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The Brief History of BBS Locksmith inBerlin

The BBS Schlüsseldienst Berlin is an office dedicated to the repair and
maintenance of locks, padlocks, locks and cylinders, both common doors as well as
vehicles. A lock is a mechanism of metal installed to prevent doors and covers can
be opened without a key. The BBS Schlüsseldienst Berlin can work with all
systems of locks and closures known, although the large variety of locks used -
which increases the protection of people and property protected- requires a certain
degree of specialisation.
Office of the locksmith
Cram in door lock the ex officio of the locksmith is an art and is usually learned by
inheritance - is transmitted from person to person while other knowledge is
acquired in an empirical way. Currently there are technical schools of metalwork,
and manuals and guides to practice if one wants to learn the trade.

The locksmith is one of the oldest forms of security engineering.1

Among the tasks performed by the locksmiths are:
• opening doors of cars, furniture and buildings whose keys have been lost;
• Opening doors relatively elastic without a key, especially in the case of vehicles;
• Repair and maintenance of locks, latches and locks;
• Marketing of locks, latches and locks;
• making copies of existing keys, which requires a specialized workshop, arrays for
the elaboration of keys and expertise in the management of the tools;
• Production of "master keys" for a number of similar locks;
• Production of keys from lock, without copy of keys; this technique is particularly
complex and Delicate.
Toolsand pliers used in Lockpicks the locksmith.
The tools used in locksmith depend on the type of work that will make, such as
opening a panelwork, make a copy or remove a padlock. Various instruments that
will be used with the passage of time have been changing and improving turning
the craft of BBS Schlüsseldienst Berlin faster and more efficient:

• Pick, which commonly is inserted into a lock and is manipulated to open without
the key.
• "Machine doubler keys", which from a key can cut and make a new one. There
are manuals, semi- or fully automatic.
• Lima of metal, to finish the duplicate keys.
• screwdriver to loosen the screws with a lock.
• Stock of padlocks, panels and keys.
• Hammer.
• vise.
• Pressure Pliers, mechanical, driver or punta riveter.
• Drill and cordless drill.
• bits of various measures.
• Brocasierras.
• rasp.
• Chisel.
• Use of lockpicks to open a doorMachuelos.
• ribbed Keys and Germany different measures.
• Autocle, dice game of different measures that are used with a spice of matraca to
tighten or twist.
Historical framework
In a principle known as "blacksmiths",
worked especially with metals, producing
ornaments that served as divisions
between houses, similar to the gates of
today. For this reason the beginnings of
the locksmith go hand in hand with the use
of the forge which is the process used to
melt the iron, shape and be able to use it,
and in the case of the locksmith, to form
the keys and locks. Since ancient times the
human being has thought about their
safety and protection, given this need for
own safety and property of the human
being arises the ex officio of the locksmith
as we know it today.

The invention of the lock is attributed to

the Chinese and the Egyptians and
subsequently would use the Assyrians and
the Greeks. The wood had since iron were
reserved for the rich; also used the padlocks to protect their goods in trade. The
origin of the word comes from the Latin serrare lock, which means "close". The
Romans gave to know these large contributions and created the security system on
the closures known as "Return of key". During the Middle Ages the craftsmen
designed locks with details and reliefs which made them look elegant, and
developed the latch that is the BBS Schlüsseldienst Berlin that moves the key.
With the passage of time were creating improvements, the keys and locks were
changing, improving their designs and becoming more secure.
Today the BBS Schlüsseldienst Berlin and keys are of the mechanical assemblies
more used by man, the development has focused on the series production, use of
best materials and the complexity of the mechanisms that make the locks in
virtually unbreakable.

