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(20 MARKS)

Select ONE element/activity from Topic 8 OR Topic 9 OR Topic 10.

This task accounts for 20% of the total marks for the course.

Task 4 ( 20 marks) : TOPIC 8 : LEADERSHIP

Create a leadership assessment survey form using an MS Excel application.

This assessment is designed to identify important personal strengths as well as areas where
improvement is needed. Be creative using excel application. Make your work original.

Example of the leadership assessment questionnaire as follows:

As the leader I:

1. Create an atmosphere of mutual trust.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

2. Demonstrate honest, ethical behaviour in all transactions.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

3. Lead by example as in "doing what I ask others to do."

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

4. Demonstrate courage in all transactions.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

5. Communicate a clear vision with recognizable goals for the organisation and its
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

6. State expectations clearly and confirm understanding.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

7. Expect people to be accountable and offer support.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied
8. Translate organisational goals practically and meaningfully for people from the lowest
level to the highest level.
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

9. Make and communicate decisions promptly.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

10. Resolve conflict with the goal for all to succeed.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

11. Communicate with charisma and effectiveness to groups.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

12. Take responsibility for decisions without finger pointing.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

13. Involve others in planning actions.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

14. Praise people for work well done.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

15. Delegate in a way that encourages others to have full ownership.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

16. Appropriately provide authority to others to make decisions.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

17. Believe in and provide training that teaches leadership, teamwork and technical skills.
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

18. Implement innovation as a method to improve performance.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

19. Demonstrate no tolerance for organisational turfing or "them and us" scenarios.
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

20. Create forums to celebrate organisational successes.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

21. Support and demonstrate efficient management of personal stress levels.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

22. Support and demonstrate balance between leadership responsibilities, family and
outside activities.
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

23. Support and facilitate efficient cross functional communication that results in few
project or production delays.
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied
24. Manage impending change, real or rumoured, efficiently.
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

25. Encourage at least 80% of the organisation's communications to close immediately in

some form.
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

26. Use time constructively and efficiently.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

27. Help people by listening without pre-judging.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

28. Have excellent relationships with work associates regardless of position in the
O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

29. Am accessible to communication.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied

30. Encourage people to communicate their differing opinions.

O Very Satisfied O Satisfied O Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied
Pilih SATU elemen/aktiviti dari Topik 8 atau Topik 9 atau Topik 10.
Tugas ini mencatatkan 20% daripada jumlah markah bagi kursus.

Tugasan 4 ( 20 markah) : TOPIK 8 : KEPIMPINAN

Bina borang kaji selidik penilaian kepimpinan menggunakan aplikasi MS Excel.

Penaksiran ini direka untuk mengenal pasti kekuatan peribadi serta bidang yang perlu diperbaiki.
Gunakan kreativiti anda dengan aplikasi excel. Hasil kerja anda mestilah asli.

Tips untuk menyediakan soal selidik penilaian kepimpinan adalah seperti berikut:

(Isi kandungan soal selidik penilaian kepimpinan mestilah kekal dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Gunakan
sampel soal selidik penilaian kepimpinan seperti diatas untuk tugasan ini)
Task 4 ( 20 marks) : TOPIC 9 : CONTROLLING

Arrange a video recording of your manager’s opinion on “Controls in Workplace.”

Required elements for the video:

1. Length. Your video should be 4–7 minutes in length, plus time for a “credit roll” to show your

2. Style. “controls in workplace”” interview your manager.

3. Title slide. Your video should begin with a descriptive title, your name(s), the name of the
university, and the year in which it was created.

4. Original content. Aim to create your own resources. That means using your own drawings,
pictures, music, animations, filmed scenes, and interviews. Where this is not possible, be
sure that you only use material which falls under Creative Commons licence (that you can
use and modify without breaking copyright laws).

5. Interview. You must conduct and include an interview with your manager. You must conduct
the interview in person.

6. Credits. Acknowledge the people who contributed to the video, including yourself, your
interviewees, narrators and actors, people who supported the production, and your instructor,
and specify that the video was made within the context of this course (course number,
institution, date).

7. File format. Your video must be submitted in one of the following file formats: mov,.mv4, mp4,

You can find some student examples at
Tugasan 4 ( 20 markah) : TOPIK 9 : MENGAWAL

Uruskan rakaman video tentang pendapat pengurus anda mengenai "Kawalan di tempat kerja."
Unsur-unsur yang diperlukan untuk video ini:

1. Panjang. Video anda harus dalam 4 – 7 minit panjangnya, ditambah dengan masa untuk "roll
kredit" untuk menunjukkan rujukan anda.

