Soal Ulangan Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2017-2018

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The following text is for questions 1.
When I (1) ........ on my way to school yesterday, I (2) ....... a box in a black plastic bag near
the school gate. I was curious, so I (3) ........ it carefully. However I did not dare to open it.
Then, a pedicab driver noticed me, (4) ....... me and (5)........ me that I had to report it to
my principal and to the police. He thought that the box could be a bomb.

1. A. is.
B. are.
C. was.
D. were.
E. has
2. A. find.
B. found.
C. finding.
D. to find.
E. finds
3. A. observe.
B. observes
C. observed.
D. to observe.
E. observing.
4. A. approach.
B. approached.
C. approaching.
D. approaches.
E. to approach.
5. A. say.
B. said.
C. says.
D. to say.
E. saying.

For questions 6, choose the correct words to complete the text.

The giraffe and the goat.

A long time ago, there were a giraffe and a goat. The giraffe was proud of being tall
and said, ” Nothing like being tall! Look, how tall I am!” the goat who (6) ______ these
words, said, “ Nothing like being short! Look how short I am! “ Then, they wanted to prove
who benefits more, tall or short.
One day they went to the garden. There was only one tall tree with few leaves. The
giraffe ate the leaves of the tree proudly, but the goat couldn’t (7) ______ the leaves. There
weren’t leaves left. Because of its hunger, the giraffe told the goat to go to another place.
Then, they came to another garden enclosed by high wall. The goat could enter the gate, but
the giraffe couldn’t enter because he was too tall. The goat ate the nice grass in the garden.
Finally, they (8) _______ that God created them differently so they had to appreciate each

6. a. saw
b. said
c. looked for
d. heard
e. made
7. a. was reached
b. reaching
c. reached
d. reach
e. be reached
8. ...
A. Continued
B. Realized
C. controlled.
D. Stopped
E. Attended

A Story From The Farm Yard Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm
yard. One finally gained advantage and the other surrendered.

The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a
high wall, flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.

Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its talons. The
loosing rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from then on.

9. From the text we know that ....

A. Only one rooster can rule the roost
B. The roosters are fighting to flap their wings
C. The eagle had watched them all day
D. The farm needs a new king
E. An eagle came sailing through the air
10.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. An eagle watching the rooster from a distance
B. The loosing rooster came out from its hiding place
C. The eagle took the winning rooster as its prey
D. The winning rooster celebrates its winning proudly
E. The loosing rooster slunk away

For questions 11, choose the correct words to complete the text.
Host : Hello and welcome to our talkshow tonight, Great Inventors! Today we
have very special guests, Orville and Wilbur Wright. We are going to ask
them about their revolutionary inventions. What do you call your
Orville : We (11) ............. airplane.
Host : Airplane? What is the tool for?
Wilbur : It’s a tool that will help human being to fly?
Host : Ooohhh, is it like a flying car? How did you get the inspiration?
Orville : Our dad (12).............. us a toy helicopter flew with the help of rubber
bands. We’ve been interested in the idea since then.

11.. ........
A. Invent
B. Invented
C. Inventing
D. To invent
E. Is invent

12. .........
A. Give
B. Gave
C. Given
D. Giving
E. To give

The following text is for questions 13

It was 7 a.m. Amelia and her friends jogged around the town park. While they were
having a rest, they saw an old woman under a tree. The woman sat on the ground and
leaned her body againts the tree. She looked weak and ill.
Amelia approached the woman and held her right wrist. Amelia presumed that the
woman was hungry and thirsty so she bought food and drink from the food stall nearby.
Then, she gave the food and drink to the woman. However, the woman was motionless. Her
body trembled. It seemed like she had a temperature.
Knowing the woman's condition, Amelia and her friends decided to take her to the
hospital. In the hospital, the woman received medical treatment until she recovered from
her illness.

13 . When did the story take place?

