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TSR 13:2, Spring 2006

vii Foreword

viii Information for Authors

x Letters to the Editors

1 Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Post-Stroke

3 Method
4 Target population
4 Literature search
5 Study inclusion/exclusion criteria
5 Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions
7 Outcomes
7 Statistical analysis
9 Reviewing the guidelines
9 Results of literature search

10 Results
10 Clinical practice guidelines for therapeutic exercises
14 Summary of trials
14 Efficacy
20 Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
20 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

21 Clinical practice guidelines for task-oriented training

24 Summary of trials
24 Efficacy
27 Strength of the published evidence compared with other guidelines
27 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

28 Clinical practice guidelines for biofeedback

30 Summary of trials
30 Efficacy
32 Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
33 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

34 Clinical practice guidelines for gait training

36 Summary of trials
37 Efficacy
40 Strength of published evidence compared to other guidelines
40 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

41 Clinical practice guidelines for balance training

43 Summary of trials
43 Efficacy
45 Strength of the published evidence compared with other guidelines
45 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines


45 Clinical practice guidelines for sensory interventions
46 Summary of trials
46 Efficacy
48 Strength of the published evidence compared with other guidelines
48 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

48 Clinical practice guidelines for constraint-induced movement therapy

49 Summary of trials
49 Efficacy
50 Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
50 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

51 Clinical practice guidelines for shoulder subluxation

52 Summary of trials
52 Efficacy
53 Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
54 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

54 Clinical practice guidelines for electrical stimulation

56 Summary of trials
57 Efficacy
59 Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
60 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

61 Clinical practice guidelines for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

61 Summary of trials
62 Efficacy
63 Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
63 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

64 Clinical practice guidelines for therapeutic ultrasound

64 Summary of trials
64 Efficacy
64 Strength of the published evidence compared with other guidelines
64 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

65 Clinical practice guidelines for acupuncture

65 Summary of trials
66 Efficacy
67 Strength of the published evidence compared with other guidelines
67 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

68 Clinical practice guidelines for intensity and organization of rehabilitation

74 Summary of trials
75 Efficacy
83 Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
83 Clinical recommendations compared with other guidelines

84 Discussion
86 Therapeutic exercises
87 Task-oriented training
88 Biofeedback
88 Gait training
91 Balance training
91 Sensory interventions

91 Constraint-induced movement therapy
92 Shoulder subluxation
93 Electrical stimulation
94 Therapeutic ultrasound
95 Acupuncture
95 Intensity and organization of rehabilitation

96 Conclusion

97 Acknowledgments

97 References

119 Appendixes

All figures and tables cited in this issue are included in the CD attached to the inside
back cover. This CD also includes an electronic version of the full text of this issue
with embedded hyperlinks to the figures and tables.
Additional copies can be ordered at

The concept of developing and implementing clinical ners in the performance and dissemination of compre-
practice guidelines has received considerable attention hensive reviews of literature and in the implementation
in recent years among many medical professionals, clini- of clinical practices that are based on strong evidence,
cal leaders, payers, and policy makers. It is interesting to where it exists.
note that adoption of these tools has been considerably In the present issue, Dr. Lucie Brosseau and her col-
less enthusiastic among rehabilitation programs and leagues in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, have conducted an
practitioners than among many other disciplines and exhaustive review of the literature, employed rigorous
professionals. Reasons for the slower utilization of guide- grading measures to rate the quality of the research
lines are many, including concern that they might limit studies, developed and applied a systematic method for
the important role of creativity and ingenuity in the organizing key points from the manuscripts that they
clinical practice of rehabilitation, relative deficiency of reviewed, and created an extensive set of guidelines for
sufficient evidence supporting many prevailing rehabili- clinical stroke rehabilitation practices that derive directly
tation practices, and an apparent lack of compelling rea- from these findings. The product focuses on 147 specific
sons for clinicians to examine the possibility of changing recommendations concerning 13 rehabilitation inter-
existing practices. There also is limited interest in the ventions. Practicing according to these guidelines can
development and use of guidelines among rehabilita- be expected to enhance the quality of care that is pro-
tion professionals and a general lack of awareness of vided by clinicians and to improve the level of function-
their usefulness among clinicians and their leaders. Al- ing that is experienced by patients.
though there are some notable prominent exceptions, Dr. Brosseau and her team are to be congratulated for
clinical practice guidelines are in their infancy in rehabili- the enormous effort that was put into the production of
tation. this document, not only for their rigorous reviews and
There is a school of thought that asserts that the expe- clear writing, but also because of the way in which the
rience of developing these guidelines is as important information is presented. Because the volume of mate-
and beneficial as the actual implementation of these rial is potentially overwhelming, it could be somewhat
tools. The opportunity to thoroughly and critically re- unwieldy for most practitioners. This is one reason that
view existing medical literature and assess its implica- the organization of the material is so relevant in order to
tions for clinical practice often is a unique and favorable facilitate understanding and use of the recommendations
collaborative experience for clinicians and scholars. and their foundation. The managing editor, Mary Killion,
However, it is in their roles in education and in pro- also should be recognized for her extensive contribution
moting both quality and consistency of care that clinical to the layout and formatting of the data. The use of the
practice guidelines demonstrate their greatest benefits. CD-ROM is a novel approach. Displaying information in a
For trainees and for junior clinicians with minimal practi- tabular format is a sound way to promote understanding
cal experience, these tools can be used as an effective and learning. The enormity of the material necessitated
training device. For all practitioners, they can be used as an alternative additional method to disseminate the fig-
a template to ensure that favorable evidence-driven ures and tables of the reviewed literature. Using a CD-
practices are being implemented. This is a method to ROM seemed a sensible method to provide this material
improve quality of care. These documents are tools and, to you.
like other instruments used by clinicians, they serve to Your comments on the text (and the format) are wel-
support and facilitate successful rehabilitation; they do come. However, the true test of the success of the prod-
not replace the role of originality and they do not reduce uct is whether these guidelines are actually adopted in
the value of hands-on, interactive, collaborative prob- daily practice and the extent to which the content forms
lem-solving by clinicians and patients that often is the a basis of clinical practice in stroke rehabilitation.
hallmark of team-driven clinical stroke rehabilitation.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation recently has published —Elliot J. Roth, MD
several Clinical Practice Guidelines (TSR 10:1 and 10:2 Co-Editor-in-Chief
[2003], 11:4 [2004]). The frequency with which these Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
documents are being published at this time reflects the Chicago, IL, USA
emerging interest among thought leaders and practitio- January 2006

Special Issue
Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical
Practice Guidelines for Post-Stroke
The Ottawa Panel*

Background and Purpose: The purpose of this project was to create guidelines for 13 types of physical rehabilitation
interventions used in the management of adult patients (>18 years of age) presenting with hemiplegia or hemiparesis
following a single clinically identifiable ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Method: Using Cochrane
Collaboration methods, the Ottawa Methods Group identified and synthesized evidence from comparative controlled
trials. The group then formed an expert panel, which developed a set of criteria for grading the strength of the evidence
and the recommendation. Patient-important outcomes were determined through consensus, provided that these
outcomes were assessed with a validated and reliable scale. Results: The Ottawa Panel developed 147 positive
recommendations of clinical benefit concerning the use of different types of physical rehabilitation interventions involved in
post-stroke rehabilitation. Discussion and Conclusion: The Ottawa Panel recommends the use of therapeutic exercise,
task-oriented training, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, constraint-induced movement therapy, treatment of
shoulder subluxation, electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound,
acupuncture, and intensity and organization of rehabilitation in the management of post stroke. Key words: clinical practice
guidelines, CVA, epidemiology, evidence-based practice, outcomes, physical rehabilitation, stroke

troke is the third cause of mortality in North require rehabilitation that includes varying degrees
America.1 Although approximately two of medical care, rehabilitation, nursing, and other
thirds of stroke patients survive an initial health professional care.3 Stroke survivors present
stroke, nearly one half of survivors have physical sensorimotor, musculoskeletal, perceptual, and
disabilities as a result.2 Furthermore, while severe cognitive system deficits.4 Their impairments,
stroke incidence has decreased, milder stroke disabilities, and handicaps can lead to devastating
incidence with minimal and moderate deficits has personal consequences as well as consequences for
increased. The individuals surviving a stroke the health care system and society at large.

*Ottawa EBCPGs Development Group: Lucie Brosseau, PhD,1 sity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 3Centre for Global
George A. Wells, PhD,2,3 Hillel M. Finestone, MD,6 Mary Egan, Health, Institute of Population Health, Ottawa, Ontario,
PhD,1 Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz, PhD,1 Ian Graham, PhD,4 Lynn Canada; 4School of Nursing Sciences, Faculty of Health Sci-
Casimiro, MA, Vivian A. Robinson, MSc,3 Martin Bilodeau, ences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 5Re-
PhD,1 and Jessie McGowan, MLIS.3 search Centre on Aging and Sherbrooke University,
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada; 6Sisters of Charity of Ottawa
External Panel Members: Robert Teasell, MD,10 Johanne Health Service, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 7Department of
Desrosiers, PhD,5 Susan Barreca, MSc,8 Lucie Laferrière, MHA,9 Physical Therapy, McGill University, Montreal, Québec,
Joyce Fung, PhD,7 Hélène Corriveau, PhD, MHA,5 Gordon Canada; 8Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ontario,
Gubitz, MD,11 Michael Sharma, MD,9 and Mr. S. U.12 Canada; 9Regional Stroke Centre, Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa
(Ontario), Canada; 10University of Western Ontario, London,
Assistant Manuscript Writers: Amole Khadilkar, MD,1 Karin Ontario, Canada; 11Division of Neurology, Dalhousie University,
Phillips, MA,1 Nathalie Jean,1 Catherine Lamothe,1 Sarah Milne, Halifax (Nova Scotia), Canada; 12Patient who had a stroke.
MSc,1 and Joanna Sarnecka, MSc.1

School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health Sci-
Top Stroke Rehabil 2006;13(2):1–269
ences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 2De- © 2006 Thomas Land Publishers, Inc.
partment of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, Univer-


Post-stroke physical rehabilitation interventions training. Furthermore, the efficacy of organization

have been used to reduce pain and spasticity, as and intensity of stroke rehabilitation has been ex-
well as to increase range of motion (ROM), muscle amined through systematic reviews.37–44
force, mobility, walking ability, functional status, Several meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and
physical fitness, and quality of life. Post-stroke literature reviews have been conducted over the
physical rehabilitation interventions are mostly last 7 years on the effectiveness of EMG biofeed-
noninvasive interventions that present very few back (EMG-BFB). One examined EMG-BFB for
adverse side effects and contraindications as neuromuscular reeducation,45 and others looked
compared with a large number of pharmacologic at EMG-BFB for the improvement of upper ex-
interventions. tremity function.46–48 Finally, Moreland et al.49 ex-
Despite the fact that significant progress has amined the use of EMG-BFB to improve lower
been made in the clinical management of stroke extremity function after stroke. These publica-
over the last decade, there is an urgent need for tions, though recent, require updating because of
physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational the rapidly growing number of scientific articles
therapists, and other rehabilitation specialists to published on the effectiveness of EMG-BFB.50,51
provide the most efficient and effective treatments Moreover, one of the studies45 has been criticized
for their patients. for failing to perform a sensitivity analysis on the
Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines control group.49 Follow-up of drop-outs was also
(EBCPGs) have been defined as systematically de- lacking.49 EMG-BFB constitutes a small but effec-
veloped statements to help practitioners and pa- tive part of lower extremity physical rehabilitation
tients with decisions about appropriate health care in stroke patients.
for specific clinical circumstances.5 EBCPGs are a Functional electrical stimulation (FES) has also
rapidly emerging technology with considerable been systematically reviewed for post-stroke pa-
potential to alter the clinical decision-making pro- tients.52–60 A recent review was conducted on the
cess in fundamental ways. The appropriate use of management of shoulder pain and subluxation.61–
guidelines has been demonstrated to improve both Meta-analyses on post-stroke pain management
the process of care and patient health outcomes.6 were done for acupuncture as an adjuvant therapy
EBCPGs allow stroke patients to benefit maximally in stroke rehabilitation.64–67 However, several trials
from the physical rehabilitation treatment that of electroanalgesia could have been added to this
they are receiving. review.68,69 To our knowledge, no published sys-
There are currently many systematic reviews tematic review exists concerning the efficacy of
and meta-analyses on the effectiveness of post- therapeutic electrotherapy modalities.
stroke physical rehabilitation interventions in the It is evident that the post-stroke physical reha-
scientific literature. (Summarized comparative re- bilitation literature has been exhaustively re-
sults of these reviews are included in the Discus- viewed. However, the methodology used in these
sion section.) Trials on the efficacy of the following reviews needs to be standardized (e.g., selection
types of therapeutic exercises for stroke survivors criteria) and quantified (e.g., Cochrane Collabora-
have been systematically reviewed: physical fit- tion), and the results of most of these reviews also
ness,7,8 therapeutic exercise,9–14 task-oriented need to be updated in order to be included in the
training,15 progressive strengthening exercise,16,17 development of EBCPGs.
robot-aided training,18,19 and constraint-induced Several multidisciplinary EBCPGs have been
movement therapy.20–23 Four meta-analyses have published on post-stroke rehabilitation.70–78 How-
been published24–27 for the effect of the intensity of ever, the Agency for Health Care Policy and
rehabilitation following stroke, while reviews on Research’s (AHCPR’s) EBCPGs were developed for
different aspects of gait training,28 such as the use limited clinical practice areas.70 They did not pro-
of the treadmill combined with body support,29–35 vide a clear definition of physiotherapy or review
have also been done. Both Barclay-Goddard35 and specific physical rehabilitation interventions. They
Pollock36 have systematically reviewed balance also failed to use a rigorous grading system to
Clinical Practice Guidelines 3

assess the evidence. Guidelines were based mainly sensory interventions, constraint-induced move-
on committee opinions and have not been recently ment therapy (CIMT), treatment of shoulder sub-
updated.79 Other EBCPGs72–78 are also available for luxation, electrical stimulation, transcutaneous
rehabilitation specialists. Although the review of electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), therapeutic
the literature and selection of stroke topics is ex- ultrasound, acupuncture, and intensity and orga-
haustive in these guidelines, the evaluation of the nization of rehabilitation.
evidence is based upon descriptive conclusions of
the primary studies rather than a quantitative
analysis of the raw data. These guidelines use a
grading system that takes the research design of
the studies into account, but not the clinical sig- The development process of these EBCPGs was
nificance of the outcomes. Except for the guide- similar to that of the Philadelphia Panel90 and to
lines from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of previous Ottawa Panel publications,81,82 except
Ontario,71 these EBCPGs do not base their assess- that a different target population was used. Briefly,
ment of the level of evidence on a quantitative the Ottawa Methods Group (OMG), a group of 10
synthesis using the raw data of the studies of inter- methodologists with experience in developing
est, such as proposed by the Cochrane Collabora- EBCPGs, asked professional associations inter-
tion methodology. These analyses are also not ested in the care of stroke patients to suggest indi-
pooled to specific outcome measures. The conclu- viduals with both clinical expertise in the manage-
sions of most of these EBCPGs concerning the ment of stroke and familiarity with EBCPGs. From
effectiveness of the selected post-stroke interven- among the suggestions, the OMG chose nine ex-
tions are often imprecise and difficult to apply to perts (R.T., G.G., J.D., J.F., H.C., S.B., L.L., M.S.,
the daily practice of rehabilitation practitioners. S.U.) to serve as panel members. The professional
The advantage of the proposed Ottawa Panel experts were recruited from multidisciplinary dis-
EBCPGs80–82 on post-stroke physical rehabilitation ciplines such as physical medicine, neurology, oc-
interventions is that they offer graded, quantita- cupational therapy, and physical therapy. Several
tive,83 and high-quality84 recommendations that experts (R.T., G.G., J.D., J.F., S.B., L.B., A.H.) are
indicate the treatment time for which a specific members of the Canadian Stroke Network,91 while
intervention is optimally effective for a specific some had already developed post-stroke rehabili-
outcome for a particular stroke population. tation EBCPGs (R.T., S.B.). The Ottawa Panel con-
The generally positive (small-to-large effect sizes sisted of these nine experts, in addition to all the
from quantitative reviews) results from the recent members of the OMG.
meta-analyses coupled with the lack of up-to-date, The OMG assembled a research and support
rigorously developed EBCPGs on physical post- staff with expertise in meta-analyses, stroke reha-
stroke rehabilitation interventions suggest the bilitation interventions, research methods, or the
need for the development of better quality EBCPGs development and assessment of EBCPGs. The
for these interventions. Furthermore, evidence OMG then established an a priori set of inclusion
suggests that quality of care can be improved criteria for the study designs, subject samples, in-
through the use of EBCPGs.85–89 The purpose of terventions, and outcomes to allow the research
developing these guidelines is to promote the ap- staff to select the most relevant material as evi-
propriate use of various physical rehabilitation in- dence for the effectiveness of various rehabilitation
terventions in the management of stroke survivors. interventions for post-stroke patients. The OMG
These guidelines are aimed at various users, in- also reviewed the inclusion criteria to ensure that
cluding physical therapists, occupational thera- the approach to the study selection was reproduc-
pists, physicians, and patients. This article dis- ible and systematic. This a priori protocol guided
cusses only post-stroke physical interventions separate systematic reviews of the literature for
such as therapeutic exercises, task-oriented train- each intervention. The OMG also made sure that
ing, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, the Ottawa Panel EBCPGs were methodologically

developed at high level of quality, according to by Haynes et al.93 The Cochrane Collaboration
AGREE ( criteria.84 method minimizes bias through a systematic Z -
The research staff reviewed articles and created proach to the literature search, study selection,
draft evidence tables, which the nine clinical experts and data extraction and synthesis. The search was
received in preparation for their consensus meeting organized around the condition and interventions
with the OMG. These tables were used as the basis rather than the outcomes because it was an a priori
for making the Ottawa Panel recommendations. search. Thus, we had no control over the outcomes
that the authors of the primary studies decided to
measure (Appendix 1: Literature Search Results).
Target population The library scientist expanded the search strat-
The target population was adult patients (>18 egy to identify case control, cohort, and non-ran-
years of age) presenting with hemiplegia or hemi- domized studies and conducted the search in the
paresis following a single clinically identifiable is- electronic databases of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cur-
chemic or hemorrhagic CVA. The patients had to rent Contents, the Cumulative Index to Nursing
be medically stable and able to follow simple in- and Allied Health (CINAHL), and the Cochrane
structions and to interpret and respond to feed- Controlled Trials Register up to December 2004.
back signals. The mean duration since stroke onset She also searched the registries of the Cochrane
varied from hyper-acute (the first 12 hours), acute Field of Rehabilitation and Related Therapies, the
(first week following a stroke), subacute (from the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group, the Physio-
first to 6th week), and post-acute (from 6 weeks to therapy Evidence Database (PEDro), and the Uni-
6 months) to chronic (from 6 months) as defined versity of Ottawa EBCPGs Web site. Finally, she
by the Canadian Stroke Network (Appendix 3: searched the reference lists of all of the included
Characteristics of Included Studies).91 trials for relevant studies and contacted content
Patients who had been identified as having mul- experts for additional studies.
tiple CVAs, other neurological problems (e.g., In the first round of study inclusion or exclu-
Parkinson’s, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury), sion, two trained independent reviewers appraised
subarachnoid hemorrhages, or subdural hemato- the titles and abstracts of the literature search,
mas were excluded because of the numerous and using a checklist with the a priori defined selection
varied associated signs and symptoms. Studies that criteria (Table 1). For each pair of reviewers, indi-
included patients with bilateral neurological signs viduals independently read the title and abstract of
were also excluded. Further exclusion criteria in- each article and created a list of all of the articles in
cluded studies whose patients presented with one the database along with a reason for either includ-
of the following conditions: (1) cancer or other ing or excluding each article. If the reviewers were
oncological conditions, (2) cardiac conditions, (3) uncertain about a particular article after having
dermatologic conditions, (4) healthy normal sub- read the abstract, they ordered the article and read
jects, (5) serious cognitive deficits or severe com- it in full before making a determination. Before
munication problems, (6) major medical problems deciding whether to include or exclude the article,
that could interfere with the rehabilitation pfOcess a comparison of their individual lists was per-
or incapacitate functional status, or (7) psychiatric formed. A senior reviewer, a methodologist and a
conditions. Further inclusion and exclusion crite- clinical expert (L.B.), checked the two indepen-
ria are exhibited in Table 1. dent lists of articles and the reasons for inclusion
or exclusion to determine potential inconsisten-
cies. Seven percent of the abstracts needed the
Literature search
consultation of the senior reviewer and an addi-
The library scientist developed a structured lit- tional review of the problematic article. For the
erature search based on the sensitive search strat- second round of the inclusion and exclusion pro-
egy recommended by The Cochrane Collabora- cess, the pairs of reviewers retrieved articles se-
tion92 and modifications to that strategy proposed lected for inclusion from the first round and inde-
Clinical Practice Guidelines 5

pendently assessed the full articles for inclusion or drop-out rate or a sample size of fewer than 5
exclusion in the study. Using predetermined ex- patients per group. Trials published in languages
traction forms, the pairs of reviewers indepen- other than French and English were not analyzed,
dently extracted from included articles data on the because of the additional time and resources re-
population characteristics, details of the interven- quired for translation. Abstracts were excluded if
tions, trial design, allocation concealment, and they contained insufficient data for analysis and
outcomes. The pairs of reviewers assessed the additional information could not be obtained from
methodological quality of the studies using the the authors. For further exclusion criteria, see
Jadad Scale,83,94 a 5-point scale with reported reli- Table 1.
ability and validity that assigns 2 points each for
randomization and double blinding and 1 point Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions
for description of withdrawals. The reviewers re-
solved differences in data extraction and quality Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions were
assessment through consensus with the senior re- identified as therapeutic exercises, task-oriented
viewer. This consensus served to support the reli- training, biofeedback, gait training, balance train-
ability of data obtained with the article selection ing, sensory information, CIMT, treatment of
process. shoulder subluxation, electrical stimulation,
TENS, therapeutic ultrasound, and acupuncture.
Intensity and organization of rehabilitation was
Study inclusion/exclusion criteria
also included as an intervention related to stroke
The inclusion/exclusion criteria were based rehabilitation.
upon previous criteria used by the Philadelphia Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions related
Panel.90 This list of criteria, which had been cre- to therapeutic exercises were identified as aerobic
ated for multiple diagnoses, was adapted and ap- training, resistance training, passive range of mo-
proved by the OMG for use with patients post tion exercises, proprioceptive neuromuscular fa-
stroke (Table 1). cilitation, Bobath technique, kinetron, and the use
All original comparative controlled studies that of the overhead pulley.95 They are defined as fol-
evaluated relevant physical rehabilitation interven- lows. Aerobic training is considered to be activities
tions in stroke patients were included: randomized to increase endurance and cardiovascular func-
controlled trials (RCTs), controlled clinical trials tion. Resistance training was defined as active exer-
(CCTs),* cohort studies, and case-control studies. cise done against a resistance. Passive range of mo-
Crossover studies were included, but to avoid po- tion exercises were defined as physiological
tential confounding carry-over effects the data mobilization done by the therapist without any
from only the first part of the study (before cross- effort from the patient. Proprioceptive neuromuscu-
ing) was analyzed. Studies where patients served lar facilitation was identified as the use of mostly
as their own controls were excluded. No limita- reflex-inhibiting patterns. Bobath technique was de-
tions based on methodological quality were im- fined as a neurodevelopmental technique using
posed a priori with regard to the selection of com- inhibitory posture and movement to inhibit spas-
parative controlled studies; however, the quality of ticity and synergies, while facilitating normal
the studies was considered when grading the rec- movements. Kinetron training was defined as train-
ommendations resulting from our analysis. ing with this resistive lower extremity machine,
Uncontrolled cohort studies (studies with no usually in isokinetic mode.
comparison group) and case series were excluded, Rehabilitation interventions related to task-ori-
as were eligible studies with greater than a 20% ented training were identified as treatments that
involved dividing activities of daily living into
component parts. Individual components of the
*Controlled clinical trials are considered the same as randomized
control trials (RCTs). However, according to the Jadad Scale,94 CCTs are
larger task were then practiced until the patient
either not randomized or have not been appropriately randomized. was able to complete the component adequately.

Component parts were then combined, and the improve gait rhythm and frequency. Functional
overall skill was practiced with repetition. Any lower extremity training was defined as functional
intervention that divided required tasks into indi- tasks such as sitting, standing, climbing stairs,
vidual skills was included.95 We included tasks transfers, and gait with a focus on the recovery of
such as seated reaching tasks, adapted games, and stability and gait performance.
repetitive elbow joint movements. Rehabilitation interventions related to balance
Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions related training were identified as any intervention that
to biofeedback were identified as EMG-BFB, EMG- contributes to the enhancement of equilibrium
biofeedback-relaxation training, rhythmic posi- and balance in post-stroke patients. We included
tional biofeedback, audio and visual feedback, interventions such as base of support training and
video feedback, and force feedback. EMG-BFB was platform training.
defined as an intervention that allows a patient to Rehabilitation interventions related to sensory
monitor his or her muscle activity through elec- interventions were identified as any retraining of
trodes with a visual or audible feedback signal.95 the sensory and visuo-spatial function to correct
Rhythmic positional biofeedback was defined as a posture and perceptual problems after stroke,95
usual biofeedback intervention with auditory or such as passive vestibular stimulation, perceptual
visual stimuli aimed at increasing the rhythm of learning exercises, and rocking chair stimulation.
movement. Audio and visual feedback were identi- Rehabilitation interventions associated with
fied as any cue received by the patient during or CIMT were defined as the restriction of the
after the exercise. Video feedback was considered to nonparetic upper extremity by a sling or hand
be a visual cue from a monitor after the action was splint to encourage the use of the paretic limb.
done. Force feedback was defined as feedback re- Functional exercises were given to the patient to
lated to the moment of force. improve the function of the affected arm.
Rehabilitation interventions associated with gait Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions related
training were identified as treadmill training, to treatment of shoulder subluxation were identified
overground training, body weight support train- as FES, supports methods, strapping, and shoul-
ing, brace-assisted walking, electrogoniometric der positioning. FES was defined as electrical
feedback training, FES, rhythmic auditory facilita- stimulation of a specific muscle or nerve such as
tion training, and functional lower extremity train- supraspinatus or middle deltoid with functional
ing. Treadmill training was defined as ambulation purpose resulting in the reduction of shoulder
on a treadmill adjusted to patient’s comfortable subluxation. Support methods were defined as any
walking speed or highest speed as possible for the use of an external support such as orthosis or sling
patient. Overground training was defined as gait to prevent shoulder subluxation. Strapping methods
training on an even surface with propulsion for- were defined as strapping used to keep the gleno-
ward, backward, and sideways or going up and humeral joint in normal position. Shoulder position-
downstairs. Body weight support training was de- ing was defined as a position induced by the phys-
fined as treadmill training, while an overhead har- iotherapist to protect the structures around the
ness supported a percentage of the body weight. weak hemiplegic shoulder in order to avoid shoul-
Brace-assisted walking was defined as use of der pain and shoulder subluxation.
hemibar and ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) or any Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions related
other type of brace if necessary. Electrogoniometric to electrical stimulation were identified as FES,
feedback training was defined as auditory feedback neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES),
during gait training when patient was compensat- positional feedback stimulation training, EMG-
ing in hyperextension or flexion. FES was defined triggered electrical muscle stimulation, and
as electrical stimulation of a specific muscle or TENS. FES was defined as the electrical stimula-
nerve such as tibialis anterior or peroneal nerve for tion of a specific muscle or nerve such as tibialis
a functional purpose – to improve swing phase or anterior and gastrocnemius for a functional pur-
stance phase during gait. Rhythmic auditory facilita- pose, such as gait training. Neuromuscular electri-
tion training was defined as imposed rhythm to cal stimulation (NMES) was defined as electrical
Clinical Practice Guidelines 7

stimulation of a specific muscle or nerve such as posal of the International Classification of Function-
thumb flexors and extensors to help trigger ner- ing, Disability and Health, which involved the con-
vous fibers and achieve motor recovery. Positional cepts of body function, body structure, activities
feedback stimulation training was defined as audi- and participation, and environmental factors. The
tory and visual feedback during training to a priori outcomes were classified according to two
achieve a target position of the joint. EMG-trig- WHO concepts:
gered electrical muscle stimulation was defined as (1) Body function: pain reduction, muscle
electrical stimulation of a muscle triggered by strength, motor function/motor recovery, ROM,
EMG activity of this muscle. postural status, balance status, gait status, cadence,
TENS was defined as a form of electrical stimula- stride length, sensory status, spasticity/muscle
tion that triggers nervous endings to inhibit the tone, global physician assessment, global patient
message of pain. TENS is identified as being given assessment, and cardiopulmonary function.
at high- and low-intensity levels. (2) Activities and participation: walking
Ultrasound was identified as an electrophysical speed, walking distance, endurance, functional
modality using an ultrasonic wave to treat a spe- status, patient adherence, patient satisfaction,
cific area, usually for pain, and indirectly for ROM. length of stay, discharge disposition, quality of life,
Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions related and return to work.
to acupuncture were identified as any treatment Studies were included if any one of the afore-
using needles to stimulate specific anatomical mentioned outcomes was measured. A positive
point with the hands or with electrical stimulation. recommendation was made only if a specific inter-
Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions related vention was effective for an outcome, as measured
to the intensity and organization of rehabilitation by a validated scale. Psychological outcomes such
were identified as “examining the rate, frequency as depression were excluded (Table 1).
and rigor of any physical rehabilitation interven-
tion or combination of interventions in the treat- Statistical analysis
ment of post-stroke patients.” 95 Interventions such
as stroke unit care, enhanced physical therapy, The data were analyzed using Review Manager
enhanced occupational therapy, enhanced upper Software.97 Continuous data, “data with a poten-
extremity treatment, and intensive outpatient tially infinite number of possible values along a
physiotherapy rehabilitation were included as part continuum,” 98 were analyzed using the weighted
of intensity and organization of post-stroke reha- mean differences (WMDs) between the interven-
bilitation. tion and control groups at the end of the study,
Acceptable comparisons were placebo, no treat- where the weight is the inverse of the variance. A
ment, or use of educational pamphlets. Studies WMD is “a method of meta-analysis used to com-
designed with a comparison of two interventions bine measures on continuous scales (such as
instead of treatment versus control were included weight), where the mean, standard deviation and
as long as both interventions respected the inclu- sample size in each group are known.” 98 Dichoto-
sion criteria. Concurrent therapies (such as medi- mous data or data with only two classifications98
cation) were accepted only if they were provided were analyzed using relative risks. According to
to both the experimental and control groups. Cochrane, the relative risk is “the ratio of risk in
Study selection was not restricted by the cost, the intervention group to the risk in the control
complexity, or general availability of equipment group. The risk (proportion, probability, or rate) is
and resources required to carry out the interven- the ratio of people with an event in a group to the
tions under investigation. total in the group.” 98
Heterogeneity (i.e., variability or difference in
estimated effects between studies) was tested using
the chi-square statistic. We tested data heterogene-
The outcomes were selected and based upon the ity across the results of different included studies.
World Health Organization’s96 (WHO’s) new pro- When heterogeneity was not significant, fixed-ef-

fect models were used. A fixed-effect model is a statisti- measured as a change from baseline, where the
cal model that stipulates that the units under analysis scale of measurement was known but baseline
(e.g., participants in a meta-analysis study) are the values were absent. The third case encountered
ones of interest and thus constitute the entire popula- was also where the outcome was measured as a
tion of units. Fixed-effect models were used to gener- change from baseline but both the baseline values
alize data across the included studies. Random-ef- and the measurement scales were either not avail-
fects models include both within-study sampling able or were nonexistent (e.g., no measurement
error (variance) and between-study variation in the scales exist for strength). Finally, in the fourth
assessment of the uncertainty (confidence interval) of case, where the baseline mean was given as 0, a
meta-analysis results. Such random-effects models sum of 1 was added to all the values in the formula
were used when heterogeneity was significant. All of clinical relevance, based upon the following
figures were created using Cochrane Collaboration assumption: the mean of scale + 1 = mean of
methodology ( The square in original scale + 1 and SD of scale + 1= SD of
TE-Figure 1A. illustrates the WMD between the two original scale. The new formulas used to calculate
groups, when they are compared for a specific out- the relative difference in change from baseline for
come of interest. The horizontal line represents the each of the four aforementioned scenarios are
standard deviation of the WMD. If the standard de- given in Appendix 2.
viation line touches the central vertical line of the The recommendations were graded by their level
graph, the confidence interval contains a zero and the (I for RCTs, II for nonrandomized studies) and
difference between the two groups is not statistically strength (A, B, C+, C, or D) of evidence. Evidence
significant. For example, in TE-Figure 1A that illus- from one or more RCTs of a statistically significant,
trates the comparison between aerobic training and a clinically important benefit (>15%) was necessary
control group where gait speed at end of treatment is for a grade A recommendation. A grade B recom-
the outcome measure, the gait speed of the group mendation was given for a statistically significant,
receiving the aerobic training is not statistically differ- clinically important benefit (>15%), if the evidence
ent from that of the control. Based on previous Phila- was from observational studies or CCTs. Evidence
delphia and Ottawa Panels’ consensus,80–82 clinical of clinical importance (>15%) but not statistical
improvement for all interventions studied by the significance earned a grade C+ recommendation. A
Ottawa Panel was defined as 15% improvement, grade C recommendation was given to those inter-
relative to a control. ventions where an appropriate outcome was mea-
To determine clinical improvement, the abso- sured in a study that met the inclusion criteria, but
lute benefit and relative difference in the change no clinically important difference and no statistical
from baseline were calculated. Absolute benefit was significance were shown. Evidence from one or
calculated as the improvement in the treatment more RCTs of a statistically significant benefit fa-
group minus the improvement in the control voring the control group (<0%: favors controls)
group, maintaining the original units of measure- resulted in a grade D recommendation. A grade of
ment. The relative difference (RD) was calculated as D+ was given for evidence of clinical importance
the absolute benefit divided by the baseline mean (≤ −15% for controls) without statistical signifi-
(weighted for the intervention and control cance. Evidence from one or more RCTs of a clini-
groups). For dichotomous data, the relative per- cally important benefit (≤ −15% for controls) that
centage of improvement was calculated as the differ- was statistically significant, where the number of
ence in the percentage of improvement between participants in the study is equal to or higher than
the intervention and control groups.80 100, was necessary for a grade D– recommenda-
However, during this meta-analysis, four special tion (Table 2). If two or more studies had different
cases of calculation appeared where new formulas grades for the same outcome for the same time
were needed to calculate the RD in the change period, the stronger grade was kept.
from baseline. The first case occurred when the Scales demonstrated to be valid and sensitive to
baseline values were not available for an outcome. change were required to support a positive recom-
The second scenario involved an outcome that was mendation (A or B). Outcomes not supported in
Clinical Practice Guidelines 9

the scientific literature by an existing validation ticles on gait training for post-stroke rehabilitation
study but that provided useful information in the were initially identified. By the end of December
studies were insufficient to warrant a grade A or B 2004, 50 of these were considered potentially rel-
recommendation. evant based upon the selection criteria. Nineteen
of these articles relating to gait training met the
selection criteria and were included (Appendix
Reviewing the guidelines
3D). The other 23 trials were excluded from the
The guidelines were sent to the external experts final selection for various reasons (Gait-Table 73).
for review. To judge the clinical usefulness of the For balance training, 16 articles were considered
guidelines, the positive recommendations were also after the last search. From these, 11 met the inclu-
sent to practitioners for feedback. Practitioners were sion criteria and were kept (Appendix 3E) and 4
asked four questions for each guideline: whether the were excluded (BT-Table 96). From the 23 poten-
recommendation was clear, whether the practitio- tially relevant articles concerning sensory interven-
ners agreed with the recommendation, whether tions at the end of 2004, 9 were included (Appen-
they felt that the literature search on the different dix 3F) and 14 were excluded (SI-Table 107).
intervention of rehabilitation was relevant and com- CIMT included 5 articles (Appendix 3G), while
plete, and whether the results of the trials in the 13 trials were excluded (CIMT-Table 117) from
guidelines were interpreted according to the practi- the various updated searches leading up to Decem-
tioners’ understanding of the data. Their questions ber 2004 (N = 17 potential articles). Twenty-two
and comments were carefully addressed to improve trials were considered relevant in the treatment of
the clarity of the final guidelines. shoulder subluxation. Eight were included (Appen-
dix 3H) and the other 13 were excluded for vari-
ous reasons (SH-Table 123).
Results of literature search
The initial search found 368 studies for electro-
The initial literature search in 2002 identified therapy. From the last search of 2004, 75 trials were
1,533 potential articles on post-stroke rehabilita- considered potentially relevant. Thirty studies were
tion interventions. From these, 148 articles on included and 45 were excluded for different rea-
therapeutic exercises for post-stroke rehabilitation sons. Electrotherapy was then separated into more
were initially identified. After many updated litera- specific interventions: electrical stimulation, TENS,
ture searches that ended in December 2004, 151 therapeutic ultrasound, and, finally, acupuncture.
articles were considered potentially relevant and, In electrical stimulation, 41 articles were considered
of these, 71 articles met the selection criteria and potentially relevant. Eleven of them ended up being
were included. From the selected articles, we cre- included (Appendix 3I) and 26 were excluded (ES-
ated the following five subcategories of therapeutic Table 135). TENS had 11 potentially relevant trials.
exercise: therapeutic exercises, task-oriented train- Six finally met the inclusion criteria and were in-
ing, CIMT, balance training, and sensory interven- cluded (Appendix 3J) and six were excluded
tion. In the end, 56 trials were considered for (TENS-Table 148). Four articles were considered
therapeutic exercises. From these, 29 trials met the potentially relevant for therapeutic ultrasound. How-
inclusion criteria and were then included (Appen- ever, only one of these was included (Appendix
dix 3A) and 27 trials were excluded for different 3K) and the remaining three were excluded (US-
reasons (TE-Table 3). In task-oriented training, 39 Table 157). Acupuncture was found to have 19
articles were considered as potentially relevant. potential articles. Seven were included (Appendix
From these, 17 were included (Appendix 3B) and 3L) and 11 were excluded (AC-Table 160). Inten-
22 were excluded (TOT-Table 37). Initially, 131 sity and organization of rehabilitation initially had 272
articles were identified for biofeedback. After the potential articles. By the end of 2004, 156 were
last search in December 2004, 66 were considered considered as potentially relevant. Fifty-six were
potentially relevant. From these, 19 were included finally included with respect to the inclusion criteria
(Appendix 3C) and 45 were excluded for different (Appendix 3M) and 102 were excluded for differ-
reasons (BFB-Table 57). Also, 433 potential ar- ent reasons (IR-Table 167).


Clinical practice guidelines for therapeutic exercises

Aerobic training versus control, level I (RCT): without statistical significance). Patients with post-
Grade A for cardiopulmonary function (expira- acute stroke.
tion per minute [VE]), muscle power, and func- PNF versus Bobath approach training, level I
tional status (walking) at end of treatment, 10 (RCT): Grade C for mobility at end of treatment,
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated); 2, 4, and 6 weeks, ROM of the wrist and ankle at
grade C+ for gait speed at end of treatment, 10 end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demon-
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated strated). Patients with subacute stroke.
without statistical significance); grade C for car- Bobath approach versus standard customary
diopulmonary function (maximal heart rate, VO2 muscle training, level I (RCT): Grade C+ motor
max, VCO2 max) and motor function at end of function (Sodring Motor Evaluation Scale
treatment, 10 weeks, and for functional status [SMES]: upper extremity) at follow-up, 4 years,
(Frenchay Activities Index [FAI]: global, social quality of life (Nottingham Health Profile [NHP]–
outings, walking outside) at end of treatment, 6 global) at follow-up, 1 year and 4 years, and
months (no benefit demonstrated); grade D for quality of life (NHP–loss of energy) at end of
functional status (FAI: light housework activities) treatment, 3 months (clinically important benefit
at end of treatment, 6 months (no benefit demon- demonstrated without statistical significance);
strated but favoring control). Patients with sub- grade C for mobility at end of treatment, 2, 4,
acute and chronic stroke. and 6 weeks, motor function (SMES: lower ex-
Aerobic individualized program training ver- tremity and trunk, balance, and gait, and Motor
sus control, level I (RCT): Grade A for physical Assessment Scale) at end of treatment, 3 months,
fitness (highest test stage completed of the stress and follow-up, 1 year and 4 years, motor function
test and maximal workload) and mobility (stair (SMES: upper extremity) at end of treatment, 3
climbing) at end of treatment, 8 weeks (clinically months, and follow-up, 1 year, functional status
important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 4 years (no benefit
mobility (walking distance) at end of treatment, 8 demonstrated); grade D for ROM of the wrist and
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated ankle at end of treatment, 6 weeks, functional
without statistical significance); grade C for car- status (Barthel Index) at end of treatment, 3
diovascular function (maximal heart rate, decrease months, and follow-up, 1 year, (no benefit dem-
of resting heart rate and decrease of resting systolic onstrated but favoring control); grade D+ for
and diastolic blood pressure), gait speed, and pain relief (NHP–pain) at end of treatment, 3
functional status at end of treatment, 8 weeks (no months (clinically important benefit favoring
benefit demonstrated). Patients with subacute control demonstrated without statistical signifi-
stroke. cance). Patients with acute and subacute stroke.
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation Bobath approach training versus control,
(PNF) for upper extremity versus standard cus- level I (RCT): Grade C+ for balance standing at
tomary muscle training, level I (RCT): Grade C follow-up, 2 and 12 weeks (clinically important
for functional status and upper extremity muscle benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
strength at end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit cance); grade C for balance sitting at end of treat-
demonstrated); grade D for mobility at end of ment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D
treatment, 2, 4, and 6 weeks, ROM of the wrist at for balance sitting at follow-up, 2 weeks, and bal-
end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demon- ance standing at end of treatment, 4 weeks (no
strated but favoring control); grade D+ for ROM of benefit demonstrated but favoring control); grade
the ankle at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically D+ for balance sitting at follow-up, 12 weeks
important benefit favoring control demonstrated (clinically important benefit favoring control dem-
Clinical Practice Guidelines 11

onstrated without statistical significance). Patients (Functional Test of the Hemiparetic Upper Ex-
with subacute stroke. tremity [FTHUE]) at end of treatment, 4 weeks,
Progressive resistance training versus active and follow-up, 6.5 to 8 months, isometric torque
training for the lower extremity, level I (RCT): at end of treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demon-
Grade A for functional status at end of treatment, strated). Patients with subacute stroke.
1 month (clinically important benefit demon- Strength training versus control, level I (RCT):
strated). Patients with post-acute stroke. Grade A for upper extremity isometric torque at
Active training for the lower extremity versus end of treatment, 4 weeks (clinically important
control (no exercise), level I (RCT): Grade D for benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for motor func-
functional status at end of treatment, 1 month (no tion upper extremity and functional status
benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa- (FTHUE) at end of treatment, 4 weeks, palmar
tients with post-acute stroke. pinch at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up,
Progressive resistance training for the lower 6.5 to 8 months, grip strength and lateral pinch at
extremity versus control, level I (RCT): Grade follow-up, 6.5 to 8 months (clinically important
C+ for functional status at end of treatment, 1 benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
month (clinically important benefit demonstrated cance); grade C for sensory function upper ex-
without statistical significance). Patients with post- tremity at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-
acute stroke. up, 6.5 to 8 months, functional status (FIM
Progressive resistance versus no resistance mobility), pain relief, and grip strength at end of
training, level I (RCT): Grade C for motor recov- treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated);
ery at end of treatment, 4 weeks and 8 weeks, and grade D+ for lateral pinch at end of treatment, 4
follow-up, 6 months (no benefit demonstrated); weeks, functional status (FIM self-care and FIM
grade D for gait endurance at end of treatment, 4 mobility), upper extremity isometric torque at fol-
weeks and 8 weeks, and follow-up, 6 months (no low-up, 6.5 to 8 months (clinically important ben-
benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa- efit favoring control demonstrated without statisti-
tients with subacute stroke. cal significance); grade D for ROM upper
Functional task training for upper extremity extremity at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-
versus strength training, level I (RCT): Grade C+ up, 6.5 to 8 months, functional status (FIM self-
favoring functional task training for functional sta- care) at end of treatment, 4 weeks, pain relief,
tus (FIM* self-care and FIM mobility), isometric motor function upper extremity, functional status
torque, grip strength, and palmar pinch at follow- (FTHUE) at follow-up, 6.5 to 8 months (no benefit
up, 6.5 to 8 months, and lateral pinch at end of demonstrated but favoring control). Patients with
treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 6.5 to 8 subacute stroke.
months, and grade C+ favoring strength training Aerobic and strength versus aerobic training,
for grip strength and palmar pinch at end of treat- level I (RCT): Grade A for cardiopulmonary func-
ment, 4 weeks (clinically important benefit dem- tion and peak torque for shoulder flexors at end of
onstrated without statistical significance); grade C treatment, 16 weeks (clinically important benefit
functional status (FIM self-care and FIM mobility) demonstrated); grade C+ for peak torque for knee
at end of treatment, 4 weeks, ROM upper extrem- flexors at end of treatment, 16 weeks (clinically
ity, pain relief, sensory function upper extremity, important benefit demonstrated without statistical
motor function upper extremity, functional status significance); grade C for peak torque for shoulder
extensors and peak torque for knee extensors at
*FIM is a trademark of Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilita-
end of treatment, 16 weeks (no benefit demon-
tion, a division of UB Foundation Activities, Inc. strated). Patients with chronic stroke.

