one State which
 Mere apprehended danger or direct threat are within the territory of another State
does not warrant use of right with the agreement of the receiving State,
 Self-defense measures must be limited by the in contravention of the conditions in
necessity and kept clearly within it agreement or any extension upon
o Elihu Root – US Secretary of War – Every act termination of the agreement;
done by the other power may be within its
territory. Yet other country threatened by the
f. The action of a State in allowing its territory,
state of facts is justified in protecting itself by
which it has placed at the disposal of
immediate war. Principle applied on the
another State, to be used by that other
State for perpetrating an act of aggression
 Germany declared war against Russia due to
against a third State;
the latter’s mobilization
 Great Britain seized Danish fleet to prevent
from falling into hands of French with whom g. The sending by or on behalf of a State of
British were then at war armed bands, groups, irregulars or
 Japan invaded Korea for fear that Russia will mercenaries, which carry out acts of armed
use it as base force against another State of such gravity
 Russia invaded Finland as measure of defense as to amount to the acts listed above, or its
against Germany substantial involvement therein
 US attacks Iraq for storing biological and
chemical weapons of mass destruction  Security Council may determine that other
intended to be used against americans acts constitute aggression
 Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 – John F Kennedy
ordered Secretary of Defense to take

 No consideration of whatever nature, whether 1. Act of self-defense

political, economic, military or otherwise, may 2. Decreed by Security Council as preventive
serve as a justification for aggression or enforcement action for maintenance of
international peace and security
 A war of aggression is a crime against 3. Agreed in treaty
international peace, giving rise to 4. Requested by sister states or from UN by
international responsibility parties to a dispute or beset by rebellion
o Intervention for humanitarian reason – like in
 No territorial acquisition or special advantage Somalia, UN may use force if contingent
resulting from aggression is or shall be military distributing food and aid if interfered
recognized as lawful o Drago Doctrine – Great Britain, Italy and
Germany established blockade against
 Definition does not prejudice the right to self- Venezuela, in order to force it to comply with
determination, freedom and independence of certain contractual and other obligations
peoples forcibly deprived of that right, owing to the blockading powers. It was
particularly peoples under colonial and racist embodied in Hague Convention, stating that
regimes or other forms of alien domination, Contracting powers agree not to have
nor the right of these peoples to struggle to recourse to armed force for the recovery of
that end and to seek and receive support contract debts claimed from the government
of one country by government of another
country as being due to its nationals
2. Sovereignty and independence
o Porter Resolution – intervention was
- Sovereignty
permitted if debtor state refused an offer to
o Supreme, uncontrollable power inherent in
arbitrate the creditor’s claim or having agreed
state by which that state is governed.
to arbitrate, prevented the agreement on the
o Power of state to commend and enforce
compromise, or having agreed thereto,
obedience, all interest are practically subject
refused to abide
and all wills subordinate.
3. Equality
o Attribute that enables the state to make its
- Early premise of international law: Sovereign
own decision vis-à-vis other states and vests it equality among all its members
with competence to enter into relations and - Montevideo Convention – states are juridically
agreements with them equal, enjoy the same rights and have equal
o 2 aspects: capacity in their exercise. The right of each one
 Internal – power of the state to direct its do not depend on power which it possesses to
domestic affairs as when it establishes its assure its exercise, but upon the simple fact of
government, enact laws for observance or its existence as person under international law
adopt economic policies - Essence is not the number of rights, as such is
 External – freedom of state to control its subject to different conditions. It means: All
own foreign affairs as when it concludes rights of state, regardless of number, must be
treaties, makes war or peace, maintain observed and respected by the international
diplomatic and commercial relations. Called community in the same manner that the rights
independence of other states are observed and respected.
- Independence Equal right to enjoy their respective attributes as
o External sovereignty members of family of nations
o Article 73, Declaration – Members of UN - Par in Parem non habet imperium – even the
administering territories whose peoples have strongest state cannot assume jurisdiction over
not yet attained a full measure of self- another state, no matter how weak, or question
governmet pledge to develop self- the validty of its acts in so far as they are made
government, take due account of political to take effect within its own territory
aspirations of these people, assist in - Factual inequality – vote of big 5 in UN, number
progressive development of members in Security Council, not equal.
o It only means freedom from restrictions that 4. Property/Territory
are binding on all states forming family of - Acquisition
nations o Discovery and Occupation
o Restricted by requirements of international  Original mode of acquisition by which
society territory not belonging to any state or terra
o Mare Liberum – prevent exclusive use of open nullius is placed under the sovereignty of
seas to detriment of other state discovering state
o Right of independence carries with it, by  May be uninhabited or habited by natives
necessary implication, the correlative duty of with rights of habitation only
non-intervention. Every state has the duty to  Open seas and outer space is res communes
refrain from intervention in the internal or – not susceptible to discovery and
external affairs of any states occupation
o Intervention – act by which a state interferes  Requisites
with the domestic or foreign affairs of another 3. Possession – formal declaration and
state or states through employment of force symbolic act of raising of national flag.
or threat of force. Lacking pressure, Inchoate title of discovery pending
involvement of state in affairs of another, even compliance to administration. Inchoate
if unsolicited, cannot be considered title of discovery bars other states from
intervention entering territory until lapse of
o Intervention not sanctioned in international reasonable period within which
relations: discovering state may establish a

settlement thereon and commence to o Multi-national – flow to different

administer it. states. Ex: Mekong River
4. Administration – o International – Navigable from open
 Island of Palmas Case – US contended sea and open to use of vessels from
ownership under the discovery by Spain, all states. Ex: Danube River
Netherlands contended ownership by virtue o Boundary – divide the territories of
of conventions with native princes. riparian state. Ex: St Lawrence River.
Arbitrator held that discovery alone without Bound by Thalweg Doctrine:
subsequent act, cannot suffice to prove Boundary line is laid on the center,
sovereignty. Inchoate title could not prevent not of the river itself but of its main
over the continuous and peaceful display of channel, dividing line follows the new
authority by another state for such display course in case of accretion or
may prevail even over a prior, definitive title erosion. If avulsion, boundary
put forward by another state. remains the same.
 Clipperton Island Case – France contended b. Bays – well-marked indentation whose
ownership but did not administer. French penetration is in such proportion to the
Navy Lieutenant perform act proclaiming width of its mouth as to contain land-
ownership, however did not leave any sign locked waters and constitute more than
of sovereignty. Arbitrator held that mere curvature of coast. If low-water
immemorial usage having force of law, marks have distance of not more than 24
besides animus occupandi, the actual and miles, considered internal waters if
not the nominal taking of possession is a enclosed in the closing line drawn from
necessary condition of occupation. Takes these low-water marks. Exception:
place only when state establishes in the Historic Bays
territory itself an organization capable of c. Territorial sea – belt of water adjacent to
making its law respected the coasts of state, excluding the internal
o Prescription waters in bays and gulfs, over which the
o Cession state claims sovereignty and jurisdiction.
o Subjugation Traditionally, reckoned 3 nautical miles
o Accretion – based on Accessio cedat principali from low-water mark
– accomplished either natural or artificial as 6. Aerial Domain – airspace above the
by gradual and imperceptible deposit of soil terrestrial domain and maritime and fluvial
on the coast domain to an unlimited altitude but not
- Loss including outer space.
o Abandonment - UN Conference on Law of the Sea
o Dereliction o Geneva (1958) – adopted Convention on
 State exercising sovereignty over it Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone,
physically withdraws from it with the Convention on High Seas and Convention on
intention of abandoning it altogether Fishing and Living Resources of High Seas,
 2 Conditions to concur: Convention on the Continental Shelf
3. Act of withdrawal o Geneva (1960) –
4. Intention to abandon o Jamaica, UN (1970) – Adopted new
o Cession – method by which territory is Convention on the Law of the Sea – provides
transferred from one state to another by the 12 miles for territorial sea, contiguous
agreement between them. Essentially zone from outer limits, and an economic zone
consensual, effected by meeting of the minds or patrimonial sea extending 2 hundred miles
and does not have to bide the actual delivery from low-water mark of coastal state
o Subjugation – having previously conquered in - Philippine Territorial Sea
the course of war, it is formally annexed to it o Based on treaty limits theory (international
at the end of that war. Conquest only confers law should recognize historic title to territorial
inchoate right, it needs formal act of waters as it recognizes historic bays)
annexation - Archipelagic Doctrine – as stated in Art I sec 1
o Prescription – no rule yet, but takes longer o All islands are considered one integrated
than that provided under municipal law whole, instead of fragmented (which will
o Erosion make the territorial seas in between as high
o Revolution seas)
o Natural causes o Archipelago – group of islands, including parts
- Composition of territory of islands, interconnecting waters and other
4. Terrestrial Domain – refers to land mass natural features which are so closely
which may be integrate, or dismembered, interrelated that such islands, graphical,
several islands. economic and political entity or which
5. Maritime and Fluvial Domain – composed of historically have been regarded as such
bodies of water within the land mass and o Embodied in 1982 Convention on the Law of
the waters adjacent to the coasts of the the Sea, with modification that archipelagic
state up to specified limit, including internal sealanes shall be designated over the internal
waters in land locked lakes, rivers, waters through which foreign vessel shall have
a. Rivers the right of passage
 Classification - Basis of Article I, 1987
o National – situated completely in the o RA 3046 as amended by RA 5446
territory of one state. Ex: Pasig River  All waters within the limits set forth in the
Treaty of Paris (Dec 10, 1898) and Treaty of

Washington, and Treaty of US and GB, have (navigation through territorial seas of
always been part of territory of Philippines state for purpose of traversing that
 All the waters around, between and sea without entering internal waters)
connecting the islands, irrespective of width or arrival under stress (involuntary
or dimension, have always been considered entrance due to lack of provisions,
as necessary appurtenances of the land, unseaworthiness of vessel, inclement
forming inland or internal waters weather, or other force majeure
 All waters beyond the outermost island but 5. Foreign armies passing through or
within the limits of the boundaries stationed in territories with its
comprise the territorial sea permission
 Baselines from which territorial sea is 6. Such other persons or property,
determined is consist of straight lines including organizations, over which it
joining appropriate points of the outermost may, by agreement, waive
islands jurisdiction
 Without prejudice to North Borneo - Can be exercised:
- Methods of defining territorial sea 1. Nationals
1. Normal baseline – territorial sea is simply 2. Terrestrial domain
drawn from the low-water mark of the 3. Maritime and fluvial domain – internal
coast, to the breadth claim, following its waters are assimilated to the land mass and
sinuusities and curvatures but excluding the subjected to the same degree of jurisdiction
internal waters in bays and gulfs exercised over terrestrial domain. Included
2. Straight baseline – straight lines are made are public vessels not engaged in
to connect appropriate points on the coast commerce. Merchant vessels, civil matters
without departing radically from its general are within the jurisdiction of the coastal
direction. May be employed in localities state, but in criminal matters, depending on
where the coastline is deeply indented or if whether:
there is a fringe of island along the coast in a. English rule – coastal state shall have
the immediate vicinity jurisdiction over all offenses committed
5. Jurisdiction on the board such vessel except when
- Authority exercised by state over persons and such do not compromise peace of port.
things within or sometimes outside its territory Applicable in the country.
- Classification: b. French rule – flag state shall have
1. Personal jurisdiction over all offenses committed
o power exercised by a state over its on the board of vessels except where
nationals, based on theory that national is compromise the peace port
entitled to the protection of his state - Continguous zones – zone of the high
wherever he may be and is bound to be seas contiguous to its territorial sea, the
obedient and maintain allegiance. coastal state may exercise control,
o Doctrine of Indelible Allegiance – Duty necessary to:
does not follow when citizen is outside 1. Prevent infringement of its customs,
his country fiscal, immigration or sanitary
o Assertion of personal jurisdiction: regulations within its territory or
 Article 15 of NCC – laws relating to territorial sea
family rights and duties, or to the 2. Punish infringement of the above
status, condition and legal capacities regulations within its territory or
are binding upon citizens even living territorial sea. (not more than 12
abroad miles from coast)
 Art 16 of NCC – intestate and 4. Continental shelf
testamentary succession shall be - seabed and subsoil of submarine areas
regulated by national law regardless adjacent to the coast but outside the area
the nature and location of the property of territorial sea, to depth of 200 meters
2. Territorial or beyond that limit to where depth of
o General rule: State has jurisdiction over superadjacent waters admits of
all persons and property within its exploitation of natural resources and to
territory seabed and subsoil of similar areas
o Necessary, exclusive and absolute, adjacent to the coasts of islands
susceptible to no limitation not imposed - Patrimonial sea – exclusive economic
by itself. zone extends 2 hundred nautical miles
o Exception (State cannot exercise from the coast or the baselines
jurisdiction even within its own territory) 5. Open seas – res communes, but a state may
1. Foreign states, heads of states, exercise jurisdiction even in open seas:
diplomatic representative and o Over its vessels
consuls to certain degree – by virtue  Lotus case
of sovereign equality of states  French steamer and Turkish vessel
2. Foreign state property, including collided on the Aegean Sea. Officers
embassies, consulates, and public were convicted by Turkish courts.
vessels (deemed extension of French contended that it has no
territory) engaged in non-commercial jurisdiction since the collision
activities happened in open sea.
3. Acts of state  Held – Case of concurrent
4. Foreign merchant vessels exercising jurisdiction. Art 11 of Convention on
the rights of innocent passage High Seas: In the event of collision,

no penal or disciplinary proceeding exemption of persons and property

may be instituted against such from local jurisdiction on the basis of
person except before judicial or international custom. Extraterritoriality
administrative authorities either of refers only to persons and is based on
the flag state or of the state of which treaty or convention
such person is a national 5. Through enjoyment of easements or
o Over pirates servitudes like easement of innocent
o In the exercise of the right of visit and passage or easement or arrival under
search stress
o Under the doctrine of hot pursuit – 6. Legation or diplomatic intercourse
pursuit must be continuous or unabated - Active right – sending diplomatic representatives
otherwise, it will be deemed to have - Passive right – receiving diplomatic
cooled and no longer be resumed. representative
6. Aerial domain – no foreign aircraft, civil or - Not a demandable right as it is purely
military may pass through the aerial domain consensual
of a state without its consent. Five air - Agents:
freedoms: 1. President – representative of the state,
1. The freedom to fly across foreign exempt from civil and criminal jurisdiction,
territory without landing except if he is the plaintiff, not subject to tax
2. The freedom to land for non-traffic and foreign currency restrictions.
purposes Ceremonial amenities are also due to him
3. The freedom to put down traffic except traveling in cognito.
originating in the state of the aircraft 2. Foreign Secretary – immediate
4. Freedom to embark traffic destined for representative of president, can make
the state of the aircraft binding declaration
5. Freedom to embark traffic destined for 3. Members of diplomatic service – handles
or to put down traffic originating in day-to-day conduct of international affairs.
third state Classifications are:
- Convention on Offenses and Certain other 1. Ambassadors/nuncios accredited to
acts Committed on Board Aircraft – it is heads of state
the state of registration of the aircraft 2. Envoys, ministers or internuncious
that has jurisdiction over offenses and accredited to heads of state
acts committed on board while it is in 3. Charges d’afffairs accredited to
flight or over the high seas or any other ministers for foreign affairs
area outside the territory of any state, o Classification important only in
except: connection with matters of protocol
1. Offense has effect on the territory of or the grant of special honors. In
such state other respects, the same
2. Offense has been committed by or prerogatives
against a national or permanent 4. Diplomatic corps – body consisting of the
resident of such state different diplomatic representatives who
3. Offense is against the security of such have been accredited to the same local or
state receiving state, headed by doyen du corps
4. Offense consists of a breach of any or oldest highest rank. Loose organization
rules or regulations relating to the without any corporate character, legal
flight or maneuver of aircraft in force power or attributes
in such state - Appointment of envoys
5. Exercise of jurisdiction is necessary to o Diplomatic Convention
ensure the observance of any  the class to which heads of their missions
obligation of such state under a are to be assigned shall be agreed upon
multilateral international agreement between the states concerned. Sending
7. Outer space – astronauts are envoys of state must make certain that the agrement
mankind, state launching object outer space of the receiving state has been given for the
retain jurisdiction, hence liable to any person it proposes to accredit as head of
damage it may cause the mission to that state.
8. Other territories – by virtue of customary or  Article 4 – receiving state is not obliged to
conventional international law give reasons for a refusal of agrement
1. Through assertion of its personal o Agreation – informal inquiries are addressed
jurisdiction over its nationals abroad or to the receiving state regarding a proposed
the exercise of its rights to punish diplomatic representative of the sending
certain offenses committed outside state. It is only when consent, also informally,
territory against its national interest that diplomatic representative is appointed
even if offenders are non-resident alien and formally accredited.
2. On the strength of its relations with o President – empowered to appoint
other states, colonial protection, ambassadors, public ministers and consuls
administer trust territory with CA confirmation. He also has exclusive
3. As consequence of the waiver of discretion to receive ambassadors duly
jurisdiction by local state over persons accredited to government
and things within its territory, like o Commencement of diplomatic mission
foreign army stationed therein  Head of mission to present his credential or
4. Through acquisition of extraterritorial when he has notified his arrival and
rights. Exterritoriality refers to the

presentation of true copy of credentials  Free act by which one or several states
before foreign ministry acknowledge that a person or a group of
 Credentials include person is capable of binding the state which
1. Letter of credence/letter de creance they claim to represent and witness their
2. Diplomatic passport intention to enter into relationship with them
3. Official instructions  may be withdrawn
4. Cipher or code book for use in sending  Kinds of government
secret communications to his government  De facto
o Diplomatic functions 1. Established by inhabitants who rise in
1. Representing the sending state in the revolt against and depose the
receiving state legitimate regime
2. Protecting in the receiving state the 2. Established in the course of war by
interests of the sending state and its invading forces of one belligerent in the
nationals territory of other belligerent,
3. Negotiating with the government of the government also displaced
receiving state 3. Established by inhabitants of a state
4. Ascertaining by all lawful means conditions who secede therefrom without
and developments in the receiving state and overthrowing its government
reporting therein to the government of the  De Jure
sending state  If no indication of the kind of recognition,
5. Promoting friendly relations between the presumption is de jure
sending and receiving state and developing  Theories/Principles
their economic, cultural and scientific 1. Tobar or Wilson Principle – recognition
relations shall not be extended to any government
6. May perform consular functions in absence established by revolution, civil war, coup
of consular mission detat or other forms of internal violence
7. May represent friendly governments on until freely elected representatives of the
request or on agreement people have organized a constitutional
o Conduct of diplomatic mission government
 Utmost discretion and tact, taking care 2. Stimson Principle – it was incumbent
always to preserve the goodwill upon members of the League of Nations
 Avoid interference with its internal affairs not to recognize any situation, treaty, or
 Not justified in pitting or aiding one political agreement which may be brought about
party against another, publicly criticizing the by means contrary to the covenant of the
policies or acts of receiving state, employing league of nations or pact of paris
threatening or offensive language 3. Estrada Doctrine – it would, as it saw fit,
 Grave consequences –sending states recall continue or terminate its relations with
their diplomatic representatives for any country in which a political upheaval
improper discharge of function had taken place, and in so doing, it does
not pronounce judgment, either
RECOGNITION precipitately or posteriori, regarding the
- Acquired elements of international personality, right of foreign nations to accept,
not automatically entitled to membership. maintain, or replace their government or
Dependent on the acknowledgement of its status authorities.
by those already within the willingness to enter  Requirement to recognition of government
into relations with it 1. Objective test – only if it is shown that it
- Membership in international community is has control of the administrative
dependent on number of states prepared to admit machinery of state with popular
it. It may be individual states or number of them acquiescence, maintain order and repel
together external aggression
- President extend recognition, and not subject to 2. Subjective test - that it is willing to
judicial review comply with its international obligations
- Recognition theories:
1. Declaratory – affirms only the pre-existing fact
that the entity being recognized already
possesses the status of international person. It
is highly political and discretionary
2. Constitutive – recognition is indispensable o belligerent community
element, mandatory and legal  Not recognized as a state or government, but
- Objects of Recognition given international personality in connection
o State with the hostilities they are waging
 Free act by which one or more states  Belligerency – inhabitants of state rise up in
acknowledge the existence on definite arms for the purpose of overthrowing the
territory of human society politically legitimate government. More serious and
organized, independent of any existing state, widespread, directed by civil government,
and capable of observing the obligations of with settled rules regarding its recognition.
international law, and by which they manifest Internal affairs
therefor their intention to consider it to a  Insurgency – initial state of belligerency,
member of international community directed by military authorities, not
 Irrevocable recognized
o Government  Any damage caused by the rebels to third
state is imputable to the legitimate

government and rebels will be prosecuted as insult which he is entitled to resent and would
ordinary criminals. Neither the legitimate nor certainly vex the peace of nations
the rebel government is allowed to exercise 3. Right to the possession of the properties of its
belligerent rights predecessor in the territory of recognizing
 Conditions to recognize belligerent state
community 4. Validate retroactively, preventing the
1. There must be organized civil government recognizing state from passing upon their
directing rebel forces legality in its own court
2. Rebel must occupy substantial portion of - Oetjen vs Central Leather Co
territory of the state o Hides in Mexico belonging to X were seized by
3. Conflict between the legitimate Carranza government, then engaged in civil war,
government and the rebels must be and sold to an American firm. X filed action to
serious, making outcome uncertain recover. No government was recognized by US.
4. The rebels must be willing and able to o When a government which originates in
observe laws of war revolution or revolt is recognized by political
 Consequences of Recognition of Belligerency department as de jure of country in which it is
1. Considered as separate state established, such recognition is retroactive in
2. For duration of the hostilities, relationship effect, and validates all the actions and conduct
between parent state, be governed by the of the government so recognized from the
laws of war. With other states, laws of commencement of its existence
neutrality o Conduct of one government cannot be
3. Troops of belligerent – prisoners of war questioned in courts of another
4. Parent state no longer liable for any
damage caused to third states by rebel Diplomatic Suite or Retinue
government - Consists of diplomatic staff, administrative and
5. Belligerents may exercise right of visit and technical staff and service staff
search upon neutral merchant vessels - Enjoys the same rights as the diplomatic staff
6. Rebel and legitimate government – in full except the immunity from civil and administrative
war status jurisdiction shall not extend to unofficial acts
7. Third states recognizing – do not bind - Private servants of the official members of the
other states which did not extend mission, not nationals or permanent residents,
recognition. enjoy only exemption from dues and taxes on their
8. Recognition of parent state – have income from the mission and such other
general and legal applicability to all other immunities and privileges as may be granted by
states the receiving state
- Kinds of recognition
1. Express
a. Verbal – official call or conference, formal
- From the moment he enters, or if already there,
the moment his appointment is notified to the
b. Writing – treaty, letter, telegram
foreign ministry
2. Implied – when recognizing state enters into
- When functions have come to an end, privileges
official intercourse with the new member by
and immunities shall normally cease from the
exchanging diplomatic representatives with it,
moment he leaves the country or on expiry on
concluding with bipartite treaty dealing,
reasonable time in which to do so
acknowledging its flag. If belligerent
- Acts performed in the exercise of his official
community, legitimate government blockades
functions, immunity shall continue indefinitely as
port held by former or when other states
it supposed to have attached not to him personally
observe neutrality. Clear recognition of:
but to the state he was presenting
a. Treat with the new state as such
- Privileges and immunities available even in
b. Accept the new government as having
transitu (when traveling through a third state on
authority to represent the state it purports
the way to or from the receiving state)
to govern and to maintain diplomatic
relations with it
c. Recognize in the case of insurgents that Termination of diplomatic mission
they are entitled to exercise belligerent - Usually same methods of terminating official
rights relations under domestic law:
- Effect of common membership in an international o Death
organization of states that have not previously o Resignation
recognized each other – deemed to recognized o Removal
each other only within the said body and not o abolition of office
elsewhere - Under International Law
- Effects of Recognition of States and Governments o Recall - demanded by receiving state when
1. Full diplomatic relations are established diplomat becomes persona non grata
except: De Facto o Dismissal
2. Recognized state or government acquires the - Others
right to sue in the courts of the recognizing o Outbreak of war between sending and receiving
state – foreign power brings an action to court states
not as a matter of right, but a creature of o Extinction of either sending or receiving states
comity. Mere breach of diplomatic relations - Change of government not disturbed if peaceful, If
does not have the effect of withdrawing the by means of violence, suspended
right to sue. To cite a foreign sovereign in
municipal courts of another state would be an

Consuls safe and useful exercise for the benefit of the body
- State agents residing abroad for various purposes politic.
but mainly in interest of commerce and navigation - Purpose:
- Not charged with duty of representing their states o To grant (consti 1) and limit (consti 2- people’s
in political matters nor are they accredited to the rights) governmental authority.
state where they are supposed to discharge their o To prescribe permanent framework of a system
functions of government
- Do not ordinarily enjoy all traditional diplomatic o To assign to the several departments their
immunities and privileges respective powers and duties
- Public officers not only by the sending but also the o To establish certain first principles on which the
receiving government is founded.
- Kinds - Written instrument agreed upon by people which
1. Consules missi – professional or career consuls are absolute rule of action and decision (Supreme
who are nationals of the appointing state and Law)
are required to devote their full time to
discharge their consular duties Classifications of Constitution
2. Consules electi – may not be nationals of a. based on extent of observance
appointing state and perform their consular 1. Normative-Norms directs governmental action
functions only in addition to their regular 2. Nominal- not yet operative due to socio-
callings economic conditions. Educational.
- Classification under Consular Convention 3. Semantic- Tool for the perpetuation of power.
according to importance b. As to form
1. Consul general 1. Written
2. Consul – embodied in one document
3. Vice-consul 2. Unwritt
4. Consular agent en – not integrated into one single concrete
- Appointment: Derive their authority from 2 form but are scattered in various sources
principal sources c. As to manner of adaption
1. Letter patent/letter de provision – commission 1. Enacted
issued by sending state /Conventional – formally struck off at a definite
2. Exequatur – authority given to them by the time and place following a conscious or
receiving state to exercise their duties therein deliberate effort taken by a constituent
- Severance of diplomatic relations shall not ipso body/ruler
facto involve severance of consular relations and 2. Evolved/
vice versa Cumulative – result of political evolution,
- Consent to establish diplomatic relations implies, changing by accretion rather than systematic
unless otherwise stated, consent to establish method.
consular relations d. As to manner of ratification
- Functions 1. Rigid –
1. Duties pertaining to commerce and navigation one which can be amended by a formal and
a. Principal duty: Promote commercial interest usually difficult process
of their country in the receiving state, observe 2. Flexible
trend and report to home government – Changed by ordinary legislation
b. Visiting and inspecting vessels of their own
state, exercising measure of supervision over Essential Parts of Good Written Constitution
such vessels 1. Constitution of government- sets up the
2. Issuance of visas and passports government structure, enumerating its powers,
3. Protection of nationals laying down certain rules relative to its
a. Authenticate documents administration and defining the electorate.
b. Solemnize marriages 2. Constitution of Liberty- provisions which
c. Register births and deaths guarantee fundamental civil and political
d. Temporarily administer the estates of rights/liberties against government abuse
deceased nationals 3. Constitution of Sovereignty-outline the process
e. Visit arrested or detained and assist them in whereby sovereign people may change the
the proceedings constitution
- Termination of consular mission
1. Usual mode: Removal, resignation, death, Constitutional Law
expiration of term - Body of rules resulting from the interpretation by
2. Exequatur may be withdrawn by appointing or high court of cases in which the validity has been
receiving state challenged.
3. War – consulate is closed and archives are
sealed, left in the custody of caretaker Constitutionalism in the Philippines
1. Malolos Constitution
2. Treaty of Paris
3. Organic Laws under American Period
THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION a. McKinley’s instruction to 2nd Phil Commission
(April 7, 1900)
Constitution b. Spooner Amendment (1901) – Office of Civil
- written instrument enacted by direct action of the Governor was created and the authority of
people by which the fundamental powers of the military governor was transferred to civil
government are established, limited, defined and governor.
distributed among several departments for their c. Philippine Bill of 1902

d. Jones Law/Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916

4. Japanese Occupation Revision Amendment
 January 2, 1942 A change that alters a basic Change that adds, reduces or
principle in the constitution deletes without altering the
5. Tydings-McDuffie Law – 1935 or alters the substantial basic principle involved.
Constitution/Commonwealth Government. entirety of the constitution.
 July 30,1934 to February 8,1935, first draft on Affects several provisions of Affects specific provision
May 14,1935, operative on November 15,1935. constitution being changed.
July 4, 1946-declaration of independence
6. 1973 Constitution- - 2-part test
 Mar 16 2967- Resolution 2 as amended by 4 a. Quantitative test – whether the proposed
(6/17/1969) to call convention to proposed change is so extensive in its provisions as to
amendments change directly the substantive entirety. It
 June 1 1971- Constitutional convention started considers the number of provisions affected
 Sept 21 1972-Martial law b. Qualitative test – inquires into the qualitative
 Nov 29, 1972-convention approved proposed effects of the proposed change in the nature of
consti basic governmental plan as to amount revision.
 Nov 30 1972- PD 73 to ratify/reject by people
 Jan 15 1973-plebiscite but was rescheduled by Self-Executing vs non-executing provisions – See
Gen order 20 Nachura
 Jan 17, 1973- Proc 1102 ratification of
constitution Rules on Interpretation - See Nachura
7. Freedom Constitution – Proclamation No 3
 Feb 8, 1986-Snap Election GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
 Feb 15 1986 – declaration of winner
 Feb 22 1986- start of EDSA revolution State Immunity
 Feb 25 1986- Corazon Aquino was declared pres
by Claudio Teehankee Article XVI General Provisions
8. 1987 Constitution SECTION 3. The State may not be sued without its
 30-50 members-natural-born citizens consent.
 June 1 1986-Oct 15 1986
 Feb 2 1987-plebiscite Suit against a State –

