13b.power Swing Detection1-2007

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Knowledge Is Power SM

Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management

for Energy Delivery

Brief Introduction for Power Swing

Detection Methods
Kamin Dave
Application Engineer (Protective Relaying)
Doble Conference - 2007
Basic definitions:
¾ Power Swing: A variation in three phase power flow which occurs when
the generator rotor angles are advancing or retarding relative to each other
in response to changes in load magnitude and direction, line switching,
loss of generation, faults, and other system disturbances.

¾ Pole Slip: A condition whereby a generator, or group of generators,

terminal voltage angles (or phases) go past 180 degrees with respect to
the rest of the connected power system.

¾ Stable Power Swing: A power swing is considered stable if the generators

do not slip poles and the system reaches a new state of equilibrium, i.e. an
acceptable operating condition.

¾ Unstable Power Swing: A power swing that will result in a

generator or group of generators experiencing pole slipping for
which some corrective action must be taken.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Power swing due to;
¾ Power system faults (System more affected on 3-ph
fault, so power gain is very less)
¾ Sudden changes to electrical power due to rejection of
load or generators
¾ These type of disturbances causes oscillation in
machine rotor angles (Load Angle = 900 or 1200) & can
result in sever power flow swings. Power swings are
variations in power flow that occur when the internal
voltages of generators at different network locations of
the power system slip relative to each other.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Vector diagram: two machines
Two Machine Problem

E1 E2
ZS1 ZL ΙL ⋅ ZS1 Ι L ⋅ ZL ΙL ⋅ ZS2
E1 E2 = E'2

ϑ' ϑ

Pmax = {(E1*E2)/X}*SIN(theta)

If the Load angle becomes too large, the system stability can be lost

Knowledge Is Power
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Power diagram:
Power Diagram


Pmax = {(E1*E2)/X}*SIN(theta)


Critical Angle


Stability region
Stability limit

0 50 100 150 200
Rotor Angle
Angle in Degree

If the Load angle becomes too large, the system stability can be lost

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-1A
for Energy Delivery
Power swing detection methods:
¾ Conventional “Rate of Change of Impedance”
(Dz/Dt) Methods:
¾ Concentric characteristic schemes.
¾ Continuous Impedance calculation schemes.
¾ Blinder Schemes:
1) Single Blinder
2) Double Blinder

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Conventional PSB detection methods:
¾ It measures the Positive sequence impedance
¾ During a system swing, the measured impedance
moves slowly on the impedance plane, and the rate of
impedance change is determined by the slip frequency
of an equivalent two-source system
¾ Travel Time (Delta-t) from one point to next point is to
differentiate between fault & swing.
¾ Travel time is more than set value then, distance relay
sense as swing.
¾ Travel time less than set value then, it sense as fault

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Conventional PSB detection methods:
¾ Concentric circle characteristic schemes:
¾ It is simplest method to detect “rate of change of
¾ Two impedance zones. Inner zone & outer zone
¾ Figure-3 shows, Relay indicates PSB when transition
time of impedance from outer zone to inner zone is
more than set value (impedance locus move slowly).
¾ PSB: Blocks the zones when swing is stable (Figure:-3)
¾ OST: Trip zones when swing is un stable (Figure-4)
¾ Major drawback of this characteristic is load

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Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: MHO Circle

Set “Zin” & “Zout” on line angle Swing Locus

Stable Swing

∆t = time for transition of Z from outer to inner zone

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-3
for Energy Delivery
Conventional PSB detection methods:
¾ Example:
¾ Zout = 45 Ohms@75 degree
¾ Zin = 35 Ohms@75 degree
¾ Transition Time = 50ms
¾ Dz/Dt = (45 – 35) / 0.05 = 200 Ohms/second
¾ Relay Operates if Dz/Dt rate of fall is less than
set value

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Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: MHO Circle

∆t Un stable Swing

∆t = time for transition of Z from outer to inner zone

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-4
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: MHO Circle

∆t •R & X reach are

Set “Zin” & “Zout” on line angle
dependent on Z value

•Difficult to set on
Load Encroachment


∆t = time for transition of Z from outer to inner zone

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-5
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: Lens