Kinetron training for lower extremity versus Resisted extension versus resisted grasp
control (no Kinetron), level I (RCT): Grade D for training for the hand, level I (RCT): Grade A for
mobility at end of treatment, 5 weeks (no benefit motor function (change in tapping) at end of treat-
demonstrated but favoring control). Patients with ment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit dem-
post-acute stroke. onstrated); grade C+ for ROM at end of treatment,
Home-based exercise training versus control, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit demon-
level I (RCT): Grade A for change in gait speed, gait strated without statistical significance); grade C
endurance, torque (change in knee isometric exten- for motor function (change in grasp/release) at end
sors), endurance, and cardiopulmonary function at of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit demonstrated).
end of treatment, 12 weeks; grade C+ for motor Patients with subacute and post-acute stroke.
function (change in Fugl-Meyer lower extremity), Resisted extension training for the hand ver-
change in gait speed, gait endurance, and functional sus control, level I (RCT): Grade A for motor
status (physical function index), strength (change in function (change in tapping) and ROM at end of
grip strength) at end of treatment, 12 weeks (clini- treatment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit
cally important benefit demonstrated without statis- demonstrated); grade D for motor function
tical significance); grade C for motor function (change in grasp/release) at end of treatment, 2
(change in Fugl-Meyer upper extremity and lower weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favoring con-
extremity), balance (Berg balance and change in trol). Patients with subacute and post-acute stroke.
Berg balance), functional status (Instrumental ADL Ballistic extension versus resisted grasp
and Barthel ADL Index), at end of treatment, 12 training for the hand, level I (RCT): Grade A for
weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ for motor function (change in tapping) at end of treat-
balance (functional reach) at end of treatment, 12 ment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit dem-
weeks (clinically important benefit favoring control onstrated); grade C+ for ROM at end of treatment,
demonstrated without statistical significance); 2 weeks (clinically important benefit demon-
grade D for torque (change in ankle isometric strated without statistical significance); grade C
dorsiflexors) (no benefit demonstrated but favoring for motor function (change in grasp/release) and
control). Patients with post-acute stroke. ROM at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit
Skateboard versus overhead pulley training demonstrated). Patients with subacute and post-
for the shoulder, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for pain acute stroke.
relief at end of treatment, 8–10 weeks (clinically Ballistic extension training for the hand ver-
important benefit demonstrated without statistical sus control, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for motor
significance). Patients with subacute stroke. function (change in tapping) at end of treatment, 2
Overhead pulley versus control (passive ROM weeks (clinically important benefit without statis-
training for shoulder), level I (RCT): Grade D for tical significance); grade C for ROM at end of
pain relief at end of treatment, 8–10 weeks (no treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit demonstrated);
benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa- grade D for motor function (change in grasp/re-
tients with subacute stroke. lease) at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit
Passive ROM training for shoulder versus demonstrated but favoring control). Patients with
skateboard, level I (RCT): Grade C for pain relief subacute and post-acute stroke.
at end of treatment, 8–10 weeks (no benefit dem- Resisted grasp training for the hand versus
onstrated). Patients with subacute stroke. control, level I (RCT), Grade C+ for ROM at end of
Resisted extension versus ballistic extension treatment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit
training for the hand, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for demonstrated); grade C for motor function (change
ROM at end of treatment, 2 weeks (clinically im- in tapping) at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit
portant benefit demonstrated without statistical demonstrated); grade D for motor function (change
significance); grade C motor function at end of in grasp/release) at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no
treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa- benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Patients
tients with subacute and post-acute stroke. with subacute and post-acute stroke.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 13

Robot-aided training versus no robot-aided 2 months, and follow-up, 6 months, motor func-
training, level I (RCT) and level II (CCT): Grade A tion (change in Fugl-Meyer hand and wrist) at end
for motor power for shoulder and elbow at end of of treatment, 1 month, 2 months, and follow-up, 6
treatment, 5 weeks, change in motor power upper months, (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with
extremity at end of treatment, 6 weeks, motor chronic stroke.
function (Fugl-Meyer for shoulder, elbow, and co- Robot-aided progressive resistance training
ordination and Motor Status Score [MSS] for versus robot-aided active-assisted training, level
shoulder and elbow) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, I (RCT): Grade C for decrease of spasticity, motor
motor function (MSS for wrist and hand) at end of function, and strength at end of treatment, 6 weeks
treatment, 5 weeks, and motor function (change in (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with chronic
MSS for shoulder and elbow) at end of treatment, 6 stroke.
weeks, and follow-up, 3 years, motor function Progressive-resistive robotic training versus
(MSS for wrist and hand) at end of treatment, 5 sensorimotor training, level I (RCT): Grade C+
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated); for decrease of spasticity at end of treatment, 6
grade B for motor function (MSS for upper ex- weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated
tremity) at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically without statistical significance); grade C for motor
important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for function (Fugl-Meyer upper extremity and MSS
change in motor power for shoulder and elbow at for shoulder and elbow and wrist and hand), and
follow-up, 3 years, motor function (Fugl-Meyer motor power for shoulder and elbow at end of
scale for upper extremity), motor power for upper treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa-
extremity at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically tients with chronic stroke.
important benefit demonstrated without statistical Music-making training versus control, level I
significance); grade C for motor function (change (RCT): Grade C+ for ROM (elbow extension) at
in Fugl-Meyer for shoulder, elbow, and coordina- end of treatment, 10 weeks (clinically important
tion) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, functional sta- benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
tus (FIM for upper extremity) at end of treatment, cance); grade C for ROM (shoulder flexion) at end
5 weeks and 6 weeks, motor function (change in of treatment, 10 weeks (no benefit demonstrated).
Fugl-Meyer for wrist and hand and change in MSS Patients with post-acute stroke.
for wrist and hand) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, Water-based training versus control, level I
and follow-up, 3 years (no benefit demonstrated); (RCT): Grade A for hip and knee extensors
grade D for motor function (change in Fugl-Meyer strength (affected side) at end of treatment, 8
for shoulder, elbow, and coordination) at follow- weeks (clinically important benefit demon-
up, 3 years (no benefit demonstrated but favoring strated); grade C+ for cardiopulmonary function
control). Patients with subacute-chronic stroke. (VO2 max) at end of treatment, 8 weeks, muscle
Robot-assisted versus neurodevelopmental power at end of treatment, 8 weeks, and gait
(NDT) training, level I (RCT): Grade A for speed at end of treatment, 8 weeks (clinically
strength (change in elbow extensors, shoulder in- important benefit demonstrated without statisti-
ternal rotators, abductors, adductors, and flexors cal significance); grade C for hip and knee exten-
strength [%]) and functional reach (change in for- sors strength (unaffected side) at end of treat-
ward medial, forward, forward lateral, and lateral ment, 8 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade
reach extent) at end of treatment, 2 months; grade D for balance at end of treatment, 8 weeks (no
C+ for strength (change in shoulder external rota- benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa-
tors and extensors strength [%]) at end of treat- tients with chronic stroke.
ment, 2 months (clinically important benefit dem- Agility exercise versus stretching/weight-
onstrated); grade C for functional status (change shifting exercise, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for step
in Barthel Index and change in FIM) at follow-up, reaction time at follow-up, 1 month (clinically
6 months, motor function (change in Fugl-Meyer important benefit demonstrated without statistical
shoulder and elbow) at end of treatment, 1 month, significance); grade C for balance, mobility, bal-

ance confidence, and quality of life at end of treat- of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demonstrated);
ment, 10 weeks, and follow-up, 1 month, step reac- grade D for level-walking and stair-walking (no
tion time at end of treatment, 10 weeks (no benefit benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa-
demonstrated). Patients with chronic stroke. tients with chronic stroke.
Maximal isokinetic strengthening versus con- Mental imagery versus standard functional
trol, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for change in training, level I (RCT): Grade A for level of inde-
strength at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically pendence in performing tasks at end of treatment,
important benefit demonstrated without statistical 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks (clinically important
significance); grade C for quality of life and at end benefit demonstrated). Patients with acute stroke.

Summary of trials length of each exercise session ranged from 20

minutes to 2 hours per day, and the treatment
Twenty-eight RCTs and one CCT were included
programs’ durations ranged from 2 sessions per
that evaluated the efficacy of different kinds of
week to daily for 2 weeks to 6 months or until
therapeutic exercises in comparison to either an-
discharge. In Duncan et al.’s study,103 patients
other type of exercise therapy or to a placebo (N =
were instructed to continue exercising indepen-
1,318). 99–127 Seven subcategories of exercise
dently for an additional 4 weeks, while in
therapies were administered: 1) aerobic exercises:
Langhammer’s studies, patients continued treat-
cycle ergometer for the lower extremities (n =
ment as outpatients112,113 (TE-Appendix 3A).
185) 100,109,110,121,123 and for the upper body (n =
In total, 31 studies were excluded for the follow-
40),100 as well as water-based aerobic training (n =
ing reasons: there was no control group in 10 of the
12)101; 2) therapies based on theories in neurol-
studies,128–137 healthy subjects were used in three
ogy: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
studies,138–140 two studies had insufficient statistical
(PNF; n = 173),102,115 the Bobath approach (n =
data,141,142 two studies were not specific to stroke
40),119 and approaches based on neurophysi-
patients,143,144 and another study lacked an interven-
ological and developmental theories (n =
tion.145 The remaining studies were excluded for
47)106,116; 3) exercises for the lower extremity:
various other reasons146–158 (TE-Table 3).
progressive resistance exercises (n = 230),107,110,118
active exercises (also for the trunk; n = 77),107 and
passive ROM (n = 20)110; 4) exercises for the Efficacy
upper extremity: gross and fine movement exer-
cises and muscle strengthening (n = 92), 101,120,127 Aerobic training for patients in the subacute
robot-aided therapy with goal-directed move- and chronic phases of stroke recovery versus a
ments (n = 97),99,105,116,122,125,126 active exercises control group (3 RCTs, n = 145)108,121,123 resulted in
with a skateboard and overhead pulley and pas- clinically important benefits for cardiopulmonary
sive ROM exercises for the shoulder (n = 28),111 function (expiration per minute [VE]), muscle
resisted extension of fingers, ballistic extension power according to the maximal workload, and
and resisted grasp for the hand (n = 20)121; 5) functional status (walking measured through the
balance exercises (n = 88)117,119; 6) functional Adjusted Activity Score [AAS]) at the end of 10
training (n = 106)114,127; 7) mixture of exercise weeks of treatment (18%, 35%, and 41% RD,
therapies: ROM and flexibility exercises for the respectively). These outcomes were also statisti-
upper and lower extremities and trunk, strength- cally significant (TE-Figure 1A, Table 4A). Clini-
ening resistive exercises using PNF patterns for cally important benefits were demonstrated with-
upper and lower extremities or theraband exer- out statistical significance for gait speed at the end
cises, balance training, upper extremity func- of 10 weeks of treatment (33% RD; TE-Figure 1A,
tional use, and progressive walking program/ex- Table 4A). No benefit was demonstrated for car-
ercise on a bicycle ergometer (n = 112).103,104 The diopulmonary function as measured (maximal
Clinical Practice Guidelines 15

heart rate, VO2 max, VCO2 max) and motor func- benefits were found for mobility (number of pa-
tion (Fugl-Meyer index) at the end of 10 weeks of tients independent in walking) at the end of 2, 4,
treatment (TE-Figure 1A, Table 4A) and for func- and 6 weeks of treatment and ROM of the wrist
tional status (FAI total, social outings, walking and ankle the at end of 6 weeks of treatment (TE-
outside) at 6 months (TE-Figure 1B, Table 4B). Figure 4, Table 7). No other outcomes were
Results favored the control group for functional measured.
status during light housework activities at the end For the Bobath approach versus standard cus-
of 6 months of treatment (TE-Figure 1B, Table tomary muscle training in acute and subacute
4C). No other outcomes were measured. stroke patients (three RCTs, n = 212),102,112,113 clini-
For individualized aerobic program training cally important benefits without statistical signifi-
versus control in patients during the subacute cance were found for motor function (SMES upper
phase of stroke (one RCT, n = 90),109 statistically extremity) at the 4-year follow-up (16% RD), qual-
significant and clinically important benefits were ity of life (NHP–global) at the 1-year and 4-year
found for physical fitness (highest test stage com- follow-ups (26% and 22% RD, respectively), and
pleted of the stress test and maximal workload) quality of life (NHP– loss of energy) at the end of 3
and mobility (stair climbing) at the end of 8 weeks months of treatment (23% RD; TE-Figure 5,
of treatment (33%, 36%, and 130% RD, respec- Table 8). No benefits were demonstrated for mo-
tively; TE-Figure 2, Table 5). Clinically important bility (number of patients independent in walking)
benefits without statistical significance were dem- at the end of 2, 4, and 6 weeks of treatments,
onstrated for mobility (walking distance) at the motor function (SMES lower extremity and trunk,
end of 8 weeks of treatment (28% RD; TE-Figure balance and gait, and Motor Assessment Scale) at
2, Table 5). No benefit was demonstrated for the end of 3 months of treatment and at the 1- and
cardiovascular function (maximal heart rate, de- 4-year follow-up, motor function (SMES upper
crease of resting heart rate, decrease of resting extremity) at the end of 3 months of treatment and
systolic and diastolic blood pressure), gait speed, at the 1-year follow-up, and functional status
and functional status (FIM; TE-Figure 2, Table 5) (Barthel Index) at 4 years follow-up (TE-Figure 5,
at the end of 8 weeks of treatment. No other Table 8). There was no benefit demonstrated, but
outcomes were measured. results favored the control therapy for ROM of the
For PNF versus standard customary muscle wrist and ankle at the end of 6 weeks of treatment
training of the upper extremity in post-acute and functional status (Barthel Index) at the end of
stroke patients (two RCTs, n = 173),102,115 no 3 months of treatment and at the 1-year follow-up
benefit was found for functional status (Barthel (TE-Figure 5, Table 8). A clinically important ben-
Index) and upper extremity muscle strength efit was found without statistical significance favor-
(manual muscle test) at the end of 6 weeks of ing the control therapy for pain relief (NHP–pain) at
treatment (TE-Figure 3, Table 6A). Results fa- the end of 3 months of treatment (TE-Figure 5,
vored the control group for mobility number Table 8). No other outcomes were measured.
(number of patients independent in walking) at For Bobath approach training in subacute
the end of 2, 4, and 6 weeks of treatment (TE- stroke patients versus control (one RCT, n =
Figure 3, Table 6B) and for ROM of the wrist 40),119 a clinically important benefit without statis-
number (number of patients with limited ROM) at tical significance was found for standing balance at
the end of 6 weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 3, the 2 and 12 week follow-up (22%–35% RD). No
Table 6B). A clinically important benefit without benefit was demonstrated for sitting balance at end
statistical significance was found that favored con- of 4 weeks of treatment. Results favored the con-
trol for ROM of the ankle (number of patients with trol group for sitting balance at the 2-week follow-
limited ROM; TE-Figure 3, Table 6B). No other up and standing balance at the end of 4 weeks of
outcomes were measured. treatment. A clinically important benefit without
For PNF versus the Bobath approach in sub- statistical significance that favored control was
acute stroke patients (one RCT, n = 131), 102 no demonstrated for sitting balance at the 12-week

follow-up (TE-Figure 6, Table 9). No other out- isometric torque (62% RD), grip strength (317%
comes were measured. RD), and palmar pinch (119% RD) at the 6.5- to 8-
For progressive resistance training versus ac- month follow-up and lateral pinch at the end of 4
tive training of the lower extremity in post- weeks of treatment at the 9-month follow-up (39%
acute stroke patients (one RCT, n = 77),107 a and 47% RD, respectively) (TE-Figure 11, Table
clinically important benefit with statistical signifi- 14). A clinically important benefit without statisti-
cance was found for functional status (number of cal significance was demonstrated favoring
patients improved in more than two activities of strength training for grip strength (30% RD) and
daily living [ADL] items; 34% RD) at end of treat- palmar pinch (19% RD) at the end of 4 weeks of
ment, 1 month (TE-Figure 7, Table 10). No other treatment (TE-Figure 11, Table 14). No benefit
outcomes were measured. was demonstrated for upper extremity ROM, pain
For active training of the lower extremity in relief, upper extremity sensory and motor func-
post-acute stroke patients versus control (no tion, and functional status (FTHUE) at the end of 4
exercise) (one RCT, n = 77), 107 no benefit was weeks of treatment and at the 6.5- to 8-month
demonstrated, but results favored control for func- follow-up and isometric torque at the end of 4
tional status (number of patients improved in weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 11, Table 14). No
more than two ADL items) without statistical sig- other outcomes were measured.
nificance at end of 1 month of treatment (TE- For strength training in subacute stroke pa-
Figure 8, Table 11). No other outcomes were tients versus control (one RCT, n = 60),127 clini-
measured. cally important benefits were found with statisti-
For progressive resistance training of the cal significance for upper extremity isometric
lower extremity in post-acute stroke patients torque (34% RD; TE-Figure 12, Table 15) at the
versus control (one RCT, n = 77),107 clinically end of 4 weeks of treatment. A clinically impor-
important benefits without statistical significance tant benefit was demonstrated without statistical
were found for functional status (number of pa- significance for motor function of the upper ex-
tients improved in more than two ADL items) at tremity (42% RD) and functional status, mea-
the end of 1 month of treatment (26% RD; TE- sured by the FTHUE (17% RD) at the end of 4
Figure 9, Table 12). No other outcomes were weeks of treatment, palmar pinch at the end of 4
measured. weeks of treatment and at the 6.5- to 8-month
For progressive resistance in subacute stroke follow-up (49%–54% RD), and grip strength
patients versus no resistance training (one RCT, (36% RD) and lateral pinch (30% RD) at the 6.5-
n = 133),118 no benefit was shown for motor recov- to 8-month follow-up (TE-Figure 12, Table 15).
ery (Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment No benefit was demonstrated for sensory func-
[CMSA]: walking and gross motor function index tion of the upper extremity at the end of 4 weeks
section) at the end 4 weeks and 8 weeks of treat- of treatment and at the 6.5- to 8-month follow-
ment and at the 6-month follow-up. No benefit up, functional status (FIM mobility), and pain
was demonstrated, but results favored control for relief and grip strength at the end of 4 weeks of
gait endurance (2-minute walking test) at the end treatment (TE-Figure 12, Table 15). Clinically
of 4 and 8 weeks of treatment and at the 6-month important benefits favoring control without sta-
follow-up (TE-Figure 10, Table 13). No other tistical significance were demonstrated for lateral
outcomes were measured. pinch at the end of 4 weeks of treatment, func-
For functional task training of the upper ex- tional status (FIM self-care and FIM mobility),
tremity versus strength training in subacute and upper extremity isometric torque at the 6.5-
stroke patients (one RCT, n = 60),127 clinically to 8-month follow-up (TE-Figure 12, Table 15).
important benefits without statistical significance The results favored control for upper extremity
were shown favoring functional task training for ROM at the end of 4 weeks of treatment and at
functional status (FIM self-care and FIM mobility; the 6.5- to 8-month follow-up and functional
24% and 17% RD, respectively), upper extremity status (FTHUE) at the 6.5- to 8-month follow-up
Clinical Practice Guidelines 17

(TE-Figure 12, Table 15). No other outcomes strumental ADL and Barthel ADL Index) at the end
were measured. of 12 weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 15, Table
For combined aerobic and strength versus 18). A clinically important benefit without statisti-
aerobic training alone in chronic stroke patients cal significance was shown favoring control for
(one RCT, n = 40),100 clinically important benefits balance (functional reach) at the end of 12 weeks
with statistical significance were shown for car- of treatment (TE-Figure 15, Table 18). No benefit
diopulmonary function (VO2 max; 18% RD) and was demonstrated, but results favored control for
peak torque of shoulder flexors (47% RD) at the torque (change in ankle isometric dorsiflexors) at
end of 16 weeks of treatment. A clinically impor- the end of 12 weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 15,
tant benefit was demonstrated without statistical Table 18). No other outcomes were measured.
significance for peak torque of knee flexors (16% For skateboard use versus overhead pulley
RD) at the end of 16 weeks of treatment. No training of the affected shoulder in subacute
benefit was demonstrated for peak torque of stroke patients (one RCT, n = 28),111 a clinically
shoulder extensors and peak torque of knee exten- important benefit without statistical significance
sors at the end of 16 weeks of treatment (TE- was found for pain relief (number of patients with-
Figure 13, Table 16). No other outcomes were out shoulder pain) at the end of 8–10 weeks of
measured. treatment (50% RD; TE-Figure 16, Table 19). No
For Kinetron training of the lower extremity other outcomes were measured.
in stroke patients during the post-acute phase Comparing the use of an overhead pulley
of recovery versus control (no Kinetron; one versus control (passive ROM training for shoul-
RCT, n = 20),106 no benefit was found, but results der) for subacute stroke patients (one RCT, n =
favored control for mobility (Functional 28),111 no benefit was found but results favored
Ambulation Profile [FAP] test) at the end of 5 control for pain relief (number of patients without
weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 14, Table 17). No pain) at the end of 8–10 weeks of treatment (TE-
other outcomes were measured. Figure 17, Table 20). No other outcomes were
For home-based exercise training in post- measured.
acute stroke patients versus control (two RCTs, For passive ROM training of the affected
n = 112),103,104 clinically important benefits with shoulder versus skateboard use in subacute
statistical significance were shown for change in stroke patients (one RCT, n = 28),111 no benefit was
gait speed (48% RD), gait endurance (change in 6- shown for pain relief (number of patients without
minute walk test, feet; 59% RD), torque (change in pain) at the end of 8–10 weeks of treatment (TE-
knee isometric extensors; 61% RD), endurance Figure 18, Table 21). No other outcomes were
(change in duration of bicycle exercises; 164% measured.
RD), and cardiopulmonary function (change in For resisted extension versus ballistic exten-
peak VO2; 185% RD) at the end of 12 weeks of sion training of the hand in subacute and post-
treatment (TE-Figure 15, Table 18). A clinically acute stroke patients (one RCT, n = 20),121 a clini-
important benefit was demonstrated without sta- cally important benefit without statistical
tistical significance for motor function (change in significance was found for ROM change in finger
Fugl-Meyer lower extremity; 16.7% RD), change ROM at the end of 2 weeks of treatment (42% RD).
in gait speed (94% RD), gait endurance (change in No benefit was demonstrated for motor function
6-minute walk test, feet; 15% RD), functional sta- (change in grasp/release and change in status-tap-
tus (physical function index; 20% RD), and ping; TE-Figure 19, Table 22). No other out-
strength (change in grip strength; 17% RD) at the comes were measured.
end of 12 weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 15, For resisted extension exercises versus re-
Table 18). No benefit was demonstrated for motor sisted grasp training of the hand in subacute and
function (change in Fugl-Meyer upper extremity post-acute stroke patients (one RCT, n = 20),121 a
and lower extremity), balance (Berg balance and clinically important benefit with statistical signifi-
change in Berg balance), or functional status (In- cance was found for motor function (change in

tapping) at the end of 2 weeks of treatment (115% control (one RCT, n = 20), 121 a clinically impor-
RD). A clinically important benefit was demon- tant benefit without statistical significance was
strated without statistical significance for ROM found for ROM (change in finger ROM) at the end
(change in finger ROM) at the end of 2 weeks of of 2 weeks of treatment (84% RD). No benefit was
treatment (50% RD). No benefit was demonstrated demonstrated for motor function (change in tap-
for motor function (change in grasp/release; TE- ping) at the end of 2 weeks of treatment. No
Figure 20, Table 23). No other outcomes were benefit was demonstrated, but results favored con-
measured. trol for motor function (change in tapping and
For resisted extension training of the hand in change in grasp/release) and ROM (change in fin-
subacute and post-acute stroke patients versus ger ROM) at the end of 2 weeks of treatment (TE-
control (one RCT, n = 20),121 a clinically important Figure 24, Table 27). No other outcomes were
benefit with statistical significance was shown for measured.
motor function (change in tapping) and ROM For robot-aided training in subacute-chronic
(change in finger ROM) at the end of 2 weeks of stroke patients versus no robot-aided training
treatment (118% and 122% RD, respectively). No (two RCTs and one CCT, n = 88),99,125,126 clinically
benefit was demonstrated, but results favored con- important benefits with statistical significance
trol for motor function (change in grasp/release) at were shown for motor power for shoulder and
the end of 2 weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 21, elbow at the end of 5 weeks of treatment (124%
Table 24). No other outcomes were measured. RD), change in motor power upper extremity at
For ballistic extension versus resisted grasp the end of 6 weeks treatment (15% RD), motor
training of the hand in subacute and post-acute function (Fugl-Meyer for shoulder and elbow and
stroke patients (one RCT, n = 20),121 a clinically MSS for shoulder and elbow) at the end of 5 weeks
important benefit with statistical significance was of treatment (18% and 43% RD, respectively), mo-
found for motor function (change in tapping) at tor function (MSS for wrist and hand) at the end of
the end of 2 weeks of treatment (108% RD). A 5 weeks of treatment (40% RD), and motor func-
clinically important benefit was demonstrated tion (change in MSS for shoulder and elbow) at the
without statistical significance for ROM (change in end of 6 weeks of treatment and at 3 years follow-
finger ROM) at the end of 2 weeks of treatment up (32.5% and 30.5% RD, respectively; TE-Figure
(91%). No benefit was demonstrated for motor 25A, Table 28A). A clinically important benefit
function (change in grasp/release) and ROM with statistical significance was demonstrated for
(change in finger ROM) at the end of 2 weeks of motor function (MSS for upper extremity) at the
treatment (TE-Figure 22, Table 25). No other end of 6 weeks of treatment (64% RD; TE-Figure
outcomes were measured. 25A, Table 28A). Clinically important benefits
For ballistic extension training of the hand in were demonstrated without statistical significance
subacute and post-acute stroke patients versus for change in motor power for shoulder and elbow
control (one RCT, n = 20),121 a clinically important at 3 years follow-up (20% RD), motor function
benefit without statistical significance was shown (Fugl-Meyer scale for upper extremity; 26% RD) at
for motor function (change in tapping) and ROM the end of 6 weeks of treatment, and motor power
(change in finger ROM) at the end of 2 weeks of for upper extremity at the end of 6 weeks of treat-
treatment (112% and 97% RD, respectively). No ment (37% RD; TE-Figure 25A&B, Table 28
benefit was demonstrated for ROM (change in A&B). No benefit was demonstrated for motor
finger ROM) at the end of 2 weeks of treatment, function (change in Fugl-Meyer for shoulder, el-
and no benefit was demonstrated but results fa- bow, and coordination) at the end of 6 weeks of
vored control for motor function (change in grasp/ treatment, functional status (FIM for upper ex-
release) at the end of 2 weeks of treatment (TE- tremity) at the end of 5 weeks and 6 weeks of
Figure 23, Table 26). No other outcomes were treatment, and motor function (change in Fugl-
measured. Meyer for wrist and hand and change in MSS
For resisted grasp training of the hand in for wrist and hand) at the end of 6 weeks of
subacute and post-acute stroke patients versus treatment and at 3 years follow-up (TE-Figure
Clinical Practice Guidelines 19

25A&B, Table 28A&B). No benefit was demon- sus sensorimotor training in chronic stroke pa-
strated, but results favored control for motor func- tients (one RCT, n = 20),105 clinically important
tion (change in Fugl-Meyer for shoulder, elbow, benefits without statistical significance were
and coordination; TE-Figure 25A, Table 28A). shown for decrease in spasticity, measured by the
No other outcomes were measured. Modified Ashworth scale (20% RD) at the end of 6
For robot-assisted versus neurodevelopmen- weeks of treatment. No benefit was demonstrated
tal (NDT) training in chronic stroke patients for motor function (Fugl-Meyer upper extremity
(one RCT, n = 27), 116 a clinically important benefit and MSS for shoulder/elbow and wrist/hand), and
with statistical significance was found for strength motor power for the shoulder and elbow (Medical
(change in elbow extensors, shoulder internal rota- Research Council [MRC] motor power score) at
tors, abductors, adductors, and flexors strength the end of 6 weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 28,
[%]) and functional reach (change in forward me- Table 31). No other outcomes were measured.
dial, forward, forward lateral, and lateral reach For music-making training in post-acute
extent) at the end of 2 months of treatment (270%, stroke patients versus control (RCT, n = 20),120
99%, 134%, 107%, 160%, 270%, 175%, 229%, clinically important benefits without statistical sig-
and 612% RD, respectively; TE-Figure 26A&B, nificance were demonstrated for ROM (elbow ex-
Table 29A&B). A clinically important benefit was tension) at the end of 10 weeks of treatment (20%
demonstrated without statistical significance for RD). No benefit was demonstrated for ROM
strength (change in shoulder external rotators and (shoulder flexion) at the end of 10 weeks of treat-
extensors strength [%]) at the end of 2 months of ment (TE-Figure 29, Table 32). No other out-
treatment (47% and 198% RD, respectively; TE- comes were measured.
Figure 26A, Table 29A). No benefit was demon- For water-based training in chronic stroke
strated for functional status (change in Barthel patients versus control (one RCT, n = 12),101
Index) and motor function (change in FIM) at 6 clinically important benefits with statistical signifi-
months follow-up, for motor function (change in cance were found for hip and knee extensors
Fugl-Meyer shoulder and elbow) at the end of 1 strength (affected side) at the end of 8 weeks of
month and 2 months of treatment and at 6 months treatment (15% RD). Clinically important benefits
follow-up, for motor function (change in Fugl- were demonstrated without statistical significance
Meyer hand and wrist) at the end of 1 month of for cardiopulmonary function (VO2 max) at the
treatment, for strength (change in elbow flexors end of 8 weeks of treatment (20% RD), muscle
and extensors, and shoulder external rotators, in- power (maximal workload) at the end of 8 weeks
ternal rotators, abductors, adductors, flexors and of treatment (22% RD), and gait speed at end of 8
extensors strength [%]) and functional reach weeks of treatment (16% RD). No benefit was
(change in forward medial, forward, forward lat- demonstrated for hip and knee strength (unaf-
eral, and lateral reach extent) at the end of 2 fected side) at the end of 8 weeks of treatment, and
months of treatment (TE-Figure 26A&B, Table no benefit was demonstrated but results favored
29A&B). No other outcomes were measured. control for balance (Berg scale) at the end of 8
For robot-aided progressive resistance train- weeks of treatment (TE-Figure 30, Table 33).
ing versus robot-aided active-assisted training No other outcomes were measured.
in chronic stroke patients (one RCT, n = 18),122 For agility exercise versus stretching/weight-
there was no benefit shown for decrease in spastic- shifting exercise in chronic stroke patients (one
ity (measured by the Modified Ashworth scale), RCT, n = 48),117 clinically important benefits with-
increase in motor function (Fugl-Meyer scale, MSS out statistical significance were shown for step
shoulder/elbow and hand/wrist), and improved reaction time at the 1-month follow-up (24% RD).
strength (measured with manual muscle testing No benefit was demonstrated for balance (Berg
and peak force generated) at the end of 6 weeks of scale), mobility (Timed Up & Go), balance confi-
treatment (TE-Figure 27, Table 30). No other dence (activities-specific Balance Confidence
outcomes were measured. Scale), and quality of life (NHP) at the end of 10
For progressive-resistive robotic training ver- weeks of treatment and at the 1-month follow-up

and for step reaction time at the end of 10 weeks of (five RCTs) and level II (one CCT) evidence for
treatment (TE-Figure 31, Table 34). No other robot-aided training for the upper extremity, and
outcomes were measured. level I evidence (two RCTs) for balance training
For maximal isokinetic strengthening of in patients with acute to chronic stroke. In com-
chronic stroke patients versus control (one parison, St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 found
RCT, n = 20),110 a clinically important benefit level II evidence (at least one nonexperimental
without statistical significance was found for study) for the restorative (Bobath) approach,
change in strength (composite score of paretic level I evidence (two RCTs) for strength training,
side) at end of 6 weeks of treatment (112% RD). level I evidence (two RCTs with conflicting evi-
No benefit was demonstrated for quality of life dence*) for sensory-motor training with robotic
(SF-36) at the end of 6 weeks of treatment. No devices, and level I evidence (four RCTs) for bal-
benefit was demonstrated, but results favored con- ance training as an intervention in stroke reha-
trol for level walking (self-selected and maximal bilitation (Appendix 4).
gait speed) and stair walking (self-reported and Last, the Ottawa Panel found level I evidence
maximal stair climbing speed; TE-Figure 32, (one RCT) for overhead pulley exercises for the
Table 35). No other outcomes were measured. shoulder of patients with subacute stroke. For this
For mental imagery therapy versus standard intervention, the strength of evidence found by the
functional training in acute stroke patients (one VA/DoD75 was also level I evidence (a properly
RCT, n = 46), 114 clinically important benefits with done RCT). Both the Heart and Stroke Foundation
statistical significance were demonstrated for the of Ontario71 and St. Joseph’s Health Care London73
level of independence at the end of 1 week, 2 found level I evidence (one RCT) for aggressive
weeks, and 3 weeks of treatment (19%, 33%, and range of motion therapy using overhead pulleys
36% RD, respectively; TE-Figure 33, Table 36). for the shoulder (Appendix 4).
No other outcomes were measured.
Clinical recommendations compared with other
Strength of published evidence compared with other guidelines
The Ottawa Panel concluded that good evidence
The Ottawa Panel found level I evidence (three
exists to recommend that chronic stroke patients
RCTs) for strengthening exercises and level I evi-
participate in regular strengthening and aerobic
dence (one RCT) for a strengthening and aerobic
exercise programs (grade A for cardiopulmonary
exercise program in patients post stroke. The
function and peak torque for shoulder flexors,
strength of the evidence has also been graded by
grade C+ for peak torque of knee flexors), and
the Department of Veterans Affairs/Department of
poor evidence exists to support strengthening in
Defense US Army (VA/DoD),75 which found level
the rehabilitation of acute and subacute stroke
III evidence (a working group consensus) for
patients (grade D for ROM of wrist and ankle,
strengthening exercises in stroke patients during
functional status, quality of life, and grade D+ for
the acute phase of recovery and level II evidence
pain relief ). These recommendations are in accor-
(well-designed cohort and case-control analytic
dance with previous guidelines by the VA/DoD;
studies) for a strengthening and aerobic exercise
Appendix 4).75
program in stroke rehabilitation (Appendix 4).
The Ottawa Panel can neither corroborate or
The Ottawa Panel also found level I evidence
refute the findings of the Heart and Stroke Foun-
(one RCT) for sensorimotor rehabilitation, while
the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario71
found level I and II evidence (RCTs and cohort *According to the St. Joseph’s Health Care London, conflicting evi-
trials; Appendix 4). dence refers to a disagreement between the findings of at least two
RCTs. Where there were more than four RCTs and the results of only
The Ottawa Panel found level I evidence (one one was conflicting, the conclusion was based on the results of the
RCT) for the Bobath approach training, level I majority of the studies, unless the study with conflicting results was of
evidence (nine RCTs) for strength training, level I higher quality.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 21

dation of Ontario, which indicate that there is tion and strength of the shoulder and elbow) of
good evidence that sensorimotor training for the subacute and chronic stroke patients. Fair evi-
upper limb should be included as an intervention dence was found by the Panel to support the use of
for post-stroke rehabilitation.71 The Ottawa Panel balance training techniques such as the Bobath
could only assess the effectiveness of sensorimotor approach (grade C+ for balance standing) and agil-
training in comparison to a program of progres- ity exercise training (grade C+ for step reaction
sive-resistive robotic training, not to control. Be- time) as interventions for acute, subacute, and
tween the two interventions, there were no signifi- chronic post-stroke patients. Last, the Panel also
cant differences for motor function or motor found fair evidence to recommend the Bobath ap-
power, although progressive-resistive robotic proach (grade C+ for motor function of the upper
training produced a clinically important improve- extremity and for quality of life) for acute and
ment in spasticity relative to sensorimotor training subacute patients (Appendix 4).
(grade C+; Appendix 4). Similarly, St. Joseph’s Health Care London73
The Ottawa Panel, based upon poor evidence found strong evidence that strength training im-
(grades C+ and D for pain relief), does not recom- proves gait and sensory motor training and im-
mend the inclusion of overhead pulley exercises as proves functional and motor outcomes for the
an intervention for the shoulder of subacute stroke shoulder and elbow but not for the wrist and hand.
patients. This is in line with the guidelines of the They found that balance training also improves out-
VA/DoD,75 which also do not support overhead comes. St. Joseph’s guidelines also indicated that
pulley exercises. Similarly, the evidence found by there is limited evidence that the Bobath approach
St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 and the Heart improves the quality of gait. However, in contrast to
and Stroke Foundation of Ontario71 is against the the Ottawa Panel, limited evidence was found by St.
use of overhead pulley (Appendix 4). Joseph’s for the use of the restorative approach
The Ottawa Panel found good evidence to rec- (Bobath), as it resulted in increasing the number of
ommend a home-based exercise program that in- patients who were institutionalized (Appendix 4).
cludes strength training to improve the gait of All other interventions and outcomes evaluated
post-acute stroke patients (grades A and C+ for by the Ottawa Panel could not be compared to
gait speed and endurance). The Panel also found other such previously existing clinical practice
good evidence for robot-assisted training for the guidelines, because they were deemed not appli-
upper extremity (grade A for motor power, func- cable (Appendix 4).

Clinical practice guidelines for task-oriented training

Seated reaching task training versus control, end of treatment, 1 day (clinically important ben-
level I (RCT): Grade A for hand movement time efit demonstrated). Patients with post-acute
(ipsilateral and across), peak vertical ground reac- stroke.
tion force (forward and across) at end of treatment, Repetitive elbow joint movement training
2 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- versus control, level II (CCT): Grade C for joint
strated); grade C+ for hand movement time (for- velocity (maximal extension velocity to target and
ward) at end of treatment, 2 weeks (clinically im- to mouth), motor function (Fugl-Meyer) at end of
portant benefit demonstrated without statistical treatment, 3 weeks (no benefit demonstrated);
significance); grade C for reaching distance and grade D for functional status, motor function
peak vertical reaction force (ipsilateral) at end of (Frenchay Arm Test), and joint velocity (maximal
treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa- flexion velocity to target and to mouth) at end of
tients with chronic stroke. treatment, 3 weeks (no benefits demonstrated but
Adapted game training versus control, level I favoring control). Patients with subacute stroke.
(RCT): Grade A for ROM in forearm supination at Functional upper extremity training versus

control, level I (RCT): Grade A for quality of life approach training, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for
(NHP) at end of treatment, 12 weeks (clinically balance sitting at follow-up, 12 weeks; grade C+
important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for favoring Bobath approach training for balance sit-
comfortable gait speed at end of treatment, 12 and ting at end of treatment, 4 weeks (clinically impor-
20 weeks, and follow-up, 6 weeks, maximum gait tant benefit demonstrated without statistical sig-
speed at end of treatment, 12 and 20 weeks, and nificance); grade C for balance sitting at
follow-up, 6 and 32 weeks, and quality of life follow-up, 2 weeks, and balance standing at end of
(NHP) at follow-up, 6 and 32 weeks (clinically treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 2 and 12 weeks
important benefit demonstrated without statistical (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with subacute
significance); grade C for quality of life (NHP) at stroke.
follow-up, 18 weeks, comfortable gait speed at Task-specific reach training versus standard
follow-up, 18 and 32 weeks, maximum gait speed rehabilitation, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for balance
at follow-up, 18 weeks, quality of life (Sickness sitting at follow-up, 12 weeks, and balance standing
Impact Profile) at end of treatment, 12 weeks, and at follow-up, 2 and 12 weeks (clinically important
follow-up, 6, 18, and 32 weeks, functional status benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
(Frenchay Activities Index) at follow-up, 6 and 32 cance); grade C for balance standing at end of
weeks, and mobility at end of treatment, 12 weeks, treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated);
and follow-up, 6, 18, and 32 weeks (no benefit grade D+ for balance sitting at end of treatment, 4
demonstrated); grade D for mobility at end of weeks, and follow-up, 2 weeks (clinically important
treatment, 20 weeks (no benefit demonstrated but benefit favoring control demonstrated without sta-
favoring control). Patients with subacute stroke. tistical significance). Patients with subacute stroke.
Functional task training for upper extremity Trunk control training versus control, level I
versus control, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for mo- (RCT): Grade C+ for postural status, mobility, and
tor function upper extremity, functional status unilateral neglect at end of treatment, 1 month, and
(FTHUE), and isometric torque at end of treat- follow-up, 2 months (clinically important benefit
ment, 4 weeks, grip strength and lateral pinch at demonstrated without statistical significance);
follow-up, 8 months, palmar pinch at end of grade C for functional status at end of treatment, 1
treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 8 months month, and follow-up, 2 months (no benefit dem-
(clinically important benefit demonstrated with- onstrated). Patients with subacute stroke.
out statistical significance); grade C for func- Trunk rotation feedback training versus con-
tional status (FIM mobility) at end of treatment, 4 trol, level I (RCT): Grade A for functional status
weeks, functional status (FIM self-care and and unilateral neglect at end of treatment, 1
FTHUE) and isometric torque at follow-up, 8 month, and follow-up, 1 month (clinically impor-
months, pain relief and upper extremity sensory tant benefit demonstrated). Patients with subacute
function at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and fol- stroke.
low-up, 8 months (no benefit demonstrated); Traditional functional retraining (TFR) ap-
grade D for functional status (FIM self-care) and proach versus NDT training, level I (RCT):
lateral pinch at end of treatment, 4 weeks, func- Grade A (favoring TFR) for gross manual dexterity
tional status (FIM mobility) and motor function at follow-up, 6 months and 1 year (clinically im-
upper extremity at follow-up, 8 months, upper portant benefit demonstrated); grade C+ (favoring
extremity ROM at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and TFR) for gait speed at end of treatment, 1 month,
follow-up, 8 months (no benefit demonstrated and follow-up, 6 months and 1 year, stride length
but favoring control); grade D+ for grip strength at follow-up, 6 months and 1 year, and functional
at end of treatment, 4 weeks (clinically important status (time for independence: prone-to-supine,
benefit favoring control demonstrated without supine-to-prone, supine-to-sit, unsupported
statistical significance). Patients with acute and standing, grooming, bathing, dressing, ambulation
subacute stroke. without device, and feeding) at end of treatment, 1
Task-specific reach training versus Bobath month (clinically important benefit demonstrated
Clinical Practice Guidelines 23

without statistical significance); grade C for func- patients improved on Barthel Index [bed to chair
tional status (time for independence: unsupported transfers] and number of patients improved on
sitting) and stride length at end of treatment, 1 EADL Scale [mobility on uneven ground]) and
month, functional status (FIM), fine motor coordi- leisure activities (number of patients improved on
nation, and finger dexterity at end of treatment, 1 Nottingham Leisure Questionnaire Scale [cooking,
month, and follow-up, 6 months and 1 year (no entertainment, games and sports]) at 6-months
benefit demonstrated). Patients with subacute follow-up (no benefit demonstrated but favoring
stroke. control). Patients with acute, subacute, and post-
Functional training (dressing practice) ver- acute stroke.
sus control, level I (RCT): Grade C for functional Weight garments training versus control,
status (Nottingham stroke dressing) at end of level I (RCT): Grade C+ for single support time
treatment, 3 months (no benefit demonstrated); symmetry and support base width symmetry at
grade D for functional status (Rivermead ADL self- end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important
care) at end of treatment, 3 months (no benefit benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
demonstrated but favoring control). Patients with cance); grade C for gait speed and cadence at end
chronic stroke. of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demonstrated);
Leisure task versus functional task (ADL self- grade D+ for step length symmetry and double
care) training, level I (RCT): Grade C for leisure support time symmetry at end of treatment, 6
activities and functional status at follow-up, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit favoring con-
months and 1 year (no benefit demonstrated). Pa- trol demonstrated without statistical significance);
tients with acute, subacute, and post-acute stroke. grade D for balance at end of treatment, 6 weeks
Leisure task training versus control, level I (no benefit demonstrated but favoring control).
(RCT): Grade C for leisure activities at follow-up, Patients with chronic stroke.
6 months and 1 year, and functional status at Functional approach versus transfer ap-
follow-up, 6 months (no benefit demonstrated); proach training, level I (RCT): Grade A favoring
grade D for functional status at follow-up, 1 year functional approach for functional status (Edmans
(no benefit demonstrated but favoring control). ADL index) and gross motor function at end of
Patients with acute, subacute, and post-acute treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit
stroke. demonstrated); grade C for resource cost percep-
Functional task (ADL self-care) training ver- tion and functional status (Barthel Index) at end of
sus control, level I (RCT): Grade C for functional treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa-
status (Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily tients with post-acute stroke.
Living [EADL]) at follow-up, 6 months and 1 year Bilateral arm training versus NDT approach,
(no benefit demonstrated); grade D for functional level I (RCT): Grade C+ for change in shoulder
status (London Handicap Scale) and leisure activi- strength, Wolf Motor Arm Test (time), and self-
ties at follow-up, 6 months and 1 year (no benefit reported use of paretic arm at end of treatment, 6
demonstrated but favoring control). Patients with weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated
acute, subacute, and post-acute stroke. without statistical significance); grade C for
Functional (ADL) training versus leisure ac- change in Fugl-Meyer at end of treatment, 6 weeks
tivities, level I (RCT): Grade C for functional (no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ for change in
status (number patients improved on Barthel In- Wolf Motor Arm Test (weight) and elbow strength
dex [dressing and bathing] and number patients at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important
improved on EADL Scale [cleaning, cooking, and benefit favoring control demonstrated without sta-
mobility outside]) and leisure activities (number of tistical significance). Patients with chronic stroke.
patients improved on Nottingham Leisure Ques- Task-specific training versus control, level I
tionnaire Scale [shopping, gardening, and hob- (RCT): Grade C+ for motor function (Fugl-Meyer
bies]) at 6-months follow-up (no benefit demon- subscale: upper extremity and lower extremity
strated); grade D for functional status (number control]) and balance (Berg Scale) at end of treat-

ment, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit dem- demonstrated); grade D for functional status
onstrated without statistical significance); grade C (Barthel Index) at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clini-
for balance (Fugl-Meyer subscale: balance) and cal benefits favoring control). Patients with sub-
gait speed at end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit acute stroke.

