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Grid Automation Systems

ITT SA Synthesizer
Release Notes
Document ID: 1KHL506008
Edition March 2017
Applies for software version V2.0.2.3

Copyright  2017 ABB. All rights reserved.

ABB internal use only.

ITT SA Synthesizer i

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor
used for any unauthorized purpose.
The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may
be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of ABB Group. All other brand or product
names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.
ABB Switzerland Ltd.
SA-LEC Support
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden

ITT SA Synthesizer ii

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

This data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or
product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guarantee properties. All
persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must satisfy
themselves that each intended application is suitable and acceptable, including that any
applicable safety or other operational requirements are complied with. In particular, any
risks in applications where a system failure and/or product failure would create a risk for
harm to property or persons (including but not limited to personal injuries or death) shall be
the sole responsibility of the person or entity, applying the equipment, and those so
responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or
mitigate such risks.
This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be completely
ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the
manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments in no event shall ABB be
responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the
application of the equipment.

ITT SA Synthesizer iii

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Table of contents

1 SCOPE .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................. 1

3 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................... 2

4 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................... 3

5 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................... 4

6 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................... 5

7 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................... 6

8 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................... 7

9 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................... 7

10 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................ 7

11 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION ............................................................................................ 8

12 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.0 ..............................................................................................10

13 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.2 ..............................................................................................12

14 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.1..............................................................................................14

15 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.0 ..............................................................................................15

16 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.8 ..............................................................................................17

17 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.7 ..............................................................................................19

18 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.6 ..............................................................................................21

19 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.5 ..............................................................................................22

20 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.1 ..............................................................................................24

21 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.................................................................................................26

22 ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.2 ..............................................................................................29

23 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................31

24 FORM FOR USER REPORT ............................................................................................................................32

25 IDENTIFICATION OF THE CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................32

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26 OTHER APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ...............................................................................................................33

ITT SA Synthesizer v

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 1

1 Scope

1.1 Scope of Release Note

This release note is for ABB internal use only.
1.2 Scope of Product
The ITT SA Synthesizer is a toolbox for testing and commissioning of IEC 61850 based SA
Systems. It can simulate the network traffic and the behaviour of a number of protection,
measurement and control devices (IEDs). It can also simulate the function of a SCADA or
any other IEC 61850 client device.
ITT SA Synthesizer is able to synthesize GOOSE and MMS traffic. A client, such as
SCADA, perceives no difference between being connected to a real IED or a simulated
The simulated IEDs are not just an object model; it is possible to write scripts that mimic
the application logic of the IEDs (e.g. interlocking and reservation).
ITT SA Synthesizer is a fully compliant IEC 61850 client with the ability to browse an IED,
enable reports and send “Select-Before-Operate” commands to the IED.
For a detailed description, see [1].

1.3 Scope of Supply

The release (distributed by download) includes following items:
 ITT – SA Synthesizer (V2.0.2.3)

2 Installation

For the installation procedure please refer to [1].

ITT SA Synthesizer 1

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 3

3 Additions and Changes in Version

3.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

3.1.1 Functional enhancements

 none

3.1.2 Bug fixes

 Resolved issue on starting simulation of IEDs with large 61850 data model

3.2 Changes / Improvements

 none

ITT SA Synthesizer 2

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 4

4 Additions and Changes in Version

4.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

4.1.1 Functional enhancements

 none

4.1.2 Bug fixes

 Resolved performance issue with Scripts when using SetValue method (#31139).
 Resolved performance issue when simulating high number of IEDs (#30964).
 Initial values for simulated IEDs are now set correctly according the values in the
user interface (#31128).
 Correct initialization of LocSwPos for simulated IEDs to allow remote control
authority (#32008).
 Fixed cyber security vulnerability issue regarding MMS server simulation (#30575).
 Fixed INT64 type support (#31944).
 Implemented correct profile handling for *.cid, *.icd, etc. files (#31669).
 Improved robustness in Discover IEDs dialog (#31100).
 Improved robustness in IED Status view (#31317).

4.2 Changes / Improvements

 none

ITT SA Synthesizer 3

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 5

5 Additions and Changes in Version

5.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

5.1.1 Functional enhancements

 none

5.1.2 Bug fixes

 Fix issue with simulating IED in detached license environment (#30018).

