Easing Fatigue

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Aeromedical experts expect fatigue-related problems to worsen

with the advent of more ULR flights, unless reliable countermeasures are implemented.


he aviation industry generally In a position paper adopted by of duty and rest scheduling guidelines
has failed to incorporate new the Aerospace Medical Association for corporate and business operators.2
knowledge of fatigue-fighting (AsMA),1 the organization’s fatigue “Although the scientific understand-
techniques into flight crew countermeasures subcommittee wrote ing of fatigue, sleep, shift work and
scheduling provisions and flight and that few changes have been made in circadian3 physiology has advanced sig-
duty time limitations, according to flight time limitations and flight crew nificantly over the past several decades,
sleep experts who recommend end- scheduling since the first limits were current regulations and industry practic-
ing prohibitions on cockpit naps and adopted in the 1930s, despite numerous es have in large part failed to adequately
authorizing the use of certain sleep- recommendations, including the 1997 incorporate the new knowledge,” the
inducing medications. publication by Flight Safety Foundation fatigue panel said. “Thus the problem

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of pilot fatigue has steadily increased along with of flight marked by low workloads, and that pilots
fatigue-related concerns over air safety.” are especially susceptible to microsleeps — periods
A separate fatigue study conducted for the of sleep that last only several seconds and often go
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) con- unrecognized — in the middle-to-late segments of
cluded with a call for new limits on duty time cruise flight during long-haul operations.
(See “Study: EASA Needs Stricter Limits on The fatigue panel cited a survey by the U.S.
Fatigue,” p. 24). National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The AsMA position paper said that accident in which 80 percent of 1,424 flight crewmembers
statistics, pilot reports and operational flight from regional airlines said they had “nodded off ”
studies all indicate that aviation operators are during a flight. A survey of 1,488 corporate/ex-
increasingly concerned about fatigue. ecutive flight crewmembers found that 71 percent
“Long-haul pilots frequently attribute their had fallen asleep during flight.
fatigue to sleep deprivation and circadian dis- “Fatigue in aviation is a risk factor for oc-
turbances associated with time zone transitions,” cupational safety, performance effectiveness and
the fatigue panel wrote. “Short-haul (domestic) personal well being,” the panel said. “Humans
pilots most frequently blame their fatigue on simply were not equipped (or did not evolve) to
sleep deprivation and high workload. Both long- operate effectively on the pressured 24-7 sched-
and short-haul pilots commonly associate their ules that often define today’s flight operations,
fatigue with night flights, jet lag, early wakeups, whether these consist of short-haul commercial
time pressure, multiple flight legs and consecu- flights, long-range transoceanic operations or
tive duty periods without sufficient recovery around-the-clock military missions. Because
breaks. Corporate/executive pilots experience of this, well-planned, science-based fatigue
fatigue-related problems similar to those re- management strategies are crucial for managing
ported by their commercial counterparts.” sleep loss/sleep debt, sustained periods of wake-
Concerns about fatigue are likely to increase fulness and circadian factors that are primary
as ultra-long-range (ULR) flights — those of 16 contributors to fatigue-related flight mishaps.”
hours or more — increase, the panel said.
“An important question for ULR operations Current Practices
is whether the strains imposed by the extension The AsMA fatigue panel rejected the rule-
of flight duty hours beyond the limits com- ­making approach typically used by the U.S.
monly flown will effectively be mitigated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and
standard fatigue countermeasures, which in part other regulatory agencies to prescribe the limits
have been responsible for the acceptable safety on flight, duty and rest times (Table 1, p. 24).
record of existing flight operations,” the panel Such limits should be developed from scientific
said. “Without proper management, ULR opera- research on the effects of sleep and circadian
tions may exacerbate the fatigue levels that have rhythms on job performance, the panel said.
already been shown to impair safety, alertness “The risks associated with non-science-based
and performance in existing flight operations.” regulatory approaches may have been unknown
in the 1930s, when flight and duty time limits
Causes and Effects were first addressed,” the panel said. “At the time,
Research has found that the causes of fatigue are research documenting the performance and alert-
similar in all types of aviation operations, as are ness decrements associated with sleep loss and
the effects. circadian disruption was limited, and it seemed
Studies conducted during flight and in simula- sufficient to ensure safety via agreements between
© Brand X Pictures

tors have found that fatigue interferes with the flight crew and management. However, with the
functions of the central nervous system, that pilots demands of 24-7 aviation operations, it has be-
may experience “vigilance lapses” during periods come increasingly apparent that such prescriptive

