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Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 39, No.

9, 2010
DOI: 10.1007/s11664-009-0994-x
Ó 2009 TMS

Model Building and Simulation of Thermoelectric Module

Using Matlab/Simulink


1.—Department of Electrical Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Chang-Hua, Taiwan, ROC.

2.—Mechanical Engineering Department, Chung Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, ROC.

This paper presents implementations and verification of models of thermo-

electric cooler and generator modules using Matlab/Simulink. The proposed
models are designed with a user-friendly icon and a dialog box, like Simulink
block libraries, making them easy to use for simulation, analysis, and
optimization of further applications.

Key words: Thermoelectric cooler, thermoelectric generator, thermoelectric


INTRODUCTION capable of cooling and refrigeration, such as in

specialized coolers for optoelectronic and electronic
Thermoelectricity was initially discovered in the
components and portable electric food coolers/heat-
early 1800s. A voltage is generated when a junction
ers. They are especially useful for precise tempera-
of two dissimilar materials is held at a different
ture control applications where accuracy, simplicity,
temperature. Thermoelectric materials began to be
reliability, and compactness are dominant concerns.
made with n-type and p-type structure in the middle
On the other hand, TEGs can be used to harness
of the 1900s due to the prevalence of semiconductor
waste heat with available temperature difference
materials. Through control of the carrier concen-
and produce electric power, such as for power gen-
tration, optimization of the bandgap can be achieved
eration in spacecraft systems and as thermocouples
for the thermoelectric couple. Many thermocouples
for temperature measurement. With the rising costs
are then interconnected electrically in series to
of fossil fuels and the innovative technologies of
increase the operating voltage and thermally in
waste-heat recovery, TEG devices are becoming
parallel to increase the thermal conductivity, form-
more prominent, especially in applications and
ing a thermoelectric module (TEM). TEM devices
markets for broader automobile systems and remote
can typically be classified into thermoelectric gen-
self-powered sensor and wireless communication
erators (TEGs) and thermoelectric coolers (TECs).
TEGs convert thermal energy from a temperature
Mathematical models of TEM for both TECs and
gradient to electrical energy (Seebeck effect),
TEGs have been well developed to simulate their
whereas TECs convert electrical energy into a
corresponding behaviors and analyze their perfor-
temperature gradient (Peltier effect). Being basi-
mance.1,2 Modeling and simulation allows for anal-
cally solid-state energy converters with no
ysis, design, and optimization of TEMs to cut down
mechanical and moving parts, TEM devices can
the design cycle. Recently, equivalent circuit models
provide the benefits of noiselessness, compactness,
of TEMs have been built using SPICE software for
reliability, and stability. However, having poor
easy module analysis and for further extraction of
energy conversion efficiency, both TECs and TEGs
model parameters from specifications in commercial
were largely considered for niche applications due to
datasheets.3–7 Basically, equivalent-circuit models
their unique advantages. In general, TECs are
implemented using SPICE are suitable for simula-
tion of power-electronics applications. For the con-
trol objective, it is better to build a TEM model
(Received June 4, 2009; accepted October 28, 2009;
using the Matlab/Simulink package and further to
published online November 19, 2009) use its SimPowerSystem tool, especially for the

2106 Tsai and Lin

development of temperature control and maximum cool sides of the conductor is called the Seebeck
power point tracking (MPPT) technologies for TEC effect. The generated Seebeck voltage, called the
and TEG applications. electromotive force (EMF), in a TEM is expressed