Avoid mal operation during

load encroachment


Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-6
for Energy Delivery
Conventional PSB detection methods:
¾ Concentric characteristic schemes:
¾ Polygon Characteristic concept is much more better
than concentric circle characteristic.
¾ Rset & Xset for out zone can able to set independently.
¾ Rset of outer zone can not reach in to Load region

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: Polygon
Characteristic in relay type REL511
Polygon Characteristic for Power swing detection: Set R & X reach independently

Set “X” reach X

Dz2/Dt2 Dz1/Dt1
Dz4/Dt4 2 1
2 4
6 5


Inner boundary = Zin Outer boundary = Zout Set “R” reach

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-7
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: Polygon
Characteristic in relay type 7SA610
Polygon Characteristic: Set “R” reach according to Load Encroachment

Angle = 45o

Load Angle = 120o or 90o


R reach reduce for

∆t = time for transition of Z from outer to inner zone Load encroachment

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-8
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: Polygon
Characteristic in relay type 7SA610

E1 > E2 X

E1 = E2 B

ϑ' ϑ load point

E1 < E2 ZLoad

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-9
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: Quadrilateral

Quadrilateral Characteristic: Set “R” reach according to Load Encroachment

Line Angle


∆t = time for transition of Z from outer to inner zone

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-10
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: Polygon
Characteristic in relay type RELZ 100

Quad + Polygon Stable Swing



Unstable Swing

Zone 3 limit

Zout boundary

• Timer unit count to starts travel time when Power swing locus crosses Zout boundary
• Travel time (Delta T) more than set time, relay detect as a Power swing

Knowledge Is Power SM Figure:-11

Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Concentric characteristic scheme: Polygon
Characteristic in relay type P442

Line Angle

Knowledge Is Power SM Figure:-12

Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Continuous Impedance calculation for PSB
detection methods:
¾ Scheme determine Power swing condition based on a
continuous impedance calculation. i.e for each 2ms or 5ms
step an impedance calculation is performed & compared with
the impedance calculation of previous 2ms or 5ms.
¾ This step value is depend on sampling freq. rate.
¾ The next impedance that should be calculated 2ms or 5ms
later is predicted based on impedance difference of the
previous measured impedances.
¾ Not required any delta impedance settings
¾ Require delta time settings
¾ Drawback is; if prediction is correct, then only distance prot.
consider as a traveling impedance & a power swing condition
is detected.
¾ For security reason additional predictive calculation is

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Continuous Impedance calculation for PSB
detection methods:

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-13
for Energy Delivery
Continuous Power calculation for PSB detection
methods: Polygon characteristic in relay type P437

Stable Swing
Setting Parameters:
Zpos(t) •Xset
•Line Angle
Unstable Swing

-R R

-X Detect as Fault: Detect as Swing:

Zpos(t1) = 0 ms Zpos(t1) = 0 ms
Zpos(t2) < 40 ms Zpos(t2) > 40 ms

Knowledge Is Power SM Figure:-14

Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Continuous Power calculation for PSB detection
methods: Polygon characteristic in relay type P437

¾ Relay measures the rate of change of Positive sequence

Apparent Power:

¾ Delta-SPOS = (SPOS2 – SPOS1) / (SPOS2)

SPOS1 = Positive sequence Apparent Power at time (t1)
SPOS2 = Positive sequence Apparent Power at time (t1 + 40 ms)

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾ The loaded machine with normal excitation
runs out of synchronism with grid network.
During this condition, the generator stator as
well as field current varies heavily as the rotor
angle of machine varies cyclic with respect to
the EMF behind the source impedance of
network as seen from the generator terminal.
¾ If the slip freq. approaches natural shaft freq., torque
produced can break the shaft
¾ High stator iron flux can over heat the generator
stator core

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾ Following conditions may cause a generator to
pull out of step;
ƒ Operating in an under excited condition (e.g. machine
operates at high load with leading P.F. with relatively
week field)
ƒ System switching
ƒ AVR & speed controller response time sluggish (e.g.
direct connected machines are run in parallel with
strong grid & sudden outage of grid supplies draws
high inductive load or sudden thrown of dynamic
loads) during sudden system load variations
ƒ Faults

