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CHE 515: Renewable Energy Technology

Assignment: Biomass Energy

Q1. How biomass conversion takes place?

Q2. What is the difference between biomass and biogas?

Q3. Explain the process photosynthesis. What are the conditions, which are necessary for it?

Q4. What is meant by anaerobic digestion? What are the factors, which affect bio digestion?
Explain briefly.

Q5. How are biogas plants classified? Explain them briefly.

Q6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of floating drum plant?

Q7. Name the various models of biogas plant.

Q8. Explain the constructional details and working of KVIC digester.

Q9. What is meant by wet fermentation and dry fermentation?

Q10. What are the main problems in straw fermentation? How they are minimised?

Q11. What is a community biogas plant? What are the main problems encountered in its

Q12. Give a list of the materials used for biogas generation.

Q13. What are the factors, which affect the size of the biogas plants?

Q14. What are the techniques suggested for maintaining the biogas production? Explain.

Q15. What is meant by energy plantation? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Q16. How are Gasifier classified? What is pyrolysis?

Q17. What are the potential applications of the gasifier?

Q18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of biological conversion of solar energy?

Q19. The following data are given for a family biogas digester suitable for the output of five
cows: the retention time is 20 days, temperature 30oC, dry matter consumed par day =20 kg,
biogas yield is 0.24 m3 per kg. The efficiency of burner is 60%, methane proportion is 0.8.
Heat of combustion of methane = 28 MJ/m3. Calculate (1) the volume of biogas digester, (2)
the power available from the digester.

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