2. Gaya. "Kawalan di tempat kerja" wawancara pengurus anda.

3. Tajuk slaid. Video anda perlu bermula dengan tajuk deskriptif, nama anda, nama universiti
dan tahun di mana ia dicipta.

4. Kandungan asal. Bertujuan untuk mencipta sumber anda sendiri. Ini bermakna
menggunakan lukisan, gambar, muzik, animasi, adegan yang difilemkan dan wawancara
anda sendiri. Sekiranya ini tidak mungkin, pastikan anda hanya menggunakan bahan yang
berada di bawah lesen Creative Commons (yang anda boleh gunakan dan mengubah suai
tanpa melanggar undang-undang hak cipta).

5. Wawancara. Anda mesti jalankan dan termasuk satu temu bual dengan pengurus anda.
Anda mesti menjalankan temu bual secara peribadi.

6. Kredit. Mengakui orang yang menyumbangkan video itu, termasuk diri anda, orang yang
diwawancara, perawi dan pelakon, orang yang menyokong pengeluaran, dan pengajar anda,
dan nyatakan bahawa video itu dibuat dalam konteks kursus ini (nombor kursus, institusi,

7. Format fail. Video anda mesti diserahkan dalam salah satu format fail berikut: mov, .mv4,
mp4, .wmv.

Anda boleh melihat beberapa contoh pelajar di
Task 4 ( 20 marks) : TOPIC 10 : MANAGING TEAMS

Create a “Management Teamwork Survey” questionnaire using an EXCEL application.

Use the following questions to design the questionnaire:

 There is an effective mechanism within the team for conflict resolution.
 My department encourages teamwork.
 Team members are held accountable for the decisions they make.
 Work assigned is distributed fairly.
 Sufficient effort is made to get the opinions and ideas of employees.
 There is good alignment between my department and others with whom I need to
 My department knows sufficiently about other departments within the organisation.
 Working in the team inspires me to do my best.
 When the role within the team changes it is communicated effectively.
 Team members are supportive of each other’s role.
 Communication within the team is transparent.
 Team members give timely feedback to each other.
 We make sure our work helps the organisation achieve its goals.

On a scale of 1-5, apply the following measurements:
Strongly Disagree -1
Somewhat Disagree -2
Neutral -3
Somewhat Agree -4
Strongly Agree-5
Tugasan 4 ( 20 markah) : TOPIK 10 : PENGURUSAN PASUKAN

Bina borang soal selidik "Kaji selidik pengurusan kerja berpasukan" menggunakan aplikasi

Gunakan soalan berikut untuk merekabentuk soal selidik:

(Isi kandungan soal selidik "Kaji selidik pengurusan kerja berpasukan" mestilah kekal dalam
Bahasa Inggeris. Gunakan sampel soal selidik "Kaji selidik pengurusan kerja berpasukan" seperti
diatas untuk tugasan ini)

Pada skala 1-5, gunakan ukuran berikut: (Kekalkan ukuran dalam bahasa Inggeris)
Strongly Disagree -1
Somewhat Disagree -2
Neutral -3
Somewhat Agree -4
Strongly Agree-5