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:

Power angle diagram

curve-A would then
become curve-B during

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Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:

¾Figure shows; critical

angle 118o.
¾If the fault were to
clear when rotor angle
less than 118o “area-B”
would exceed “area-A”
and decelerating
energy would exceed
the accelerating energy
and the machine would
not fall out of step

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:

¾If the fault clears after

the rotor reaches 118o
the swing will continue
& machine will lose

Swing calculation shows that the fault must clear

0.12 seconds (6 cycles) or less

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Impedance locus analysis;
XT + Xsys G

X”d XT


90o X”d & Tdo”


X”d > (XT + Xsys) -------Æ Electrical centre below X-axis which
means locus moves from forth quad. To second quad.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾ Impedance locus analysis for direct connected
machine; G






Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Impedance locus analysis;
XT + Xsys G

X’d XT


90o X’d & Tdo’


X’d > (XT + Zsys) -------Æ Electrical centre below X-axis which
means locus moves from forth quad. To second quad.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Single Blinder
¾ Blinder schemes:
¾ Single Blinder (one pair) scheme (Figure:-17):
¾ One sets of blinders: Resistive reach inner (RRI) & Resistive
reach outer (RRO)
¾ It can be used to restrict tripping of the distance relay for loads
outside of the blinders.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Single Blinder
¾ DR/DT schemes:
¾ Single Blinder scheme (Figure:-17):
¾ One sets of blinders:
¾ It can be used to restrict tripping of the distance relay for loads
outside of the blinders.
¾ If travel time is more than set time & it crosses blinder-1, a
power swing situation is detected further it crosses blinder-2
then it gives a tripping.
¾ Scheme is more suitable for out of step protection for
¾ Correct settings of blinder-2 & RRR are very difficult to set,
again it’s require high skilled expert to do grid analysis &
effect on machines.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Single Blinder

¾ DR/DT scheme:
¾ How to set timer?
¾ T = {(Critical load angle – Rotor angle)*Fn}/{(360)*(slip frequency)}
Critical load angle = 150 degree
Rotor angle = 90 degree
Fn = 50Hz
slip freq. = 4Hz
T = {(150 – 90)*(50)} / {(360)*(4)}
= 2.0833 Cycles
T = 2.0833 * 20 = 41.66ms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Single Blinder
Single Blinder Relay Type: ZTO 11

Un stable swing
Stable swing


Blinder-2 Blinder-1
78 trip 78 pick up

RRR = Reverse Resistive Reach in Ohms

OST = Out of Step trip

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-17
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Single Blinder
Single Blinder Rset is not adjustable in forward

Un stable swing
Stable swing

MHO supervising unit

Blinder-2 Blinder-1
78 trip 78 pickup

Mho supervising unit will restrict mal-operation of relay

Knowledge Is Power SM Figure:-18

Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Single Blinder
CEB + CEH Relays

Swing Locus
Blinder 1

Line Angle

Load Angle = 90o or 120o

X’d MHO supervising control

Swing Centre = {X’d + (XT + XS)} / 2

Knowledge Is Power SM Figure:-19

Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Double Blinder
¾ Blinder schemes:
¾ Double Blinder (Two Pair) scheme (Figure:-20):
¾ Two sets of blinders: Resistive reach inner (RRI) & Resistive
reach outer (RRO)
¾ Time Counter starts when the impedance vector crosses outer
limit (RRO) & stops when it crosses inner limit (RRI)
¾ If travel time is more than set time, power swing situation is
¾ Scheme is applicable for independent of the distance zones
¾ Correct setting for Blinders are very difficult & it requires
good expert who can able to do power grid analysis.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Double Blinder
Double Blinders

Blinder-2 Blinder-1
Blinder-2 Blinder-1

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-20
for Energy Delivery
Blinder Schemes: Double Blinder
Double Blinders