Summary of trials adapted dice game was designed to challenge the

patient’s ability to perform functional forearm su-
Sixteen RCTs (n = 963) and 1 CCT (n = 27) evaluat-
pination. A statistically significant and clinically
ing task-oriented training in stroke were included.
119,127,159–173 important benefit with regard to degree of forearm
The size and methodological quality of
supination was found at the end of the 1-day
the trials varied widely as did the treatment sched-
intervention (15% RD; TOT-Figure 35, Table
ules, duration of follow-up, time of stroke onset, and
39). No other outcome measures were assessed.
materials required (Appendix 3B).
The only included CCT (n = 27)161 showed no
The task-oriented training exercises examined
statistically significant or clinically important out-
were specific to each trial and included reaching
comes for repetitive elbow joint movement
and balance tasks, trunk control and trunk rota-
training compared to control in subacute stroke
tion training, upper extremity training, ADLs, lei-
(TOT-Figure 36, Table 40). Specifically, no clini-
sure activities, and other functional tasks (Appen-
cal benefit was found for maximal joint extension
dix 3B)
velocity (to target and to mouth) or motor function
In total, 22 studies were excluded (TOT-Table
(Fugl-Meyer Scale) at the end of 3 weeks of treat-
37). Six of these studies lacked a control group,174–
179 ment. Results favored control for maximal joint
four studies provided insufficient statistical
flexion velocity (to target and to mouth), motor
data,180–183 five studies did not examine an appro-
function (Frenchay Arm Test), and functional sta-
priate study population,184–188 and two studies did
tus (Barthel Index). RDs were −1%, −9%, −31%,
not report any outcomes of interest. 189,190 The
and −5%, respectively. The RD of −31% for the
remaining studies were excluded for reasons de-
Frenchay Arm Test suggested a clinically relevant
tailed in TOT-Table 37. 191–195
advantage for the control intervention.
Kwakkel et al.164,165 examined the effect of func-
Efficacy tional extremity training versus control in sub-
In comparing seated reaching task training to acute stroke, finding statistically significant and
control in chronic stroke patients, statistically sig- clinically important benefits for quality of life
nificant and clinically important benefits were (NHP) at the end of 12 weeks of treatment (−32%
shown for hand movement time (ipsilateral and RD). A clinically important effect without statisti-
across) and peak vertical ground reaction force (for- cal significance was shown for the same outcome
ward and across) at the end of 2 weeks of interven- measure at the 6-week and 32-week follow-ups
tion (one RCT, n = 20). 159 RDs were −32%, −42%, (18% and 22% RD, respectively), but no clinical
42%, and 54%, respectively. Clinically important benefit was found at the 18-week follow-up (TOT-
benefits without statistical significance were shown Figure 37, Table 41). Another quality of life mea-
for hand movement time in the forward direction sure, the Sickness Impact Profile, yielded no clini-
(−35% RD). No clinical benefit was demonstrated cally beneficial results at any time point. Outcomes
for maximum reaching distance (ipsilateral, for- for comfortable gait speed revealed clinically im-
ward, across) and peak vertical ground reaction portant benefits without statistical significance at
force (ipsilateral) (see TOT-Figure 34, Table 38). the end of treatment (12 weeks, 20 weeks) and at
No long-term follow-up was performed. 6-week follow-up (40%, 40%, and 22% RD, re-
One RCT (n = 26)168 investigated the effect of spectively), but no benefit at the 18-week and 32-
adapted game training versus control in post- week follow-ups. Clinically important effects with-
acute stroke patients with pronator spasticity. The out statistical significance were shown for
Clinical Practice Guidelines 25

maximum gait speed at the end of treatment (12 Bobath approach training was observed for sitting
weeks, 20 weeks) and at the 6-week and 32-week balance at the end of the 4-week treatment in
follow-ups (30%, 38%, 25%, and 22% RD, respec- contrast to at follow-up (20% RD).
tively), but not at the 18-week follow-up. No ben- The same RCT119 compared task-specific reach
efit was demonstrated for functional status (FAI) at training to standard rehabilitation and, again,
the 6-week and 32-week follow-ups. With respect found no statistically significant differences be-
to mobility (number of patients using walking tween groups (TOT-Figure 40, Table 44). Still,
aids), no benefit was found at any time point and a clinically important benefits favoring task-specific
clinically unimportant trend favoring control was reach training were shown for standing balance at
seen at the end of 20 weeks of treatment. the 2-week and 12-week follow-ups and for sitting
In patients with acute and subacute stroke, no balance at the 12-week follow-up. There was no
statistically significant differences were found benefit for standing balance at the end of treat-
comparing functional task training of the upper ment. Clinically relevant effects favoring control
extremity with control for any of the outcomes were demonstrated for sitting balance at the end of
measured (one RCT, n = 60) (TOT-Figure 38, treatment and at the 2-week follow-up (20% and
Table 42).127 Clinically important benefits without 18% RD, respectively).
statistical significance, however, were observed for For trunk control training using the Bon Saint
functional status (FTHUE) and isometric torque Come device compared to standard rehabilita-
and motor function at the end of the 4-week treat- tion control in subacute stroke patients, one RCT
ment, for grip strength and lateral pinch at the 8- (n = 20)160 showed no statistically significant differ-
month follow-up, and for palmar pinch at the end ences (TOT-Figure 41, Table 45). Clinically im-
of the 4-week treatment and at the 8-month follow- portant effects without statistical significance were
up (28%, 45%, 35%, 396%, 110%, 65%, and 202% found for postural status (trunk control, upright
RD, respectively). No clinical benefit was demon- equilibrium, sitting equilibrium), mobility (func-
strated for functional status (FTHUE) and isometric tional ambulation classification), and unilateral
torque at 8 months follow-up or for pain relief and neglect (Bell Test) at the end of treatment (4
upper extremity sensory function at the end of treat- weeks) and at 2 months follow-up. RDs were 31%,
ment and at 8 months follow-up. Clinical benefits 63%, 80%, 100%, 36%, 29%, 244%, 22%, −41%,
were not seen in two other outcomes: FIM mobility and −24%, respectively, with end of treatment
at the end of treatment and FIM self-care at 8 scores paired with follow-up scores for each out-
months follow-up. Outcomes favoring control were come measure. No benefits were shown for func-
shown for FIM self-care and lateral pinch at the end tional status (FIM) at the end of treatment or at 2
of treatment, motor function of the upper extremity months follow-up.
and FIM mobility at 8 months follow-up, and upper In one RCT (n = 22),173 trunk rotation feedback
extremity ROM both at the end of treatment and at training in subacute stroke patients with severe
follow-up. Grip strength measurement at the end of unilateral neglect syndrome produced both clini-
treatment revealed a clinically relevant benefit fa- cally and statistically significant benefits com-
voring control (−17% RD). pared to control in all outcomes measured at the
For task-specific reach training versus Bobath end of treatment and at 1-month follow-up (TOT-
approach training in subacute stroke patients, no Figure 42, Table 46). RDs for functional status
statistically significant differences were found (one (FIM) and unilateral neglect (Schekenberg Test,
RCT; n = 40).119 Clinically important effects with- Albert Test, Bell Test) were 20%, 20%, −49%,
out statistical significance favoring task-related −39%, −40%, −33%, −50%, and −50%, respec-
reach were only observed for sitting balance at 12 tively, with end of treatment and follow-up values
weeks follow-up (−52% RD; TOT-Figure 39, paired for each outcome measure.
Table 43). There was no benefit for sitting balance A comparison of traditional functional retrain-
at 2 weeks follow-up or for standing balance at any ing versus NDT training in subacute stroke pa-
time point. A clinically relevant effect favoring tients demonstrated a statistically and clinically

significant benefit for gross manual dexterity at the self-care) versus control for any of the reported
6-month and 12-month follow- ups (97% and outcomes. For these same comparisons, some of the
94% RD, respectively; one RCT, n = 27)163 (TOT- results favored control but were without statistical
Figure 43, Table 47; see Appendix 3B for treat- significance or clinical importance (TOT-Figures
ment description). The remaining outcomes did 46&47, Tables 50&51).
not show statistical significance. Clinically impor- Logan et al.166 compared functional task train-
tant benefits without statistical significance were ing (ADL) to leisure task training in acute, sub-
observed for gait speed at the end of 1 month of acute, and post-acute stroke patients (TOT-Figure
treatment and at the 6-month and 12-month fol- 48, Table 52). No benefit was shown for number
low-ups, stride length at the 6-month and 12- of patients improved on the EADL scale (cleaning,
month follow-ups, and time for independence cooking, mobility outside), number of patients im-
in performing ADLs (prone-to-supine, supine- proved on the Barthel Index (dressing, bathing), or
prone, supine-to-sit, unsupported standing, number of patients improved on the Nottingham
grooming, bathing, dressing, ambulation with- Leisure Questionnaire (shopping, gardening, hob-
out device, and feeding) at the end of treatment bies) at 6 months follow-up. A statistically insig-
(16%, 125%, 144%, 28%, 56%, −39%, −36%, nificant and clinically unimportant trend favoring
−26%, −84%, −47%, −19%, −48%, −43%, and control was shown for number of patients im-
−84% RD, respectively). No benefits were proved on the EADL scale (mobility on uneven
shown for stride length, gross manual dexter- ground), number of patients improved on the
ity, and time for independence (unsupported Barthel Index (bed to chair transfers), and number
sitting, bathing, dressing, ambulation without of patients improved on the Nottingham Leisure
a device) at the end of treatment or for fine Questionnaire (cooking, entertainment, games,
motor coordination and finger dexterity and sport) at 6 months follow-up.
functional status (FIM) at any time point. The effect of weight garment training com-
One RCT (n = 30)172 evaluating functional pared to control on balance and gait in chronic
training (dressing practice) in chronic stroke pa- stroke patients was assessed by one RCT (n =
tients showed no statistically significant differ- 24).170 No statistically significant differences were
ences compared to control (TOT-Figure 44, found. A clinically important benefit without sta-
Table 48). No clinical benefit was observed for tistical significance was shown for single support
one measure of functional status (Nottingham time symmetry and support base width sym-
stroke dressing) at the end of the 3-month inter- metry at the end of 6 weeks of treatment (−25%
vention. A clinically relevant advantage favoring and −35% RD, respectively; TOT-Figure 49,
control was demonstrated for another functional Table 53). No benefit was shown for gait speed or
status measure (Rivermead ADL self-care) at the cadence at the end of treatment. Trends favoring
end of treatment (−27% RD). control were demonstrated for balance (Berg
Parker et al.169 investigated the effects of leisure Scale), step length symmetry, and double support
task training, functional task training (ADL self- time symmetry, of which the latter two outcomes
care), and no occupational therapy on three out- were clinically relevant (-26% and 20% RD, re-
come measures in acute, subacute, and post-acute spectively). No long-term follow-up was done.
stroke patients in one RCT (n = 466). There was no Functional approach training in post-acute
benefit of leisure task training compared to func- stroke patients (one RCT, n = 79)162 produced statis-
tional task training (ADL self-care) with regard to tically and clinically significant benefits compared
the results of the Nottingham Leisure Question- to transfer approach training with regard to
naire, the Nottingham EADL, and the London functional status (Edmans ADL index) and gross
Handicap Scale at 6 months and 12 months follow- motor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment) at
up (TOT-Figure 45, Table 49). Furthermore, no the end of 6 weeks of treatment (24% and 200%
benefits were demonstrated for leisure task training RD, respectively; TOT-Figure 50, Table 54). No
versus control or for functional task training (ADL benefit was observed for the Rivermead Perceptual
Clinical Practice Guidelines 27

Assessment battery, the Barthel Index measure of Clinical recommendations compared with other
functional status, or resource cost (length of stay). guidelines
No long-term follow-up was carried out.
No statistically significant outcomes were found The Ottawa Panel found good evidence to rec-
for bilateral arm task training in chronic stroke ommend considering task-oriented training as an
patients versus a neurodevelopmental ap- approach to stroke rehabilitation. While the find-
proach (one RCT, n = 21).167 Clinically important ings were not consistent for all outcome measures,
benefits without statistical significance were dem- there is sufficient support (grade A, C+) for the
onstrated for change in shoulder strength, the following interventions: seated reaching task train-
Wolf Motor Arm Test (time), and self-reported use ing, adapted game training (forearm supination
of paretic arm at the end of 6 weeks of treatment task for stroke patients with pronator spasticity),
(59%, −100%, and 16% RD, respectively; TOT- functional upper extremity training, functional
Figure 51, Table 55). No benefit was found for task training for the upper extremity, task-specific
change in motor function (Fugl-Meyer). Notably, reach training, trunk control training, trunk rota-
changes in elbow strength and the Wolf Motor tion training, traditional functional retraining,
Arm Test (weight) favored control to a clinically weight garment training, functional approach
relevant degree (−123% and −50% RD, respec- training, bilateral arm training, and task-specific
tively). No long-term follow-up was done. training. It is unclear whether to include or ex-
No statistically significant differences were dem- clude leisure task training as a rehabilitation strat-
onstrated between task-specific training in sub- egy based on the available evidence (grade C). The
acute stroke patients and control for any outcome evidence for recommending dressing practice and
measures at the end of treatment (one RCT, n = repetitive elbow movement training was found to
27).171 Clinically important effects without statisti- be poor (grade D; Appendix 4)
cal significance were shown for motor function The Ottawa Panel guidelines are in agreement
(Fugl-Meyer subscale: upper extremity and lower with existing clinical practice guidelines. In-
extremity control) and balance (Berg Scale) (43%, deed, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
25%, and 16% RD, respectively; TOT-Figure 52, Network74 supported the use of task-specific
Table 56). No benefit was found for balance (Fugl- training to improve task performance. Further-
Meyer subscale: balance) and gait speed. A statisti- more, AHCPR,70 the Stroke Prevention and
cally insignificant and clinically unimportant trend Educational Awareness Diffusion Collabora-
was seen favoring control for functional status tion,76 and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of
(Barthel Index). No long-term follow-up was done. Ontario77 all encouraged functional task training
for stroke patients with functional deficits in
their affected limbs. The Ottawa Panel guide-
Strength of the published evidence compared with
lines are also in concordance with St. Joseph’s
other guidelines
Health Care London,73 which concluded that the
The Ottawa Panel found level I (RCTs) and level benefit of leisure therapy post-stroke is uncer-
II (CCT) evidence evaluating various types of task- tain. The VA/DoD75 stated that there is insuffi-
oriented training in post-stroke rehabilitation. cient evidence to recommend for or against NDT
Similarly, the recommendations of the VA/DoD,75 compared to other approaches for motor re-
the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network,74 training post stroke. Similarly, while the Ottawa
the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario,71 St. Panel found some evidence (grade C+) that NDT
Joseph’s Health Care London,73 and the Stroke is inferior to traditional functional retraining,
Prevention and Educational Awareness Diffusion the neurodevelopmental approach was shown to
Collaboration76 were also based on level I evidence be either more beneficial (grade D+), no differ-
(RCTs). The AHCPR70 found level II evidence ent (grade C), or less beneficial (grade C+) than
(non-RCTs) to support its recommendations re- bilateral arm training depending on the specific
garding task-oriented training (Appendix 4). outcome measure (Appendix 4).

Clinical practice guidelines for biofeedback

EMG-BFB training versus control, level I for ankle ROM (change in active ankle dorsiflex-
(RCT): Grade C+ for motor function at end of ion) and knee ROM (change in active knee flex-
treatment, 5 weeks (clinically important benefit ion) at end of treatment, 3 months, ankle strength
demonstrated without statistical significance); at follow-up, 6 weeks, (clinically important ben-
grade D for physical abilities at end of treatment, 5 efit demonstrated); grade C+ for knee ROM (de-
weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ for crease of hyperextension) at end of treatment, 4
physical abilities at follow-up, 9 months, and mo- weeks, and follow-up, 4 weeks, gait speed at end
tor function at follow-up, 9 months (clinically im- of treatment, 4 weeks and 2 months, and follow-
portant benefit favoring control demonstrated up, 4 weeks, gait quality at end of treatment, 2
without statistical significance). Patients with post- months, gait cycle time at end of treatment, 6
acute stroke. weeks, mobility at end of treatment, 3 months,
EMG-BFB training for the wrist versus con- change in timed ambulation on smooth surface
trol, level II (CCT): Grade B for grip strength at and improvement in ankle angle at heel strike at
follow-up, 3 months, and motor function at end of end of treatment, 4 weeks, and ankle strength at
treatment, 3 months, and at follow-up, 3 and 9 end of treatment, 4 weeks (clinically important
months (clinically important benefit demon- benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
strated); grade C+ for grip strength at end of cance); grade C for ankle ROM (active ankle
treatment, 3 months (clinically important benefit ROM) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-
demonstrated without statistical significance); up, 2 months, ankle angle at end of treatment, 6
grade D+ for grip strength at follow-up, 9 months weeks and 2 months, step length at end of treat-
(clinically important benefit favoring control dem- ment, 4 and 6 weeks, and follow-up, 3 months,
onstrated without statistical significance). Patients stride width at follow-up, 3 months, decrease of
with chronic stroke. spasticity at end of treatment, 2 months, quality
EMG-BFB relaxation training for the shoul- of life at end of treatment, 2 months, functional
der versus control, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for status at end of treatment, 2 months (no benefit
pain relief at end of treatment, 2 weeks (clinically demonstrated); grade D+ for improvement in
important benefit demonstrated without statistical lower extremity support asymmetry at end of
significance); grade C for active shoulder ROM at treatment, 4 weeks, ankle angle (improvement in
end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit demon- ankle angle at toe-off at end of treatment, 4 weeks
strated). Patients with subacute and post-acute (clinically important benefit favoring control
stroke. demonstrated without statistical significance);
EMG-BFB training for the upper extremity grade D for knee angle at end of treatment, 6
versus control, level II (CCT): Grade A for motor weeks, ankle ROM (change in active ROM) at end
function (time to make a circle with tip of olecra- of treatment, 4 weeks, stride width at end of
non) at end of treatment, 6 months (clinically treatment, 6 weeks, ankle angle (ankle angle at
important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for heel strike) at end of treatment, 2 months, step
motor function (time to abduct shoulder to 90º) at length at end of treatment, 2 months, improve-
end of treatment, 6 months. Patients with chronic ment in lower extremity support asymmetry at
stroke. follow-up, 4 weeks, global neurological status at
EMG-BFB training for the lower extremity end of treatment, 2 months (no benefit demon-
versus control, level I (RCT) and level II (CCT): strated but favoring control). Patients with acute-
Grade A for change in timed ambulation on car- chronic stroke.
peted surface at end of treatment, 4 weeks (clini- EMG-BFB training for the lower extremity
cally important benefit demonstrated); grade B versus placebo, level II (CCT): Grade B for ankle
Clinical Practice Guidelines 29

strength at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and follow- Grade C+ for active knee ROM at end of treat-
up, 6 weeks, gait quality and ankle ROM at follow- ment, 3 months (clinically important benefit dem-
up, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- onstrated without statistical significance); grade
strated); grade C+ for gait quality and ankle ROM D+ for active ankle ROM and mobility at end of
at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important treatment, 3 months (clinically important benefit
benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi- favoring control demonstrated without statistical
cance); grade C for step length and stride width at significance). Patients with chronic stroke.
end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 3 Video feedback training versus control, level
months, and active ankle ROM at end of treatment, II (CCT): Grade B for decrease of unilateral ne-
6 weeks, and follow-up, 3 months (no benefit glect (baking tray task) at end of treatment, 2 days
demonstrated). Patients with subacute-chronic (clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade
stroke. C for decrease of unilateral neglect (line bisection
EMG-BFB training for the shoulder versus task) at end of treatment, 2 days (no benefit dem-
placebo, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for upper ex- onstrated); grade D for decrease of unilateral ne-
tremity motor function at end of treatment, 6 glect (line cancellation task) at end of treatment, 2
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated days (no benefit demonstrated but favoring con-
without statistical significance); grade C for upper trol). Patients with subacute stroke.
extremity motor function at follow-up, 6 weeks BFB training versus FES, level I (RCT): Grade
(no benefit demonstrated). Patients with subacute C+ for stride length at end of treatment, 6 weeks
and post-acute stroke. (clinically important benefit demonstrated without
EMG-BFB training for the elbow versus pla- statistical significance); grade C for ankle and
cebo, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for passive elbow knee angle and gait cycle time at end of treatment,
ROM at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically im- 6 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with
portant benefit demonstrated without statistical chronic stroke.
significance); grade D for active elbow ROM at Force-feedback training for upper extremity
end of treatment, 3 weeks (no benefit demon- versus control, level I (RCT): Grade C for motor
strated but favoring control). Patients with chronic function at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-
stroke. up, 8 weeks, and dexterity at follow-up, 8 weeks
EMG-BFB training for hand versus placebo, (no benefit demonstrated); grade D for coordina-
level I (RCT): Grade C+ for functional status at tion at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 8
end of treatment, 4 weeks (clinically important weeks, and for dexterity at end of treatment, 6
benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi- weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favoring con-
cance); grade C for motor recovery at end of treat- trol). Patients with chronic stroke.
ment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade Force-feedback training for lower extremity
D+ for wrist ROM at end of treatment, 4 weeks. versus control, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for gait
Patients with post-acute stroke. speed at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and gait endur-
Rhythmic positional BFB training versus con- ance (2-minute walking test) at follow-up, 8 weeks
trol, level I (RCT): Grade A for ankle ROM at end (clinically important benefit demonstrated without
of treatment, 12 weeks, and gait speed at end of statistical significance); grade C for motor func-
treatment, 12 weeks, and follow-up, 3 months (no tion and mobility (Timed Up & Go) at end of
benefit demonstrated). Patients with chronic treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 8 weeks, gait
stroke. speed at follow-up, 8 weeks, and gait endurance at
Audio and visual feedback training with gen- end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demon-
eral relaxation versus control, level II (CCT): strated). Patients with chronic stroke.

Summary of trials for physical abilities (Finger Oscillation Test) at

end of treatment, 5 weeks. A clinically important
Twelve RCTs and seven CCTs were found that benefit favoring control was demonstrated without
evaluated the efficacy of various BFB techniques in statistical significance for physical abilities at fol-
the rehabilitation of acute to chronic post-stroke low-up, 9 months, and motor function at follow-
patients (n = 444).16,50,51,196–210 The following treat- up, 9 months (EMG-BFB-Figure 53, Table 58).
ments were evaluated: EMG-BFB training (n = No other outcomes were measured.
42)197,198; EMG-BFB training for the upper extrem- For EMG-BFB training for the wrist of pa-
ity (n = 31),210 for the shoulder (n = 40),202 elbow (n tients with chronic stroke versus control (one
= 16),211 wrist (n = 18),204 and hand (n = 27)196; and CCT, n = 18),204 clinically important benefits with
EMG-BFB training for the lower extremity (n = statistical significance were shown for grip
68)16,50,51,199,203,206,209 versus control or placebo; strength at follow-up, 3 months (39% RD), and
EMG-BFB relaxation training for the shoulder (n = motor function (Fugl-Meyer) at end of treatment,
20)208; rhythmic positional BFB training (n = 3 months, and follow-up, 3 and 9 months (31%–
37)205; audio and visual feedback training with 44% RD). A clinically important benefit was dem-
general relaxation (n = 31)210; video feedback train- onstrated without statistical significance for grip
ing (n = 14)207; force-feedback training for the strength at end of treatment, 3 months (25% RD).
upper and lower extremities (n = 25)200 versus a A clinically important benefit favoring control for
control treatment; and BFB training versus FES (n grip strength was demonstrated without statistical
= 36).51 Treatments were given 2 to 5 times per significance at follow-up, 9 months (EMG-BFB-
week for 20 to 60 minutes per session, for a total Figure 54, Table 59). No other outcomes were
duration of treatment of 2 days to 6 months, some- measured.
times with follow-up at 2 weeks to 12 months For EMG-BFB relaxation training for the
(EMG-BFB-Appendix 3C). shoulder for patients with subacute and post-
In total, 42 studies were excluded for the follow- acute stroke versus control (one RCT, n = 20),208
ing reasons: there were insufficient statistical data clinically important benefit without statistical sig-
in nine studies,212–220 the patient served as his own nificance were observed for pain relief (McGill
control in four studies,221–224 there was no control Pain Questionnaire) at end of treatment, 2 weeks
group for four other studies,178,225–227 while in an- (18% RD). No benefit was demonstrated for active
other four studies there were fewer than five sub- shoulder ROM (flexion and abduction) at end of
jects per group.52,228–230 In three of the studies, treatment, 2 weeks (EMG-BFB-Figure 55, Table
healthy subjects were used,231–233 while no out- 60). No other outcomes were measured.
comes of interest were reported in three of the other For EMG-BFB training for the upper extrem-
studies.234–236 Three studies were meta-analy- ity of patients with chronic stroke versus con-
ses,46,47,237 while two studies were not clinical tri- trol (one CCT, n = 31),210 a clinically important
als45,238 and one study lacked standard deviations.239 benefit with statistical significance was demon-
Finally, eight other studies were excluded for vari- strated for motor function (time to make a circle
ous other reasons240–247 (EMG-BFB-Table 57). with tip of olecranon) at end of treatment, 6
months (912% RD). A clinically important benefit
Efficacy without statistical significance was demonstrated
for motor function (time to abduct shoulder to
For EMG-BFB training for patients with post- 90º) at end of treatment, 6 months (65% RD;
acute stroke versus control (two RCTs, n = EMG-BFB-Figure 56, Table 61). No other out-
42),197,198 clinically important benefits without sta- comes were measured.
tistical significance were found for motor function For EMG-BFB training for the lower extrem-
(Upper Extremity Function Test) at end of treat- ity for patients with acute-chronic stroke versus
ment, 5 weeks (61% RD). No benefit was demon- control (four RCTs and five CCTs, n =
strated, but results favored the control treatment 205),50,51,199,203,206,209 a clinically important benefit
Clinical Practice Guidelines 31

with statistical significance was demonstrated for Tables 62A-I). No other outcomes were mea-
change in timed ambulation on carpeted surface at sured.
end of treatment, 4 weeks (650% RD), and ankle For EMG-BFB training of the lower extremity
ROM (change in active ankle dorsiflexion) and in patients with subacute-chronic stroke versus
knee ROM (change in active flexion) at end of placebo (two CCTs, n = 35),50,201 clinically impor-
treatment, 3 months (113% and 225% RD, respec- tant benefits with statistical significance were
tively). A clinically important benefit was observed shown for ankle strength (number of patients im-
without statistical significance for knee ROM (de- proved in dorsiflexors strength) at end of treat-
crease of hyperextension) at end of treatment, 4 ment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 6 weeks (45% and
weeks, and follow-up, 4 weeks (25% and 47% RD, 64% RD); and gait quality (number of patients
respectively); gait speed at end of treatment, 4 improved) and ankle ROM (number of patients
weeks and 2 months, and follow-up, 4 weeks improved in dorsiflexion) at follow-up, 6 weeks
(29%–49% RD); gait quality (Basmajian Scale) at (45% and 45% RD, respectively). A clinically im-
end of treatment, 2 months (34% RD); gait cycle portant benefit was demonstrated without statisti-
time at end of treatment, 6 weeks (20% RD); mo- cal significance for gait quality (number of patients
bility (number of patients improved in assistive improved) and ankle ROM (number of patients
devices necessary) at end of treatment, 3 months improved in dorsiflexion) at end of treatment, 6
(50% RD); and change in timed ambulation on weeks (18% and 36% RD, respectively). No ben-
smooth surface and improvement in ankle angle at efit was demonstrated for step length and stride
heel strike at end of treatment, 4 weeks (752% and width at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up,
960% RD, respectively). No benefit was demon- 3 months; and active ankle ROM at end of treat-
strated for ankle ROM (active ankle ROM) at end ment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 3 months (EMG-
of treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 2 months; BFB-Figure 58, Table 63). No other outcomes
ankle angle (at swing phase) at end of treatment, 6 were measured.
weeks and 2 months; step length at end of treat- For EMG-BFB training of the shoulder for
ment, 4 and 6 weeks, and follow-up, 3 months; patients with subacute and post-acute stroke ver-
decrease in spasticity (Ashworth Scale) at end of sus placebo, one RCT (n = 40)202 showed clinically
treatment, 2 months; quality of life (Canadian important benefits without statistical significance
Neurological Scale) at end of treatment, 2 months; for upper extremity motor function (Action Re-
and functional status (Barthel Index) at end of search Arm Test and Brunnström-Fugl-Meyer
treatment, 2 months. A clinically important benefit Test) at end of treatment, 6 weeks (64% and 27%
favoring control was demonstrated without statis- RD, respectively). No benefit was demonstrated
tical significance for improvement in lower ex- for upper extremity motor function (Action Re-
tremity support asymmetry (single lower extrem- search Arm Test and Brunnström-Fugl-Meyer
ity support) at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and for Test) at follow-up, 6 weeks (EMG-BFB-Figure 59,
ankle angle (improvement in ankle angle at toe- Table 64). No other outcomes were measured.
off) at end of treatment, 4 weeks. No benefit was For EMG-BFB training of the elbow for pa-
demonstrated but results favored control for knee tients with chronic stroke versus placebo (one
angle (at swing phase) at end of treatment, 6 RCT, n = 16),211 clinically important benefits with-
weeks; ankle ROM (change in active ROM) at end out statistical significance were observed for pas-
of treatment, 4 weeks; stride width at end of treat- sive elbow ROM (extension) at end of treatment, 3
ment, 6 weeks; ankle angle (ankle angle at heel weeks (24% RD). No benefit was demonstrated,
strike) at end of treatment, 2 months; step length but results favored control for active elbow ROM
at end of treatment, 2 months; improvement in (extension) at end of treatment, 3 weeks (EMG-
lower extremity support asymmetry (single lower BFB-Figure 60, Table 65). No other outcomes
extremity support) at follow-up, 4 weeks; and glo- were measured.
bal neurological status (Adams Scale) at end of For EMG-BFB training of the hand in patients
treatment, 2 months (EMG-BFB-Figures 57A-H, with post-acute stroke versus placebo, one RCT

(n = 27)196 illustrated clinically important benefits benefits without statistical significance were ob-
without statistical significance for functional status served for stride length at end of treatment, 6
(scale for judging the performance of drinking weeks (22% RD). No benefit was demonstrated for
from a glass) at end of treatment, 4 weeks (21% ankle and knee angle (at swing phase) and gait
RD). No benefit was demonstrated for motor re- cycle time at end of treatment, 6 weeks (EMG-
covery (Brunnstrom’s stages of recovery) at end of BFB-Figure 65, Table 70). No other outcomes
treatment, 4 weeks. A clinically important benefit were measured.
favoring control was demonstrated without statis- For force-feedback training for the upper ex-
tical significance for wrist ROM (active wrist exten- tremity for patients with chronic stroke versus
sion) at end of treatment, 4 weeks (EMG-BFB- control, (one RCT, n = 25),200 no benefit was
Figure 61, Table 66). No other outcomes were shown for motor function (Fugl-Meyer upper ex-
measured. tremity and Test Évaluant la Performance des
For rhythmic positional BFB training for pa- Membres supérieurs des Personnes âgées
tients with chronic stroke versus control (one [TEMPA]) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and fol-
RCT, n = 37),205 a clinically important benefit with low-up, 8 weeks, and dexterity (box and blocks) at
statistical significance was shown for ankle ROM at follow-up, 8 weeks. No benefit was demonstrated,
end of treatment, 12 weeks (28% RD), and gait but results favored control for coordination (fin-
speed at end of treatment, 12 weeks, and follow- ger-to-nose) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and
up, 3 months (62% and 71% RD, respectively; follow-up, 8 weeks, and dexterity at end of treat-
EMG-BFB-Figure 62, Table 67). No other out- ment, 6 weeks (EMG-BFB-Figure 66, Table 71).
comes were measured. No other outcomes were measured.
For audio and visual feedback training with For force-feedback training for the lower ex-
general relaxation for patients with chronic stroke tremity for patients with chronic stroke versus
versus control, one CCT (n = 31)210 showed a control, one RCT (n = 25)200 demonstrated clinically
clinically important benefit without statistical sig- important benefits without statistical significance
nificance for active knee ROM (change in active for gait speed at end of treatment, 6 weeks (24%
flexion) at end of treatment, 3 months (2955% RD). RD), and gait endurance (2-minute walking test) at
However, it also demonstrated a clinically impor- follow-up, 8 weeks (15% RD). No benefit was dem-
tant benefit without statistical significance favoring onstrated for motor function (Fugl-Meyer lower ex-
control for active ankle ROM (change in active dor- tremity), mobility (Timed Up & Go) at end of treat-
siflexion) and mobility (number of patients im- ment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 8 weeks; gait speed
proved in assistive devices necessary) at end of treat- at follow-up, 8 weeks; and gait endurance at end of
ment, 3 months (EMG-BFB-Figure 63, Tables treatment, 6 weeks (EMG-BFB-Figure 67, Table
68A&B). No other outcomes were measured. 72). No other outcomes were measured.
For video feedback training for patients with
subacute stroke versus control (one CCT, n = Strength of published evidence compared with other
14),207 clinically important benefits with statistical guidelines
significance were found for decrease in unilateral
neglect (baking tray task) at end of treatment, 2 The Ottawa Panel found level I (12 RCTs) and
days (44% RD). No benefit was demonstrated for level II evidence (7 CCTs) concerning the use of
unilateral neglect (line bisection task) at end of BFB in post-stroke rehabilitation. In comparison,
treatment, 2 days. No benefit was demonstrated, the VA/DoD75 found level I evidence (3 RCTs),
but results favored control for decrease in unilat- while the Royal College of Physicians72 found both
eral neglect (line cancellation task) at end of treat- level I and II evidence (4 meta-analyses, 22 RCTs,
ment, 2 days (EMG-BFB-Figure 64, Table 69). and 2 CCTs) for the use of BFB in post-stroke
No other outcomes were measured. rehabilitation (Appendix 4).
For FES versus BFB for patients with chronic The Ottawa Panel found level I (one RCT) for
stroke (one RCT, n = 36),51 clinically important EMG-BFB relaxation training for the shoulder and
Clinical Practice Guidelines 33

level I evidence (one RCT) for EMG-BFB training ment in patients undergoing stroke rehabilitation.
for the elbow for patients in post-stroke rehabilita- The Ottawa Panel found the following therapies
tion. The Panel also found level II evidence for beneficial: EMG-BFB relaxation training for the
both audio and visual feedback training with gen- shoulder (grade C+ for pain relief) in patients with
eral relaxation (one CCT) and video feedback subacute and post-acute stroke, EMG-BFB training
training (one CCT). The Scottish Intercollegiate for the elbow (grade C+ for passive ROM) for
Guidelines Network74 evidence was only based on patients with chronic stroke, audio and visual
four meta-analyses for EMG-BFB for outcomes of feedback training with general relaxation (grade
function and movement (Appendix 4). C+ for active knee ROM) for patients with chronic
The Ottawa Panel found level I evidence (two stroke, and video feedback training (grade B for
RCTs) for EMG-BFB training, as well as for EMG- decrease of unilateral neglect) for patients with
BFB training of the shoulder (one RCT). Level I subacute stroke (Appendix 4).
evidence (one RCT) was also found for EMG-BFB The Ottawa Panel agrees with the Heart and
training of the hand and force-feedback training of Stroke Foundation of Ontario71 that EMG-BFB
the upper extremity (one RCT). The Panel found should be included as an intervention for post-
level II evidence (one CCT) for both EMG-BFB stroke patients who have a high level of motor
training of the wrist and the upper extremity (one return. The Ottawa Panel found the following
CCT). The Heart and Stroke Foundation of treatments beneficial: EMG-BFB training (grade
Ontario71 also found level I and II evidence (one C+ for motor function) for patients with post-acute
case series, three CCTs, and one RCT) for motor stroke, EMG-BFB training for the shoulder (grade
impairment and functional motor recovery out- C+ for upper extremity motor function) for pa-
comes (Appendix 4). tients with subacute and post-acute stroke, EMG-
The Ottawa Panel found level I (one RCT) for BFB training for the hand (grade C+ for functional
rhythmic positional BFB training, BFB training status) for patients with post-acute stroke, force-
versus FES (one RCT), and force-feedback training feedback training for the upper extremity (grade C
for the lower extremity (one RCT). The Panel also for motor function and dexterity) for patients with
found level II evidence (two CCTs) for EMG-BFB chronic stroke, EMG-BFB training for the wrist
training of the lower extremity and level I and II (grade B for grip strength and motor function,
evidence (four RCTs and five CCTs) for EMG-BFB grade C+ for grip strength) for patients with
training for the lower extremity. In comparison, St. chronic stroke, and EMG-BFB training for the up-
Joseph’s Health Care London73 found level I evi- per extremity (grade A and C+ for motor function)
dence (nine RCTs) for gait and standing outcomes for patients with chronic stroke (Appendix 4).
(Appendix 4). However, unlike the Heart and Stroke Founda-
tion,71 the Ottawa Panel also found control thera-
Clinical recommendations compared with other pies beneficial (grade D+ for physical abilities, mo-
tor function, wrist ROM, and grip strength;
Appendix 4).
The Ottawa Panel agrees with the VA/DoD75 that The Ottawa Panel agrees with the St. Joseph’s
found insufficient evidence concerning the routine Health Care London73 guidelines that there is
use of BFB as an intervention for patients undergoing strong evidence that BFB training improves gait
post-stroke rehabilitation. However, the Panel dis- and standing post stroke. The Ottawa Panel found
agrees with the Royal College of Physicians that BFB the following treatments beneficial: rhythmic posi-
systems should be routinely excluded as an interven- tional BFB training (grade A for ankle ROM and
tion for post-stroke rehabilitation (Appendix 4). gait speed) for patients with chronic stroke, BFB
The Ottawa Panel agrees with the Scottish Inter- training versus FES (grade C+ for stride length) for
collegiate Guidelines Network74 that there is fair patients with chronic stroke, force-feedback train-
evidence that EMG-BFB should not be used rou- ing for the lower extremity (grade C+ for gait speed
tinely in the rehabilitation of function and move- and gait endurance) for patients with chronic

stroke, and EMG-BFB training for the lower extrem- asymmetry, and ankle angle at toe-off during gait)
ity (grade A for change in timed ambulation, grade B for patients with acute-chronic stroke was also
for ankle strength, and grade B and C+ for gait found to be beneficial (Appendix 4).
quality and ankle ROM, grade C+ for knee ROM, All other interventions and outcomes evalu-
gait speed, gait cycle time, mobility, change in timed ated by the Ottawa Panel were not compared
ambulation and improvement in ankle ROM at heel because the other previously existing clinical
strike, and ankle strength). A control therapy (grade practice guidelines examined did not apply (Ap-
D+ for improvement in lower extremity support pendix 4).