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Study: EASA Needs Stricter Stand on Fatigue

E uropean Aviation Safety Agency

(EASA) rules do too little to
mitigate the effects of fatigue on
pilots, according to a report by human
factors researchers that was applauded
The researchers said they were es-
pecially concerned with provisions that
allow “a large number of duty hours in a
short time. … The permissible max-
imum of 180 duty hours in three consec-
The European Cockpit Association
welcomed the researchers’ findings,
noting that fatigue has been cited as a
contributing factor in 15 to 20 percent
of fatal aviation accidents associated
by pilot organizations and faulted by utive weeks allows for a high density of with pilot error.
airlines as “seriously lacking.” work hours in a short period of time and The results of the study were not
The report, made public in January should be limited through an additional included in a proposed revision of
after it was submitted to EASA by provision for a maximum of 100 duty regulations governing air operations
Moebus Aviation and the European hours in 14 consecutive days.” that were published in late January,
Committee for Aircrew Scheduling and Their report also said that the EASA said. Instead, the study will be
Safety (ECASS), said that a number of maximum daily flight duty time of 13 the subject of a regulatory impact
existing EASA rules and proposed rules to 14 hours “exceeds reasonable limits, assessment to consider the potential
changes conflict with scientifically devel- especially under exacerbating circum- safety benefits of its recommendations,
oped principles of fatigue prevention. stances (e.g., high workload, night as well as their social, economic and
“Our responses are based on the flying … ) and should be reduced.” environmental aspects, EASA said.
available scientific knowledge which, The Association of European —LW
briefly, finds that fatigue is increased Airlines denounced the report as “seri- Note
by extended time awake, reduced prior ously lacking in substantive scientific 1. Moebus Aviation and ECASS. “Consensus
sleep, the window of circadian low and and medical content” and said it “ar- Report Prepared by ECASS: Scientific
task load, and that these effects are rives at conclusions which are oblivi- and Medical Evaluation of Flight Time
Limitations,” TS.EASA.207.OP.08. 2008. <www.
modified by changes of time zones and ous to the evidence of decades of safe easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/research/
rest provisions,” the report said. operation.” FTL%20Study%20Final%20Report.pdf>.

For example, the panel said, current FAA reg-

FAA Rest, Flight and Duty Time Limits
ulations do not recognize any difference between
Type of Limit Non-Augmented Crew1 Augmented Crew2 eight hours of duty time during the day and eight
Minimum pre-duty rest period 10 hours 10 hours hours at night. A “scientifically informed” regula-
Minimum post-duty rest period 10 hours 12 hours tion would acknowledge a difference, based on
18 hours for time of day and circadian rhythms, the panel said.
multiple time zones
Maximum flight time 10 hours 12 hours
In-Flight Strategies
Maximum duty time 14 hours 16 hours
The fatigue panel reviewed several in-flight
Maximum duty time per week 30 hours 30 hours
fatigue countermeasures: napping on the flight
Maximum duty time per month 100 hours 100 hours
deck, activity breaks, bunk sleep on long-haul
Maximum duty time per year 1,400 hours 1,400 hours
and ULR flights, in-flight rostering — schedul-
FAA = U.S. Federal Aviation Administration ing some flight crewmembers to assigned posi-
1. A non-augmented crew includes the minimum flight crew required to conduct a flight.
tions on the flight deck while freeing others for
2. An augmented crew includes more than the minimum number of crewmembers to
conduct a flight. in-flight rest — on long-haul and ULR flights,
Source: Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine and increased exposure to flight-deck lighting.
“All of [these] in-flight countermeasures …
Table 1 clearly have a place in sustaining the alertness and
approaches do not address inherent sleep and performance of aviation personnel,” the panel said.
circadian challenges, nor do they provide opera- “However, the manner in which these strategies
tional flexibility.” are employed should be based on the currently