 Improve robustness regarding incomplete Substation Section configuration

5.2 Changes / Improvements

 none

ITT SA Synthesizer 4

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 6

6 Additions and Changes in Version

6.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

6.1.1 Functional enhancements

 New IED Status View showing the complete IED status in respect to its testing
configuration (#5742).
 Representation of LD naming (Flexible Product Naming) (#19057).
 The user is informed before disconnecting an IED in case there are active
Blockings, Substitution or Testing (#19094).
 IEDs containing a ServerAt SCL element can be simulated (#11525).

6.1.2 Bug fixes

 Fix command handling issue with IEC61850 Stack.

 Removed duplicated entries in Point to Point Testing tab (#22439).

6.2 Changes / Improvements

 Improvements in the Setting Group Editor (Available on the Setting Group Control
Block) (#18996, #19828, #25388, #25965).
 Improved performance when browsing IEDs (#19306).
 The default OrIdent for control commands can be set in the ITT600 options
 Description (Customer Names) of IEDs and other nodes can be shown in the tree
view (new tool option) (#6163).
 IEC 61850 CDC type is shown in Data properties (#18559).
 SCL Text Elements are shown in the properties (#26914).
 Client IEDs is shown for GOOSE control blocks (#25130).
 Updated Security Event List (#22400).
 Point to Point Testing tab: Show also attibutes that only have GOOSE (no RCB)
 “Go to reference”-functionality now also available from Launchpad to find IED in
tree (#20415).

ITT SA Synthesizer 5

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 7

7 Additions and Changes in Version

7.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

7.1.1 Functional enhancements

 none

7.1.2 Bug fixes

 ITT SA Symthesizer was not able to be started after installation of .NET 4.6 or
Visual Studio 2015 (introduced by new RyuJIT compiler) (#26985).
 Single Line Diagram: fixed issue with Equipment (#24249).
 IED Simulation: fixed issue in CCF generation (#27024).

7.2 Changes / Improvements

 Improved performance for scripted report generation (#26987).

ITT SA Synthesizer 6

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 8

8 Additions and Changes in Version

8.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

8.1.1 Functional enhancements

 none

8.1.2 Bug fixes

 Support basic APC Command handling (#21486).

 Define IEC61850 Ed. 1 as default edition if no edition can be identified for an IED

8.2 Changes / Improvements

 If profile is loaded on different PC, provide selection not to add the IP of the profile
in order to avoid IP conflicts (#21583).
 When creating new profile, provide possibility to suppress loading of Single Line
Diagram (in case of too big or misconfigured SLDs). Selection will be persisted in
profile (#21643).

9 Additions and Changes in Version

9.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

9.1.1 Functional enhancements

 none

9.1.2 Bug fixes

 Adapted command handling for simulated IEDs: The stSeld attribute was not
treated correctly (#20277).
 Adapted remote mode detection handling: The reference to the logical node
QCBAY was not identified correctly (#20278).

10 Additions and Changes in Version

10.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

10.1.1 Functional enhancements

 More information about the selected NIC is provided (#13641).

ITT SA Synthesizer 7

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Chapter 11

 The DataSet name is shown additionally to the ControlBlock in the tree views

 The selected NIC for IED simulation is show in the status bar (#17147).

 Unique Report ID (RptID) is set when enabling a buffered or unbuffered Report

and therefore the Client column of the Eventlist is filled (#11892, #7042).

 The status of nodes in the Substation and Subnetwork tree are synchronized
(connected, simulated or offlline) (#14866).
 More fault tolerant SCD file reading for invalid FC <-> TriggerOption combinations

10.1.2 Bug fixes

 All ReportControlBlock option fields can be written to an IED before enabling a

Report (#18431).
 When simulating Ed.1 IEDs, the missing trigger options are added for all required
attributes. In previous versions, the trigger options were only added for Attributes
with references to a Dataset that is located in LLN0 (#16950).
 IEDs with more than 500 GOOSE inputs can be simulated (#18708).
 Fixed commands for VSGGIO (DPStatus) (#18675).
 Eventlist is showing DataAttribute changes for Attributes with FC==SP and
FC==CR (#18995).
 Script names cannot start with a number (#18959).
 Profile Wizard is properly displayed for different screen setting (larger font sizes)
 Adapted command handling for simulated IEDs. The stSeld attribute is treated as
optional (#19322).
 DataSets referencing the same attibutes multiple times are supported (#19665).
 Editing Setting Groups parameters is more robust and supports Ed.2 IEDs

