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Pop art​ is an ​art movement​ that emerged in ​Britain​ and the ​United States​ during the mid- to

late-1950s.​[1]​[2]​ The movement presented a challenge to traditions of ​fine art​ by including imagery
from ​popular​ and ​mass culture​, such as ​advertising​, ​comic books​ and mundane cultural objects. One of
its aims is to use images of ​popular​ (as opposed to elitist) culture in art, emphasizing the banal
or ​kitschy​ elements of any culture, most often through the use of ​irony​.[3]​
​ It is also associated with the
artists' use of mechanical means of reproduction or rendering techniques. In pop art, material is
sometimes visually removed from its known context, isolated, or combined with unrelated material.​[

Photorealism​ is a genre of art that encompasses ​painting​, ​drawing​ and other graphic media, in which an
artist studies a ​photograph​ and then attempts to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in
another ​medium​. Although the term can be used broadly to describe artworks in many different media,
it is also used to refer specifically to a group of paintings and painters of the American ​art
movement​ that began in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Conceptual art​, sometimes simply called ​conceptualism​, is ​art​ in which the ​concept​(s) or ​idea​(s)
involved in the work take precedence over traditional ​aesthetic​, technical, and material concerns. Some
works of conceptual art, sometimes called ​installations​, may be constructed by anyone simply by
following a set of written instructions.​[1]​ This method was fundamental to American artist ​Sol LeWitt​'s
definition of Conceptual art, one of the first to appear in print



1. ​A school of abstract painting and sculpture that emphasizes extreme simplification of form, as by the
use of basicshapes and monochromatic palettes of primary colors, objectivity, and anonymity of style. Al
so called ​ABC art​, ​minimalart​, ​reductivism​, ​rejective art.​

2. ​Use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design.

3. ​Music​ A style of music marked by extreme simplification of rhythms, patterns, and harmonies, prolon
ged chordal ormelodic repetitions, and often a trancelike effect.
A ​supply and demand​ diagram, illustrating
the effects of an increase in ​demand

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Applied economics​ is the application of ​economic theory​ and ​econometrics​ in specific settings. As one
of the two sets of fields of economics (the other set being the ​core​),​[1]​ it is typically characterized by the
application of the ​core​, i.e. ​economic theory​ and ​econometrics​, to address practical issues in a range of
fields including ​demographic economics​, ​labour economics​, ​business economics​, ​industrial
organization​, ​agricultural economics​, ​development economics​, ​education economics​, ​health
economics​, ​monetary economics​, ​public economics​, and ​economic history​. The process often involves a
reduction in the level of abstraction of this core theory. There are a variety of approaches including not
only empirical estimation using ​econometrics​, ​input-output analysis​ or simulations but also case studies,
historical analogy and so-called common sense or the "vernacular".​[2]​ This range of approaches is
indicative of what ​Roger Backhouse​ and Jeff Biddle argue is the ambiguous nature of the concept of
applied economics. It is a concept with multiple meanings.​[3]​ Among broad ​methodological​ distinctions,
one source places it in neither ​positive​ nor ​normative economics​ but the ​art of economics,​ ​glossed​ as
"what most economists do".​[4]

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