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‘sam Fine. Thanks. (Beat) It’s funny... mean, not ho-no-no, ‘out stil, You want to believe that, at some point in your life, you mattered to someone, that at least when you're young, ‘and cute that you... uy .. . Sam, you did. To me. Absolutely. ‘sam Yeah, but I mean, you know. Really mattered. Like, Romeo ‘and Juliet-type stuff. And | always kind of wanted to feel that way about us. (Beat) But | realize now, though, it was just & ‘teenage thing and you dated somebody else right after me, 50... how's that for a wakeup call, huh? Shit. eur .. . Ljust gave her a ride. ‘sam Sure, (Beat.) .. . out on the freeway, just before t hit this exit, | had, like, a moment . . . this dayéream for a second where | imagined that you were really asking me here because you wanted me to run off with you to, | dunno, aa isiand or back to Manhattan. Somewhere. How's that for ‘erazy?! Now... | wouln’t, I'd never do it, but that's the kind of crap running through my head since | heerd your voice again. So. uy That's . .. Sam, that’s amazing to, | mean, for you to tell me. I'd never do that . . . (reatizing) Because of your family, I'm saying—but it’s really very moving. Thank you. ‘sam “Course. Well, so long . « cuy .. . bye. (Beat.) Oh, wait, hey getting married? sam Ah, no, (Beat.) ....n0, you didn't. ‘uy Well, | am, Yeah. I'm getting « ‘married. Huh. (Beat.) Good for you. «- sam but misses it. Catches himself without too much dignity Jost. ‘cashews. Turns up the volume on the TV. Loud. This time she's gone for sure—the man tries to get in a last hug, He wanders back to the bed and sits. Starts up again with the Part Twa: “Tyler” The same type of hotel room. Almost exactly. It's designed by Wy. It's designee ’he same company, so the details are similar. Twin beds now. The mann oe bet eo ‘d, directly acrass from Di age NE what she ana one ston other bed. They are in the middle of a discussion, aie TER «godt youl No a Guy Thanks, cn Mise | oan That's so awesome guy Yeah, i : UE Mera Hoy ont ie hats the ig one uA? Totaly cur Yes tise, isi 9, wll yooh. Abie a ate iio No shit, fuck. Marriage! Sweet. (Beat.) - and Nei Yorker magazine, the same year. Movin’ on up, huh? ‘Guy I guess so... yep. a "MER Gata Sy, tho, you just never me the Ho. you know, struck uy | Gian’t? well, | always wanted to weit Ona to write, but | got a little mm | TMER | mean about getting married! Not thar type. Not during that whole time we were together .. FSU" Unhuh. Don't really think | was at my best in Chicago. Not _ Completely, but | feel now that I'm... you know.

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