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CONCLUSION IN BIOLOGY Consequently, in the year 2006, it was more about

discovering potential for safe and effective vaccines. Effective

vaccines and vaccination campaigns can virtually eliminate diseases in
a population. Many more diseases are now decreasing worldwide
STEM 11- 7, Senior High School Department
thanks to these measures. Along with infectious diseases, there are
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
also huge growth potential opportunities for vaccines in other areas -
for example in treating chronic diseases, cancer, and weight disorders.
Many Biology research papers, journals and thesis trends
from 2000 to 2018 had truthfully evolved and made such development However, there is no “one size fits all” approach for
to their discoveries from simply identifying new genomes to finding developing vaccines safely, especially for those that are biotechnology-
latest treatment for severe diseases like cancer, HIV, Chronic derived. Making sure vaccines are both effective and safe raises a
Obstructive Pulmonary (COP) and more. Therefore, here are the series of immunology-related challenges, that are of key interest to
observations how Biology trends develop year by year starting from many working in the field today.
2000 until 2018.
While from the year 2007 to 2008, the trends are more
From 2000 to 2005, the trends are more about Ancient related to the developments in cellular therapeutics CAR-T cell
Mitochondrial DNA. In those 5 years, researchers began sequencing therapies are a good example of new and exciting immunotherapies.
entire nuclear genomes of ancient humans, from Neandertals to Bronze Similar to drugs targeting Checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs), CAR-T cell
Age Europeans and Asians. These genomes offer more information therapy attempts to boost the immune response. T cells require two
about identity, migrations, and evolution than maternally inherited signals to become activated. CAR-T cells are engineered to provide the
mitochondrial DNA. first signal which targets tumor cells, for example, enabling more
Since genetic studies of Native American populations are efficient targeted T cell activation. The use of CAR-T cells has led to
complicated by the demographic collapse and presumed major loss of some amazing curative treatments for certain lymphomas and other
genetic diversity following European colonization at the end of the 15th diseases such as leukemia.
century. However, geographically widespread signals of low diversity
and shared ancestry, particularly striking in maternally inherited After 2008, Monoclonal antibodies as a critical
mitochondrial and paternally inherited Y-chromosome sequence data component was the issue or trend that had most research produced in
suggesting that small founding groups possibly initially entered the the year 2009. The use of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as reagents
Americas in a single migration event that gave rise to most of the has played an important role in the advancement of basic research,
ancestry of Native Americans today. diagnostics and product development and has delivered huge patient
benefits across a wide range of therapeutic areas.
In contrast, the distribution of some of the rare founding
mitochondrial haplogroups along the Pacific coast of North and South Moreover, technologies such as antibody phage display
America, and in northwestern North America, suggests that distinct have expanded the available options to generate novel mAbs, in
migrations along the coastal route and the ice-free corridor occurred particular human or humanized mAbs for therapeutic purposes such
within less than 2000 years. as antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). An ADC molecule, consisting of
a monoclonal antibody conjugated with highly cytotoxic small
molecules through chemical linkers, is an emerging technology used in that can help increase the success rate of oncology research
cancer chemotherapy. These ADC-based cytotoxic agents have shown is choosing the right animal model at the very start of discovery. The
vastly superior therapeutic applications compared to their free ability to research and leverage this earlier work can have a dramatic
counterparts for treatment of a wide range of cancers. However, there effect on the time, resources and dollars put into the research.
are likely to be regulatory challenges in demonstrating adequate
quality, safety and efficacy of the final ADC and a case-by-case While in 2013, researchers focused more on leading
approach will be needed to determine the most suitable pathway. therapeutic areas. With the ever-growing sophistication in the
development of therapeutic products, driven by technological
Then from 2009 to 2011, The use of pharmacodynamic advancements to treat human disease, researchers have a better
endpoints and biomarkers are the trends that Biologists researchers understanding of the biological mechanisms and the effects of
focused on more. The successful development of molecules depends therapeutic intervention. The main therapeutic areas of growth in
greatly on detailed understanding of the underlying biological biopharmaceuticals continue to be oncology and hematology, along
processes as well as their pharmacological action. Therefore, with neurology and infectious disease.
researchers are now applying predictive biomarkers of
pharmacological action routinely not only during clinical development Subsequently, from 2014 to 2015, researchers discovered
but also in the preclinical studies. As the mechanism of action of the human embryo genome editing by clinical and genetics analysis. The
drug becomes more complex, the pharmacodynamic endpoints and use of genome editing in embryos for assisted reproduction in humans
biomarkers are no longer “nice to have” extras on non-clinical safety is currently prohibited by UK law, but is permitted in some research.
studies but pivotal for non-clinical safety data interpretation and the Scientists can do gene editing on discarded IVF embryos, as long as
design of clinical studies. they are destroyed immediately afterwards, for example.