A. In the morning
B. At midday
C. In the afternoon
D. In the evening
E. At night
14. Where did the story take place?
A. On the street
B. In a town park
C. At a food stall
D. At hospital
E. At school
15. What happened to the old woman, finally?
A. She recovered from her illness
B. She returned home
C. She was not treated at the hospital
D. She was treated by her family
E. She died on the way to the hospital

The following text is for questions 16

Yesterday afternoon David and his friends went home from school. It was very hot and
they decided to drop by a food stall. They ordered iced tea and enjoyed snacks.
Suddenly, a man wearing a leather jacket and black hat entered the food stall. He was
about thirty years old. He sat near David and his friends, but ignored them. When he took
off his hat, David noticed the man's face. David thought that he knew the man. David was
very surprised when he realized who the man was! He was his uncle. David met him last
time when he was at junior high school. However, his uncle didn't change much.
Soon David approached when David called him uncle. Then David told him that he
was his nephew. keeping silent for a moment, the man recognized and hugged David, Later,
he asked David and his friends to join him and treated them. While enjoying the food and
drunks, he told them about his experience abroad. David's uncle was a sailor and often
sailed abroad for years.

16. What was David's uncle?

A. He was a chef
B. He was a tailor
C. He was a sailor
D. He was a food seller
E. He was a teacher

17. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. David met his uncle at home
B. David's uncle wore a red hat
C. David did not recognize his uncle
D. David's uncle was about twenty years old
E. David met his uncle last time when he was at junior high school.
18. "Keeping silent for a moment, ....(paragraph 3) What is the antonym of the underlined
A. Happy
B. Sad
C. Curious
D. Noisy
E. Doubtful

The following text is for questions 19

On Wednesday morning, Ardy went to school by bicycle. He rode his bicycle slowly
since he still had a lot of time before the bell rang. On the way, Ardy saw a cat lying on the
ground. Several parts of the cat’s body were in blood. It seemed to have been hit.
Ardy took pity on the cat so he stopped his bicycle and approached it. He took iodine
out of his bag and applied it on the cat’s injured body. The cat looked at him and wagged its
tail, as if to say thanks to him. Ardy nodded his head and caressed its fur.
Suddenly, Ardy realized that he had to be at school. He looked at his watch and it was
time to leave the cat. Ardy put the cat on the sidewalk gently and rode his bicycle quickly.
Fortunately, he wasn’t late for school. Ardy was happy that day because he could help an
injured animal.

19. What is the text about?

A. Ardy went to school by bicycle
B. Ardy’s experience when he went to school
C. Ardy met a cat
D. Ardy was happy
E. An injured cat

20. How did Ardy go to school?

A. Ardy rode his bicycle
B. On foot
C. On Wednesday morning
D. He took iodine
E. Met an injured cat
The following text is for questions 19.
Once, a trooper lived in a country. He worked for the king's army and and very
famous for his bravery all over the kingdom. He had a beautiful horse, which was one of
the best in the country. He loved it a lot.
One day, when all the soldiers were dressing their horses, the trooper noticed that a
nail on one of his horse's had fallen off. His fellow soldiers advised him to fix the shoe
soon, or it could be dangerous. The trooper did not listen to them. He decided to repair the
shoe later.
After some time, the soldiers heard the sound of trumpet. The enemy had attacked the
king's place, and all the soldiers went to war. The trooper also sat on his horse and
followed. On the way, the horse's loose shoe fell off. It made the horse stumbled and the
trooper fell to the ground. He was badly injured and could not get up.
19. What is the text about?
A. A fight between two kingdoms.
B. A kind trooper.
C. A trooper and his colleagues.
D. A lazy trooper.
E. A fight for victory.