Tidak memuaskan
Weightage/ Excellent/Cemerlang Good/Baik Fair/Sederhana Low/Rendah Or/Atau Max. Marks
Criteria/Kriteria No response /
Pemberat /Markah
Tiada respons Maksimum
4 3 2 1 0
Very clear formatting Clear formatting with Quite clear formatting Unclear formatting No formatting
with the right number the right number of with the right number with the right number
of columns and rows columns and rows with of columns and rows of columns and rows
with right size right size with right size with right size
Organising/Formatting I
1 Format yang sangat 4
Swasusun/Format I Format yang jelas Format yang agak jelas Format yang tidak jelas
jelas dengan bilangan
dengan bilangan lajur dengan bilangan lajur dengan bilangan lajur
lajur dan baris yang Tiada format
dan baris yang tepat dan baris yang tepat dan baris yang tepat
tepat dengan saiz
dengan saiz yang betul dengan saiz yang betul dengan saiz yang betul
yang betul
Very clear formatting Clear formatting with Quite clear formatting Unclear formatting No formatting
with the right widths the right widths & with the right widths & with the right widths
& heights heights heights & heights
Organising/Formatting II
Swasusun/Format II Format yang sangat Format yang jelas Format yang agak jelas Format yang tidak jelas Tiada format
jelas dengan lebar & dengan lebar & tinggi dengan lebar & tinggi dengan lebar & tinggi
tinggi yang betul yang betul yang betul betul
Very clear conditional Clear conditional Quite clear conditional Unclear conditional No formatting
Conditional formatting and formatting and cell formatting and cell formatting and cell formatting and cell
cell style style were applied style were applied style were applied style were applied
Pemformatan bersyarat dan 1 Pemformatan Pemformatan bersyarat Pemformatan bersyarat Pemformatan Tiada format 4
gaya sel bersyarat dan gaya sel dan gaya sel yang jelas dan gaya sel yang agak bersyarat dan gaya sel
yang sangat jelas digunapakai jelas digunapakai yang kurang jelas
digunapakai digunapakai
Absolutely Appropriate buttons Slightly appropriate Inappropriate buttons No application of
appropriate buttons and labels were buttons and labels and labels were buttons and labels
and labels were applied were applied applied
Button and label applied
1 4
Butang dan label Butang dan label yang Butang dan label yang Butang dan label yang Butang dan label yang Tiada butang dan
amat sesuai sesuai digunakan agak sesuai digunakan tidak sesuai digunakan label digunakan
Tidak memuaskan
Weightage/ Excellent/Cemerlang Good/Baik Fair/Sederhana Low/Rendah Or/Atau Max. Marks
Criteria/Kriteria No response /
Pemberat /Markah
Tiada respons Maksimum
4 3 2 1 0
Very clear formatting Clear formatting Quite clear formatting Unclear formatting No basic
applied to make the applied to make applied to make applied to make formatting applied
questionnaire easier information easier to information easier to information difficult
to be read be read be read to be read
1 Pemformatan yang Pemformatan yang Pemformatan yang Pemformatan yang Tiada pemformatan 4
sangat jelas digunakan jelas digunakan agak jelas digunakan kurang jelas digunakan asas digunakan
membuatkan soal membuatkan soal membuatkan soal membuatkan soal
selidik mudah untuk selidik mudah untuk selidik mudah dibaca selidik sukar dibaca
dibaca dibaca
Total/Jumlah 5 20


Tidak memuaskan
Excellent/Cemerlang Good/Baik Fair/Sederhana Low/Rendah Or/Atau Max.
Criteria/Kriteria No response / Marks
Tiada respons /Markah
4 3 2 1 0
Very clear Clear introduction of Quite clear Unclear introduction No introduction
introduction of the the manager and the introduction of the of the manager and
manager and the purpose of the video manager and the the purpose of the
Introduction/ purpose of the video purpose of the video video
Pengenalan 1 4
Pengenalan yang Pengenalan yang jelas Pengenalan yang agak Pengenalan yang Tiada pengenalan.
sangat jelas tentang tentang pengurus dan jelas tentang pengurus tidak jelas tentang
pengurus dan tujuan tujuan video berkenaan dan tujuan video pengurus dan tujuan
video berkenaan berkenaan video berkenaan
Title slides were very Title slides were Title slides were Title slides were less Not informatics
informatics follow the informatics follow the somewhat informatics informatics follow
guideline guideline follow the guideline the guideline
Title slide/
Tajuk slaid Tajuk slaid adalah Tajuk slaid adalah Slaid tajuk agak Slaid tajuk kurang Tidak informatik
sangat informatik informatik mengikut informatik mengikuti informatik mengikuti
mengikut garis garis panduan garis panduan garis panduan
Content is very Content is original and Content is quite Content is less No originality and
original and creative creative original and creative original and creative creativity
1 4
Kandungan-keaslian Kandungan adalah Kandungan adalah asli Kandungan adalah agak Kandungan adalah Tiada keaslian dan
sangat asli dan kreatif dan kreatif asli dan kreatif kurang asli dan kreativiti
kurang kreatif
Interview was very Interview was Interview was quite Interview was less Not motivating and
motivating on a one motivating on a one to motivating on a one to motivating on a one not a one to one
to one basis with one basis with one basis with to one basis with basis
One to one interview/ manager manager manager manager
1 4
Temuduga satu dengan satu Temuduga adalah Temuduga adalah Temuduga adalah agak Temuduga adalah Tiada motivasi dan
sangat bermotivasi bermotivasi secara satu bermotivasi secara satu kurang bermotivasi tidak secara satu
secara satu dengan dengan satu dengan dengan satu dengan secara satu dengan dengan satu
satu dengan pengurus pengurus pengurus satu dengan pengurus dengan pengurus
Tidak memuaskan
Excellent/Cemerlang Good/Baik Fair/Sederhana Low/Rendah Or/Atau Max.
Criteria/Kriteria No response / Marks
Tiada respons /Markah
4 3 2 1 0
All the elements of Most of the elements Some of the elements Only a few elements No elements were
the video were of the video were of the video were of the video were covered
covered covered covered covered
1 4
Kesemua unsur-unsur Kebanyakan unsur- Beberapa unsur-unsur Hanya beberapa Tiada unsur-unsur
video telah diliputi unsur video telah video telah diliputi unsur-unsur video diliputi
diliputi telah diliputi
Total/Jumlah 5 20