11 Additions and Changes in Version

11.1 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

11.1.1 Functional enhancements

 none

11.1.2 Bug fixes

 Options Dialog: Changing log level does not require restart (#16860)

 GOOSE Reception: Ignore quality updates from referenced inputs. This caused
simulation of wrong quality values. (#16982)

ITT SA Synthesizer 8

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 11

 IED Simulation: Increased maximum number of FCDAs per Data Set to 20


 IED Simulation: The option “Add missing Trigger Options” also consideres
DataSets that are not below LLN0 (#16926)

ITT SA Synthesizer 9

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Chapter 0

12 Additions and Changes in Version 2.0.0

This version of ITT SA Synthesizer does not run under Windows XP.
Software firewalls and IPS could block specific packets. You should not disable any
firewall without informing your Network Administrator first.

12.1 Additional Functionalities

 IEC 61850 Ed.2 support

o Simulation of IEDs

o Connecting IEC 61850 Ed.2 IEDs

 Point To Point Test:

o MicroSCADA configuration files from IET600 can be imported to the Point

To Point tester to show related process database point in MicroSCADA

o Point to point testing grid can be filtered by any selected object in the
substation tree (#15085)

 New Options dialog (#13664)

 Support for Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 Family

 Support for larger SCD files by running as 64Bit process (#13663)

12.2 Changes / Improvements

 Windows XP is no longer supported.
 Automatic backup of SCD file during profile creation is removed (#9147)
 Stability improvements when simulating IEDs
 Performance improvements when launching simulated IEDs
 Scripting functionality enhanced (#9224)
o Access to IED collections (simulated / real) provided by dedicated
o Script editor improvements and shortcuts (#region - #endregion support,
F5/F6 shortcuts to compile/run a script, find/replace, etc.) (#13738)

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Chapter 12

 IED launchpad improved (#13743):

o Status messages
o Cancel button
o Move multiple IEDs between real and simulated
 Goto referenced item improved (#9072): The item is highlighted now in both trees.
 Profiles always saved as autostartable: can be launched either by command
arguments “-autostart” or “…\path\profile file name.simx”
 Improved Stack windows handling (#14030):
o per default shown as minimzed
o right-click on IED opens Stack window
o stack windows can be set to invisible
 Editing a simulated value can be cancelled by pressing the ESC key (#13742)
 Improved IP address handling: the NIC main IP address remains and Synthesizer
adds an additional IP address for the loaded SCD file (#13681)
 Support for USB 3.0 based NICs (#15080)

12.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

12.3.1 Functional enhancements

 Selection of remote OPC servers improved (#5493)

 Improvements in cyber security event simulation (GSAL) (#5495)

 Each simulated IED has its own folder for MMS file transfer (#13821)

 Improved profile handling from former versions (#14666)

 Goto simulated Server console window from context menu (#14812)

12.3.2 Bug fixes

 Enums for simulated IEDs are initialized correctly (#6165)

 Optional elements of GSAL handeled correctly when receiving reports (#11165)

 Correct timestamp handling on GOOSE receive (#15304)

 Increased MaxReceivedMessageSize for ABB Software Library (V2.0.0.1)

ITT SA Synthesizer 11

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 13

13 Additions and Changes in Version 1.5.2

13.1 Additional Functionalities

 New IEDs Launchpad to Connect/Disconnect a group of real IEDs or to
Launch/Stop a group of simulated IEDs at the same time (#7473)

13.2 Changes / Improvements

 The SetValue(..) script method has been changed. The 3 rd parameter to define
whether a GOOSE message is sent immediately is removed. For backward
compatibility reasons the parameter is still available, but it has no effect.
The new behaviour is that all GOOSE messages are sent immediately after a
value change.
 Improved performance for launching simulated IEDs
 Overall stability improved when starting/stopping or moving simulated IEDs
 Improved handling of setting the IP Addresses for simulated IEDs