20. "He loved it a lot (paragraph 1). The underlined word refers to_____________
A. the horse
B. the kingdom
C. the country
D. the enemy.
E. the horse' shoe.
21. What can we learn from the story?
A. A soldier should obey his commander' order.
B. We have to protect our country from the enemy.
C. Never delay what you can do today.
D. A soldier must be brave
E. Don't be a coward.
The following text is for questions .
There was a young lady who had a wonderful garden. She took great care of it. One
day, she was walking in her beautiful garden and admiring the colorful flowers. She saw
the trees laden with juicy fruits and clapped her hands with joy.
Suddenly, the lady saw a caterpillar on her dress. She was horrified. She brushed it
off her dress, saying angrily, "Go away, you ugly caterpillar! You eat all the leaves,
flowers and fruits. You ruin my lovely garden. I worked so hard to keep my garden
beautiful and you spoil it by being here."
The caterpillar looked at her and sail calmly, "Proud Lady, I am ugly to look at now.
Soon, I shall turn into a beautiful butterfly. The lovely silk of your dress has come from
insects like me, so, do n8t insult me. You will be jeoules of me when I become a butterfly!
Since then, I shall be more colorful and beautiful than you." The caterpillar continued, "We
are greatly puzzled by you. Your beauty is temporary. Without your lovely clothes, you
look like a caterpillar. Only when you dress up in colorful clothes, you become a butterfly.
22. Where did the story take place?
A. In a bush
B. At a playground
C. In a beautiful garden.
D. At a river.
E. At a park.
23. The lady got angry with the caterpillar because _________
A. it ruined her beautiful garden by eating the leaves.
B. she felt scared of it
C. it scolded her for being rude to it
D. it made her body itch.
E. it looked disgusting.
24. Which statement is NOT TRUE?
A. The lady was walking in her garden when she met the caterpullar.
B. The caterpillar reminded the lady that her beauty was temporary.
C. The lady was shocked knowing the caterpillar on her dress.
D. The caterpillar would change into a beautiful butterfly
E. The caterpillar was angry when the lady insulted it.
25. "You ruin my lovely garden."(paragraph 2). The word 'ruin' can be replaced by ______
A. build B. persuade. C. chew. D. destroy E. scorn

Once there was a wise king who had two sons. He appointed eminent scholars to
teach them all the arts. After a few years, the king became seriously ill. So, he decided to
select the next king for his kingdom. He wanted to test his sons’ abilities.
He called both of them and gave a room to each of them. He said, “ You must fill
this room completely with anything you wish. It can be anything but there should be no
space left behind and you should not seek advised from anyone.”
The next day the king visited the elder son’s room. The room was completely filled
with hay. Then, he went to the younger son’s room, but it was closed. The king knocked at
the door. The second son asked his father to enter and closed the door again. There was
darkness everywhere and the king shouted at his second son angrily. Then, the second son
lit a lamp and said, “ I have filled this room with light.”
Now the king felt very happy and hugged his son proudly. He understood that the
younger son would be the right person to rule the kingdom after him.

26. What did the king want to test his sons’ abilities for?
A. Teaching them all the arts.
B. Being seriously ill
C. Seeking the advice
D. Filling the room completely
E. Selecting the next king for his kingdom
27. “He called both of them and gave a room to each of them.” (paragraph 2). The word
“them” refers _________
A. Eminent scholars
B. His sons’ abilities
C. The king sons
D. Both king
E. The sons and eminent scholars
28. What did the elder son do to fulfill the king’s requirement?
A. He asked advice from everyone
B. He filled the room completely with hay
C. He lit a lamp
D. He closed the door
E. He filled the room with light
29. “The The room was completely filled with hay. (Paragraph 3). What is the antonym of
A. Lovely
B. Hardly
C. Fully
D. Partly
E. Neatly
30. How did the king feel after finding the right person?
A. He was proud of his elder son
B. He looked wiser
C. He felt very happy
D. He was disappointed with the younger son
E. He was so angry
Questions ....... refer to the following song.
Boris The Spider
Look, he’s crawling up my wall
Black and hairy, very small
Now he’s up above my head
Hanging by a little tread

Boris the spider

Boris the spider

Now he’s dropped on to the floor

Heading for the bedroom door
Maybe he’s as scared as me
Where’s he gone now, I can’t see

Boris the spider

Boris the spider
Creepy, crawly (2 X)
Creepy, Creepy, crawly, crawly (4 X)

There he is wrapped in a ball

Doesn’t seem to move at all
Perhaps he’s dead, I’’ just make sure
Pick this book up off the floor

31. The song is about ______

A. The singer’s pet
B. Boris the spider
C. The singer’s friend named Boris
D. The singer’s house
E. The description of the singer