Amendments vs Revision When there is consent

a. Express
Section 1. Any amendment to, or revision of, this 1. Money claims arising from contracts
Constitution may be proposed by: o Act 3083 - adjudicate claims for
compensation for personal injury or
(1) The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths of all property damage arising out of or resulting
its Members; or from a nuclear incident. No action, suit or
(2) A constitutional convention. proceeding for compensation for personal
injury or property damage arising out of or
Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution may resulting from a nuclear incident may be
likewise be directly proposed by the people through instituted against the designer,
initiative upon a petition of at least twelve per manufacturer, contractor and/or supplier of
centum of the total number of registered voters, of nuclear equipment, and all such claims for
which every legislative district must be represented compensation shall be filed with the
by at least three per centum of the registered voters Nuclear Indemnity Board
therein. No amendment under this section shall be o CA 327 as amended by PD 1445, S26
authorized within five years following the ratification  it is the COA which has primary
of this Constitution nor oftener than once every five jurisdiction over money claims against
years thereafter. government agencies and
The Congress shall provide for the implementation of instrumentalities.
the exercise of this right.  examination, audit, and settlement of all
debts and claims of any sort due from or
Section 3. The Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds owing to the:
of all its Members, call a constitutional convention,  Government or any of its subdivisions,
or by a majority vote of all its Members, submit to agencies and instrumentalities.
the electorate the question of calling such a  government-owned or controlled
convention. corporations, including their
Section 4. Any amendment to, or revision of, this  Other self-governing boards,
Constitution under Section 1 hereof shall be valid commissions, or agencies of the
when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a Government
plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than sixty  Non-governmental entities subsidized
days nor later than ninety days after the approval of by the government,
such amendment or revision.  Those funded by donations through
Any amendment under Section 2 hereof shall be the government
valid when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in  Those required to pay levies or
a plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than sixty government share, and
days nor later than ninety days after the certification  those for which the government has
by the Commission on Elections of the sufficiency of put up a counterpart fund or those
the petition. partly funded by the government

2. Torts committed by special agents  based on the principle of equality

o NCC Art. 2180. The obligation imposed by of states: par in parent non habet
Article 2176 is demandable not only for imperium
one's own acts or omissions, but also for  This perfect equality and absolute
those of persons for whom one is independence of sovereigns, and
responsible. this common interest impelling
o The State is responsible in like manner them to mutual intercourse have
when it acts through a special agent; but given rise to a class of cases in
not when the damage has been caused by which every sovereign is
the official to whom the task done properly understood to waive the exercise of
pertains, in which case what is provided in a part of that complete exclusive
Article 2176 (Quasi-delict) shall be territorial jurisdiction, which has
applicable. been stated to be the attribute of
3. Incorporated government agencies every nation.
(unincorporated agencies exercising  Immunity came to be reserved only
proprietary functions may be sued) for acts jure imperii (governmental
b. Implied acts) but not for acts jure gestionis
1. Government submits itself to the jurisdiction (trading and commercial acts). It
of the court by filing a complaint includes contract which relates to
2. Government entering into business contracts the exercise of its sovereign
3. Inequitable for government to claim functions
immunity  Jure gestionis is no longer exempt
since States engage in commercial
Suits against municipal corporations activities and, enter into
competition with their own
RA 7160, S22. Corporate Powers. – (a) Every local nationals and with foreigners. State
government unit, as a corporation, shall have the may be said to have descended to
following powers: the level of an individual and can
(1) To have continuous succession in its corporate thus be deemed to have tacitly
name; given its consent to be sued only
(2) To sue and be sued; when it enters into business
(3) To have and use a corporate seal; contracts. Examples:
(4) To acquire and convey real or personal property;  hiring of a cook in the
(5) To enter into contracts; and recreation center catering to
(6) To exercise such other powers as are granted to American servicemen and the
corporations, subject to the limitations provided in general public at the John Hay
this Code and other laws. Air Station in Baguio City
 bidding for the operation of
RA 7160, S24. Liability for Damages. – Local barber shops in Clark Air Base
government units and their officials are not exempt  Guidelines in determining acts jure
from liability for death or injury to persons or gestionis - whether the foreign
damage to property. state is engaged in the activity in
the regular course of business. If
- Immunity from jurisdiction the foreign state is not engaged
o General rule - jurisdiction within its territory regularly in a business or trade, the
is complete and absolute. particular act or transaction must
o Exceptions: then be tested by its nature. If the
1. Sovereign immunity – includes: act is in pursuit of a sovereign
a. Immunity of head of state activity, or an incident thereof,
 Mighell v. Sultan of Johore – Sultan then it is an act jure imperii,
was sued for breach of promise to especially when it is not
marry (private matter). Case was undertaken for gain or profit.
dismissed as immunity is absolute.  How a state claim sovereign
 The Pinochet Case - General immunity:
Augusto Pinochet led a 1973  requests the Foreign Office of
military coup that overthrew the state where it is sued to
democratically-elected Chilean convey to the court that said
President Salvador Allende. During defendant is entitled to
his 17-year dictatorship, thousands immunity
more were killed, tortured or  In Phil - foreign government or
exiled. British law lords ruled that the international organization
Pinochet did not enjoy immunity to first secure an executive
from prosecution as a former head endorsement of its claim of
of state and could be extradited to sovereign or diplomatic
Spain. Former head of state enjoys immunity
only immunity ratione materiae in 2. Diplomatic and consular immunities
relation to acts done by him as a. Diplomatic immunities - Diplomats are
head of state as part of his official concerned with the political relations
functions as head of state. of states
b. State Immunity  Definitions
 the "head of the mission ” is the
person charged by the sending

State with the duty of acting in  The receiving State is under

that capacity; a special duty to take all
 the “members of the mission” appropriate steps to protect
are the head of the mission and the premises of the mission
the members of the staff of the against any intrusion or
mission; damage and to prevent any
 the “members of the staff of disturbance of the peace of
the mission ” are the members the mission or impairment
of the diplomatic staff, of the of its dignity.
administrative and technical  Immune from search,
staff and of the service staff of requisition, attachment or
the mission; execution.
 the “members of the diplomatic 2. Tax exemptions
staff" are the members of the  Exempt from all national,
staff of the mission having regional or municipal dues
diplomatic rank; and premises taxes other
 a “diplomatic agent" is the head than such as represent
of the mission or a member of payment for specific
the diplomatic staff of the services rendered.
mission;  Not apply to such dues and
 the “members of the taxes payable under the law
administrative and technical of the receiving State by
staff" are the members of the persons contracting with the
staff of the mission employed in sending State or the head of
the administrative and technical the mission.
service of the mission; 3. The archives and documents of
 the “members of the service the mission shall be inviolable
staff" are the members of the at any time and wherever they
staff of the mission in the may be.
domestic service of the mission;  The receiving State shall
 a “private servant” is a person permit and protect free
who is in the domestic service communication on the part
of a member of the mission and of the mission for all official
who is not an employee of the purposes. Mission may
sending State; employ all appropriate
 the “premises of the mission" means, including diplomatic
are the buildings or parts of couriers and messages in
buildings and the land ancillary code or cipher including a
thereto, irrespective of wireless transmitter if
ownership, used for the consented by receiving
purposes of the mission State.
including the residence of the  The official correspondence
head of the mission. of the mission shall be
 The functions of the diplomatic inviolable.
mission:  The diplomatic bag shall not
1. representing the sending State be opened or detained.
in the receiving State;  The packages constituting
2. protecting in the receiving the diplomatic bag must
State the interests of the bear visible external marks
sending State and of its of their character and may
nationals, within the limits contain only diplomatic
permitted by international law; documents or articles
3. negotiating with the intended for official use.
Government of the receiving  The diplomatic courier, who
State; shall be provided with an
4. ascertaining by all lawful official document indicating
means conditions and his status and the number of
developments in the receiving packages constituting the
State, and reporting thereon to diplomatic bag, shall be
the Government of the sending protected by the receiving
State; State in the performance of
5. promoting friendly relations his functions. He shall enjoy
between the sending State and personal inviolability and
the receiving State, and shall not be liable to any
developing their economic, form of arrest or detention.
cultural and scientific relations.  The sending State or the
 Rights and privileges of the mission may designate
diplomatic mission: diplomatic couriers ad hoc.
1. The premises of the  A diplomatic bag may be
mission shall be entrusted to the captain of a
inviolable. commercial aircraft

scheduled to land at an Article 37 may be waived by

authorized port of entry. He the sending State.
shall not be considered to 1. Waiver must always be
be a diplomatic courier. express.
 Rights and privileges of the 2. It can be in estoppel.
diplomatic Agents: 3. Waiver of immunity
1. The person of a diplomatic from jurisdiction not
agent shall be inviolable (from deemed waiver of
arrest or detention) immunity in respect of
2. The private residence, his the execution of the
papers, correspondence and, judgment, for which a
except Article 31 par 3 and separate waiver shall be
property of a diplomatic agent necessary.
shall enjoy the same 4. With respect to services
inviolability and protection as rendered for the sending State,
the premises of the mission. exempt from social security
3. A diplomatic agent shall enjoy provisions of receiving State.
immunity from the criminal  Shall also apply to private
jurisdiction of the receiving servants solely employed by
State and from its civil and diplomatic agent, provided:
administrative jurisdiction 1. that they are not
 Except nationals of or
a. a real action relating to permanently resident in
private immovable the receiving State;
property situated in the 2. that they are covered by
territory of the the social security
receiving State, unless provisions which may be
he holds it on behalf of in force in the sending
the sending State for State or a third State.
the purposes of the 5. Exempt from all dues and
mission taxes, personal or real,
b. an action relating to national, regional or municipal
succession in which the  Exceptions:
diplomatic agent is 1. Indirect taxes of a kind
involved as executor, which are normally
administrator, heir or incorporated in the
legatee as a private price of goods or
person and not on services;
behalf of the sending 2. dues and taxes on
State; private immovable
c. An action relating to any property situated in the
professional or territory of the receiving
commercial activity State, unless he holds it
exercised by the on behalf of the sending
diplomatic agent in the State for the purposes
receiving State outside of the mission
his official functions. 3. estate, succession or
 A diplomatic agent is not inheritance duties levied
obliged to give evidence as a by the receiving State
witness. 4. dues and taxes on
 No measures of execution private income of source
may be taken in respect of a is in receiving State and
diplomatic agent except: capital taxes on
i. in the cases coming investments made in
under sub-paragraphs commercial
ii. Provided that the undertakings in the
measures concerned can receiving State;
be taken without 5. charges levied for
infringing the specific services
inviolability of his person rendered;
or of his residence. 6. registration, court or
 The immunity of a record fees, mortgage
diplomatic agent from the dues and stamp duty,
jurisdiction of the receiving with respect to
State does not exempt him immovable property,
from the jurisdiction of the subject to the provisions
sending State. of Article 23.
 The immunity from  May be given permit entry
jurisdiction of diplomatic of and grant exemption
agents and of persons from all customs duties,
enjoying immunity under taxes, and related charges
other than charges for

storage, cartage and similar performed in the exercise of

services, on: his functions.
1. articles for the official 6. Members of the staff of the
use of the mission; mission and private servants
2. articles for the personal who are nationals of or
use of a diplomatic permanently resident in the
agent or members of his receiving State shall enjoy
family forming part of privileges and immunities only
his household, including to the extent admitted by the
articles intended for his receiving State.
establishment.  Privileges and immunities shall
3. The personal baggage of enjoy them from the moment he
a diplomatic agent shall enters the territory of the receiving
be exempt from State on proceeding to take up his
inspection, unless there post or, when his appointment is
are serious grounds for notified to the Ministry for Foreign
having it inspected. Affairs or such other ministry as
 Rights and privileges of members may be agreed.
of family of a diplomatic agent:  Normally cease at the moment
1. If they are not nationals of the when he leaves the country, or on
receiving State, enjoy the expiry of a reasonable period
privileges and immunities b. Consuls and consular immunities –
specified in Articles 29 to 36 Concerned on administrative and
2. Members of the administrative economic issues such as the issuance
and technical staff of the of visas
mission, together with  Consular functions:
members of their families a. Protecting in the receiving
forming part of their respective State the interests of the
households, shall, if they are sending State and of its
not nationals of or nationals, both individuals and
permanently resident in the bodies corporate, within the
receiving State, enjoy the limits permitted by
privileges and immunities international law;
specified in Articles 29 to 35, b. promoting friendly relations
except that no immunity from and furthering the
civil and administrative development of commercial,
jurisdiction of the receiving economic, cultural and
State if acts performed outside scientific relations between the
the course of their duties. They sending State and the receiving
shall also enjoy the privileges State.
specified in Article 36, c. Ascertain and report by all
paragraph 1, in respect of lawful means conditions and
articles imported at the time of developments in the
first installation. commercial, economic, cultural
3. Members of the service staff of and scientific life of the
the mission who are not receiving State
nationals of or permanently d. issuing passports and travel
resident in the receiving State documents to nationals of the
shall enjoy immunity in respect sending State, and visas or
of acts performed in the course appropriate documents to
of their duties, exemption from persons wishing to travel to the
dues and taxes on the sending State;
emoluments they receive by e. helping and assisting nationals,
reason of their employment both individuals and bodies
and the exemption contained corporate, of the sending State;
in Article 33. f. Acting as notary and civil
4. Private servants of members of registrar and other certain
the mission, be exempt from functions of an administrative
dues and taxes on the nature
emoluments they receive by g. safeguarding the interests of
reason of their employment. In nationals, in cases of
other respects, they may enjoy succession mortis causa
privileges and immunities only h. safeguarding, the interests of
to the extent admitted by the minors and other persons
receiving State. lacking full capacity
5. A diplomatic agent who is a i. Representation for nationals of
national of or permanently the sending State before the
resident in that State shall tribunals and other authorities
enjoy only immunity from of the receiving State, including
jurisdiction, and inviolability, in provisional measures for the
respect of official acts preservation of the rights and
interests of these nationals,

j. transmitting judicial and  Consular officers shall have

extrajudicial documents or the right to visit a national
executing letters rogatory or of the sending State who is
commissions to take evidence in prison, custody or
for the courts of the sending detention, to converse and
State correspond with him and to
k. exercising rights of supervision arrange for his legal
and inspection in respect of representation.
vessels and aircrafts having the 4. Personal inviolability of
nationality of the sending Officers
State, including crew.  Not be liable to arrest or
l. Extending assistance to vessels detention pending trial,
and aircraft, taking, examining, except in the case of a grave
and stamping statements crime
regarding the voyage of a 5. Consular officers and consular
vessel employees shall not be
m. Any other functions not amenable to the jurisdiction of
prohibited by the laws and the judicial or administrative
regulations of the receiving authorities of the receiving
State State in respect of acts
 The head of a consular post is performed in the exercise of
admitted by an authorization from consular functions, except:
the receiving State termed an  arising out of a contract
exequatur. concluded by a consular
 Rights and privileges of all officer or a consular
members of consular post. employee in which he did
1. Freedom from movement not contract expressly or
2. Freedom of communication impliedly as an agent of the
 employ all appropriate sending State;
means, including diplomatic  By a third party for damage
or consular couriers, arising from an accident in
diplomatic or consular bags the receiving State caused
and messages in code or by a vehicle, vessel or
cipher aircraft.
 official correspondence of 6. Members of a consular post
the consular post shall be may be called upon to attend
inviolable as witnesses. A consular
 The consular bag shall be employee or a member of the
neither opened nor service staff shall not, except
detained in the cases mentioned in
 The packages constituting paragraph 3 of this Article,
the consular bag shall bear decline to give evidence.
visible external marks of 7. Immunity of International
their character and may Organizations
contain only official
correspondence and - The Act of State Doctrine
documents or articles a. Every sovereign state is bound to respect the
intended exclusively for independence of every other sovereign state,
official use and the courts of one country will not sit in
3. Communication and Contact judgment on the acts of the government of
with Nationals of Sending State another, done within its own territory. Redress
 Consular officers shall be of grievances by reason of such acts must be
free to communicate with obtained through the means open to be availed
nationals of the sending of by sovereign powers as between themselves.
State and to have access to b. Rule not of international law but of judicial
them. Nationals of the restraint in domestic law whereby courts refrain
sending State shall have the from making decisions in deference to the
same freedom with respect executive who is the principal architect of
to communication with and foreign relations.
access to consular officers of c. It arises out of the basic relationships between
the sending State; branches of government in a system of
 Competent authorities of separation of powers.
the receiving State shall, d. Alfred Dunhill of London, Inc. v. Cuba - The issue
without delay, inform the was whether the failure of Cuba to return to
consular post of the sending Dunhill funds mistakenly paid by Dunhill for
State if, within its consular cigars that had been sold to Dunhill by certain
district, a national of that expropriated Cuban cigar businesses was an “act
State is arrested or of state” by Cuba precluding an affirmative
committed to prison or to judgment against respondents. Ruling: an act of
custody pending trial or is state should not be extended to include the
detained in any other repudiation of a purely commercial obligation

owed by a foreign sovereign or by one of its  Diplomatic immunity is political question and
commercial instrumentalities. courts should refuse to look beyond
e. Kirkpatrick Co. v. Environmental Tectonics Corp - determination by the executive branch
Nigerian government contracted Kirkpatrick for  Where the plea of immunity is recognized and
the construction and equipment of an affirmed by the executive branch, it is the duty
aeromedical center at Kaduna Air Force Base in of the courts to accept this claim so as not to
Nigeria. Environmental Tectonics Corporation, embarrass the executive arm of the
an unsuccessful bidder upon learning that government in conducting the country’s
Kirkpatrick had bribed Nigerian officials in foreign relations
winning the contract, brought the matter to 3. Inviolability of diplomatic premises
Nigerian Air Force and to the United States  May not enter except with the consent of the
Embassy in Lagos. Charges was initiated against head of mission
Kirkpatrick for violations of the Foreign Corrupt  Receiving state has special duty to take all
Practices Act of 1977. The defendants moved to appropriate steps to protect the premise of
dismiss due to act of state doctrine. Court ruled the mission against any intrusion or damage,
that the act of state doctrine is not applicable disturbance of peace or impairment of its
where the validity of a foreign government act is dignity
not in issue. Acts of foreign sovereigns taken  Premises, furnishings and other property
within their own jurisdictions shall be deemed thereon shall be immune from search,
valid. requisition, attachment or execution
 Franchise de l’hotel – derived from principle
Suits against foreign states of exterritoriality, extending immunity from
a. Diplomatic local law to the diplomatic premises, including
envoy’s offices, residence, out-buildings,
o Reason: Fiction of exterritoriality by which he was means of transportation, compound where
considered an extension of the state he was these are found.
representing  Except: clear and urgent necessity to take
1. Personal inviolability forcible measures to arrest any person (Sun
 attack on them is serious offense Yat Sen arrest in the Chinese legation in
 Not liable to any form of arrest or detention London)
 Treatment – full respect, take all appropriate 4. Inviolability of archives
steps to prevent any attack on his person,  Receiving state has no right to pry into official
freedom or dignity papers and records of a foreign diplomatic
 RA 75 – any person who assaults, strikes, mission
wounds, imprisons, or in any other manner  True even in case of armed conflict, archives
offers violence to person of ambassador or must remain sealed and may not be
public minister, in violation of the law of confiscated by local state
nations with imprisonment for not more than 5. Inviolability of Communication
3 years, fine not exceeding 200 pesos (does  Right to free communication is recognized and
not include honor) protected by international law
2. Immunity from jurisdiction  May employ all appropriate means, including
 Civil, criminal and administrative jurisdiction, diplomatic couriers and messages in code and
except: ciphers
a.Real action relating to private immovable  Shall not be opened or detained,
property situated in the territory of the  Diplomatic courier carrying the diplomatic bag
receiving state, unless he holds it on behalf shall be protected by the receiving state in the
of the sending state for the purposes of performance of his functions, enjoy personal
mission inviolability and not be liable to any form of
b.Action relating to succession in which the arrest or detention
diplomatic agent is involved as executor, 6. Exemption from testimonial duties
administrator, heir or legatee as a private  Not obliged to give evidence as a witness
person and not on behalf of sending state  Not prohibited by international law from
c. Action relating to any professional or doing so, and may waive this privilege when
commercial activity exercised by the authorized by his government
diplomatic agent in the receiving state 7. Exemption from taxation
outside his official functions Personal baggage is also free from inspection
 Immunity may be waived expressly by the unless there are serious grounds for presuming
sending state or the head of mission that it contains articles not exempt from
 Waived impliedly, person entitled to immunity customs duties
commences proceedings in local state
8. Other privileges
 Waiver of immunity from jurisdiction in
 Receiving state shall ensure to all members of
respect of civil or administrative proceedings
mission freedom of movement and travel in
shall not be held to imply waiver of immunity
its territory
in respect of execution of judgment, separate
 Exempt from personal services, public services
waiver is necessary
of any kind, military obligation, requisitioning,
 RA 75 – writ of process sued out or
military contributions and billeting
prosecuted by any person in any court,
 Right to use the flag and emblem of the
whereby the person of any ambassador or
sending state on the premises of the mission,
public minister of any foreign state, any
residence and on his means of transport
domestic servant of any such ambassador is
arrested or imprisoned, or his goods, shall be
b. Consular
deemed void

- Charter identifies what the “important

- Immunities and Privileges questions” are and the GA may, by a
1. Right to official communication and may majority vote, identify other important
correspond with home government by means of questions.
codes or cipher without being subjected to - Meets in regular annual session beginning
censorship or unreasonable restraint 3rd Sunday of September, or Special session
2. Inviolability of their archives, may not be at the call of majority or request of SC
examined or seized (but not to extend to - Functions:
consular premises themselves, where legal 1. Deliberative – initiating studies and
processes may be served and arrests made making recommendations toward the
without violation of international law) progressive development of international
3. Exempt from local jurisdiction for crimes law, and its codification and
committed in the discharge of their official recommending measures for the peaceful
functions. But for comity, usually not prosecuted adjustment of any situation which impair
for minor offenses and given adequate general welfare or friendly relations
opportunity to secure release on bail among nations
4. Immunity from suit if performed in the course of 2. Supervisory – receiving and considering
official duties annual and special reports from the other
5. Exempted from taxation, customs duties, service organ, making recommendations for the
in the militia, social security coordination of their various functions
6. Privileges to display their national flag and and approving trusteeship agreements in
insignia non-strategic areas
3. Financial – approval of budget of the
Suits against International Agencies Organization, apportionment of expenses,
- Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa v. The approval of financial arrangements
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) - IRRI 4. Elective – election of non-permanent
was created not by a treaty but by a members of SC, Economic and Social
Memorandum of Agreement between the Council, Trusteeship Council, including
Philippine Government and the Rockefeller and concurrence with SC, Secretary-General
Ford Foundations. By PD, IRRI was granted the and judges of ICJ
status, prerogatives, privileges and immunities of 5. Constituent – admission of members and
an international organization. The Supreme Court amendment of the Charter
has consistently recognized the immunity granted 2. the Security Council
declaring it to be on the same footing as the - primary responsibility for the maintenance
International Catholic Migration Commission. of international peace and security
- DFA vs NLRB - issue was whether the National - 15 member states consisting of:
Labor Relations Commission could assume o Permanent – Big five (China, France,
jurisdiction over a case of illegal dismissal against Russia [in place of the former USSR],
ADB. Court upheld the immunity, as per ADB’s United Kingdom and the US).
Charter: Article 50(1) - The Bank shall enjoy o Elected - for two year terms (5 from
immunity from every form of legal process, African and Asian States, 2 from Latin
except in cases arising out of or in connection Americas, 2 Western European, 1 Eastern
with the exercise of its powers to borrow money, European)
to guarantee obligations, or to buy and sell or - power of double veto - decision on whether
underwrite the sale of securities. a matter is procedural or not also requires
- Diplomatic immunity is essentially a political the concurrence of the permanent
question and courts should refuse to look beyond members, again decide for its merit.
a determination by the executive branch of the - abstention on non-procedural question is
government, duty of the courts to accept the not considered a veto
claim of immunity upon appropriate suggestion - Chairmanship – rotated every calendar
by the principal law officer of the government month on the basis of English Alphabetical
- Jeffrey Liang (Hue Feng) v. People - criminal Order
complaint against Jeffrey Liang, an ADB official, - Yalta Formula devised at Crimea Conference
for grave oral defamation. Court ruled that the – guided the voting under Art 27
immunity granted to officers and staff of the ADB o Each member, 1 vote with distinction
was not absolute; but limited to acts performed made between Big Five and non-
in an official capacity and could not cover the permanent members
commission of a crime o Matters that are not procedural require
nine affirmative votes, including the
Convention of the Privileges and Immunities of UN “concurring votes of the permanent
Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations members
- Principal organs o Procedural Matters – decided by
1. General Assembly affirmative vote of any nine or more
- All members are represented (not more members
than 5 plus 5 alternates and technical staff  Relating to organization and meetings
as it may need), plenary powers to discuss  Establishment of subsidiary organs
any question or any matters within the  Participation of states parties to a
scope of the ... Charter. dispute in discussion of organs
- Important questions are decided by a two-  Maintaining or restoring world peace
thirds majority of the members voting and o No SC allowed to vote on pacific
present. “Other questions” require only a settlement of dispute to which it is a
majority. party