Clinical practice guidelines for gait training

Treadmill training and body-weight support gait training, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for fastest
(BWS) combined with physiotherapy versus comfortable gait speed, gait cadence, and mobility
treadmill training alone, level I (RCT): Grade C+ at end of treatment, 4 weeks (clinically important
for gait speed at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clini- benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
cally important benefit demonstrated without sta- cance); grade C for stride length at end of treat-
tistical significance); grade C for gait speed at ment, 2 and 4 weeks, and gait speed and gait
follow-up, 4 months (no benefit demonstrated). cadence at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit
Patients with post-acute and chronic stroke. demonstrated). Patients with chronic stroke.
Treadmill training and BWS versus aggres- High-speed treadmill training versus stan-
sive bracing-assisted walking, level I (RCT): dard gait training, level I (RCT): Grade A for
Grade C+ for gait endurance and length of stay at fastest comfortable gait speed and stride length at
end of treatment, 2 weeks (clinically important end of treatment, 4 weeks, and gait cadence at end
benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi- of treatment, 2 and 4 weeks (clinically important
cance); grade C for gait speed at end of treatment, benefit demonstrated). Patients with chronic
2 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with stroke.
subacute stroke. Treadmill training combined with overground
Treadmill training versus standard custom- ambulation versus control, level I (RCT): Grade A
ary exercises, level II (CCT): Grade B for mobility for step length (affected side) at end of treatment, 4
at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important weeks, and follow-up, 3 months (clinically impor-
benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for gait speed tant benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for gait speed
and stride length at end of treatment, 3 weeks at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 3
(clinically important benefit demonstrated without months, walking distance and step length
statistical significance). Patients with subacute (nonaffected side) at end of treatment, 4 weeks
stroke. (clinically important benefit demonstrated without
High-speed treadmill training versus low- statistical significance); grade C for step width at
speed treadmill training, level I (RCT): Grade A end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 3
for fastest comfortable gait speed at end of treat- months, quality of life and walking distance at fol-
ment, 4 weeks, and gait cadence at end of treat- low-up, 3 months (no benefit demonstrated); grade
ment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit dem- D for gait cadence at end of treatment 4 weeks, and
onstrated); grade C+ for stride length at end of follow-up, 3 months, and quality of life at end of
treatment, 2 and 4 weeks (clinically important treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated but
benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi- favoring control). Patients with chronic stroke.
cance); grade C for gait speed, percent body Electrogoniometric feedback training versus
weight support (%BWS) and upper extremity sup- control, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for change in gait
port at end of treatment, 2 and 4 weeks (no benefit speed and maximum knee ROM (decrease of hy-
demonstrated). Patients with chronic stroke. perextension) at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and
Low-speed treadmill training versus standard follow-up, 4 weeks (clinically important benefit
Clinical Practice Guidelines 35

demonstrated without statistical significance). Pa- strated but favoring control). Patients with chronic
tients with post-acute stroke. stroke.
FES of the ankle dorsiflexors versus control Rhythmic auditory facilitation training ver-
for gait training, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for sus control for gait training, level I (RCT): Grade
functional status and level of walking indepen- A for gait speed and stride length at end of treat-
dence at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, ment, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit dem-
4 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- onstrated); grade C+ for gait symmetry at end of
strated without statistical significance); grade D treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit
for motor function at end of treatment, 4 weeks, demonstrated without statistical significance);
and follow-up, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated grade C for gait cadence at end of treatment, 6
but favoring control). Patients with post-acute weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with
stroke. post-acute stroke.
FES of the ankle dorsiflexors versus control Step length BFB training versus control for
for gait training, level I (RCT): Grade A for stride gait training, level 1 (RCT): Grade C for step
length at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically length at end of treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit
important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for demonstrated). Patients with post-acute stroke.
gait cadence and gait speed at end of treatment, 3 Musical motor feedback training versus con-
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated trol for gait training, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for
without statistical significance); grade C for motor gait speed, stride length, and gait symmetry at end
function at end of treatment, 3 weeks (no benefit of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important benefit
demonstrated). Patients with chronic stroke. demonstrated without statistical significance);
FES of the ankle dorsiflexors and/or gastroc- grade C for gait cadence and heel-on–toe-off dis-
nemius versus control for gait training, level I tance at end of treatment, 3 weeks (no benefit
(RCT): Grade A for physiological cost index (PCI) demonstrated). Patients with post-acute stroke.
with FES (orthosis on) and decrease of spasticity FES versus standard rehabilitation for gait
(area beneath curve) at end of treatment, 12 weeks training, level I (RCT): Grade A for maximum
(clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade isometric voluntary contraction of ankle
C+ for gait cycle time at end of treatment, 6 weeks, dorsiflexors at end of treatment, 2 and 3 weeks
PCI with FES (orthosis on) at end of treatment, 4 (clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated C+ for maximum isometric voluntary contraction
without statistical significance); grade C for gait of ankle dorsiflexors at end of treatment, 1 week,
speed with FES (orthosis on), PCI without FES and follow-up, 5 weeks, and for spasticity at end of
(orthosis off), and decrease of spasticity (relaxation treatment, 1, 2, and 3 weeks, and follow-up, 5
index) at end of treatment, 4 and 12 weeks, de- weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated
crease of spasticity (area beneath curve) at end of without statistical significance); grade C for walk-
treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); ing ability at follow-up, 5 weeks (no benefit dem-
grade D for stride length and ankle and knee angle onstrated); grade D+ for walking ability at end of
at end of treatment, 6 weeks, gait speed without treatment, 1, 2, and 3 weeks (clinically important
FES at end of treatment, 4 and 12 weeks (no benefit favoring control without statistical signifi-
benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa- cance). Patients with post-acute stroke.
tients with chronic stroke. FES versus placebo for gait training, level I
BFB followed by FES versus control for gait (RCT): Grade A for maximum isometric voluntary
training, level I (RCT): Grade A for gait cycle time contraction of ankle dorsiflexors at end of treat-
at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important ment, 3 weeks (clinically important benefit dem-
benefit demonstrated); grade C for stride length onstrated); grade C+ for maximum isometric vol-
and knee angle at end of treatment, 6 weeks (no untary contraction of ankle dorsiflexors at end of
benefit demonstrated); grade D for ankle angle at treatment, 1 and 2 weeks, and follow-up, 5 weeks,
end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit demon- and for spasticity at end of treatment, 1, 2, and 3

weeks, and follow-up, 5 weeks (clinically impor- gait speed at follow-up, 18 and 32 weeks, and
tant benefit demonstrated without statistical sig- quality of life at follow-up, 32 weeks (clinically
nificance); grade C for walking ability at follow- important benefit demonstrated without statistical
up, 5 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ significance); grade C for mobility at end of treat-
for walking ability at end of treatment, 1 week ment, 12 and 20 weeks, and follow-up, 26, 38, and
(clinically important benefit favoring control with- 52 weeks, and functional status at follow-up, 32
out statistical significance); grade D- for walking weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D for func-
ability at end of treatment, 2 and 3 weeks (clini- tional status and quality of life at follow-up, 6, 18,
cally important benefit favoring control). Patients and 32 weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favor-
with post-acute stroke. ing control). Patients with subacute stroke.
Placebo FES versus control for gait training, Treadmill training and BWS versus control,
level I (RCT): Grade A for walking ability at end of level I (RCT): Grade A for gait speed at end of
treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important benefit treatment 2–3 weeks and follow-up, 3 months,
demonstrated); grade C+ for maximum isometric balance at end of treatment, 6 weeks, gait distance
voluntary contraction of ankle dorsiflexors at end at end of treatment, 2–3 weeks, motor recovery at
of treatment, 1 and 2 weeks, and follow-up, 5 end of treatment, 6 weeks, oxygen consumption at
weeks, for spasticity at end of treatment, 2 and 3 end of treatment, 2–3 weeks (clinically important
weeks, and follow-up, 5 weeks, and for walking benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for cardiovascu-
ability at end of treatment, 2 weeks, and follow-up, lar endurance at end of treatment, 2–3 weeks, gait
5 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- endurance at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and fol-
strated without statistical significance); grade C low-up, 3 months, and decrease in gait energy cost
for maximum isometric voluntary contraction of at end of treatment, 2–3 weeks, motor recovery at
ankle dorsiflexors at end of treatment, 3 weeks, follow-up, 3 months (clinically important benefit
and for walking ability at end of treatment, 1 week demonstrated without statistical significance);
(no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ for spasticity grade C for mobility at end of treatment, 2, 3, and
at end of treatment, 1 week (clinically important 10 weeks, and follow-up, 10 months, functional
benefit favoring control without statistical signifi- status and cognitive status at end of treatment, 10
cance). Patients with post-acute stroke. weeks, and follow-up, 10 months, motor function
Functional lower extremity training versus at end of treatment, 10 weeks, and energy expen-
control, level I (RCT): Grade A for quality of life at diture at end of treatment, 2 and 3 weeks (no
end of treatment, 12 weeks, and follow-up, 6 and benefit demonstrated); grade D for motor function
18 weeks, functional status at follow-up, 6 weeks, at follow-up, 10 months (no benefit demonstrated
quality of life at end of treatment, 12 weeks, com- but favoring control); grade D+ for FIM locomo-
fortable gait speed and maximum gait speed at end tion at end of treatment, 2–3 weeks (clinically
of treatment, 12 and 20 weeks, and follow-up, 6 important benefit favoring control demonstrated
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated); without statistical significance). Patients with
grade C+ for comfortable gait speed and maximum acute and post-acute stroke.

Summary of trials trials studied the effect of FES.51,250,251,256,264 Two

trials examined functional lower extremity train-
Twenty-two trials were included for comparison ing,164,165 while four trials evaluated individual inter-
with a total of 923 patients.16,51,164,165,206,248–264 Eleven ventions including electrogoniometric feedback,16
trials examined the use of treadmill training in pa- rhythmic auditory facilitation,263 step length BFB,206
tients post stroke.248,249,252–255,260,262,263 Of these, six and musical motor feedback.259 Sixteen trials com-
trials examined the use of treadmill training and pared the intervention of interest with an active
BWS.249,252,253,257,262,263 Five randomized controlled intervention, while six trials utilized a control
Clinical Practice Guidelines 37

group. Total treatment length varied between 2 speed at follow-up, 10 months. However, this re-
weeks and 20 weeks, and individual treatment ses- sult was not statistically significant. No other out-
sions ranged between 20 minutes and 3 hours comes were measured.
(Gait-Appendix 3D). For treadmill training and BWS combined
Twenty-seven trials were excluded (Gait-Table with physiotherapy versus treadmill training
73).265–283 Reasons for exclusion included insuffi- alone, one RCT (n = 28)263 found a clinically im-
cient statistical data, no outcomes of interest, inap- portant benefit for gait speed at end of treatment, 3
propriate control group, or inappropriate study weeks (24% RD; Gait-Figure 69, Table 75), while
design. no benefit was demonstrated for gait speed at fol-
low-up. Other outcomes were measured but no
Efficacy meaningful statistical data could be extracted.
When comparing treadmill training and BWS
For treadmill training and BWS versus con- to aggressive brace-assisted walking, one RCT
trol, clinically important benefits were demon- (n = 55)254 demonstrated clinically important ben-
strated for gait speed at end of treatment, 2–3 efits for the outcomes of gait endurance and length
weeks (35% RD),253 and follow-up, 3 months of stay at end of treatment, 2 weeks (44% and
(108% RD)262; balance at end of treatment (28% 15% RD, respectively; Gait-Figure 70, Table
RD)262; gait distance at end of treatment, 2–3 76). No benefit was demonstrated for gait speed at
weeks (98% RD)253; motor recovery as measured end of treatment, 2 weeks. No other outcomes
using STREAM at end of treatment, 6 weeks (22% were measured.
RD)249; and oxygen consumption at end of treat- One CCT255 (n = 25) compared treadmill train-
ment, 2–3 weeks (35% RD)252 (Gait-Figure 68, ing to standard customary exercise, and found a
Table 74). Clinically important benefits without clinically important benefit with statistical signifi-
statistical significance were demonstrated for car- cance for mobility at end of treatment (39% RD;
diovascular endurance at end of treatment, 2–3 Gait-Figure 71, Table 77) and clinically impor-
weeks (18% RD)252; gait endurance at end of treat- tant benefits without statistical significance for gait
ment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 3 months (97% and speed and stride length at end of treatment, 3
114% RD, respectively)262; gait energy expenditure weeks (63 and 26% RD, respectively; Gait-Figure
at end of treatment, 2–3 weeks (95% RD) 253; mo- 71, Table 77). No other outcomes were measured.
tor recovery and balance at follow-up, 3 months For high-speed treadmill training versus low-
(18% and 21% RD, respectively) 249; and gait speed treadmill training in chronic stroke pa-
speed at end of treatment, 6 weeks (34% RD). No tients, clinically important benefits were demon-
clinical benefits were found for mobility (Func- strated for high-speed training by Pohl258 (n = 60)
tional Ambulation Category Scale) at end of treat- for fastest comfortable gait speed at end of treat-
ment, 2, 3, and 10 weeks, and follow-up, 10 ment, 4 weeks (72% RD), and gait cadence at end of
months; functional status (FIM motor scale) at end treatment, 2 weeks (31% RD; Gait-Figure 72,
of treatment, 10 weeks, and follow-up, 10 months; Table 78). In addition, clinically important benefits
energy expenditure at end of treatment, 2 and 3 were demonstrated for high-speed treadmill train-
weeks; or motor function (Fugl-Meyer scale), bal- ing for stride length at end of treatment, 2 and 4
ance (Berg), gait speed, and cognitive status (FIM weeks (18%–34% RD); fastest comfortable gait
cognitive scale) at end of treatment, 10 weeks. No speed at end of treatment, 2 weeks (18% RD); and
clinical benefit was demonstrated, but results fa- gait cadence at end of treatment, 4 weeks (18% RD).
vored the control group for motor function (Fugl- However, these results were not statistically signifi-
Meyer scale), balance, and cognitive status (FIM cant. Sullivan (n = 24) found no difference between
cognitive scale) at follow-up, 10 months. In addi- the two comparison groups for gait speed, % BWS
tion, a clinically important benefit favoring the (Gait-Table 79), or upper extremity support at end
control group was found for locomotion, as mea- of treatment. No other outcomes were measured.
sured with the FIM at end of treatment and gait When comparing low-speed treadmill training

to standard gait training (one RCT, n = 60),258 (155% and 25% RD, respectively), and follow-up,
clinically important benefits were demonstrated 4 weeks (35% and 124% RD, respectively; Gait-
for fastest comfortable gait speed, gait cadence, Figure 76, Table 83). However, these results were
and mobility at end of treatment, 4 weeks (38%, not statistically significant. No other outcomes
19%, and 24% RD, respectively; Gait-Figure 73, were measured.
Table 80). No benefits were demonstrated for FES of the ankle dorsiflexors in subacute
stride length at end of treatment, 2 and 4 weeks, or stroke patients (one RCT, n = 38)256 produced
fastest comfortable gait speed and gait cadence at clinically important benefits without statistical sig-
end of treatment, 2 weeks. No other outcomes nificance for functional status (Barthel Index) and
were measured. level of walking independence (Massachusetts
For high-speed treadmill training versus stan- General Hospital Functional Ambulation Classifi-
dard gait training (one RCT, n = 60),258 clinically cation) at end of treatment (15% and 59% RD,
important benefits were demonstrated for fastest respectively) and follow-up (15% and 59% RD,
comfortable gait speed and stride length at end of respectively; Gait-Figure 77, Table 84) when
treatment, 4 weeks (112% and 71% RD, respec- compared to a control group. While no benefit was
tively), and for gait cadence at end of treatment, 2 demonstrated for motor function at end of treat-
and 4 weeks (25% and 38% RD) (Gait-Figure 73, ment or follow-up, results favored the control
Table 80). Clinically important benefits without group. No other outcomes were measured.
statistical significance were demonstrated for com- FES of the ankle dorsiflexors in post-acute
fortable gait speed and stride length at end of stroke patients (one RCT, n = 20)250 demonstrated
treatment, 2 weeks (54% and 23% RD, respec- clinically important benefits at end of treatment, 3
tively; Gait-Figure 74, Table 81). No other out- weeks, for stride length (47% RD), gait cadence
comes were measured. (32% RD), and gait speed (92% RD; Gait-Figure
For treadmill training combined with 78, Table 85). However, results for gait cadence
overground ambulation versus control (one and gait speed were not statistically significant. No
RCT, n = 27),248 clinically important benefits were benefit was demonstrated for motor function at end
demonstrated for step length on the affected side at of treatment. No other outcomes were measured.
end of treatment and follow-up (15%–20% RD) For FES of the ankle dorsiflexors and/or gastroc-
and step length on the nonaffected side at end of nemius in chronic stroke patients versus control
treatment, 4 weeks (17% RD; Gait-Figure 75, (n = 32 ),251 (n = 36),51 clinically important benefits
Table 82). Clinically important benefits were also were established for the PCI (orthosis on) and
demonstrated for gait speed at end of treatment spasticity at end of treatment, 12 weeks (114% and
and follow-up (17% RD) and walking distance and 24% RD, respectively; Gait-Figure 79, Table 86).
step length on the nonaffected side at end of treat- Clinically important benefits were also established
ment (26% and 17% RD, respectively; Gait-Fig- for gait cycle time at end of treatment, 6 weeks
ure 75, Table 82). However, there was no statisti- (25% RD)51 and for the PCI (orthosis on) at end of
cal significance. No benefit was found for step treatment, 4 weeks (98% RD)251 (Gait-Figure 79,
width at end of treatment or follow-up or for Table 86). However, there was no statistical sig-
quality of life (Sickness Impact Profile) and walk- nificance. No benefit was established for gait speed
ing distance at follow-up, 3 months. No benefits (orthosis on), PCI (orthosis off), or spasticity at
were demonstrated, but results favoring the control end of treatment, 4 or 12 weeks. No benefit was
group were found for gait cadence at end of treat- established for stride length or ankle or knee angle
ment and follow-up and for quality of life at end of at end of treatment, 6 weeks, or for gait speed
treatment. No other outcomes were measured. without FES at end of treatment, 4 and 12 weeks.
When comparing electrogoniometric feedback However, results favored the control group. No
training to a control group for gait training, one other outcomes were measured.
RCT (n = 26)16 demonstrated clinically important For BFB followed by FES (one RCT, n = 36),51 a
benefits for change in gait speed and reduction of clinically important benefit was shown for gait
knee hyperextension at end of treatment, 4 weeks cycle time at end of treatment, 6 weeks (19% RD;
Clinical Practice Guidelines 39

Gait-Figure 80, Table 87) when compared to a ing ability at end of treatment, 1, 2, or 3 weeks, but
control group. No benefits were demonstrated for the results favored the control group. No other
stride length or knee or ankle angle at end of outcomes were measured.
treatment, 6 weeks. However, the results favored For FES compared to a placebo (one RCT, n =
the control group for the outcome on ankle angle. 41),264 a clinically important benefit was demon-
No other outcomes were measured. strated for the maximum isometric voluntary con-
Rhythmic auditory facilitation training (one traction of the ankle dorsiflexors at end of treat-
RCT, n = 20)261 demonstrated clinically important ment, 3 weeks (218% RD; Gait-Figure 85, Table
benefits at end of treatment for gait speed (40% 92). Clinically important benefits without statisti-
RD) and stride length (37% RD; Gait-Figure 81, cal significance were found for the maximum iso-
Table 88) when compared to a control. A clini- metric voluntary contraction of the ankle
cally important benefit without statistical signifi- dorsiflexors at end of treatment, 1 and 2 weeks,
cance was established for gait symmetry (19% RD; and at follow-up, 5 weeks (47%, 133%, and 157%
Gait-Figure 81, Table 88). No benefit was found RD, respectively; Gait-Figure 85, Table 92), and
for gait cadence at end of treatment. No other for spasticity at end of treatment, 1, 2, and 3
outcomes were measured. weeks, and follow-up, 5 weeks (279%, 389%,
Step length BFB training in stroke patients 319%, and 238% RD, respectively; Gait-Figure
(one RCT, n = 14)206 demonstrated no benefit for 85, Table 92). Clinically important benefits favor-
step length at end of treatment, 4 weeks (Gait- ing the control group were found for walking abil-
Figure 82, Table 89). No other outcomes were ity at end of treatment, 1, 2, and 3 weeks. The
measured. results at 2 and 3 weeks were also statistically
For musical motor feedback training versus significant. No other outcomes were measured.
control (one RCT, n = 23),259 clinically important Placebo FES (one RCT, n = 41)264 produced a
benefits without statistical significance were estab- clinically important benefit for walking ability at
lished for gait speed, stride length, and gait sym- end of treatment, 3 weeks (65% RD; Gait-Figure
metry at end of treatment, 3 weeks (20%, 17%, 86, Table 93) when compared to a control group.
and 58% RD, respectively; Gait-Figure 83, Table Clinically important benefits without statistical
90). No benefit was demonstrated for gait cadence significance were also established for maximum
or heel-to–toe-off distance. No other outcomes isometric voluntary contraction of the ankle
were measured. dorsiflexors at the end of treatment, 1 and 2 weeks,
When comparing FES in subacute stroke pa- and follow-up, 5 weeks (22%, 80%, and 31% RD,
tients to standard rehabilitation (one RCT, n = respectively; Gait-Figure 85, Table 92); spasticity
38),256 clinically important benefits were found for at end of treatment, 2 and 3 weeks, and follow-up,
the maximum isometric voluntary contraction of 5 weeks (123%, 240%, and 374% RD, respec-
the ankle dorsiflexors at the end of treatment, 2 tively; Gait-Figure 86, Table 93); and for walking
and 3 weeks (214% and 228% RD, respectively; ability at end of treatment, 2 weeks, and follow-up,
Gait-Figure 84, Table 91). Clinically important 5 weeks (32% and 23% RD, respectively; Gait-
benefits were also established for the maximum Figure 86, Table 93). No benefit was found for
isometric voluntary contraction of the ankle maximum isometric voluntary contraction of the
dorsiflexors at the end of treatment, 1 week, and ankle dorsiflexors at end of treatment, 3 weeks, or
follow-up, 5 weeks (70% and 186% RD, respec- for walking ability at end of treatment, 1 week. A
tively; Gait-Figure 84, Table 91), and for spastic- clinically important benefit favoring the control
ity at end of treatment 1, 2 and 3 weeks and group without statistical significance was estab-
follow-up, 5 weeks (207%, 491%, 527% and lished for spasticity at end of treatment, 1 week.
567% RD, respectively; Gait-Figure 83, Table For functional lower extremity training ver-
90), and walking ability (Timed Up & Go) at sus control, two RCTs (n = 89; n = 101)164,165
follow-up, 5 weeks (33% RD; Gait-Figure 84, showed clinically important benefits for functional
Table 91). However, they were not statistically status (Sickness Impact Profile) at end of treat-
significant. No benefit was demonstrated for walk- ment, 12 weeks, and at follow-up, 6 and 18 weeks

(27%, 20%, and 22% RD, respectively; Gait-Fig- voluntary contraction of the ankle dorsiflexors,
ure 87, Table 94); functional status (FAI) at fol- stride length, and the PCI and to decrease spastic-
low-up, 6 weeks (19% RD; Gait-Figure 87, Table ity. Level I evidence was also found for the use of
94); quality of life (NHP) at end of treatment, 12 placebo FES to improve walking ability in sub-
weeks (20% RD; Gait-Figure 87, Table 94); and acute patients post stroke. The strength of the
comfortable gait speed and maximum gait speed at evidence has also been graded by the Department
end of treatment, 12 and 20 weeks, and follow-up, of Veterans Affairs75 and St. Joseph’s Health Care
6 weeks (36%–64% and 41%–66% RD, respec- London.73 The Department of Veterans Affairs re-
tively; Gait-Figure 87, Table 94). Clinically im- ported level I (RCT) evidence for the use of multi-
portant benefits without statistical significance channel FES in severe hemiplegic patients and
were demonstrated for comfortable gait speed and level II evidence (cohort/case control studies) for
maximum gait speed at follow-up, 18 and 32 the use of FES for gait training following stroke,
weeks (19%–23% and 18%–25% RD, respec- while St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 reported
tively; Gait-Figure 87, Table 94) and quality of level I evidence for the use of FES in gait training
life (Sickness Impact Profile) at follow-up, 32 (Appendix 4).
weeks (15% RD; Gait-Figure 87, Table 94). No Last, the Panel found good evidence to support
benefit was demonstrated for mobility (number of the use of BFB followed by FES to increase gait
patients using walking aids; Gait-Table 95) at end cycle time and rhythmic auditory facilitation to
of treatment, 12 and 20 weeks, or follow-up, 26, increase gait speed and stride length. The strength
38, and 52 weeks, and functional status at follow- of the evidence has also been graded by St.
up, 32 weeks. No benefit was demonstrated, but Joseph’s Health Care London,73 which reported
results favoring the control group were found for level I evidence (9 RCTs) for the use of BFB train-
functional status and quality of life at follow-up, 6, ing for gait (Appendix 4).
18, and 32 weeks.
Clinical recommendations compared with other
Strength of published evidence compared to other guidelines
According to the Ottawa Panel, there is good
The Ottawa Panel found level I (RCT) evidence evidence that treadmill training with BWS (grade
for the use of treadmill training and BWS to in- A for gait speed, gait distance, balance, motor
crease gait speed and gait distance and to improve recovery, and oxygen consumption; grade C+ for
balance, motor recovery, and oxygen consump- cardiovascular endurance, gait endurance, gait en-
tion. The strength of the evidence has also been ergy cost, and motor recovery) should be included
graded by the Department of Veterans Affairs,75 the as an intervention for stroke patients. This is in line
Royal College of Physicians,72 and St. Joseph’s with the Royal College of Physicians72 and Depart-
Health Care London,73 which also reported level I ment of Veterans Affairs75 recommendations that
(RCT) evidence respectively for the use of partial treadmill training with partial BWS should be in-
BWS and treadmill training. Level I (RCT) evi- cluded as an adjunct to conventional therapy for
dence was also found for the use of high-speed patients undergoing stroke rehabilitation. How-
treadmill training. There was equally level I (RCT) ever, this recommendation is contrary to the rec-
evidence to support the use of treadmill training ommendations by St. Joseph’s Health Care Lon-
and overground ambulation to increase step length don,73 which found conflicting evidence* on the
on the affected side. The strength of the evidence use of BWS and treadmill training (Appendix 4).
has also been graded by St. Joseph’s Health Care
London,73 which reported level 1 (RCT) evidence *According to the St. Joseph’s Health Care London, conflicting evi-
for the use of treadmill training (Appendix 4). dence refers to a disagreement between the findings of at least two
RCTs. Where there were more than four RCTs and the results of only
The panel also reported level I (RCT) evidence one was conflicting, the conclusion was based on the results of the
for the use of FES of the ankle dorsiflexors and/or majority of the studies, unless the study with conflicting results was
gastrocnemius to increase the maximum isometric of higher quality.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 41

The Ottawa Panel also found good evidence dergoing stroke rehabilitation. In addition, it is
(grade A for fastest comfortable gait speed, gait in partial agreement with the conflicting guide-
cadence, and step length on the affected side) to lines made by the Department of Veterans Af-
include treadmill training without BWS as an inter- fairs73 that recommended FES for gait training
vention for stroke patients. Again, this recommen- following stroke but also found insufficient evi-
dation conflicts with that of St. Joseph’s Health Care dence to recommend multi-channel FES for se-
London,73 which found conflicting evidence* on vere hemiplegic patients with gait impairment
the use of treadmill training (Appendix 4). (Appendix 4).
The Ottawa Panel also reported that there is Finally, the Ottawa Panel is in agreement with
good evidence to support the use of FES (grade the recommendations by St. Joseph’s Health Care
A for maximum isometric voluntary contraction, London,73 which reported strong evidence for the
stride length, PCI, and spasticity; grade C+ for use of rhythmic auditory stimulation in patients
functional status, level of walking indepen- post stroke. The Ottawa Panel found good evi-
dence, gait cadence, gait speed, and gait cycle dence (grade A for gait speed and stride length;
time) in gait training for stroke patients. This is grade C+ for gait symmetry) to support the use of
in line with the recommendations made by St. rhythmic auditory stimulation as an intervention
Joseph’s Health Care London73 that reported following stroke (Appendix 4).
strong evidence to include FES for patients un-

Clinical practice guidelines for balance training

Balance training (sit-to-stand) with force plat- Base of support training with extrinsic audi-
form and auditory feedback versus control (no tory feedback versus control, level I (RCT):
feedback), level I (RCT): Grade A for time up at Grade A for step width at end of treatment, 10
follow-up, 33 months (clinically important benefit days (clinically important benefit demonstrated).
demonstrated); grade C+ for strength (dynamic Patients with subacute stroke.
knee extensors strength in concentric movement) at Balance training with visual feedback versus
end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important ben- control, level I (RCT) and level II (CCT): Grade A
efit demonstrated without statistical significance); for motor function (Rivermead Motor Function
grade C for time up, body weight distribution on Scale: global and gross motor function) at end of
affected lower extremity in rising and sitting, treatment, 4 weeks, functional status at end of
strength (dynamic knee flexors strength in eccentric treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 8 weeks, timed
movement), physical performance, and activities of task (duration of sit-to-stand), body weight distri-
daily living at end of treatment, 6 weeks, time down bution, rate of rise in force during sit-to-stand (%
and strength (dynamic knee extensors strength in of body weight/second), dynamic balance (end
concentric movement) at follow-up, 33 months, point excursion* [right and backward], axis veloc-
and strength (dynamic knee extensors strength in ity** [right-left], and directional control*** [for-
eccentric movement) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, ward-backward]) at follow-up, 6 months (clini-
and follow-up, 33 months (no benefit demon-
strated); grade D for time down, strength (dynamic
knee flexors in concentric movement), and motor *End point excursion refers to the distance traveled by the center of
function in sit to stand at end of treatment, 6 weeks, gravity on the primary attempt to reach a target moving in a different
direction in 0.8 seconds.
and body weight distribution on affected lower ex- **Axis velocity is the average speed of the subject’s center of gravity
tremity in rising and sitting at follow-up, 33 months movement in the specified direction.
(clinically important benefit favoring control dem- ***Directional control is defined as the ratio of the actual distance
traveled by the center of gravity from the center to end point excur-
onstrated). Patients with subacute and post-acute
sion compared with the shortest distance between those two points (a
stroke. straight line).

cally important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ and follow-up, 1 month, functional mobility and
for static balance (center of gravity alignment: eyes gait speed at end of treatment, 3 weeks, motor
open, sway vision, eyes closed/sway surface, and function (Rivermead Motor Function Scale: global
sway vision/sway surface) at follow-up, 6 months, and lower extremity and trunk) at follow-up, 8
motor function (Rivermead Motor Function Scale: weeks (clinically important benefit favoring con-
lower extremity and trunk) at end of treatment, 4 trol demonstrated without statistical significance).
weeks, dynamic balance (end point excursion* left Patients with subacute and post-acute stroke.
and forward) at follow-up, 6 months, balance Balance training with visual feedback versus
(postural sway eyes open) at end of treatment, 3 Bobath approach training, level I (RCT): Grade
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated A for standing balance at end of treatment, 4
without statistical significance); grade C for static weeks, and follow-up, 2 weeks (clinically impor-
balance (center of gravity alignment: eyes closed, tant benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for sitting
eyes open/sway surface) at follow-up, 6 months, balance at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-
functional mobility and balance (postural sway up, 12 weeks, and standing balance at follow-up,
eyes opened) at follow-up, 1 month, and balance 12 weeks (clinically important benefit demon-
(Berg Scale) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and strated without statistical significance); grade C
follow-up, 1 month, gait speed at end of treatment, for sitting balance at follow-up, 2 weeks (no ben-
4 weeks and 6 weeks, mobility (stride length, ca- efit demonstrated). Patients with subacute stroke.
dence, and gait cycle duration) at end of treatment, Balance training with visual feedback versus
4 weeks, balance (standing symmetry) at end of task-specific training, level I (RCT): Grade A for
treatment 3 weeks, static balance (maximal stabil- standing balance at follow-up, 2 weeks (clinically
ity eye open and eye closed), static balance (ankle important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for
strategy eyes open, eyes closed, sway vision, eyes sitting balance at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and
closed/sway surface, and sway vision/sway sur- follow-up, 12 weeks, and standing balance at fol-
face), dynamic balance-axis velocity** (forward- low-up, 12 weeks (clinically important benefit
backward) and dynamic balance-directional con- demonstrated without statistical significance);
trol*** (right-left), and timed task (duration of grade C for sitting balance at follow-up, 2 weeks,
stand-to-sit) at follow-up, 6 months (no benefit and standing balance at end of treatment, 4 weeks
demonstrated); grade D for static balance (maxi- (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with subacute
mal stability sway vision, eyes open/sway surface, stroke.
eyes closed/sway surface, and sway vision/sway Balance training with visual feedback versus
surface), static balance (ankle strategy eyes open/ control, level I (RCT): Grade A for standing bal-
sway surface) at follow-up, 6 months, motor func- ance at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up,
tion (Rivermead Motor Function Scale: gross mo- 2 weeks (clinically important benefit demon-
tor function) at follow-up, 8 weeks, balance (Berg strated); grade C+ for sitting balance and standing
Scale) at end of treatment, 3 and 4 weeks, func- balance at follow-up, 12 weeks (clinically impor-
tional mobility at end of treatment, 4 and 6 weeks, tant benefit demonstrated without statistical sig-
gait speed and balance (standing symmetry) at nificance); grade C for sitting balance at end of
follow-up, 1 month (no benefit demonstrated but treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated);
favoring control); grade D+ for balance (postural grade D+ for sitting balance at follow-up, 2 weeks
sway eyes closed) at end of treatment, 3 weeks, (clinically important benefit favoring control dem-
onstrated without statistical significance). Patients
*End point excursion refers to the distance traveled by the center of
with subacute stroke.
gravity on the primary attempt to reach a target moving in a different Platform training versus control, level I
direction in 0.8 seconds. (RCT): Grade A for standing balance at end of
**Axis velocity is the average speed of the subject’s center of gravity
movement in the specified direction.
treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important benefit
***Directional control is defined as the ratio of the actual distance demonstrated); grade C for weight distribution at
traveled by the center of gravity from the center to end point excur- end of treatment, 3 weeks (no benefit demon-
sion compared with the shortest distance between those two points (a strated). Patients with subacute stroke.
straight line).
Clinical Practice Guidelines 43

Summary of trials down and strength (dynamic knee extensors

strength in concentric movement) at 33 months
Ten RCTs (n = 306) and 1 CCT (n = 42) evaluat- follow-up and strength (dynamic knee extensors
ing balance training in the inpatient or outpatient strength in eccentric movement) at end of treat-
setting were included.119,284–293 The individual ment and follow-up. A statistically insignificant
training methods varied, but most of them em- and clinically unimportant trend favoring control
ployed supplementary visual or auditory feedback
to guide postural balance. In most of the trials, was shown for strength (dynamic knee flexors in
patients were positioned on force-transducing concentric movement) at the end of treatment
platforms such that they could monitor their rela- and body weight distribution on affected lower
tive weight distribution and center of gravity dur- extremity in rising and sitting at the 33 month
ing the training exercises.119,285–289,291,292 In general, follow-up. Statistically and clinically significant
the control interventions consisted of standard benefits favoring control were found for time
balance training without BFB or customary care down (22% RD) and motor function in sit to
(Appendix 3E). stand (−100% RD) at the end of treatment.
Treatment schedules ranged from a single 30- For base of support training with extrinsic
minute session per day for 2 weeks to three 15- auditory feedback for subacute stroke patients
minute sessions per day for 5 days a week and over compared to control, statistically significant and
6 weeks. Recruited patients were in the subacute clinically important benefits were shown for step
or post-acute phase of stroke (Appendix 3E). width at the end of the 10 day treatment (41% RD;
Altogether, three potentially relevant studies one RCT, n = 16; BT-Figure 89, Table 98).284 No
were excluded.294–296 In two cases, insufficient sta- follow-up was done.
tistical data were provided.289,290 In the third Six RCTs (n = 196) and 1 CCT (n = 42) examined
study,294 the treatment period was not standard- balance training with visual feedback relative
ized and varied between and within the treatment to a control intervention without feedback for
and control groups (BT-Table 96). stroke patients in the subacute and post-acute
phases of recovery.285–289,291–293 Statistically signifi-
cant and clinically important benefits were shown
for motor function (Rivermead Motor Function
In comparing balance training (sit-to-stand) Scale: global and gross motor function) at the end
with force platform and auditory feedback to a of 4 weeks of treatment (40% and 42% RD, respec-
control training group without BFB in subacute tively; BT-Figure 92, Table 100); functional sta-
and post-acute stroke patients, statistically sig- tus (Nottingham 10-point ADL scale) at the end of
nificant and clinically important benefits were 4 weeks of treatment and at 8 weeks follow-up
shown for time to rise to a standing position (time (43% and 21% RD, respectively; BT-Figure 92,
up) at 33 months follow-up (one RCT, n = 30; Table 100); timed task (duration of sit-to-stand)
BT-Figure 88, Table 97).287The RD between ex- and body weight distribution and rate of rise in
perimental and control groups was 90%. Clini- force during sit-to-stand (% of body weight/sec-
cally important benefits without statistical signifi- ond) at 6 months follow-up (−24%, −21%, and
cance were demonstrated for strength (dynamic 88% RD, respectively; BT-Figure 90, Table 99);
knee extensors strength in concentric movement) dynamic balance (end point excursion [right and
at the end of 6 weeks of treatment (15% RD). No backward]), axis velocity [right-left], and direc-
benefit was observed for time up, body weight tional control [forward-backward]) at 6 months
distribution on affected lower extremity in rising follow-up (55%, 24%, 29%, and 29% RD, respec-
and sitting, strength (dynamic knee flexors tively; BT-Figure 91, Table 99). Clinic a l l y i m -
strength in eccentric movement), physical perfor- portant benefits without statistical sig-
mance (Fugl-Meyer), and activities of daily living n i f i c a n c e were demonstrated for static balance
(Barthel ADL Index) at the end of 6 weeks of (center of gravity alignment: eyes open, sway
treatment. Benefits were also not seen for time vision, eyes closed/sway surface, and sway vi-

sion/sway surface) at 6 months follow-up (−18%, bility (Timed Up & Go) and gait speed at the end
−15%, −15%, and −40% RD, respectively; BT- of 3 weeks treatment (RD: 55% and −48% RD,
Figure 91, Table 99); motor function respectively; BT-Figure 92, Table 100), and mo-
(Rivermead Motor Function: lower extremity and tor function (Rivermead Motor Function Scale:
trunk) at the end of 4 weeks of treatment (37% global and lower extremity and trunk) at 8 weeks
RD; BT-Figure 92, Table 100); dynamic balance follow-up (−31% RD; BT-Figure 92, Table 100).
(end point excursion [left and forward]) at 6 For balance training with visual feedback
months follow-up (21% and 24% RD, respec- compared to Bobath approach training for sub-
tively; BT-Figure 91, Table 99); and balance acute stroke patients (one RCT, n = 40),119 statisti-
(postural sway with eyes open) at the end of 3 cally significant and clinically important im-
weeks of treatment (17% RD; BT-Figure 93, provements in standing balance were seen at the
Table 100). No benefit was demonstrated for end of 4 weeks of treatment and at the 2-week
static balance (center of gravity alignment: eyes follow-up (−34% and −36% RD, respectively;
closed, eyes open/sway surface) at 6 months fol- BT-Figure 94, Table 103). There were clini-
low-up, functional mobility (Timed Up & Go) cally important benefits without statistical sig-
and balance (postural sway eyes opened) at 1 nificance in sitting balance at the end of 4 weeks
month follow-up and balance (Berg Scale) at the of treatment and at the 12-week follow-up (−21%
end of 6 weeks treatment and 1 month follow-up; and −104% RD, respectively) and standing bal-
gait speed at the end of treatment at 4 weeks and ance at the 12-week follow-up (−31% RD). No
6 weeks; mobility (stride length, cadence, and benefit was demonstrated for sitting balance at the
gait cycle duration) at the end of 4 weeks treat- 2-week follow-up.
ment; balance (standing symmetry) at the end of For balance training with visual feedback
3 weeks of treatment; and static balance (maxi- compared to task-specific training in subacute
mal stability eyes open and eyes closed), static stroke patients, statistically significant and clini-
balance (ankle strategy eyes open, eyes closed, cally important benefits were found for standing
sway vision, eyes closed/sway surface, sway vi- balance at the 2-week follow-up (-30% RD; one
sion/sway surface), dynamic balance (axis veloc- RCT, n = 40)119 (BT-Figure 95, Table 104). Clini-
ity [forward-backward], directional control cally important benefits without statistical signifi-
[right-left]), and timed task (duration of stand-to- cance were demonstrated for sitting balance at the
sit) at the end of 6 months follow-up. Statistically end of the 4-week treatment and at the 12-week
insignificant and clinically unimportant trends follow-up (−27% and −30% RD, respectively).
favoring control were found for static balance Similar benefits occurred for standing balance at
(maximal stability sway vision, eyes open/sway the 12-week follow-up (−32% RD). No benefit was
surface, eyes closed/sway surface, and sway vi- shown for sitting balance at the 2-week follow-up
sion/sway surface) and static balance (ankle strat- and standing balance at the end of treatment.
egy eyes open/sway surface) at 6 months follow- For balance training with visual feedback
up, motor function (Rivermead Motor Function compared to control in subacute stroke patients,
Scale: gross motor function) at 8 weeks follow- statistically significant and clinically important im-
up, balance (Berg Scale) at the end of treatment at provements in standing balance were shown at the
3 and 4 weeks, functional mobility (Timed Up & end of the 4-week treatment and at the 2-week
Go) at the end of treatment at 4 and 6 weeks, and follow-up (−19% and −81% RD, respectively; one
gait speed and balance (standing symmetry) at 1 RCT, n = 40)119 (BT-Figure 96, Table 105). There
month follow-up (BT-Figure 93, Table 101). were clinically important benefits without sta-
Clinically important benefits favoring control but tistical significance for sitting balance and
without statistical significance were demon- standing balance at the 12-week follow-up (−52%
strated for balance (postural sway with eyes and −99% RD, respectively). No benefit was dem-
closed) at the end of 3 weeks treatment and 1 onstrated for sitting balance at end of the 4 weeks
month follow-up (−74% and −90% RD, respec- of treatment. Statistically insignificant but clini-
tively; BT-Figure 93, Table 102), functional mo- cally important benefits favoring control were
Clinical Practice Guidelines 45

found for sitting balance at the 2-week follow-up for strength [dynamic knee extensors strength in
(24% RD). concentric movement] at the end of 6 weeks of
A comparison of platform training to control treatment), platform training (grade A for stand-
revealed statistically and clinically significant ben- ing balance at the end of 6 weeks of treatment),
efits with respect to standing balance, represented and balance training with visual feedback (grade
by a change in the maximum movement amplitude A for standing balance at the end of 4 weeks of
of the platform (RD: 66% RD; one RCT, n = 24)290 treatment and 2 weeks of follow-up), motor func-
(BT-Figure 97, Table 106). No benefit was seen tion (Rivermead Motor Function Scale: global
for weight distribution (number of patients im- and gross motor function) at the end of 4 weeks
proved on weight distribution) at the end of the 3- of treatment, functional status at the end of 4
week treatment. No follow-up was done. weeks of treatment and 8 weeks of follow-up,
timed task (duration of sit-to-stand), body weight
Strength of the published evidence compared with distribution, rate of rise in force during sit-to-
other guidelines stand (% of body weight/second), dynamic bal-
ance (end point excursion [right and backward],
The Ottawa Panel found level I (RCTs) and level II
axis velocity [right-left], and directional control
(CCT) evidence evaluating balance training in post-
[forward-backward]) at 6 months follow-up;
stroke rehabilitation. The clinical practice guidelines
grade C+ for sitting balance and static balance
formulated by St. Joseph’s Health Care London73
(center of gravity alignment: eyes open, sway vi-
were based on level I (RCT) evidence, although non-
sion, eyes closed/sway surface, and sway vision/
RCTs were also considered (Appendix 4).
sway surface) at 6 months follow-up, motor func-
tion (Rivermead Motor Function: lower extremity
Clinical recommendations compared with other
and trunk) at the end of 4 weeks of treatment,
dynamic balance-end point excursion (left) and
The Ottawa Panel found good evidence to rec- (forward) at 6 months follow-up, and balance
ommend balance training as a rehabilitation in- (postural sway eyes open) at the end of 3 weeks of
tervention for subacute and post-acute stroke pa- treatment (Appendix 4).
tients. Specifically, good evidence was found for These recommendations are in agreement with
base of support training with extrinsic auditory those of St. Joseph’s Health Care London,73 which
feedback (grade A for step width at the end of 10 found strong evidence that balance training post
days treatment), balance training (sit-to-stand) stroke improves outcomes. Other preexisting guide-
with force platform and auditory feedback (grade lines could not be compared to those of the Ottawa
A for time up at 33 months follow-up; grade C+ Panel, because they did not apply (Appendix 4).

Clinical practice guidelines for sensory interventions

Feedback of eye movement versus control, treatment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit
level I (RCT): Grade C for proportion of eye move- demonstrated without statistical significance). Pa-
ments and visual attention (Behavioral Inattention tients with subacute and post-acute stroke.
Test – behavioral subtests) at end of treatment, 4 Tape-recorded imagery versus control, level I
weeks (no benefit demonstrated); and grade D for (RCT): Grade C for motor function at end of
visual attention (Behavioral Inattention Test – con- treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa-
ventional subtests) at end of treatment, 4 weeks tients with chronic post-stroke.
(no benefits demonstrated but favoring control). Sensory function training for the hand versus
Patients with subacute stroke. control, level II (CCT): Grade A for sensory func-
Passive vestibular stimulation versus control, tion (change in location of touch, change in two-
level II (CCT): Grade C+ for mobility at end of point discrimination, change in sense of elbow

position, and change in stereognosis) at end of 43 weeks and 5 years, Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer log
treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit at follow-up 17 weeks, number of patients im-
demonstrated). Patients with chronic post-stroke. proved more than 10% on Brunnstrom-Fugl-
Sensory motor integrative intervention using Meyer log at follow-up, 17 weeks and 43 weeks
the affected upper extremity versus functional (clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade
intervention using compensation techniques, C for Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer log at end of treat-
level I (RCT): Grade C for functional ability-meal ment, 3 weeks and 6 weeks, and follow-up, 43
preparation at end of treatment, 4 weeks and 8 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ for
weeks (no benefit demonstrated); and grade D for Barthel Index at follow-up, 43 weeks and 5 years
functional status (Barthel Index) at end of treat- (clinically important benefits favoring control
ment, 4 weeks and 8 weeks (no benefits demon- demonstrated without statistical significance). Pa-
strated but favoring control). Patients with sub- tients with subacute stroke.
acute stroke. Visual attention training versus
Perceptual learning exercise versus control, visuoperception training, level I (RCT): Grade A
level I (RCT): Grade C+ for total locus length eyes for reaction time at end of treatment 5–10 weeks
open and enveloped area eyes open at end of treat- (clinically important benefit demonstrated); and
ment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- grade C for visual perception skills, visual scan-
strated without statistical significance); and grade C ning/visual attention (Single Letter Cancellation
for total locus length eyes closed, enveloped area Test and Double Letter Cancellation Test), right/
eyes closed, rectangular area eyes open and eyes left directional orientation, visual conceptual/
closed at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit visuomotor tracking (Trail Making Test A and
demonstrated). Patients with post-acute stroke. Trail Making Test B), selective attention/visual
Rocking chair stimulation versus control, scanning, and visual attention processing at end of
level I (RCT): Grade A for Brunnstrom-Fugl- treatment, 5–10 weeks (no benefit demonstrated).
Meyer and Action Research Arm Test at follow-up, Patients with post-acute stroke.