13.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

13.3.1 Functional enhancements

 Support for all command types (DirectCommand, SBO, DirectCommand with
enhanced security, SBO with enhanced security) for all LNs (#7574)

 Mod / Quality handling for simulated IEDs improved (#5741)

o The state of LLN0 Mod is checked when a simulated IED is processing a


 The state of the Synchrocheck LN is taken into account when a simulated IED is
processing a command (#7463)

 Additional Script Command to set the Mode of a simulated IED (#836)

 Wireless network adapters are not supported and therefore will not be considered
anymore (#8256)

 Improvements in Measurement Dialog (#5436, #5755)

 SBO command Dialog contains information about related interlocking LNs (#8895)

 Tree Nodes are sorted alphabetically after IEDs are moved between real and
simulated (#5629)

 Scripting (#9445): introduce new methods to access IEDs

 Timestamps before year 1970 caused exception in GOOSE sender/receiver.
These timestamps are now ignored. (V. / #10868).

 Corrected usage of CultureInfo issues. (V.

ITT SA Synthesizer 12

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Chapter 13

13.3.2 Bug fixes

 Octet string data types are handled correctly and do not produce wrong debug log
entries (#4984)

 GOOSE simulation (#7753, #7368, #5631)

o Corrected behaviour when one GCB was disabled

o Corrected re-transmission behaviour

o GOOSE VLAN ID is treated as hex number (#5625)

o Corrected State Changed number calculation when using scripts

 GOCBs with empty DataSet are no longer causing exceptions (#5628, #5631)

 Scripting (#7295, #7234, #7235, #5772, #5771)

o Fix to support multiple Function Scripts

o ValueChanged Event provides correct reference to changed attribute

o ConnectIED() method returns correct status

o MoveIED() method fixed

 In case the launching of a simulated IED fails, the status of simulated IED is
indicated correcty (#583)

 Improvement of IP address configuration in Windows XP (fixed in

 Fix problem with launching of IEDs (SCL_Handle_Updated sent from ISS to ITT)
(#12514 fixed in

ITT SA Synthesizer 13

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Chapter 14

14 Additions and Changes in Version 1.5.1

14.1 Additional Functionalities

 Security event simulation and capturing (#3014)

14.2 Changes / Improvements

 Process Eventlist moved to own tab in main panel view (tree node “Process
Events” has been removed from main tree
 General GUI improvements introduced in ITT600 SA Explorer

14.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

14.3.1 Functional enhancements

 None

14.3.2 Bug fixes

 Timestamp now transmitted in UTC on DA change (#5348)

 License Request Dialog: all IP and MAC addresses shown in dialog

 L/R command blocking: if no Loc Data is found remote is used (#5379)

 Measurements updates caused SLD crash (red cross) (#5421)

 Quality attributes are refreshed when connected to a real IED (#5422)

ITT SA Synthesizer 14

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Chapter 15

15 Additions and Changes in Version 1.5.0

This version of ITT SA Synthesizer requires a new License.

Licenses for versions < 1.5.0 will not work with this version.

Administrator rights are required to install and run ITT SA Synthesizer.

Some script using statements have changed. It might be necessary to update

scripts created with earlier versions.

IPV6 protocol is not supported. Disable IPV6 on the NIC that is used for ITT SA

15.1 Additional Functionalities

 Support for Windows 7 (32/64Bit) (#3270).

 Point-Point Testing Grid (#1105)

 OPC UA Server (Includes OPC DA Server Wrapper) (#4341)

 Autostart of Synthesizer with the last profile, IED simulation state and values

15.2 Changes / Improvements

 Performance Improvements
 Look and feel of Process Eventlist improved
 General GUI improvements introduced in ITT600 SA Explorer
 Wireless and Bluetooth Adapters are not shown (#4521)

15.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

15.3.1 Functional enhancements

 Units are shown in Measurement Dialog (if available in SCD file) (#739)

 Added the possibility to call Functions from Scrips that are located in other Scripts

 New Script Commands available (#4957)