- Approves trusteeship agreements in recommendation of the Security Council,

strategic areas and performs voting and subject to veto power. He is the chief
constituent functions, those relating to administrator and has the power to “bring
admission, discipline of members of UN, to the attention of the Security Council
election of judges, and amendment of - Secretary General – entitled full diplomatic
charter immunities and privileges that only SC can
3. the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) waive. He can waive those of other key-
- Originally 18 members, enlarged to 27, then officials
to 54 member states elected for three year - Duty to bring to the attention of SC any
terms matter which in his opinion may threaten
- large number of subsidiary organs, including international peace and security, the same
UN Commission on Human Rights and the he may personally mediate upon authority
Commission on the Status of Women of SC
- Exerts efforts toward: - Secretary in all meetings of GA, SC, ESC, TC
1. Higher standards of living, full - Prepares budget for submission to GA,
employment, and conditions of provides technical facilities to different
economic and social progress and organs
2. Solutions of international economic, Subsidiary Organs – those created by or in
social, health and related problems, accordance with the charter
and international cultural and
1. Military staff committee
educational cooperation
2. International Law Commission
3. Universal respect for, and observance
3. Commission on Human Rights
of, human rights and fundamental
freedoms for all without distinction as
Specialized Agencies – Not part of UN but brought
to race, sex, language or religion
4. the Trusteeship Council into close contact because of their purposes and
- supervises non-self governing territories functions.
- Assist SC and GA 1. WHO
- Consider reports submitted by the 2. IMF
administering authorities, accept petitions 3. Technical assistance Board
and examine them in consultation with
administering authorities Other Agencies
- Provide for periodic visits to trust territories - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
at times agreed upon with administering Organization (UNESCO)
authorities - The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- Take such action in conformity with the - World Health Organization (WHO)
terms of questionnaire on political, - Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
economic, social, and educational - World Bank
advancement of inhabitants of trust - International Monetary Fund (IMF).
- Composed of:
Regional Organizations: ASEAN
1. Members of UN administering trust
territories - Established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand,
2. Permanent members of SC not under Bangkok Declaration
administering trust territories - Members:
3. Many other members elected for 3 year o five original Member Countries namely
term by GA to ensure that total number Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore
of members is equally divided between and Thailand.
members of UN administering trust o Brunei Darussalam - 8 January 1984.
territories and those which do not o Vietnam - 28 July 1995.
5. the International Court of Justice (ICJ) o Laos and Myanmar - 23 July 1997.
- principal judicial organ of the UN o Cambodia - 1999.
- All members are ipso facto parties to the - Effort to promote economic cooperation and the
statute welfare of the people in the region.
- Non-member may become party on - 3 main objectives
conditions to be determined in each case by 1. to promote the economic, social and cultural
GA upon recommendation of SC development of the region through
- 15 members, elected by absolute majority cooperative programs;
vote in GA and SC 2. to safeguard the political and economic
- Those with high-moral character, possess stability of the region against big power rivalry;
qualifications required in their respective 3. to serve as a forum for the resolution of
countries for appointed to their highest intraregional differences.
judicial offices, or juriconsult of recognized - Aims and purposes of the Association
competence in international law 1. to accelerate economic growth, social progress
- No 2 members belong to the same state, and cultured development in the region
eldest shall be considered elected 2. to promote regional peace and stability
6. The Secretariat. through abiding respect for justice and the
- shall comprise a Secretary General and such rule of law in the relationship among countries
staff required in the region and adherence to the principles
- Secretary General is elected to a five year of the United Nations Charter.
term by the General Assembly upon the - Three pillars

1. ASEAN Security Community, may provide, consistent with the basic

2. ASEAN Economic Community policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, fees,
3. ASEAN Socio- Cultural Community. and charges shall accrue exclusively to the
- Fundamental principles under Treaty of Amity and local governments.
Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC): 5. Rule-making powers of Con Comm
1. mutual respect for the independence, o Article IX-A S6 - Each Commission en banc
sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and may promulgate its own rules concerning
national identity of all nations; pleadings and practice before it or before
2. the right of every State to lead its national any of its offices. Such rules however shall
existence free from external interference, not diminish, increase, or modify
subversion or coercion; substantive rights.
3. non-interference in the internal affairs of one o Article IX-C S3 - The Commission on
another; Elections may sit en banc or in two
4. settlement of differences or disputes by divisions, and shall promulgate its rules of
peaceful manner; — renunciation of the threat procedure in order to expedite disposition
or use of force; and — effective cooperation of election cases, including pre-
among themselves. proclamation controversies. All such
election cases shall be heard and decided
Delegation of Powers in division, provided that motions for
reconsideration of decisions shall be
- GR: What has been delegated cannot be delegated. decided by the Commission en banc.
- Exceptions: o Article IX-D S2(2) - The Commission shall
a. Direct constitutional grant have exclusive authority, subject to the
1. Tariff powers to the president limitations in this Article, to define the
o Article VI S28(2) - The Congress may, by scope of its audit and examination,
law, authorize the President to fix within establish the techniques and methods
specified limits, and subject to such required therefor, and promulgate
limitations and restrictions as it may accounting and auditing rules and
impose, tariff rates, import and export regulations, including those for the
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and prevention and disallowance of irregular,
other duties or imposts within the unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or
framework of the national development unconscionable expenditures, or uses of
program of the Government. government funds and properties.
2. Emergency powers to the president 6. Delegation to CHR
o Article VI S23(2) - In times of war or other o Article XIII S18 - CHR powers and
national emergency, the Congress may, by functions:
law, authorize the President, for a limited 1. Investigate, on its own or on complaint
period and subject to such restrictions as by any party, all forms of human rights
it may prescribe, to exercise powers violations involving civil and political
necessary and proper to carry out a rights;
declared national policy. Unless sooner 2. Adopt its operational guidelines and
withdrawn by resolution of the Congress, rules of procedure, and cite for
such powers shall cease upon the next contempt for violations thereof in
adjournment thereof. accordance with the Rules of Court;
o Article XII S12. The State shall promote the 3. Provide appropriate legal measures for
preferential use of Filipino labor, domestic the protection of human rights of all
materials and locally produced goods, and persons within the Philippines, as well
adopt measures that help make them as Filipinos residing abroad, and
competitive provide for preventive measures and
3. Rule-making power of the SC legal aid services to the
o Article VIII S5(5) - Promulgate rules underprivileged whose human rights
concerning the protection and have been violated or need protection;
enforcement of constitutional rights, 4. Exercise visitorial powers over jails,
pleading, practice, and procedure in all prisons, or detention facilities;
courts, the admission to the practice of 5. Establish a continuing program of
law, the Integrated Bar, and legal research, education, and information
assistance to the underprivileged. Such to enhance respect for the primacy of
rules shall provide a simplified and human rights;
inexpensive procedure for the speedy 6. Recommend to the Congress effective
disposition of cases, shall be uniform for measures to promote human rights
all courts of the same grade, and shall not and to provide for compensation to
diminish, increase, or modify substantive victims of violations of human rights,
rights. Rules of procedure of special courts or their families;
and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain 7. Monitor the Philippine Government’s
effective unless disapproved by the compliance with international treaty
Supreme Court. obligations on human rights;
4. Delegation to LGU 8. Grant immunity from prosecution to
o Article X S5 - Each local government unit any person whose testimony or whose
shall have the power to create its own possession of documents or other
sources of revenues and to levy taxes, evidence is necessary or convenient to
fees, and charges subject to such determine the truth in any
guidelines and limitations as the Congress

investigation conducted by it or under

its authority;
9. Request the assistance of any
department, bureau, office, or
10. Appoint its officers and employees in
accordance with law; and
11. Perform such other duties and STATE PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES
functions as may be provided by law.
b. Legislative grant Preamble
1. Delegation to administrative bodies (rule-
making power) We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid
2. Delegation to LGU (ordinances as of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
subordinate legislation) humane society, and establish a Government that
o Police power shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
 Police power proper the common good, conserve and develop our
 General welfare clause patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
o Eminent Domain: Genuine necessity for posterity, the blessings of independence and
the taking democracy under the rule of law and a regime of
o Taxation: Expressly granted by law truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
- Test for due delegation do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
o Completeness test - Not a source of right
o Sufficient standard test - Purpose:
1. Sets the origin, scope, and purpose of the
Separation of powers/Checks and balance – See constitution
Nachura 2. Useful in ambiguous provisions
- Authorship-filipino people
- Use of first person, we, stresses active and
sovereign role.
- Almighty God- more personal, more consonant
with personalist Filipino religiousity. Show that God
and people do not separate even Church and State
- Common good- projects idea of social order that
enables full development of each citizen.
- Equality- emphasizes problem in inequality
- Love- monument for February Revolution
- Truth- protest against deception of previous regime
- Peace- convergence of truth, justice, freedom and
- Rule of law- officials have authority given by law,
defined by law and with consent of people.

Article II – Declaration of Principles and State

- Statement of basic ideological principles and
policies that underlie the constitution.
- Shed light to meaning of other provisions and a
- Principles – binding rules which must be observed
in the conduct of the government.
- Policy- guidelines for orientation of the state

Section 1 - The Philippines is a democratic and

republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people
and all government authority emanates from them.
- Manifestation of Democracy and Republicanism
1. Rule of Majority
2. Rule of Law
3. Elections through popular will
4. Existence of Bill of Rights

Section 2 - The Philippines renounces war as an

instrument of national policy, adopts the generally
accepted principles of international law as part of
the law of the land and adheres to the policy of
peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and
amity with all nations.
1. Renunciation of war
o Inspiration is the Kellog-Briand Pact of
o Adherence to Art2(4) of UN Charter to refrain
from threat or use of force against territorial

integrity/political independence or any other period to be determined by the Congress, if

matter inconsistent with the purposes of the the invasion or rebellion shall persist and
united nations public safety requires it.
2. Incorporation Clause – Adopt generally  The Supreme Court may review, in an
accepted principles of international law appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen,
oImplicit is the dualist view of legal systems the sufficiency of the factual basis of the
(domestic and international law) proclamation of martial law or the suspension
oBoth systems exist in different spheres, and to of the privilege of the writ or the extension
make international law part of the other thereof, and must promulgate its decision
(municipal), it has to be incorprorated thereon within thirty days from its filing.
therein.  A state of martial law does not suspend the
oTheory of transformation- international law is operation of the Constitution, nor supplant
transformed to domestic law through the functioning of the civil courts or
constitutional machinery. legislative assemblies, nor authorize the
oTheory of incorporation- through specific conferment of jurisdiction on military courts
declaration that it has the same effect as and agencies over civilians where civil courts
domestic law are able to function, nor automatically
oScope of international law: Ratified treaties suspend the privilege of the writ.
part of customary laws, and customary laws  The suspension of the privilege of the writ
oTo determine what to be accepted shall be shall apply only to persons judicially charged
determined by courts for rebellion or offenses inherent in or directly
3. Adherence to policy of peace, freedom and connected with the invasion.
amity  During the suspension of the privilege of the
oGuiding foreign policy is national interest with writ, any person thus arrested or detained
concern for equality, peace, freedom and shall be judicially charged within three days,
justice otherwise he shall be released.
oEstablish diplomatic consular, trade, cultural - AFP in Active Service – Art XVI 5(4)
relations oNo member of the armed forces in the active
service shall, at any time, be appointed or
Section 3 Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme designated in any capacity to a civilian position in
over the military. The Armed Forces of the the Government including GOCCs or any of their
Philippines is the protector of the people and the subsidiaries.
State. Its goal is to secure the sovereignty of the - Respect for people’s rights – Art XVI 5(2)
State and the integrity of the national territory. oThe State shall strengthen the patriotic spirit and
- Civilian authority and role of military nationalist consciousness of the military, and
o Explicitly emphasize the supremacy of civilian respect for people’s rights in the performance of
authority (as a result of 1973 consti) their duty
- Role of armed forces
o Put down the positive role of military as Section 4 The prime duty of the Government is to
protector of people and state (secure sovereignty serve and protect the people. The Government may
and integrity of national territory) call upon the people to defend the State and, in the
o Express disapproval of abuses during the period fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required,
of authoritarianism under conditions provided by law, to render
o Act as corrective to military abuses and not an personal, military or civil service.
assertion of political role unless civilian authority
has lost legitimacy Section 5 The maintenance of peace and order, the
- Commander-in-Chief Clause – Art VII S18 protection of life, liberty, and property, and
o Calling out Power - Whenever it becomes promotion of the general welfare are essential for
necessary, he may call out such armed forces to the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of
prevent or suppress: democracy.
 Lawless violence - Compulsory military and civil service for protection
 Invasion or rebellion of people and state
 Suspension of the privilege of the writ of oPeople-centered than national-security centered
habeas corpus or place the Philippines or any oConsequence of government to defend the state,
part thereof under martial law reciprocal to defend life, liberty and property of
1.When the public safety requires it the citizen.
2.For a period not exceeding 60 days
3.Within 48 hours from the proclamation of Section 6. The separation of Church and State shall
martial law or the suspension of the be inviolable.
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the - Freedom of Religion - Art III S5. No law shall be
President shall submit a report in person or made respecting an establishment of religion, or
in writing to the Congress. prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free
4.The Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of at exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and
least a majority of all its Members in regular worship, without discrimination or preference,
or special session, may revoke such shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be
proclamation or suspension, which required for the exercise of civil or political rights.
revocation shall not be set aside by the - Ban on sects as political party - Art IX-C S2(5)
President. Religious denominations and sects shall not be
5.Upon the initiative of the President, the registered.
Congress may, in the same manner, extend - No sectoral representative from religious sector –
such proclamation or suspension for a Art VI, S5 (2) The party-list representatives shall
constitute twenty per centum of the total number

of representatives including those under the party not be renewed or extended without the
list. For three consecutive terms after the concurrence of at least two-thirds of all the
ratification of this Constitution, one-half of the Members of the Senate.
seats allocated to party-list representatives shall be oArt XVIII S25 After the expiration in 1991 of the
filled, as provided by law, by selection or election Agreement between the Republic of the
from the labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous Philippines and the United States of America
cultural communities, women, youth, and such concerning Military Bases, foreign military bases,
other sectors as may be provided by law, except troops, or facilities shall not be allowed in the
the religious sector. Philippines except under a treaty duly concurred
- Tax exemption of churches – Art VI S28(3) - in by the Senate and, when the Congress so
Charitable institutions, churches and parsonages or requires, ratified by a majority of the votes cast
convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non- by the people in a national referendum held for
profit cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and that purpose, and recognized as a treaty by the
improvements, actually, directly, and exclusively other contracting State.
used for religious, charitable, or educational
purposes shall be exempt from taxation. Section 8. The Philippines, consistent with the
- Non-appropriation for sects Art VI S29 (2) No national interest, adopts and pursues a policy of
public money or property shall be appropriated, freedom from nuclear weapons in its territory.
applied, paid, or employed, directly or indirectly, - Ban is only nuclear arms, processing, controlling,
for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, testing, manufacturing, or dumping nuclear waste
denomination, sectarian institution, or system of - Deviation from this policy must be justified on the
religion, or of any priest, preacher, minister, or basis of national interest/desired for peace
other religious teacher, or dignitary as such,
except: Section 9. The State shall promote a just and
o when such priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity
is assigned to the: and independence of the nation and free the
 armed forces, or people from poverty through policies that provide
 to any penal institution, or adequate social services, promote full employment,
 government orphanage or leprosarium a rising standard of living, and an improved quality
- Optional religious instruction – Art XIV S3(3) At the of life for all.
option expressed in writing by the parents or
guardians, religion shall be allowed to be taught to Just and Dynamic Social Order
their children or wards in public elementary and 1. Social Justice
high schools within the regular class hours by Section 10. The State shall promote social justice
instructors designated or approved by the religious in all phases of national development.
authorities of the religion to which the children or o poverty and gross inequality assault the dignity
wards belong, without additional cost to the of human person
Government. o social justice- equalization of economic,
- Filipino ownership for schools – Art XIV S4(2) political, social opportunities
o Educational institutions shall be owned solely by o duty of the state to tilt the balance of social
citizens of the Philippines or corporations or forces by favoring the disadavantaged life
associations at least sixty per centum of the o Art XII S1
capital of which is owned by such citizens.  Goals of the national economy
Except:  More equitable distribution of
 Established by religious groups and mission opportunities, income, and wealth;
boards  A sustained increase in the amount of
o The Congress may, however, require increased goods and services produced by the
Filipino equity participation in all educational nation for the benefit of the people; and
institutions.  an expanding productivity as the key to
o The control and administration of educational raising the quality of life for all,
institutions shall be vested in citizens of the especially the underprivileged.
Philippines.  Promotion of industrialization and full
o No educational institution shall be established employment based on
exclusively for aliens and no group of aliens shall  sound agricultural development and
comprise more than one-third of the enrollment agrarian reform,
in any school. Except:  through industries that make full and
 Schools established for foreign diplomatic efficient use of human and natural
personnel and their dependents and, resources, and which are competitive in
 For other foreign temporary residents (there both domestic and foreign markets.
must be a law)  Protect Filipino enterprises against
unfair foreign competition and trade
Policies: practices.
 Private enterprises, shall be encouraged to
Section 7 The State shall pursue an independent broaden the base of their ownership.
foreign policy. In its relations with other states, the 2. Respect for human dignity and human rights
paramount consideration shall be national Section 11. The State values the dignity of every
sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest, human person and guarantees full respect for
and the right to self-determination. human rights.
- Independent foreign policy – closest reference is o Art XIII S1 - The Congress shall give highest
the military bases priority to the enactment of measures that
o Art XVIII S4 All existing treaties or international protect and enhance the right of all the people
agreements which have not been ratified shall to human dignity, reduce social, economic, and

political inequalities, and remove cultural conditions, taking into account their maternal
inequities by equitably diffusing wealth and functions, and such facilities and opportunities
political power for the common good. that will enhance their welfare and enable
o Commission on Human Rights them to realize their full potential in the service
o Art XIII S17 - Creation of CHR of the nation.
 Composition - Chairman and four Members 4. Promotion of Health and Ecology
 Qualification - Natural-born citizens of the Section 15. The State shall protect and promote
Philippines and a majority of whom shall be the right to health of the people and instill
members of the Bar. health consciousness among them.
 The term of office and other qualifications
and disabilities of the Members of the Section 16. The State shall protect and advance
Commission shall be provided by law. the right of the people to a balanced and
 The approved annual appropriations of the healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
Commission shall be automatically and harmony of nature.
regularly released. o Art XIII S11 - The State shall adopt an integrated
o Art XIII S18 - Powers and functions of CHR and comprehensive approach to health
1. Investigate, on its own or on complaint by development which shall endeavor to make
any party, all forms of human rights essential goods, health and other social
violations involving civil and political rights; services available to all the people at affordable
2. Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of cost. There shall be priority for the needs of the
procedure, and cite for contempt for underprivileged sick, elderly, disabled, women,
violations thereof in accordance with the and children. The State shall endeavor to
Rules of Court; provide free medical care to paupers.
3. Provide appropriate legal measures for the o Art XIII S12 - The State shall establish and
protection of human rights of all persons maintain an effective food and drug regulatory
within the Philippines, as well as Filipinos system and undertake appropriate health
residing abroad, and provide for preventive manpower development and research,
measures and legal aid services to the responsive to the country’s health needs and
underprivileged whose human rights have problems.
been violated or need protection; o Art XIII S13 - The State shall establish a special
4. Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons, agency for disabled persons for rehabilitation,
or detention facilities; self-development and self-reliance, and their
5. Establish a continuing program of research, integration into the mainstream of society.
education, and information to enhance 5. Priority to education, science and technology,
respect for the primacy of human rights; arts, culture, and sports
6. Recommend to the Congress effective Section 17. The State shall give priority to
measures to promote human rights and to education, science and technology, arts, culture,
provide for compensation to victims of and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism,
violations of human rights, or their families; accelerate social progress, and promote total
7. Monitor the Philippine Government’s human liberation and development.
compliance with international treaty o Art XIV
obligations on human rights;  Protect and promote the right of all citizens to
8. Grant immunity from prosecution to any quality education at all levels and shall take
person whose testimony or whose appropriate steps to make such education
possession of documents or other evidence accessible to all. (S1)
is necessary or convenient to determine the  Establish, maintain, and support a complete,
truth in any investigation conducted by it or adequate, and integrated system of education
under its authority; relevant to the needs of the people and
9. Request the assistance of any department, society;
bureau, office, or agency in the  Establish and maintain a system of free public
performance of its functions; education in the elementary and high school
10. Appoint its officers and employees in levels. Without limiting the natural right of
accordance with law; and parents to rear their children, elementary
11. Perform such other duties and functions as education is compulsory for all children of
may be provided by law. school age;
o Art XIII S19 - The Congress may provide for  Establish and maintain a system of
other cases of violations of human rights that scholarship grants, student loan programs,
should fall within the authority of the subsidies, and other incentives for deserving
Commission, taking into account its students in both public and private schools,
recommendations. especially to the underprivileged;
3. Role of Women and Equality of Men and Women  Encourage non-formal, informal, and
Section 14. The State recognizes the role of indigenous learning systems, as well as self-
women in nation-building, and shall ensure the learning, independent, and out-of-school
fundamental equality before the law of women study programs
and men.  Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-
o Does not intent to abrogate absolutely as there of-school youth with training in civics,
are biological differences (fundamental equality vocational efficiency, and other skills.
only)  Curricula
o Self- implementing to repeal all anti-feminist  Study of the Constitution
and discriminatory laws  Inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster
o Art XIII S14 - The State shall protect working love of humanity, respect for human rights,
women by providing safe and healthful working appreciation of the role of national heroes

in the historical development of the major regional languages, Arabic, and

country, teach the rights and duties of Spanish.
citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual  Congress shall establish a national language
values, develop moral character and commission for the development,
personal discipline, encourage critical and propagation, and preservation of Filipino
creative thinking, broaden scientific and and other languages.
technological knowledge, and promote  Science and Technology
vocational efficiency.  Priority to research and development,
 Religious instruction may be allowed. invention, innovation, and their utilization;
and to science and technology education,
 Regulation of educational institution training, and services. It shall support
 Exercise reasonable supervision and indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant
regulation of all educational institutions. scientific and technological capabilities, and
 Ownership and management requirement their application to the country’s productive
 Tax exemption systems and national life.
 All revenues and assets of non-stock,  Congress may provide for incentives,
non-profit educational institutions used including tax deductions, to encourage
actually, directly, and exclusively for private participation in programs of basic
educational purposes shall be exempt and applied scientific research. Scholarships,
from taxes and duties. grants-in-aid, or other forms of incentives
 Proprietary educational institutions, shall be provided to deserving science
including those cooperatively owned, students, researchers, scientists, inventors,
may likewise be entitled to such technologists, and specially gifted citizens.
exemptions subject to the limitations  The State shall regulate the transfer and
provided by law including restrictions on promote the adaptation of technology from
dividends and provisions for all sources for the national benefit.
reinvestment.  Protect and secure the exclusive rights of
 Subject to conditions prescribed by law, scientists, inventors, artists, and other gifted
all grants, endowments, donations, or citizens to their intellectual property and
contributions used actually, directly, and creations, particularly when beneficial to
exclusively for educational purposes the people, for such period as may be
shall be exempt from tax. provided by law.
 The State shall take into account regional  Arts and Culture
and sectoral needs and conditions and shall  Foster the preservation, enrichment, and
encourage local planning in the dynamic evolution of a Filipino national
development of educational policies and culture based on the principle of unity in
programs. diversity in a climate of free artistic and
 Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all intellectual expression.
institutions of higher learning.  Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of
 Every citizen has a right to select a the State. The State shall conserve,
profession or course of study, subject to fair, promote, and popularize the nation’s
reasonable, and equitable admission and historical and cultural heritage and
academic requirements. resources, as well as artistic creations.
 The State shall enhance the right of  All the country’s artistic and historic wealth
teachers to professional advancement. Non- constitutes the cultural treasure of the
teaching academic and non-academic nation and shall be under the protection of
personnel shall enjoy the protection of the the State which may regulate its disposition.
State.  Recognize, respect, and protect the rights of
 The State shall assign the highest budgetary indigenous cultural communities to
priority to education and ensure that preserve and develop their cultures,
teaching will attract and retain its rightful traditions, and institutions.
share of the best available talents through  Ensure equal access to cultural
adequate remuneration and other means of opportunities through the educational
job satisfaction and fulfillment. system, public or private cultural entities,
 Language scholarships, grants and other incentives,
 National language of the Philippines is and community cultural centers, and other
Filipino. public venues.
 Government shall take steps to initiate and  Encourage and support researches and
sustain the use of Filipino as a medium of studies on the arts and culture.
official communication and as language of  Sports
instruction in the educational system.  Promote physical education and encourage
 Official languages of the Philippines are sports programs, league competitions, and
Filipino and, until otherwise provided by amateur sports, including training for
law, English. international competitions, to foster self-
 The regional languages are the auxiliary discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the
official languages in the regions development of a healthy and alert
 Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a citizenry.
voluntary and optional basis.  All educational institutions shall undertake
 Constitution shall be promulgated in Filipino regular sports activities throughout the
and English and shall be translated into country in cooperation with athletic clubs
and other sectors.

6. Protection of Labor disposition or utilization of other natural

Section 18. The State affirms labor as a primary resources, subject to prior rights, homestead
social economic force. It shall protect the rights rights of small settlers, and the rights of
of workers and promote their welfare. indigenous communities to their ancestral
o Art XIII S3 lands. The State may resettle landless farmers
 The State shall afford full protection to labor, and farmworkers in its own agricultural estates
local and overseas, organized and which shall be distributed to them in the
unorganized, and promote full employment manner provided by law.
and equality of employment opportunities for o Art XIII S7 - Protect the rights of subsistence
all. fishermen, especially of local communities, to
 Rights of all workers to self-organization, the preferential use of local marine and fishing
collective bargaining and negotiations, and resources, both inland and offshore and also
peaceful concerted activities, including the against foreign intrusion. It shall provide
right to strike in accordance with law. support to such fishermen through appropriate
 Security of tenure, humane conditions of technology and research, adequate financial,
work, and a living wage. production, and marketing assistance, and
 Co-determination - Participate in policy and other services.
decision-making processes affecting their o Art XIII S8. The State shall provide incentives to
rights and benefits as may be provided by law. landowners to invest the proceeds of the
 Principle of shared responsibility between agrarian reform program to promote
workers and employers industrialization, employment creation, and
 Preferential use of voluntary modes in settling privatization of public sector enterprises.
disputes, including conciliation, and shall Financial instruments used as payment for their
enforce their mutual compliance therewith to lands shall be honored as equity in enterprises
foster industrial peace. of their choice.
 Regulate the relations between workers and 9. Role of People’s organization
employers, recognizing the right of labor to its Section 23. The State shall encourage non-
just share in the fruits of production and the governmental, community-based, or sectoral
right of enterprises to reasonable returns on organizations that promote the welfare of the
investments, and to expansion and growth. nation.
7. Self-Reliant and independent economic order o Art XIII S15 - To enable the people to pursue
Section 19. The State shall develop a self-reliant and protect, within the democratic framework,
and independent national economy effectively their legitimate and collective interests and
controlled by Filipinos. aspirations through peaceful and lawful means.
o People’s organizations are bona fide
Section 20. The State recognizes the associations of citizens with demonstrated
indispensable role of the private sector, capacity to promote the public interest and
encourages private enterprise, and provides with identifiable leadership, membership, and
incentives to needed investments. structure.
o Primacy of human factor over non human o Art XIII S16 - The right of the people and their
factor organizations to effective and reasonable
o Any doubt must resolve in favor of self reliance participation at all levels of social, political, and
and independence and in favor or Filipinos economic decision-making shall not be
abridged. The State shall, by law, facilitate the
8. Reform in Agriculture and other natural establishment of adequate consultation
resources mechanisms.
Section 21. The State shall promote 10. Urban land reform (Art XIII)
comprehensive rural development and agrarian o S9 - Urban land reform and housing which will
reform. make available at affordable cost decent
o Art XIII S4 - agrarian reform program founded housing and basic services to underprivileged
on the right of farmers and regular and homeless citizens in urban centers and
farmworkers, who are landless, to own directly resettlements areas. Promote adequate
or collectively the lands they till or, in the case employment opportunities to such citizens.
of other farmworkers, to receive a just share of o S10. Urban or rural poor dwellers shall not be
the fruits thereof. Just distribution of all evicted nor their dwellings demolished, except
agricultural lands, subject to such priorities and in accordance with law and in a just and
reasonable retention limits as the Congress humane manner. No resettlement of urban or
may prescribe, and payment of just rural dwellers shall be undertaken without
compensation. Provide incentives for voluntary adequate consultation with them and the
land-sharing. communities where they are to be relocated.
o Art XIII S5 - Right of farmers, farmworkers, and
landowners, as well as cooperatives, and other The Family and Role of the Youth
independent farmers’ organizations to
participate in the planning, organization, and 1. Protection of Family as basic social institution
management of the program, and shall provide Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of
support to agriculture through appropriate family life and shall protect and strengthen the
technology and research, and adequate family as a basic autonomous social institution.
financial, production, marketing, and other It shall equally protect the life of the mother
support services. and the life of the unborn from conception. The
o Art XIII S6 - The State shall apply the principles natural and primary right and duty of parents in
of agrarian reform or stewardship, whenever the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and
applicable in accordance with law, in the

the development of moral character shall  S5. All members of the armed forces shall take
receive the support of the Government. an oath or affirmation to uphold and defend
o Art XV this Constitution.
 S1. Filipino family as the foundation of the  Professionalism in the armed forces and
nation. adequate remuneration and benefits of its
 S2. Marriage, as an inviolable social members shall be a prime concern of the State.
institution, is the foundation of the family and  The armed forces shall be insulated from
shall be protected by the State. partisan politics and shall not engage directly or
 S3. The State shall defend: indirectly in any partisan political activity,
1. The right of spouses to found a family in except to vote.
accordance with their religious convictions  No member of the armed forces in the active
and the demands of responsible service shall, at any time, be appointed or
parenthood; designated in any capacity to a civilian position
2. The right of children to assistance, including in the Government including GOCC or any of
proper care and nutrition, and special their subsidiaries.
protection from all forms of neglect, abuse,  Laws on retirement of military officers shall not
cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions allow extension of their service.
prejudicial to their development;  The officers and men of the regular force of the
armed forces shall be recruited proportionately
3. The right of the family to a family living from all provinces and cities as far as
wage and income; and practicable.
4. The right of families or family associations  The tour of duty of the Chief of Staff of the
to participate in the planning and armed forces shall not exceed three years.
implementation of policies and programs However, in times of war or other national
that affect them. emergency declared by the Congress, the
 S4. The family has the duty to care for its President may extend such tour of duty.
elderly members but the State may also do so  S6.Police force - civilian in character controlled by
through just programs of social security. a national police commission. The authority of
o FC local executives over the police units in their
o PD 603 Child and Youth Welfare Act jurisdiction shall be provided by law
o RA 7610 – Child Abuse  S7. The State shall provide immediate and
o RA 9262 – VAWC adequate care, benefits, and other forms of
2. Protection of mother and unborn assistance to war veterans and veterans of
o Family and unborn military campaigns, their surviving spouses and
 Family-stable heterosexual relationship and orphans. Funds shall be provided therefor and
anterior to the state due consideration shall be given them in the
 Not an assertion of legal personality of the disposition of agricultural lands of the public
unborn, and not placed at the level of the life domain and, in appropriate cases, in the
of the mother. But the inception of life begins utilization of natural resources.
at conception.  S8. The State shall, from time to time, review to
 Prevent the liberalization of abortion laws. upgrade the pensions and other benefits due to
3. Natural and primary right and duty of parents retirees of both the government and the private
4. Role of youth in nation-building sectors.
Section 13. The State recognizes the vital role of  S9. The State shall protect consumers from trade
the youth in nation-building and shall promote malpractices and from substandard or hazardous
and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, products.
intellectual, and social well-being. It shall  S10. The State shall provide the policy
inculcate in the youth patriotism and environment for the full development of Filipino
nationalism, and encourage their involvement in capability and the emergence of communication
public and civic affairs. structures suitable to the needs and aspirations
of the nation and the balanced flow of
Communication and Information in nation building information into, out of, and across the country,
in accordance with a policy that respects the
Section 24. The State recognizes the vital role of freedom of speech and of the press.
communication and information in nation-building.  S11. Mass media and Advertising
o Art XVI  Ownership - limited to citizens of the
 S1. The flag - as consecrated and honored by the Philippines, or to corporations, cooperatives or
people and recognized by law. associations, wholly-owned and managed by
 S2. The Congress may, by law, and ratified by such citizens.
people in national referendum, adopt a new  Congress shall regulate or prohibit monopolies
name for the country, a national anthem, or a in commercial mass media when the public
national seal, which shall all be truly reflective interest so requires.
and symbolic of the ideals, history, and traditions  The advertising industry is impressed with
of the people. public interest, and shall be regulated by law
 S3. The State may not be sued without its for the protection of consumers and the
consent. promotion of the general welfare.
 S4. The Armed Forces of the Philippines  Only Filipino citizens or corporations or
 Shall be composed of a citizen armed force associations at least seventy per centum of the
which shall undergo military training and serve, capital of which is owned by such citizens shall
as may be provided by law. be allowed to engage in the advertising

