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Traffic Engineering and Management : Assignment - 4 Dr. V.

Lelitha Devi
Department of Civil Engineering
Due Date: October –, 2014

1. Discuss the warrants for signalization under Indian traffic conditions as per IRC. Also,
discuss the signal design procedure suggested by IRC.

2. Discuss the guidelines to develop various phase plans as per HCM method.

3. Define change interval and clearance interval. Calculate the same for a 4-legged sig-
nalized intersection (2-lane, 2-way approaches on all sides) for the following data,

• Average approach speed of 40 km/h,

• Grade of approach is +2.7%
• Standard vehicle length of 6m.
• Deceleration rate of vehicles – 3 m/s2
• Cross walk width is 3m.

4. Determine the cycle lost times from the above data.

5. Consider a 2-phase signal, the sum of the critical lane volume was 1200 veh/hr, target
v/c ratio is 0.87. Determine the desirable cycle length (Consider lost times from Q.4).
Traffic volume for each 15 minute period for 2 hours in peak period is given below to
calculate PHF.

Table 1: Data for problem 5.

S. No Time Vehicle count

1 8:00 – 8:15 290
2 8:15 – 8:30 254
3 8:30 – 8:45 235
4 8:45 – 9:00 219
5 9:00 – 9:15 237
6 9:15 – 9:30 457
7 9:30 – 9:45 259
8 9:45 – 10:00 289

6. An analysis of pedestrian needs at a signalized intersection is undertaken. The details

about signal phases and timings are given below. Are pedestrians safely accommodate
by this signal timing? If not, what signal timing should be implemented? Assume
the standard default values for start-up lost time and extension of effective green into
yellow time and all red (2.0 seconds each) are in effect.

Table 2: Data for Problem 6.

Phase G (s) Y (s) Gp (s)

A 18 4.5 30
B 60 40 15

7. The average normal flow of traffic on cross roads A and B during design period are
550 and 250 pcu/hour; the saturation flow values on these roads are estimated as 1275
and 1150 pcu/hour respectively. The all red time required for pedestrian crossing is
10 sec. Design two phase traffic signal by Webster’s method. Also, give the details
about design timings of both phases.

8. Design a traffic signal by using HCM method for a four legged intersection (2-lane
2-way on all sides) and the volume data is given in the below table. Assume cross
walk width is 3 m, PHF of 0.95, v/c ratio of 0.92, average approach speed 50 km/h, a
grade of -1.5%.

Table 3: Data for Problem 8.

S. No Approach Straight Left turning Right turning

1 EB 400 25 15
2 WB 300 25 5
3 NB 350 20 10
4 SB 475 25 18

9. Design a traffic signal by using HCM method for a four legged intersection (East-west
road of width 16.50 m and North-south road 17.75 m) and the volume data is given in
the below table. Assume cross walk width 3 m, PHF of 0.95, v/c ratio of 0.90, average
approach speed of 45 km/h.

Table 4: Data for Problem 9.

S. No Approach Straight Left turning Right turning

1 EB 500 95 45
2 WB 600 90 55
3 NB 700 150 235
4 SB 800 165 215

10. Design a traffic signal for an intersection by using HCM method(East-West road of
width 16.5 m and North-South road of width 17.5m with corresponding design speeds
of 45 kmph and 55 kmph). The volume data has been given in the following table.
Assume cross walk width 3 m, PHF of 0.85, v/c ratio of 0.90, deceleration rate is 3
m/s2 . Both the approaches are having one-way traffic. Pedestrian activity: Low

Table 5: Data for Problem 10.

S. No Approach Straight Left turning Right turning

1 EB 1250 375 x
2 WB x x x
3 NB 2200 x 250
4 SB x x x

11. Design a traffic signal for an intersection by using HCM method (North-South road is
a 2-lane 2-way approach, East-West road is a 4-lane, 2-way approach with a width of
17m and the corresponding average speeds are 40 kmph and 50 kmph). The volume
data has been given in the following table. Assume cross walk width 3 m, PHF of
0.98, v/c ratio of 0.95, deceleration rate is 3 m/s2 . Pedestrian activity: Medium

Table 6: Data for Problem 11.

S. No Approach Straight Left turning Right turning

1 EB 800 40 220
2 WB 725 55 335
3 NB 240 25 35
4 SB 260 20 15

12. Design a traffic signal for an intersection by using HCM method (North-South road is
a 2-lane one-way approach, North-South road is a 4-lane, 2-way approach with a width
of 17.25 m and the corresponding average speeds for both directions are 55 km/h).
The volume data has been given in the following table. Assume cross walk width 3 m,
PHF of 0.95, v/c ratio of 0.92, deceleration rate is 3 m/s2 . Pedestrian activity: Low

Table 7: Data for Problem 12.

S. No Approach Straight Left turning Right turning

1 EB 1050 125 x
2 WB 750 x 255
3 NB 950 60 40
4 SB x x x

13. A four-lane undivided multilane highway section carries a peak hour volume of 2600
veh/h in the heaviest direction. There are 15% of trucks and 2% of RV’s in the traffic
stream. Motorists are primarily regular users of facility. The section under the is
under level terrain. Consider the following data to find out the level of service
• PHF value from Q.5,
• Lateral clearance is 3 ft. on both sides
• Lane width of 10 ft. and access point density is 20/mi.

14. What are the microscopic and macroscopic parameters in traffic and how they are

• Give the relation between microscopic and macroscopic parameters.

• Traffic in a highway is observed to have a spacing of 60 m, and an average headway
of 1.5 seconds, estimate the rate of flow, density and speed of traffic.

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