The construction of both TECs and TEGs is Applying the concept of energy equilibrium for
basically the same, and consequently the same steady-state analysis at both sides of the TEM, the
equivalent circuit can be used to simulate their absorbed heat generated by the thermal load, QA,
behavior. The basic unit of a TEM is a thermocouple and the liberated heat removed by the heat sink,
that consists of a p-type and n-type pellet couple QE, are, respectively, given by
interconnected by metal. A TEM has the form of
thermopiles that are connected electrically in series QA ¼ SITA  0:5I 2 R  jth DT (5)
to increase the operating voltage and thermally in and
parallel to decrease the thermal resistance, and is
sandwiched between two ceramic plates for uniform QE ¼ SITE þ 0:5I 2 R  jth DT: (6)
thermal expansion. There are four main energy
processes taking place in the TEM pellets: thermal The TEM’s output voltage is then
conduction, Joule heating, the Peltier cooling/heat-
V ¼ US þ IR: (7)
ing effect, and the Seebeck effect. The additional
Thompson effect, which is described by the A good TEM must combine a large Seebeck coeffi-
Thompson coefficient s ¼ dS=dT; is small enough to cient S with low electrical resistance R and low
be neglected. Both ceramic plates and intercon- thermal conductivity jth . The figure-of-merit (FOM)
nected metals have high thermal conductivity to parameter is then defined as
ensure uniform temperature at either end.
Neglecting the contribution of the metal intercon- Z ¼ S2 =Rjth : (8)
nectors and ceramic plates, the analysis of a TEM
can be conducted by analyzing a single pellet or
thermocouple without loss of generality.
The phenomenon of thermal conduction is a DETERMINATION OF TEM PARAMETERS
Fourier process that is described by the thermal In general, TEC manufacturers provide the fol-
conductivity ji of the material. For a TEM with N lowing parameters to specify their products: DTmax,
thermocouples, the heat transfer of thermal con- the maximal temperature difference between the
duction in a TEM is described by cold and hot sides of the TEC; Imax and Vmax, the
Qth ¼ DTjth ; (1) current and voltage inputs to produce DTmax for a
given level of TH. The hot-side temperature of a
where jth is the thermal conductivity of the TEM working TEC is always constant and is nearly equal
and DT ¼ TE  TA : Joule heating is a physical pro- to the temperature of the material used in the
cess of heat dissipation in a resistance element. The cooling system. In addition, it is easier to measure
flow of electric current through the TEM will addi- the hot-side temperature because this surface is
tionally cause resistive heating of the thermocou- always outside of the TEC device. For cooling, one
ples. The total Joule heat dissipated in an N-couple can assume that TE = TH and TA ¼ TH  DT, and
TEM is QA is set to zero for thermal insolation. The tem-
perature difference can be expressed as
QJ ¼ I 2 R; (2)
DT ¼ ðSITH  0:5I 2 RÞ=ðSI þ jth Þ: (9)
where R is its electrical resistance. Irrespective of
the temperature gradient, the Joule heat can be The maximal temperature difference can be found
considered as equally divided between the two sides by taking the derivative of DT with respect to I and
of the TEM. The Peltier cooling/heat effect is a setting the result to zero. The maximal current and
phenomenon of heat absorption/dissipation by a temperature can be derived as
junction between two dissimilar materials when
electrical current flows through the junction. The Imax ¼ jth ½ð1 þ 2ZTH Þ0:5  1=S (10)
absorbed/emitted heat of an N-couple TEM is
QPE=PA ¼ SITE=A ; (3)
DTmax ¼ TH þ ½1  ð1 þ 2ZTH Þ0:5 =Z: (11)
where S is the TEM’s Seebeck coefficient. When a
temperature gradient is imposed on a conductor Then, the maximal voltage can be rewritten as
under an open-circuit condition, the creation of an
electrical potential difference between the hot and Vmax ¼ STH : (12)
Model Building and Simulation of Thermoelectric Module Using Matlab/Simulink 2107

DC Power
− − − − − − − −
⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕

Hot-side Temperature ⊕
−⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ − Current Scope
− − − − − − − −


Cold-side Temperature TEC Module Voltage Scope

Seeback coefficient
Seeback Coefficient f(u)
FOM Function FOM

Resistance Function Resistance


Thermal Conductivity Thermal Conductivity


f(u) 1
Current Scope
Current Function
Hot-side Temperature
Cold-side Temperature

f(u) 2
Voltage Scope
Voltage Function


Fig. 1. TEC module: (a) masked implementation, (b) subsystem implementation, and (c) dialog box.
2108 Tsai and Lin

Therefore, given the emitting temperature TE = TH, mopt ¼ ðDT þ gmax max
th TC Þ=ðDT  gth TH Þ; (23)
the parameters of the proposed model can be
calculated by and then the FOM of the TEG can be found as
S ¼ Vmax =TH ; (13) Z ¼ ðm2opt  1Þ=Tave : (24)

The thermal conductivity of a TEG can be calculated

R ¼ Vmax ð1  DTmax =TH Þ=Imax ; (14) by

and jth ¼ S2 =RZ: (25)

