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Tell Me How

Your students will also need to use and understand the imperative mood
when giving advice. Give your class a chance to share about something they
are good at and give advice to classmates who might be trying that activity for
the first time. Give each person five minutes in front of the class to explain
how to do something that they know how to do. It may be something
recreational like skateboarding or something professional like examining a
specimen under a microscope or even something silly like how to become a
superhero. Ask each person to give advice to a person who may just be starting
out learning the activity. What should he do? What should he not do? Allow your
students to ask questions after each presentation.

2. 8

Give Advice

Advice giving can be creative, too. Role play a call in radio show where the
host gives advice to the caller. To set the scene, show your students a small clip
from the television show Frasier. Then recreate the scene in your classroom.
Instead of showing the whole clip, you could show part of the television clip
where the caller presents his problem, and then pause the video. Ask your
students to offer advice using the imperative. Take several answers from your
students before playing the rest of the clip and seeing what Frasier actually says.

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