24 | flight safety foundation | AeroSafetyWorld | March 2009


available scientific knowledge and should be

implemented only after thoughtful consideration.” Strategies for Better Sleep
Members of the panel said they “take excep- Recommendations to optimize sleep opportunities
tion to the current prohibition on in-seat cockpit
• Wake up and go to bed about the same time every day.
napping in civil aviation,” and described in-seat
napping of up to 40 or 45 minutes as a “safe and • Use the sleep area only for sleep — not for chores.

effective” risk-management tool that could “sig- • Establish a consistent bedtime routine — for example, read and take a hot
nificantly improve alertness … and help sustain shower, then go to bed.

aircrew performance during situations in which • Perform aerobic exercises every day but not within two hours of bedtime.
unexpected delays require the postponement of • Keep the sleep area dark, quiet, comfortable and relatively cool.
the next consolidated sleep opportunity.”
• Move the alarm clock out of sight.
In-seat naps should not, however, be used to
replace in-flight bunk sleep during long-haul and • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening.
ULR flights, the panel said, adding that bunk sleep • Avoid using alcohol to promote sleep.
— used along with in-flight rostering — should be
• Avoid cigarettes, especially before bedtime.
considered a primary method of fatigue mitiga-
tion. Additional research is needed to determine • If you can’t sleep, leave the sleep area and do something relaxing. When
you become sleepy, go back to bed.
the best timing for sleep to help crewmembers
maintain maximum performance, AsMA said. Recommendations for rotating shift schedules
Research also has found that alertness is • When rotating onto night duty, avoid morning sunlight.
improved with breaks for mild physical activity
• To promote daytime sleep, keep the sleep area dark and cool; use eye
and increased social interaction “or even just masks and either earplugs or a “masking noise” to limit interference from
temporary disengagement from monotonous light and noise.
tasks,” the panel said, recommending breaks of • Comply with the “Recommendations to optimize sleep opportunities,”
about 10 minutes each hour. above, with adjustments for daytime sleep.
In addition, laboratory studies have shown that • Before night duty, take a short nap.
increasing the light level on the flight deck, espe-
• After waking from daytime sleep, expose yourself to at least two hours of
cially at night, can temporarily improve alertness sunlight or artificial bright light in the late afternoon or early evening.
and performance, the panel said. This technique
should be used only with an understanding of how Recommendations for time zone adjustments

light can affect circadian rhythms, however. • Quickly switch to the new time zone schedule for sleep, meals and
Off-duty naps that are intended to promote activities.
on-duty alertness should be “as long as possible, • Maximize sunlight exposure during mornings.
and whenever feasible, they should occur at the
• Minimize sunlight exposure during afternoons.
circadian time most conducive to natural sleep
(i.e., early afternoon or early predawn hours, • Avoid heavy meals at night.

according to the body clock),” the panel said. • Comply with the “Recommendations to optimize sleep opportunities,” above.
“The principles outlined for good sleep hygiene • Use relaxation techniques to promote sleep at night.
should be followed to promote optimal nap
• If possible, take a hot bath before bed. Cooling off after the bath “may
quality and duration (Table 2). mimic the circadian-related temperature reduction that normally occurs
“Upon awakening from a nap, there should during sleep.”
be a wake-up period of at least 30 minutes prior • During the first few days of adjustment, use sleep medications, if au-
to the performance of any safety-sensitive tasks.” thorized, to promote nighttime sleep and caffeine to promote daytime
Sleep-Inducing Medications
Source: Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Because sleep often is difficult to obtain — if
the environment is noisy, hot, uncomfortable, Table 2