 The participation of foreign investors in the personal information in the custody of the
governing body of entities in such industry shall office, must not disclose that information
be limited to their proportionate share in the except when authorized under this order or
capital thereof, and all the executive and pursuant to existing laws, rules or regulation.
managing officers of such entities must be  S8. People’s Freedom to Information (FOI)
citizens of the Philippines. Manual.
o Art XVIII S23. Ownership and management (a) The location and contact information of the
requirement of Advertising entities shall have five head, regional, provincial, and field offices, and
years from its ratification to comply other established places where the public can
o EO 2 Operationalizing in executive branch the obtain information or submit requests;
people’s constitutional right to information and the (b) The person or office responsible for receiving
state policies to full public disclosure and requests for information;
transparency in the public service and providing (c) The procedure for the filing and processing of
guidance therefor the request as specified in the succeeding section
 S1. Definition 8 of this Order.
 “Information” - records, documents, papers, (d) The standard forms for the submission of
reports, letters, contracts, minutes and requests and for the proper acknowledgment of
transcripts of official meetings, maps, books, requests;
photographs, data, research materials, films, (e) The process for the disposition of requests;
sound and video recording, magnetic or other (f) The procedure for the administrative appeal of
tapes, electronic data, computer stored data, any denial for access to information; and
any other like or similar data or materials (g) The schedule of applicable fees.
recorded, stored or archived in whatever  S9. Procedure.
format, whether offline or online, which are  Submit a written request to the government
made, received, or kept in or under the control office concerned. No request shall be denied or
and custody of any government office pursuant refused acceptance unless the reason for the
to law, executive order, and rules and request is contrary to law, existing rules and
regulations or in connection with the regulations or it is one of the exceptions
performance or transaction of official business contained in the inventory or updated
by any government office. inventory of exception as hereinabove
 “Official record/records” - information provided.
produced or received by a public officer or  The public official receiving the request shall
employee, or by a government office in an provide reasonable assistance, free of charge
official capacity or pursuant to a public function  The government office shall respond to a
or duty. request fully compliant with requirements of
 “Public record/records” shall include sub-section (a) hereof as soon as practicable
information required by laws, executive orders, but not exceeding fifteen (15) working days
rules, or regulations to be entered, kept and from the receipt thereof. It can be extended
made publicly available by a government office. upon notice but in no case shall the extension
 S2. Coverage. all government offices under the go beyond twenty (20) working days unless
Executive Branch including GOCCs, and state exceptional circumstances warrant a longer
universities and colleges. Local government units period.
(LGUs) are encouraged to observe and be guided  S10. Fees. Government offices shall not charge
by this Order. any fee for accepting requests for access to
 S3. Access to information. information except reasonable fee to reimburse
 S4. Exception. – Those enshrined in the necessary costs of reproduction and copying of
Constitution, existing law or jurisprudence. the information required.
 S5. Availability of SALN.  S11. Not be required to act upon an
 S6. Legal presumption in favor of access to unreasonable subsequent identical or
information, public records and official records. substantially similar request from the same
No request for information shall be denied unless requesting party whose request has already been
it clearly falls under any of the exceptions listed previously granted or denied by the same
in the inventory as determined by the Head of government office.
the Office which is in custody or control of the  S12. Notice of Denial within fifteen (15) working
information, public record or official record, or days from the receipt of the request, in writing,
the responsible central or field officer duly setting forth the ground or grounds for denial
designated by him in writing. and the circumstances on which the denial is
 S7. Protection of Privacy. based.
1. Each government office shall ensure that  S13. Remedies in Cases of Denial of Request for
personal information in its custody or under Access to Information.
its control is disclosed or released only if it is  Appeal to the person or office next higher in
material or relevant to the subject-matter of the authority within fifteen (15) working days
the request and its disclosure is permissible from the notice of denial or from the lapse of
under this order or existing law, rules or the relevant period to respond to the request.
regulations;  Upon exhaustion of administrative appeal
2. Each government office must protect remedies, the requesting part may file the
personal information in its custody or control appropriate case in the proper courts in
by making reasonable security arrangements accordance with the Rules of Court.
against leaks or premature disclosure  S14. Keeping of Records.
3. Any employee, official or director of a  S15. Administrative Liability. Failure to comply
government office per Section 2 hereof who with the provisions of this Order may be a ground
has access, authorized or unauthorized, to for administrative and disciplinary sanctions

catastrophes, the State shall endeavor to

Rights to Indigenous Cultural Communities resettle the displaced ICCs/IPs in suitable
areas where they can have temporary life
Section 22. The State recognizes and promotes the support system: Should their ancestral
rights of indigenous cultural communities within domain cease to exist and normalcy and
the framework of national unity and development. safety of the previous settlements are not
- Art VI S5(2) - The party-list representatives shall possible, displaced ICCs/IPs shall enjoy
constitute twenty per centum of the total number security of tenure over lands to which they
of representatives including those under the party have been resettled:
list. For three consecutive terms after the e. Right to Regulate Entry of Migrants
ratification of this Constitution, one-half of the f. Right to Safe and Clean Air and Water
seats allocated to party-list representatives shall be g. Right to Claim Parts of Reservations. - except
filled, as provided by law, by selection or election those reserved and intended for common and
from the labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous public welfare and service; and
cultural communities, women, youth, and such h. Right to Resolve Conflict. - Right to resolve
other sectors as may be provided by law, except land conflicts in accordance with customary
the religious sector. laws
- Art XII S5. The State, subject to the provisions of  S8. Rights to Ancestral Lands
this Constitution and national development a. Right to transfer land/property. -to/among
policies and programs, shall protect the rights of members of the same ICCs/IPs, subject to
indigenous cultural communities to their ancestral customary laws and traditions of the
lands to ensure their economic, social, and cultural community concerned.
well-being. The Congress may provide for the b. Right to Redemption. - In cases where it is
applicability of customary laws governing property shown that the transfer of land/property
rights or relations in determining the ownership rights by virtue of any agreement or devise, to
and extent of ancestral domain a non-member of the concerned ICCs/IPs is
- S6. The State shall apply the principles of agrarian tainted by the vitiated consent of the
reform or stewardship, whenever applicable in ICCs/IPs,or is transferred for an
accordance with law, in the disposition or unconscionable consideration or price, the
utilization of other natural resources, including transferor ICC/IP shall have the right to
lands of the public domain under lease or redeem the same within a period not
concession suitable to agriculture, subject to prior exceeding fifteen (15) years from the date of
rights, homestead rights of small settlers, and the transfer.
rights of indigenous communities to their ancestral  S13. Self-Governance and self-determination and
lands. The State may resettle landless farmers and respects the integrity of their values, practices
farmworkers in its own agricultural estates which and institutions.
shall be distributed to them in the manner  S14. Support for Autonomous Regions. –
provided by law.  S15. the right to use their Justice System, Conflict
- Art XIV S14. The State shall foster the preservation, Resolution Institutions and Peace Building
enrichment, and dynamic evolution of a Filipino Processes and as may be compatible with the
national culture based on the principle of unity in national legal system and with internationally
diversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual recognized human rights.
expression.  S16. Right to Participate in Decision -Making. in
- Art XVI S12. The Congress may create a matters which may affect their rights, lives and
consultative body to advise the President on destinies. State shall ensure that the ICCs/IPs
policies affecting indigenous cultural communities, shall be given mandatory representation in
the majority of the members of which shall come policy-making bodies and other local legislative
from such communities. councils.
- RA 8371 The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997  S17. Right to Determine and Decide Priorities for
 S4. Concept of Ancestral Lands/Domains. - Development
Ancestral lands/domains shall include such  S18. Tribal Barangays. - The ICCs/IPs living in
concepts of territories which cover not only the contiguous areas or communities where they
physical environment but the total environment form the predominant population but which are
including the spiritual and cultural bonds to the located in municipalities, provinces or cities
area which the ICCs/IPs possess, occupy and use where they do not constitute the majority of the
and to which they have claims of ownership. population, may form or constitute a separate
 S5. Indigenous Concept of Ownership. - Ancestral barangay in accordance with the Local
domains are the ICC's/IP's private but community Government Code on the creation of tribal
property which belongs to all generations and barangays.
therefore cannot be sold, disposed or destroyed.  S38. National Commission on Indigenous Cultural
It likewise covers sustainable traditional resource Communities /Indigenous Peoples (NCCP).
 S7. Rights to Ancestral Domains. Autonomy of Local Governments
a. Rights of Ownership
b. Right to Develop Lands and Natural Section 25. The State shall ensure the autonomy of
Resources. local governments.
c. Right to Stay in the Territories - No ICCs/IPs - Kinds of autonomy
will be relocated without their free and prior a. Administrative
informed consent, nor through any means b. Fiscal
other than eminent domain. - Article X
d. Right in Case of Displacement. - In case o Local Government
displacement occurs as a result of natural  S1. The territorial and political subdivisions

 Provinces be deprived of their right to vote for elective

 Cities provincial officials.
 Municipalities  S13. Local government units may group
 Barangays. themselves, consolidate or coordinate their
 Atonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao efforts, services, and resources for purposes
and the Cordilleras commonly beneficial to them in accordance
 S2. The territorial and political subdivisions with law.
shall enjoy local autonomy.  S14. The President shall provide for regional
 S3. The Congress shall enact a local government development councils or other similar bodies
code - a system of decentralization with composed of local government officials,
effective mechanisms of recall, initiative, and regional heads of departments and other
referendum, allocate among the different local government offices, and representatives from
government units their powers, responsibilities, non-governmental organizations within the
and resources, and provide for the regions for purposes of administrative
qualifications, election, appointment and decentralization to strengthen the autonomy of
removal, term, salaries, powers and functions the units therein and to accelerate the
and duties of local officials, and all other economic and social growth and development
matters relating to the organization and of the units in the region.
operation of the local units. o Autonomous Region
 S4. The President shall exercise general  S15. In Muslim Mindanao and in the Cordillera
supervision over local governments. Provinces sharing common and distinctive historical and
with respect to component cities and cultural heritage, economic and social
municipalities, and cities and municipalities structures, and other relevant characteristics
with respect to component barangays shall  S16. The President shall exercise general
ensure that the acts of their component units supervision
are within the scope of their prescribed powers  S17. All powers, functions, and responsibilities
and functions. not granted by this Constitution or by law to
 S5. Power to create its own sources of revenues the autonomous regions shall be vested in the
and to levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to National Government.
such guidelines and limitations as the Congress  S18. The Congress shall enact an organic act
may provide, consistent with the basic policy of which shall define the basic structure of
local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges government (executive department and
shall accrue exclusively to the local legislative assembly), both of which shall be
governments. elective and representative of the constituent
 S6. Local government units shall have a just political units, special courts with personal,
share, as determined by law, in the national family, and property law jurisdiction consistent
taxes which shall be automatically released to with the provisions of this Constitution and
them. national laws.
 S7. Local governments shall be entitled to an  Creation of the autonomous region - Approved
equitable share in the proceeds of the by majority of the votes cast by the constituent
utilization and development of the national units in a plebiscite called for the purpose,
wealth within their respective areas, in the provided that only provinces, cities, and
manner provided by law, including sharing the geographic areas voting favorably in such
same with the inhabitants by way of direct plebiscite shall be included in the autonomous
benefits. region.
 S8. The term of office of elective local officials,  S19. The first Congress, within eighteen months
except barangay officials, which shall be from the time of organization of both Houses,
determined by law, shall be three years and no pass the organic acts for the autonomous
such official shall serve for more than three regions in Muslim Mindanao and the
consecutive terms. Cordilleras.
 S9. Legislative bodies of local governments shall  S20. Legislative powers over:
have sectoral representation as may be 1. Administrative organization;
prescribed by law. 2. Creation of sources of revenues;
 S10. No province, city, municipality, or barangay 3. Ancestral domain and natural resources;
may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or 4. Personal, family, and property relations;
its boundary substantially altered, except in 5. Regional urban and rural planning
accordance with the criteria established in the development;
Local Government Code and subject to 6. Economic, social, and tourism development;
approval by a majority of the votes cast in a 7. Educational policies;
plebiscite in the political units directly affected. 8. Preservation and development of the
 S11. The Congress may, by law, create special cultural heritage; and
metropolitan political subdivisions, subject to a 9. Such other matters as may be authorized by
plebiscite as set forth in Section 10 hereof. The law for the promotion of the general
jurisdiction limited to basic services requiring welfare of the people of the region.
coordination.  S21. The preservation of peace and order
 S12. Cities that are highly urbanized, as within the regions shall be the responsibility of
determined by law, and component cities the local police. The defense and security of the
whose charters prohibit their voters from regions shall be the responsibility of the
voting for provincial elective officials, shall be National Government.
independent of the province. The voters of - Devolution RA 7160 S17
component cities within a province, whose o “devolution” refers to the act by which the
charters contain no such prohibition, shall not National Government confers power and

authority upon the various local government  Public cemetery;

units to perform specific functions and  Tourism facilities
responsibilities  Sites for police and fire stations and
o Include the transfer to local government units of substations and municipal jail;
the records, equipment, and other assets and  For a Province:
personnel of national agencies and offices  Agricultural extension and on-site research
corresponding to the devolved powers, functions, services and facilities which include the
and responsibilities. Personnel of said national prevention and control of plant and animal
agencies or offices shall be absorbed by the local pests and diseases;
government units  Industrial research and development
o Costs may also be charged for the delivery of services, as well as the transfer of
basic services or facilities enumerated in this appropriate technology;
section.  Enforcement of forestry laws limited to
o Basic Services and Facilities – self-reliant and community-based forestry projects,
shall continue exercising the powers and pollution control law, small-scale mining
discharging the duties and functions currently law, and other laws on the protection of the
vested upon them. They shall also discharge the environment; and mini-hydroelectric
functions and responsibilities of national projects for local purposes;
agencies and offices devolved to them.  health services which include hospitals and
 For a Barangay: other tertiary health services;
 Agricultural support services which include  Social welfare services which include
planting materials distribution system and programs and projects on rebel returnees
operation of farm produce collection and and evacuees; relief operations; and
buying stations; population development services;
 Health and social welfare services which  Provincial buildings, provincial jails, freedom
include maintenance of barangay health parks and other public assembly areas, and
center and day-care center; similar facilities;
 Services and facilities related to general  Infrastructure facilities
hygiene and sanitation, beautification, and  Programs and projects for low-cost housing
solid waste collection; and other mass dwellings
 Maintenance of katarungang pambarangay;  Investment support services, including
 Maintenance of barangay roads and bridges access to credit financing;
and water supply systems;  Upgrading and modernization of tax
 Infrastructure facilities such as multi- information and collection services through
purpose hall, multi-purpose pavement, the use of computer hardware and software
plaza, sports center, and other similar and other means;
facilities;  Inter-municipal telecommunications
 Information and reading center; and services, subject to national policy
 Satellite or public market, where viable; guidelines; and
 For a Municipality:  Tourism development and promotion
 Extension and on-site research services and programs;
facilities related to agriculture and fishery - Deconcentration of Powers
activities o RA 7160 S528. Deconcentration of Requisite
 implementation of community-based Authority and Power. – The National Government
forestry projects which include integrated shall, six (6) months after the effectivity of this
social forestry programs and similar Code, effect the deconcentration of requisite
projects; management and control of authority and power to the appropriate regional
communal forests with an area not offices or field offices of national agencies or
exceeding fifty (50) square kilometers; offices whose major functions are not devolved
establishment of tree parks, greenbelts, and to local government units.
similar forest development projects;
 health services
 Social welfare services
 Information services which include
investments and job placement information
systems, tax and marketing information
systems, and maintenance of a public
 Solid waste disposal system or
environmental management system and
services or facilities related to general
hygiene and sanitation;
 Municipal buildings, cultural centers, public
parks including freedom parks, playgrounds,
and other sports facilities and equipment,
and other similar facilities;
 Infrastructure facilities intended primarily to
service the needs of the residents of the
municipality and which are funded out of
municipal funds
 Public markets, slaughterhouses and other
municipal enterprises;

Honest Public Service

Section 26. The State shall guarantee equal access

to opportunities for public service, and prohibit
political dynasties as may be defined by law.

Section 27. The State shall maintain honesty and

integrity in the public service and take positive and
effective measures against graft and corruption.

- Sandiganbayan - present anti-graft court (Art XI S4)

- Office of the Ombudsman (Art XI S5)
o Ombudsman/Tanodbayan
o overall Deputy
o at least one Deputy each for Luzon, Visayas, and
o A separate Deputy for the military establishment
may likewise be appointed.
- The officials and employees of the Office of the
Ombudsman, other than the Deputies, shall be
appointed by the Ombudsman according to the
Civil Service Law. (Art XI S6)

Section 28. Subject to reasonable conditions

prescribed by law, the State adopts and implements
a policy of full public disclosure of all its
transactions involving public interest.
- SALN (Art XI S17)
o A public officer or employee shall, upon
assumption of office and as often thereafter as
may be required by law
o President, the Vice-President, the Members of
the Cabinet, the Congress, the Supreme Court,
the Constitutional Commissions and other
constitutional offices, and officers of the armed
forces with general or flag rank, the declaration
shall be disclosed to the public in the manner
provided by law.
o RA 3019
- President’s health (Art VII S12)

o In case of serious illness of the President, the o Principle of auto-limitation: "It is to be

public shall be informed of the state of his health. admitted any state may, by its consent,
o The Members of the Cabinet in charge of national express or implied, submit to a restriction of
security and foreign relations and the Chief of its sovereign rights. There may thus be a
Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, shall curtailment of what otherwise is a power
not be denied access to the President during plenary in character. That is the concept of
such illness. sovereignty as auto-limitation, which, in the
- Publication of loan application (Art VII S20) succinct language of Jellinek, "is the
o President may contract or guarantee foreign property of a state-force due to which it has
loans on behalf of the Republic of the Philippines the exclusive capacity of legal self-
o With the prior concurrence of the Monetary determination and self-restriction." A state
Board, and subject to such limitations as may be then, if it chooses to, may refrain from the
provided by law. exercise of what otherwise is illimitable
o The Monetary Board shall, within thirty days competence."
from the end of every quarter of the calendar
year, submit to the Congress a complete report of  Co Kim Chan vs Valdez
its decisions on applications for loans to be o The judicial acts and proceedings of those
contracted or guaranteed by the Government or governments remain good and valid even
GOCCs which would have the effect of increasing after the liberation or reoccupation of the
the foreign debt, and containing other matters as Philippines by the American and Filipino
may be provided by law. forces under the rules of international law,
- Foreign Loans(Art XII S21) if the government is de facto
o incurred in accordance with law and the o three (3) kinds of de facto governments are:
regulation of the monetary authority.  The first, or government de facto in a
o Shall be made available to the public. proper legal sense, is that government
- Contracts with foreign groups (Art XII S2) that gets possession and control of, or
o The President may enter into agreements with usurps, by force or by the voice of the
foreign-owned corporations involving either majority, the rightful legal governments
technical or financial assistance for large-scale and maintains itself against the will of
exploration, development, and utilization of the latter, such as the government of
minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils England under the Commonwealth,
according to the general terms and conditions first by Parliament and later by
provided by law, based on real contributions to Cromwell as Protector.
the economic growth and general welfare of the  The second is that which is established
country. and maintained by military forces who
o President shall notify the Congress of every invade and occupy a territory of the
contract entered into within thirty days from its enemy in the course of war, and which
execution. is denominated a government of
- Conflict of interest paramount force, as the cases of
- COA Annual Report (Art IX-D S4) Castine, in Maine, which was reduced
o Submitted to the President and the Congress, to British possession in the war of
within the time fixed by law 1812, and Tampico, Mexico, occupied
o Financial condition and operation of the during the war with Mexico, by the
Government, its subdivisions, agencies, and troops of the United States.
instrumentalities, including GOCCs, and NGO  And the third is that established as an
subject to its audit independent government by the
o Recommend measures necessary to improve inhabitants of a country who rise in
their effectiveness and efficiency. insurrection against the parent state of
o Other reports as may be required by law. such as the government of the
- Right to Information (Art III S7) Southern Confederacy in revolt not
o The right of the people to information on matters concerned in the present case with the
of public concern shall be recognized. first kind, but only with the second and
o Access to official records, and to documents, and third kinds of de facto governments.
papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or
decisions, as well as to government research data  Republic vs Sandiganbayan
used as basis for policy development, shall be o During the interregnum, the government in
afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as power was concededly a revolutionary
may be provided by law. government bound by no constitution. No
one could validly question the sequestration
Article II orders as violative of the Bill of Rights
because there was no Bill of Rights during
Cases: Section 1 the interregnum. Nevertheless, even during
 People vs Gozo the interregnum the Filipino people
o By the Agreement, the Philippine continued to enjoy, under the Covenant and
Government merely consents, purely as a the Declaration, almost the same rights
matter of comity, courtesy, or expediency. found in the Bill of Rights of the 1973
The Philippine Government has not Constitution
abdicated its sovereignty over the bases as
part of the Philippine territory or divested  ACCFA vs CUGCO
itself completely of jurisdiction over o Philippines never practiced the free
offenses committed therein. enterprise system. It is the welfare-state

concept which is being followed as shown o The right to a balanced and healthful
by the constitutional provision on agrarian ecology carries with it the correlative duty
reform, housing, protection to labor. to refrain from impairing the environment.
Philippine Constitutions, starting from the The said right implies, among many other
1935 document, HAVE REPUDIATED laissez things, the judicious management and
faire (or the doctrine of free enterprise) as conservation of the country's forests.
an economic principle, and although the
present Constitution enshrines free  Laguna Lake vs CA
enterprise as a policy, it nevertheless o The immediate response to the demands of
reserves to the government the power to "the necessities of protecting vital public
intervene whenever necessary to promote interests" gives vitality to the statement on
the general welfare. ecology embodied in the Declaration of
Principles and State Policies or the 1987
 Maquerra vs Borra Constitution. Article II, Section 16
o Property qualifications are inconsistent with
the nature and essence of the Republican Cases: Section 19
system ordained in our Constitution and the  Garcia vs BOI
principle of social justice underlying the o No cogent advantage to the government
same, for said political system is premised has been shown by this transfer. This is a
upon the tenet that sovereignty resides in repudiation of the independent policy of
the people and all government authority the government expressed in numerous
emanates from them, and this, in turn, laws and the Constitution to run its own
implies necessarily that the right to vote affairs the way it deems best for the
and to be voted for shall not be dependent national interest.
upon the wealth of the individual
concerned, whereas social justice Cases: Section 26
presupposes equal opportunity for all, rich  Pamatong vs Comelec
and poor alike, and that, accordingly, no o The privilege of equal access to
person shall, by reason of poverty, be opportunities to public office may be
denied the chance to be elected to public subjected to limitations. Some valid
office limitations specifically on the privilege to
seek elective office are found in the
Cases: Section 10 provisions of the Omnibus Election Code on
 Tondo Medical Center vs CA "Nuisance Candidates.” As long as the
o As a general rule, the provisions of the limitations apply to everybody equally
Constitution are considered self-executing, without discrimination, however, the equal
however, some provisions have already access clause is not violated. Equality is not
been categorically declared by this Court sacrificed as long as the burdens
as non self-executing. In Tanada v. Angara, engendered by the limitations are meant to
[19] the Court specifically set apart the be borne by anyone who is minded to file a
sections found under Article II of the 1987 certificate of candidacy. In the case at bar,
Constitution as non self-executing and ruled there is no showing that any person is
that such broad principles need legislative exempt from the limitations or the burdens
enactments before they can be which they create.

Cases: Section 12
 Pierce vs Society of Sisters
o The state has the power to regulate all
schools, but parents and guardians have the
right and duty to choose the appropriate
preparation for their children.

 Imbong vs Ochoa (RH Law)

o Court cannot go beyond what the
legislature has laid down. Its duty is to say
what the law is as enacted by the
lawmaking body. That is not the same as
saying what the law should be or what is
the correct rule in a given set of
circumstances. It is not the province of the
judiciary to look into the wisdom of the law
nor to question the policies adopted by the
legislative branch. Nor is it the business of
this Tribunal to remedy every unjust
situation that may arise from the
application of a particular law. It is for the
legislature to enact remedial legislation if
that would be necessary in the premises.

