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26 Robustness: A Guide for Sensitivity and Stability

J. P. GERRY (2005)

In process control there is always a tradeoff between good, by the controlled variable drawing a sine wave and the loop
stable performance and speed of response or sensitivity to sustaining that oscillation.
process or set point changes. This sensitivity of the control An increase in either the gain or the dead time of the
system can be called the robustness of the loop. Understand- control loop will make it less stable; the curve shows the
ing the tradeoff between control loop robustness and stable values of various combinations of loop gain and dead time at
(optimal) controller performance is important to achieving which the control loop will become marginally stable. As was
good control system design. shown in Figure 2.1x, the gain of the loop is the product of
The system robustness is quantifiable and can be shown the process and the controller gains, while the dead time of
graphically, which makes it easier to examine the tradeoff the loop is the sum of the process and controller dead times.
between sensitivity and stability of the loop. In the lower left region of the plot, the process gains and
dead times are the smallest. Hence the lower left area of the
plot represents a region where the control loops are likely to
ROBUSTNESS PLOTS be stable. Conversely, in the upper right area of the plot, they
are likely to be unstable. Areas above and to the right of the
Figure 2.26a shows process dead time on the vertical axis marginal stability curve define the unstable region. Areas
plotted against process gain on the horizontal axis. If the below and to the left of the marginal stability curve represent
control loop or the controlled process is located on this plot, a stable region.
that can be called the robustness plot of the loop or process. On Figure 2.26b, a cross identifies the control loop in its
On a plot of robustness, a line separates the region in present state. The location of the cross corresponds to the dead
which the control loop will be stable and the area where it time and gain of the controlled process or of the loop. In order
will not. As shown in Figure 2.26b, the two regions are to easily compare the effects of the various control loop con-
separated by a line, which is the curve of marginal stability. figurations that are being evaluated and their corresponding
A control loop is marginally stable if it responds to an upset robustness, the scales of the two axes of the plots are adjusted

FIG. 2.26a FIG. 2.26b

The process robustness plot locates the particular control loop on The marginal stability line separates the stable area from the unsta-
a plot of process dead time against process gain. ble region on a robustness plot.


© 2006 by Béla Lipták

324 Control Theory

so that the current system gain and dead time (see cross in the dead time unchanged. The left corner represents half the
Figure 2.26b) occur at the same location on every plot. system gain. The four corner points are connected with curv-
ing lines that on a log–log plot would be straight.
Dynamic Parameters This recommended safe operating area is used because
a factor of two is often considered a reasonable safety margin
Dead time is the limiting element of good control performance for operating process control systems.
and robustness, yet almost all control loops contain some dead With a design goal of a stability margin of two in any
time. The small dead times and transportation lags of the con- direction, the noted region represents the area that the marginal
trol loop add up and combine to form the total loop dead time. stability line should not touch or cross. If the marginal stability
Changes in time constants (lags) change the shape of the line moves inside this region, the margin of stability would drop
marginal stability curve. Large lags and integration times below two. The purpose of identifying such a safe operating
affect the low-frequency stability of the loop; hence, the area is not to set a hard rule but only to provide a design aide.
upper left portion of the marginal stability curve will change
the most. Changing high-frequency components of the con- EXAMPLE
troller, such as the derivative mode settings, will change
mostly the shape of the lower right portion of the curve. In Figure 2.26c, the control loop shown by the cross has
a dead time of 5 seconds and an overall system gain of
Gain is used as the other axis of the robustness plot.
0.5. If the dead time of this control loop remained constant
System gain is the product of all the gains in the loop, includ-
while the gain of the loop increased, this would shift the
ing the process gain and controller gain. Changing any of the cross that represents the loop dynamics horizontally
gains in the loop will shift the marginal stability curve to the toward the right. If the system gain were to increase by a
left or right, but the shape of the curve will not change. factor of three (to about 1.5), the cross would reach the
Increasing the loop gain will move its operating point (cross curve of marginal stability, and the control loop would
in Figure 2.26b) closer to the marginal stability curve and become marginally stable.
closer to instability. If the gain of this control loop remained constant while
As the dynamics of a loop move down and to the right its dead time increased, this would cause the cross, repre-
on the marginal stability curve, the frequency of sustained senting the control loop, to move vertically upwards. If the
oscillation will increase. dead time of the loop increased by a factor of three (to about
15 seconds) the cross would reach the curve of marginal
stability, and the loop would become marginally stable.
Design Guidelines If both the gain and dead time of the loop increased,
this would result in moving the cross, which represents
Figure 2.26c shows a recommended region for design stabil-
the control loop dynamics up and to the right; with enough
ity. The four-sided object in Figure 2.26c has four corners at
of an increase the system would become unstable when
a factor and divisor of two in both the gain and dead time the marginal stability line was crossed.
axis. The top corner of the object represents twice the system Figure 2.26d illustrates the condition when the control
dead time with the gain unchanged, and the bottom corner loop gain has increased, shifting the curve to the left,
of the object represents half the system dead time. The right reaching marginal stability. When this happens, the con-
corner of the object represents twice the system gain with trol loop itself becomes unstable. This means that the

FIG. 2.26c FIG. 2.26d

Robustness plot showing the recommended safe operating area for Robustness plot illustrating a condition where the control loop is
a control loop that will maintain a stability margin of two. in sustained oscillation.

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

2.26 Robustness: A Guide for Sensitivity and Stability 325

(PV and CO) are in continuous, undampened oscillation.

If the control loop dynamics worsened and moved further
into the unstable region in Figure 2.26d, the sustained,
undampened oscillation would turn into runaway oscilla-
tion. Under these conditions, if some safety constraint does
not shut the system down, accidents can occur.


A balance between loop sensitivity and stability always

exists. When tuning a control loop (see the later sections in
this chapter on tuning), the goal should always be to reach a
reasonable balance between the two goals. Robustness plots
can be convenient graphical tools because they can show the
safety margin that the control system has before it would
FIG. 2.26e become unstable.
When the control loop has reached the state of marginal stability,
both the controlled (PV) and the manipulated (CO) variables are
in sustained and undampened oscillation.
controller output (manipulated variable) starts to cycle
Gerry, J. P., “How to Control Processes With Large Dead Times,” Control
and as a consequence, the controlled process variable Engineering, March 1998.
(PV) will also start to cycle. Gerry, J. P., “Tune Loops For Load Upsets vs. Setpoint Changes,” Control,
Figure 2.26e illustrates this marginal stability condition September 1991.
where both the controlled and the manipulated variables Shinskey, F. G., Process Control Systems, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

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