Afterward, in the year 2012, the trends had focused more Heritable genome editing could be used to wipe out genetic
about Immunotherapy especially in Zoology, Genetics and diseases in certain families by deleting or permanently changing any
Microbiology. Decades of research has led to an increase in collective troublesome code in embryos, or the sperm and egg.
understanding of the immune system as well as an improved Thereafter, in 2016, one third of all new Food and Drug
understanding of its variability within and between species, aiding drug Administration (FDA) approvals were classed as a new biological entity.
developers in translating learnings from the different phases of In the same year, European Medicines Agency (EMA) authorized 27
therapeutic development and laying the foundation for further new active substances with 12 (44%) being a biopharmaceutical.
advancements in immunotherapy. With improved immunotherapy
comes curative drugs and cell therapies that turn on and off the immune Undoubtedly, one of the key growth areas in pharmaceutical
system to help overcome the challenges of current unmet clinical research is in the study of biologics, designed to meet unmet clinical
needs. needs. In fact, according to “Evaluate Pharma”, biologics are set to
contribute 52% of the top 100 product sales by 2022.
Immuno-oncology research in particular is being powered
by the success of new biological products. The drugs in this area are Finally, biological research trends from 2017 to 2018 focused
very potent, hence they are effective for treating cancer. However, the more on the development on the treatment of cancer and other
potency is such that making them safe is a crucial element. One area diseases.
Researchers have found an unconventional way to unleash the
immune system against liver cancer in mice. Rather than directly blog/2019/translation-inhibitor-immune-checkpoint-protein
blocking the activity of an immune checkpoint protein that shields
tumors from the immune system, the researchers used an
investigational drug to curb production of the protein.

The immune system has the capacity to detect and eliminate

tumors, but cancer cells often find ways to hide or thwart an attack. The
researchers found that MYC-KRAS tumors contained more cancer-
killing immune cells than KRAS tumors. But because the MYC-KRAS
tumors also grew and spread more aggressively, the scientists
reasoned that the cancer cells might be shielding themselves from the
immune system.

These research trends will aid and assist our life, especially in our
health and for other species. Because it will help us to know that in
these past years, there are new discoveries for the development of
clinical setting like in medicine that will help us to know other treatments
for diseases that was unknown long- ago, until advanced research and
studies proved that there are still things in this world that yet have not
been discovered.

Therefore, from 2000 to 2018, the research trends focused

more on new discoveries like new found genomes in DNA and RNA,
newly discovered species, treatments, therapy, diseases in animals,
and also in the field of Pharmaceutical and Medical. Moreover, let’s also
consider other branches of Biology that produced many thesis and
journals like Genetics, Zoology and Microbiology.


Editing human embryos 'morally permissible'. (2018, July 17).

Retrieved February 20, 2019, from

Nci, Nci, & Nci. (n.d.). Blocking Cancer's Production of an

Immune Checkpoint Protein. Retrieved February 20, 2019, from

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