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Roberto Nicole John Maru V.



Dr. Jose Rizal Mercado y Alonso, or simply Jose Rizal (1861-1896), is the greatest hero & martyr of our nation. The day of
his birth & the day of his execution are fittingly commemorated by all classes of our people throughout the length &
breadth of this country & even by Filipinos & their friends abroad. His name is a byword in every Filipino home while his
picture adorns the postage stamp & paper money of widest circulation.

As the biographer Rafael Palma said, "The doctrines of Rizal are not for one epoch but for all epochs. They are as valid
today as they were yesterday. This signifies the immortality of Rizal’s life, works, and genuine character. And as our
beloved country’s National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal will be remembered, forever.

It has always been a heated argument on who deserves to be called Philippine’s national hero — Jose Rizal or Andres
Bonifacio. Why is Jose Rizal the national hero of the Philippines? It is interesting to note that Jose Rizal’s heroism was
recognized first by the colonizing Americans and later on by General Emilio Aguinaldo.

The Americans (through the American Governor William Howard Taft) recommended to the Philippine Commission, which
was sponsored by the US, to declare Jose Rizal as a national hero for the Filipinos. The Americans recommended Rizal
because of the fact that he was executed by the Spaniards and of his peaceful way to achieve liberty. Unlike Andres
Bonifacio whose desire to achieve independence for his native land required armed approach. The Americans deemed
this approach to independence of Andres Bonifacio to be unacceptable and may inspire other Filipinos to rebel against
American rule. This is why Jose Rizal was chosen over him as the national hero. Jose Rizal was declared as the greatest
Filipino hero during the American colonization after the Aguinaldo led armed forces were subdued during the Philippine-
American war.

The Philippine revolution led by Andres Bonifacio was fueled by the writings of Jose Rizal, Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, which made a more lasting impression. This is one of the best arguments of those who believe that Rizal is
rightfully the national hero. Rizal was truly an inspiration to many Filipinos during the Spanish period. According to the
historian Rafael Palma, Rizal was more deserving of the national hero title. Rizal was even thought to have suggested that
Antonio Luna lead the revolutionary forces since Luna has studied military science which was a brilliant idea to lessen
casualties against the powerhouse Spanish militia. Rizal believed that only an army that was well prepared and had enough
arms would ensure victory.

Jose Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina, a civic organization that led to the creation of the Katipunan headed by Andres
Bonifacio. This fact may already substantiate that Rizal’s title was deserving since without the La Liga Filipina, Andres
Bonifacio and his army would have been non-existent. Everything started with Rizal. Philippine Revolution against Spain
started what was known as the First Republic led by Emilio Aguinaldo.

For Rizal, violence or armed resistance only as a last resort and considered the restoration of the people’s dignity as a
justification means of achieving national liberation and self-rule. On the other hand, Filipinos are also grateful to Andres
Bonifacio’s legacy, his advocacy to an armed revolution. We credit both Rizal and Bonifacio for awakening the patriotic
spirit of Filipinos.

A hero symbolizes goodness. Rizal gave us freedom by using goodness. Jose Rizal became the Philippine national hero
because he fought for freedom in a silent but powerful way. He expressed his love for the Philippines through his novels,
essays and articles rather than through the use of force or aggression. He was a very amazing person at his time. He was
humble, fighting for reforms through his writings instead of through a revolution. He used his intelligence, talents and
skills in a more peaceful way rather than the aggressive way.

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