Rivers of Joy Christian School 2 Monthly Examination English Grade 5 Name: - Score: - Date

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Rivers of Joy Christian School

2nd Monthly Examination

Name: _____________________________________ Score : ______________

Date: _________________

I. Direction: Identify the sentences. Write R if it is a Reality and write F it

is a Fantasy. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

________1. President Rodrigo ROA Duterte is the President of the

________2. Bats can fly.
________3. Dogs and cats can speak.
________4. Humans can be able to go up in the space using a space
________5. Vampires really exist and they suck human blood.

II. Direction: Read each sentence. Write on the line Natural or Inverted.

__________1. The man goes into a party with his friends.

__________2. Up in the sky floated colorful hot air balloons.
__________3. A pile of leaves is in the yard.
__________4. La Paz beach is visited by many tourist every summer
__________5. The boat is sinking.

III. Direction: Identify the sentences. Write Cause or Effect on the space

__________1. Illegal loggers cut trees in the forest.

__________2. Flashfloods and landslide occur in nearby areas.
__________3. Some fishermen use dynamite for fishing.
__________4. Coral reefs have been destroyed.
__________5. Even small fishes were killed.

IV. Direction: Underline the verb that would agree with the subject in each

1. There (is, are) lots of people who joined the parade.

2. Up above (fly, flies) the eagle.

3. Here (is, are) the invitations for our wedding.

4. Six pupils in Grade five will (join, joins) the upcoming District Meet


5. The chess player (play, plays) with a lot of tactics in his moves.

6. Ten young children (was, were) adopted in the church.

7. The ladies (sing, sings) accurately with the beat.

8. The planets in our solar system (is, are) definitely amazing.

9. Into the crib (crawl, crawls) the baby.

10.In the middle of the ocean (float, floats) the yacht.

11. Rune’s eyeglasses (was, were) broken.

12. Physics (is, are) the subject that I hate the most.

13. Filipino men and women (wave, waves) the Philippine Flag.

14. Her colorful pants (hang, hangs) in the closet.

15. Mathematics (is, are) my favorite subject.

V. Direction: Underline the collective noun in each sentence.

1. Vice Ganda’s basketball team plays hard in the competition.

2. The herd goes to the zoo.

3. The committee arrives at the meeting at exactly 8:00 A.M.

4. The band chooses a right song on their music track.

5. The screaming mob expresses their opinions to the President.

VI. Direction: Identify the underlined word in each sentence. Give the part in
which the underlined word appears in the dictionary Write Front,
Middle or Back on the space provided.

_____________1. Poison Ivy grows in Southern Canada which contains

poisonous oil that is extremely irritating to the skin.
_____________2. The Dictionary is one of the best general references
that you can use.
_____________3. Suntan is a kind of flower which has five petals.
_____________4. God created heaven and earth.
_____________5. You will remember me someday as time passes by.

VII. Enumerate the 3 Kinds of Card Catalog

VIII. What is the longest word ever written in English language dictionaries?

Prepared by: Ms. Jessa Mae C. Flauta

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