Summary of trials 107). Three of these studies lacked a control

group,175,306,307 two studies provided insufficient
In total, seven RCTs (n = 318) and two CCTs (n = statistical data,308,309 two studies assigned fewer
59) examining the efficacy of sensory interventions than five patients per group,310,311 one study did
post stroke were included.297–305 The sensory inter- not measure any outcomes of interest,312 one study
ventions tested in the trials included passive vesti- examined a mixed population of patients with
bular training to improve functional ambulation, stroke and head injury,313 one study was a case-
auditory feedback to reduce visual neglect, visual series,314 and in two studies the subjects served as
attention retraining to assist driving performance, their own controls.315,316 Other reasons for exclu-
perceptual learning exercises to improve standing sion are detailed in SI-Table 107.317,318
balance, mental practice of upper extremity exer-
cises using taped visual imagery, retraining of
hand sensory function, repetitive sensory-motor
training (rocking chair stimulation), and sensory- One RCT (n = 18)297 evaluated the effect of eye
motor integrative treatment (Appendix 3F). movement feedback versus control in subacute,
Treatment schedules ranged from 5 to 10 ses- right-hemispheric stroke patients with left-sided
sions per week lasting 40 minutes each, over an 8- visual neglect. No benefit was demonstrated for
week period. Patients were recruited in the sub- proportion of eye movements to the left/right or
acute, post-acute, or chronic phases of stroke visual attention (behavioral subtests of Behaviour
(Appendix 3F). Inattention Test) at the end of 4 weeks of treatment
Altogether, 14 studies were excluded (SI-Table (SI-Table 108, Figure 98). A clinically unimpor-
Clinical Practice Guidelines 47

tant and statistically insignificant trend favoring oped area eyes closed, and rectangular area eyes
control was observed for the conventional subtests open and eyes closed at the end of 2 weeks.
of the Behavioral Inattention Test. In to included articles, based on the same
After 2 weeks of treatment, subacute and post- study sample, subacute stroke patients were
acute stroke patients who were subjected to pas- seated in a rocking chair with the affected arm
sive vestibular stimulation showed clinically im- placed in a position contrary to the typical pat-
portant improvements without statistical tern of spasticity and supported by an inflatable
significance in mobility as measured by the func- long-arm splint (n = 100; (SI-Tables 114&115,
tional ambulation profile (one CCT, n = 20)300 (SI- Figures 104&105).298,299 Patients were asked to
Table 109, Figure 99). The RD was 52%. No rock the chair back and forth using their heels
other outcome measures were assessed. and affected arm. Compared to control, rocking
The use of taped visual imagery in chronic chair stimulation demonstrated statistically
stroke patients with right arm hemiparesis pro- significant and clinically important benefits for
duced no benefit in motor function (% improve- motor function (Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer and
ment in Fugl-Meyer Score) at the end of 4 weeks Action Research Arm Test) at 43 weeks follow-
(one RCT, n = 16; SI-Table 110, Figure 100).98 up and 5 years follow-up (317%, ≥15%, 285%,
Patients in the experimental group listened to and ≥15% RD, respectively); motor function
tape-recorded visual imagery of their affected arm (Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer log) at 17 weeks fol-
being used in various tasks. The control group, on low-up (17% RD); and motor function (number
the other hand, listened to a tape of introductory of patients improved more than 10% on
information about stroke that required attention Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer) at 17 weeks follow-up
and participation. and 43 weeks follow-up (31% and 33% RD,
Retraining of hand sensory function in respectively). No benefit was demonstrated for
chronic stroke patients demonstrated statistically motor function (Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer log)
significant and clinically important improvements after 3 weeks and 6 weeks of treatment or at 43
in localization of touch, two-point discrimination, weeks follow-up. Clinically important benefits
elbow position sense (change in elbow flexion), favoring control but without statistical signifi-
and stereognosis at the end of 6 weeks of treatment cance were shown for functional status (Barthel
(one CCT, n = 39; 171%, 125%, 187%, and 209% Index) at 43 weeks follow-up and 5 years fol-
RD, respectively) (SI-Table 111, Figure 101).305 low-up (−22% and −22% RD, respectively).
In subacute stroke, a sensory-motor integra- Visual attention retraining exercises were
tive approach showed no benefit compared to a developed using the Useful Field of View (UFoV)
functional approach for functional ability (meal software program to target visual processing
preparation) at the end of 4 and 8 weeks (one RCT, speed, divided attention, and selective attention,
n = 90; SI-Table 112, Figure 102).301 Statistically skills felt to be important for driving (one RCT, n
significant but clinically unimportant benefits fa- = 86; SI-Table 116, Figure 106).302 Compared to
voring control were shown for functional status a control intervention (traditional, computerized
(Barthel Index) at 4 and 8 weeks. visual perception retraining), visual attention re-
One RCT (n = 26)303 evaluated the effect of a training provided statistically significant and
perceptual learning exercise in which blind- clinically important benefits in reaction time at
folded patients were asked to estimate the hard- the end of treatment (20 sessions or 5–10 weeks).
ness of various sponges placed underneath the The RD for this outcome was −54%. No benefits
soles of their feet. In patients with subacute stroke, were found for visual perception skills (Motor-
there were clinically important benefits without Free Visual Perception Test), visual scanning/vi-
statistical significance for total locus length eyes sual attention (Single Letter Cancellation Test
open and enveloped area eyes open at the end of and Double Letter Cancellation Test), right/left
the 2-week treatment (−20% and −18% RD, re- directional orientation (Road Map Test), visual
spectively; SI-Table 113, Figure 103). No benefit conceptual/visuomotor tracking (Trail Making
was found for total locus length eyes closed, envel- Test A and Trail Making Test B), selective atten-

tion (Bell Test), and visual attention processing subacute and post-acute stroke), and perceptual
(Charron Test). learning exercises (grade C+ for total locus length
eyes open and enveloped area eyes open at the
end of 2 weeks of treatment; post-acute stroke)
Strength of the published evidence compared with
other guidelines
(Appendix 4).
The value of taped visual imagery in promoting
The Ottawa Panel found level I (RCTs) and level upper extremity motor function is uncertain; the
II (CCT) evidence evaluating sensory interventions evidence is poor to either include or exclude this
in post-stroke rehabilitation. The recommendations rehabilitative strategy in patients who have entered
formulated by St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 the chronic phase of stroke. There is also poor
related to sensory interventions were based on level evidence to include eye movement feedback in
I (RCT) evidence. The quality of the evidence for subacute stroke patients with unilateral visual ne-
sensory interventions has not been evaluated by glect. Furthermore, there is poor evidence to sug-
other preexisting guidelines (Appendix 4). gest an advantage of a sensory-motor integrative
approach to a functional approach in improving
Clinical recommendations compared with other
functional status (Appendix 4).
guidelines The recommendations of the Ottawa Panel are
in agreement with the recommendations outlined
The Ottawa Panel found good evidence to rec- by St. Joseph’s Health Care of London.73 St.
ommend some types of sensory-based interven- Joseph’s Health Care of London73 found strong
tions for stroke rehabilitation, including sensory evidence that perceptual training interventions im-
function training of the hand (grade A for change prove perceptual functioning, which is consistent
in location of touch, change in two-point dis- with the Ottawa Panel’s guidelines regarding sen-
crimination, change in sense of elbow position, sory function training of the hand. Similarly, the
and change in stereognosis at the end of 6 weeks Ottawa Panel’s recommendation on visual atten-
of treatment; chronic stroke), rocking chair tion retraining is consistent with St. Joseph’s
stimulation (grade A for Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer Health Care of London’s73 assessment that there is
and Action Research Arm Test at 43 weeks and 5 strong evidence that visual scanning techniques
years follow-up, Brunnstrom-Fugl-Meyer log at improve visual neglect and produce associated im-
17 weeks follow-up, and number of patients im- provements in function. Finally, St. Joseph’s
proved more than 10% on Brunnstrom-Fugl- Health Care of London73 found that there is con-
Meyer log at 17 weeks and 43 weeks follow-up; flicting evidence as to whether external sensory
subacute stroke), visual attention retraining interventions such as eye movement feedback are
(grade A for reaction time at the end of 20 treat- beneficial in the treatment of visual neglect. The
ment sessions; post-acute stroke), passive vesti- Ottawa Panel also found poor evidence to recom-
bular training (grade C+ for functional mend eye movement feedback for reducing visual
ambulation at the end of 2 weeks of treatment; neglect in affected stroke patients (Appendix 4).

Clinical practice guidelines for constraint-induced movement therapy

Constraint-induced movement therapy motor and grip) at end of treatment, 2 weeks
(CIMT) versus standard customary occupa- (clinically important benefit demonstrated with-
tional therapy, level I (RCT): Grade A for mo- out statistical significance); grade C for func-
tor function (Action Research Arm [ARA]-pinch tional status (FIM upper extremity [UE] dress-
and ARA-total) at end of treatment, 2 weeks ing ability, lower extremity dressing ability,
(clinically important benefit demonstrated); eating, bathing, and grooming, and Barthel In-
grade C+ for motor function (ARA-grasp, gross dex) at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit
Clinical Practice Guidelines 49

demonstrated). Patients with subacute stroke, CIMT versus control, level I (RCT): Grade A
who can perform some active finger and wrist for change in functional status at end of treatment,
extension prior to CIMT. 10 days (clinically important benefit demon-
CIMT versus bimanual training based upon strated); grade C for motor function at end of
NDT, level I (RCT): Grade C for functional status, treatment, 10 days (no benefit demonstrated).
motor function, and quality of life at end of treat- Chronic stroke patients who can perform some
ment, 3 weeks, and follow-up at 6 weeks and 1 active finger and wrist extension prior to CIMT.
year (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with CIMT versus standard physical therapy,
chronic stroke who can perform some active finger level I (RCT): Grade C+ for dexterity at end of
and wrist extension prior to CIMT. treatment, 2 months (clinically important ben-
CIMT for 6 hours per day versus CIMT for 3 efit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
hours per day, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for cance); grade C for change in arm impairment
functional status at end of treatment, 2 weeks, and change in hand impairment at end of treat-
and follow-up at 1 month (clinically important ment, 2 months (no benefit demonstrated);
benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi- grade D for change in postural control impair-
cance). Patients with chronic stroke who can per- ment at end of treatment, 2 months (no benefit
form some active finger and wrist extension prior demonstrated, but favoring control). Patients
to CIMT. with acute stroke.

Summary of trials Efficacy

Five RCTs involving CIMT for stroke patients For CIMT compared to standard customary
were included (n = 136).319–323 The treatment types occupational therapy for subacute stroke patients
given were as follows: 1) CIMT versus standard who could perform some active wrist and finger
occupational therapy (n = 20)319; 2) CIMT versus extension (one RCT, n = 20),319 clinically impor-
bimanual training based upon NDT (n = 62)322; 3) tant benefits were shown for motor function (ARA-
CIMT given for 6 hours per day versus CIMT given pinch and ARA-total) at end of treatment, 2 weeks
for 3 hours per day (n = 15)321; 4) CIMT versus (86% and 33% RD, respectively). These outcomes
control (n = 16)323; and 5) CIMT versus standard were also statistically significant. (CIMT-Figure
physical therapy (n = 23320; CIMT-Appendix 3G). 107, Table 118) Clinically important benefits
CIMT consisted of the upper unaffected extrem- without statistical significance were demonstrated
ity being constrained either with an arm sling and for motor function (ARA-grasp, gross motor, and
a hand splint321–323 or padded mittens or mittens grip) with respective RDs of 62%, 45%, and 35%.
without thumbs,319,320 while the hemiplegic arm However, no benefit was demonstrated for func-
was used to perform functional tasks or ADLs tional status (FIM-eating, grooming, bathing,
(CIMT-Appendix 3G). Treatment duration lower and upper extremity dressing ability, and
ranged from 1 to 6 hours per day. and frequency Barthel Index) at end of treatment, 2 weeks
ranged from 5 to 7 days a week, over an 8-day to 2- (CIMT-Figure 107, Table 118). No other out-
week period (CIMT-Appendix 3G). comes were measured.
In total, 13 studies were excluded for the follow- No benefit was found for CIMT versus bi-
ing reasons. For three studies, the patient served as manual training based on NDT for chronic
his or her own control324–326; while for two other stroke patients who could perform some active
studies, there were fewer than five subjects per wrist and finger extension (one RCT, n = 62)322
group.327,328 Two other studies lacked sufficient with respect to the following outcomes: func-
numerical data,23,329 and the rest were excluded for tional status (Rehabilitation Active Profile [RAP],
various other reasons21,330–334 (CIMT-Table 117). personal care; RAP, occupation), Motor Activity

Log (MAL: amount of use and quality of move- Strength of published evidence compared with other
ment in ADL), motor function (ARA-test score guidelines
and Fugl-Meyer), and quality of life (MAL-prob-
The Ottawa Panel found level I evidence (five
lem score) at end of treatment, 3 weeks, and
RCTs)319–323 for the use of CIMT in the treatment of
follow-up, 6 weeks and 1 year. No other out-
subacute, acute, and chronic stroke patients. Both
comes were measured (CIMT-Figure 108A-C,
the VA/DoD75 and St. Joseph’s Health Care Lon-
Table 119).
don73 also found level I evidence (two or more
For CIMT for 6 hours per day versus CIMT
RCTs) for the use of CIMT in stroke patients. The
for 3 hours per day for chronic stroke patients
strength of the evidence has not been measured by
with some active wrist and finger extension (one
other previous guidelines (Appendix 4).
RCT, n = 15),321 a clinically important benefit was
found for functional status (MAL: amount of use
Clinical recommendations compared with other
and quality of movement in ADL) at end of treat-
ment, 2 weeks, and follow-up, 1 month (26%
and 15%–28% RD, respectively). No other out- The Ottawa Panel found good evidence to rec-
comes were measured (CIMT-Figure 109, Table ommend the consideration of the inclusion of
120). CIMT in the treatment of subacute stroke patients
In comparing CIMT for chronic stroke pa- with some active finger and wrist extension prior
tients with some active wrist and finger extension to CIMT (grade A for motor function [ARA pinch
to control (one RCT, n = 16),323 a clinically impor- and total] and grade C+ for motor function [ARA-
tant benefit was demonstrated for change in func- grasp, gross motor, and grip]). The Panel also
tional status (change in MAL-ADL assessment) at found good evidence to recommend that CIMT be
end of treatment, 10 days (22% RD). This outcome considered as an intervention for the treatment of
was also statistically significant (CIMT-Figure chronic stroke patients with some active finger and
110, Table 121). No benefit was demonstrated for wrist extension prior to CIMT (grade A for change
motor function (change in Wolf Function Test) at in functional status; Appendix 4).
end of treatment, 10 days. No other outcomes These Ottawa Panel recommendations are in
were measured. agreement with the guidelines set out by the VA/
Clinically important benefits without statistical DoD75 that CIMT should be considered as a treat-
significance were found for CIMT versus stan- ment for a select group of patients with 20º of wrist
dard physical therapy for acute stroke patients extension and 10º of finger extension who have no
(one RCT, n = 23)320 with respect to arm and hand sensory and cognitive deficits. According to the
dexterity (Action Research Arm Test [ARAT] VA/DoD,75 the only demonstrated benefit to date
score) at end of treatment, 2 months (40% occurs in individuals who receive between 6 and 8
RD)(CIMT-Figure 111, Table 122). No benefit hours of daily training for at least 2 weeks. St.
was demonstrated for change in arm and hand Joseph’s Health Care London73 also recommended
impairment (Chedoke-McMaster Impairment In- that constraint-induced therapies, as opposed to
ventory [CMII] score) at end of treatment, 2 traditional therapies, be included as an interven-
months (CIMT-Figure 111, Table 122). How- tion for patients undergoing stroke rehabilitation
ever, results favored control for change in postural (Appendix 4).
control impairment (CMII score) at end of treat- Other preexisting guidelines could not be com-
ment, 2 months, but no benefit was demonstrated. pared, as they did not apply to the recommenda-
No other outcomes were measured. tions of the Ottawa Panel.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 51

Clinical practice guidelines for shoulder subluxation

FES versus control, level I (RCT): Grade C+ middle deltoid, level I (CCT): Grade C+ for
for shoulder lateral ROM (SLROM), motor func- muscle force at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clini-
tion, and decrease in shoulder subluxation at end cally important benefit demonstrated without sta-
of treatment, 4 weeks, and pain relief at end of tistical significance); grade C for decrease in
treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 8 weeks (clini- shoulder subluxation at end of treatment, 6 weeks
cally important benefit demonstrated without sta- (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with chronic
tistical significance); grade C for SLROM and de- stroke.
crease in shoulder subluxation at follow-up, 8 FES of the supraspinatus versus no treat-
weeks, and muscle bulk at end of treatment, 4 ment, level I (CCT): Grade C+ for muscle force
weeks, and follow-up, 8 weeks (no benefit demon- and decrease in shoulder subluxation at end of
strated); grade D for motor function at follow-up, treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit
8 weeks (no benefit demonstrated, but favoring demonstrated without statistical significance). Pa-
control). Patients with acute stroke. tients with chronic stroke.
FES versus control, level I (RCT) and level II FES of the middle deltoid of chronic versus
(CCT): Grade A for SLROM, motor function (UE no treatment, level II (CCT): Grade C+ for
function), decrease in shoulder subluxation (v- muscle force and decrease in shoulder subluxation
value* difference), and improvement of muscle at end of treatment, 6 weeks. Patients with chronic
tone on affected upper extremity (UE) at end of stroke.
treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 6 weeks, and Support methods – Bobath versus
decrease in shoulder subluxation**(mm) at end of Henderson, level II (CCT): Grade C for decrease
treatment, 12 and 18 weeks (clinically important in shoulder subluxation at end of treatment, 1 day.
benefit demonstrated); grade B for pain relief at Patients with post-acute stroke.
end of treatment 3, 6, 12, and 24 months, and Support methods – Henderson shoulder ring
motor function (% of patients with recovery of versus no support, level II (CCT): Grade B for
motor function) and decrease in shoulder sublux- decrease in shoulder subluxation at end of treat-
ation (% of decreased shoulder subluxation) at end ment, 1 day (clinically important benefit demon-
of treatment, 6, 12, and 24 months (clinically strated). Patients with post-acute stroke.
important benefit demonstrated). Patients with Support methods – Bobath shoulder roll ver-
subacute stroke. sus no support, level II (CCT): Grade B for de-
FES versus control, level I (RCT): Grade C for crease in shoulder subluxation at end of treatment,
decrease in shoulder subluxation at end of treat- 1 day (clinically important benefit demonstrated).
ment, 12 and 18 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with post-acute stroke.
Patients with chronic stroke. Strapping versus no strapping, level I (RCT):
FES of the supraspinatus versus FES of the Grade C+ for pain relief at end of treatment, 6
weeks, and follow-up, 2 months (clinically impor-
tant benefit demonstrated without statistical sig-
nificance). Patients with subacute stroke.
*v-value is calculated by using a radiological technique, where the v = Shoulder positioning versus no treatment,
vertical component of the glenohumeral alignment is determined by level I (RCT): Grade C+ for ROM (active abduc-
measuring the vertical distance between the acromial point and the
tion [ABD]) at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically
central point of the humeral head in millimeters.
**The degree of subluxation was determined on the x-ray by measur- important benefit demonstrated without statistical
ing the shortest perpendicular distance (in mm) between tangents significance); grade C for ROM (passive external
drawn through the inferior border of the acromion and the most rotation) and pain relief at end of treatment, 6
superior aspect of the head of the humerus of the affected upper
extremity. The method was generally accepted and used for finding all weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with
“decrease in shoulder subluxation.” subacute stroke.

Summary of trials treatment and at 8 weeks follow-up (126% and

189% RD, respectively) (SH-Figure 112, Table
Five RCTs (n = 224)335–339 and three CCTs (n =
124). However, no benefit was demonstrated for
163)340–342 involving various treatments for shoul-
SLROM and decrease in shoulder subluxation at 8
der subluxation in post-stroke patients were in-
weeks follow-up or for muscle bulk (upper arm
cluded. The following were the categories of treat-
circumference) at the end of 4 weeks of treatment
ment for shoulder subluxation. 1) FES was applied
and at 8 weeks follow-up. No benefit was demon-
to either the supraspinatus or middle del-
strated, but results favored control for motor func-
toid,336,338–341 where pulse frequency ranged from 1
tion (motor grading scale) at 8 weeks follow-up.
to 45 Hz, and pulse duration ranged from 300–
No other outcomes were measured.
350 µs, with an on/off period of 15 seconds each
For FES treatment of the subluxed shoulder
and a ramp up/down of 2 to 3 seconds (n = 235)
in subacute stroke patients versus control (one
compared to control. Treatment sessions lasted
RCT, n = 26),336 clinically important benefits with
between 5 and 60 minutes and were given 2 to 4
statistical significance were seen for SLROM (iso-
times a day, from 5 to 7 days a week, over a 4-week
metric difference in SLROM between affected and
to 24-month period (SH-Appendix 3H). 2) The
unaffected side), motor function (UE function),
use of support methods that consisted of the
decrease in shoulder subluxation (v-value differ-
Bobath shoulder roll made of a 1-cm strip of foam
ence*) and improvement of muscle tone on the
rubber padding and the Henderson shoulder ring
affected UE (Tone scale) at the end of 6 weeks of
made of a 1.25-cm-thick piece of polyethylene
treatment and at 6 weeks follow-up with respec-
foam warmed in an oven compared to no treat-
tive RDs of 95%–100%, 64%–81% 160%–186%,
ment for 1 day (n = 26)342 (SH-Appendix 3H). 3)
and 82%–200% (SH-Figure 113, Table 125).
The use of strapping with two main supporting
Clinically important benefits with statistical sig-
tapes compared to no treatment, 24 hours a day, 7
nificance were also found for decrease in shoulder
days a week, for 6 weeks (n = 98).337 4) Shoulder
subluxation** (mm) at the end of 12 weeks and 18
positioning compared to no treatment (n = 28),335
weeks of treatment (63%–73% RD; one RCT, n =
where prolonged positioning of the affected shoul-
16)339 (SH-Figure 113, Table 125). Pain relief (%
der was used. Positions were held for 20 minutes
of patients with no pain at the end of 3, 6, 12, and
and treatment sessions took place 5 days a week
24 months of treatment [≥ 15% RD]), motor func-
over a 6-week period (SH-Appendix 3H).
tion (% of patients with recovery of motor func-
In total, 13 studies were excluded for the follow-
tion), and decrease in shoulder subluxation (% of
ing reasons. Four studies lacked a control
decreased shoulder subluxation) at the end of 3, 6,
group,343–346 and three studies did not include an
12, and 24 months of treatment (≥ 15% and 30%–
intervention.347–349 Another two were excluded be-
60% RD) were also shown to have clinically im-
cause not enough data were available.350,351 The
portant benefits with statistical significance (one
remaining studies were not included for various
CCT, n = 120340; (SH-Figure 113, Table 125). No
reasons352–355 (SH-Table 123).
other outcomes were measured.

Clinically important benefits without statistical
significance were found for FES in acute stroke *v-value is calculated by using a radiological technique, where the v =
patients versus control (one RCT, n = 40)335 for vertical component of the glenohumeral alignment is determined by
measuring the vertical distance between the acromial point and the
SLROM (the pain free range of lateral rotation), central point of the humeral head in millimeters.
motor function (motor grading scale), and de- **The degree of subluxation was determined on the x-ray by measur-
crease in shoulder subluxation (subluxation scale) ing the shortest perpendicular distance (in mm) between tangents
at the end of 4 weeks of treatment (17%, 15%, and drawn through the inferior border of the acromion and the most
superior aspect of the head of the humerus of the affected upper
1000% RD, respectively), as well as pain relief, extremity. The method was generally accepted and used for finding all
(Verbal Pain Rating Scale) at the end of 4 weeks of “decrease in shoulder subluxation.”
Clinical Practice Guidelines 53

For FES treatment of the subluxed shoulder in tients at the end of the 1 day treatment (25% RD).
chronic stroke patients versus control (one RCT, This outcome was also statistically significant (SH-
n = 16),339 no benefit was demonstrated for decrease Figure 119, Table 131). No other outcomes were
in shoulder subluxation at the end of 12 weeks and measured.
18 weeks of treatment. No other outcomes were Clinically important benefits of using a Bobath
measured (SH-Figure 114, Table 126). shoulder roll versus no support (one CCT, n =
Clinically important benefits without statistical 26)342 were found for decreasing shoulder sublux-
significance were observed for FES of the su- ation in post-acute stroke patients at the end of 1
praspinatus muscle versus FES of the middle day of treatment (28% RD). This outcome was also
deltoid muscle in chronic stroke patients (one statistically significant (SH-Figure 120, Table
CCT, n = 12)341 for muscle force (maximum ABD 132). No other outcomes were measured.
force) at the end of 6 weeks of treatment (31% For strapping of the subluxed shoulder of
RD; SH-Figure 115, Table 127). However, no subacute stroke patients versus no strapping (one
benefit was demonstrated for decreasing shoulder RCT, n = 98),337 clinically important benefits with-
subluxation (with and without stress) at the end out statistical significance were found for pain re-
of 6 weeks of treatment. No other outcomes were lief (pain on dressing) at the end of 6 weeks of
measured. treatment and at 2 months follow-up (172%–
For FES applied to the supraspinatus 235% RD; SH-Figure 121, Table 133). No other
muscle of the same group of chronic stroke outcomes were measured.
patients versus no treatment (one CCT, n = Clinically important benefits without statistical
12),341 clinically important benefits without sta- significance were observed for shoulder position-
tistical significance were demonstrated for ing of subacute stroke patients versus no treat-
muscle force (maximum ABD force) and de- ment (one RCT, n = 28)335 with respect to ROM
crease in shoulder subluxation (with and with- (active ABD) at the end of 6 weeks of treatment
out stress) at the end of 6 weeks of treatment. (111% RD) (Figure 122, Table 134). No benefits
Relative differences were 47%, 41%, and 24%, were demonstrated for ROM (passive external ro-
respectively (SH-Figure 116, Table 128). No tation) and pain relief (pain on dressing) at the end
other outcomes were measured. of 6 weeks of treatment. No other outcomes were
Similarly, clinically important benefits without measured.
statistical significance were found for FES applied
to the middle deltoid muscle of chronic stroke Strength of published evidence compared with other
patients versus no treatment (one CCT, n = 11)341 guidelines
for muscle force (maximum ABD force) and de-
crease in shoulder subluxation (with and without The Ottawa Panel found both level I (three
stress) at the end of 6 weeks of treatment. Relative RCTs) 336,338,339 and level II evidence (two
differences were 26%, 45%, and 29%, respectively CCTs)340,341 for the use of FES in reducing shoul-
(SH-Figure 117, Table 129). No other outcomes der subluxation. St. Joseph’s Health Care London73
were measured. also found level I (two or more RCTs) evidence for
No benefit was found for Bobath shoulder roll the use of FES for the shoulder (Appendix 4).
versus Henderson shoulder ring use with re- According to the Ottawa Panel, there is level II
spect to decreasing shoulder subluxation among evidence (one CCT)342 for the use of support meth-
post-acute stroke patients at the end of 1 day of ods such as Bobath and Henderson. St. Joseph’s
treatment (one CCT, n = 26342; SH-Figure 118, Health Care London73 also found level II (CCT)
Table 130). No other outcomes were measured. evidence for support methods (Appendix 4).
The clinically important benefits of using a The Ottawa Panel found level I (RCT) evidence for
Henderson shoulder ring versus no support both prolonged shoulder positioning335 and strap-
(one CCT, n = 26)342 were observed in decreasing ping.337 St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 also found
shoulder subluxation among post-acute stroke pa- level I (RCT) evidence for both of these interventions.

The strength of the evidence has not been graded by The Ottawa Panel found fair evidence to support
other preexisting guidelines (Appendix 4). the use of shoulder strapping for patients with
subacute stroke (grade C+ for pain relief). This is
Clinical recommendations compared with other
in partial agreement with St. Joseph’s Health Care
guidelines London,73 which concluded that shoulder strap-
ping does not result in significant reductions in
pain or improve upper limb function or ROM
According to the Ottawa Panel, there is good (Appendix 4).
evidence that FES should be included as an inter- Finally, the Ottawa Panel found fair evidence
vention for the reduction of shoulder subluxation regarding the use of positioning of the shoulder as
in subacute stroke patients (grade A for SLROM, an intervention for patients with post-acute stroke
motor function, decrease in shoulder subluxation, (grade C+ for ROM, active ABD, and grade C for
and increase in muscle tone, and grade B for pain ROM, passive external rotation, and pain relief).
relief and motor function). This recommendation This is in partial agreement with the finding of St.
concurs with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Joseph’s Health Care London73 that prolonged po-
Ontario71 and the St. Joseph‘s Health Care London sitioning does not result in significant reductions
guidelines73 (Appendix 4). in pain or improve upper limb function or range of
Based upon fair evidence, the Ottawa Panel rec- motion. The Ottawa Panel is however in agree-
ommends that the Bobath shoulder roll and the ment with the consensus opinion* of St. Joseph’s
Henderson shoulder ring be considered as an in- Health Care London that proper positioning of the
tervention for the reduction of shoulder sublux- hemiplegic shoulder does indeed help prevent
ation (grade B for decrease in shoulder sublux- subluxation (Appendix 4).
ation). However, as the Ottawa Panel also found Other preexisting guidelines concerning shoul-
poor evidence (grade C for decrease in shoulder der subluxation did not apply to those of the Ot-
subluxation) to support either the inclusion or tawa Panel.
exclusion of shoulder slings as an intervention for
post-acute stroke patients, it is also in partial
agreement with the Heart and Stroke Foundation
of Ontario71 and St. Joseph’s Health Care Lon-
don,73 which found that there is limited evidence *According to St. Joseph’s Health Care London, consensus opinion
refers to the agreement of a group of experts on an appropriate course
that shoulder slings influence clinical outcomes of treatment in the absence of evidence. It is regarded as the lowest
(Appendix 4). form of evidence and can be considered as no evidence at all.

Clinical practice guidelines for electrical stimulation

FES of quadriceps and rectus femoris com- extension) at end of treatment, 1 week (no benefit
bined with positional feedback stimulation demonstrated); grade D+ for ROM (selective ex-
training versus control for the knee, level I tension) at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically
(RCT): Grade C+ for ROM (selective knee exten- important benefit favoring control demonstrated
sion: extension of the knee without any help of the without statistical significance). Patients with post-
synergistic muscles) at end of treatment, 2 and 4 acute stroke.
weeks, and knee extension torque and ROM (syn- Positional feedback stimulation training of
ergistic ROM extension: extension of the knee with wrist extensors versus control, level I (RCT):
possible help of synergistic muscles) at end of Grade A for torque and ROM at end of treatment,
treatment, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks (clinically impor- 2, 3, and 4 weeks. Patients with subacute and post-
tant benefit demonstrated without statistical sig- acute stroke.
nificance); grade C was given for ROM (selective Neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the
Clinical Practice Guidelines 55

wrist and finger extensors versus control, level I for active ankle ROM at end of treatment, 5 weeks
(RCT): Grade A for grip strength (grip in kilo- (clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade
grams) at end of treatment, 8 weeks, torque (mo- C+ for active wrist ROM and functional status at
ment of extension at 15º) at end of treatment, 8 end of treatment, 5 weeks (clinically important
weeks, and follow-up, 24 weeks, and motor func- benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
tion (ARAT total) at end of treatment, 8 weeks cance); grade C for decrease in spasticity at end of
(clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade treatment, 5 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa-
C+ for ROM (resting wrist angle) at follow-up, 24 tients with subacute stroke.
weeks, ROM (maximum active extension) at end FES of the posterior deltoid and supraspina-
of treatment, 8 weeks, and follow-up, 24 weeks, tus for the shoulder versus control, level I
torque (moment of extension at 0º) at end of treat- (RCT): Grade A for active ROM at end of treat-
ment, 8 weeks, and follow-up, 24 weeks, motor ment, 6 weeks, decrease in shoulder subluxation at
function (ARAT-grasp) at end of treatment, 8 end of treatment, 6 weeks, and difference in active
weeks, and follow-up, 24 weeks, motor function ROM between affected and nonaffected shoulder
(ARAT-grip, pinch, gross movement, and total at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-up, 6
score) at end of treatment, 8 weeks, functional weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated);
status at follow-up, 24 weeks, and motor function grade C+ for active ROM at end of treatment, 3
(ARAT total) at follow-up, 24 weeks (clinically weeks, and follow-up, 6 weeks, shoulder muscle
important benefit demonstrated without statistical tone at end of treatment, 3 and 6 weeks, and
significance); grade C was given for torque (mo- follow-up, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit
ment of extension at 30o), ROM (maximum pas- demonstrated without statistical significance). Pa-
sive extension of the wrist and resting wrist angle), tients with chronic stroke.
functional status at end of treatment, 8 weeks, NMES of chronic stroke patients for the hand
motor function (ARAT-grip, pinch, and gross versus placebo, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for
movement) at follow-up, 24 weeks, decrease of strength, functional status, and motor function
visuospatial neglect at end of treatment, 8 weeks, (turning pages, small objects, and stacking) at end
and follow-up, 24 weeks, decrease of spasticity at of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important benefit
end of treatment, 8 weeks, and follow-up, 24 demonstrated without statistical significance);
weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D was grade C for dexterity at end of treatment, 3 weeks
given for ROM (maximum passive extension of the (no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ for motor
wrist) at follow-up, 24 weeks (no benefit demon- function (feeding, tracking accuracy) at end of
strated but favoring control); grade D+ was given treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important benefit
for grip strength at follow-up, 24 weeks (clinically favoring control, but demonstrated without statis-
important benefit favoring control demonstrated tical significance); grade D for motor function
without statistical significance). Patients with sub- (light cans, heavy cans) at end of treatment, 3
acute and post-acute stroke. weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favoring con-
FES of anterior tibialis and gastrocnemius trol). Patients with chronic stroke.
combined with EMG-BFB versus FES of ante- FES of the finger thumb extensors and flex-
rior tibialis and gastrocnemius for gait training, ors for the hand versus control, level I (RCT):
level I (RCT): Grade A for stride length at end of Grade A for functional status (average successful
treatment, 6 weeks (clinically important benefit trials for higher and lower functioning groups) at
demonstrated); grade C for ankle and knee angle end of treatment, 3 weeks, and follow-up, 3, 10,
at end of treatment, 6 weeks; grade D for gait cycle and 23 weeks, coordination for lower functioning
time at end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit group at follow-up, 3, 10, and 23 weeks, decrease
demonstrated but favoring control). Patients with in spasticity for higher functioning group at fol-
chronic stroke. low-up, 23 weeks, and functional status (% of
EMG-triggered electrical muscle stimulation maximum score for higher and lower functioning
training versus control, level I (RCT): Grade A group) at follow-up, 23 weeks (clinically impor-

tant benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for coordi- I (RCT): Grade C+ for unilateral pre-motor reac-
nation for lower functioning group at end of treat- tion time and bilateral motor reaction time at end
ment, 3 weeks; grade C for decrease in spasticity of treatment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit
for lower functioning group at end of treatment, 3 demonstrated without statistical significance);
weeks, and follow-up, 3, 10, and 23 weeks (no grade C for bilateral pre-motor reaction time at
benefit demonstrated). Patients with subacute and end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit demon-
post-acute stroke. strated); grade D for unilateral motor reaction
Blocked practice combined with NMES of the time at end of treatment, 2 weeks (no benefit
extensor communis digitorium/extensor carpi demonstrated but favoring control). Patients with
ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and middle del- chronic stroke.
toid versus random practice combined with Random practice combined with NMES of the
NMES of extensor communis digitorium/exten- extensor communis digitorium/extensor carpi
sor carpi ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and middle del-
middle deltoid, level I: Grade A for motor reaction toid versus passive/active ROM, level I (RCT):
time (time starting directly after pre-motor time and Grade C+ for bilateral motor reaction time at end of
ended with movement initiation at bilateral peak treatment, 2 weeks (clinically important benefit
force) favoring random practice at end of treatment, demonstrated without statistical significance);
2 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- grade C for bilateral pre-motor reaction time and
strated); grade C+ for pre-motor reaction time unilateral pre-motor reaction time at end of treat-
(time from stimulus onset until the EMG activity of ment, 2 weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favor-
the muscles reaches 30% of unilateral peak reac- ing control). Patients with chronic stroke.
tion) favoring blocked practice at end of treatment, Electrical stimulation of extensors versus al-
2 weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated ternating electrical stimulation of flexors and
without statistical significance); grade C for pre- extensors, level I (RCT): Grade A for decrease in
motor bilateral reaction time and unilateral motor spasticity at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically
reaction time at end of treatment, 2 weeks, (no important benefit demonstrated); grade C for de-
benefit demonstrated). Patients with chronic stroke. crease in spasticity at follow-up, 6 weeks, and
Blocked practice combined with NMES of the manual dexterity, motor impairment, grip muscle
extensor communis digitorium/extensor force, and wrist mobility at end of treatment, 6
carpiulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and weeks, and follow-up, 6 weeks (no benefit demon-
middle deltoid versus passive/active ROM, level strated). Patients with chronic stroke.