32. What is the spider like?

A. It is black and hairy, very small
B. It is black and hairy, like a ball
C. It loves crawling like a ball
D. It stays behind the bedroom door
E. It is black and scary
33. What will the singer do to the spider in the sixth verse?
A. Treat the spider well
B. Release the spider from the ball
C. Let the spider went away
D. Take the book to make sure that the spider is alright
E. Use a book to set the spider free
34. “Creepy, crawly (2 X)” What does ‘Creepy’ mean?
A. Having a gentle look
B. Leaving dirty marks on walls
C. Looking scary
D. Causing scratching on skin
E. Preventing something from biting you
35. What is the third verse about?
A. It describes what the spider is like
B. It describes the singer’s hobby
C. It informs what the singer is going to do to the spider
D. It relates how the singer finds the spider
E. It describes where the spider slipped away to.

Questions ....... refer to the following song.

Am I Wrong
(By: Nico & Vinz)
Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
Am I wrong for saying that I choose another way?
I ain’t trying to do what everybody else doing
Just cause everybody doing what they all do
If one thing I know, I’ll fall but I’ll grow
I’m walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home

So am I wrong?
For thinking that we could be something for real?
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can’t see?
But that’s just how I feel,
That’s just how I feel
That’s just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can’t see Am I tripping for having a vision?
My prediction: I’m be on the top of the world
Walk your walk and don’t look back, always do what you decide

Don’t let them control your life, that’s just how I feel
Fight for yours and don’t let go,
don’t let them compare you,
no Don’t worry,
you’re not alone,
that’s just how we feel

36. The title of the song is ________.

A. Don’t be Wrong
B. Did I Do Wrong
C. Am I Wrong
D. What’s Wrong
E. I’m Wrong
37. The expression ‘thinking out the box’ means ________.
A. stay out from the box
B. think about the box
C. never think seriously
D. think something unusual
E. never think about something in the box
38. “Am I tripping for having a vision?” What does ‘vision’ mean?
A. Notice.
B. Ability.
C. Dream.
D. Sore eye.
E. Position.
39. What do the singers want to reach by thinking out of the box?
A. They want to look different.
B. They want to get the best achievement.
C. They can’t think something right.
D. They don’t know how to do better.
E. They can follow what other people think.
40. Which sentence expresses we should do what we want to do?
A. Walk your walk and don’t look back, always do what you decide
B. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, that’s just how we feel
C. Just cause everybody doing what they all do
D. If one thing I know, I’ll fall but I’ll grow
E. But that’s just how I feel,
41. If you put one more lamp in the corner, it will ........... the room.
A. Brighten up
B. Down
C. Turn dark
D. Spring
E. Troubled
42. If you dont’n know how to use the computer, ................ the operator. He will help you.
A. Called out
B. Call out
C. Calling
D. To call
E. Recall
43. If you invite me to you party, I will ....... with my family
A. Come
B. Came
C. Coming
D. To come
E. Become
44. If I work harder, I ....... my paper in due time.
A. Will finish
B. Would finish
C. Has finish
D. Will be finishing
E. Will have fininshed
45. “Why don’t you plan to resign from your job?”
“Well, if the company ............. me more, I will not quit my job.”
A. Paid
B. Pay
C. Will pay
D. Will have paid
E. To pay
46. I will go to Balikpapan to meet my grandmother if my father ........... me money.
A. Given D. To give
B. Gave E. Giving
C. Give
47. I will swim if you ....... me.
A. Accompanied D. Go
B. To accompany E. Going
C. Accompany
48. If my beloved sister ask me to buy that dress, I ....... it.
A. Will buy D. Bought
B. Buying E. To buy
C. Will buying
49. Amara : “ Are you goin to continue you study?”
Nana : “ If I ............ my study, My parent ........ provide much money.
A. Continued, will D. Continue, will
B. Continue, would E. To continue, would
C. Will, continue
50. Koko : “Ratu ...... take that job if the company ....... her.
A. Had, will
B. Receive, will
C. To receive, will
D. Will, to receive
E. Will, receive

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