 Start / Stop GOOSE Simulation per GCB (#4528)

 Changing of GCB Parameters is possible (#4528)

15.3.2 Bug fixes

 Time offset for simulated data of one hour in certain situation (#2910)

ITT SA Synthesizer 15

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Chapter 15

 GoTo Referenced Item context menu for DS and Inputs (#2742)

 RCB Parameters for Simulated IEDs can not be changed (default values are taken
from SCD file, durin the simulation it is the Client that defines the parameters)

 SetValue(..) Script Command supports Quality Type (#443)

 MMS File Transfer for specific 3rd party IEDs fixed (#5035)

 IP Gateway is only restored when it was explicitly set before Synthesizer is started

 Quality Validity is not changed if “Test” bit is set (#5186)

ITT SA Synthesizer 16

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Chapter 16

16 Additions and Changes in Version 1.2.8

ITT SA Synthesizer runs in Windows Vista environment. However due to windows internal
changes it requires much more time to set IP Addresses. Therefore ITT SA Synthesizer
will run slower on Vista.
Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) has to be switched off before installing ITT SA
16.1 Additional Functionalities
 Time Quality can be simulated (#1523).

 Connect all real IEDs command available from tree view context menu (#571).

 Editing of Setting Group parameters for real IEDs (Attributes with FC = SE) is
supported (#584).

16.2 Changes / Improvements

 Simulated IEDs consume less memory (#1546).

 Color Legend Dialog updated (#1530).

 IP Address calculation only considers 8-MMS Subnetwork Addresses (#608,


 IP Address is released when launching of an IED fails (#1404)

 Time is displayed according regional settings (#1394).

 Drag / Drop of Profile files supported (#1306)

 Report Clients are shown (#578).

 RCB’s are shown as RCBTemplate and Instances (#578).

 Connection status of real IEDs is shown with different icons in the tree view

 Process Event List shows functional names and destination (#884, #603)

 Changes in Command Dialogs (#1989)

o Continue after neg. resp. has default value “false”

o Direct Command default value is “false”

o New generic SBO command Dialog

 Values in Measurement Dialog are updated automatically

ITT SA Synthesizer 17

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Chapter 16

16.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

16.3.1 Functional enhancements

 Windows VISTA support (#1545)

16.3.2 Bug fixes

 DNS Server addresses are not restored in case DHCP is used on a NIC (#1406).

 Received GOOSE frames are updating the internal data again. Therefore SLD
positions are updated (#1547) again.

ITT SA Synthesizer 18

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Chapter 17

17 Additions and Changes in Version 1.2.7

All additions and changes are described detailed in the user manual [1] if applicable.
Some script using statements have changed. It might be necessary to update scripts
created with earlier versions.
Old namespaces:
using ABB.IEC61850.ServerSimulator;
using ABB.IEC61850.SimulationUtils;
New namespaces:
using ABB.ITT.SASynthesizer.ServerSimulator;
using ABB.ITT.SASynthesizer.SubstationUtils;

17.1 Additional Functionalities

 None

17.2 Changes / Improvements

 Simulated IED process window title shows IED Name and its IP Address (#392).

 Progress Bar is shown when opening Profile (#770).

 Removed Connect Simulated IED menu entries (#792).

 Simulated IEDs are automatically initialized with default values (#837).

 OSILLC Driver is no longer needed (#977)

 New Icons used in Context and Main Menu

ITT SA Synthesizer 19

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Chapter 17

17.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

17.3.1 Functional enhancements

 Color Legend Dialog updated (#574, #765).

17.3.2 Bug fixes

 CCF generation changed to support more IED and command types (#766).

 IED configuration is always read until finished, IED simulation is more independent
of PC and OS (#772).

 SetControlAuthority() script command processes all QCBAYs (#607)

 Direct Command for switches accepted (#835)

 “Several MAC Address Error” changed into warning (#768)

 Wrong License Manager error not logged anymore (#769)

 A wrong Warning was shown when ITT SA Synthesizer was closed that
connections to IEDs are available. (#394)

 A manually added real IED that was moved to the simulated IEDs folder can not
be started. An information message is displayed instead. (#1094)

 Server can be deleted from manually added IED. (ID#1074)

 No negative command response (Interlocked) is sent without Substation Section

Information. (#1064)

ITT SA Synthesizer 20

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Chapter 18

18 Additions and Changes in Version 1.2.6

All additions and changes are described detailed in the user manual [1].
18.1 Additional Functionalities
 None

18.2 Changes / Improvements

 Simulated IEDs are shown again.