SEL300G Relay

Blinder-2 Blinder-1

Blinder-1 Blinder-2
Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management Figure:-20
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾ Example to set Basic guide line for Pole slip
ƒ Generator rating: 210MW, 9050A, 247MVA, 15.75KV,
Transient reactance (X’d) is 30.5% & Sub-Transient
reactance (X”d) is 21.5%
ƒ Generator transformer rating: 250MVA, 15.75/240KV,
%Z = 14%
ƒ System fault level = 10000MVA
ƒ CT ratio = 10000/5A
ƒ PT ratio = 15.75/0.110kV
ƒ Rate of Slip = 1600 degree/sec
ƒ System impedance angle = 75 degree

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾ Example to set Basic guide line for Pole slip
ƒ Convert to all X value in to secondary ohms
% PU Primary Ohms Sec Ohms
ƒ X”dPU = 21.5%
X”dPrimary = (BaseKV2*X”dPU) / MVAbase
X”dPrimary 2
= (15.75 *0.215) / 247
X”dPrimary = 0.2159 Ohms

ƒ X”dsecondary = (0.2159)*(2000/143.1) = 3 Ohms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Example to set Basic guide line for Pole
slip function;
ƒ Convert to all X value in to secondary
ƒ X’dPU = 30.5%
X’dPrimary = (BaseKV2*X”dPU) / MVAbase
X”dPrimary = (15.752*0.305) / 247 = 0.3063 Ohms

ƒ X”dsecondary = (0.3063)*(2000/143.1) = 4.281 Ohms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Example to set Basic guide line for Pole
slip function;
ƒ Convert to all X value in to secondary
ƒ XT = 14%
ƒ X”dPrimary = (BaseKV2*X”dPU) / MVAbase
X”dPrimary = (15.752*0.14) / 247
X”dPrimary = 0.1406 Ohms
ƒ X”dsecondary = (0.1406)*(2000/143.1) = 1.96 Ohms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Example to set Basic guide line for Pole
slip function;
ƒ Convert to all X value in to secondary
ƒ Base KV = 15.75kV
ƒ System fault MVA = 10000MVA
ƒ Xsys-Primary = (BaseKV2) / Fault MVA
Xsys-Primary = (15.752) / 10000
Xsys-Primary = 0.0248 Ohms
ƒ Xsys-Secondary = (0.0248)*(2000/143.1) = 0.3466 Ohms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Blinder setting;
XT + Xsys

X”d XT



Blinder setting Blinder setting

Electrical Centre at X = - 0.3467 Ohms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Blinder setting;
XT + Xsys

X’d XT


X’d & Tdo’


Blinder setting Blinder setting

Electrical Centre at X = - 0.9872 Ohms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Mho unit setting;
XT + Xsys

X’d XT


X’d & Tdo’


2*X’d = 2*4.28 = 8.56 Ohms

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole Slipping:
¾Example to set Basic guide line for Pole
slip function;
ƒ In-depth Transient stability study required
if observe the mal operation of relay during
normal condition. But, the study require
detail information of inter-connected
system & accurate system models which
are expensive.

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole slip detection method: Relay type REM54

• Scheme is applicable for Out of Step tripping of Generator

• Pole slip detection = OMHO characteristic + Counter
• Counter count number of operation
• Reset time required to set properly other wise it will detect loss of field function
• Normally counter setting is 3 or 4

-R X R

X’d / 2
Counter Reset

XS Counter

Offset mho
Operating Region

Knowledge Is Power SM Figure:-15

Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole slip detection method: Relay type REG 316

Pole-Slip Characteristic
TripÎ When Load angle is
7 More than Trip Angle

Tripping Angle
Warning Angle
X in Ohm

-7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7


Knowledge Is Power SM Figure:-16
R in Ohm
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Pole slip detection method: Relay type REG 316

¾ System Load angle is more than set value with calculated slip
freq., relay will detect pole slip (Power swing)
¾ Relay calculating Freq slip based on T-Slip time (say 55 ms)
¾ Tripping Angle setting should be based on critical angle of
machine & it can be decided after transient stability study of
¾ Without system study, recommended angle setting is 120o

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery
Cell: +91 94267 47545
PH: (+91)(265) 655 77 15 & Fax: (+91)(265) 235 62 85
E-MAIL: kdave@doble.com
Website: www.doble.com

Knowledge Is Power SM
Apparatus Maintenance and Power Management
for Energy Delivery

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