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Summative Assessment Task Packet  

Subject area: French   Grade level: Grade 7/8 Phase 2 

Global context: Innovation  Statement of inquiry: 

scientifique et technique   
Savoir identifier les schémas nous aide à nous adapter 
aux changements constants des innovations 
Key concept: Changement  scientifiques et techniques 

Due date  Expression orale -  

Mock: 12 septembre  Critères C et D:  
Final: 20 septembre   
Communication et utilisation de la langue orale 

Approaches to learning - ​Communication skills

● Communicate through interaction and language
○ Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction
■ Give and receive meaningful feedback: you will work with a partner assigned by your
teacher to provide and receive feedback 

Task description  
You are to play the role of a scientist who is attending a technical and scientific innovation seminar in
You meet other scientists there and discuss the technical and scientific innovations that will take place in
the future.

You will answer questions about:

1. the changes that will occur in the future in 3 different areas (clothes, food, education, entertainment,
2. the conceptual question: “As-tu une vision optimiste ou pessimiste de l’avenir?”. Don’t forget to justify
your answer

For your summative task, you will have a conversation with your teacher about the same. You will be
given images to respond to in your answers. Bear in mind that it is a conversation, so questions may be
in any order and you need to be prepared to respond spontaneously.

You will need to use:

❏ regular verbs in the “futur simple”
❏ common irregular verbs in the futur tense
❏ the comparative form (plus, moins, plus de, moins de…)
❏ a variety of vocabulary , including link words/expressions.
❏ expressions of opinions (je pense que, je crois que, selon moi, à mon avis, etc…)
Format: You will need to:
❏ speak for a minimum of 3 minutes
❏ be able to answer some rehearsed and spontaneous questions from your partner
You will have to prepare information about the changes in 5 different areas but will only be asked about 3

Format  Requirements 
At school  You should speak for 2 to 3 minutes 
Individual work 

Knowledge and skills/Resources/Steps​: 

Guidance document​ with links to Quizlet sets 
7-8 task-specific descriptor 
Criterion C 
i.You use the images in detail and appropriately as part of your response.  
iii.You make use of the required vocabulary and grammar to communicate effectively with relevant and detailed ideas 
and opinions about your vision of the future.  
iv.Your choice of words shows you have an excellent awareness of formal register, for instance using “nous” instead of 
Criterion D 
i.You speak effectively using the relevant vocabulary and verbs accurately.  

Sentence structure is correct, you use masculine and feminine articles correctly and verb endings are correct, with 
some occasional errors which do not make your information difficult to understand. 

ii.Your pronunciation and intonation are excellent and contribute to clear communication. 

iii.You use French language effectively, without using any English 

Section 1: Complete this section immediately after completing your task 
1. I found this assessment (circle your response) 
Very easy  easy  About right  difficult  Very difficult 
2. To prepare for this assessment, I spent... 
No time  A little time  About the right  A lot of time  Too much time 
amount of time 
3. My estimated level for this assessment is:  
Level:  Justification from the task-specific rubric: 
4. To feel better prepared for this assessment, I would need… 
(this can include what you think your teacher could do to help) 
Section 2: Complete this section immediately after getting your results from your teacher 
5. Setting goals  
      I still need to work on this... 
Priority  Skills / knowledge   I am confident 
  with this  and I know how  and I need 
to improve  support to 






6. Where I want to be this year 
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 
Full task-specific rubric 

Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken and/or written and/or visual text 

0  The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors. 

1 — 2  The student makes limited attempt to respond to simple short phrases or basic 
information in spoken, written and visual text; responses are often inappropriate, 
interacts minimally in basic structured exchanges, uses minimal phrases to communicate 
ideas, feelings and information in a limited range of familiar situations, communicates 
with a limited sense of audience. 

3 — 4  The student responds to simple short phrases and some basic information in spoken, 
written and visual text, though some responses may be inappropriate, interacts to some 
degree in basic structured exchanges, uses some phrases to communicate ideas, feelings 
and information in a limited range of familiar situations; ideas are not always relevant 
or detailed, communicates with some sense of audience. 

5 — 6  The student responds appropriately to simple short phrases and basic information in 
spoken, written and visual text, interacts considerably in basic structured exchanges, 
uses phrases to communicate ideas, feelings and information in some familiar situations; 
ideas are relevant and detailed, communicates with a considerable sense of audience. 

7 — 8  The student responds in detail and appropriately to simple short phrases and basic 
information in spoken, written and visual text, interacts confidently in basic structured 
exchanges, uses phrases effectively to communicate ideas, feelings and information in a 
variety of familiar situations; ideas are relevant, detailed and include examples, 
communicates with an excellent sense of audience. 


Criterion D: Using language in spoken and/or written form 

0  The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors. 

1 — 2  The student has difficulty to write/speak using a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical 
structures and conventions; when speaking, uses pronunciation and intonation with 
many errors, making understanding difficult, organizes limited basic information and 
ideas, and basic cohesive devices are not used, makes minimal use of language to suit 
the context. 

3 — 4  The student writes/speaks using a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and 
conventions, with some inappropriate choices; when speaking, uses pronunciation and 
intonation with some errors, some of which make understanding difficult, organizes 
some basic information and ideas, and uses a limited range of basic cohesive devices, 
not always appropriately, uses language to suit the context to some degree. 

5 — 6  The student writes/speaks making good use of a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical 
structures and conventions, generally accurately; when speaking, uses pronunciation and 
intonation with some errors, though these do not interfere with comprehensibility, 
organizes basic information and ideas well, and uses a limited range of basic cohesive 
devices accurately, usually uses language to suit the context. 

7 — 8  The student writes/speaks effectively using a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical 

structures and conventions accurately; occasional errors do not interfere with 
communication. When speaking, uses clear pronunciation and excellent intonation, 
making communication easy, organizes basic information and ideas clearly, and uses a 
range of basic cohesive devices accurately; there is a logical structure and cohesive 
devices add clarity to the message, uses language effectively to suit the context. 

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