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or otherwise not conducive to sleep; if such as valerian and kava and the syn-
the individual is excited or anxious; or thetic hormone melatonin that some- Caffeine Content of Common
Drinks and Over-The-Counter
if the sleep opportunity occurs at a time times are used to promote sleep.
not biologically conducive to sleep — Because the U.S. Food and Drug
the fatigue panel recommended allow- Administration does not regulate Average
ing the off-duty use of one specific type these substances, the quality of com- Substance Content
of sleep medication. pounds that contain them is left up to 1 cup Maxwell House coffee 100 mg
The panel said that zolpidem — individual manufacturers and cannot 1 Starbucks short coffee 250 mg
sold under the brand names of Ambien, be assured, the panel said. Melatonin 1 Starbucks tall coffee 375 mg
Myslee and Stilnox — should be au- probably is the most frequently used of 1 Starbucks grande coffee 550 mg
thorized for use by civilian pilots up to these substances, and studies indicate 1 Coke 50 mg
four times a week, “in situations where that it may be useful in some aspects of 1 Mountain Dew 55 mg
natural sleep is difficult or impossible sleep-promotion, especially when it is 1 cup tea 50 mg
due to circadian or other reasons.” The taken outside the usual sleep period. In 2 Anacin 65 mg
FAA currently allows its use no more some countries other than the United 2 Extra Strength Excedrin 130 mg
than twice a week, and requires 24- States, melatonin is regulated, and labo- 1 No Doz Maximum Strength 200 mg
hour grounding for any pilot who takes ratory tests have found pharmaceutical-
Source: Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
it (Table 2, page 25). grade melatonin effective.
The panel outlined three conditions Table 3
for use of zolpidem: The pilot must first ‘Tactical Caffeine Use’
determine, while off duty, that he or she Crewmembers also should understand The panel endorsed the continued
has no unusual reactions to the medica- how their intake of caffeine — in coffee, use of caffeine as a fatigue countermea-
tion; the dose must not exceed 10 mg in tea, soft drinks and some pain relievers sure and recommended that crew-
a 24-hour period; and at least 12 hours — will affect their alertness, the panel members avoid taking more then 1,000
must pass between the time the pilot said (Table 3). mg of caffeine in any 24-hour period,
takes the medication and the time he or “Numerous studies have shown that take it only “when it is truly needed to
she returns to duty. caffeine increases vigilance and im- reduce the impact of fatigue” and avoid
“Zolpidem should not be taken to proves performance in sleep-deprived it within four hours of bedtime.
promote any type of in-flight sleep,” the individuals, especially those who do “Here are some situations where us-
panel said. “It should be noted that facili- not consume high doses,” the panel ing caffeine makes sense: leading into the
tating quality sleep with the use of a well- said. “Caffeine … is already used as predawn hours, mid-afternoon when the
tested, safe pharmacological compound an alertness-enhancing substance in a alertness dip is greater because of inade-
is far better than having pilots return to variety of civilian and military flight quate nocturnal sleep and prior to driving
duty when sleep-deprived or having then operations, and it has proven safe and after night duty, but not within four hours
return to duty following a sleep episode effective.” of going to sleep,” the panel said.
that has been induced with alcohol.” Most people feel the effects of caf-
The panel’s recommendation did feine — including increased alertness, New Technologies
not extend to other types of sleep- decreased sleepiness and a more rapid The panel cautioned against any over-
inducing medications. heartbeat — within 15 to 20 minutes, reliance on fatigue-detection technolo-
Other sleep medications not yet and these effects typically last four or gies and scheduling tools that rely on
on the market are likely to be more five hours, longer in people who are biomathematical models of alertness
effective — and may improve sleep ef- especially sensitive. — such as monitoring an individual’s
ficiency so much that fewer than eight Crewmembers who use caffeine for brain waves, eye gaze, muscle tone or
hours of sleep a day will be required for alertness should consume it in small other characteristics.
“effective wakefulness,” the panel said. quantities, “and save the arousal effect Nevertheless, some of these tools
Like the FAA, AsMA’s fatigue panel until they really need it,” the panel said. can be incorporated into overall safety
discourages the use of herbal substances “This is called ‘tactical caffeine use.’” management, and some have great