18.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

18.3.1 Functional enhancements

 None

18.3.2 Bug fixes

 Configuration files for simulated IEDs are generated. Thus simulation of IEDs is
working again.

 Report reception works when Data Reference Option Field is set.

 Writing of Report Option Fields fixed.

 IED can be browsed also when loaded SCD contains elements (LN’s, RCB’s) that
are not available the IED.

 Correct Voltage Level name is displayed in Switch Matrix

 Simulation of INT128 data type possible (used in MMTR LN)

ITT SA Synthesizer 21

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Chapter 19

19 Additions and Changes in Version 1.2.5

All additions and changes are described detailed in the user manual [1].
19.1 Additional Functionalities
 Scripts can be loaded directly from a file into the treeview.

 Real IEDs can be reconnected

19.2 Changes / Improvements

 Use existing IP Address in Wizard

 Gateway, DNS, WINS Addresses are kept after the wizard is closed.

 Faster MMS client stack

 MMXU Measurement Dialog supports multiple IEDs per bay.

 New Script commands

 ConnectIED() connects a real IED

 Disconnect IED disconnects a real IED

 In case of negative command response, the AddCause is shown.

 Simulated IEDs are not shown as separate Window when started (This behaviour
can be changed in the configuration file. See [1] for details.)

ITT SA Synthesizer 22

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Chapter 19

19.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

19.3.1 Functional enhancements

 Minor changes to the User Interface.

 “Mixed Mode” support. Some LN’s of conducting equipment can be real and some
LN’s can be simulated. (e.g. real CSWI and simulated XCBR)

 In case of an invallicense, a detailed error code is shown. This code is required by

SA-LEC-Support for resolving license conflicts.

 IEDs with larger configuration can be simulated.

 Dedicated MMS file transfer directory (as Server)

 Help for script methods are provided in the Script Editor.

19.3.2 Bug fixes

 GOOSE Server does not crash anymore when enumerated values are contained
in the GOOSE Dataset.

 GOOSE Server does not crash when creating a profile with only real IEDs, and
moving one IED to be simulated.

 GOOSE resending timers fixed. State Changed and Sequence numbers are sent

 IED Server configuration files (CCF Files) export works for more than 185 IEDs
(this was an unknown limitation in previous releases)

 SLD does not crash when changing the Voltage Level to be shown.

 No Exception is thrown when last number of ITT SA Synthesizer’s own IP Address

is less than 16.

 Maximizing / Minimizing the Main user interface is working now.

 An IED with more than one MAC Address is not longer shown as Error.

ITT SA Synthesizer 23

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 20

20 Additions and Changes in Version 1.2.1

All additions and changes are described detailed in the user manual [1].
20.1 Additional Functionalities
 Complete Bays can be moved in the Single Line Diagram.

 Structured GOOSE sending (CDCs in GOOSE Datasets)

 Display of TimeStamps in local time or UTC

 Scripting enhanced. Support for loading own assemblies including Windows

Forms User Interfaces.

20.2 Changes / Improvements

 Advanced measurement dialog.

 Some DataTypes have changed in the scripting library See [1] for more info.

 Removed dependencies to dlls from scripts. See 23.2.

 Improved Discover IEDs Dialog.

20.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

20.3.1 Functional enhancements

 Command termination is sent if Control Model is with enhanced security.

 Data Attribute viewer shows detailed quality information,

 Data Attribute viewer shows milliseconds for timestamps.

 Setting of simulated timestamps is possible.

 Additional Interlocking rules implemented.

 Minor changes to the user interface

ITT SA Synthesizer 24

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 20

20.3.2 Bug fixes

 Timestamps Attributes in a GOOSE Dataset do not cause a crash.

 All switching objects of a bay changed position when receiving a command for
only one switch (this was depending whether prefixes were used for switching
objects in the SCD.