Cases: Section 16
 Oposa vs Factoran


o Cases:
Who may Exercise legislative Power  Garcia vs Comelec
 Issue
Section 1. The legislative power shall be vested in  whether a resolution (Pambayang
the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist Kapasyahan Blg. 10, serye 1993) is the
of a Senate and a House of Representatives, except proper subject of an initiative
to the extent reserved to the people by the  Respondents take the negative stance
provision on initiative and referendum. as they contend that under the Local
- Legislative Power Government Code of 1991 only an
o Legislative power-authority to make laws, alter, ordinance can be the subject of
repeal, initiative pursuant to express provision
o Except sec 32/ plenary (unqualified) under section 120, Chapter 2, Title XI,
o Legislature can only be limited by Constitution Book I of LGC
o Advantage of Bicameralism  Ruling:
1. Body with national perspective to check the  Yes. Constitution clearly includes not
parochial tendency of representatives only ordinances but resolutions as
2. More careful study of legislation appropriate subjects of a local
3. Less susceptible to control by executive initiative.
4. Training ground for national leaders  An act, which is an expression of will or
o 2 Kinds of legislative power: purpose, includes a resolution
1. Original-legislative power possessed by  Garcia vs Comelec (1993)
sovereign people  Issue:
2. Derivative-delegated by sovereign people to  W/N Recall initiated through a
legislative bodies and subordinates resolution passed by Preparatory Recall
o Classifications of legislative power: Assembly composed of Mayors, vice
1. Constituent- power to amend/revise the mayors and sangunian members of
constitution/amendatory process towns in the province is constitutional
2. Ordinary- power to pass ordinary laws-  Yes. There is nothing in the Constitution
initiative/referendum that will remotely suggest that the
o 2 Kinds of Limits of Legislative power: people have the "sole and exclusive
1. Substantive-curtail the contents of law right to decide on whether to initiate a
2. Procedural- curtail the manner of passing the recall proceeding." The Constitution did
laws not provide for any mode, let alone a
- Who may exercise legislative power single mode, of initiating recall
1. Congress elections. Thus it can be initiated by
2. Initiative and Referendum PRA pursuant to LGC.

SECTION 32. The Congress shall, as early as 3. Regional or local legislative power
possible, provide for a system of initiative and 4. President under martial law rule/revolutionary
referendum, and the exceptions therefrom, government
whereby the people can directly propose and - Non Delegability of legislative power
enact laws or approve or reject any act or law o Principles:
or part thereof passed by the Congress or local 1. Separation of powers
legislative body after the registration of a 2. Due process of law-precludes the transfer of
petition therefor signed by at least ten per regulatory functions to private persons
centum of the total number of registered 3. A delegated power cannot be delegated
voters, of which every legislative district must (DELEGATA POTESTAS NON POTEST DELEGARI)
be represented by at least three per centum of o Exceptions (for law execution):
the registered voters thereof. 1. Non-legislative bodies may fill up the details
of the statute
o People can directly propose, enact, approve, 2. Contingent legislation- for ascertaining the
and reject laws facts necessary to bring the law to actual
o Institutionalize people power operation
o RA No. 6735 - An Act Providing for a System of o For statute to be delegable as law-executing
Initiative and Referendum and Appropriating 1. Complete in itself
Funds Therefor 2. Fix a standard
 “Initiative" is the power of the people to o Cases
propose amendments to the Constitution or  Free Telephone Workers Union vs Minister of
to propose and enact legislations through Labor
an election called for the purpose.  While the making of laws is a non-delegable
 Initiative on the Constitution which refers activity that corresponds exclusively to
to a petition proposing amendments to Congress, nevertheless the latter may
the Constitution. constitutionally delegate authority to
 Initiative on statutes which refers to a promulgate rules and regulations to
petition proposing to enact a national implement a given legislation and
legislation; and effectuate its policies.
 Initiative on local legislation which refers  Purpose of delegation - impracticable (if not
to a petition proposing to enact a impossible) to anticipate and provide for
regional, provincial, city, municipal, or the multifarious and complex situations that
barangay law, resolution, or ordinance. may be met in carrying the law into effect.

 All that is required: to read and write, a registered voter, and a resident
1. Should be germane to the objects and of the Philippines for not less than 2 years
purposes of the law immediately preceding the day of the election.
2. Not in contradiction with it; but conform
to the standards that the law prescribes Section 4. The term of office of the Senators shall
 Eastern Shipping Line vs POEA be 6 years and shall commence, unless otherwise
 2 accepted tests of valid delegation of provided by law, at noon on the thirtieth day of
legislative power June next following their election. No Senator shall
1. Completeness test - the law must be serve for more than 2 consecutive terms. Voluntary
complete in all its terms and conditions renunciation of the office for any length of time
when it leaves the legislature such that shall not be considered as an interruption in the
when it reaches the delegate the only continuity of his service for the full term of which
thing he will have to do is to enforce it. he was elected.
2. Sufficient standard test - there must
be adequate guidelines or stations in the Section 5. (1) The House of Representatives shall be
law to map out the boundaries of the composed of not more than 250 members, unless
delegate’s authority and prevent the otherwise fixed by law, who shall be elected from
delegation from running riot. With this legislative districts apportioned among the
power, administrative bodies may provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan Manila area
implement the broad policies laid down in accordance with the number of their respective
in statute by “filling in” the details which inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and
the Congress may not have the progressive ratio, and those who, as provided by
opportunity or competence to provide. law, shall be elected through a party-list system of
 Cebu Oxygen vs Drilon registered national, regional, and sectoral parties or
 The implementing rules cannot provide for organizations.
such a prohibition not contemplated by the (2) The party-list representatives shall constitute 20
law. Administrative regulations adopted per centum of the total number of representatives
under legislative authority by a particular including those under the party list. For three
department must be in harmony with the consecutive terms after the ratification of this
provisions of the law, and should be for the Constitution, one-half of the seats allocated to
sole purpose of carrying into effect its party-list representatives shall be filled, as provided
general provisions. The law itself cannot be by law, by selection or election from the labor,
expanded by such regulations. An peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural
administrative agency cannot amend an act communities, women, youth, and such other
of Congress. sectors as may be provided by law, except the
 People vs Dacuycuy religious sector.
 There is a presumption in favor of the (3) Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as
constitutionality of a legislative enactment. practicable, contiguous, compact, and adjacent
 It is not for the courts to fix the term of territory. Each city with a population of at least
imprisonment where no points of reference 250,000, or each province, shall have at least one
have been provided by the legislature. What representative.
valid delegation presupposes and sanctions (4) Within three years following the return of every
is an exercise of discretion to fix the length census, the Congress shall make a reapportionment
of service of a term of imprisonment which of legislative districts based on the standards
must be encompassed within specific or provided in this section.
designated limits provided by law, the
absence of which designated limits well Section 6. No person shall be a Member of the
constitute such exercise as an undue House of Representatives unless he is a natural-
delegation, if not-an outright intrusion into born citizen of the Philippines and, on the day of
or assumption, of legislative power. the election, is at least 25 years of age, able to read
 Tablarin vs Gutierrez and write, and, except the party-list
 The standard may be either expressed or representatives, a registered voter in the district in
implied from the policy and purpose of the which he shall be elected, and a resident thereof
act considered as a whole. for a period of not less than one year immediately
 Tatad vs Secretary of Energy preceding the day of the election.
 That even if the law does not expressly
pinpoint the standard, the courts will bend Section 7. The Members of the House of
over backward to locate the same Representatives shall be elected for a term of 3
elsewhere in order to spare the statute, if it years which shall begin, unless otherwise provided
can, from constitutional infirmity. by law, at noon on the thirtieth day of June next
following their election. No Member of the House
House of Congress: Composition, Qualification and of Representatives shall serve for more than three
Term of Office consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of the
office for any length of time shall not be considered
Section 2. The Senate shall be composed of 24 as an interruption in the continuity of his service for
Senators who shall be elected at large by the the full term for which he was elected.
qualified voters of the Philippines, as may be
provided by law. - Summary

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator unless he is Senate HOR

Composition 24  Not more than
a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, on the 250, unless
day of the election, is at least 35 years of age, able

otherwise fixed pertains to the special interest and

by law concerns of their sector
 Party list
 A sectoral organization refers to a
Qualification 1. Natural Born 1. Natural Born group of citizens or a coalition of
citizen citizen groups of citizens who share similar
2. 35 at the day of 2. 25 at the day of physical attributes or characteristics,
election election
3. Able to read and 3. Able to read and employment, interests or concerns.
write write 3. Coalition of parties - aggrupation of duly
4. Registered voter 4. Registered voter registered national, regional, sectoral
5. Resident for not in the district in parties or organizations for political
less than two which he shall be
years elected (except and/or election purposes.
immediately party list rep) - Registration (Sec 5)
preceding the 5. Resident for not  How to register.
day of the less than 1 year  File with the COMELEC
election. immediately
preceding the  File not later than (90) days before the
day of the election
election.  File a petition verified by its president
Term of Office 6 years and no 3 years and no
or secretary stating its desire to
more than 2 more than 3
consecutive terms consecutive terms participate in the party-list system as a
national, regional or sectoral party or
- Composition of Congress organization or a coalition of such
1. Senate parties or organizations, attaching
2. House of Representatives thereto its constitution, by-laws,
a. District Representatives platform or program of government, list
b. Party list System (RA 7941) of officers, coalition agreement and
- First election: May 1998 other relevant information as the
- Declaration - The State shall promote COMELEC may require
proportional representation which will  COMELEC shall publish the petition in
enable Filipino citizens belonging to at least two (2) national newspapers of
marginalized and under-represented general circulation.
sectors, organizations and parties, and who  COMELEC shall, after due notice and
lack well-defined political constituencies but hearing, resolve the petition within
who could contribute to the formulation fifteen (15) days from the date it was
and enactment of appropriate legislation submitted for decision but in no case
that will benefit the nation as a whole (Sec not later than sixty (60) days before
2) election.
- The party-list system is a mechanism of  Who may register - Any organized group
proportional representation in the election of persons may register (List not
of representatives to the House of exhaustive)
Representatives from national, regional and  Labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor,
sectoral parties or organizations or indigenous cultural communities,
coalitions thereof registered with the elderly, handicapped, women, youth,
Commission on Elections (COMELEC). veterans, overseas workers, and
Component parties or organizations of a professionals.
coalition may participate independently - Refusal and/or Cancellation of Registration.
provided the coalition of which they form (Sec 6)
part does not participate in the party-list  The COMELEC may, motu propio or upon
system. verified complaint of any interested party,
- Kinds of Party refuse or cancel, after due notice and
1. Political party - organized group of hearing,
citizens advocating an ideology or  Grounds:
platform, principles and policies for the 1. It is a religious sect or denomination,
general conduct of government and organization or association, organized
which, as the most immediate means of for religious purposes;
securing their adoption, regularly 2. It advocates violence or unlawful
nominates and supports certain of its means to seek its goal;
leaders and members as candidates for 3. It is a foreign party or organization;
public office. 4. It is receiving support from any foreign
a. national party - its constituency is government, foreign political party,
spread over the geographical territory foundation, organization, whether
of at least a majority of the regions directly or through any of its officers or
b. regional party when its constituency is members or indirectly through third
spread over the geographical territory parties for partisan election purposes;
of at least a majority of the cities and 5. It violates or fails to comply with laws,
provinces comprising the region rules or regulations relating to
2. Sectoral party elections;
 Sectoral party refers to an organized 6. It declares untruthful statements in its
group of citizens belonging to any of petition;
the sectors enumerated in Section 5 7. It has ceased to exist for at least one (1)
hereof whose principal advocacy year; or
8. It fails to participate in the last two (2)
preceding elections or fails to obtain at

least two per centum (2%) of the votes - Procedure in Allocating Seats for Party-List
cast under the party-list system in the Representatives (Sec 12)
two (2) preceding elections for the  Rank them according to the number of
constituency in which it has registered. votes received
- Certified List of Registered Parties prepared  Allocate party-list representatives
by COMELEC to be distributed to all proportionately according to the
precincts for posting in the polling places on percentage of votes obtained by each
election day. The names of the party-list party, organization, or coalition as against
nominees shall not be shown on the the total nationwide votes cast for the
certified list. (Sec 7) party-list system.
- Nomination of Party-List Representatives - Parameters for Allocation of Seats
(Sec 8) a. Twenty percent allocation in the House
 Submit to the COMELEC not later than 45 (Sec. 5(2), Art. VI);
days before the election a list of names, b. To qualify to a seat, at least two
not less than five (5) percent of the votes is casted on the
 A person may be nominated in one (1) list party;
only. c. A qualified party is entitled to a
 No change of names or alteration of the maximum of three seats; and
order of nominees allowed after d. Proportional representation as to the
submission to the COMELEC number of additional seats vis-à-vis the
o except: total number of votes cast.
 Nominee dies, - How Party-List Representatives are Chosen
 Withdraws in writing his nomination, (Sec 13)
 becomes incapacitated  Proclaimed by the COMELEC based on the
o Nominee shall be placed last in the list. list of nominees
 Who may be nominated  According to their ranking in said list.
1. Given their consent in writing - Term of Office - Same as district
2. Not a candidate for any elective office representative (Sec 14)
or a person who has lost his bid for an - Change of Affiliation (Sec 15)
elective office in the immediately  Forfeit his seat:
preceding election.  If within six (6) months before an
3. Natural-born citizen election, he shall not be eligible for
4. Registered voter nomination as party-list representative
5. Resident of the Philippines for a period under his new party or organization.
of not less than one (1)year - Vacancy - automatically filled by the next
immediately preceding the day of the representative from the list of nominees in
election the order submitted to the COMELEC by the
6. Able to read and write same party, organization, or coalition. If the
7. Bona fide member of the party or list is exhausted, the party, organization
organization which he seeks to coalition concerned shall submit additional
represent for at least ninety (90) days nominees.
preceding the day of the election, - Rights of Party-List Representatives - same
8. At least twenty-five (25) years of age on as regular members of the HOR (Sec 17)
the day of the election (but not more - COMELEC to promulgate the necessary
than thirty (30) years of age in case of a rules and regulations (Sec 18).
nominee of the youth sector)
- Manner of Voting (Sec 10) - Election
 Every voter - entitled to two (2) votes: a. Regular Election
o District Rep
o Party list Section 8. Unless otherwise provided by law,
- Number of Party-List Representatives (Sec the regular election of the Senators and the
11) Members of the House of Representatives shall
 (20%) of the total number of the be held on the second Monday of May.
members of the House of Representatives
including those under the party-list. b. Special Election
 Procedure
o The parties, organizations, and Section 9. In case of vacancy in the Senate or in
coalitions shall be ranked from the the House of Representatives, a special election
highest to the lowest based on the may be called to fill such vacancy in the
number of votes they garnered during manner prescribed by law, but the Senator or
the elections. Member of the House of Representatives thus
o The parties, organizations, and elected shall serve only for the unexpired term.
coalitions receiving at least two percent
(2%) of the total votes cast for the Organization and Sessions
party-list system shall be entitled to
one seat each: - Organized with the election of the President and
o Those garnering more than two percent the Speaker
(2%) of the votes shall be entitled to - Salaries
additional seats in proportion to their
total number of votes Section 10. The salaries of Senators and Members
o Max of three (3) seats. of the House of Representatives shall be
determined by law. No increase in said

compensation shall take effect until after the  Majority Voting jointly
expiration of the full term of all the Members of Revocation of proclamation of martial law or
the Senate and the House of Representatives the suspension of the privilege of the writ of
approving such increase. (Art VI S10) habeas corpus
Extension of martial law or the suspension of
Section 17. Until the Congress provides the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
otherwise, the President shall receive an annual  Majority – no designation
salary of 300,000 pesos; the Vice-President, the Concurrence to the approval of amnesty
President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House Submit to the electorate the question of
of Representatives, and the Chief Justice of the calling such a convention
Supreme Court, 240,000 pesos each; the granting any tax exemption
Senators, the Members of the House of  2/3 vote voting separately
Representatives, the Associate Justices of the Determination whether president is unable to
Supreme Court, and the Chairmen of the discharge the powers and duties of his office
Constitutional Commissions, 204,000 pesos each; Declare the existence of a state of war (But in
and the Members of the Constitutional joint assembly)
Commissions, 180,000 thousand pesos each (Art To overcome veto of president
XVIII S17)  2/3 vote of all the Members of the Senate
Ratification of treaty or international
- RA 6758 Deciding impeachment case
 2/3 vote – no designation
call a constitutional convention
 ¾ votes - no designation
may propose any amendment to, or revision
of, this Constitution
 Majority vote of all the Members of the HOR
affirm a favorable resolution with the Articles
of Impeachment of the Committee, or
override its contrary resolution in case of

- Rules of proceedings and Discipline of members

- EO 201 – Monthly Salary
Each House may determine the rules of its
proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly
behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds
of all its Members, suspend or expel a Member. A
penalty of suspension, when imposed, shall not
exceed sixty days. (Art VI S16 (3))
o Suspend/expel of members – 2/3 of all its
o Suspension not to exceed 60 days

- Journal and Record

Each House shall keep a Journal of its

proceedings, and from time to time publish the
same, excepting such parts as may, in its
judgment, affect national security; and the yeas
- Election of officers
and nays on any question shall, at the request of
one-fifth of the Members present, be entered in
The Senate shall elect its President and the House
the Journal.
of Representatives its Speaker, by a majority vote
Each House shall also keep a Record of its
of all its respective Members.
proceedings. (Art VI S16 (4))
Each House shall choose such other officers as it
o Congressional Record
may deem necessary. (Art VI S16 (1))
 Record of each houses’s proceedings
 May publish, except affecting national security
- Quorum and voting majorities
 Yeas and Neas entered when requested by 1/5
vote of present
A majority of each House shall constitute a
o Journal v Enrolled Bill
quorum to do business, but a smaller number
may adjourn from day to day and may compel - Sessions
the attendance of absent Members in such
manner, and under such penalties, as such House Neither House during the sessions of the
may provide. (Art VI S16 (2)) Congress shall, without the consent of the other,
o Pertinent Number of votes adjourn for more than three days, nor to any
other place than that in which the two Houses
 Majority Voting separately
shall be sitting (Art VI S16 (5))
Breaking a tie in case of election of pres and
The Congress shall convene once every year on
Election of Senate President or Speaker of the
the fourth Monday of July for its regular session,
unless a different date is fixed by law, and shall

continue to be in session for such number of days may be required by law, submit a declaration
as it may determine until thirty days before the under oath of his assets, liabilities, and net
opening of its next regular session, exclusive of worth. In the case of the President, the Vice-
Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. The President, the Members of the Cabinet, the
President may call a special session at any time. Congress, the Supreme Court, the Constitutional
(Art VI S15) Commissions and other constitutional offices,
o Kinds and officers of the armed forces with general or
a. Regular flag rank, the declaration shall be disclosed to the
 Convene once every year on the fourth public in the manner provided by law. (Art XI S17)
Monday of July unless a different date is
fixed by law 4. Incompatible and Prohibited Offices
 until thirty days before the opening of its
next regular session No Senator or Member of the House of
b. Special Representatives may hold any other office or
 Those called by president employment in the Government, or any
c. Joint subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,
 Canvassing votes of Pres and VP including government-owned or controlled
o Recess corporations or their subsidiaries, during his term
a. Compulsory - thirty days before the opening without forfeiting his seat. Neither shall he be
of its next regular session appointed to any office which may have been
b. Voluntary – with consent of the other house if created or the emoluments thereof increased
to adjourn for more than three days during the term for which he was elected. (Art VI
Privileges, Inhibitions and Disqualifications
Section 14. No Senator or Member of the House
Section 11. A Senator or Member of the House of of Representatives may personally appear as
Representatives shall, in all offenses punishable by counsel before any court of justice or before the
not more than six years imprisonment, be Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and other
privileged from arrest while the Congress is in administrative bodies. Neither shall he, directly
session. or indirectly, be interested financially in any
No Member shall be questioned nor be held liable contract with, or in any franchise or special
in any other place for any speech or debate in the privilege granted by the Government, or any
Congress or in any committee thereof. (Art VI S11) subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,
- Parliamentary immunity - Privilege given to including any government-owned or controlled
Members of the Congress intended to ensure their corporation, or its subsidiary, during his term of
effective discharge of legislative functions and office. He shall not intervene in any matter before
maintenance of representation in the Congress. any office of the Government for his pecuniary
- Kinds: benefit or where he may be called upon to act on
1. Freedom from arrest account of his office. (Art VI S14)
 Offenses not more than six years
imprisonment a. Incompatible Office (Sec 13)
 Congress is in session, whether regular or  “incompatible office” - any other office in the
special government that if held by a member of the
2. Privileged Speech and Debate Clauses Congress would result to the forfeiture of his
 Effective only in speeches and debates made seat in the Congress.
in the Congress or in those uttered by the  In keeping with doctrine of separation of
legislator in his capacity as member of the powers
Congress. b. Prohibited Office (Sec 13)
 although the legislator cannot be held liable  Prohibited Office - Offices which have been
before the courts, he could be held liable in created or the emoluments of which were
the Congress itself for words or conduct increased while the legislator was a member
unbecoming of a member. of the Congress.
3. Duty to disclose  Purpose of this disqualification is to prevent
legislators to create an office or to increase its
All Members of the Senate and the House of emoluments for personal gain.
Representatives shall, upon assumption of office,  Disqualification lasts for the entire term even
make a full disclosure of their financial and if the member resigns before the end of his
business interests. They shall notify the House term.
concerned of a potential conflict of interest that c. Conflict of interest (Sec 14)
may arise from the filing of a proposed legislation  Potential conflict of interest happens when a
of which they are authors. (Art VI S12) legislator derives financial advantage from a
law which he legislates or was legislated
The records and books of accounts of the during his term and the body was not notified
Congress shall be preserved and be open to the of such conflict.
public in accordance with law, and such books  Legislator can still propose a law even if there
shall be audited by the Commission on Audit is a potential conflict of interest for as long as
which shall publish annually an itemized list of he has notified the body about it.
amounts paid to and expenses incurred for each  The purpose therefore of this requirement is
Member. (Art VI S20) to allow the House to better examine the
legislation vis-à-vis the legislator.
A public officer or employee shall, upon
assumption of office and as often thereafter as Powers of Congress

Every bill passed by the Congress shall

1. Legislative embrace only one subject which shall be
c. Legislative Inquiry and Oversight Functions expressed in the title thereof. (Art VI, S26(1))
o Hodge-podge or log-rolling legislation -
Legislative Inquiry Oversight Functions entails insertion of many unrelated
Inquiry in aid of legislation Question Hour subjects.
Appearance is compulsory Appearance is not
compulsory - How does a bill become a law?
in aid of legislation exercise of “oversight
functions,” No bill passed by either House shall become
inherent legislative power not among the traditional a law unless it has passed three readings on
under a presidential processes of a presidential
government government
separate days, and printed copies thereof in
its final form have been distributed to its
The Senate or the House of Representatives or Members three days before its passage,
any of its respective committees may conduct except when the President certifies to the
inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with necessity of its immediate enactment to
its duly published rules of procedure. The rights meet a public calamity or emergency. Upon
of persons appearing in or affected by such the last reading of a bill, no amendment
inquiries shall be respected. (Art VI, S21) thereto shall be allowed, and the vote
 Legislative inquiry is a process held in the thereon shall be taken immediately
Congress especially conducted to compulsorily thereafter, and the yeas and nays entered in
obtain requisite information from witnesses in the Journal. (Art VI, S26(2))
aid of legislation. o Requisites:
 Limitations  three readings on three separate days,
1. the inquiries must be in aid of legislation; except: when the President certifies to
2. it must be in accordance with the duly the necessity of its immediate enactment
published rules of procedure of the to meet a public calamity or emergency
Congress; and  printed copies thereof in its final form
3. the rights of persons appearing shall be have been distributed to its Members
respected. three days before its passage
 Upon the last reading of a bill, no
The heads of departments may upon their own amendment thereto shall be allowed
initiative, with the consent of the President, or  vote shall be taken immediately after last
upon the request of either House, as the rules reading
of each House shall provide, appear before and  yeas and nays entered in the Journal.
be heard by such House on any matter o Procedure
pertaining to their departments. Written a. A bill is introduced by any Member by
questions shall be submitted to the President filing it with the Office of the Secretary
of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of where it is calendared for the First
Representatives at least three days before their Reading.
scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not  Must originate exclusively from the
be limited to written questions, but may cover HOR (Art VI, S24):
matters related thereto. When the security of  Appropriation, revenue or tariff bills,
the State or the public interest so requires and  Bills authorizing increase of the
the President so states in writing, the public debt,
appearance shall be conducted in executive  Bills of local application,
session. (Art VI, S22)  Private bills
 Question Hour - Inquiries conducted to obtain b. First reading
information from the heads of departments  Reading of the number, title, and
on matters pertaining to how laws are name/s of author/s are read.
implemented.  The bill is referred to an appropriate
 Not compulsory because of the doctrine of committee for study.
separation of powers  Public hearings or consultations may be
conducted by the committee before it
d. Bicameral Conference Committee recommends the bill for approval, with
- If compromise or reconciliation of conflicting or without amendments, or for
provisions of bill is necessary because of the consolidation with similar bills, or for
differences in the House Bill and Senate Bill disapproval.
version  If it is disapproved, the bill is said to be
e. Limitations on legislative power “killed.”
- Limitation on Revenue, Appropriations and  If approved or reported out, it will
Tariff Measures calendared for the second reading.
- Presidential Veto and Congressional Override c. Second reading
- Prohibition against passage of irrepealable  The bill is read in its entirety, together
laws with the amendments introduced by
the committee, if there are any.
f. Passage of laws  Debated upon and amended if the
members deem it necessary.
- Requirement As to titles of bills d. The approved bill in the second reading is
printed in its final form and copies of it
are furnished to the members three days
before the third reading.
e. Third reading

 Only the title of the bill is read sectarian institution, or system of religion, or
 Immediately after, the Members will of any priest, preacher, minister, or other
vote thereon and their votes (yeas and religious teacher, or dignitary as such, except
nays) will be entered in the journal. when such priest, preacher, minister, or
 No further amendments are allowed. dignitary is assigned to the armed forces, or
f. The approved bill is referred to the other to any penal institution, or government
house where it also undergoes three orphanage or leprosarium.
readings on three separate days. If All money collected on any tax levied for a
compromise or reconciliation of special purpose shall be treated as a special
conflicting provisions is necessary fund and paid out for such purpose only. If
because of the differences in the House the purpose for which a special fund was
Bill and Senate Bill version, the bill shall created has been fulfilled or abandoned, the
be submitted to a joint bicameral balance, if any, shall be transferred to the
committee. general funds of the Government. (Art VI,
g. After the bill has been approved on third S29)
reading on both Houses it shall be
submitted to the President for his action. No law shall be passed increasing the
 He approves by signing the bill; appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
 He disapproves by vetoing and as provided in this Constitution without its
returning the bill with his objections to advice and concurrence. (Art VI, S30)
the House of origin.
 To override the veto of the President, No law granting a title of royalty or nobility
two-thirds of all the Members of shall be enacted. (Art VI, S30)
each house voting separately must
agree to pass the bill. 4. Non-Legislative
 House of origin to enter such
objections at large in its journal a. National Board of Canvassers
 If the President will not act on the bill
in thirty days, the bill shall become a The returns of every election for President and
law as if signed by him. “Pocket veto” is Vice-President, duly certified by the board of
not allowed under the laws. canvassers of each province or city, shall be
h. The enrolled bill or bill as printed and transmitted to the Congress, directed to the
approved by the Congress and the President of the Senate. Upon receipt of the
President shall be published in a certificates of canvass, the President of the
newspaper of general circulation or in the Senate shall, not later than thirty days after
Official Gazette of the Government and the day of the election, open all certificates in
shall become binding fifteen days the presence of the Senate and the House of
following its publication unless another Representatives in joint public session, and
date is provided therein. the Congress, upon determination of the
- Effectivity of laws, NCC, Article 2 authenticity and due execution thereof in the
- Others manner provided by law, canvass the votes.
The person having the highest number of
The rule of taxation shall be uniform and votes shall be proclaimed elected, but in case
equitable. The Congress shall evolve a two or more shall have an equal and highest
progressive system of taxation. number of votes, one of them shall forthwith
The Congress may, by law, authorize the be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the
President to fix within specified limits, and Members of both Houses of the Congress,
subject to such limitations and restrictions as voting separately.
it may impose, tariff rates, import and export The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and canvassing of the certificates. (Art VII, S4(4-6))
other duties or imposts within the
framework of the national development b. Calling for special election
program of the Government.
Charitable institutions, churches and The Congress shall, at ten o’clock in the
parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, morning of the third day after the vacancy in
mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all the offices of the President and Vice-President
lands, buildings, and improvements, actually, occurs, convene in accordance with its rules
directly, and exclusively used for religious, without need of a call and within seven days
charitable, or educational purposes shall be enact a law calling for a special election to
exempt from taxation. elect a President and a Vice-President to be
No law granting any tax exemption shall be held not earlier than forty-five days nor later
passed without the concurrence of a than sixty days from the time of such call. The
majority of all the Members of the Congress. bill calling such special election shall be
(Art VI, S28) deemed certified under paragraph 2, Section
26, Article VI of this Constitution and shall
No money shall be paid out of the Treasury become law upon its approval on third
except in pursuance of an appropriation reading by the Congress. Appropriations for
made by law. the special election shall be charged against
No public money or property shall be any current appropriations and shall be
appropriated, applied, paid, or employed, exempt from the requirements of paragraph
directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or 4, Section 25, Article VI of this Constitution.
support of any sect, church, denomination, The convening of the Congress cannot be

suspended nor the special election may, in the same manner, extend such
postponed. No special election shall be called proclamation or suspension for a period to be
if the vacancy occurs within eighteen months determined by the Congress, if the invasion or
before the date of the next presidential rebellion shall persist and public safety
election. (Art VII S10) requires it.
The Congress, if not in session, shall, within
c. Decide temporary disability of the President, twenty-four hours following such
proclamation or suspension, convene in
accordance with its rules without any need of
The Congress shall, by law, provide for the a call. (Art VII S18)
manner in which one who is to act as
President shall be selected until a President or e. Approval of amnesty
a Vice-President shall have qualified, in case
of death, permanent disability, or inability of He shall also have the power to grant amnesty
the officials mentioned in the next preceding with the concurrence of a majority of all the
paragraph. (Art VII S7) Members of the Congress. (Art VII, S19)