26 | flight safety foundation | AeroSafetyWorld | March 2009


potential but have not yet been shown day-to-day sleep is the best possible safety levels are not compromised by
to meet practical, scientific and ethical protection against on-the-job fatigue,” offering an interactive way to safely
standards, the panel said. the panel said. “Recent studies have schedule and conduct flight operations
“None of the real-time fatigue- made it clear that as little as one to two on a case-by-case basis,” the panel said.
­detection technologies have been hours of sleep restriction almost imme- The development of fatigue
sufficiently proven in an aviation envi- diately degrades vigilance and perfor- countermeasures requires increased
ronment (with the possible exception mance in subsequent duty periods.” attention to individual differences in
of the wrist-worn alertness device that Educational efforts should empha- responding to sleep loss, sleep disrup-
triggers an alarm sound when wrist size five points, the panel said: tion and time zone transitions, the
inactivity occurs for a preset amount of panel said.
• “Fatigue is a physiological prob-
time) to warrant widespread implemen- “Many issues associated with flight
lem that cannot be overcome by
tation,” the panel said. operations remain unanswered and can
motivation, training or willpower;
The panel said that some crew only be answered by collecting data
scheduling tools based on fatigue- • “People cannot reliably self-judge during carefully scientifically designed
prediction models have proved “to a their own level of fatigue-related research,” the panel said. “While fatigue
limited extent” worthwhile, especially impairment; represents a significant risk in avia-
those that are used to evaluate the • “There are wide individual differ- tion when left unaddressed, there are
fatigue associated with different sched- ences in fatigue susceptibility that currently numerous countermeasures
ules and design alternatives. must be taken into account but and strategies that can be employed
“Refinement of both the new fatigue which presently cannot be reliably to increase safety. Furthermore, new
monitoring technologies and scientifi- predicted; technologies and countermeasures are
cally based scheduling software must being developed that hold great prom-
• “There is no one-size-fits-all ‘magic
continue, and once they are validated ise for the future.” 
bullet’ (other than adequate sleep)
for specific types of operations, they
that can counter fatigue for every Notes
should be incorporated as part of an
person in every situation; but,
overall safety management approach 1. Caldwell, John A.; Mallis, Melissa M.;
supplementing regulatory duty limita- • “There are valid counter-fatigue Caldwell, J. Lynn; Paul, Michel A.;
tions,” the panel said. strategies that will enhance safety Miller, James C.; Neri, David F.; AsMA
and productivity, but only when Aerospace Fatigue Countermeasures
Subcommittee of the Human Factors
No ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Cure they are correctly applied.”
Committee. “Fatigue Countermeasures
To discourage overreliance on sleep Along with educational efforts, op- in Aviation.” Aviation, Space, and
medications, the panel said, “crew- erators should implement a fatigue Environmental Medicine Volume 80
members should be educated about risk management system (FRMS) to (January 2009): 29–39.
proper sleep hygiene, the benefits of develop flight and duty schedules based 2. Flight Safety Foundation Fatigue
aerobic exercise for promoting quality on physiological and operational needs Countermeasures Task Force. “Principles
sleep and natural strategies designed to rather than prescriptive hours-of- and Guidelines for Duty and Rest
Scheduling in Corporate and Business
promote circadian readjustment.” service limitations that do not take into
Aviation.” Flight Safety Digest Volume 16
Education must lead to an under- consideration the effects of circadian
(February 1997).
standing of the dangers of fatigue, the rhythms, the panel said.
3. A circadian rhythm is the human body’s
causes of sleepiness and proper sleep The panel characterized an FRMS as
natural internal cycle — approximately
habits, which can help ensure that crew- an “evidence-based system for the mea-
24 hours long — of periods of sleep and
members obtain about eight hours of surement, mitigation and management wakefulness.
sleep every night, the fatigue panel said. of fatigue risk” that often exists within
“Ultimately, the individual pilot, an operator’s safety management system. Further Reading From FSF Publications
schedulers and management must be “A multi-component FRMS pro- FSF Editorial Staff. “Lessons From the Dawn of
convinced that sleep and circadian gram, with a scientific foundation, Ultra-Long-Range Flight.” Flight Safety Digest
rhythms are important and that quality helps ensure that performance and Volume 24 (August–September 2005).

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