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 The revolt of Almazan

 Tapar’s revolt, Panay

 Dagohoy’s Revolt, Bohol
 Silang’s Revolt
 Palaris’s Revolt
 Basi Revolt
 Revolt in Defense of the Spanish Constitution

 Revolt of the Bayot brothers

 Religious Revolt of Hermano Pule
November 1, 1841
I will capture you her-
Project mano Pule!

Philippine History

Prepared for:
Mr. Ramir S. Baňez Kill me but you can’t take away the
good deeds I had planted into my
Instructor followers heart.

Prepared by:
Look at him! To those who planned
to go against us, you will suffer the

Stephanie B. Asang November 4, 1841.

Hermano Pule was exe-
PSED-2 cuted and the Spanish
soldiers paraded his
chopped body.
Hermano Pule: I am here to
In 1839 ... pursue my priestly vocation. The flames of rebellion soon spread to Ilocos with Pedro Almazan,
a rich chief of San Nicolas. He was known as the leader of the first
Ilocano revolt against the Spaniards.

Almazan: hey! Let’s plan Magsanop: ok. This is the best

time to because they are in
tchis secretly. Let’s free
Pangasinan right now.

Almazan: alright,
let’s ask the help of

Friar: we can’t accept you because

you are an indio. All the religious
orders were closed to indios.

June 1840, Pule returned to They contacted Gaspar Cristobal …

Lucban, Tayabas Province. Pule: I want to establish a nation- Cristobal: I will burn
alis fellowship in which it fosterd the church of Laoag as
a sign of my support to
We wanted to be a part of the practice of Christian virtue.
the plan.
your brotherhood.
The Ilocanos and Kalingas crowned Pedro Almazan with a
stolen crown of a statue from the burned church. (1822)
What is all about this revolt?
Jose: and this gov- Joaquin: and I am Colonel Fran-
ernment is domi- planning some- cisco Bayot:
nated by the Penin- thing brothers. whatever plan
sulares. is that son, I
want you to
know that I
Manuel: why
am willing to
They sent a large troop led by
is it that we support you.
The Spaniards followed
Lorenzo Arqueros. And the are not being
battle began. acknowl-
edged by this Let’s attack them on
Almazan: There
peninsulares? April 17, at dawn.
were many of them,
let’s move out!

Few days before April 17….

Governor Mariano de Folgueras: I’ve heard about

Native: almazan’s the Bayot’s conspiracy. Men, prepare the 15 can-
group went that way.

They attacked them and Juan Magsanop’s troops were captured.

Magsanop: I will not let them

capture me.
Almazan: I will
continue the fight

Almazan attacked the enemies and died while The Bayot brothers were imprisoned after fair trial.
March 3, 1815.

Most of the natives already alienated with the Catholic

Church. I want you all to be a part of my religion.

I am the god Almighty, we have our own minis-

ter Jesus Christ, Holy ghost and Trinity to min-
ister us in our nativistic way.

We will plunder the

Simon Tomas: I feel bad about
houses of those Rich
this. We have to defense the
Spaniards and pro–
Spanish constitution.
Spanish natives.
If that so, we will leave the friars and
Few weeks later ... go with the religion you established.
We will not let you do that
Tapar! The people are ours!

That will not happen

Stop what you are doing or else Tapar: you can only
unless you defeat us!
you are to be punished! get them when I die!

The revolt ended on March 6 and the surviving leaders of the re-
Tapar was killed in the process. Their corpses were im-
bellion severely punished.
paled on stakes.

Father Morales: no, he I’m a bit convinced with the dem-

will not be buried unless ocratic constitution which grants
the proper limosnas were human right to both Spaniards
given. and Filipinos.

Dagohoy: father, my brother

needs a Christian burial for he
had died carrying out the mission-
ary’s order to arrest an apostate. And of the signatories was Ven-
tura de los Reyes, a Filipino.

Humiliated by this tragic incident, Dagohoy got mad and in-

cited the natives of Bohol to revolt. May, 1814. the constitution was abolished by King Ferdinand

I think the number of my The constitution was

community is enough to abolished.
raid the Jesuit estate of
San Javier.

They raided San Javier and killed

the Italian Jesuit curate in Jagna,
Guiseppe Lamberti. I have a feeling that the principales were behind this since
they had been presumed aiding the Spanish authorities to
Because of the killing …
perpetuate power.
BASI REVOLT This can’t be, bring Dagohoy’s father in
Please don’t kill me!
(1807) law here!

But it is the only Ilocanos, you are prohibited

source of our living sir. to drink homemade basi.

Just follow what I


The Spaniards tortured and killed him. The death of the innocent por-
September 16, 1807. ter drove more people to join Dagohoy’s group and killed father Mo-
rales in cold blood.

Miguel Lino de Espelata: I

want to negotiate with you Native: No, we are not
convince with your words.

Alcalde mayor: soldiers, lets

Yes sir! find the rebels and kill all of

They were attacked at san Ildefonso and quelled

the revolt.
20– year deadlock set in. the community continued to subsist March 1764, Don Mariano Arza suppressed the Revolt of
without outward sign of rebellion. Palaris in Pangasinan.
20 Spanish governors tried to stop the rebellion but failed.
Palaris, you have to be Just do it, I’m not
punished! afraid to die.

Alright I will pardon survi-

vors and I will permit them
to live in the new villages.

Palaris was publicly hanged.

Nothing less been heard on how Dagohoy died. His autono-
mous community lasted for 85 years.

(1762-1765) (1762-1763)
The Ilocanos had been already been complaing about the anomalous
We wanted the abolition of the
collection of tribute and abuses of the alcaldes mayors in the exer-
tribute and we wanted to remove
Juan dela cruz Palaris: let’s cise of Indulto de comercio.
alcalde mayor , Joaquin Gamboa
fight for the Spaniards, let’s
for the irregularities in tax collec-
take th opportunity to fight Diego: Don, I am here to appeal
tion. Don Antonio Zabala: no,
them because they are very and beg you to please consider
you are an agitator! I will
weak right now. the demands of the natives.
put you into jail!

Silang’s followers and friends successfully worked for his release.

And so, they tried their best to persuade the Spaniards away
Spanish Governor Simon de Anda sent Silang an ultimatum.
from their towns.
He accepted the British after of friendship
We all succeeded in to fight against the Spaniards.
driving the Spaniards
and friars out of our

I fear that Anda is planning

Mabuhay Palaris! to march to Ilocos, I need to
seek for the protection of
the British.
Miguel Vicos: ha ha ha! you’re Don Manuel de Arza: warriors let us
dead! I will be paid of a large mon- follow their trail!
etary reward. Natives: they went
that way Lieutenant!

Silang’s leadership was ended with an assassin’s bullet.

They captured her and her surviving followers.
On September 20, 1763, Gabriela and her companions were ex-
ecuted in vigan, ilocos Sur.

Gabriela: I will contin-

Nicolas Cariňo: don’t you
ue the fight uncle!
worry, I will support and
help you lead the battle.

Another battle

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