The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall f. Senate concurrence in treaties
serve as President in case of death,
permanent disability, or resignation of the No treaty or international agreement shall be
Acting President. He shall serve until the valid and effective unless concurred in by at
President or the Vice-President shall have least two-thirds of all the Members of the
been elected and qualified, and be subject to Senate. (Art VII, S21)
the same restrictions of powers and
disqualifications as the Acting President. (Art g. Declaring a state of war or national emergency,
The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of both
Whenever there is a vacancy in the Office of Houses in joint session assembled, voting
the Vice-President during the term for which separately, shall have the sole power to
he was elected, the President shall nominate a declare the existence of a state of war.
Vice-President from among the Members of In times of war or other national emergency,
the Senate and the House of Representatives the Congress may, by law, authorize the
who shall assume office upon confirmation by President, for a limited period and subject to
a majority vote of all the Members of both such restrictions as it may prescribe, to
Houses of the Congress, voting separately. (Art exercise powers necessary and proper to carry
VII S9) out a declared national policy. Unless sooner
withdrawn by resolution of the Congress, such
If the Congress, within ten days after receipt powers shall cease upon the next
of the last written declaration, or, if not in adjournment thereof. (Art VI, S23)
session, within twelve days after it is required o Requirements:
to assemble, determines by a two-thirds vote  There is a law granting authority to
of both Houses, voting separately, that the president
President is unable to discharge the powers  for a limited period and subject to such
and duties of his office, the Vice-President restrictions
shall act as the President; otherwise, the  exercise powers necessary and proper to
President shall continue exercising the powers carry out a declared national policy
and duties of his office. (Art VII S11)  Automatically cease upon the next
adjournment thereof.
d. Veto or extension of habeas corpus and martial
law h. Utilization of natural resources

SECTION 18. The President shall be the The Congress may, by law, allow small-scale
Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the utilization of natural resources by Filipino
Philippines and whenever it becomes citizens, as well as cooperative fish farming,
necessary, he may call out such armed forces with priority to subsistence fishermen and
to prevent or suppress lawless violence, fishworkers in rivers, lakes, bays, and lagoons.
invasion or rebellion. In case of invasion or (Art XII, S2)
rebellion, when the public safety requires it,
he may, for a period not exceeding sixty days, i. Constituent assembly to amend or revise the
suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas Constitution (Art XVII)
corpus or place the Philippines or any part o The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths
thereof under martial law. Within forty-eight of all its Members, may propose any
hours from the proclamation of martial law or amendment to, or revision of, this
the suspension of the privilege of the writ of Constitution
habeas corpus, the President shall submit a o Congress shall provide for the
report in person or in writing to the Congress. implementation of the exercise of initiative
The Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of at to amend the constitution
least a majority of all its Members in regular o The Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds
or special session, may revoke such of all its Members, call a constitutional
proclamation or suspension, which revocation convention, or by a majority vote of all its
shall not be set aside by the President. Upon Members, submit to the electorate the
the initiative of the President, the Congress

question of calling such a convention. (Sec 5. The resolution shall be calendared for
3) consideration by the House within ten
session days from receipt thereof.
j. Initiate impeachment 6. affirm a favorable resolution with the
Articles of Impeachment of the
The House of Representatives shall have the Committee, or override its contrary
exclusive power to initiate all cases of resolution by vote of at least one-third of
impeachment. all the Members of the House
A verified complaint for impeachment may be 7. Impeachment trial
filed by any Member of the House of
Representatives or by any citizen upon a k. HRET and SET
resolution of endorsement by any Member
thereof, which shall be included in the Order The Electoral Tribunals and the Commission
of Business within ten session days, and on Appointments shall be constituted within
referred to the proper Committee within three thirty days after the Senate and the House of
session days thereafter. The Committee, after Representatives shall have been organized
hearing, and by a majority vote of all its with the election of the President and the
Members, shall submit its report to the House Speaker. The Commission on Appointments
within sixty session days from such referral, shall meet only while the Congress is in
together with the corresponding resolution. session, at the call of its Chairman or a
The resolution shall be calendared for majority of all its Members, to discharge such
consideration by the House within ten session powers and functions as are herein conferred
days from receipt thereof. upon it. (Art VI, S19)
A vote of at least one-third of all the Members
of the House shall be necessary either to The Senate and the House of Representatives
affirm a favorable resolution with the Articles shall each have an Electoral Tribunal, which
of Impeachment of the Committee, or shall be the sole judge of all contests relating
override its contrary resolution. The vote of to the election, returns, and qualifications of
each Member shall be recorded. their respective Members. Each Electoral
In case the verified complaint or resolution of Tribunal shall be composed of nine Members,
impeachment is filed by at least one-third of three of whom shall be Justices of the
all the Members of the House, the same shall Supreme Court to be designated by the Chief
constitute the Articles of Impeachment, and Justice, and the remaining six shall be
trial by the Senate shall forthwith proceed. Members of the Senate or the House of
No impeachment proceedings shall be Representatives, as the case may be, who
initiated against the same official more than shall be chosen on the basis of proportional
once within a period of one year. representation from the political parties and
The Senate shall have the sole power to try the parties or organizations registered under
and decide all cases of impeachment. When the party-list system represented therein. The
sitting for that purpose, the Senators shall be senior Justice in the Electoral Tribunal shall be
on oath or affirmation. When the President of its Chairman. (Art VI, S17)
the Philippines is on trial, the Chief Justice of  sole judge of all contests relating to the
the Supreme Court shall preside, but shall not election, returns, and qualifications of their
vote. No person shall be convicted without respective Members.
the concurrence of two-thirds of all the  Composition – total of 9 members
Members of the Senate.  3 justices designated by CJ- senior Justice
Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not as chairman
extend further than removal from office and  6 members of the house chosen on the
disqualification to hold any office under the basis of proportional representation from
Republic of the Philippines, but the party the political parties and the parties or
convicted shall nevertheless be liable and organizations registered under the party-
subject to prosecution, trial, and punishment list system represented therein.
according to law.
The Congress shall promulgate its rules on l. Commission on Appointments
impeachment to effectively carry out the
purpose of this section. (Art XI, S3) There shall be a Commission on Appointments
o Who may initiate consisting of the President of the Senate, as
1. By any Member of the House of ex-officio Chairman, twelve Senators and
Representatives or twelve Members of the House of
2. by any citizen upon a resolution of Representatives, elected by each House on
endorsement by any Member of HOR the basis of proportional representation from
o Procedure the political parties and parties or
1. Filing of verified complaint to be in Order organizations registered under the party-list
of Business within ten session days system represented therein. The Chairman of
2. Referral to the proper Committee within the Commission shall not vote, except in case
three session days after Order of Business. of a tie. The Commission shall act on all
3. Committee hearing appointments submitted to it within thirty
4. Submit Committee report to the House session days of the Congress from their
within sixty session days from such submission. The Commission shall rule by a
referral, together with the corresponding majority vote of all the Members. (Art VI, S18)
resolution by majority vote of committee’s  Members

 Senate president – ex-officio chairman –

cannot vote except in case of a tie
 12 senators
 12 HOR members
 Members elected by each House on the
basis of proportional representation from
the political parties and parties or
organizations registered under the party-list
system represented therein
 To act within thirty session days
 Majority vote to confirm
 meet only while the Congress is in session,
at the call of its Chairman or a majority of
all its Members

m. Approve national budget

The Congress may not increase the

appropriations recommended by the
President for the operation of the
Government as specified in the budget. The
form, content, and manner of preparation of
the budget shall be prescribed by law.

No provision or enactment shall be embraced

in the general appropriations bill unless it
relates specifically to some particular
appropriation therein. Any such provision or
enactment shall be limited in its operation to
the appropriation to which it relates.
The procedure in approving appropriations for
the Congress shall strictly follow the
procedure for approving appropriations for
other departments and agencies.
A special appropriations bill shall specify the
purpose for which it is intended, and shall be
supported by funds actually available as
certified by the National Treasurer, or to be
raised by a corresponding revenue proposed
No law shall be passed authorizing any
transfer of appropriations; however, the
President, the President of the Senate, the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the
heads of Constitutional Commissions may, by
law, be authorized to augment any item in the
general appropriations law for their respective
offices from savings in other items of their
respective appropriations.
Discretionary funds appropriated for
particular officials shall be disbursed only for
public purposes to be supported by
appropriate vouchers and subject to such
guidelines as may be prescribed by law.
If, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress
shall have failed to pass the general
appropriations bill for the ensuing fiscal year,
the general appropriations law for the
preceding fiscal year shall be deemed
reenacted and shall remain in force and effect
until the general appropriations bill is passed
by the Congress. (Art VI, S25)

n. JBC (one seat)

o. Informing power

shall, not later than thirty days after the day of the
election, open all certificates in the presence of the
Senate and the House of Representatives in joint
public session, and the Congress, upon
determination of the authenticity and due
execution thereof in the manner provided by law,
canvass the votes.

The person having the highest number of votes

shall be proclaimed elected, but in case two or
more shall have an equal and highest number of
votes, one of them shall forthwith be chosen by the
vote of a majority of all the Members of both
Houses of the Congress, voting separately.

The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the

canvassing of the certificates.

The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the

sole judge of all contests relating to the election,
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT (ART VIII) returns, and qualifications of the President or Vice-
President, and may promulgate its rules for the
Qualifications and term of office purpose.

SECTION 1. The executive power shall be vested in SECTION 5. Before they enter on the execution of
the President of the Philippines. their office, the President, the Vice-President, or
the Acting President shall take the following oath or
SECTION 2. No person may be elected President affirmation:
unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines, a registered voter, able to read and “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully
write, at least forty years of age on the day of the and conscientiously fulfill my duties as President (or
election, and a resident of the Philippines for at Vice-President or Acting President) of the
least ten years immediately preceding such Philippines, preserve and defend its Constitution,
election. execute its laws, do justice to every man, and
consecrate myself to the service of the Nation. So
SECTION 3. There shall be a Vice-President who help me God.” (In case of affirmation, last sentence
shall have the same qualifications and term of will be omitted.)
office and be elected with and in the same manner - Executive power vested in the President
as the President. He may be removed from office in - President and Vice-President
the same manner as the President.
President Vice President
The Vice-President may be appointed as a Member Qualification 1. natural-born citizen
s 2. Registered voter,
of the Cabinet. Such appointment requires no 3. Able to read and write,
confirmation. 4. at least 40 on the day of the election,
Resident for at least 10 years immediately
SECTION 4. The President and the Vice-President preceding such election.
Term 6 years
shall be elected by direct vote of the people for a not be eligible for two consecutive
term of six years which shall begin at noon on the any reelection terms
thirtieth day of June next following the day of the may be appointed
election and shall end at noon of the same date six as a Member of the
Cabinet with no
years thereafter. The President shall not be eligible
need of
for any reelection. No person who has succeeded as confirmation
President and has served as such for more than four
years shall be qualified for election to the same
office at any time. Rules of Succession

No Vice-President shall serve for more than two 1. President

consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of the a. Before assumption of office
office for any length of time shall not be considered
as an interruption in the continuity of the service SECTION 7. The President-elect and the Vice-
for the full term for which he was elected. President-elect shall assume office at the
beginning of their terms.
Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular If the President-elect fails to qualify, the Vice-
election for President and Vice-President shall be President-elect shall act as President until the
held on the second Monday of May. President-elect shall have qualified.
If a President shall not have been chosen, the
The returns of every election for President and Vice-President-elect shall act as President until
Vice-President, duly certified by the board of a President shall have been chosen and
canvassers of each province or city, shall be qualified.
transmitted to the Congress, directed to the If at the beginning of the term of the
President of the Senate. Upon receipt of the President, the President-elect shall have died
certificates of canvass, the President of the Senate or shall have become permanently disabled,

the Vice-President-elect shall become discharged by the Vice-President as Acting

President. President.
Where no President and Vice-President shall Whenever a majority of all the Members of the
have been chosen or shall have qualified, or Cabinet transmit to the President of the Senate
where both shall have died or become and to the Speaker of the House of
permanently disabled, the President of the Representatives their written declaration that
Senate or, in case of his inability, the Speaker the President is unable to discharge the powers
of the House of Representatives shall act as and duties of his office, the Vice-President shall
President until a President or a Vice-President immediately assume the powers and duties of
shall have been chosen and qualified. the office as Acting President.
The Congress shall, by law, provide for the Thereafter, when the President transmits to the
manner in which one who is to act as President of the Senate and to the Speaker of
President shall be selected until a President or the House of Representatives his written
a Vice-President shall have qualified, in case of declaration that no inability exists, he shall
death, permanent disability, or inability of the reassume the powers and duties of his office.
officials mentioned in the next preceding Meanwhile, should a majority of all the
paragraph. Members of the Cabinet transmit within five
days to the President of the Senate and to the
b. Upon assumption of office Speaker of the House of Representatives their
written declaration that the President is unable
SECTION 8. In case of death, permanent to discharge the powers and duties of his office,
disability, removal from office, or resignation of the Congress shall decide the issue. For that
the President, the Vice-President shall become purpose, the Congress shall convene, if it is not
the President to serve the unexpired term. In in session, within forty-eight hours, in
case of death, permanent disability, removal accordance with its rules and without need of
from office, or resignation of both the President call.
and Vice-President, the President of the Senate If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of
or, in case of his inability, the Speaker of the the last written declaration, or, if not in session,
House of Representatives, shall then act as within twelve days after it is required to
President until the President or Vice-President assemble, determines by a two-thirds vote of
shall have been elected and qualified. both Houses, voting separately, that the
The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall President is unable to discharge the powers and
serve as President in case of death, permanent duties of his office, the Vice-President shall act
disability, or resignation of the Acting President. as the President; otherwise, the President shall
He shall serve until the President or the Vice- continue exercising the powers and duties of his
President shall have been elected and qualified, office.
and be subject to the same restrictions of
powers and disqualifications as the Acting SECTION 12. In case of serious illness of the
President. President, the public shall be informed of the
state of his health. The Members of the Cabinet
SECTION 10. The Congress shall, at ten o’clock in in charge of national security and foreign
the morning of the third day after the vacancy in relations and the Chief of Staff of the Armed
the offices of the President and Vice-President Forces of the Philippines, shall not be denied
occurs, convene in accordance with its rules access to the President during such illness.
without need of a call and within seven days - President himself sent written declaration that
enact a law calling for a special election to elect he is unable to discharge the powers and duties
a President and a Vice-President to be held not of his office
earlier than forty-five days nor later than sixty o Resume power when president transmits to
days from the time of such call. The bill calling the President of the Senate and to the
such special election shall be deemed certified Speaker of the House of Representatives his
under paragraph 2, Section 26, Article VI of this written declaration that no inability exists
Constitution and shall become law upon its - Written declaration sent by majority of all the
approval on third reading by the Congress. Members of the Cabinet that president is now
Appropriations for the special election shall be able to discharge the powers and duties of his
charged against any current appropriations and office
shall be exempt from the requirements of o Within 5 days therefrom, Congress shall
paragraph 4, Section 25, Article VI of this decide the issue.
Constitution. The convening of the Congress  Congress shall convene, if it is not in
cannot be suspended nor the special election session, within forty-eight hours, in
postponed. No special election shall be called if accordance with its rules and without need
the vacancy occurs within eighteen months of call.
before the date of the next presidential election. o If the Congress, within ten days after receipt
of the last written declaration, or, if not in
c. Temporary incapacity session, within twelve days after it is required
to assemble, determines by a two-thirds vote
SECTION 11. Whenever the President transmits of both Houses, voting separately, that the
to the President of the Senate and the Speaker President is unable to discharge the powers
of the House of Representatives his written and duties of his office, the Vice-President
declaration that he is unable to discharge the shall act as the President; otherwise, the
powers and duties of his office, and until he President shall continue exercising the powers
transmits to them a written declaration to the and duties of his office.
contrary, such powers and duties shall be

2. Vice President subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,

including government-owned or controlled
SECTION 9. Whenever there is a vacancy in the corporations or their subsidiaries.
Office of the Vice-President during the term for 5. The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or
which he was elected, the President shall affinity within the fourth civil degree of the
nominate a Vice-President from among the President shall not during his tenure be
Members of the Senate and the House of appointed as members of the Constitutional
Representatives who shall assume office upon Commissions, or the Office of the Ombudsman,
confirmation by a majority vote of all the or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or
Members of both Houses of the Congress, heads of bureaus or offices, including
voting separately. government-owned or controlled corporations
and their subsidiaries.
Privileges, Prohibitions, Disqualifications
Powers and Functions
SECTION 6. The President shall have an official
residence. The salaries of the President and Vice- 1. Executive and administrative powers in general
President shall be determined by law and shall not 2. Power of appointment and removal
be decreased during their tenure. No increase in
said compensation shall take effect until after the SECTION 14. Appointments extended by an
expiration of the term of the incumbent during Acting President shall remain effective, unless
which such increase was approved. They shall not revoked by the elected President within ninety
receive during their tenure any other emolument days from his assumption or re-assumption of
from the Government or any other source. office.

SECTION 13. The President, Vice-President, the SECTION 15. Two months immediately before
Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies or the next presidential elections and up to the
assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided in end of his term, a President or Acting President
this Constitution, hold any other office or shall not make appointments, except
employment during their tenure. They shall not, temporary appointments to executive positions
during said tenure, directly or indirectly, practice when continued vacancies therein will
any other profession, participate in any business, or prejudice public service or endanger public
be financially interested in any contract with, or in safety.
any franchise, or special privilege granted by the
Government or any subdivision, agency, or SECTION 16. The President shall nominate and,
instrumentality thereof, including government- with the consent of the Commission on
owned or controlled corporations or their Appointments, appoint the heads of the
subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid conflict of executive departments, ambassadors, other
interest in the conduct of their office. public ministers and consuls, or officers of the
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or armed forces from the rank of colonel or naval
affinity within the fourth civil degree of the captain, and other officers whose
President shall not during his tenure be appointed appointments are vested in him in this
as members of the Constitutional Commissions, or Constitution. He shall also appoint all other
the Office of the Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, officers of the Government whose
Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of bureaus or appointments are not otherwise provided for
offices, including government-owned or controlled by law, and those whom he may be authorized
corporations and their subsidiaries. by law to appoint. The Congress may, by law,
vest the appointment of other officers lower in
- Privileges rank in the President alone, in the courts, or in
1. Official residence. the heads of departments, agencies,
2. Salaries of pres and VP, not be decreased during commissions, or boards.
their tenure. Source
3. Presidential Immunity The President shall have the power to make
4. Executive Privilege appointments during the recess of the
- Prohibitions Congress, whether voluntary or compulsory,
1. No increase in compensation of pres and VP but such appointments shall be effective only
until after the expiration of the term of the until after disapproval by the Commission on
incumbent during which such increase was Appointments or until the next adjournment of
approved. the Congress.
2. Pres and VP not to receive during their tenure - Kinds of appointment
any other emolument from the Government or a. Permanent
any other source  Regular
3. President, Vice-President, the Members of the  Ad interim
Cabinet, and their deputies or assistants, not to o Appointments extended by an Acting
hold any other office or employment during President shall remain effective, unless
their tenure. revoked by the elected President within
4. During said tenure, President, Vice-President, ninety days from his assumption or re-
the Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies assumption of office.
or assistants cannot, directly or indirectly, o appointments during the recess of the
practice any other profession, participate in any Congress, whether voluntary or
business, or be financially interested in any compulsory, but such appointments shall
contract with, or in any franchise, or special be effective only until after disapproval
privilege granted by the Government or any by the Commission on Appointments or

until the next adjournment of the necessary, he may call out such armed forces to
Congress prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion
b. Temporary or rebellion. In case of invasion or rebellion,
 Midnight – Appointments made two when the public safety requires it, he may, for a
months immediately before the next period not exceeding sixty days, suspend the
presidential elections and up to the end of privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or place
his term the Philippines or any part thereof under
o GR: Not allowed. martial law. Within forty-eight hours from the
o Exception: temporary appointments to proclamation of martial law or the suspension
executive positions when continued of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus,
vacancies therein will prejudice public the President shall submit a report in person or
service or endanger public safety. in writing to the Congress. The Congress, voting
- Commission on Appointments jointly, by a vote of at least a majority of all its
 Need consent of the CoA Members in regular or special session, may
 Heads of the executive departments, revoke such proclamation or suspension, which
 Ambassadors, other public ministers and revocation shall not be set aside by the
consuls, President. Upon the initiative of the President,
 Officers of the armed forces from the the Congress may, in the same manner, extend
rank of colonel or naval captain, such proclamation or suspension for a period
 Officers whose appointments are vested to be determined by the Congress, if the
in him in this Constitution. invasion or rebellion shall persist and public
 No need of confirmation safety requires it.
 Officers of the Government whose The Congress, if not in session, shall, within
appointments are not otherwise twenty-four hours following such proclamation
provided for by law, or suspension, convene in accordance with its
 Those whom he may be authorized by rules without any need of a call.
law to appoint. The Supreme Court may review, in an
appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen, the
3. Power of control and supervision sufficiency of the factual basis of the
proclamation of martial law or the suspension
SECTION 17. The President shall have control of of the privilege of the writ or the extension
all the executive departments, bureaus, and thereof, and must promulgate its decision
offices. He shall ensure that the laws be thereon within thirty days from its filing.
faithfully executed. A state of martial law does not suspend the
operation of the Constitution, nor supplant the
a. Doctrine of qualified political agency / alter functioning of the civil courts or legislative
ego principle assemblies, nor authorize the conferment of
b. Executive departments and offices jurisdiction on military courts and agencies
c. General supervision over local government over civilians where civil courts are able to
units function, nor automatically suspend the
privilege of the writ.
The President of the Philippines shall The suspension of the privilege of the writ shall
exercise general supervision over local apply only to persons judicially charged for
governments. Provinces with respect to rebellion or offenses inherent in or directly
component cities and municipalities, and connected with the invasion.
cities and municipalities with respect to During the suspension of the privilege of the
component barangays shall ensure that the writ, any person thus arrested or detained shall
acts of their component units are within the be judicially charged within three days,
scope of their prescribed powers and otherwise he shall be released.
functions. (Art X, S4)
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts
The President shall provide for regional of justice to settle actual controversies
development councils or other similar bodies involving rights which are legally demandable
composed of local government officials, and enforceable, and to determine whether or
regional heads of departments and other not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
government offices, and representatives amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
from non-governmental organizations within the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
the regions for purposes of administrative Government. (Art VIII, S1(2))
decentralization to strengthen the autonomy
of the units therein and to accelerate the a. Calling out power
economic and social growth and - call out such armed forces to prevent or
development of the units in the region. (Art suppress lawless violence, invasion or
X, S14) rebellion.
b. Suspension of privilege of Habeas Corpus and
 Direct Martial law
 Indirect supervision - Requisites:
1. In case of invasion or rebellion
4. Military powers 2. Public safety requires it
3. For a period not exceeding sixty days
SECTION 18. The President shall be the 4. Within 48 hours from the proclamation,
Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the submit a report in person or in writing to
Philippines and whenever it becomes the Congress.

- The Supreme Court may review, in an 6. Diplomatic power (Treaty making)

appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen,
the sufficiency of the factual basis of the SECTION 21. No treaty or international
proclamation to be decided within thirty agreement shall be valid and effective unless
days from its filing. concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the
- A state of martial law does not suspend the Members of the Senate.
operation of the Constitution, nor supplant - Treaty vs Executive Agreement
the functioning of the civil courts or
legislative assemblies, nor authorize the 7. Powers relative to revenue, appropriation and
conferment of jurisdiction on military courts tariff measures; Limitations
and agencies over civilians where civil
courts are able to function, nor The Congress may, by law, authorize the
automatically suspend the privilege of the President to fix within specified limits, and
writ. subject to such limitations and restrictions as it
- Limits of suspension of the privilege of the may impose, tariff rates, import and export
writ quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other
1. Apply only to persons judicially charged duties or imposts within the framework of the
for rebellion or offenses inherent in or national development program of the
directly connected with the invasion. Government. (Art VI, S28(2))
2. Any person thus arrested or detained
shall be judicially charged within three 8. Borrowing power
days, otherwise he shall be released.
SECTION 20. The President may contract or
5. Pardoning powers guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the
Republic of the Philippines with the prior
SECTION 19. Except in cases of impeachment, concurrence of the Monetary Board, and
or as otherwise provided in this Constitution, subject to such limitations as may be provided
the President may grant reprieves, by law. The Monetary Board shall, within thirty
commutations and pardons, and remit fines days from the end of every quarter of the
and forfeitures, after conviction by final calendar year, submit to the Congress a
judgment. complete report of its decisions on applications
He shall also have the power to grant amnesty for loans to be contracted or guaranteed by the
with the concurrence of a majority of all the Government or government-owned and
Members of the Congress. controlled corporations which would have the
effect of increasing the foreign debt, and
No pardon, amnesty, parole, or suspension of containing other matters as may be provided
sentence for violation of election laws, rules, by law.
and regulations shall be granted by the
President without the favorable Foreign loans may only be incurred in
recommendation of the Commission. (Art IX-C, accordance with law and the regulation of the
S5) monetary authority. Information on foreign
loans obtained or guaranteed by the
a. Nature and limitations Government shall be made available to the
 Limitations: public. (Art XII, S21)
 There must be conviction
 In case of amnesty, with the concurrence - Requisites of valid foreign loan
of a majority of all the Members of the o With the prior concurrence of the Monetary
Congress Board,
 In case of violation of election laws, o Subject to such limitations as may be
rules, and regulations there must be provided by law.
favorable recommendation of the - The Monetary Board shall, within thirty days
Comelec. from the end of every quarter submit to the
b. Forms of executive clemency Congress a complete report of its decisions on
 Clemency - general term for reducing the applications for loans to be contracted or
penalties for a particular crime without guaranteed by the Government or
actually clearing your criminal record government-owned and controlled
 Reprieves - a cancellation or postponement corporations which would have the effect of
of a punishment increasing the foreign debt, and containing
 Commutations - substitution of a lesser other matters as may be provided by law.
punishment for a greater one - Information on foreign loans obtained or
 Pardons - an act of grace eliminating a guaranteed by the Government shall be made
sentence or punishment available to the public.
 Remit fines
 Amnesty - granted to classes of persons or 9. Budgetary power
communities who may be guilty of political
offenses, generally before or after the SECTION 22. The President shall submit to the
institution of the criminal prosecution and Congress within thirty days from the opening
sometimes after conviction. of every regular session, as the basis of the
 Parole - conditional release of a prisoner general appropriations bill, a budget of
from correctional institution after serving expenditures and sources of financing,
the minimum period of prison sentence including receipts from existing and proposed
revenue measures

The Congress may not increase the

appropriations recommended by the President
for the operation of the Government as
specified in the budget. The form, content, and
manner of preparation of the budget shall be
prescribed by law. (Art VI, S25(1))

No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer

of appropriations; however, the President, the
President of the Senate, the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court, and the heads of
Constitutional Commissions may, by law, be
authorized to augment any item in the general
appropriations law for their respective offices
from savings in other items of their respective
appropriations. (Art VI, S25(5))

10. Informing power

SECTION 23. The President shall address the

Congress at the opening of its regular session.
He may also appear before it at any other time.