Summary of trials plied to the posterior deltoid and supraspinatus for

the shoulder versus control (n = 89),356,360 as well as
Eleven RCTs involving FES of stroke patients the finger and/or thumb flexors and extensors for
compared to placebo or no treatment as control (n the hand versus control (n = 28).363 6) FES of the
= 385) were included.51,356–365 The types of FES anterior tibialis and gastrocnemius was also com-
treatment given were as follows. 1) Electrical bined with EMG-BFB for gait training and com-
stimulation of the quadriceps and rectus femoris pared to FES of the anterior tibialis and gastrocne-
was combined with positional feedback stimula- mius (n = 16). 51 Transcutaneous electrical
tion training (PFST) for the knee and compared to stimulation of the arm, forearm, knee flexors, and
control (n = 40).365 2) PFST of the wrist extensors ankle extensors triggered by EMG was compared
was compared to control (n = 30).357 3) NMES of to control (n = 28).361 8) blocked practice was
the wrist and finger extensors was compared to combined with neuromuscular stimulation of ex-
control (n = 60).363 4) NMES for the hand was tensor communis digitorium/extensor carpi
compared to placebo (n = 16).362 5) FES was ap- ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and middle deltoid
Clinical Practice Guidelines 57

and compared to random practice combined with RCT, n = 30)357 with respect to change in torque
NMES of extensor communis digitorium/extensor (change in 30º torque flexion and change in 30º
carpi ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and middle torque extension) and ROM (change in selective
deltoid (n = 28).358 Blocked practice combined ROM, change in synergistic ROM) at end of treat-
with NMES was also compared to active and pas- ment, 2, 3, and 4 weeks. RDs were 96%–143%,
sive ROM (n = 20), as was random practice com- 87.5%–137%, 124%–150%, and 107%–133%, re-
bined with NMES (n = 20).358 9) Electrical stimula- spectively. These outcomes were also statistically
tion of extensors was compared to alternating significant (ES-Figure 124A&B, Table
electrical stimulation of flexors and extensors (n = 137A&B). No other outcomes were measured.
28)359 (ES-Appendix 3I). For neuromuscular stimulation of the wrist
During treatment, the frequency of electrical and finger extensors in subacute stroke patients
stimulation ranged from 36 to 80 Hz, with a pulse versus control (one RCT, n = 60),364 clinically
duration varying from 0.3 to 200 ms. Intensity important benefits were demonstrated for grip
varied from 20 mA to 60 mA. Treatment sessions strength (grip in kilograms) at end of treatment, 8
lasted from 20 to 60 minutes, with the number of weeks (102% RD); motor function (ARAT total) at
sessions ranging from 8 to 112, over a 3- to 8-week the end of 8 weeks of treatment (272% RD); and
period (ES-Appendix 3I). torque (moment of extension at 15º) at end of
Twenty-six trials were excluded for the follow- treatment, 8 weeks, and follow-up, 24 weeks
ing reasons. Ten trials were excluded because they (1179%–1878% RD, respectively). These out-
lacked a control group.366–375 Another eight trials comes were also statistically significant (ES-Figure
were excluded because there were fewer than five 125A, Table 138A). Clinically important benefits
subjects per group.376–383 Two studies were elimi- without statistical significance were found for
nated because they were literature reviews.59,60 The ROM (resting angle) at 24 weeks follow-up (58%
remaining studies were excluded for other rea- RD); and torque (moment of extension at 0º) at the
sons384–389 (ES-Table 135). end of 8 weeks of treatment and at the 2-week
follow-up with respective RDs of 222% and 284%.
Clinically important benefits were also found for
ROM (maximum active extension of the wrist) at
For FES of the quadriceps and rectus femoris end of treatment, 8 weeks, and follow-up, 24
combined with positional feedback stimulation weeks, where RD ranged from 17%–22%; motor
training for the knee of post-acute stroke patients function (ARAT-grasp) at end of treatment, 8
versus control (one RCT, n = 40),365 a clinically weeks, and follow-up, 24 weeks (400%–200%
important benefit without statistical significance RD); motor function (ARAT-grip-pinch-gross
was shown for ROM (selective knee extension) at movement-total score) at end of treatment, 8
end of treatment, 2 and 4 weeks (18%–41% RD), weeks ( 15% RD for all); motor function (ARAT
knee torque (extension) and ROM (synergistic ex- total) at follow-up, 24 weeks (160% RD); and
tension) at end of treatment, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks, functional status measured by the Barthel Index at
with relative differences (RDs) of 96%–199% and follow-up, 24 weeks (RD 40%) (ES-Figure
21%–31% respectively. No benefit was demon- 125A,C,D, Table 138A,C,D). No benefit was
strated for ROM (selective extension) at end of demonstrated for ROM (maximum passive exten-
treatment, 1 week. A clinically important benefit sion and resting wrist angle) and functional status
without statistical significance favoring control (Barthel Index) at the end of 8 weeks of treatment,
was found for ROM (selective extension) at end of torque (moment of extension at 30º) at the end of
treatment, 3 weeks. No other outcomes were mea- 8 weeks of treatment and at 24 weeks follow-up,
sured (ES-Figure 123, Table 136). motor function (ARAT-grip, pinch, gross move-
Clinically important benefits were found for ment) at 24 weeks follow-up, decrease of
PFST of the wrist extensors of subacute and visuospatial neglect (Stars Cancellation Test) at the
post-acute stroke patients versus control (one end of 8 weeks of treatment and at 24 weeks

follow-up, and decrease of spasticity at the end of ROM between affected and nonaffected shoulder
8 weeks of treatment and at 24 weeks follow-up at the end of 6 weeks of treatment and at the 6-
(ES-Figure 125B&D, Table 138B&D). There week follow-up (67% and 73% RD, respectively);
was no clinical benefit, but results favored control and decrease in shoulder subluxation at the end of
for ROM (maximum passive extension of the 6 weeks of treatment (44% RD). These outcomes
wrist) at 24 weeks follow-up (ES-Figure 125C, were also statistically significant (ES-Figure
Table 138C). Clinically important benefits with- 128A&B, Table 141A&B). Clinically important
out statistical significance favoring control were benefits without statistical significance were dem-
shown for grip strength at 24 weeks follow-up onstrated for active ROM at end of treatment, 3
(ES-Figure 125E, Table 138E). No other out- weeks, and follow-up, 6 weeks, with respective
comes were measured. RDs of 93% and 480%; difference in active ROM
For FES of the anterior tibialis and gastrocne- between affected and nonaffected shoulder at fol-
mius combined with EMG-BFB versus FES of low-up, 6 weeks (73% RD); and shoulder muscle
the anterior tibialis and gastrocnemius of chronic tone measured by the Ashworth Scale at end of
stroke patients for gait training (one RCT, n = treatment, 3 and 6 weeks, and follow-up, 6 weeks
16),51 clinically important benefits were demon- (162%–200% RD; ES-Figure 128A&B, Table
strated for stride length at end of treatment, 6 141A&B). No other outcomes were measured.
weeks (17% RD). This outcome was also statisti- Clinically important benefits without statistical
cally significant (ES-Figure 126, Table 139). No significance were found for NMES of chronic
clinically important benefit was demonstrated for stroke patients for the hand versus placebo (one
ankle and knee angle (swing phase) at end of RCT, n = 16)362 with respect to the following out-
treatment, 6 weeks. However, results favored con- comes: strength at end of treatment, 3 weeks (23%
trol without clinical benefit for gait cycle time at RD); functional status measured by the MAL indi-
end of treatment, 6 weeks. No other outcomes cating the amount of use and quality of movement
were measured. at end of treatment, 3 weeks (34% and 28% RD,
Clinically important benefits with statistical sig- respectively); and motor function measured by the
nificance were found for EMG-triggered electri- Jebsen Taylor Hand Test involving page turning,
cal muscle stimulation training of the upper small objects, and stacking at end of treatment, 3
arm, forearm, knee flexors, and ankle extensors weeks. RDs were 19%, 20%, and 76%, respec-
of patients with subacute stroke versus control tively (ES-Figure 129A&B, Table 142). No ben-
(one RCT, n = 28)361 for active ankle ROM (dorsi- efit was demonstrated for dexterity (box/block) at
flexion) at end of treatment, 5 weeks (61% RD) end of treatment, 3 weeks. However, clinically
(ES-Figure 127, Table 140). Clinically important important benefits without statistical significance
benefits without statistical significance were dem- were demonstrated for control with respect to mo-
onstrated for active wrist ROM (extension) and tor function (feeding, tracking, and accuracy) at
functional status (Barthel Index) at end of treat- end of treatment, 3 weeks. Similarly, for motor
ment. 5 weeks (62% and 23% RD, respectively; function measured through the Jebsen Taylor
ES-Figure 127, Table 140). No benefits were Hand Test involving heavy and light cans at the
demonstrated for decrease of spasticity (upper and end of the 3-week treatment, results favored con-
lower extremities) at end of treatment, 5 weeks. trol though no clinical benefit was demonstrated.
No other outcomes were measured. No other outcomes were measured.
Clinically important benefits were found for For FES of the finger and thumb extensors and
FES of the posterior deltoid and supraspinatus flexors of subacute and post-acute stroke patients
of subacute and post-acute stroke patients for the versus functional tasks without FES for the
shoulder versus a control of standard physio- hand (one RCT, n = 14),363 clinically important
therapy (two RCTs, n = 89)356,360 with respect to benefits were found for the following outcomes:
the following outcomes: active ROM at end of functional status for higher and lower functioning
treatment, 6 weeks (667% RD); difference in active groups at end of treatment, 3 weeks, and follow-
Clinical Practice Guidelines 59

up, 3, 10, and 23 weeks, measured through the bilateral pre-motor reaction time at end of treat-
average number of successful trials in the Upper ment, 2 weeks (15% and 16% RD, respectively;
Extremity Function Test (RDs were 155%–273% ES-Figure 132, Table 145). No benefit was dem-
and ≥ 15% RD, respectively); coordination for the onstrated for unilateral pre-motor reaction time
higher and lower functioning groups measured at end of treatment, 2 weeks. However, results
through the drawing test at end of treatment, 3 also favored control for unilateral motor reaction
weeks, and follow-up, 3, 10, and 23 weeks (ES- time at end of treatment, 2 weeks, although no
Figure 130A&B, Table 143). RDs were 32%– benefit was demonstrated. No other outcomes
38% for the higher group and 63%–73% for the were demonstrated.
latter group (ES-Figure 130A&B, Table 143). For random practice combined with NMES of
Clinically important benefits were also found for the extensor communis digitorium/extensor
the decrease in spasticity of the higher function- carpi ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and
ing group measured by the Ashworth Scale at middle deltoid of chronic stroke patients versus
follow-up, 23 weeks (32% RD); and functional passive/active ROM (one RCT, n = 20),358 clini-
status for higher and lower functioning group cally important benefits without statistical signifi-
measured by the percentage maximum score on cance were found for bilateral motor reaction time
the MAL at follow-up, 23 weeks (209%–237% at end of treatment, 2 weeks (34% RD) (ES-Figure
and ≥ 15% RD, respectively; ES-Figure 133, Table 146). No benefits were demonstrated
130A&B, Table 143). Clinically important ben- for bilateral and unilateral pre-motor reaction time
efits without statistical significance were demon- at end of treatment, 2 weeks. No other outcomes
strated for decrease in spasticity for lower func- were measured.
tioning group (Ashworth Scale) at follow-up, 23 For the electrical stimulation of extensors
weeks. No other outcomes were measured (ES- versus alternating electrical stimulation of flex-
Figure 130A&B, Table 143). ors and extensors of chronic stroke patients (one
For blocked practice combined with NMES of RCT, n = 28),359 clinically important benefits were
the extensor communis digitorium/extensor found for decrease in spasticity measured by the
carpi ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and Ashworth Scale at end of treatment, 6 weeks
middle deltoid versus random practice com- (100% RD). This outcome was also statistically
bined with NMES of extensor communis significant (ES-Figure 134A&B, Table 147). No
digitorium/extensor carpi ulnaris/triceps brachii/ benefit was demonstrated for decrease in spasticity
anterior and middle deltoid of chronic stroke pa- at follow-up, 6 weeks; manual dexterity (ARAT);
tients (one RCT, n = 28),358 clinical benefits favor- grip muscle force (hand ratio); motor impairment
ing random practice were demonstrated for bilat- (Motricity Index); and wrist mobility (active
eral motor reaction time at end of treatment, 2 ROM) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, and follow-up,
weeks (16% RD). This outcome was also statisti- 6 weeks. No other outcomes were measured.
cally significant (ES-Figure 131, Table 144). A
clinically important benefit without statistical sig- Strength of published evidence compared with other
nificance favoring blocked practice was demon- guidelines
strated for unilateral pre-motor reaction time at
end of treatment, 2 weeks (ES-Figure 131, Table The Ottawa Panel found level I (one RCT) evi-
144). No other outcomes were measured. dence for the use of FES for gait training.51 The
Clinically important benefits without statistical strength of the evidence was also found to be level
significance were found for blocked practice I (RCT) by both St. Joseph‘s Health Care London,73
combined with NMES of the extensor commu- whose findings for FES for gait training were based
nis digitorium/extensor carpi ulnaris/triceps upon the results of two or more RCTs, and the
brachii/anterior and middle deltoid of chronic Royal College of Physicians.72 However, the VA/
stroke patients versus passive/active ROM (one DoD75 found level II (one CCT) evidence for the
RCT, n = 20),358 with respect to unilateral and use of FES in gait training and level I (one RCT)

evidence for the use of multiple channel FES for severe hemiplegic patients with gait impairment
gait impairment75 (Appendix 4). (Appendix 4).
The Ottawa Panel also found level I (two With respect to the use of FES in the treatment
RCTs)356,360 evidence for FES for the shoulder. The of the shoulder, the Ottawa Panel is in agreement
VA/DoD,75 the Heart and Stroke Panel on the Man- with the VA/DoD,75 the Heart and Stroke Panel on
agement of the Hemiplegic Arm and Hand,71 and the Management of the Hemiplegic Arm and
St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 also found level Hand71 and St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 that
I (RCT) evidence for FES used for shoulder sub- FES be included as an intervention for the treat-
luxation (Appendix 4). ment of the shoulder in subacute and post-acute
Although the Ottawa Panel found level I stroke patients (grade A for active ROM, decrease
(RCT) evidence for FES for the knee and hand, in shoulder subluxation, and grade C+ for active
positional feedback stimulation training of the ROM, difference in active ROM between affected
wrist and finger extensors, NMES for the hand, and nonaffected shoulder and shoulder muscle
and EMG-BFB triggered electrical muscle stimu- tone; Appendix 4).
lation, the strength of the evidence of these in- According to the Ottawa Panel, there is good
terventions has not been graded by other guide- evidence to recommend the use of FES applied to
lines (Appendix 4). the finger and thumb flexors and extensors as an
intervention for the hands of subacute and post-
Clinical recommendations compared with other
acute stroke patients (grade A for functional status,
guidelines decrease in spasticity, and coordination for the
higher and/or lower functioning groups). Based
According to the Ottawa Panel, there is good upon good evidence, the Ottawa Panel also recom-
evidence to recommend that FES of the ankle mends the consideration of the inclusion of EMG-
dorsiflexors be considered as an intervention for triggered electrical muscle stimulation of the upper
gait training in chronic stroke patients (grade A for arm, forearm, knee flexors, and ankle extensors
stride length). This recommendation is in agree- (grade A for active ankle ROM, and grade C+ for
ment with the clinical practice guidelines of both active wrist ROM and functional status). These
the VA/DoD75 and St. Joseph’s Health Care Lon- guidelines are in line with the recommendation
don73 that also recommend the use of FES for gait made by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of
training. However, the Panel disagrees with the Ontario71 that EMG-BFB and electrical stimulation
finding of the VA/DoD that there is insufficient of the wrist and the forearm be included as an
evidence* as to whether multi-channel FES should interventions to reduce motor impairment and im-
or should not be included as an intervention for prove functional motor recovery (Appendix 4).
Finally, the Ottawa Panel disagrees with the
Royal College of Physicians72 that FES should not
*According to VA/DoD, a grading of insufficient evidence (I) indicates be routinely considered as an intervention for
that one cannot determine from the evidence the net benefit of the
stroke patients. Other preexisting guidelines con-
intervention, either for or against, and therefore clinicians must use
their judgment in either including or excluding it in the treatment of cerning electrical stimulation do not apply to those
the patient. of the Ottawa Panel (Appendix 4).
Clinical Practice Guidelines 61

Clinical practice guidelines for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Low-intensity TENS applied to lower extrem- High-intensity TENS applied to the shoulder
ity versus placebo, level I (RCT): Grade A for versus placebo, level 1 (RCT): Grade A for pas-
decrease in spasticity for lower extremity at end of sive shoulder ROM at end of treatment, 4 weeks,
treatment, 2 and 3 weeks (clinically important and follow-up, 4 weeks (clinically important ben-
benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for dorsiflexor efit demonstrated). Patients with post-acute
strength at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically stroke.
important benefit demonstrated, without statisti- High-intensity TENS versus low-intensity
cal significance). Patients with chronic stroke. TENS applied to the shoulder, level I (RCT):
Low-intensity TENS applied to the elbow and Grade A for passive shoulder ROM (extension,
ankle versus placebo, level I (RCT): Grade A for abduction, external rotation) at end of treatment, 4
functional status at end of treatment, 8 weeks weeks, and follow-up, 4 weeks, and passive shoul-
(clinically important benefit demonstrated). Pa- der ROM (flexion) at follow up, 4 weeks (clinically
tients with post-acute stroke. important benefit demonstrated); grade C for pas-
Low-intensity TENS applied to the shoulder sive shoulder ROM (flexion) at end of treatment, 4
versus placebo, level I (RCT): Grade C for passive weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with
shoulder ROM at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and at post-acute stroke.
follow-up, 4 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa- Low-intensity TENS applied to the hand ver-
tients with post-acute stroke. sus placebo, level II (CCT): Grade B for sensation
Low-intensity TENS applied to the upper ex- at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important
tremity versus control, level I (RCT): Grade C benefit demonstrated); grade C for motor function
for motor function (Fugl-Meyer) and functional and gait speed at end of treatment, 3 weeks (no
status at end of treatment, 3 months, and follow- benefit demonstrated). Patients with chronic
up, 3 years, as well as motor function (change in stroke.
Fugl-Meyer) and decrease in spasticity (elbow flex- Low-intensity TENS applied to the foot ver-
ors) at end of treatment, 3 months (no benefit was sus placebo, level II (CCT): Grade B for sensation
demonstrated); grade D+ for decrease in spasticity at end of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important
(wrist flexors) at follow-up, 3 years (clinically im- benefit demonstrated); grade C for motor function
portant benefit favoring control, demonstrated and gait speed at end of treatment, 3 weeks (no
without statistical significance); grade D for de- benefit demonstrated). Patients with chronic
crease in spasticity (wrist flexors) at end of treat- stroke.
ment, 3 months. Patients with chronic stroke.

Summary of trials ranged from 20 and 60 minutes and the number of

sessions ranged from 9 to 60, over a 3- to 12-week
Five RCTs68,69,390–392 and one CCT (n = 264),393 period (TENS-Appendix 3J).
involving TENS with either a placebo or no treat- Five trials were excluded for the following rea-
ment as control, were included. Three types of sons. One trial was excluded due to a lack of a
TENS were prescribed: 1) low-intensity TENS control group.394 Another study was excluded be-
(1.7–50 Hz, 125–200 µs) applied to the upper and cause no intervention was used.395 One trial was
lower extremity, elbow, ankle, hand, and foot ver- excluded because more than 20% of participants
sus placebo or control (n = 244)68,69,390–393; 2) high- were recurrent stroke victims, 396 while another
intensity TENS (100 Hz) applied to the shoulder had fewer than five subjects in the control
versus placebo (n = 40)68; 3) high-intensity TENS group.397 Finally, one trial was excluded because
versus low-intensity TENS applied to the shoulder healthy subjects were used in the control group398
(n = 40).68 Therapeutic applications of TENS (TENS-Table 148).

Efficacy For high-intensity TENS applied to the shoul-

der of post-acute stroke patients versus placebo
For low-intensity TENS applied to the lower (one RCT, n = 40),68 clinically important benefits
extremity versus placebo (one RCT, n = 17),390 a were found for passive shoulder ROM (flexion,
clinically important benefit was demonstrated for extension, abduction, external rotation) at end of
the decrease in spasticity of the lower extremity at treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 4 weeks. RDs
end of treatment, 2 and 3 weeks (15%–21% RD), were 16%–24%, 25%–29%, and 30%–34%, re-
and this outcome was statistically significant for spectively. These outcomes were also statistically
chronic stoke patients (TENS-Figure 135, Table significant (TENS- Figure 139, Table 153). No
149). Clinically important benefits were demon- other outcomes were measured.
strated for dorsiflexor muscle force at end of treat- High-intensity TENS versus low-intensity
ment, 3 weeks (19% RD) (TENS-Figure 135, TENS applied to the shoulder of post-acute
Table 149). However, there was no statistical sig- stroke patients (one RCT, n = 40)68 demonstrated
nificance. No other outcomes were measured. clinically important benefits for passive shoulder
For low-intensity TENS applied to the elbow ROM (extension, abduction, and external rotation)
and lower extremity versus placebo (one RCT, n = at end of treatment, 4 weeks, and follow-up, 4
60),392 clinically important benefits were shown for weeks. RDs were 22%–27%, 37%–42%, and
the functional status of post-acute stroke patients, 24%–30%, respectively. These outcomes were also
measured by the Barthel Index, at end of treatment, statistically significant (TENS- Figure 140, Table
8 weeks (91% RD). This outcome was statistically 154). A clinically important benefit with statistical
significant (TENS-Figure 136, Table 150). No significance (20% RD) was also shown for passive
other outcomes were measured. shoulder ROM (flexion) at follow-up, 4 weeks
No clinical benefit was found for low-intensity (TENS-Figure 140, Table 154). However, no
TENS applied to the shoulder versus placebo clinical benefit was demonstrated for passive
(one RCT, n = 40)68 for passive shoulder ROM shoulder ROM (flexion) at end of treatment, 4
(flexion, extension, abduction, external rotation) of weeks. No other outcomes were measured.
post-acute stroke patients, at end of treatment, 4 A clinically important and statistically significant
weeks, and follow-up, 4 weeks (TENS-Figure 137, benefit was shown for sensation at end of treatment,
Table 151). No other outcomes were measured. 3 weeks, when low-intensity TENS versus pla-
Low-intensity TENS applied to the upper ex- cebo (one CCT, n = 51)393 was applied to the hands
tremity of chronic stroke patients versus con- of chronic stroke patients. The RD for this outcome
trol (two RCTs, n = 49)69,391 demonstrated no clini- was 37% (TENS-Figure 141, Table 155). How-
cal benefit for motor function, measured by the ever, no benefit was demonstrated for either the
Fugl-Meyer scale, and functional status measured motor function, measured by the MAS, or gait speed
by the Barthel Index at end of treatment, 3 months, (10 m walking time) at end of treatment, 3 weeks.
and follow-up, 3 years. Equally, there was no clini- No other outcomes were measured.
cal benefit for motor function (change in Fugl- For low-intensity TENS versus placebo ap-
Meyer) and decrease in spasticity of the elbow plied to the foot of chronic stroke patients (one
flexors at end of treatment, 3 months (TENS- CCT, n = 27),393 a clinically important benefit was
Figure 138, Table 152). However, clinically im- found for sensation at end of treatment, 3 weeks
portant benefits favoring control without statistical (28% RD). This outcome was also statistically sig-
significance were demonstrated for decrease of nificant (TENS-Figure 142, Table 156). How-
spasticity in the wrist flexors at follow-up, 3 years ever, no benefit was demonstrated for motor func-
(TENS-Figure 138, Table 152). No clinical ben- tion, measured through the Modified Motor
efit was demonstrated for decrease in spasticity of Assessment Scale, and gait speed (10 m walking
wrist flexors at the end of treatment, 3 months. No time) at end of treatment, 3 weeks. No other out-
other outcomes were measured. comes were measured.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 63

Strength of published evidence compared with other found good evidence to recommend the use of
guidelines high-intensity TENS applied to the shoulder
The Ottawa Panel found level I evidence (five (grade A for passive shoulder ROM) as an interven-
RCTs)68,69,390–392 and level II evidence (one CCT)393 tion for stroke patients. This is in line with the
for the use of low-intensity TENS in the treatment Royal College of Physicians72 recommendation
of stroke patients. There was also level I evidence that high-intensity TENS should be included as an
(one RCT)68 for the use of high-intensity TENS. intervention for patients undergoing stroke reha-
The strength of the evidence has also been graded bilitation, if nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory anal-
by the Royal College of Physicians,72 which also gesia has no significant effect (Appendix 4).
reported level I evidence (RCTs) for high- and low- However, the Ottawa Panel disagrees with the
intensity TENS. St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 recommendation of the Royal College of Physi-
also found level I evidence for TENS. The strength cians72 that TENS should not be used as a routine
of the evidence has not been reported by other intervention for improving muscle control for pa-
guidelines (Appendix 4). tients undergoing stroke rehabilitation in the con-
text of ongoing trials. Finally, the Ottawa Panel
agrees with the St. Joseph’s Health Care London73
Clinical recommendations compared with other finding that there is conflicting evidence* that
guidelines TENS improves a variety of outcomes, including
motor recovery, spasticity, and ADL (Appendix 4).
According to the Ottawa Panel, there is good Other preexisting guidelines concerning TENS
evidence that low-intensity TENS applied to the did not apply to those of the Ottawa Panel.
lower extremity (grade A for decrease in spasticity,
and grade C+ for dorsiflexor muscle force) and
elbow and wrist (grade A for functional status)
should be included as an intervention for stroke *According to the St. Joseph’s Health Care London, conflicting evi-
patients. Based upon fair evidence, the Panel also dence refers to a disagreement between the findings of at least two
recommends that low-intensity TENS for the hand RCTs. Where there were more than four RCTs and the results of only
one was conflicting, the conclusion was based on the results of the
and foot be specifically considered as an interven- majority of the studies, unless the study with conflicting results was of
tion for sensation (grade B). The Ottawa Panel higher quality.

Clinical practice guidelines for therapeutic ultrasound

Ultrasound versus placebo applied to the Ultrasound versus control applied to the
shoulder, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for ROM (flex- shoulder, level I (RCT): Grade D for ROM (flex-
ion and external rotation) at end of treatment, 4 ion, abduction in internal rotation, abduction in
weeks, where a clinically important benefit was external rotation) at end of treatment, 4 weeks (no
demonstrated without statistical significance; benefit was demonstrated, but results favored con-
grade C for ROM (abduction in internal rotation trol); grade D+ for ROM (external rotation) at end
and abduction in external rotation) at end of treat- of treatment, 4 weeks (clinically important benefit
ment, 4 weeks (no benefit was demonstrated). favoring control demonstrated without statistical
Patients with chronic stroke. significance). Patients with chronic stroke.

Summary of trials
results favored control with respect to ROM
One RCT that compared therapeutic ultra- (flexion and abduction in internal and external
sound to both a placebo and a control was in- rotation), although these results were without
cluded (n = 33).399 The treatment group received statistical significance or clinical importance.
therapeutic ultrasound to the paravertebral and Notably, there was a clinically important trend
shoulder joint areas for 5 minutes prior to exer- without statistical significance favoring ROM
cise (n = 10). The control group (n = 10) received (external rotation) at the end of treatment (-
only the concurrent treatment (US-Appendix 93% RD; US-Figure 144, Table 159). No
3K), while the placebo group (n = 10) received other outcomes were measured.
ultrasound with the energy turned off prior to
exercises. One treatment was given per session, Strength of the published evidence compared with
and sessions took place 7 days a week for 4 weeks other guidelines
(US-Appendix 3K).
Three trials were excluded for the following rea- The Ottawa Panel found level I evidence (one
sons. One provided insufficient statistical data,400 RCT) for the effects of ultrasound on post-stroke
whereas another combined the results for both patients. St. Joseph’s Health Care London72 also
groups.401 A third trial was excluded because it based their findings on level I evidence (a single
included patients with periarthritis post trauma, RCT). The strength of evidence for ultrasound
fractures, and sclerosis402 (US-Table 157). has not been evaluated by other guidelines (Ap-
pendix 4).
For ultrasound applied to the shoulder of Clinical recommendations compared with other
chronic stroke patients versus placebo (one RCT, guidelines
n = 20),399 a clinically important benefit without Based on the evidence of this trial, (grade C+ for
statistical significance was demonstrated for ROM ROM [flexion and external rotation], grade C for
(flexion and external rotation) at the end of the 4- ROM [abduction in internal rotation and abduc-
week treatment (20% and 57% RD, respectively; tion in external rotation], grade D for ROM [flex-
US-Figure 143; Table 158). No benefit was dem- ion, abduction in internal rotation, abduction in
onstrated for ROM (abduction in internal and ex- external rotation], and grade D+ for ROM [external
ternal rotation) at the end of treatment. No other rotation]), the Ottawa Panel is in partial agreement
outcomes were measured. with the St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 finding
No benefits were shown for therapeutic ul- that adding ultrasound therapy to ROM exercises
trasound applied to the shoulder versus con- does not change outcomes. Other preexisting rec-
trol in chronic stroke patients (one RCT, n = ommendations regarding ultrasound did not apply
23). 399 At the end of 4 weeks of treatment, the to those of the Ottawa Panel (Appendix 4).
Clinical Practice Guidelines 65

Clinical practice guidelines for acupuncture

Needle acupuncture without stimulation ver- at end of treatment, 3 months (clinically important
sus placebo, level I (RCT): Grade C for ankle benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
spasticity at end of treatment 4 weeks (no benefit cance); grade C for quality of life (number of
demonstrated). Patients with chronic stroke. patients without loss of energy) at end of treat-
Needle acupuncture with electrical stimula- ment, 6 weeks, and for functional status (Sunnaas
tion on paretic side versus placebo, level I Scale) at end of treatment, 6 weeks (no benefit
(RCT): Grade C+ for ROM at end of treatment, 1 demonstrated); grade D for functional status
month (clinically important benefit demonstrated (change in neurological scale, change in Barthel
without statistical significance). Patients with post- Index, change in Sunnaas Scale) at end of treat-
acute stroke. ment, 3 months, and follow-up, 10 months (no
Needle acupuncture with manual and electri- benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa-
cal stimulation versus placebo acupuncture, tients with acute and subacute stroke.
level 1 (RCT): Grade C for functional status at end Surface acupuncture with electrical stimula-
of treatment, 3 months and 10 months (no benefit tion versus no acupuncture, level I (RCT): Grade
demonstrated). Patients with acute stroke. A for walking mobility at end of treatment, 2
Needle acupuncture with manual and electri- weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated);
cal stimulation versus no acupuncture, level I grade C for motor function of upper and lower
(RCT): Grade A for motor function at end of extremity and functional status at end of treat-
treatment, 1 month, for walking mobility and for ment, 2 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Patients
balance at end of treatment, 1 month and 3 with subacute stroke.
months, for motor function (NHP–physical move- Needle acupuncture with electrical stimula-
ment) at follow-up, 12 months, for functional sta- tion on paretic side versus needle acupuncture
tus (Sunnaas Scale) at follow-up, 12 months, and without stimulation, level I (RCT): Grade A for
for quality of life (number of patients without loss decrease of spasticity at end of treatment, 10 and
of energy) at follow-up, 12 months (clinically im- 15 days (clinically important benefit demon-
portant benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for mo- strated); grade C+ for decrease of spasticity at end
tor function (NHP–physical movement, and MAS) of treatment, 5 days (clinically important benefit
at end of treatment, 6 weeks, for motor function demonstrated without statistical significance);
(NHP–physical movement) at follow-up, 10 grade C for decrease of spasticity at end of treat-
months, pain relief at end of treatment, 6 weeks, ment, 1 day (no benefit demonstrated). Patients
and follow-up, 10 months, and for motor function with post-acute stroke.

Summary of trials stimulation of inserted needles. In addition, elec-

trical stimulation was used in seven RCTs404–409
Seven RCTs (n = 417) were included that investi- and was typically applied to selected points on the
gated the effects of acupuncture compared to ei- paretic side. There was little consistency in the
ther no acupuncture or a placebo control following choice of stimulation frequency from one study to
stroke.403–409 The outcomes assessed in the various the next (range, 1–50 Hz). While stimulation set-
studies included functional status, motor function, tings were adjusted to induce visible muscle con-
walking mobility, balance, level of energy, ROM, tractions in some studies, lower thresholds were
relief of spasticity, and relief of pain (AC-Appen- used in other studies (AC-Appendix 3L).
dix 3L). Except for one study,403 experimental and con-
There was substantial variation in acupuncture trol groups received standard rehabilitative care
technique. Three RCTs404–406 reported manual concurrently. Three trials used sham or placebo

acupuncture as the control intervention.403,404,408 frequency (2 Hz). The control group received
The duration of most individual acupuncture ses- placebo acupuncture, in which four shortened
sions was 30 minutes, and the frequency of ses- needles were placed superficially just under the
sions ranged from 2 to 5 per week and the total skin – one at each limb – and left without further
treatment interval ranged from 4 to 10 weeks. stimulation (AC-Appendix 3L). No benefits
Overall, the number of sessions allocated to each were demonstrated for functional status (change
patient varied between 8 and 24 sessions (AC- in Neurological Scale, change in Barthel Index,
Appendix 3L). and change in Sunnaas Scale) at the end of 3
Twelve articles were excluded, the reasons for months of treatment or at 10 months follow-up
which are listed in AC-Table 160. 410–421 Two stud- (AC-Figure 147, Table 163).
ies were reviews, two were case series, one did not Needle acupuncture with electrical and
involve acupuncture, one lacked a control group, manual stimulation was compared to no acu-
one contained fewer than five subjects in the con- puncture in acute and subacute stroke patients
trol group, one was a duplicate of an already in- (three RCTs, n = 223404–406; AC-Figure 148,
cluded study, one was written in a foreign lan- Table 164). In one of the RCTs, statistically
guage, and in two studies more than 20% of the significant and clinically important benefits
study sample was represented by patients with were shown for motor function (NHP–physical
recurrent stroke. movement), functional status (Sunnaas Scale),
and quality of life (number of patients with no
loss of energy) at 12 months follow-up (one
RCT, n = 41406; −4%, 35%, and 35% RD, respec-
In one RCT (n = 25),403 needle acupuncture tively). In another study, similarly positive ef-
without manual or electrical stimulation was fects were shown for motor function, balance,
compared to placebo acupuncture in chronic and walking mobility at the end of 1 month of
stroke patients with spastic equinovarus deformity treatment and for balance, walking mobility,
of the leg (AC-Figure 145, Table 161). At the end and functional status (Barthel Index) at the end
of 4 weeks of treatment, no benefits were observed of 3 months of treatment (one RCT, n = 78; 36%,
for ankle spasticity (modified Ashworth Scale). 34%, 112%, 29%, 112%, and 40% RD, respec-
Other outcomes were not assessed. tively).405 Important clinical benefits that did
Needle acupuncture with low frequency (1-2 not achieve statistical significance were found
Hz) electrical stimulation produced clinically for motor function (NHP–physical movement,
important, but statistically nonsignificant, benefits and MAS) at the end of 6 weeks of treatment and
for ROM (number of patients that improved more at 12 months follow-up, as well as for pain relief
than 10% on ROM tests) compared to placebo (number of patients with no pain) at the end of 6
acupuncture in patients with post-acute, left hemi- weeks of treatment and at 12 months follow-up
spheric stroke (one RCT, n = 16).408 The RD at the (−35%, −44%, 20%, and 30% RD, respec-
end of 1 month of treatment was 40% (AC-Figure tively). 406 Additionally, there were clinically
146, Table 162). No other outcomes were mea- meaningful effects on motor function at the end
sured. of 3 months of treatment (25% RD),405 but no
Patients in the acute phase of stroke who were improvement of quality of life (number of pa-
unable to walk without support or perform ADLs tients with no loss of energy) or functional status
without assistance were randomized to receive (Sunnaas Scale) at the end of 6 weeks of treat-
needle acupuncture with manual and electri- ment.406 Clinically and statistically nonsignifi-
cal stimulation or placebo acupuncture (one cant changes in functional status (change in
RCT, n = 104).404 In the experimental group, neurological scale, change in Barthel Index,
needles inserted on the nonparetic side were change in Sunnaas Scale) favoring control were
stimulated manually and needles introduced on seen at the end of 3 months of treatment and at
the paretic side were stimulated electrically at low 10 months follow-up.404
Clinical Practice Guidelines 67

A unique technique was used in one RCT (n = Clinical recommendations compared with other
118),409 where acupuncture points located on guidelines
the affected extremities of subacute stroke pa-
tients were stimulated electrically via surface elec- The Ottawa Panel recommends that there is good
trodes instead of through percutaneous needles. scientific evidence to consider including acupunc-
The intensity of stimulation was sufficient to ture as an adjunct to standard stroke rehabilitation
achieve muscle contraction and the frequency was to improve walking mobility (grade A for walking
adjusted to 20–25 Hz. Compared to no acupunc- mobility), ROM (grade A for number of patients
ture, statistically significant and clinically impor- improved on ROM tests), and balance (grade A for
tant benefits were shown for walking mobility at balance). The evidence for the effects of acupunc-
the end of 2 weeks of treatment (AC-Figure 149, ture on spasticity, motor function, and functional
Table 165). The RD was 47%. No benefits were status are conflicting. One study reported no benefit
found for functional status (FIM) or for motor of needle acupuncture without stimulation for ankle
function (Brunnstrom) of the upper and lower spasticity in chronic stroke patients with spastic
extremity. equinovarus deformity (grade C). However, another
The additional benefit of electroacupuncture study revealed statistically significant and clinically
in post-acute stroke patients with elbow spastic- important benefits of electroacupuncture on elbow
ity was investigated in one RCT (n = 35),407 spasticity compared to standard acupuncture in
where needle acupuncture with electrical stimu- post-acute stroke. With regard to motor function,
lation of selected points on the paretic side was surface acupuncture with electrical stimulation was
compared to needle acupuncture without elec- not effective, but needle acupuncture with manual
trical stimulation. Statistically significant and and electrical stimulation showed positive results.
clinically meaningful decreases in spasticity The evidence from three RCTs that assessed func-
(modified Ashworth Scale) were observed at the tional status was also inconsistent, with two RCTs
end of 10 and 15 days of treatment (−27% and − suggesting no effect and the other RCT suggesting
27% RD, respectively; AC-Figure 150, Table statistically significant and clinically important ben-
166). Clinically important decreases in spastic- efits (Appendix 4).
ity also occurred after 5 days of treatment, but The Ottawa Panel recommendations are gener-
without statistical significance (−15% RD). No ally consistent with the recommendations of St.
benefits were seen in terms of degree of spastic- Joseph’s Health Care London,73 which found that
ity at the end of 1 day of treatment. No other “there is conflicting evidence that acupuncture is
outcomes were assessed. effective for improving stroke outcomes.” How-
ever, the Ottawa Panel wishes to emphasize that
the available evidence is not conflicting with re-
Strength of the published evidence compared with
spect to all stroke outcomes. The Royal College of
other guidelines
Physicians72 concluded that the evidence was in-
The Ottawa Panel found level I (RCTs) evidence sufficient to make definitive statements about the
evaluating acupuncture in stroke patients. The role of acupuncture. They expressed a cautious
clinical practice guidelines developed by the Royal statement based on consensus opinion that “acu-
College of Physicians72 and St. Joseph’s Health puncture should only be used as an intervention
Care London73 were based on level I (RCT) evi- for patients undergoing post-stroke rehabilitation
dence as well (Appendix 4). in the context of ongoing trials” (Appendix 4).

Clinical practice guidelines for intensity and organization of rehabilitation

Stroke unit versus general ward, level I (RCT) Grade A for functional status (number of patients
and level II (CCT): Grade A for length of stay at independent with Barthel) at follow-up, 9 months
end of treatment, 2 weeks, and follow-up, 3 years (clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade
(clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade C for functional status (number of patients indepen-
B for mobility (number of patients able to walk dent with Modified Rankin score) at end of treat-
long distances independently) at end of treatment, ment, 3 months, and follow-up, 9 months, and
6 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- functional status (number of patients independent
strated); grade C+ for functional status (number of with Barthel) at end of treatment, 3 months (no
patients with mild-moderate impairment) at fol- benefit demonstrated). Patients with acute stroke.
low-up, 1 year (clinically important benefit dem- Stroke unit (large artery stroke) versus gen-
onstrated without statistical significance); grade C eral ward (large artery stroke), level I (RCT):
for functional status (number of patients deterio- Grade A for functional status at follow-up, 1 year,
rated in ADL score) at end of treatment, 3 months, and quality of life at follow-up, 3 months (clini-
and follow-up, 6 months, functional status (num- cally important benefit demonstrated); grade C for
ber of patients independent in ADL) at end of functional status at follow-up, 3 months, and qual-
treatment, 6 weeks, length of stay (in days) at end ity of life at follow-up, 3 months (no benefit dem-
of treatment, 6 weeks and 3 months, mobility onstrated); grade D for length of stay at follow-up,
(number of patients independent in walking mo- 3 months (no benefit demonstrated but favoring
bility) at end of treatment, 16 weeks, mobility control); grade D- for efficiency at follow-up, 3
(number of patients independent in walking months (clinically important benefit favoring con-
[Barthel Index], number of patients independent trol demonstrated with statistical significance). Pa-
in indoor and outdoor walking [Rivermead ADL tients with acute stroke.
Scale–self-care], number of patients independent Stroke unit (small artery stroke) versus gen-
in walking outside and climbing stairs [Rivermead eral ward (small artery stroke), level I (RCT):
ADL Scale–household]) at end of treatment, 3 and Grade A for quality of life at follow-up, 3 months
6 months, motor function (number of patients (clinically important benefit demonstrated); grade
independent in upper extremity and lower extrem- C for quality of life at follow-up, 1 year (no benefit
ity function) at end of treatment, 16 weeks, effi- demonstrated); grade D for functional status at fol-
ciency at end of treatment, 2 weeks, postural status low-up, 3 months, and 1 year (no benefit demon-
(number of patients sitting and standing) at fol- strated but favoring control); grade D- for length of
low-up, 6 weeks, functional status (ADL score) at stay and efficiency at follow-up, 3 months (clinically
end of treatment, 3 months, and follow-up, 9 important benefit favoring control demonstrated
months, and resource cost (total cost per patient in with statistical significance). Patients with acute
thousands of dollars) at follow-up, 1 year (no ben- stroke.
efit demonstrated); grade D for mobility (number Intensive outpatient physiotherapy rehabili-
of patients able to walk short distances with or tation program versus control group, level I
without aids) at end of treatment, 6 weeks, func- (RCT): Grade C+ for quality of life at end of
tional status (number of functional patients) at treatment, 3 months (clinically important benefit
follow-up, 1 year, and resource cost (number of demonstrated without statistical significance);
physician visits per patient) at follow-up, 1 year grade C for functional status at end of treatment, 3
(no benefit demonstrated but favoring control); months (no benefit demonstrated); grade D for
grade D+ for functional status (ADL score) at end functional status at follow-up, 6 months (no ben-
of treatment, 1 week (clinically important benefit efit demonstrated but favoring control). Patients
favoring control demonstrated without statistical with chronic stroke.
significance). Patients with acute, subacute, post- Six days/week versus seven days/week treat-
acute, and chronic stroke. ment, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for mobility at end
Stroke unit versus home care, level I (RCT): of treatment, 3 weeks (clinically important benefit
Clinical Practice Guidelines 69

demonstrated without statistical significance); yard) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and functional
grade C for functional status and length of stay at status (EADL) at follow-up, 1 year (clinically im-
end of treatment, 3 weeks (no benefit demon- portant benefit demonstrated without statistical
strated). Patients with post-acute stroke. significance); grade C for functional status
Enhanced occupational therapy versus stan- (Barthel ADL Index) at follow-up, 6 months and 1
dard customary occupational therapy, level I year, functional status (EADL) at follow-up, 6
(RCT): Grade A for functional status (number of months, activity involvement (number of patients
patients improved in ADL) at end of treatment, 8 satisfied with their work in and around the house
weeks and 6 months, life habit/leisure (overall lei- and number of patients satisfied with their walk-
sure score) at end of treatment, 3 and 6 months, ing) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and activity
life habit/leisure (total leisure score) at end of treat- involvement (number of patients satisfied with
ment, 6 months, mobility (Nottingham EADL their work in the yard) at follow-up, 13 weeks (no
score for mobility) at end of treatment, 3 and 6 benefit demonstrated); grade D for activity in-
months, functional status (Nottingham EADL volvement (number of patient satisfied with their
score) at end of treatment, 8 weeks, 3 months, and work in and around house) at follow-up, 13 weeks
6 months (clinically important benefit demon- (no benefit demonstrated but favoring control);
strated); grade C+ for quality of life (number of grade D+ for pain relief at end of treatment, 3 and
patients living independently) and functional sta- 6 months (clinically important benefit favoring
tus (FIM for upper extremity and lower extremity control demonstrated without statistical signifi-
dressing) at end of treatment, 3 weeks, and func- cance). Patients with subacute stroke.
tional status (EADL total score) at follow-up, 3 Standard customary occupational therapy
months (clinically important benefit demonstrated versus no therapy, level I (RCT): Grade A for
without statistical significance); grade C for life functional status (EADL score) at follow-up, 1
habit/leisure (total leisure score) and mobility month (clinically important benefit demon-
(NHP score for mobility) at end of treatment, 6 strated); grade C+ for mobility (NHP for mobility)
months, functional status (Barthel Index score) at at end of treatment, 3 and 6 months, for pain relief
follow-up, 3 months (no benefit demonstrated); at end of treatment, 3 months (clinically important
grade D for mobility (NHP score for mobility) at benefit demonstrated without statistical signifi-
end of treatment, 3 months (no benefit demon- cance); grade C for life habit/leisure (overall lei-
strated but favoring control); grade D+ for pain sure score and total leisure activity score) at end of
relief at end of treatment, 3 months and 6 months, treatment, 3 and 6 months, for functional status
and quality of life (General Health Questionnaire) (Barthel Index score) at follow-up, 1 month, pain
at follow-up, 3 months (clinically important ben- relief at end of treatment, 6 months (no benefit
efit favoring control demonstrated without statisti- demonstrated); grade D for quality of life at fol-
cal significance). Patients with subacute stroke. low-up, 1 month (no benefit demonstrated but
Enhanced occupational therapy versus no favoring control); grade D+ for functional status
therapy, level I (RCT): Grade A for mobility (NHP (EADL score for mobility) at end of treatment, 3
score for mobility and Nottingham EADL for mo- months and 6 months (clinically important benefit
bility) at end of treatment, 3 months and 6 favoring control demonstrated without statistical
months, life habit/leisure (overall leisure score and significance). Patients with subacute stroke.
total leisure activity) at end of treatment, 3 and 6 Enhanced physiotherapy (60-minute treat-
months, functional status (number of patients im- ment of physiotherapy) versus standard cus-
proved in ADL) at follow-up, 6 months (clinically tomary physiotherapy care (30 minutes), level I
important benefit demonstrated); grade C+ for (RCT): Grade C for quality of life at end of treat-
activity involvement (Katz Adjustment Index: ment, 6 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D
number of patients satisfied with their walking) at for quality of life at end of treatment, 6 months (no
follow-up, 13 weeks, activity involvement (num- benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa-
ber of patients satisfied with their work in the tients with chronic stroke.

