2019) State of

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Our President Rodrigo Duterte we start from the term of

our president for what he can do to our country if we
remember there are public to Wonder whether he means
what he say.

If we can known here are the one that Rodrigo duterte

that he do for our term that fullfill by the help of our
polices about the campaign illegal drugs remains the
duterte administration banner program but there are
thousand have been killed in our police anti-drug
operations. But many of Filipino was continue to support
the program of our administration if we can known that in
every law that promagated by our president will be process
to our Congress before they approved for the rights of our
filipino citizens then According to the survey have found
that most Filipino want drug suspect arrested alive and half
of Filipino don't believe claims that suspect had to be killed
because they " fought back" whether the police should not
known the side before they alligate may be some cases that
he killed the suspect to protect our self.

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