Rth ¼ Vmax Imax ðTH  DTmax Þ=ð2TH DTmax Þ: (15) Some manufacturers give the efficiency for the
matched load gth,m. Since the matched load resis-
On the other hand, the regular parameters in the tance is matched to the internal resistance, i.e.,
datasheet of commercial TEGs include: TA = TH and RL = R, the current at the matched load is found to
TE = TC, the hot-side and cold-side temperatures; be
Wm, the power at the load matched to the internal
resistance (RL = R); Vm (=VR), the load voltage at Im ¼ SDT=2R; (26)
the matched load; and gmax
th ; the maximum thermal and the efficiency at the matched load is expressed
efficiency. Obviously, one can easily calculate the as
electrical parameters of the equivalent circuit di-
rectly from the datasheet. The electrical resistance gth;m ¼ ZDT=½4 þ Zð1:5TH þ 0:5TC Þ: (27)
R and the Seebeck coefficient S of a TEG can be
expressed as The FOM of the TEG is then calculated by
2 Z ¼ 4gm m
TEG =½DT  gTEG ð1:5TH þ 0:5TC Þ: (28)
R ¼ RL ¼ V m =Wm ; (16)
Finally, the thermal resistance can be obtained.
Given the fundamental specifications of a TEC
In fact, the efficiency of a TEG is a function of the
directly from the manufacturer’s datasheets, the
load. Assume that the load resistance is defined as
parameters of the proposed model can be calculated
RL = mR, where m is the resistance ratio between
by Eqs. 18–20. For a cooling application, the cold-
the load and internal resistance. The current can be
side temperature of the TEC, TC, is a desired input
expressed as
and then the temperature difference can be
I ¼ SDT=½ð1 þ mÞR: (18) obtained for a given hot-side temperature TH, i.e.,
DT ¼ TH  TC . This temperature difference can be
The thermal efficiency of a TEG is defined as the ratio
of the electric power output to the thermal power
input to the hot side, which can be expressed as

gth ¼ I 2 RL =QH : (19) 16 16

Given the FOM, the TEG’s thermal efficiency can be 14

: Current (A)
reformulated as : Voltage (V)

gth ¼ mZDT=fð1 þ mÞ2 þ Z½ðm þ 0:5ÞTH þ 0:5TC g: 12 12

(20) 10 10
Current (A)

Voltage (V)

Obviously, the TEG’s efficiency is a function of the

resistance ratio m. The maximal efficiency can be 8 8
given as
6 6
th ¼ ðmopt  1ÞðDT=TH Þ=ðmopt þ TC =TH Þ; (21)
where mopt is the value of resistance ratio m that 4 4
maximizes the efficiency of the TEG, which is
2 2
mopt ¼ ð1 þ ZTave Þ0:5 ; (22)
0 0
where Tave ¼ 0:5ðTH þ TC Þ. Given the parameters of 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
a commercial TEG, the resistance ratio m can be Temperature (K)
obtained as Fig. 2. TC–I and TC–V output characteristics.
Model Building and Simulation of Thermoelectric Module Using Matlab/Simulink 2109


Hot_Side_Temperature QH

− − − − − − − −
⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕

−⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −⊕ −
Hot-side Temperature − − − − − − − − Current Scope

Cold_Side_Temperature Converter

Cold-side Temperature TEG Module Voltage Scope

(b) 2.3800e-002
Seebeck Coefficient
Seeback f(u) 1
Coefficient Current Scope
Function Current Function


f(u) 2
Resistance Function
Voltage Scope
Voltage Function

Temperature Optimal Load
1 Resistance Function

f(u) f(u) 1.6985e+000

FOM Function Thermal Thermal Conductivity

Function 1.1186e-003


Fig. 3. TEG module: (a) masked implementation, (b) subsystem implementation, and (c) dialog box.
2110 Tsai and Lin

used to calculate the required current input, which 5 20

can be expressed as
4.5 18
2 0:5
I ¼ fSðTH  DTÞ  S½ðTH  DTÞ  2DT=Z g=R: 4 16

Voltage (V) / Efficiency (%)