Enhanced physiotherapy versus standard cus- ment, 5 weeks, functional status (EADL score) at
tomary physiotherapy treatment, level I (RCT): follow-up, 16 weeks, motor function (Rivermead
Grade A for motor function (ARAT) at follow-up, Motor Assessment-upper extremity) at end of
21 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks, mo-
strated); grade C+ for functional status (Barthel tor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment–gross
Index) at follow-up, 3 and 16 weeks (clinically function) at follow-up, 3 and 16 weeks, motor
important benefit demonstrated without statistical function (Ten-Hole Peg Test) at end of treatment,
significance); grade C for functional status (Barthel 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks (no benefit
Index) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, demonstrated); grade D for functional status
21 weeks, functional status (EADL score) at follow- (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 21 weeks (no benefit
up, 16 weeks and 21 weeks, motor function demonstrated but favoring control); grade D+ for
(Rivermead Motor Assessment–upper extremity) at motor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment-up-
end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 21 per extremity) at follow-up, 3 weeks, and grip
weeks, motor function (Ten-Hole Peg Test) at end strength (maximum grip) at end of treatment, 5
of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks, weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks (clinically impor-
and motor function (ARAT) at end of treatment, 5 tant benefits favoring control demonstrated with-
weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D for func- out statistical significance); grade D- for motor
tional status (EADL score) at end of treatment, 5 function (Rivermead Motor Assessment–gross
weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favoring con- function) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and grip
trol); grade D+ for motor function (Rivermead Mo- strength (maximum grip) at follow-up, 3 weeks
tor Assessment–gross function) at follow-up, 3 (clinically important benefit favoring control dem-
weeks, and grip strength (maximum grip) at follow- onstrated with statistical significance). Patients
up, 16 weeks (clinically important benefit favoring with subacute stroke.
control demonstrated without statistical signifi- Enhanced physiotherapy versus enhanced as-
cance); grade D- for motor function (Rivermead sistant physiotherapist treatment, level I (RCT):
Motor Assessment-upper extremity) at follow-up, 3 Grade A for motor function (Rivermead Motor
weeks and 16 weeks, motor function (ARAT) at Assessment–gross function) at end of treatment, 5
follow-up, 16 weeks, motor function (Rivermead weeks, grip strength (maximum grip) at follow-up,
Motor Assessment–gross function) at end of treat- 3 weeks, and motor function (ARAT) at follow-up,
ment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks, and grip 21 weeks (clinically important benefit demon-
strength (maximum grip) at end of treatment, 5 strated); grade A favoring enhanced assistant phys-
weeks, and follow-up, 3 weeks (clinically important iotherapist for functional status (Barthel Index) at
benefit favoring control demonstrated with statisti- end of treatment, 5 weeks, motor function
cal significance). Patients with subacute stroke. (Rivermead Motor Assessment–upper extremity)
Enhanced assistant physiotherapist versus at follow-up, 16 weeks and 21 weeks, functional
standard customary physiotherapy treatment, status (EADL score) at follow-up, 21 weeks, motor
level I (RCT): Grade A for motor function function (ARAT) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and
(Rivermead Motor Assessment-upper extremity) at follow-up, 16 weeks (clinically important benefit
follow-up, 21 weeks, motor function (ARAT) at demonstrated); grade C+ for motor function
end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 21 (Rivermead Motor Assessment–gross function) at
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated); follow-up, 16 weeks (clinically important benefit
grade C+ for functional status (Barthel Index) at demonstrated without statistical significance);
follow-up, 3 and 16 weeks, functional status grade C+ favoring enhanced assistant physio-
(EADL) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow- therapist for functional status (Barthel Index) at
up, 21 weeks, motor function (ARAT) at follow- follow-up, 3 and 16 weeks, functional status
up, 16 weeks (clinically important benefit demon- (EADL) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, motor func-
strated without statistical significance); grade C tion (Rivermead Motor Assessment–upper extrem-
for functional status (Barthel Index) at end of treat- ity) at follow-up, 3 weeks, grip strength at end of
Clinical Practice Guidelines 71

treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks Home-based physiotherapy at high-intensity

(clinically important benefit demonstrated without versus low-intensity physiotherapy control,
statistical significance); grade C for functional sta- level I (RCT): Grade A for motor function
tus (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 21 weeks, func- (STroke REhabilitation Assessment of Movement
tional status (EADL score) at follow-up, 16 weeks, [STREAM] lower extremity) at follow-up, 11
motor function (Rivermead Motor assessment–up- weeks (clinically important benefit demon-
per extremity) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and strated); grade C+ functional status and motor
motor function (Ten-Hole Peg Test) at end of treat- function (STREAM–upper extremity) at follow-
ment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks (no ben- up, 11 weeks (clinically important benefit dem-
efit demonstrated). Patients with subacute stroke. onstrated without statistical significance); grade
Enhanced upper-extremity treatment versus C for mobility at follow-up, 11 weeks, functional
interdisciplinary treatment, level I (RCT): Grade status and motor function (STREAM–upper ex-
A for motor function (Frenchay Arm Test) and tremity) at follow-up, 22 weeks (no benefit dem-
functional status (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 18 onstrated); grade D for mobility at follow-up, 22
weeks (clinically important benefit demonstrated); weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favoring
grade C for motor function (Upper Limb Motricity control); grade D+ for motor function
Index and Frenchay Arm Test) at follow-up, 6 (STREAM–lower extremity) at follow-up, 22
weeks, functional status (Nottingham EADL) at weeks (clinically important benefit favoring con-
follow-up, 18 weeks, and functional status trol demonstrated without statistical signifi-
(Barthel Index) at follow-up, 6 weeks (no benefit cance). Patients with chronic stroke.
demonstrated); grade D for motor function (Up- Home-based rehabilitation versus hospital-
per Limb Motricity Index) at follow-up, 18 weeks, based rehabilitation, levels I and II (RCT, CCT):
functional status (Nottingham EADL) at follow- Grade C for resource cost at follow-up, 1 year, and
up, 6 weeks (no benefit demonstrated but favoring mobility and functional status at end of treatment,
control); grade D+ for motor function (ARAT) at 3 months (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with
follow-up, 6 and 18 weeks (clinically important post-acute and chronic stroke.
benefit favoring control demonstrated without sta- Rehabilitation versus no rehabilitation
tistical significance). Patients with subacute stroke. group, level II (CCT): Grade D for motor function
Enhanced therapy (severe stroke) versus at end of treatment, 6 months (no benefit demon-
standard customary care (severe stroke), level I strated but favoring control); grade D+ for func-
(RCT): Grade D for mobility at end of treatment, 6 tional status at end of treatment, 6 months (clini-
months (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with cally important benefit favoring control
acute stroke. demonstrated without statistical significance). Pa-
Enhanced therapy (mild stroke) versus stan- tients with subacute stroke.
dard customary care (mild stroke), level I (RCT): Home therapy (physician) versus standard
Grade D for mobility at end of treatment, 6 customary care without home visits, level I
months (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with (RCT): Grade A for decrease in hospital readmis-
acute stroke. sions and functional status (FAI) at follow-up, 6
Home therapy (physiotherapy) versus stan- months (clinically important benefit demon-
dard customary care without home visits, level I strated); grade C for functional status (Functional
(RCT): Grade C+ for functional status (Instrumen- Quality of Movement Scale [FQM]) motor perfor-
tal Activities of Daily Living [IADL]–domestic ac- mance, Barthel Index, EADL–personal daily care,
tivities) at follow-up, 6 months (clinically impor- IADL–domestic activities), mobility and life habits/
tant benefit demonstrated without statistical leisure at follow-up, 6 months (no benefit demon-
significance); grade C for discharge disposition, strated); grade D for functional status (FQM qual-
functional status, mobility, and life habits/leisure ity of movement) at follow-up, 6 months (no ben-
at follow-up, 6 months (no benefit demonstrated). efit demonstrated but favoring control). Patients
Patients with chronic stroke. with chronic stroke.

Home therapy (physician) versus home Home-based exercise training versus control,
therapy (physiotherapy), level I (RCT): Grade level I (RCT): Grade A for change in gait speed,
C+ favoring home therapy (physiotherapy) for gait endurance, torque (change in knee isometric
functional status (IADL–domestic activities) at fol- extensors), endurance, and cardiopulmonary
low-up, 6 months (clinically important benefit function at end of treatment, 12 weeks; grade C+
demonstrated without statistical significance); for motor function (change in Fugl-Meyer lower
grade C for decrease in hospital readmission, extremity), change in gait speed, gait endurance,
functional status (FAI, FQM motor performance, functional status (Physical Function Index), and
FQM quality of movement, Barthel Index, and strength (change in grip strength) at end of treat-
EADL–personal daily care), mobility and life hab- ment, 12 weeks (clinically important benefit dem-
its/leisure at follow-up, 6 months (no benefit dem- onstrated without statistical significance); grade C
onstrated). Patients with chronic stroke. for motor function (change in Fugl-Meyer upper
Extended stroke unit service with early sup- extremity and lower extremity), balance (Berg bal-
ported discharge versus ordinary stroke unit ance and change in Berg balance), functional status
service, level I (RCT): Grade A for functional (IADL and Barthel ADL Index) at end of treatment,
status (number of patients with Rankin score less 12 weeks (no benefit demonstrated); grade D+ for
than 2) at follow-up, 6 months (clinically impor- balance (Functional reach) at end of treatment, 12
tant benefits demonstrated); grade C+ for physical weeks (clinically important benefit favoring con-
mobility at follow-up, 3 weeks and 1 year (clini- trol demonstrated without statistical significance);
cally important benefits demonstrated without sta- grade D for torque (change in ankle isometric
tistical significance); grade C for functional status dorsiflexors; no benefit demonstrated but favoring
(number of patients with Barthel Index score control). Patients with post-acute stroke.
higher than 95) at follow-up, 3 weeks, 6 months, Outpatient versus home exercise group, level I
and 1 year, for discharge status and preventing (RCT): Grade C+ favoring home exercise group for
mortality at follow-up, 1 year, for energy level and gait speed at end of treatment, 6 months, and fol-
pain at follow-up, 3 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year, low-up, 3 months (clinically important benefit
for global health status at follow-up, 1 year, and demonstrated without statistical significance);
functional status (number of patients with Rankin grade C for single support time at end of treatment,
score less than 2) at follow-up, 3 weeks and 1 year 6 months, and follow-up, 3 months (no benefit
(no benefit demonstrated); grade D for global demonstrated). Patients with chronic stroke.
health status at follow-up, 3 weeks and 6 months Outpatient versus control, level I (RCT):
(no benefit demonstrated but favoring control); Grade D for gait speed at follow-up, 3 months (no
grade D+ for physical mobility at follow-up, 6 benefit demonstrated but favoring control); grade
months (clinically important benefits demon- D+ for gait speed at end of treatment, 6 months,
strated without statistical significance favoring and single support time at end of treatment, 6
control). Patients with acute stroke. months, and follow-up, 3 months (clinically im-
Early physiotherapy intervention versus con- portant benefit demonstrated without statistical
trol group, level I (RCT): Grade C+ for functional significance). Patients with chronic stroke.
status (Modified Barthel Index) and motor func- Outpatient therapy versus home therapy,
tion (Fugl-Meyer score for lower extremity) at end level I (RCT): Grade C for grip strength on af-
of treatment, 1 month, and follow-up, 5 months, fected side and motor assessment, functional sta-
and motor function (Fugl-Meyer score for upper tus, and gait speed at end of treatment, 6 weeks
extremity) at end of treatment, 1 month (clinically and 3 months (no benefit demonstrated). Patients
important benefits demonstrated without statisti- with subacute stroke.
cal significance); grade D for motor function Home physiotherapy versus day-hospital
(Fugl-Meyer score for upper extremity) at follow- group, level I (RCT): Grade A for resource cost at
up, 5 months (no benefit demonstrated but favor- end of treatment, 8 weeks (clinically important ben-
ing control). Patients with acute stroke. efit demonstrated). Patients with subacute stroke.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 73

Home-exercise versus control group, level I ment, 3 months, and functional status
(RCT): Grade C for gait speed at end of treatment, (Nottingham EADL) at follow-up, 3 months (clini-
6 months, and follow-up, 3 months (no benefit cally important benefit demonstrated); grade C for
demonstrated); grade D for single support time at motor function and functional status (Rivermead
end of treatment, 6 months, and follow-up, 3 ADL score) at follow-up, 9 months, gait speed and
months (no benefit demonstrated but favoring functional status (Barthel ADL Index) at end of
control). Patients with chronic stroke. treatment, 3 months, and follow-up, 9 months,
Home therapy versus control group, level II and quality of life (Dartmouth Coop Global Health
(CCT): Grade C for motor function at end of Status–physical fitness, daily activities, and pain
treatment, 9 weeks (no benefit demonstrated). Pa- relief) at end of treatment, 3 months (no benefit
tients with subacute stroke. demonstrated); grade D for motor function and
Combined outpatients and home exercise functional status (Nottingham ADL) at end of
versus control group, level I (RCT): Grade C for treatment, 3 months (no benefit demonstrated but
gait speed at end of treatment, 6 months, and favoring control); grade D+ for functional status
follow-up, 3 months (no benefit demonstrated); (Nottingham ADL) at follow-up, 9 months (clini-
grade D for single support time at end of treat- cally important benefit favoring control demon-
ment, 6 months, and follow-up, 3 months (no strated without statistical significance). Patients
benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa- with acute and post-acute stroke.
tients with chronic stroke. Home intervention (rehabilitation and nurs-
Early care versus standard customary care in ing services) versus standard customary care,
stroke unit, level I (RCT): Grade A for length of level I (RCT): Grade A for resource cost at follow-
stay at end of treatment, 6 weeks (clinically impor- up, 3 months (clinically important benefit demon-
tant benefit demonstrated); grade C for mobility strated); grade C for quality of life at follow-up, 3
and functional status at end of treatment, 6 weeks months (no benefit demonstrated). Patients with
(no benefit demonstrated). Patients with acute subacute stroke.
stroke. Nursing early activation program versus no
Early supported discharge with home reha- therapy, level I (RCT): Grade C for mobility and
bilitation versus standard customary rehabilita- functional status at follow-up, 1 year (no benefit
tion, level I (RCT): Grade A for functional status demonstrated). Patients with acute stroke.
(Older Americans Resource Scale for Instrumental Integrated care pathway versus standard cus-
ADL) at end of treatment, 1 and 3 months, and tomary multidisciplinary team care, level I
length of stay at follow-up, 3 months (clinically (RCT): Grade C for functional status (number of
important benefit demonstrated); grade C for mo- patients with no problems with self-care, number
tor function and mobility at end of treatment, 1 of patients with no problems with usual activities)
and 3 months, quality of life at follow-up, 6 and pain relief at end of treatment, 6 months (no
months, functional status (Barthel Index) and pain benefit demonstrated); grade D for mobility, func-
relief at end of treatment, 3 months (no benefit tional status (number of patients with some prob-
demonstrated); grade D for functional status lems with usual activities), and pain relief at end of
(Nottingham EADL score) at end of treatment, 3 treatment, 6 months (no benefits demonstrated
months, and follow-up, 6 months, quality of life at but favoring control); grade D+ for functional sta-
end of treatment, 3 months, pain relief and func- tus (number of patients with some problems with
tional status (Barthel Index) at end of treatment, 1 washing and dressing) at end of treatment, 6
month (no benefit demonstrated but favoring con- months (clinically important benefit favoring con-
trol). Patients with acute stroke. trol demonstrated without statistical significance).
Early supported discharge versus standard Patients with acute stroke.
customary rehabilitation, level I (RCT): Grade A Full-time integrated treatment (FIT) versus
for length of stay and quality of life (Dartmouth standard customary rehabilitation, level II
Coop Global Health Status–total) at end of treat- (CCT): Grade C for functional status at end of

treatment, 4 weeks and 6 weeks, and length of stay Structured nursing intervention versus con-
at end of treatment, 4 weeks (no benefit demon- ventional rehabilitation, level I (RCT): Grade C
strated). Patients with acute stroke. for functional status (FIM and IADL) and self-
Critical path method versus standard cus- perception of health at end of treatment, 3 months,
tomary care method, level I (RCT): Grade C for and follow-up, 3 months (no benefit demon-
functional status (FIM motor subscale) at end of strated). Patients with acute stroke.
treatment, 1 month (no benefit demonstrated); Home hospitalization versus standard stroke
grade D for functional status (FIM raw score) and care (inpatient), level I (RCT): Grade D for neu-
length of stay at end of treatment, 1 month (no rological status and functional status at follow-up,
benefit demonstrated but favoring control). Pa- 6 months (no benefit demonstrated but favoring
tients with acute stroke. control). Patients with acute stroke.

Summary of trials (mild stroke) versus standard customary care

(mild stroke; n = 137)468; 17) home therapy (phys-
Forty-eight RCTs and eight CCTs were found iotherapy) versus standard customary care without
that evaluated the efficacy of varying intensities home visits (n = 310)423,424; 18) home-based at
and organizations of rehabilitation for acute to high-intensity versus low-intensity physiotherapy
chronic stroke patients (n = 8,932).103,104,279,422–474 control (n = 19)451; 19) home-based rehabilitation
The following treatments were evaluated: 1) stroke versus hospital-based rehabilitation (n =
unit versus general ward (n = 3,146)431,437–439,448– 205)425,445; 20) rehabilitation versus no rehabilita-
; 2) stroke unit versus home care (n = tion group (n = 43)442; 21) home therapy (physi-
447)449; 3) stroke unit (large artery stroke) versus cian) versus standard customary care without
general ward (large artery stroke) (n = 267)434; 4) home visits (n = 310)423,424; 22) home therapy
stroke unit (small artery stroke) versus general (physician) versus home therapy (physiotherapy)
ward (small artery stroke) (n = 267)434; 5) intensive (n = 310)423,424; 23) extended stroke unit service
outpatient physiotherapy rehabilitation program with early supported discharge versus an ordinary
versus control group (n = 54)279; 6) 6 days/week stroke unit service (n = 702)426,439,446; 24) early
versus 7 days/week treatment (n = 113)462; 7) en- physiotherapy intervention versus control group
hanced occupational therapy versus standard (n = 128)436; 25) home-based exercise training ver-
customary occupational therapy (n = 492) sus control (n = 112)103,104; 26) outpatient versus
; 8) enhanced occupational therapy home exercise group (n = 20)472; 27) outpatient
versus no therapy (n = 481)430,432,433,441,447; 9) stan- versus control (n = 20)472; 28) outpatient therapy
dard customary occupational therapy versus no versus home therapy (n = 100) 428; 29) home phys-
therapy (n = 378)431,432,471; 10) enhanced physio- iotherapy versus day-hospital group (n = 95)474;
therapy (60-minute treatment of physiotherapy) 30) home-based exercise versus control group (n =
versus standard customary physiotherapy care (30 20)472; 31) home therapy versus control group (n =
minutes;n = 114)458; 11) enhanced physiotherapy 22)470; 32) combined outpatients and home exer-
versus standard customary physiotherapy treat- cise versus control group (n = 20)472; 33) early care
ment (n = 564)453,457; 12) enhanced assistant phys- versus standard customary care in stroke unit (n =
iotherapist versus standard customary physio- 30)444; 34) early supported discharge with home
therapy treatment (n = 564)453,457; 13) enhanced rehabilitation versus standard customary rehabili-
physiotherapy versus enhanced assistant physio- tation (n = 196)427,455; 35) early supported dis-
therapist treatment (n = 564)453,457; 14) enhanced charge versus standard customary rehabilitation (n
upper extremity treatment versus interdisciplinary = 323)460,461; 36) home intervention (rehabilitation
treatment (n = 626)459; 15) enhanced therapy (se- and nursing services) versus standard customary
vere stroke) versus standard customary care (se- care (n = 114)469; 37) nursing early activation pro-
vere stroke; n = 137)468; 16) enhanced therapy gram versus no therapy (n = 59)443; 38) integrated
Clinical Practice Guidelines 75

care pathway versus standard customary ity (number of patients independent in walking
multidisciplinary team care (n = 152)467; 39) full- [Barthel Index], number of patients independent
time integrated treatment (FIT) versus standard in indoor and outdoor walking [Rivermead EADL–
customary rehabilitation (n = 106)466; 40) critical self-care], walking outside, and climbing stairs
path method versus standard customary care [Rivermead EADL household]) at end of treat-
method (n = 121)435; 41) structured nursing inter- ment, 3 and 6 months; motor function (number of
vention versus conventional rehabilitation (n = patients independent in upper extremity and
155) 456; and 42) home hospitalization versus stan- lower extremity function) at end of treatment, 16
dard stroke care (inpatient) (n = 120)422 session or weeks; efficiency (number of patient in-hospital
even all day in one study,460 for a total duration of fatalities, number of patients independent upon
treatment of 1 week to 6 months, with follow-up at discharge, number of patients with medical com-
2 weeks up to 3 years (Appendix 3M). plications) at end of treatment, 2 weeks; postural
In total, there were 96 studies excluded. Among status (number of patients sitting and standing) at
these, 17 were excluded due to insufficient statisti- follow-up, 6 weeks; functional status (ADL score)
cal data.25,475–490 For 14 other studies, there was at end of treatment, 3 months, and follow-up, 9
more than a 20% subject drop-out rate.491–505 An- months; and resource cost (total cost per patient in
other major reason for exclusion was the participa- thousands of dollars) at follow-up, 1 year. No
tion of subjects with either multiple conditions or benefit was demonstrated, but results favored the
multiple strokes, resulting in the exclusion of 19 control treatment for mobility (number of patients
more studies.506–523 The remaining studies were able to walk short distances with or without aids)
excluded for various other reasons outlined in IR- at end of treatment, 6 weeks; functional status
Table 167.524–569 (number of functional patients) at follow-up, 1
year; and resource cost (number of physician visits
Efficacy per patient) at follow-up, 1 year. A clinically im-
portant benefit favoring control was demonstrated
For stroke unit rehabilitation for patients without statistical significance for functional status
with acute, subacute, post-acute, and chronic (ADL score) at end of treatment, 1 week. No other
stroke versus general ward rehabilitation (eight outcomes were measured (IR-Figures 151A-F,
RCTs and three CCTs, n = 3,146), 429,431,437,438,448– Tables 168A-J).
clinically important benefits with statis- For stroke unit rehabilitation for patients with
tical significance were shown for length of stay acute stroke versus home care (one RCT, n =
(days) at end of treatment, 2 weeks, and follow-up, 447),449 clinically important benefits with statistical
3 years (19% and 46% RD, respectively). A clini- significance were observed for functional status
cally important benefit with statistical significance (number of patients with Barthel score between 15
was demonstrated for mobility (number of pa- and 20) at follow-up, 9 months (15% RD). No
tients able to walk long distances independently) benefit was demonstrated for functional status
at end of treatment, 6 weeks (18% RD). A clinically (number of patients with Modified Rankin score
important benefit without statistical significance from 0 to 3) at end of treatment, 3 months, and
was demonstrated for functional status (number of follow-up, 9 months; and functional status (number
patients with mild-moderate impairment) at fol- of patients with Barthel score between 15 and 20) at
low-up, 1 year (16% RD). No benefit was demon- end of treatment, 3 months. No other outcomes
strated for functional status (number of patients were measured (IR-Figure 152, Table 169).
deteriorated in ADL score) at end of treatment, 3 For stroke unit (large artery stroke) rehabili-
months, and follow-up, 6 months; functional sta- tation for patients with acute stroke versus gen-
tus (number of patients independent in ADL) at eral ward (large artery stroke; one RCT, n =
end of treatment, 6 weeks, and length of stay 267),434 clinically important benefits with statisti-
(days) at end of treatment, 6 weeks and 3 months; cal significance were seen for functional status
mobility (number of patients independent in walk- (number of patients with Barthel score 15–20) at
ing mobility) at end of treatment, 16 weeks; mobil- follow-up, 1 year (22% RD); and quality of life

(Euroqol score) at follow-up, 3 months (22% RD). RD). No benefit was demonstrated for functional
No benefit was demonstrated for functional status status (dressing section of Functional Recovery
(number of patients with Barthel score 15–20) at Scale) and length of stay (days). No other out-
follow-up, 3 months, and quality of life (Euroqol comes were measured (IR-Figure 156, Table
score) at follow-up, 3 months. No benefit was 173).
demonstrated, but there was favor for the control For enhanced occupational therapy for pa-
rehabilitation for length of stay (in days) at follow- tients with subacute stroke versus standard
up, 3 months. A clinically important benefit favor- customary occupational therapy (five RCTs, n =
ing control was demonstrated with statistical sig- 492),431,432,440,441,454 clinically important benefits
nificance for efficiency (duration of physiotherapy with statistical significance were demonstrated for
visit, hours) at follow-up, 3 months. No other functional status (number of patients improved in
outcomes were measured (IR-Figure 153, Tables ADL) at end of treatment, 8 weeks and 6 months
170A&B). (23%–18% RD); life habit/leisure (overall leisure
For stroke unit (small artery stroke) rehabili- score) at end of treatment, 3 and 6 months (15%–
tation for patients with acute stroke versus gen- 24%); life habit/leisure (total leisure activity score)
eral ward (small artery stroke; one RCT, n = at end of treatment, 6 months (23% RD); mobility
267),434 clinically important benefits with statisti- (Nottingham EADL score for mobility) at end of
cal significance were shown for quality of life treatment, 3 and 6 months (56%–58%); and func-
(Euroqol score) at follow-up, 3 months (15% RD). tional status (Nottingham EADL score) at end of
No benefit was demonstrated for quality of life treatment, 8 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months
(Euroqol score) at follow-up, 1 year. No benefit (16%, 91%, and 28% RD, respectively). Clinically
was demonstrated, but the control therapy was important benefits without statistical significance
favored for functional status (number of patients were demonstrated for quality of life (number of
with Barthel score 15–20) at follow-up, 3 months patients living independently) at end of treatment,
and 1 year. A clinically important benefit favoring 3 weeks (28%); functional status (FIM for upper
control was demonstrated with statistical signifi- extremity and lower extremity dressing; 41% and
cance for length of stay (in days) and efficiency 50% RD, respectively) at end of treatment, 3 weeks
(duration of physiotherapy visit, hours) at follow- (28% RD); and functional status (EADL total
up, 3 months. No other outcomes were measured score) at follow-up, 3 months (28% RD). No ben-
(IR-Figure 154, Tables 171A&B). efit was demonstrated for life habit/leisure (total
For intensive outpatient physiotherapy reha- leisure score) and mobility (Nottingham EADL for
bilitation for patients with chronic stroke ver- mobility) at end of treatment, 6 months, or func-
sus control group (one RCT,n = 54),279 clinically tional status (Barthel Index score) at follow-up, 3
important benefits without statistical significance months. No benefit was demonstrated, but the
were observed for quality of life (Sickness Index results favored the control therapy for mobility
Profile) at end of treatment, 3 months (28% RD). (NHP score for mobility) at end of treatment, 3
No benefit was demonstrated for functional status months. Clinically important benefits favoring the
(FIM) at end of treatment, 3 months. No benefit control therapy were demonstrated without statis-
was demonstrated, but results favored the control tical significance for pain relief (NHP score for
therapy for functional status (Sickness Index Pro- pain) at end of treatment, 3 and 6 months, and
file) at follow-up, 6 months. No other outcomes quality of life (General Health Questionnaire) at
were measured (IR-Figure 155, Table 172). follow-up, 3 months. No other outcomes were
For 6 days/week of rehabilitation for patients measured (IR-Figures 157A-D, Tables 174A-D).
with post-acute stroke versus 7 days/week For enhanced occupational therapy for pa-
treatment, one RCT (n = 113)462 showed clinically tients with subacute stroke versus no therapy
important benefits without statistical significance (five RCTs, n = 481),430,431,433,441,447 clinically impor-
for mobility (ambulation section of Functional Re- tant benefits with statistical significance were dem-
covery Scale) at end of treatment, 3 weeks (19% onstrated for mobility (NHP for mobility and
Clinical Practice Guidelines 77

EADL for mobility) at end of treatment, 3 months months. No benefit was demonstrated, but there
and 6 months (49%–62% and 39%–40% RD, re- was favor for the control therapy for quality of life
spectively); life habit/leisure (overall leisure score (General Health Questionnaire) at follow-up, 1
and total leisure activity) at end of treatment, 3 and month. A clinically important benefit favoring
6 months (24%–30% and 20%–30% respectively); control was demonstrated without statistical sig-
and functional status (number of patients im- nificance for functional status (EADL score for
proved in ADL) at follow-up, 6 months (19% RD). mobility) at end of treatment, 3 months and 6
Clinically important benefits were demonstrated months. No other outcomes were measured (IR-
without statistical significance for activity involve- Figures 159A&B, Tables 176A&B).
ment (Katz Adjustment Index: number of patients For enhanced physiotherapy (60 minutes of
satisfied with their walking) at follow-up, 13 physiotherapy) for patients with chronic stroke
weeks (20% RD); activity involvement (number of versus standard customary physiotherapy (30
patients satisfied with their work in the yard) at minutes of physiotherapy) care group, good evi-
end of treatment, 5 weeks (15% RD); and func- dence (one RCT, n = 114)458 showed no benefit for
tional status (EADL) at follow-up, 1 year (40% quality of life (profiles of recovery) at end of treat-
RD). No benefit was demonstrated for functional ment, 6 weeks. No benefit was demonstrated, but
status (Barthel ADL Index) at follow-up, 6 months results favored the control therapy for quality of
and 1 year; functional status (EADL) at follow-up, life (profiles of recovery) at end of treatment, 6
6 months; activity involvement (number of pa- months. No other outcomes were measured (IR-
tients satisfied with their work in and around the Figure 160, Table 177).
house and number of patients satisfied with their For enhanced physiotherapy for patients with
walking) at end of treatment, 5 weeks; and activity subacute stroke versus standard customary
involvement (number of patients satisfied with physiotherapy (two RCTs, n = 564),452,457 clini-
their work in the yard) at follow-up, 13 weeks. No cally important benefits with statistical signifi-
benefit was demonstrated, but results favored the cance were demonstrated for motor function
control for activity involvement (number of pa- (ARAT) at follow-up, 21 weeks (18% RD). A clini-
tient satisfied with their work in and around cally important benefit was demonstrated without
house) at follow-up, 13 weeks. Clinically impor- statistical significance for functional status (Barthel
tant benefits favoring control were demonstrated Index) at follow-up, 3 and 16 weeks (15% RD). No
without statistical significance for pain relief (NHP benefits were demonstrated for functional status
for pain) at end of treatment, 3 and 6 months. No (Barthel Index) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and
other outcomes were measured (IR-Figures follow-up, 21 weeks; functional status (EADL
158A&B, Tables 175A-D). score) at follow-up, 16 weeks and 21 weeks; motor
For standard customary occupational therapy function (Rivermead Motor Assessment–upper ex-
for patients with subacute stroke versus no tremity) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-
therapy, three RCTs (n = 378)431,433,471 showed up, 21 weeks; motor function (Ten-Hole Peg Test)
clinically important benefits with statistical signifi- at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16
cance for functional status (EADL score) at follow- weeks; and motor function (ARAT) at end of treat-
up, 1 month (48% RD). Clinically important ben- ment, 5 weeks. No benefit was demonstrated, but
efits were demonstrated without statistical results favored the control therapy for functional
significance for mobility (NHP for mobility) at end status (EADL score) at end of treatment, 5 weeks.
of treatment, 3 and 6 months (32%–38% RD), and A clinically important benefit favoring control was
for pain relief (NHP) at end of treatment, 3 months demonstrated without statistical significance for
(34% RD). No benefit was demonstrated for life motor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment–
habit/leisure (overall leisure score and total leisure gross function) at follow-up, 3 weeks, and grip
activity) at end of treatment, 3 and 6 months; for strength (maximum grip) at follow-up, 16 weeks.
functional status (Barthel Index score) at follow- Clinically important benefits favoring control were
up, 1 month; and pain relief at end of treatment, 6 demonstrated with statistical significance for mo-

tor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment–upper No other outcomes were measured (IR-Figures
extremity) at follow-up, 3 weeks and 16 weeks; 162A&B, Table 179).
motor function (ARAT) at follow-up, 16 weeks; For enhanced physiotherapy for patients with
motor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment– subacute stroke versus enhanced assistant
gross function) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and physiotherapist treatment (two RCTs, n =
follow-up, 16 weeks; and grip strength (maximum 564),452,457 clinically important benefits with statis-
grip) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, tical significance were shown for motor function
3 weeks. No other outcomes were measured (IR- (Rivermead Motor Assessment–gross function) at
Figures 161A&B, Table 178). end of treatment, 5 weeks (100% RD); grip
For enhanced assistant physiotherapy for pa- strength (maximum grip) at follow-up, 3 weeks
tients with subacute stroke versus standard (≥15% RD); and motor function (ARAT) at follow-
customary physiotherapy treatment, two RCTs up, 21 weeks (33% RD). Clinically important ben-
(n = 564)452,457 showed clinically important ben- efits with statistical significance favoring enhanced
efits with statistical significance for motor function assistant physiotherapist were found for functional
(Rivermead Motor Assessment–upper extremity) status (Barthel Index) at end of treatment, 5 weeks
at follow-up, 21 weeks (20% RD); and motor func- (19% RD); motor function (Rivermead Motor As-
tion (ARAT) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and sessment–UE) at follow-up, 16 weeks, and 21
follow-up, 21 weeks (17% and 33% RD, respec- weeks (200% and 20% RD, respectively); func-
tively). A clinically important benefit was demon- tional status (EADL score) at follow-up, 21 weeks
strated without statistical significance for func- (27% RD); and motor function (ARAT) at end of
tional status (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 3 and 16 treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks (19%
weeks (≥15% RD); functional status (EADL) at end and ≥15% RD, respectively). A clinically important
of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 21 weeks benefit was demonstrated without statistical sig-
(34% and 28% RD, respectively); and motor func- nificance for motor function (Rivermead Motor
tion (ARAT) at follow-up, 16 weeks (≥15% RD). Assessment–gross function) at follow-up, 16
No benefit was demonstrated for functional status weeks (250% RD). A clinically important benefit
(Barthel Index) at end of treatment, 5 weeks; func- was demonstrated without statistical significance
tional status (EADL score) at follow-up, 16 weeks; favoring enhanced assistant physiotherapist for
motor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment– functional status (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 3
upper extremity) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and and 16 weeks (15% RD), functional status (EADL)
follow-up, 16 weeks; motor function (Rivermead at end of treatment, 5 weeks (18% and 43% RD,
Motor Assessment–gross function) at follow-up, 3 respectively); motor function (Rivermead Motor
and 16 weeks; and motor function (Ten-Hole Peg Assessment–upper extremity) at follow-up, 3
Test) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, weeks (100%); and grip strength at end of treat-
16 weeks. No benefit was demonstrated, but re- ment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks (≥15%
sults favored the control therapy for functional RD). No benefit was demonstrated for functional
status (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 21 weeks. status (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 21 weeks;
Clinically important benefits favoring control were functional status (EADL score) at follow-up, 16
demonstrated without statistical significance for weeks; motor function (Rivermead Motor Assess-
motor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment– ment-upper extremity) at end of treatment, 5
upper extremity) at follow-up, 3 weeks, and grip weeks; and motor function (Ten-Hole Peg Test) at
strength (maximum grip) at end of treatment, 5 end of treatment, 5 weeks, and follow-up, 16
weeks, and follow-up, 16 weeks. A clinically im- weeks. No other outcomes were measured (IR-
portant benefit favoring the control therapy was Figures 163A&B, Table 180).
demonstrated with statistical significance for mo- For enhanced upper-limb treatment for pa-
tor function (Rivermead Motor Assessment–gross tients with subacute stroke versus interdiscipli-
function) at end of treatment, 5 weeks, and grip nary treatment, one RCT (n = 626)459 showed a
strength (maximum grip) at follow-up, 3 weeks. clinically important benefit with statistical signifi-
Clinical Practice Guidelines 79

cance for motor function (Frenchay Arm Test) and For high-intensity home-based physiotherapy
functional status (Barthel Index) at follow-up, 18 for patients with chronic stroke versus low-
weeks. No benefit was demonstrated for motor intensity physiotherapy (one RCT, n = 19),451
function (Upper Limb Motricity Index and clinically important benefits with statistical signifi-
Frenchay Arm Test) at follow-up, 6 weeks; func- cance were shown for motor function (STREAM–
tional status (Nottingham EADL) at follow-up, 18 lower extremity) at follow-up, 11 weeks (25%
weeks; and functional status (Barthel Index) at RD). Clinically important benefits were demon-
follow-up, 6 weeks. No benefit was demonstrated, strated without statistical significance for func-
but results favored the control treatment for motor tional status (Barthel Index) and motor function
function (Upper Limb Motricity Index) at follow- (STREAM–upper extremity) at follow-up, 11
up, 18 weeks, and functional status (Nottingham weeks (17% and 21% RD, respectively). No ben-
EADL) at follow-up, 6 weeks. Clinically important efit was demonstrated for mobility (STREAM–ba-
benefits favoring the control treatment were also sic mobility) at follow-up, 11 weeks, and func-
demonstrated without statistical significance for tional status (Barthel Index) and motor function
motor function (ARAT) at follow-up, 6 and 18 (STREAM–upper extremity) at follow-up, 22
weeks. No other outcomes measured (IR-Figure weeks. No benefit was demonstrated but results
164, Table 181). favored the control therapy for mobility
For enhanced therapy (severe stroke) for pa- (STREAM–basic mobility) at follow-up, 22 weeks.
tients with acute stroke versus standard cus- A clinically important benefit favoring control was
tomary care (severe stroke), one RCT (n = demonstrated without statistical significance for
137)468 showed no benefit but the results favored motor function (STREAM–lower extremity) at fol-
the control therapy for mobility (number of pa- low-up, 22 weeks. No other outcomes were mea-
tients independent in walking) at end of treatment, sured (IR-Figure 168, Table 185).
6 months. No other outcomes were measured (IR- For home-based rehabilitation for patients
Figure 165, Table 182). with post-acute and chronic stroke versus hos-
For enhanced therapy (mild stroke) for pa- pital-based rehabilitation (one RCT and one
tients with acute stroke versus standard cus- CCT, n = 205),425,445 no clinically important differ-
tomary care (mild stroke; one RCT, n = 137),468 ence was shown for resource cost (total cost) at
no benefit was shown but results favored the con- follow-up, 1 year, mobility (number of patients
trol therapy for mobility (number of patients inde- able to walk 10 m without an aid), functional
pendent in walking) at end of treatment, 6 status (number of patients independent in Barthel
months. No other outcomes were measured (IR- ADL Index and number of patients independent in
Figure 166, Table 183). IADL) at end of treatment, 3 months. No other
For home visit (physiotherapy) for patients outcomes were measured (IR-Figure 169, Tables
with chronic stroke versus standard customary 186A&B).
care without home visit groups (two RCTs, n = For rehabilitation for patients with subacute
310),423,424 a clinically important benefit without stroke versus no rehabilitation group, one CCT
statistical significance was observed for functional (n = 43)442 showed no benefit but the results fa-
status (IADL–domestic activities) at follow-up, 6 vored the control rehabilitation for motor function
months. No benefit was demonstrated for discharge (Brunnstrom Upper Extremity Scale, Brunnstrom
disposition (number of readmissions into hospital Lower Extremity Scale, Upper Extremity Func-
because of stroke-related condition) and functional tional Test) at end of treatment, 6 months. A clini-
status (FQM motor performance, FQM quality of cally important benefit favoring control was dem-
movement, Barthel Index, FAI, EADL–personal onstrated without statistical significance for
daily care), mobility (EADL–mobility), and life hab- functional status (Barthel ADL Index) at end of
its/leisure (IADL–leisure/social activities) at follow- treatment, 6 months. No other outcomes were
up, 6 months. No other outcomes were measured measured (IR-Figure 170, Table 187).
(IR-Figures 167A&B, Tables 184A&B). For home therapy (physician) for patients

with chronic stroke versus standard customary Barthel Index score higher than 95) at follow-up, 3
care without home visits (two RCTs, n = weeks, 6 months, and 1 year; discharge status
310),423,424 clinically important benefits with statis- (number of patients discharged at home); prevent-
tical significance were shown for decrease in hos- ing mortality (number patients deceased) at fol-
pital readmissions (number of readmissions into low-up, 1 year; energy level and pain (NHP) at
hospital because of stroke-related condition) and follow-up, 3 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year; global
functional status (FAI) at follow-up, 6 months health status score (NHP) at follow-up, 1 year; and
(18% and 20% RD, respectively). No benefit was functional status (number of patients with Rankin
demonstrated for functional status (FQM motor score less than 2) at follow-up, 3 weeks and 1 year.
performance, Barthel Index, EADL–personal daily No clinically important benefit was demonstrated,
care, IADL–domestic activities), mobility (EADL– but results favored the control treatment for global
mobility), and life habits/leisure (IADL–leisure/so- health status score (NHP) at follow-up, 3 weeks
cial activities) at follow-up, 6 months. No benefit and 6 months. A clinically important benefit with-
was demonstrated, but results favored the control out statistical significance favoring control was
therapy for functional status (FQM quality of demonstrated for physical mobility (NHP) at fol-
movement) at follow-up, 6 months. No other out- low-up, 6 months. No other outcomes were mea-
comes were measured (IR-Figures 171A&B, sured (IR-Figures 173A-C, Tables 190A&B).
Tables 188A&B). For early physiotherapy intervention for pa-
For home therapy given by physician to pa- tients with acute stroke versus control group
tients with chronic stroke versus home therapy (one RCT, n = 128),436 a clinically important ben-
given by a physiotherapist (one RCT, n = efit without statistical significance was demon-
310),423,424 a clinically important benefit without strated for functional status (Modified Barthel In-
statistical significance was shown favoring home dex) and motor function (Fugl-Meyer score for
physiotherapy (physiotherapy) of home visit (phy- lower extremity) at end of treatment, 1 month, and
sician) for functional status (IADL–domestic ac- follow-up, 5 months (27%–39% and 21%–15%
tivities) at follow-up, 6 months (23% RD). No RD, respectively) and motor function (Fugl-Meyer
benefit was demonstrated for decrease in hospital for upper extremity) at end of treatment, 1 month
readmission (number of readmissions into hospi- (18% RD). No benefit was demonstrated, but re-
tal because of stroke-related condition) and func- sults favored the control group for motor function
tional status (FAI, FQM motor performance, FQM (Fugl-Meyer score for upper extremity) at follow-
quality of movement, Barthel Index, and EADL– up, 5 months. No other outcomes were measured
personal daily care), mobility (EADL–mobility), (IR-Figure 174, Table 191).
and life habits/leisure (IADL–leisure/social activi- For home-based exercise program training
ties) at follow-up, 6 months. No other outcomes for patients with post-acute stroke versus con-
were measured (IR-Figures 172A&B, Tables trol (two RCTs, n = 112),103,104 clinically impor-
189A&B). tant benefits with statistical significance were ob-
For extended stroke unit service with early served for change in gait speed (48% RD), gait
discharge for patients with acute stroke versus endurance (change in 6-minute walk test, feet;
ordinary stroke unit service (three RCTs, n = 59% RD), torque (change in knee isometric ex-
702),426,439,446 a clinically important benefit with tensors; 61% RD), endurance (change in duration
statistical significance was demonstrated for func- of bicycle exercies; 164% RD), and cardiopulmo-
tional status (number of patients with Rankin nary function (change in peak VO2; 185% RD) at
score less than 2) at follow-up, 6 months (18% end of treatment, 12 weeks. A clinically impor-
RD). A clinically important benefit without statisti- tant benefit was demonstrated without statistical
cal significance was demonstrated for physical mo- significance for motor function (change in Fugl-
bility (NHP) at follow-up, 3 weeks and 1 year Meyer lower extremity; 17% RD), change in gait
(30% and 23% RD). No benefit was demonstrated speed (94% RD), gait endurance (change in 6-
for functional status (number of patients with minute walk test, feet; 15% RD), functional status
Clinical Practice Guidelines 81