11. Delegated powers

a. Emergency power

In times of war or other national emergency,

the Congress may, by law, authorize the
President, for a limited period and subject to
such restrictions as it may prescribe, to
exercise powers necessary and proper to
carry out a declared national policy. Unless
sooner withdrawn by resolution of the
Congress, such powers shall cease upon the
next adjournment thereof. (Art VI, S23(2))
- Limitations of Emergency power
1. There is a war or other national
2. There is a law authorize the President to
exercise it
3. For a limited period and subject to such
restrictions as it may prescribe,
4. Only those powers necessary and proper
to carry out a declared national policy.
5. Shall terminate the sooner withdrawn by
resolution of the Congress, or upon the
next adjournment thereof.

b. Tariff power
6. Veto powers
- Power to veto the entire bill
- Power to veto any particular item or items in
an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill

7. Residual powers

people, enabling him to participate in the

process of government to assure that it truly
derives its powers solely from the consent of
the governed
4. Duty - Suffrage as a duty is in the nature of a
public trust and constitutes a voter a
representative of the whole people. Duty is that
the privilege bestowed should be exercised not
exclusively for the benefit of the citizen or
citizens preferring it but in good faith and with
intelligent zeal for the general benefit and
welfare of the State
5. Theory - Based upon the theory that the people
who bear the burden of government should
share in the privilege of choosing the officials of
the government. The principle is that of one
man, one vote
- Object of suffrage - Main: continuity of
government and the preservation and
perpetuation of its benefits. Two-fold: to enable
the people to choose their representatives to
discharge sovereign functions (election) and to
determine their will upon such questions
submitted to them (plebiscite, referendum,
initiative, and recall)
- Object of Election Laws - Regulate how the right of
suffrage is to be exercised. Means for assuring a
free, honest, and orderly, expression of the
people's views and choice of candidates
uninfluenced by, threats, intimidation and corrupt
motives. Give effect to, rather than stifle or
frustrate, the will of the voters
- Congress has unlimited power to enact laws
relative to the right of suffrage including the power
to define the qualifications of voters, to regulate
elections, to prescribe the form of official ballot, to
provide for the manner in which candidates shall
be chosen and the names that shall be printed
upon the ballot, to regulate the manner of
conducting elections, and, in the exercise of the
SUFFRAGE (ARTCLE V) police power, to suppress whatever evils may be
incident to the election of public officers
Definition, nature
Scope of Suffrage (R-I-P-E-R)
Theory of popular sovereignty
- Section 1, Article II of the Constitution says: "The - Scope of suffrage (R-I-P-E-R)
Philippines is a democratic and republican state. 1. Recall - It is a method by which a public officer
Sovereignty resides in the people and all may be removed from office during his tenure
government authority emanates from them or before the expiration of his term by a vote of
- Actual sovereignty is exercised by the people by the people after registration of a petition
means of suffrage through the ballot of the signed by a required percentage of the qualified
registered voters in duly appointed elections held voters
from time to time
- Meaning - Suffrage is the right as well as obligation The Congress shall enact a local government
of qualified citizens to vote in the election of code which shall provide for a more
certain national and local officers of the responsive and accountable local government
government and in the decision of public questions structure instituted through a system of
submitted to the people decentralization with effective mechanisms of
- Nature (Privilege-Not Absolute-Duty-Political- recall, initiative, and referendum, allocate
Theory) among the different local government units
1. Privilege - not a natural right of the citizens but their powers, responsibilities, and resources,
merely a privilege to be given or withheld by and provide for the qualifications, election,
the lawmaking power subject to constitutional appointment and removal, term, salaries,
limitations, granted only upon the fulfillment of powers and functions and duties of local
certain minimum conditions deemed essential officials, and all other matters relating to the
for the welfare of society. organization and operation of the local units.
2. Not Absolute - Exercise not absolute; it is (Art X, S3)
subject to existing substantive and procedural - Ground: Loss of confidence
requirements provided in the Constitution, - Initiation of the Recall Process. -
statutes, and valid rules and regulations a. Preparatory recall assembly - Resolution
3. Political - a political right and duty, because it is adopted by a majority of all the members
the expression of the sovereign will of the of the preparatory recall assembly

concerned during its session called for the

purpose. Amendments to this Constitution may likewise
 Provincial level. - All mayors, vice- be directly proposed by the people through
mayors, and sanggunian members of initiative upon a petition of at least twelve per
the municipalities and component centum of the total number of registered
cities; voters, of which every legislative district must
 City level. - All punong barangay and be represented by at least three per centum of
sanggunian barangay members in the the registered voters therein. No amendment
city; under this section shall be authorized within
 Legislative District level. - In case five years following the ratification of this
where sangguniang panlalawigan Constitution nor oftener than once every five
members are elected by district, all years thereafter.
elective municipal officials in the The Congress shall provide for the
district; and in cases where implementation of the exercise of this right.
sangguniang panlungsod members are (Art XVII, S2)
elected by district, all elective
barangay officials in the district; and The Initiative and Referendum Act (RA 6735)
 Municipal level. - All punong barangay - (3) systems of initiative
and sangguniang barangay members in 1.Initiative on the Constitution - a petition
the municipality. proposing amendments to the Constitution;
b. Registered voters of the local government 2.Initiative on statutes - petition proposing to
unit to which the local elective official enact a national legislation; and
subject to such recall belongs. 3.Initiative on local legislation - petition
 Petition of at least (25%) of the total proposing to enact a regional, provincial,
number of registered voters in the LGU city, municipal, or barangay law, resolution
concerned during the election in which or ordinance.
the local official sought to be recalled - "Indirect initiative" is exercise of initiative by
was elected. the people through a proposition sent to
- Recall, which shall not be later than thirty (30) Congress or the local legislative body for
days after the filing of the resolution or action.
petition for recall in the case of the barangay, - "Referendum" is the power of the electorate
city, or municipal officials. and forty-five (45) to approve or reject a legislation through an
days in the case of provincial officials. The election called for the purpose. It may be of
official or officials sought to be recalled shall two classes, namely:
automatically be considered as duly a. Referendum on statutes - petition to
registered candidate or candidates to the approve or reject an act or law, or part
pertinent positions and, like other candidates, thereof, passed by Congress; and
shall be entitled to be voted upon. b. Referendum on local law - petition to
- The recall of an elective local official shall be approve or reject a law, resolution or
effective only upon the election and ordinance enacted by regional assemblies
proclamation of a successor in the person of and local legislative bodies.
the candidate receiving the highest number - Requirements:
of votes cast during the election on recall. least ten per centum (10%) of the total
Should the official sought to be recalled number of the registered voters,
receive the highest number of votes, 2.Every legislative district is represented by at
confidence in him is thereby affirmed, and he least three per centum (3%) of the
shall continue in office. registered voters thereof
- Prohibition from Resignation. - The elective 3.Register the same with the Commission.
local official sought to be recalled shall not be
allowed to resign while the recall process is in LGC RA 7160
progress. - Local initiative is the legal process whereby
- Limitations on Recall. - the registered voters of a local government
a. Any elective local official may be the unit may directly propose, enact, or amend
subject of a recall election only once any ordinance.
during his term of office for loss of - Procedure in Local Initiative. -
confidence.  Petition filed to Sangunian:
b. No recall shall take place within one (1)  Not less than one thousand (1,000)
year from the date of the official's registered voters in case of provinces
assumption to office or one (1) year and cities,
immediately preceding a regular local  one hundred (100) in case of
election. municipalities, and
- Expenses Incident to Recall Elections. - All  fifty (50) in case of barangays
expenses incident to recall elections shall be  If no favorable action thereon is taken by
borne by the COMELEC. the sanggunian concerned within thirty (30)
days from its presentation, the proponents,
2. Initiative - It is the process whereby the through their duly authorized and registered
registered voters directly propose, enact, or representatives, may invoke their power of
amend laws, national or local, or even propose initiative, giving notice thereof to the
Amendments to the Constitution through an sanggunian concerned.
election called for the purpose. One of the  Proponents shall have ninety (90) days in
People power features (Initiative and case of provinces and cities, sixty (60) days
referendum) in case of municipalities, and thirty (30)

days in case of barangays, from notice or its boundary substantially altered, except in
mentioned in subsection (b) hereof to accordance with the criteria established in the
collect the required number of signatures. Local Government Code and subject to
 Upon the lapse of the period herein approval by a majority of the votes cast in a
provided, the COMELEC, through its office in plebiscite in the political units directly
the local government unit concerned, shall affected. (Art X, S10)
certify as to whether or not the required
number of signatures has been obtained. The Congress may, by law, create special
Failure to obtain the required number metropolitan political subdivisions, subject to
defeats the proposition. a plebiscite as set forth in Section 10 hereof.
 If the required number of signatures is The component cities and municipalities shall
obtained, the COMELEC shall then set a retain their basic autonomy and shall be
date for the initiative during which the entitled to their own local executives and
proposition shall be submitted to the legislative assemblies. The jurisdiction of the
registered voters in the local government metropolitan authority that will hereby be
unit concerned for their approval within created shall be limited to basic services
sixty (60) days from the date of certification requiring coordination. (Art X, S10)
by the COMELEC, as provided in subsection
(g) hereof, in case of provinces and cities, The creation of the autonomous region shall
forty-five (45) days in case of municipalities, be effective when approved by majority of the
and thirty (30) days in case of barangays. votes cast by the constituent units in a
The initiative shall then be held on the date plebiscite called for the purpose, provided that
set, after which the results thereof shall be only provinces, cities, and geographic areas
certified and proclaimed by the COMELEC. voting favorably in such plebiscite shall be
 If the proposition is approved by a majority included in the autonomous region. (Art X,
of the votes cast, it shall take effect fifteen S18(2))
(15) days after certification by the COMELEC
as if affirmative action thereon had been 4. Election – expression of the sovereign will of
made by the sanggunian and local chief the people by which the people choose,
executive concerned. If it fails to obtain said through the use of the ballot, their officials for
number of votes, the proposition is definite and fixed periods and to whom they
considered defeated. entrust, for the time being as their
- Limitations on local initiative representatives, the exercise of powers of
1. The power of local initiative shall not be government. Specifically, the term "election," in
exercised more than once a year. the context of the Constitution, may refer to
2. Initiative shall extend only to subjects or the conduct of the polls including the list of
matters which are within the legal powers voters, the holding of the electoral campaign,
of the sanggunian to enact. and the casting and counting of votes
3. If at any time before the initiative is held, 5. Referendum- It is the submission of a law
the sanggunian concerned adopts in toto passed by the national or local legislative body
the proposition presented and the local to the registered voters at an election called for
chief executive approves the same, the the purpose for their ratification or rejection.
initiative shall be cancelled. However, Mode of appealing from an elected body to the
those against such action may, if they so whole body of voters
desire, apply for initiative in the manner
herein provided. The Congress shall, as early as possible,
- Limitations upon Sangunian provide for a system of initiative and
 Any proposition or ordinance approved referendum, and the exceptions therefrom,
through the system of initiative and whereby the people can directly propose and
referendum as herein provided shall not be enact laws or approve or reject any act or law
repealed, modified or amended by the or part thereof passed by the Congress or local
sanggunian concerned within six (6) months legislative body after the registration of a
from the date of the approval thereof, and petition therefor signed by at least ten per
may be amended, modified or repealed by centum of the total number of registered
the sanggunian within three (3) years voters, of which every legislative district must
thereafter by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) be represented by at least three per centum of
of all its members: Provided, That in case of the registered voters thereof. (Art VI, S32)
barangays, the period shall be eighteen (18) - Local referendum is the legal process whereby
months after the approval thereof. the registered voters of the local government
3. Plebiscite- It is the name given to a vote of the units may approve, amend or reject any
people expressing their choice for or against a ordinance enacted by the sanggunian.
proposed law or enactment submitted to them. - Under the control and direction of the
Also applied to an election at which any COMELEC within sixty (60) days in case of
proposed amendment to, or revision of, the provinces and cities, forty-five (45) days in
Constitution is submitted to the people for their case of municipalities and thirty (30) days in
ratification, as well as when certain proposed case of barangays.
changes (creation, division, merger, abolition or - COMELEC shall certify and proclaim the
boundary change of a political unit) affecting results of the said referendum.
local government units may be implemented
Qualifications and disqualifications of voters
No province, city, municipality, or barangay
may be created, divided, merged, abolished,

SECTION 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens 3. Insane or incompetent persons declared as
of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law, such by competent authority unless
who are at least eighteen years of age, and who subsequently declared by proper authority that
shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one such person is no longer insane or
year and in the place wherein they propose to vote incompetent.
for at least six months immediately preceding the
election. No literacy, property, or other substantive A. Secrecy and sanctity of the ballot
requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of
suffrage. SECTION 2. The Congress shall provide a system
- Who may vote for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the
Constitutional Req’t Statutory Req’t (RA 8189) ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by
1. at least eighteen years of age, qualified Filipinos abroad.
2. Shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year
3. Resided in the place wherein they propose to vote for at The Congress shall also design a procedure for
least six months immediately preceding the election. the disabled and the illiterates to vote without
the assistance of other persons. Until then, they
- Prohibited to impose as requirements for exercise shall be allowed to vote under existing laws and
of suffrage such rules as the Commission on Elections may
o Literacy requirement removed promulgate to protect the secrecy of the ballot.
 Filipino does not cease to be a Filipino
because he is illiterate; a man pays taxes and Section 14. Illiterate or Disabled Applicants. Any
he bleeds and he dies for his country whether illiterate person may register with the assistance
he signs his name with a flourish or with an of the Election Officer or any member of an
"X." Confuses literacy with intelligence, and accredited citizen’s arms. The Election Officer
learning with wisdom. They know what is shall place such illiterate person under oath, ask
happening in their community and in the him the questions, and record the answers given
country. Yet they are denied the right to take in order to accomplish the application form in
part in their government and to help shape the presence of the majority of the members of
their destiny the Board. The Election Officer or any member
o Property requirement removed of an accredited citizen’s arm shall read the
 Property ownership not a test of an individual accomplished form aloud to the person assisted
capacity to function properly and fully as a and ask him if the information given is true and
social and political being correct The accomplished form shall be
 Property requirement inconsistent with subscribed by the applicant in the presence of
concept of republican government which is a the Board by means of thumbmark or some
political system is premised upon the tenet other customary mark and it shall be subscribed
that sovereignty resides in the people and all and attested by the majority of the members of
governmental authority emanates from them the Board.
 Property requirement inconsistent with social
justice principles - presupposes equal The attestation shall state the name of the
opportunity for all person assisted, the name of the Election Officer
o Education – Formal education itself is no or the member of the accredited citizen’s arm
guarantee of good citizenship or of intelligent who assisted the applicant, the fact that the
voting Election Officer placed the applicant under oath,
o Sex that the Election Officer or the member of the
o Taxpaying ability - restriction is related to accredited citizen’s arm who assisted the
property requirement for voting applicant read the accomplished form to the
- System of Continuing Registration of Voters. The person assisted, and that the person assisted
personal filing of application of registration of affirmed its truth and accuracy, by placing his
voters shall be conducted daily in the office of the thumbmark or some other customary mark on
Election Officer during regular office hours. No the application in the presence of the Board.
registration shall, however, be conducted during The application for registration of a physically
the period starting one hundred twenty (120) days disabled person may be prepared by any
before a regular election and ninety (90) days relative within the fourth civil degree of
before a special election. consanguinity or affinity or by the Election
- Disqualification: Officer or any member of an accredited citizen’s
1. Any person who has been sentenced by final arm using the data supplied by the applicant.
judgment to suffer imprisonment of not less The fact of illiteracy or disability shall be so
than one (1) year, such disability not having indicated in the application.
been removed by plenary pardon or amnesty:
Automatically reacquire the right to vote upon - RA 9369 – Election Automation Law
expiration of five (5) years after service of - RA 9189 – Overseas Absentee Voting Act (2003)
sentence;  Coverage. – All citizens of the Philippines abroad,
2. Any person who has been adjudged by final who are not otherwise disqualified by law, at
judgment by a competent court or tribunal of least eighteen (18) years of age on the day of
having committed any crime involving disloyalty elections, may vote for president, vice-president,
to the duly constituted government such as senators and party-list representatives.
rebellion, sedition, violation of the firearms  Disqualifications
laws or any crime against national security, 1. Those who have lost their Filipino citizenship
unless restored to his full civil and political in accordance with Philippine laws;
rights in accordance with law: 2. Those who have expressly renounced their
Philippine citizenship and who have pledged
allegiance to a foreign country;

3. Those who have committed and are convicted

in a final judgment by a court or tribunal of an
offense punishable by imprisonment of not
less than one (1) year, Disloyalty as defined
under Article 137 of the RPC, Commission
may take cognizance of final judgments issued
by foreign courts or tribunals only on the
basis of reciprocity and subject to the
formalities and processes prescribed by the
Rules of Court on execution of judgments;
4. An immigrant or a permanent resident who is
recognized as such in the host country, unless
he/she executes, upon registration, an
affidavit prepared for the purpose by the
Commission declaring that he/she shall
resume actual physical permanent residence
in the Philippines not later than three (3)
years from approval of his/her registration
under this Act. Failure to return shall be the
cause for the removal of the name from the
National Registry of Absentee Voters and
his/her permanent disqualification to vote in
5. Any citizen of the Philippines abroad
previously declared insane or incompetent by
competent authority in the Philippines or
abroad, as verified by the Philippine
embassies, consulates or foreign service
establishments concerned, unless such
competent authority subsequently certifies
that such person is no longer insane or

- RA 7166 – (Synchronized Elections)

 Elections for President, Vice-President and
 Limited to members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and the Philippine National Police and
other government officers and employees who
are duly registered voters and who, on election
day, may temporarily be assigned in connection
with the performance of election duties to place
where they are not registered voters.

1. No person shall be appointed Member of the

Supreme Court or any lower collegiate court
unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines. A Member of the Supreme Court
must be at least forty years of age, and must have
been for fifteen years or more a judge of a lower
court or engaged in the practice of law in the
2. The Congress shall prescribe the qualifications of
judges of lower courts, but no person may be
appointed judge thereof unless he is a citizen of
the Philippines and a member of the Philippine
3. A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of
proven competence, integrity, probity, and

SECTION 9. The Members of the Supreme Court and

judges of lower courts shall be appointed by the
President from a list of at least three nominees
prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for every
vacancy. Such appointments need no confirmation.
For the lower courts, the President shall issue the
appointments within ninety days from the
submission of the list.

SECTION 10. The salary of the Chief Justice and of

the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and of
judges of lower courts shall be fixed by law. During
their continuance in office, their salary shall not be
o Composition
 Chief Justice
 fourteen Associate Justices
o Qualifications
Members of SC Lower Collegiate Judges of lower
court courts
person of proven competence, integrity, probity, and
Natural-born citizen Citizen
X. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT (ARTICLE VIII) fifteen years or Member of the Philippine Bar
more a judge of
A.Judicial Power a lower court or
engaged in the
practice of law
SECTION 1. The judicial power shall be vested in in the
one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may Philippines
be established by law. At least forty Congress shall prescribe the
years of age qualifications
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of
o Appointment:
justice to settle actual controversies involving rights
which are legally demandable and enforceable, and  Appointed by the President from a list of at least
to determine whether or not there has been a grave three nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of Council for every vacancy. Such appointments
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or need no confirmation.
instrumentality of the Government.  For the lower courts, the President shall issue
o Who exercises judicial power the appointments within ninety days from the
submission of the list.
 Supreme Court
o Vacancy – Filled within 90 days from occurence
 lower courts
o Scope of Judicial Power thereof
o Salary
 Settle actual controversies involving rights which
are legally demandable and enforceable  Fixed by law.
 To determine whether or not there has been a  During their continuance in office, their salary
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or shall not be decreased.
excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch
or instrumentality of the Government. SECTION 5. The Supreme Court shall have the
following powers:
SECTION 4. (1) The Supreme Court shall be 1. Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting
composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Associate ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls,
Justices. It may sit en banc or in its discretion, in and over petitions for certiorari, prohibition,
divisions of three, five, or seven Members. Any mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.
vacancy shall be filled within ninety days from the 2. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on
occurrence thereof. appeal or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of
Court may provide, final judgments and orders of
SECTION 7. lower courts in:

a. All cases in which the constitutionality or c. Acts of Legislative Department

validity of any treaty, international or executive o Judicial Restraint; Limitations on the exercise
agreement, law, presidential decree, of Judicial Review
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or o Requisites for Judicial Review of a
regulation is in question. constitutional issue
b. All cases involving the legality of any tax, 1. Actual case or controversy;
impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty  justiciable question)
imposed in relation thereto.  not moot and academic; exceptions
c. All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower  ripe for judicial action
court is in issue. 2. Issue must be raised by proper party (locus
d. All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed standi);
is reclusion perpetua or higher.  General Rule:
e. All cases in which only an error or question of  Exceptions:
law is involved. 3. Issue must be raised at the earliest
3. Assign temporarily judges of lower courts to opportunity;
other stations as public interest may require.  General Rule:
Such temporary assignment shall not exceed six  Exceptions:
months without the consent of the judge  Necessity of deciding the constitutional
concerned. question (lis mota)
4. Order a change of venue or place of trial to avoid o Effects of declaration of unconstitutionality of
a miscarriage of justice. law / act
5. Promulgate rules concerning the protection and  Orthodox v Modern View
enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading,  Operative Fact Doctrine
practice, and procedure in all courts, the 3. Rule-Making Powers
admission to the practice of law, the Integrated o Rules on:
Bar, and legal assistance to the underprivileged.  Protection and enforcement of
Such rules shall provide a simplified and constitutional rights
inexpensive procedure for the speedy disposition  Pleading, practice and procedure in all
of cases, shall be uniform for all courts of the courts
same grade, and shall not diminish, increase, or  Admission to the practice of law
modify substantive rights. Rules of procedure of  IBP: discipline and practice of law
special courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall  Legal assistance to the underprivileged
remain effective unless disapproved by the o Characteristics/Nature of Rules:
Supreme Court.  Simplified and inexpensive procedure for
6. Appoint all officials and employees of the the speedy disposition of cases
Judiciary in accordance with the Civil Service Law.  Uniform for all courts of the same grade
 Shall not diminish, increase, or modify
1. Adjudicatory power - Exercise original substantive rights
jurisdiction over cases affecting: o Rules of procedure of special courts and
a. Involving rights legally demandable quasi-judicial bodies shall remain effective
 Certiorari unless disapproved by the Supreme Court
 Prohibition 4. Auxiliary Administrative Powers
 Mandamus
 Quo warranto SECTION 2. The Congress shall have the power
 Habeas corpus to define, prescribe, and apportion the
b. Affecting ambassadors, public ministers and jurisdiction of various courts but may not
consuls deprive the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction
c. PET = SC over cases enumerated in Section 5 hereof.
2. Judicial Review No law shall be passed reorganizing the
o What is judicial review – Power to review, Judiciary when it undermines the security of
revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or tenure of its Members.
certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court
may provide, final judgments and orders. a. Assign temporarily (Detailing) judges of lower
o Functions of Judicial Review courts to other stations as public interest may
o Modes of review and other judicial actions require. Such temporary assignment shall not
o Scope of Judicial Review exceed six months without the consent of the
a. Acts of Judicial Department: Lower courts: judge concerned.
1. All cases in which the constitutionality or b. Order a change of venue or place of trial to
validity of any treaty, international or avoid a miscarriage of justice.
executive agreement, law, presidential c. Appoint all officials and employees of the
decree, proclamation, order, instruction, Judiciary in accordance with the Civil Service
ordinance, or regulation is in question. Law.
2. All cases involving the legality of any tax, d. Other administrative powers:
impost, assessment, or toll, or any 1. Discipline lower court judges
penalty imposed in relation thereto.
3. All cases in which the jurisdiction of any SECTION 11. The Members of the Supreme
lower court is in issue. Court and judges of lower courts shall hold
4. All criminal cases in which the penalty office during good behavior until they
imposed is reclusion perpetua or higher. reached the age of seventy years or
5. All cases in which only an error or become incapacitated to discharge the
question of law is involved. duties of their office. The Supreme Court
b. Acts of Executive Department en banc shall have the power to discipline

judges of lower courts, or order their brief, or memorandum required by

dismissal by a vote of a majority of the the Rules of Court or by the court
Members who actually took part in the itself.
deliberations on the issues in the case and  Consultation
voted thereon.  Assignment to a Member for the
writing of the opinion of the Court
2. Administrative supervision over all courts  Certification to this effect signed by
and court personnel the Chief Justice shall be issued
 A copy thereof attached to the
SECTION 6. The Supreme Court shall have record of the case and served upon
administrative supervision over all courts the parties.
and the personnel thereof.  The certification shall state why a
decision or resolution has not been
SECTION 13. The conclusions of the rendered or issued within said
Supreme Court in any case submitted to it period.
for decision en banc or in division shall be  Any Member who took no part, or
reached in consultation before the case is dissented, or abstained from a
assigned to a Member for the writing of decision or resolution must state the
the opinion of the Court. A certification to reason therefor.
this effect signed by the Chief Justice shall  Decisions must express clearly and
be issued and a copy thereof attached to distinctly the facts and the law on
the record of the case and served upon the which it is based.
parties. Any Member who took no part, or  In petition for review or motion for
dissented, or abstained from a decision or reconsideration legal basis must be
resolution must state the reason therefor. stated for the refusal to give due
The same requirements shall be observed course or denial thereof
by all lower collegiate courts. - Period of deciding a case
 General Rule:
SECTION 14. No decision shall be rendered  SC - Within twenty-four months
by any court without expressing therein from date of submission
clearly and distinctly the facts and the law  Lower collegiate courts - twelve
on which it is based. unless reduced by the Supreme
No petition for review or motion for Court
reconsideration of a decision of the court  Other lower courts - three months
shall be refused due course or denied unless reduced by the Supreme
without stating the legal basis therefor. Court