 Moving a manually added IED from the Real IEDs folder to the simulated IEDs
folder will not cause a crash.

 The newly added script is displayed in the Editor

 Wizard does not generate an Exception when “Add script” is selected on page 3.

 The Loc CDC of the LN is taken into account when a Command is received.

ITT SA Synthesizer 25

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 21

21 Additions and Changes in Version 1.2

All additions and changes are described detailed in the user manual [1].
21.1 Additional Functionalities
 Scripting Library extended.

 Display of Voltage and Current measurements in SLD.

 Clicking on a CT/VT Symbol in the SLD will show a Dialog containing the
corresponding values. Changing of values for simulated IEDs is allowed.

 Single line diagram supports bus bar colouring.

 Topology based interlocking.

 The size of the log files will be checked during start up. If the size is larger than
100MB, it will be asked to delete the old files.

 The log files can be deleted by clicking on tools menu – options – delete old Log

 Input sections are shown.

 Description of all IEC 61850 objects added. The Information is taken from SCL
“desc” or “d” attribute.

 Process event list will show all data received from reports in an easy to use table

 Simulation of Tap Changer control IEDs.

ITT SA Synthesizer 26

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 21

21.2 Changes / Improvements

 APPbase for GOOSE is set to hex (See [1] for information about how to change
the APPID).

 New Script Editor

 Scripting library changed:

- SetValue(), GetValue() do not throw an exception if referenced variable

does not exist. This access error will be logged only.

- SubscribeToControlRequest delegate changed. Second parameter is now

a PrimitiveDAType instead of a MapNode.

- Returning a negative number from a ControlRequest delegate indicates

that every desired operation is done in the script. No action is performed

- SetInitialPositionAndInterlockingValues() also sets the release of the

Synchrockeck (RSYN) LN to true.

- Topology based Interlocking Script support.

- Added SBO and direct commands access to Scripts.

- Added Log command to script library.

- Added SetControlAuthority() command to script library.

 Open SCD removed from file menu.

 Open Recent SCD file removed from file menu.

 Upon startup of ITT SA Synthesizer, it will be checked whether the current logged
on user belongs to the “Administrators” group. The application will not be started if
the user is not an Administrator.

 ITT SA Synthesizer can only be started once on the same PC.

 A confirmation Dialog is shown whether the Application should be closed, when

connections to IEDs are available (real or simulated)

 A real IED can be connected and disconnected multiple times.

 Connecting a real IED shows a progress bar.

 The Test bit in a command is evaluated. If it is set to true, the command is

accepted, but no value is changed.

 When receiving a control request, the Local-Remote switch position is evaluated

prior executing the command.

 Interlocking is checked when receiving a command and the Topology engine is

switched on.

 Compatible with WinPCap 4.0

ITT SA Synthesizer 27

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 21

21.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

21.3.1 Functional enhancements

 GOOSE receiver supports structured GOOSE.

 A message is displayed if the selected network adapter in Step2 of the wizard is

disconnected. This will prevent entering an endless loop.

21.3.2 Bug fixes

 Missing GOOSE parameter will be set to default values (Logged in debug output)
and will not cause ITT SA Synthesizer to crash.

 The internal check if IED already exists on the network will not crash if an empty or
bad Server IP address is defined.

 Loading an SCD without a Substation Section will not throw an exception.

 Address calculation for simulation server configuration fixed (CCF file generation).
All IEDs of a large scale station can be simulated now.

 Quality attributes are also written and updated over MMS in simulated IEDs.

 Simulated IEDs accept Direct Commands. The Data that shall be changed with the
command (e.g. stVal) is updated with the value from the ctlVal.

 IP Addresses of simulated IEDs are removed from Adapter when closing the

ITT SA Synthesizer 28

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 22

22 Additions and Changes in Version 1.1.2

22.1 Additional Functionalities

 IEDs can be moved from simulated to real and vice-versa in the tree view.

 A counter for GOOSE frames with wrong configuration revision has been added.

 Scripting IDE supports adding of code snippets into script via context menu item.

22.2 Changes / Improvements

 Generated CCF Files are saved in the ITT_SERVER folder of the installation.