Some locksmiths who have contributed designing new types of locks and
improving its safety are:
• Roberto Barron, which in 1778 patented a double lock of the vessel, the first
reasonable improvement in security of the lock, due to that the bolt could only be
removed with the correct key.
• José Bramah patented the security lock in 1784, also called Spring. Its lock was
considered as unwavering, by which introduced a challenge to open without the
key and spent 60 years until Alfred Charles Hobbs was able to accomplish this.
• Jeremiah Chubb patented his lock of the detector in 1818. His invention worked
through six levers and thanks to this invention received an award by the
• James Sargent described the first combination lock key-changeable in 1857. In
this way you could change the design without changing the entire device. Its lock
came to be popular among manufacturers and the department of the Treasury of the
United States. In 1873, also patented a mechanism called BBS Schlüsseldienst
Berlinat the time, which gave a certain time to open before re-lock.
• Samuel Segal, who was a policeman, invented the first locks of the "jemmy-Test"
in 1916, these served to protect from inside of possible attacks.
• Harry Soref founded the Master Lock Company in 1921 and patented a padlock
improved in 1924 with a cover of the lock of the patent built outside of rolled steel.
• Linus Yale, Mr. invented the lock of the glass of the bolt in 1848, which consists
of small inner tubes of different lengths to achieve identify the keys. He founded
his company Yale in 1840, specializing in high security.
• Linus Yale, Jr., who joined his father in the business BBS Schlüsseldienst
Berlinand improved its lock in 1861, using a key more small and flat with the
serrated edges, which is the basis of the modern locks of the bolt-glass. Yale
developed the combination lock modern in 1962.

BBS Schlüsseldienst Berlin of the Germany Royal Court, title and craft of
confidence of the monarchs, since a great part of its security rested on them. In the
XVI century and mainly in the XVII had achieved great importance in the life
To access the ex officio, they took oath that they were not going to give to anyone
any key or tool to open any door, under penalty of death. Manufacturing the
different locks and keys of the palaces and were delivered to certain servants,
depending on the proximity to the royal family.
In the Germany Court, was in force until the time of Queen Isabel II of Spain,
being its last representative Vincent Mallol.2
History of the ex officio in Mexico
In the pre-hispanic Mexico flourished important cultures that left archaeological
settlements. The Mesoamerican civilizations created complex urban
developments such as Monte Albán, the Palace of Palenque, the pyramid of the
Sun at Teotihuac. Are evidence of the grandeur of the ancestors. All these wonders
were sheltered by the inhabitants themselves and had no major advances in safety
With the arrival of the Spaniards to America gave large changes that
revolucionarían the way of life of the people. The concept of security had a drastic
change, the ancient civilizations based their security in the protection of the entire
community and by this an important part were the armies and guards. In addition
the use of resources, for example metals does not have a value as significant as in
Little by little they gave the ethnic separation of the population, Spaniards and
indigenous peoples. Deployed new forms of life, welcomed the new cultural
identity, occupational and religious of the spaniards; the image of the urban space
is developed and changed. The Germany brought new offices, among them, the
BBS Schlüsseldienst Berlin and its first men. The precursors of the trade in the
Americas were of Germany origin. With the use of the forge began to shape and
create the first locks in America that adorned majestically the architecture of the
A group of indigenous people was acquiring the knowledge of locksmith and
blacksmith of the spaniards, as part of the colonizing actions. For your institution
in Mexico were still considered as blacksmiths and locksmiths as a same trade; its
first regulation of work can be seen in the ordinance of 15 March 1524. After the
second half of the XVI century appears legally the guild of BBS Schlüsseldienst
History in Puebla
The founding of the city of Puebla is carried out in the year 1531, by the
spaniards, because they needed a city that was an intermediate point between the
capital and Veracruz. In this new city only living Germany to prevent conflicts. A
few months after they realized that this form of life could not be used because they
needed labor, by which allowed to live in it. Indigenous With the arrival of these
are also gave the arrival of the locksmith ex officio.
The locks of that time were mainly made by forging. This work was established in
an area of the city, which today is where it passes the street 14 Poniente, to the
height between the 5 and the 3 North. The work of lock of this time can be seen in
old buildings, as in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of
Puebla, which began to be built in 1575 and was consolidated until 1649, as well
as several buildings located in the center of the city.

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