3.5 14
The voltage of the TEC is then given as
3 12

Power (W)
2 0:5
V ¼ Vmax  S½ðTH  DTÞ  2DT=Z : (30) 2.5 10

Therefore, the proposed model and its subsystem for 2 8

the TEC module can be implemented using Matlab/
1.5 6
Simulink as shown in Fig. 1a–c. In order to make
the proposed model easier to use and understand, 1 4
the user-friendly icon with an image file of a TEC : Voltage (V)
icon is shown in Fig. 1b. In addition, the masked 0.5 : Power (W) 2
model is designed to have a dialog box as shown in : Efficiency (%)
0 0
Fig. 1c, in which the parameters of the TEC module 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
can be configured in the same way as for Simulink Current (A)
block libraries. Fig. 4. I–V and I–W output characteristics.
Taking the TEC1-12710 cooling module as an
example, the manufacturer’s datasheets show that
DS = 68°C, Imax = 10 A, and Vmax = 15.4 V under Taking an HZ-20 module for example, the man-
the condition that TH = 27°C. Through the configu- ufacturer’s datasheets show that TH = 230°C, TC =
ration dialog of TEC block, the model parameters 30°C, Wm = 19 W, Vm = 2.38 W, and gmax = 4.5%.
are S ¼ 0:0513 V/K; R ¼ 1:1909 X; jth ¼ 0:8757 W/K, Through the configuration dialog of TEG block,
and Z ¼ 0:0026 K 1 ; as shown in Fig. 1b. The out- one can calculate the model parameters: S ¼
put characteristics of TC–I and TC–V for the TEC 0:0238 V/K; R ¼ 0:2981 X; jth ¼ 1:6985 W/K, and
are shown in Fig. 2. In order to control the cold-side Z ¼ 0:0011 K1 ; as shown in Fig. 2b. The output
temperature to the value of 270 K, the output cur- characteristics of I–V and I–W for the TEG are
rent and power supply voltage are set to 2.1 A and shown in Fig. 4. The TEG has maximum power
4.1 V, respectively. output with the matched load of RL = R. Taking the
From the standpoint of TEG applications, it is hot-side temperature as an input variable, the out-
highly desirable to maximize power output, which is put characteristics of current, voltage, and power at
the load power at the matched load of RL = R. The the matched load are depicted in Fig. 3a–c. These
maximum current is the short-circuit current at results reveal that the maximum power is about
VL = 0, i.e., 19 W at I = 7.9832 A and V = 2.3800 V, and the
ISC ¼ 2Im ¼ 2Wm =Vm : (31) maximal thermal efficiency is 4.5% as I approaches
about 7.2 A. For the MPPT design of the TEG,
Therefore, the voltage output can be formulated as the working voltage of the DC–DC converter is
controlled at 2.38 V.
V ¼ RðI  ISC Þ: (32)
The hot-side temperature TH is a source input and
the temperature difference can be obtained for a The utility of both TEC and TEG modules is based
given cold-side temperature TC as DT ¼ TH  TC . on the commercial datasheets of TEM manufactur-
Then, the current output and voltage of the TEG ers. TEM parameters can be extracted and perfor-
can be calculated from Eqs. 29 and 32 with the mance analysis conducted in this way. The TEC and
temperature of the heat source remaining constant. TEG models proposed herein are compatible with
The output power and thermal efficiency can be Matlab/Simulink libraries for further DC and AC
represented as functions of the electric current. electronic circuit simulation. These models are built
The proposed model and its subsystem for TEG in the same way as Simulink block libraries. The
module are implemented using Matlab/Simulink as masked icon makes the block model more user-
shown in Fig. 3a–c. In order to make the proposed friendly, and a dialog box allows the user to con-
model easier to use and understand, an image file of figure the TEM model easily. Such user-friendly
the TEG icon is used as a masking icon. The user- blocks are easy to use for applications of tempera-
friendly icon is shown in Fig. 3a. In addition, the ture control systems and maximum power point
masked model is designed to have a dialog box as trackers. On the other hand, validation experiments
shown in Fig. 3c, in which the parameters of the of the proposed TEC and TEG models are still
TEG module can be configured in the same way as lacking; they will be carried out at the Clean Energy
for Simulink block libraries. Research Center (CERC) of Da-Yeh University.
Model Building and Simulation of Thermoelectric Module Using Matlab/Simulink 2111

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