 Start / Stop Buttons for GOOSE Server are removed. GOOSE traffic is
automatically started when the corresponding simulated IED is started.

 New Profile Wizard simplified.

 Proposed IP Address calculation for Synthesizer is based on the IP Addresses

present in the SCD file. Several Synthesizers can be started on the same network
without interfering.

 Synchronised look and feel with ITT SA Explorer

 Received Reports from Real IEDs are logged as one line per entry

 Settings of all available network adapters are stored on start-up and restored on

 The presence of real IEDs is checked.

 An simulated IED cannot be started to if a real IED with that same IP address is
present in the network

ITT SA Synthesizer 29

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 22

22.3 Functional enhancements and Bug fixes

22.3.1 Functional enhancements

 After connecting a real IED, automatically all possible BRCB’s will be enabled.

 Menu item defines whether browsing should be forced to match IEC61850


 GOOSE reception is enabled by default

 GOOSE Appcalculation is according the ABB IEDs implementation

22.3.2 Bug fixes

 NIC Adapter selection is consistent now for GOOSE and MMS

 GOOSE Analyzer exceptions for Integer, Unsigned Integer, MMS String, Octet
String, and BCD were fixed. Test and NeedsCommissionning bits are treated as
optional and are default false.

 Clear Log Button now clears the log

 Start / Stop all simulated IEDs always available

 Remove Server / remove IED does not throw exception

 CSWI is not mandatory anymore to show the position in the SLD

 Context menu items visibility changed

ITT SA Synthesizer 30

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 23

23 General instructions

23.1 Compatibility
ITT SA Synthesizer Version 2.0.2 is running on
 Windows 7 (32/64Bit)
 Windows 8 & 8.1 (32/64Bit)
 Windows 10 (32/64Bit)
 Windows Server 2012 Familiy (32/64Bit)

Administrator rights are required to install and run ITT SA Synthesizer.

23.2 Limitations
 IED simulation is based on the same generic application logic for ABB and third
party IEDs contained in a SCD file. Testing with a simulated IED does not replace
the functional testing with the real device. The following limitation with respect to
IED simulation are known:

o Simulated IEDs do not support dynamic DataSets, even if the real IED
would do so.

o Editing of Setting Group parameters for simulated IEDs is not supported.

o In general, MMS array data types are not supported and will be ignored.

23.3 Effects
 It might happen that ITT SA Synthesizer GUI “freezes”. If this is the case, please
be patient for some minutes. The software will recover.

 The automatic IP Address recovery might not work on PCs with IPV6 protocol
installed therefore IPV6 protocol has to be disabled on the NIC that is used for ITT
SA Synthesizer.

 Scrips created with older versions of ITT SA Synthesizer might not be compatible
with this version and need to be ported.

23.4 Known Errors

 When the number of simulated IEDs increases, ITT SA Synthesizer may run out of

 ITT SA Synthesizer was created using 96DPI Screen settings. It might not work
correctly on some PCs with another DPI setting.

ITT SA Synthesizer 31

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 24

24 Form for user report

Please send any feedback and bug reports to:
Include the bug report generated by ITT SA Synthesizer and as much additional
information as possible.
- What type of IED’s are connected?

- How many IEDs were simulated?

- What have you done before the error happened?

- What Operating System is used?

- The used SCL file.

- Output of exception window

- Version number of ITT Synthesizer

- Any other helpful information.

25 Identification of the configuration

ITT SA Synthesizer:
ABB.IEC61850.IEC61850Simulator.exe, Assembly Version
IEC61850_81_ITT_SERVER.exe, Version
A detailed Version Information is included in the Bug Report or available from the about
box of ITT SA Synthesizer. See [1] for more information.

ITT SA Synthesizer 32

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Chapter 26

26 Other applicable documents

26.1 Still valid documents

[1] 1KHL506007 ITT SA Synthesizer User Manual.pdf (ITT SA Synthesizer User

[2] 1KHL506008 ITT SA Synthesizer Release Note.pdf (This Document)

26.2 New documents


ITT SA Synthesizer 33

Release Notes ABB internal use only.

Contact us:

ABB Switzerland Ltd.

SA-LEC Support
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden

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