BBPP1103 - TASK 4 TOPIC 10

Tidak memuaskan
Excellent/Cemerlang Good/Baik Fair/Sederhana Low/Rendah Or/Atau
Weightage/ Max. Marks
Criteria/Kriteria No response /
Pemberat Tiada respons /Markah
4 3 2 1 0

Very clear formatting Clear formatting with Quite clear formatting Unclear formatting No formatting
with the right number the right number of with the right number with the right number
of columns and rows columns and rows with of columns and rows of columns and rows
with right size right size with right size with right size
Organising/Formatting I
1 Format yang sangat 4
Swasusun/Format I Format yang jelas Format yang agak jelas Format yang tidak jelas
jelas dengan bilangan
dengan bilangan lajur dengan bilangan lajur dengan bilangan lajur
lajur dan baris yang Tiada format
dan baris yang tepat dan baris yang tepat dan baris yang tepat
tepat dengan saiz
dengan saiz yang betul dengan saiz yang betul dengan saiz yang betul
yang betul
Very clear formatting Clear formatting with Quite clear formatting Unclear formatting No formatting
with the right widths the right widths & with the right widths & with the right widths
& heights heights heights & heights
Organising/Formatting II
Swasusun/Format II Format yang sangat Format yang jelas Format yang agak jelas Format yang tidak jelas Tiada format
jelas dengan lebar & dengan lebar & tinggi dengan lebar & tinggi dengan lebar & tinggi
tinggi yang betul yang betul yang betul betul
Very clear conditional Clear conditional Quite clear conditional Unclear conditional No formatting
Conditional formatting and formatting and cell formatting and cell formatting and cell formatting and cell
cell style/ style were applied style were applied style were applied style were applied
Pemformatan bersyarat dan 1 Pemformatan Pemformatan bersyarat Pemformatan bersyarat Pemformatan Tiada format 4
gaya sel bersyarat dan gaya sel dan gaya sel yang jelas dan gaya sel yang agak bersyarat dan gaya sel
yang sangat jelas digunapakai jelas digunapakai yang kurang jelas
digunapakai digunapakai
Absolutely Appropriate buttons Slightly appropriate Inappropriate buttons No application of
appropriate buttons and labels were buttons and labels and labels were buttons and labels
and labels were applied were applied applied
Button and label/ applied
1 4
Butang dan label Butang dan label yang Butang dan label yang Butang dan label yang Butang dan label yang Tiada butang dan
amat sesuai sesuai digunakan agak sesuai digunakan tidak sesuai digunakan label digunakan
Tidak memuaskan
Excellent/Cemerlang Good/Baik Fair/Sederhana Low/Rendah Or/Atau
Weightage/ No response / Max. Marks
Pemberat Tiada respons /Markah
4 3 2 1 0

Very clear formatting Clear formatting Quite clear formatting Unclear formatting No basic
applied to make the applied to make applied to make applied to make formatting applied
questionnaire easier information easier to information easier to information difficult
to be read be read be read to be read
1 Pemformatan yang Pemformatan yang Pemformatan yang Pemformatan yang Tiada pemformatan 4
sangat jelas digunakan jelas digunakan agak jelas digunakan kurang jelas digunakan asas digunakan
membuatkan soal membuatkan soal membuatkan soal membuatkan soal
selidik mudah untuk selidik mudah untuk selidik mudah dibaca selidik sukar dibaca
dibaca dibaca
Total/Jumlah 5 20

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