SECTION 15.  Exception: Beyond the period

1. All cases or matters filed after the  Upon the expiration of the
effectivity of this Constitution must be corresponding period, a
decided or resolved within twenty-four certification to this effect signed by
months from date of submission for the the Chief Justice or the presiding
Supreme Court, and, unless reduced by judge shall forthwith be issued and
the Supreme Court, twelve months for a copy thereof attached to the
all lower collegiate courts, and three record of the case or matter, and
months for all other lower courts. served upon the parties.
2. A case or matter shall be deemed  The certification shall state why a
submitted for decision or resolution decision or resolution has not been
upon the filing of the last pending, brief, rendered or issued within said
or memorandum required by the Rules period.
of Court or by the court itself.  The court, without prejudice to
3. Upon the expiration of the such responsibility as may have
corresponding period, a certification to been incurred in consequence
this effect signed by the Chief Justice or thereof, shall decide or resolve the
the presiding judge shall forthwith be case or matter submitted thereto
issued and a copy thereof attached to for determination, without further
the record of the case or matter, and delay.
served upon the parties. The
certification shall state why a decision or 5. Fiscal autonomy
resolution has not been rendered or
issued within said period. SECTION 3. The Judiciary shall enjoy fiscal
4. Despite the expiration of the applicable autonomy. Appropriations for the Judiciary
mandatory period, the court, without may not be reduced by the legislature
prejudice to such responsibility as may below the amount appropriated for the
have been incurred in consequence previous year and, after approval, shall be
thereof, shall decide or resolve the case automatically and regularly released.
or matter submitted thereto for
determination, without further delay. 6. Annual report
- How exercised/rendered
 A case or matter shall be deemed SECTION 16. The Supreme Court shall,
submitted for decision or resolution within thirty days from the opening of
upon the filing of the last pending, each regular session of the Congress,

submit to the President and the Congress and shall keep a record of its
an annual report on the operations and proceedings
activities of the Judiciary. - Emoluments of regular members -
Determined by the Supreme Court and
7. Supervision of JBC out of annual budget appropriated by
SECTION 8. Judicial and Bar Council - Functions
1. A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby  Principal function - recommending
created under the supervision of the appointees to the Judiciary.
Supreme Court composed of the Chief  Other functions and duties as the
Justice as ex officio Chairman, the Supreme Court may assign to it.
Secretary of Justice, and a representative 6. Plenary powers over the bar
of the Congress as ex officio Members, a 7. Supervisory power over IBP
representative of the Integrated Bar, a
professor of law, a retired Member of 5. Incidental powers
the Supreme Court, and a representative
of the private sector.
2. The regular Members of the Council shall B.Concepts, definitions, distinctions
be appointed by the President for a term 1. Political v Justiciable Question
of four years with the consent of the 2. Ministerial v Discretionary Functions
Commission on Appointments. Of the 3. Judgment v Discretion
Members first appointed, the 4. Substantive v Procedural Law
representative of the Integrated Bar shall 5. Substantive v Procedural Rights
serve for four years, the professor of law 6. Facial Challenge v As Applied Challenge
for three years, the retired Justice for a. Void for Vagueness Doctrine
two years, and the representative of the b. Overbroad Doctrine
private sector for one year.
3. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be C. Jurisdiction and Organization of courts
the Secretary ex officio of the Council
and shall keep a record of its SECTION 4.
proceedings. 2. All cases involving the constitutionality of a
4. The regular Members of the Council shall treaty, international or executive agreement, or
receive such emoluments as may be law, which shall be heard by the Supreme Court
determined by the Supreme Court. The en banc, and all other cases which under the
Supreme Court shall provide in its Rules of Court are required to be heard en banc,
annual budget the appropriations for the including those involving the constitutionality,
Council. application, or operation of presidential decrees,
5. The Council shall have the principal proclamations, orders, instructions, ordinances,
function of recommending appointees to and other regulations, shall be decided with the
the Judiciary. It may exercise such other concurrence of a majority of the Members who
functions and duties as the Supreme actually took part in the deliberations on the
Court may assign to it. issues in the case and voted thereon.
3. Cases or matters heard by a division shall be
- Composition of JBC decided or resolved with the concurrence of a
a. Ex officio majority of the Members who actually took part
1. Chief Justice as ex officio Chairman in the deliberations on the issues in the case and
2. Secretary of Justice voted thereon, and in no case, without the
3. Representative of the Congress concurrence of at least three of such Members.
b. Regular When the required number is not obtained, the
4. A representative of the Integrated case shall be decided en banc: Provided, that no
Bar doctrine or principle of law laid down by the
5. Professor of law court in a decision rendered en banc or in division
6. A retired Member of the Supreme may be modified or reversed except by the court
Court, sitting en banc.
7. Arepresentative of the private
sector. 1. SC: en banc v division cases
- Supervised by the Supreme Court  En banc
- Appointment - The regular Members of  All cases involving the constitutionality of a
the Council shall be appointed by the treaty, international or executive
President with the consent of the agreement, or law
Commission on Appointments.  All other cases which under the Rules of
- Term Court are required to be heard en banc
 First members  Constitutionality, application, or operation
 representative of the Integrated of presidential decrees, proclamations,
Bar - four years orders, instructions, ordinances, and other
 the professor of law - three years, regulations
 the retired Justice - two years  When the required number is not obtained
 the representative of the private by division.
sector - one year.  To modify or reverse doctrine or principle of
 Succeeding: Four years law laid down by the court in a decision
- The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be rendered en banc or in division.
the Secretary ex officio of the Council  In divisions of 3,5,7

 Decided or resolved with the concurrence c. Chair, Presidential Electoral Tribunal, Article VII,
of a majority of the Members who actually Section 4
took part in the deliberations on the issues d. Supervisory powers over all Justices and Judges,
in the case and voted thereon Article VIII, Section 6
 In no case, without the concurrence of at e. Control & supervision over all officials &
least three of such Members. employees of Judiciary, Article VIII, Section 6

2. General v Limited jurisdiction E. Safeguards of Judicial Independence

3. Original v Appellate jurisdiction
4. Exclusive v Concurrent jurisdiction SECTION 12. The Members of the Supreme Court
5. Criminal v Civil jurisdiction and of other courts established by law shall not be
6. Regular v Special courts; Quasi-judicial bodies designated to any agency performing quasi-judicial
or administrative functions.
D.Additional functions and powers for the Chief
Justice F. Judicial Privilege
a. Presiding officer in the Impeachment court,
Article XI, Section 3 (6)
b. Chair, Judicial and Bar Council, Article VIII,
Section 8


A.Constitutional Commissions (Article IX)

Civil Service Commission (B) Commission on Elections (C) Commission on Audit (D)

Main Functions and 1. Administer Civil Service (Art IX-B, 1. Enforce and administer all 1. Examine, audit, and settle all
Powers Section 1) laws and regulations relative accounts pertaining to the
2. Central personnel agency of the to the conduct of an election, revenue and receipts of, and
Government (Art IX-B, Section 3) – plebiscite, initiative, expenditures or uses of funds
 Establish a career service and referendum, and recall. and property, owned or held
adopt measures to promote 2. Exercise exclusive original in trust by, or pertaining to,
morale, efficiency, integrity, jurisdiction over all contests the Government, or any of its
responsiveness, progressiveness, relating to the elections, subdivisions, agencies, or
and courtesy in the civil service. returns, and qualifications of instrumentalities, including
 Strengthen the merit and rewards all elective regional, government-owned or
system, integrate all human provincial, and city officials, controlled corporations with
resources development programs 3. Appellate jurisdiction over all original charters, and on a
for all levels and ranks, and contests involving elective post-audit basis:
institutionalize a management municipal officials decided by a. constitutional bodies,
climate conducive to public trial courts of general commissions and offices
accountability. jurisdiction, or involving that have been granted
elective barangay officials fiscal autonomy under this
decided by trial courts of Constitution;
limited jurisdiction. b. autonomous state colleges
4. Decide, except those and universities;
involving the right to vote, all c. other government-owned or
questions affecting elections, controlled corporations and
including determination of their subsidiaries; and
the number and location of d. such non-governmental
polling places, appointment entities receiving subsidy or
of election officials and equity, directly or indirectly,
inspectors, and registration from or through the
of voters. Government, which are
5. Deputize, with the required by law or the
concurrence of the President, granting institution to
law enforcement agencies submit to such audit as a
and instrumentalities of the condition of subsidy or
Government, including the equity.
Armed Forces of the
Philippines, for the exclusive 2. Where the internal control
purpose of ensuring free, system of the audited
orderly, honest, peaceful, agencies is inadequate, the
and credible elections. Commission may adopt such
6. Register, after sufficient measures, including
publication, political parties, temporary or special pre-
organizations, or coalitions audit, as are necessary and
which, in addition to other appropriate to correct the

requirements, must present deficiencies. It shall keep the

their platform or program of general accounts of the
government; and accredit Government and, for such
citizens’ arms of the period as may be provided by
Commission on Elections. law, preserve the vouchers
Religious denominations and and other supporting papers
sects shall not be registered. pertaining thereto.
Those which seek to achieve 3. Exclusive authority, subject to
their goals through violence the limitations in this Article,
or unlawful means, or refuse to define the scope of its audit
to uphold and adhere to this and examination, establish the
Constitution, or which are techniques and methods
supported by any foreign required therefor, and
government shall likewise be promulgate accounting and
refused registration. Financial auditing rules and regulations,
contributions from foreign including those for the
governments and their prevention and disallowance
agencies to political parties, of irregular, unnecessary,
organizations, coalitions, or excessive, extravagant, or
candidates related to unconscionable expenditures,
elections constitute or uses of government funds
interference in national and properties.
affairs, and, when accepted,
shall be an additional ground
for the cancellation of their
registration with the
Commission, in addition to
other penalties that may be
prescribed by law.
7. File, upon a verified
complaint, or on its own
initiative, petitions in court
for inclusion or exclusion of
voters; investigate and,
where appropriate,
prosecute cases of violations
of election laws, including
acts or omissions constituting
election frauds, offenses, and
8. Recommend to the Congress
effective measures to
minimize election spending,
including limitation of places
where propaganda materials
shall be posted, and to
prevent and penalize all
forms of election frauds,
offenses, malpractices, and
nuisance candidacies.
9. Recommend to the President
the removal of any officer or
employee it has deputized,
or the imposition of any
other disciplinary action, for
violation or disregard of, or
disobedience to its directive,
order, or decision.
10.Submit to the President and
the Congress a
comprehensive report on
the conduct of each
election, plebiscite,
initiative, referendum, or
11.The Commission may,
during the election period,
supervise or regulate the
enjoyment or utilization of
all franchises or permits for
the operation of

transportation and other

public utilities, media of
communication or
information, all grants,
special privileges, or
concessions granted by the
Government or any
subdivision, agency, or
instrumentality thereof,
including any government-
owned or controlled
corporation or its subsidiary.
Such supervision or
regulation shall aim to
ensure equal opportunity,
time, and space, and the
right to reply, including
reasonable, equal rates
therefor, for public
information campaigns and
forums among candidates in
connection with the
objective of holding free,
orderly, honest, peaceful,
and credible elections. (Art
IX-C, Section 4)
12.No pardon, amnesty, parole,
or suspension of sentence
for violation of election
laws, rules, and regulations
shall be granted by the
President without the
favorable recommendation
of the Commission (Art IX-C,
Section 5)

Other Functions Perform such other functions as may be provided by law. (Art IX-A, Section 8)

Composition Chairman and two Commissioners Chairman and six Chairman and two
(Art IX-B, Section 1) Commissioners (Art IX-C, Commissioners (Art IX-D, Section
Section 1(1)) 1(1))

Qualifications 1. natural-born citizens 1. Natural-born citizens 1.Natural-born citizens

2. at the time of their appointment, at 2. At the time of their 2.At the time of their
least thirty-five years of age, appointment, at least thirty- appointment, at least thirty-
3. with proven capacity for public five years of age, five years of age
administration (Art IX-B, Section 1) 3. Holders of a college degree 3.Certified public accountants
4. All public officers and employees 4. A majority thereof, including with not less than ten years of
shall take an oath or affirmation to the Chairman, shall be auditing experience, or
uphold and defend this Members of the Philippine members of the Philippine Bar
Constitution. (Art IX-B, Section 4) Bar who have been engaged who have been engaged in the
in the practice of law for at practice of law for at least ten
least ten years. (Art IX-C, years. (Art IX-D, Section 1(1))
Section 1(1))

Disqualifications 1. Must not have been candidates for 1. Must not have been 1.Must not have been
any elective position in the candidates for any elective candidates for any elective
elections immediately preceding position in the immediately position in the elections
their appointment. (Art IX-B, preceding elections immediately preceding their
Section 1) appointment.
2. No candidate who has lost in any 2.At no time shall all Members
election shall, within one year after of the Commission belong to
such election, be appointed to any the same profession.
office in the Government or any
government-owned or controlled
corporations or in any of their
subsidiaries. (Art IX-B, Section 6)

Jurisdiction all branches, subdivisions, No law shall be passed

instrumentalities, and agencies of the exempting any entity of the

Government, including government- Government or its subsidiary in

owned or controlled corporations any guise whatever, or any
with original charters. (Art IX-B, investment of public funds, from
Section 2(1)) the jurisdiction of the
Commission on Audit. (Art IX-D,
Section 3)

Appointment  Chairman and the Commissioners  Chairman and the  The Chairman and the
shall be appointed by the Commissioners shall be Commissioners shall be
President with the consent of the appointed by the President appointed by the President
Commission on Appointments (Art with the consent of the with the consent of the
IX-B, Section 1) Commission on Commission on
 Appointments in the civil service Appointments (Art IX-C, Appointments
shall be made only according to Section 1(2))
merit and fitness to be
determined, as far as practicable,
by competitive examination. (Art
IX-B, Section 2(2))
 Positions which are policy-
determining, primarily
confidential, or highly technical
(Art IX-B, Section 2(2))

Appoint their officials and employees in accordance with law. (Art IX-A, Section 4)

Terms of Office Seven years without reappointment.

Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired term of the predecessor.
In no case shall any Member be appointed or designated in a temporary or acting capacity. (Art IX-B, Section
1, Art IX-C, Section 1(2), Art IX-D, Section 1(2))

Prohibited offices and 1.Any officer/employee - Engage, A free and open party system
interests directly or indirectly, in any shall be allowed to evolve
electioneering or partisan political according to the free choice of
campaign. (Art IX-B, Section 2(4)) the people, subject to the
2.Elective official - Not eligible for provisions of this Article. (Art
appointment or designation in any IX-C, Section 6)
capacity to any public office or
position during his tenure. (Art IX-B, No votes cast in favor of a
Section 7) political party, organization, or
3.Appointive official - hold any other coalition shall be valid, except
office or employment in the for those registered under the
Government or any subdivision, party-list system as provided in
agency or instrumentality thereof, this Constitution. (Art IX-C,
including government-owned or Section 7)
controlled corporations or their
subsidiaries, unless otherwise Political parties, or
allowed by law or by the primary organizations or coalitions
functions of his position (Art IX-B, registered under the party-list
Section 7) system, shall not be
represented in the voters’
Right to self-organization shall not be registration boards, boards of
denied . (Art IX-B, Section 2(5)) election inspectors, boards of
canvassers, or other similar
bodies. However, they shall be
entitled to appoint poll
watchers in accordance with
law. (Art IX-C, Section 8)

Unless otherwise fixed by the

Commission in special cases,
the election period shall
commence ninety days before
the day of the election and
shall end thirty days after. (Art
IX-C, Section 9)

Bona fide candidates for any

public office shall be free from
any form of harassment and

discrimination. (Art IX-C,

Section 10)

Funds certified by the

Commission as necessary to
defray the expenses for holding
regular and special elections,
plebiscites, initiatives,
referenda, and recalls, shall be
provided in the regular or
special appropriations and,
once approved, shall be
released automatically upon
certification by the Chairman of
the Commission. (Art IX-C,
Section 11)
No Member of a Constitutional Commission shall, during his tenure (Art IX-A, Section 2)
 Hold any other office or employment.
 Engage in the practice of any profession
 Engage in the active management or control of any business which in any way be affected by the
functions of his office,
 Financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with, or in any franchise or privilege granted
by the Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-owned
or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries.

Salary The Congress shall provide for the

standardization of compensation of
government officials and employees,
including those in government-owned
or controlled corporations with
original charters, taking into account
the nature of the responsibilities
pertaining to, and the qualifications
required for their positions. (Art IX-B,
Section 5)

No elective or appointive public

officer or employee shall receive
additional, double, or indirect
compensation, unless specifically
authorized by law. (Art IX-B, Section 8)

Cannot accept without the consent of

the Congress, any present,
emolument, office, or title of any kind
from any foreign government.

Pensions or gratuities shall not be

considered as additional, double, or
indirect compensation.

Chairman and the Commissioners shall be fixed by law and shall not be decreased during their tenure (Art
IX-A, Section 3)

Removal Officers and employees - For cause

provided by law (Art IX-B, Section
Temporary employees of the
Government shall be given such
protection as may be provided by law
(Art IX-B, Section 2(6))

Members of the Constitutional Commissions may be removed from office, on impeachment for, and
conviction of, culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other high
crimes, or betrayal of public trust. (Art IX, Sec 2)

Fiscal Autonomy Commission shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Their approved annual appropriations shall be automatically and
regularly released. (Art IX-A, Section 5)

Submission of Reports Submit to the President and the The Commission shall submit to
Congress an annual report on its the President and the Congress,
personnel programs. (Art IX-B, Section within the time fixed by law, an
3) annual report covering the
financial condition and
operation of the Government,
its subdivisions, agencies, and
instrumentalities, including
government-owned or
controlled corporations, and
non-governmental entities
subject to its audit, and
recommend measures necessary
to improve their effectiveness
and efficiency. It shall submit
such other reports as may be
required by law. (Art IX-D,
Section 4)

Rule-Making powers May sit en banc - motions for

reconsideration of decisions
In two divisions - All such
election cases
Shall promulgate its rules of
procedure in order to expedite
disposition of election cases,
including pre-proclamation
controversies. (Art IX-B, Section

Each Commission en banc may promulgate its own rules concerning pleadings and practice before it or
before any of its offices. Such rules however shall not diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights. (Art
IX-A, Section 6)

Quasi-judicial functions Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its Members within sixty days from the date of its
submission for decision or resolution (upon the filing of the last pleading, brief, or memorandum required
by the rules of the Commission or by the Commission itself). (Art IX-A, Section 7)

Review of final orders, Decisions, final orders, or

resolutions and decisions rulings of the Commission on
election contests involving
elective municipal and
barangay offices shall be final,
executory, and not appealable.

Rendered in the exercise Any decision, order, or ruling of each Commission may be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the
of quasi-judicial aggrieved party within thirty days from receipt of a copy thereof, unless otherwise provided by this
functions Constitution or by law. (Art IX-A, Section 7)

Rendered in the exercise

of administrative

B.Economic Agencies provided by law over the operations of finance

companies and other institutions performing
1. BSP similar functions.
Until the Congress otherwise provides, the
The Congress shall establish an independent Central Bank of the Philippines, operating under
central monetary authority, the members of existing laws, shall function as the central
whose governing board must be natural-born monetary authority. (Article XII, Sections 20)
Filipino citizens, of known probity, integrity, and
patriotism, the majority of whom shall come Foreign loans may only be incurred in
from the private sector. They shall also be accordance with law and the regulation of the
subject to such other qualifications and monetary authority. Information on foreign
disabilities as may be prescribed by law. The loans obtained or guaranteed by the
authority shall provide policy direction in the Government shall be made available to the
areas of money, banking, and credit. It shall have public. (Article XII, Sections 21)
supervision over the operations of banks and
exercise such regulatory powers as may be 2. NEDA

whose human rights have been violated or need

The Congress may establish an independent protection;
economic and planning agency headed by the (4) Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons,
President, which shall, after consultations with or detention facilities;
the appropriate public agencies, various private (5) Establish a continuing program of research,
sectors, and local government units, education, and information to enhance respect
recommend to Congress, and implement for the primacy of human rights;
continuing integrated and coordinated programs (6) Recommend to the Congress effective
and policies for national development. measures to promote human rights and to
Until the Congress provides otherwise, the provide for compensation to victims of
National Economic and Development Authority violations of human rights, or their families;
shall function as the independent planning (7) Monitor the Philippine Government’s
agency of the government. (Article XII, Sections compliance with international treaty obligations
9) on human rights;
(8) Grant immunity from prosecution to any
SECTION 10. The Congress shall, upon person whose testimony or whose possession of
recommendation of the economic and planning documents or other evidence is necessary or
agency, when the national interest dictates, convenient to determine the truth in any
reserve to citizens of the Philippines or to investigation conducted by it or under its
corporations or associations at least sixty per authority;
centum of whose capital is owned by such (9) Request the assistance of any department,
citizens, or such higher percentage as Congress bureau, office, or agency in the performance of
may prescribe, certain areas of investments. The its functions;
Congress shall enact measures that will (10) Appoint its officers and employees in
encourage the formation and operation of accordance with law; and
enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by (11) Perform such other duties and functions as
Filipinos. may be provided by law.
In the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions
covering the national economy and patrimony, SECTION 19. The Congress may provide for other
the State shall give preference to qualified cases of violations of human rights that should
Filipinos. fall within the authority of the Commission,
The State shall regulate and exercise authority taking into account its recommendations.
over foreign investments within its national
jurisdiction and in accordance with its national 2. National Language Commission (Komisyon ng
goals and priorities. (Article XII, Sections 10) Wikang Pambansa)

C. National Commissions The Congress shall establish a national language

1. Commission on Human Rights (Article XIII) commission composed of representatives of
various regions and disciplines which shall
SECTION 17. (1) There is hereby created an undertake, coordinate, and promote researches
independent office called the Commission on for the development, propagation, and
Human Rights. preservation of Filipino and other languages.
(Article XIV, Section 9)
(2) The Commission shall be composed of a 3. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM),
Chairman and four Members who must be
natural-born citizens of the Philippines and a SECTION 6. The State shall establish and
majority of whom shall be members of the Bar. maintain one police force, which shall be
The term of office and other qualifications and national in scope and civilian in character, to be
disabilities of the Members of the Commission administered and controlled by a national police
shall be provided by law. commission. The authority of local executives
(3) Until this Commission is constituted, the over the police units in their jurisdiction shall be
existing Presidential Committee on Human provided by law. (Article XVI, Section 6)
Rights shall continue to exercise its present
functions and powers. RA 6975 – Establishing PNP under DILG
(4) The approved annual appropriations of the
Commission shall be automatically and regularly 4. National Commission on Indigenous People
released. (NCIP),

SECTION 18. The Commission on Human Rights The State, subject to the provisions of this
shall have the following powers and functions: Constitution and national development policies
(1) Investigate, on its own or on complaint by and programs, shall protect the rights of
any party, all forms of human rights violations indigenous cultural communities to their
involving civil and political rights; ancestral lands to ensure their economic, social,
(2) Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of and cultural well-being.
procedure, and cite for contempt for violations The Congress may provide for the applicability
thereof in accordance with the Rules of Court; of customary laws governing property rights or
(3) Provide appropriate legal measures for the relations in determining the ownership and
protection of human rights of all persons within extent of ancestral domain. (Article XII, Section
the Philippines, as well as Filipinos residing 5)
abroad, and provide for preventive measures
and legal aid services to the underprivileged The State shall recognize, respect, and protect
the rights of indigenous cultural communities to

preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, court but judgment therein has not yet been
and institutions. It shall consider these rights in rendered and the criminal case is hereafter filed
the formulation of national plans and policies. with the Sandiganbayan, said civil action shall be
(Article XIV, Section 17) transferred to the Sandiganbayan for
consolidation and joint determination with the
The Congress may create a consultative body to criminal action, otherwise, the criminal action
advise the President on policies affecting may no longer be filed with the Sandiganbayan,
indigenous cultural communities, the majority of its exclusive jurisdiction over the same
the members of which shall come from such notwithstanding, but may be filed and
communities. (Article XVI, Section 12) prosecuted only in the regular courts of
competent jurisdiction;
RA 8371 – Indigenous Peoples Rights Act
In cases within the concurrent jurisdiction of the
D.Anti-Graft Bodies Sandiganbayan and the regular courts, where
either the criminal or civil action is first filed
1. Sandiganbayan with the regular courts, the corresponding civil
or criminal action, as the case may be, shall only
The present anti-graft court known as the be filed with the regular courts of competent
Sandiganbayan shall continue to function and jurisdiction.
exercise its jurisdiction as now or hereafter may
be provided by law. (Article XI, Section 4) Excepted from the foregoing provisions, during
martial law, are criminal cases against officers
Jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan and members of the armed forces in the active
1. Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, Anti-Graft
and Corrupt Practices Act, and Republic Act 4. Ombudsman, PD 1630 (1979); RA 6770 (1989)
No. 1379;
2. Crimes committed by public officers and There is hereby created the independent Office of
employees including those employed in the Ombudsman, composed of the Ombudsman
government-owned or controlled to be known as Tanodbayan, one overall Deputy
corporations, embraced in Title VII of the and at least one Deputy each for Luzon, Visayas,
Revised Penal Code, whether simple or and Mindanao. A separate Deputy for the military
complexed with other crimes; and establishment may likewise be appointed. (Art XI,
3. Other crimes or offenses committed by public Sec 5)
officers or employees, including those
employed in government-owned or controlled The officials and employees of the Office of the
corporations, in relation to their office. Ombudsman, other than the Deputies, shall be
appointed by the Ombudsman according to the
The jurisdiction herein conferred shall be Civil Service Law. (Art XI, Sec 6)
original and exclusive if the offense charged is
punishable by a penalty higher than prision The existing Tanodbayan shall hereafter be known
correccional, or its equivalent, except as herein as the Office of the Special Prosecutor. It shall
provided; in other offenses, it shall be continue to function and exercise its powers as
concurrent with the regular courts. now or hereafter may be provided by law, except
those conferred on the Office of the Ombudsman
In case private individuals are charged as co- created under this Constitution. (Art XI, Sec 7)
principals, accomplices or accessories with the
public officers or employees including those The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall be
employed in government-owned or controlled natural-born citizens of the Philippines, and at the
corporations, they shall be tried jointly with said time of their appointment, at least forty years old,
public officers and employees. of recognized probity and independence, and
members of the Philippine Bar, and must not have
Where an accused is tried for any of the above been candidates for any elective office in the
offenses and the evidence is insufficient to immediately preceding election. The Ombudsman
establish the offense charged, he may must have for ten years or more been a judge or
nevertheless be convicted and sentenced for the engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines.
offense proved, included in that which is During their tenure, they shall be subject to the
charged. same disqualifications and prohibitions as
provided for in Section 2 of Article IX-A of this
Criminal action and the corresponding civil Constitution. (Art XI, Sec 8)
action for the recovery of civil liability arising
from the offense charged shall at all times be The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall be
simultaneously instituted with, and jointly appointed by the President from a list of at least
determined in the same proceeding by, the six nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar
Sandiganbayan, the filing of the criminal action Council, and from a list of three nominees for
being deemed to necessarily carry with it the every vacancy thereafter. Such appointments shall
filing of the civil action, and no right to reserve require no confirmation. All vacancies shall be
the filing of such action shall be recognized; filled within three months after they occur. (Art XI,
Sec 9)
In cases within the exclusive jurisdiction of the
Sandiganbayan, where the civil action had The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall have the
therefore been filed separately with a regular rank of Chairman and Members, respectively, of

the Constitutional Commissions, and they shall Government and make recommendations for
receive the same salary, which shall not be their elimination and the observance of high
decreased during their term of office. (Art XI, Sec standards of ethics and efficiency.
10) 8. Promulgate its rules of procedure and exercise
such other powers or perform such functions or
The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall serve for a duties as may be provided by law.
term of seven years without reappointment. They
shall not be qualified to run for any office in the The Office of the Ombudsman shall enjoy fiscal
election immediately succeeding their cessation autonomy. Its approved annual appropriations
from office. (Art XI, Sec 11) shall be automatically and regularly released. (Art
XI, Sec 14)
The Ombudsman and his Deputies, as protectors
of the people, shall act promptly on complaints The right of the State to recover properties
filed in any form or manner against public officials unlawfully acquired by public officials or
or employees of the Government, or any employees, from them or from their nominees or
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, transferees, shall not be barred by prescription,
including government-owned or controlled laches, or estoppel. (Art XI, Sec 15)
corporations, and shall, in appropriate cases,
notify the complainants of the action taken and No loan, guaranty, or other form of financial
the result thereof. (Art XI, Sec 12) accommodation for any business purpose may be
granted, directly or indirectly, by any government-
The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the owned or controlled bank or financial institution
following powers, functions, and duties: (Art XI, to the President, the Vice-President, the Members
Sec 13) of the Cabinet, the Congress, the Supreme Court,
1. Investigate on its own, or on complaint by any and the Constitutional Commissions, the
person, any act or omission of any public official, Ombudsman, or to any firm or entity in which they
employee, office or agency, when such act or have controlling interest, during their tenure. (Art
omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper, XI, Sec 16)
or inefficient.
2. Direct, upon complaint or at its own instance,
any public official or employee of the
Government, or any subdivision, agency or
instrumentality thereof, as well as of any
government-owned or controlled corporation
with original charter, to perform and expedite
any act or duty required by law, or to stop,
prevent, and correct any abuse or impropriety in
the performance of duties.
3. Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate
action against a public official or employee at
fault, and recommend his removal, suspension,
demotion, fine, censure, or prosecution, and
ensure compliance therewith.
4. Direct the officer concerned, in any appropriate
case, and subject to such limitations as may be
provided by law, to furnish it with copies of
documents relating to contracts or transactions
entered into by his office involving the
disbursement or use of public funds or
properties, and report any irregularity to the
Commission on Audit for appropriate action.
5. Request any government agency for assistance
and information necessary in the discharge of its
responsibilities, and to examine, if necessary,
pertinent records and documents.
6. Publicize matters covered by its investigation
when circumstances so warrant and with due
7. Determine the causes of inefficiency, red tape,
mismanagement, fraud, and corruption in the

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