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Name: Maria Benedicta J.


Grade & Section: 12 Innovation

Subject: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

A seventeen-year-old Stella Grant spends most of her time in the hospital as CF(cystic
fibrosis) patient who tries to live a normal life through being an active user of social
media to cope with her illness. Her friend, Poe, who also has CF, is a patient at the
same hospital. And so is Will Newman another teenage CF patient that is in the hospital
for medication trial, in attempt to get rid of the bacterial infection he has in his lungs.
Stella’s life is full of routines, boundaries, and self-control but all of which gets put to the
test when she meets Will.

CF patients are strictly kept at least six feet (1.8 m) apart to lessen the possibility of
cross-infection because it’s very dangerous, even life threatening, as their bacterial
infections may contract to other CF patients. Stella is very firm on following the rules,
only then can she hope for a lung transplant. Unlike Will who’s very fond of breaking the
rules and taking dangerous risks sometimes. Stella has observe that Will isn’t taking his
treatment regimen seriously. Stella made her way to make Will do his treatment
regimen in exchange of her agreeing to let Will make a sketch of her. She helps him set
up his pills and creates alarms to remind them to take their medications and exercise

As days pass, they begin to fall for each other though restrictions dictate that they must
maintain a safe distance between them. As their connection intensifies, so does the
temptation to throw the rules out the window and embrace that attraction.

Stella's nurse, Barbara, previously had a pair of romantically involved CF patients who
died from cross-infection, and Barbara does not want to see this happen again. Stella
and Will attempt to “date” from 6 feet apart. She invites Poe, her friends and Will’s
friends to a secret 18th birthday party for Will at the hospital. They enjoy the time until
Barb catches on and shuts them down. But during the night, Poe dies suddenly, leaving
Stella to grieve for another person close to her. When Will and Stella escape from the
hospital for a date one night, Stella gets a text saying new lungs have arrived for her.
She doesn’t respond to the text because she wants nothing more than to be with Will.
But unexpected things happen that gives Will a very hard decision and realizes that he
has to get away from Stella so she will have a chance to live a healthy life.

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