(physical function index; 20% RD), and strength cost (total cost in pounds) at end of treatment, 8
(change in grip strength; 17% RD) at end of weeks. No other outcomes were measured (IR-
treatment, 12 weeks. No benefit was demon- Figure 179, Table 196).
strated for motor function (change in Fugl-Meyer For home exercise for patients with chronic
upper extremity and lower extremity), balance stroke versus control, another RCT (n = 20)472
(Berg balance and change in Berg balance), func- showed no benefit for gait speed at end of treat-
tional status (IADL and Barthel ADL Index) at ment, 6 months, and follow-up, 3 months. No ben-
end of treatment, 12 weeks. A clinically impor- efit was demonstrated, but results favored the con-
tant benefit favoring the control was demon- trol for single support time at end of treatment, 6
strated without statistical significance for balance months, and follow-up, 3 months. No other out-
(functional reach) at end of treatment, 12 weeks. comes were measured (IR-Figure 180, Table 197).
No benefit was demonstrated, but results favored For home therapy for patients with subacute
the control for torque (change in ankle isometric stroke versus control group, one CCT (n =
dorsiflexors) at end of treatment, 12 weeks. No 22)470 demonstrated no benefit for motor func-
other outcomes were measured (IR-Figures tion (Peg Test Time) at end of treatment, 9 weeks.
175A-C, Table 192). No other outcomes were measured (IR-Figure
For outpatient therapy for patients with 181, Table 198).
chronic stroke versus home-exercise group (one For combined outpatient and home exercise
RCT,n = 20),472 clinically important benefits with- for patients with chronic stroke versus control
out statistical significance favoring home exercise group, (one RCT, n = 20)470 no benefit was illus-
group were observed for gait speed at end of treat- trated for gait speed. No benefit was demon-
ment, 6 months, and follow-up, 3 months (16%– strated, but results favored the control group for
24% RD). No benefit was demonstrated for single single support time at end of treatment, 6 months,
support time at end of treatment, 6 months, and and follow-up, 3 months. No other outcomes were
follow-up, 3 months. No other outcomes were measured (IR-Figure 182, Table 199).
measured (IR-Figure 176, Table 193). For early care for patients with acute stroke
For outpatient therapy for patients with versus standard customary care in stroke unit
chronic stroke versus control group, one RCT (n (one RCT, n = 30),444 a clinically important benefit
= 20)472 showed no benefit but favored the control with statistical significance was shown for length
group for gait speed at follow-up, 3 months. Clini- of stay (days). No benefit was demonstrated for
cally important benefits favoring control were functional status (ADL score) and mobility (ambu-
demonstrated without statistical significance for latory ability) at end of treatment, 6 weeks. No
gait speed at end of treatment, 6 months, and other outcomes were measured (IR-Figure 183,
single support time at end of treatment, 6 months, Table 200).
and follow-up, 3 months. No other outcomes were For early supported discharge with home re-
measured (IR-Figure 177, Table 194). habilitation for patients with acute stroke ver-
For outpatient therapy for patients with sub- sus standard customary rehabilitation, one RCT
acute stroke versus home therapy, good evidence (n = 196)427,455 showed a clinically important ben-
was found (one RCT, n = 100)428 that showed no efit with statistical significance for functional status
benefits for grip strength on affected side and motor (Older Americans Resource Scale for Instrumental
assessment, gait speed (10 m walking speed), or ADL) at end of treatment, 1 and 3 months (16%
functional status (Barthel Index) at end of treat- and 15% RD, respectively) and length of stay at
ment, 6 weeks and 3 months. No other outcomes follow-up, 3 months (24% RD). No benefit was
were measured (IR-Figure 178, Table 195). demonstrated for motor function (STREAM); mo-
For day-hospital for patients with subacute bility (Timed Up & Go) at end of treatment, 1
stroke versus home physiotherapy group, one month and 3 months; quality of life at follow-up, 6
RCT (n = 95)474 showed a clinically important months; and functional status (Barthel Index) and
benefit with statistical significance for resource pain relief at end of treatment, 3 months. No ben-

efit was demonstrated, but results favored the con- functional status (number of patients independent
trol rehabilitation for functional status (Nottigham in household work and ADL Index score) at fol-
EADL score) at end of treatment, 3 months, and low-up, 1 year. No other outcomes were measured
follow-up, 6 months; quality of life at end of treat- (IR-Figure 187, Tables 204A&B).
ment, 3 months; and pain relief and functional For integrated care pathway for patients with
status (Barthel ADL Index) at end of treatment, 1 acute stroke versus standard customary
month. No other outcomes were measured (IR- multidisciplinary team care, one RCT (n =
Figures 184A-D, Tables 201A-C). 152)467 showed no benefit for functional status
For early supported discharge for patients (number of patients with no problems with self-
with acute and post-acute stroke versus rou- care, number of patients with no problems with
tine rehabilitation (two RCTs, n = 323),459,461 a usual activities) and pain relief at end of treatment,
clinically important benefit with statistical signifi- 6 months. No benefit was demonstrated, but re-
cance was observed for length of stay and quality sults favored the control treatment for mobility
of life (Dartmouth Coop Global Health Status– (number of patients with some problems walking
total) at end of treatment, 3 months (40%–49% and with no problems walking), functional status
and 40% RD, respectively) and functional status (number of patients with some problems with
(Nottingham EADL) at follow-up, 3 months usual activities), and pain relief at end of treat-
(35% RD). No benefit was demonstrated for mo- ment, 6 months. A clinically important benefit
tor function (Motricity Index) and functional sta- favoring the control treatment was demonstrated
tus (Rivermead ADL score) at follow-up, 9 without statistical significance for functional status
months; gait speed (5 m timed walk) and func- (number of patients with some problems with
tional status (Barthel ADL Index) at end of treat- washing and dressing) at end of treatment, 6
ment, 3 months, and follow-up, 9 months; and months. No other outcomes measured (IR-Figure
quality of life (Dartmoyth Coop Global Health 188, Table 205).
Status–physical fitness, daily activities, and pain For full-time integrated treatment for pa-
relief) at end of treatment, 3 months. No benefit tients with acute stroke versus standard cus-
was demonstrated, but results favored the control tomary rehabilitation, one CCT (n = 106)466
rehabilitation for motor function and functional showed no benefit for functional status (FIM mo-
status (Nottingham ADL score) at end of treat- tor subscale and total) at end of treatment, 4 weeks
ment, 3 months. A clinically important benefit and 6 weeks, and for length of stay at end of
favoring control was demonstrated without sta- treatment, 4 weeks. No other outcomes were mea-
tistical significance for functional status sured (IR-Figure 189, Table 206).
(Nottingham ADL score) at follow-up, 9 months. For the critical path method for patients with
No other outcomes were measured (IR-Figures acute stroke versus the standard customary
185A-C, Tables 202A&B). care method, one RCT (n = 121)435 showed no
For home intervention (rehabilitation and benefits for functional status (FIM motor subscale)
nursing services) for patients with subacute at end of treatment, 1 month. No benefit was
stroke versus standard customary care, one RCT demonstrated, but there was favor for the control
(n = 114)469 showed a clinically important benefit method for functional status (FIM total raw score)
with statistical significance for resource cost (total and length of stay (days) at end of treatment, 1
cost) at follow-up, 3 months (35% RD). No benefit month. No other outcomes were measured (IR-
was demonstrated for quality of life (SF-36) at fol- Figure 190, Table 207).
low-up, 3 months. No other outcomes were mea- For structured nursing intervention for pa-
sured (IR-Figure 186, Table 203). tients with acute stroke versus conventional
For nursing early activation program for pa- rehabilitation, the evidence (one RCT, n = 155)456
tients with acute stroke versus no therapy, one showed no benefit for functional status (FIM and
RCT (n = 59)443 showed no benefits for mobility IADL) and self-perception of health care at end of
(number of patients independent in walking) and treatment, 3 months, and follow-up, 3 months. No
Clinical Practice Guidelines 83

other outcomes were measured (IR-Figure 191, Clinical recommendations compared with other
Table 208). guidelines
For home hospitalization for patients with
acute stroke versus standard stroke care (inpa- The Ottawa Panel supports early care (grade A
tient), one RCT (n = 120)422 showed no benefit, for length of stay) and early physiotherapy inter-
but results demonstrated a favor for the control vention (grade C+ for functional status and motor
treatment for neurological status (Neurological function for the lower and upper extremities) for
Impairment Score) and functional status (Func- patients with acute stroke. This is in line with the
tional Impairment Score) at follow-up, 6 months. VA/DoD75 that found good evidence that early re-
No other outcomes were measured (IR-Figure habilitation therapy should be provided as soon as
192, Table 209). the patient’s medical status is stable (Appendix 4).
Similarly, St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 found
fair evidence that an early admission to post-stroke
Strength of published evidence compared with other
rehabilitation should be considered for medically
stable stroke patients (Appendix 4).
The Ottawa Panel found level I evidence (2 The Panel found good evidence supporting
RTCs) for multidisciplinary team care, early care treatment in a stroke unit (grade A for length of
(3 RCTs), early supported discharge (6 RCTs), stay, functional status, and quality of life; grade B
outpatient therapy (6 RCTs), physiotherapy (9 for mobility; and grade C+ for functional status)
RCTs), occupational therapy (13 RCTs), and en- and poor evidence supporting treatment in a gen-
hanced therapy (24 RCTs) in post-stroke rehabili- eral ward (grade D+ for functional status) for
tation. The Ottawa Panel also found level I and patients with acute to chronic stroke. This is in
level II evidence for conventional or standard cus- line with the Royal College of Physicians,72 which
tomary rehabilitation (15 RCTs and 3 CCTs), found good evidence that acute care for patients
stroke unit and general ward care (15 RCTs, 3 undergoing post-stroke rehabilitation in a hospi-
CCTs), care pathways (2 RCTs, 1 CCT), and home tal should be delivered in a ward or stroke unit
therapy (18 RCTs, 2 CCTs). with specialists with expertise in stroke manage-
In comparison, the VA/DoD75 also found level ment. As articulated by the St. Joseph’s Health
I evidence for early rehabilitation and inpatient Care London 73 guidelines, the Ottawa Panel
versus outpatient stroke rehabilitation. The found that stroke unit care versus care in a gen-
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network74 eral ward was better for functional status out-
equally found level I evidence for the treatment comes (grades A and C+) for patients with acute
of acute stroke patients in a multidisciplinary to chronic stroke (Appendix 4).
unit and level III evidence for occupational The Ottawa Panel found evidence in favor for an
therapy treatment. The European Stroke Initia- interdisciplinary treatment approach (grade D+ for
tive78 found evidence for the referral to a home arm motor function) for patients with subacute
management program. However, the type of evi- stroke and in favor for a standard customary
dence (RCT or CCT) was not reported. The multidisciplinary team care (grade D+ for func-
Royal College of Physicians72 found level I evi- tional status) for patients with acute stroke. This is
dence concerning the expertise of specialists in a in line with the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
stroke unit and expertise of care in home ser- Network74 that found good evidence that stroke
vices. Last, St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 patients in the acute phase should be treated in a
also found level I evidence for the intensity of multidisciplinary stroke unit (Appendix 4).
therapy, care pathways in rehabilitation, reha- The Ottawa Panel found poor evidence for the
bilitation in specialized stroke units, functional use of care pathways in rehabilitation such as an
outcomes from rehabilitation, and additional integrated care pathway (grade C for functional
home-based therapy and level II evidence for status and pain relief, and grade D for mobility,
early admission to rehabilitation. functional status, and pain relief) and full-time inte-

grated treatment (FIT) (grade C for functional status dence in favor of extended stroke unit service with
and length of stay) and for a critical path method early supported discharge (grade A for functional
(grade C for functional status) for patients with status, and grade C+ for physical mobility) for
acute stroke. Similarly, St. Joseph’s Health Care patients with acute stroke, enhanced physio-
London73 found good evidence that care pathways therapy (grade A for motor function, and grade C+
do not improve post-stroke rehabilitation outcomes for functional status), and enhanced occupational
and do not reduce hospital costs or decrease the therapy (grade A for functional status, life habit/
length of hospital stays for patients undergoing leisure, and mobility; and grade C+ for quality of
post-stroke rehabilitation (Appendix 4). life and functional status) for patients with sub-
The Ottawa Panel also agrees with the VA/ acute stroke. Similarly, St. Joseph’s Health Care
DoD75 that there is insufficient evidence as to London73 found good evidence that a faster recov-
whether inpatient stroke rehabilitation care dem- ery and an earlier discharge from the hospital can
onstrates superiority in outcomes, when com- result from intense therapies delivered in short
pared to outpatient stroke rehabilitation. The periods of time within the post-stroke rehabilita-
Panel found that stroke unit rehabilitation was tion process (Appendix 4).
preferred (grade A and C for functional status) The Ottawa Panel found some support for home
over home rehabilitation and standard inpatient therapy (physiotherapy or exercise training; grades
stroke care was preferred (grade D for neurologi- C+ and C) and home-based rehabilitation (grade
cal status and functional status) instead of home C) for patients with post-acute and chronic stroke,
hospitalization for patients with acute stroke. for home therapy (provided by a physician; grades
However, there is also support for home-based A and C) for patients with chronic stroke, and for
rehabilitation (grade C for resource cost, mobil- early supported discharge with home rehabilita-
ity, and functional status) versus hospital-based tion (grades A and C) for the outcome of functional
rehabilitation for patients with post-acute and status for patients with acute stroke. This is in
chronic stroke and for home physiotherapy partial agreement with St. Joseph’s Health Care
(grade A for resource cost) versus day-hospital for London,73 which found good evidence that addi-
patients with subacute stroke (Appendix 4). tional home-based therapy does not improve the
The Ottawa Panel found good evidence to rec- overall functional outcome scores for patients un-
ommend early supported discharge with home dergoing post-stroke rehabilitation (Appendix 4).
rehabilitation (grade A for functional status) for All other interventions and outcomes evaluated
patients with acute stroke, while the European by the Ottawa Panel were not compared, because
Stroke Initiative78 found poor evidence as to they did not apply to other preexisting clinical
whether care services that are able to provide ad- guidelines (Appendix 4).
equate and flexible support within 24 hours for
stroke patients should be considered for a home
management program (Appendix 4).
The Panel found good evidence that treatment For the past 5 years, evidence-based practice in
in a stroke unit was preferred over home care the area of stroke rehabilitation has been gaining
(grade A for functional status) for patients with popularity. The Ottawa Panel conducted a system-
acute stroke. This is in line with the Royal College atic review of the literature, which revealed a num-
of Physicians,72 which found that there is good ber of physical interventions in post-stroke reha-
evidence that stroke patients should only be man- bilitation whose clinical effectiveness was
aged at home, if the services delivered at home supported by one or more comparative controlled
are part of a stroke service provided by special- studies (CCSs). Based on this systematic review,
ists. Otherwise, these patients should be admitted EBCPGs were developed, resulting in 147 positive
to the hospital for initial care and assessment recommendations with grades of A, B, or C+.
(Appendix 4). Other interventions in stroke rehabilitation re-
For enhanced therapies, the Panel found evi- quire further evidence to prove their effectiveness
Clinical Practice Guidelines 85

with regard to specific outcomes, as the Ottawa positive recommendation by the Panel, other
Panel also came up with 272 negative recommen- guidelines either did not recommend the interven-
dations with grades of C (n = 148), D (n = 79), D+ tion or found the evidence to be insufficient to
(n = 41), and D- (n = 4). Consequently, the Ottawa make a recommendation. Second, several guide-
Panel does not recommend the inclusion of these lines used a more descriptive approach to obtain
interventions for the management of stroke survi- consensus recommendations,70,72–76 while others,
vors for specific outcomes like the Ottawa Panel, used a more quantitative
The strength of the Ottawa Panel’s post-stroke approach.71 These differences could potentially ex-
guidelines lies in the rigorous methodology used plain some of the variation in guideline recom-
to develop them. The evidence for the Ottawa mendations.
Panel’s EBCPGs was based on systematic reviews It is important to point out that the Ottawa Panel
and meta-analyses that were conducted according EBCPGs are not without limitations. First of all,
to Cochrane Collaborations methods. A systematic the strength of clinical practice guidelines depends
method of grading the evidence designed by an upon the quality of the primary studies found in
earlier expert panel (Philadelphia Panel)90 was the literature. The clinical studies that met the
used, in which the direction, statistical signifcance, Ottawa Panel’s selection criteria rarely exceeded 3
and clinical importance of the reported outcomes out of 5 on the Jadad scale,94 and the sample sizes
and the overall study design (RCT vs. CCT) were were generally small. These methodological issues
taken into account. To establish both the clarity limit the reliability of the reported outcomes and
and practicality of the guidelines, several practitio- the overall quality of the evidence. For example, it
ners sat on the Ottawa Panel and participated in is often difficult to achieve adequate blinding with
feedback surveys regarding the relevance of these physical treatments that produce cutaneous sensa-
guidelines in their daily practice. Finally, the Ot- tion.570 However, all guidelines developers face
tawa Panel guidelines were evaluated according to these same issues with regard to methodological
the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evalua- considerations. Of additional note, heterogeneity
tion (AGREE) criteria84 (www.agreecollaboration. with respect to interventions, treatment schedules,
org), resulting in the following scores. On dimen- study populations, outcome measures, and com-
sions 1 (purpose), 2 (stakeholder involvement), 4 parators was frequently encountered, which re-
(clarity), and 6 (editorial independence), the duced the comparability of individual trials. As a
guidelines received excellent scores. Lower scores result, quantitative pooling of data through meta-
were obtained on dimensions 3 (rigor of develop- analysis was not appropriate in most cases.
ment) and 5 (applicability). Inadequate reporting Equally, the findings were sometimes inconsistent
of side effects and risks in the primary trials low- from one study or outcome measure to the next.
ered the rigor of the development score. In identi- Weighing the evidence in such situations inevita-
fying cost implications, potential organizational bly involves value judgments and is subject to
barriers, and methods of applying and monitoring interpretation. Due to the absence of a clear con-
the guidelines, the EBCPGs’ applicability was rated sensus with regard to the relative importance of
as low. Exact scores and a decision aid tool are specific, validated outcome measures, individual
available on the University of Ottawa School of study findings were not weighted according to the
Rehabilitation Sciences’ Web page ( type of outcome assessed or measurement scale used.
In comparing the Ottawa Panel guidelines with The Ottawa Panel also faced other limitations
other existing guidelines on post-stroke rehabilita- with regard to the development of these guide-
tion, it is fair to say that, in general, there is relative lines. Articles in the scientific literature were only
consistency (Appendix 4). However, some dis- considered if they were written in English or
agreements exist. For example, when the Ottawa French due to the additional time and resources
Panel assigned a grade of C+ for shoulder strap- required for translation. Moreover, the categoriza-
ping and therapeutic ultrasound, considered a tion of studies according to the type of interven-

tion examined was not always straightforward, be- Panel also recommends progressive resistance
cause in some cases a particular study could be muscle training, functional task training, active
applied to several categories. A decision was made shoulder ROM using a skateboard, resisted and
as to which category of intervention a particular ballistic finger resisted extension training, agility
study best belonged in order to avoid duplication. exercise training, music-making training, and
This decision was inherently subjective and could maximal isokinetic strengthening depending on
contribute to potential variation in the Ottawa the specific characteristics of individual stroke pa-
Panel’s recommendations with other published tients. However, the Ottawa Panel does not recom-
clinical practice guidelines. mend the following: 1) PNF for increasing ankle
With regard to the calculation of treatment ben- ROM in post-acute stroke, especially in presence
efit, the Ottawa Panel considered a 15% improve- of spasticity; 2) the use of overhead pulley in the
ment relative to control as clinically important. subacute phase of stroke, especially if the shoulder
However, this criterion remains somewhat arbi- is subluxed (see Shoulder Management section);
trary and may not be applicable to all rehabilita- and 3) home-based exercise for improving bal-
tion interventions or outcome measures. Interven- ance, because patients need greater supervision to
tions that showed clinically important benefits ensure their safety.
without statistical significance for validated out- The Ottawa Panel agrees with other clinical
comes (grade C+) were interpreted as worthy of guidelines70–76 in not fully recommending the use
consideration in the rehabilitation of stroke pa- of the Bobath approach/NDT at large. The Ottawa
tients and were given positive recommendations. Panel recommends the use of the Bobath ap-
Most of the existing EBCPGs on stroke rehabilita- proach/NDT for at least some outcomes, such as
tion did not consider clinical significance in syn- for improving motor function and quality of life
thesizing the evidence, which may further account over the long term. However, we recommend that
for any differences in recommendations made by the same approach be excluded in the manage-
other guideline development groups. In the calcu- ment of short-term pain and sitting balance among
lations of clinical relevance, difficulties also arose stroke survivors who are in the acute and subacute
when the variance of data was not directly pro- phases of recovery. Over time, NDT has tended to
vided in the published articles. As a result, the integrate more functional components in their ap-
Ottawa Methods Group, working closely with a proach to treat stroke patient, but these elements
senior biostatistician (G.A.W.), developed a stan- do not seem to translate into functional outcomes
dardized methodology to estimate the variance of as reflected by validated outcomes measures used
data (Appendix 2). This was the best conservative in stroke rehabilitation.
approximation that could be used to produce the The Ottawa Panel’s recommendations are consis-
Ottawa Panel recommendations. tent with recent systematic reviews on therapeutic
Finally, the Ottawa Panel did not formally assess exercise.14 Meek et al.571 conducted a systematic
the cost-effectiveness of the various interventions review of three studies that were included by the
studied. It is recognized, however, that cost and Ottawa Panel and found similar results. In another
resource availability are important factors in the review, van der Lee572 did not find enough evidence
individual clinician’s descion-making process. to determine which form of therapeutic exercises
produces the best outcomes in post-stroke rehabili-
Therapeutic exercises tation. The Ottawa Panel is generally in concor-
dance with other existing reviews on the efficacy of
According to the Ottawa Panel, there is strong post-stroke general therapeutic exercise,13,478,573
evidence suggesting that aerobic training, strength aerobic training,7,8 progressive strengthening exer-
training (either combined with aerobic exercise or cise,17,573 and robot-aided training.13,18,19 Post-stroke
alone), robot-aided training, water-based training, aerobic exercise, strengthening, functional training
and mental imagery should be included as inter- (either combined or alone; see Task-Oriented sec-
ventions in post-stroke rehabilitation. The Ottawa tion), robot-aided training, water-based training,
Clinical Practice Guidelines 87

mental imagery,574–578 and progressive resistance type of TE treatment may achieve the most optimal
muscle training all improve motor unit recruitment, health outcomes under the safest conditions in this
which is limited in hemiparesis,200 and promote heterogeneous population.8,478,555
muscle strength and endurance. In their review,
Potempa et al. also found that aerobic exercise after Task-oriented training
stroke improves tolerance to ADLs by increasing the
maximal rate of oxygen consumption and lowering The Ottawa Panel strongly recommends the
heart rate and systolic blood pressure.156 Aerobic consideration of task-oriented training as a thera-
training plays an important role in the reduction of peutic strategy in stroke rehabilitation. The follow-
cardiovascular risk factors and in maximizing the ing interventions are supported by the available
patient’s physical endurance to fully participate in evidence: seated reaching task training, functional
community life. upper extremity training, functional task training
The advantage of resistive training in compari- for the upper extremity, task-specific reach train-
son to passive exercise is that active participation ing, trunk control training, trunk rotation training,
better promotes central nervous system activity traditional functional retraining, weight garment
and neural reorganization.579,580 It is based on the training, functional approach training, bilateral
overload principle that states that a threshold of arm training, and task-specific training.
stress must be exceeded for muscle adaptation to The Ottawa Panel guidelines are in agreement
occur. Muscle strengthening in the context of with existing clinical practice guidelines, which
functional, task-oriented training improves consistently made favorable recommendations for
strength not only in paretic muscles, but in all of task-specific training.70,71,74,76 The Ottawa Panel
the muscle groups necessary to function as well. guidelines are also in concordance with recent
The key to a successful program is to understand systematic reviews,12,13,332,583 which drew similar
the patient’s needs and develop functional objec- conclusions about task-oriented training. Interest-
tives.581 Resisted and ballistic extension for the ingly, van Peppen et al.12 suggested that task-ori-
hand were all favored compared to resisted grasp ented training is of particular value when applied
and control for improvements in finger tapping.124 intensively and early after stroke onset. The task-
Subjects were given immediate feedback. Atten- oriented approach aims to rehabilitate stroke pa-
tion, practice, and feedback are all components of tients by engaging them in functional tasks that are
motor learning and may indicate that practice of a more meaningful to everyday life and for which
specific movement with concentration is more im- there may be greater motivation to perform.584 Re-
portant in regaining motor control than recruit- petitive functional or task-specific training affects
ment of motor units. This could explain why the the adaptive reorganization of the central nervous
ballistic and resisted extension demonstrated system, leading to improved functional recov-
greater benefits in finger tapping. Exercises prac- ery.263,580,585,586 This type of training appears to
ticed at different specific speeds using a Kinetron make a difference, regardless of when it has been
may contribute to improve muscle contraction and administered, as the brain remains plastic
may reflect what happens in a functional con- throughout life. Therefore, it is beneficial to con-
text.582 However, not all clinical settings have ac- tinue functional task training even years after
cess to costly equipment such as Kinetron and stroke onset, instead of limiting rehabilitation to
robot-aided devices. Furthermore, patients may the few months following stroke.
not be able to reproduce these sophisticated exer- Mulder and Hochstenbach587 stated that variable
cises in the home setting. but structured stimulation, such as varying the
The Ottawa Panel agrees with previous reviews context or the characteristics of the movements
that more research is needed to establish the opti- being practiced, enables patients to adapt their
mal exercise intensity, frequency, duration, dosage, learned skills to the changing environment of ev-
and content according to different patient character- eryday life. Also, improvement of motor control
istics. More details are urgently needed on which after stroke can occur with meaningful rehabilita-

tion consisting of functional tasks important to the mendations on a quantitative analysis of relevant
daily life of the patient.155,579,588 For example, trials. The majority of previous post-stoke rehabili-
stroke patients seemed more concerned with walk- tation guidelines based their recommendations on
ing quickly than with maintaining a symmetrical descriptive conclusions provided by the authors of
gait pattern, because gait speed is a more meaning- the included studies. The use of the term routine
ful and practical outcome (for example when may be a further source of disagreement. While
crossing a street).472 Standardized exercises may be BFB systems are recognized as being effective, they
less appealing to the patient compared to more are not widely available in clinical and commu-
functional activities, which might explain why nity-based settings and are not convenient to
they showed less functional improvement.579,584 transport. At present, busy clinicians use other
Motivation is a very important element involved in forms of immediate feedback in their daily prac-
the adoption, adherence, and maintenance of tice. For instance, clinicians frequently use “verbal
physical activity and is necessary for individuals cues” to guide postural/alignment corrections and
with chronic diseases to obtain long-term benefi- facilitate the equalization of weight distribution.
cial effects from therapeutic exercise.579,589 Perhaps for these reasons, previous guidelines
have not supported the “routine” use of sophisti-
Biofeedback cated and costly EMG equipment. Still, EMG-BFB
constitutes a relevant, albeit small, part of physical
The Ottawa Panel recommends the use of sev- rehabilitation for the stroke patient.
eral forms of EMG-BFB training for the upper (UE) The Ottawa Panel’s guidelines are consistent
and lower (LE) extremities at all stages of stroke with previous systematic reviews examining the
recovery. The available evidence provides strong efficacy of EMG-BFB. 45–49,590 According to
support for video feedback training for unilateral Moreland and Thomson, EMG-BFB was found to
neglect reduction (subacute stroke), general facili- provide subjects with useful information about
tation EMG-BFB training for the UE (subacute and their muscle activity, helping them to execute
chronic stroke) and the LE (acute to chronic more controlled movements using the appropriate
stroke), and LE rhythmic positional BFB training groups of muscle in the correct sequence.46 It has
(chronic stroke) and LE audio and visual feedback been suggested that feedback, particularly pro-
training with general relaxation (chronic stroke). vided through music, has a positive impact on the
There is also sufficient evidence for the value of LE patients’ motivation and enjoyment, resulting in
force-feedback training in chronic stroke and UE important clinical gains.590 This may account for
EMG-BFB relaxation training in subacute and the Ottawa Panel finding that rhythmic auditory
post-acute stroke. facilitation (using a metronome or special music
The Ottawa Panel agrees with the Heart and tapes) was effective at improving gait speed, stride
Stroke Foundation of Ontario guidelines,71 which length, and swing symmetry. A provocative hy-
found that EMG-BFB should be included as an pothesis that deserves further exploration is that
intervention for post-stroke patients who have a constant external feedback may not encourage
high level of motor return. The Ottawa Panel also subjects to develop their own intrinsic feedback
agrees with St. Joseph’s Health Care London73 that mechanisms and therefore limits their learning.292
there is strong evidence that BFB training improves
gait and standing post-stroke. However, the Ot-
Gait training
tawa Panel disagrees with several other guidelines,
which state that BFB systems should not be rou- The Ottawa Panel recommends the use of sev-
tinely included as an intervention for stroke survi- eral types of gait training methods during the post-
vors undergoing rehabilitation.72,74,75 These dis- acute to chronic stages of stroke recovery. There is
crepancies could be partially attributed to the fact strong evidence in favor of treadmill training (sub-
that only the Ottawa Panel and the Heart and acute stroke), high-speed treadmill (chronic
Stroke Foundation of Ontario71 based their recom- stroke), treadmill training combined with
Clinical Practice Guidelines 89

overground ambulation (chronic stroke), treadmill patients with gait impairment. Again, the partial
training and BWS in acute and post-acute stroke, disagreement with the Ottawa Panel recommenda-
FES of the ankle dorsiflexors (post-acute or tions may be related to the fact that previous post-
chronic stroke), FES of the ankle dorsiflexors and/ stoke rehabilitation guidelines formulated consen-
or gastrocnemius (chronic stroke), BFB followed sus recommendations based on the descriptive
by FES (chronic stroke), rhythmic auditory facili- conclusions provided by the included studies. The
tation training (post-acute stroke), and functional quantitative analysis used by the Ottawa Panel has
lower extremity training (subacute stroke). The the important advantage of being more precise and
available evidence also provides sufficient support being able to resolve conflicting evidence.
for BWS in post-acute and chronic stroke, low- The Ottawa Panel’s guidelines are generally con-
speed treadmill training in chronic stroke, sistent with the conclusions of previous reviews on
electrogoniometric feedback training in post-acute the efficacy of treadmill training combined with
stroke, FES of the ankle dorsiflexors in post-acute BWS.12,28–33 However, Moseley29 chose to make dif-
stroke, and musical motor feedback training in ferent comparisons than the Ottawa Panel by pool-
post-acute stroke. However, the Ottawa Panel does ing studies together in a different way. First, when
not recommend the following: FES of the ankle they compared treadmill training and BWS to
dorsiflexors for walking abilities outcome in post- other treatment, they combined studies that used
acute stroke, placebo FES in post-acute stroke for different comparators such as general physio-
reduction of spasticity, and treadmill training and therapy at two different intensities and bracing.
BWS for FIM locomotion in acute and post-acute The primary outcome used in their review was
stroke. independence with walking, while our primary
The Ottawa Panel‘s recommendations are in outcome was gait speed. Furthermore, some of the
agreement with the Royal College of Physicians72 studies included in their review did not meet our
and the VA/DoD75 that treadmill training with par- selection criteria for reasons such as insufficient
tial BWS should be included as an adjunct to sample size or inappropriate study population
conventional therapy for patients undergoing (e.g., patients with multiple infarcts). Finally,
stroke rehabilitation. Of note, this recommenda- Moseley29 only presented statistically significant
tion is contrary to the recommendations of St. results, whereas our review considered clinical sig-
Joseph’s Health Care London,73 which found con- nificance as well.
flicting evidence* on the use of BWS combined High-speed treadmill training was favored over
with treadmill training and treadmill alone. The low-speed training for improving gait cadence,
Ottawa Panel agrees with St. Joseph’s Health Care walking speed, and stride length. However, low-
London73 that there is strong evidence to use FES speed treadmill training was favored for decreasing
as well as rhythmic auditory stimulation in pa- the percentage of BWS required. This may be ex-
tients undergoing stroke rehabilitation. The Ot- plained in part by the greater balance required at
tawa Panel also agrees with the VA/DoD75 that faster speeds of walking. Intensive lower extremity
recommended FES for gait training following training produced clinically important increases in
stroke but disagrees with their finding that there is walking speed and statistically significant im-
insufficient evidence to recommend for or against provements in walking ability, comfortable gait
the use of multi-channel FES for severe hemiplegic speed, and maximal gait speed. Recovery of func-
tional walking depends in part on the strength of
the lower extremities.33,591 Therefore, it is not sur-
prising that an intensive leg muscle performance
*According to the St. Joseph’s Health Care London, conflicting evi- training program results in improvements in gait
dence refers to a disagreement between the findings of at least two speed.
RCTs. Where there were more than four RCTs and the results of only Gait training on a treadmill has consistent posi-
one was conflicting, the conclusion was based on the results of the
majority of the studies, unless the study with conflicting results was tive results according to the literature.33,580 During
of higher quality. a gait training program, the walking speed must be

raised to a level that adequately challenges the tice of the whole task or gait cycle is very important
patient in order to promote the activation of to improve coordination.33 BWS with treadmill
weight-bearing muscles, decrease energy cost, re- walking minimizes compensations, which occurs
duce dependence on walking aids, increase walk- with other assistive walking devices, by forcing the
ing speed, and improve cardiovascular fitness.30,249 use of the paretic lower extremity.249 BWS is better
Endurance training is essential for helping stroke than walking on a treadmill without BWS or walk-
patients achieve a functional walking ability and ing within parallel bars, because it reduces com-
perform ADLs.33,249 Studies have found that endur- pensations made by the upper extremities and
ance training, using a treadmill or cycling, in- non-paretic lower extremities, resulting in a more
creases the cardiovascular and energy demands of symmetrical gait pattern.249 However, to promote
walking.33 A major disadvantage of over-ground weight bearing and appropriate muscle activity, the
ambulation and treadmill training is the amount of patient’s body weight should not be supported
physical effort required by the physiotherapists to more than 30%.33 The BWS provided should be
obtain a satisfactory walking pattern.590 BWS pro- progressively decreased with training to challenge
vided through a harness is therefore very helpful at the patient’s posture by improving activation of
reducing the unnecessary physical effort required weight-bearing muscles.30,249 Exercises such as
from therapists.590 walking and strengthening in the weight-bearing
It is theorized that the recovery of functional position help prevent muscle shortening and stiff-
walking ability after stroke greatly depends upon ness.33,249 Richards et al.33 suggested that treadmill
the adaptive reorganization of cortical and subcor- training with partial BWS, as needed, improves gait
tical structures, plasticity of synapses, and forma- post-stroke. In addition, Barbeau et al.,590 in their
tion of new circuits through sprouting in both meta-analysis, found that BWS with treadmill walk-
damaged and unaffected areas of the brain.591,592 ing increased gait, balance, speed of walking, lower
Motor tasks increase the activity of neurons lead- limb motor recovery, and walking endurance in
ing to increased tissue blood flow to the motor people with neurological conditions and produced
cortex.592 The location and amount of activity in more benefits than conventional or gait training in
the brain depends on the characteristics (force, full weight bearing. Treadmill training with BWS or
amplitude, rate, complexity) of the motor task.592 no BWS was also more effective on outcomes of
Plasticity of the central nervous system and subse- interest than gait training over-ground.591 BWS with
quent improvement of gait is positively influenced treadmill training resulted in greater functional ben-
by training in stroke rehabilitation.579,592 Training efits, such as increased walking speed, than over-
must be specific, suggesting that improvements in ground ambulation.30,249,591 Hesse and Werner
gait are best achieved with direct gait training so found that treadmill training with BWS versus stan-
that the sensory stimuli are the same as those dard and usual customary care in chronic
produced during walking.33,591 Gait training facili- nonambulatory hemiparetic patients restores gait
tates trunk posture and hip extension by providing and increases gait velocity. They state that partial
sensory inputs of loading249,579 and activates gait BWS with treadmill training after stroke is consid-
pattern generators in the spine and brain.30 Prac- ered a task-oriented repetitive approach.30
tice is necessary for learning.33 Gait training should Gait training in stroke patients is a difficult topic
take place under varying conditions so that differ- to research for clinical and methodological rea-
ent sensory inputs can be engaged (e.g., walking sons. Although a specific treatment may appear to
on different surfaces, with obstacles, up and down be ineffective in one type of patient, similar results
ramps, stairs).33,249,579 Recovery of walking contin- cannot be assumed for other types of patients.
ues up to 2 years after stroke.33 Researchers must ensure that when trials are con-
BWS with treadmill training can help stroke ducted, proper outcome measures are used. Fu-
patients with poor coordination, major muscle ture investigations on the effects of the phase of
weakness, poor trunk stabilization, and anxiety to recovery, intensity of treatment, and treatment du-
practice many repetitions of the full gait cycle ration would also be useful.
without compensatory movements.33,590,591 Prac- In the clinical setting, sophisticated and costly
Clinical Practice Guidelines 91

equipment such as a BWS system and treadmill may partly explain the different conclusions.
may not be appropriate for every stroke patient. It is well-recognized that stroke survivors may
The BWS system combined with treadmill training have sensori-motor, cognitive, and perceptual im-
requires significant financial and human re- pairments that affect their mobility and balance.593
sources. For instance, it involves two or three reha- Indeed, stroke is considered to be one of greatest
bilitation staff to train a stroke patient with a BWS risk factors for falls in older adults; 23% to 73% of
system and treadmill: one physiotherapist has to community-dwelling older adults in the chronic
facilitate the proper trunk alignment and weight phase of stroke have been reported to fall over a
transfer to maximize the quality of the gait pattern, period of 4–6 months.594 Because of the fear of
one physiotherapist needs to assist the leg swing, falling, the balance scores of people who have falls
and another person must operate the control or restricted their activity after falls tend to be
panel. reduced.595 Consequently, balance training is a key
element in post-stroke gait rehabilitation591 and is
Balance training essential in preventing falls46,596,597 and other asso-
ciated complications.598
The Ottawa Panel strongly recommends balance
training as a rehabilitation intervention for sub-
Sensory interventions
acute and post-acute stroke patients. Indeed, grade
A recommendations were found for all the follow- The Ottawa Panel recommends the use of sev-
ing post-stroke balance interventions: balance eral types of sensory training during the subacute
training (sit-to-stand) with force platform and au- to chronic stages of stroke recovery. The available
ditory feedback in subacute and post-acute stroke, evidence provides strong support for sensory func-
base of support training with extrinsic auditory tion training of the hand in chronic stroke, rocking
feedback in subacute stroke, balance training with chair stimulation in subacute stroke, and visual
visual feedback in subacute and post-acute stroke, attention training in post-acute stroke. There is
balance training with visual feedback in subacute also sufficient support for passive vestibular stimu-
stroke, and platform training in subacute stroke. lation in the subacute and post-acute stages of
There are, however, exceptions related to two spe- stroke and perceptual learning exercises in the
cific long-term outcomes. The Ottawa Panel does post-acute stage of stroke. The Ottawa Panel’s rec-
not recommend balance training with visual feed- ommendation regarding sensory function training
back in subacute and post-acute stroke to improve of the hand is consistent with St. Joseph’s Health
postural sway with eyes closed or balance training Care of London’s guidelines,73 which reported
with visual feedback to improve sitting balance in strong evidence that perceptual training interven-
subacute stroke. The Ottawa Panel’s recommenda- tions improve perceptual functioning. Similarly,
tions are in agreement with St. Joseph’s Health the Ottawa Panel’s recommendation on visual at-
Care London73 that overall there is strong evidence tention retraining is consistent with St. Joseph’s
that balance training post-stroke improves out- Health Care of London’s73 assessment that there is
comes. strong evidence to indicate that visual scanning
The results of a systematic review of balance techniques improve visual neglect and produce
training35 that force platform feedback (visual or associated functional improvements.
auditory) improved stance symmetry but not sway To our knowledge, there are no other systematic
in standing are in concordance with our recom- reviews published on sensory interventions for
mendations. However, the Ottawa Panel recom- post-stroke rehabilitation.
mendations differ from the conclusions of another
systematic review that suggested that there is in- Constraint-induced movement therapy
sufficient evidence that any one physiotherapy
treatment approach is more effective than another According to the Ottawa Panel, there is suffi-
in promoting the recovery of postural control36; cient evidence to recommend the use of CIMT
this review did not include recent trials, which during the acute, subacute, or chronic phases of

rehabilitation for improving dexterity, motor func- ping and prolonged positioning do not result in
tion, and functional status in stroke patients ca- significant improvements in pain, upper limb func-
pable of some active finger and wrist extension. tion, and range of motion. However, the consensus
The Ottawa Panel is in agreement with several opinion* of St. Joseph’s Health Care London is that
existing guidelines that addressed CIMT,73,74,75 in- proper positioning of the hemiplegic shoulder does
cluding St. Joseph’s Health Care London, the Scot- indeed help prevent subluxation.
tish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, and VA/ A recent review599 was conducted on the efficacy
DoD. The Ottawa Panel also agrees with the exist- of FES in the management of shoulder pain and
ing reviews13,22,585 that recommended the use of subluxation, and the Ottawa Panel recommenda-
this innovative rehabilitation intervention. tions fully agree with the results of this review.
CIMT was derived directly from basic research However, there are some discrepancies between
on monkeys with somatosensory deafferenta- the conclusions of the Ottawa Panel and those of
tion.22,23,585 The large improvements in motor func- Price and Pandyan54 related to the use of FES in the
tion produced by CIMT correlate with marked management of post-stroke shoulder pain. In con-
alterations in brain organization. trast to the Ottawa Panel guidelines, Price and
The Ottawa Panel’s recommendations for CIMT Pandyan stated that the evidence from RCTs does
are based on RCTs with relatively small sample not confirm whether FES should be included or
sizes and variability in methodological quality. The excluded in the management of post-stroke shoul-
results of a large, ongoing, multicenter study (Ex- der pain. These differences are attributed to the
tremity Constraint-Induced Therapy Evaluation following factors: their systematic review is not up-
[EXCITE]; is expected to provide to-date; our review also included CCTs, which
stronger evidence regarding this promising inter- lead to grade B recommendations; and their data
vention. Ethical considerations and patient selec- analysis included the use of standardized mean
tion factors must be taken into account before difference (SMD), which allowed for the pooling of
prescribing CIMT. data from RCTs using different scales for the same
Shoulder subluxation
The overhead pulley exercises are not recom-
mended by the Ottawa Panel and others,63,71 be-
According to the Ottawa Panel, there is strong cause they do not provide adequate stabilization of
evidence to recommend the use of FES in subacute the shoulder girdle during scapular rotation and
stroke and the Henderson shoulder ring or Bobath humeral external rotation. Rather, they passively
shoulder roll in post-acute stroke for the manage- elevate the arm in a movement of pure abduction
ment of shoulder subluxation. Furthermore, there is that can become painful for the hemiplegic shoul-
sufficient evidence to recommend the use of FES der due to soft tissue impingement between the
during the acute and chronic phases of stroke as acromion and greater tuberosity. Passive ROM ex-
well as shoulder strapping during the subacute ercises provide a greater stabilization of the
phase of stroke. The Ottawa Panel’s recommenda- scapula and allow the humerus to direct move-
tion of FES in the management of shoulder sublux- ments using a combination of external rotation
ation is consistent with the guidelines of the Heart and flexion, rather than abduction alone.600 Passive
and Stroke Foundation of Ontario71 and St. Joseph’s ROM exercises performed on the shoulder of the
Health Care.73 This recommendation is in partial stroke survivor by a qualified rehabilitation practi-
agreement with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of tioner are favored over overhead pulley and skate-
Ontario71 and St. Joseph’s Health Care London73
that found limited evidence that shoulder slings
influence clinical outcomes. The Ottawa Panel,
which supports the use of shoulder strapping and *According to St. Joseph’s Health Care London, consensus opinion
refers to the agreement of a group of experts on an appropriate course
positioning of the shoulder, disagrees with St. of treatment in the absence of evidence. It is regarded as the lowest
Joseph’s Health Care London73 that shoulder strap- form of evidence and can be considered as no evidence at all.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 93

board exercises. The quality of the shoulder mo- The Ottawa Panel’s recommendation of FES for
tion can be better controlled by an experienced gait training in the chronic phase of stroke is in
therapist and thus can be beneficial to avoid un- agreement with the guidelines of both the VA/
desired movements that could further potentiate DoD75 and St. Joseph’s Health Care London.73
pain and damage of the hemiplegic shoulder. However, the Panel disagrees with the finding of
the VA/DoD75 that there is insufficient evidence*
Electrical stimulation
as to whether multichannel FES should or should
not be included as an intervention for severe
The Ottawa Panel recommends the use of elec- hemiplegic patients with gait impairment.
trical stimulation as a rehabilitation intervention The Ottawa Panel agrees with the Heart and
for post-acute to chronic stroke patients. Clini- Stroke Panel on the Management of the Hemiple-
cally, electrical stimulation is used to facilitate gic Arm and Hand,71 St. Joseph’s Health Care Lon-
muscle activity in situations where voluntary mo- don,73 and the VA/DoD75 that FES should be in-
tor unit recruitment is insufficient. The disuse at- cluded in the management of shoulder
rophy of fast twitch units that may be observed subluxation during the subacute and post-acute
following stroke is associated with such decreases stages of stroke. The Ottawa Panel recommenda-
in voluntary muscle recruitment. Strong evidence tions are also in line with the recommendation
was found for positional feedback stimulation made by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of
training of the wrist extensors in subacute and Ontario71 for considering electrical stimulation of
post-acute stroke, NMES of the wrist and finger the wrist and the forearm and EMG-BFB to reduce
extensors in subacute and post-acute stroke, FES motor impairment and improve functional motor
of the anterior tibialis and gastrocnemius com- recovery. Finally, the Ottawa Panel disagrees with
bined with EMG-BFB in chronic stroke, EMG- the Royal College of Physicians that FES should
triggered electrical muscle stimulation training in not be routinely considered as an intervention for
subacute stroke, FES of the finger thumb extensors stroke patients.
and flexors for the hand in subacute and post- FES for post-stroke patients has been exten-
acute stroke, blocked practice combined with sively reviewed in the literature.53,55–59,590,600 Each of
NMES of the extensor communis digitorium/ex- the existing meta-analyses found that FES was ef-
tensor carpi ulnaris/triceps brachii/anterior and fective for improving muscle strength. Barbeau et
middle deltoid in chronic stroke, and electrical al.590 also reported improvements in walking speed
stimulation of wrist and fingers extensors in following intramuscular stimulation. FES is
chronic stroke. thought to work by facilitating the activation of
Recommendations with sufficient evidence were appropriate weight-bearing muscles required dur-
also found for FES of the quadriceps and rectus ing the act of walking.
femoris combined with positional feedback stimu- Neuromuscular stimulation is one of the thera-
lation training in post-acute stroke, FES of the peutic modalities available to enhance muscle per-
posterior deltoid and supraspinatus for the shoul- formance in patients with CVA. Stroke survivors
der in chronic stroke, NMES of chronic stroke may not be able to voluntarily recruit motor units
patients for the hand, and random practice com- to the level required for performing the high-in-
bined with NMES of the extensor communis tensity exercises needed to enhance muscle func-
digitorium/extensor carpi ulnaris/triceps brachii/ tion.601 The disuse atrophy of fast twitch motor
anterior and middle deltoid in chronic stroke. fibers observed following stroke further contrib-
However, the Ottawa Panel does not recommend
FES of the quadriceps and rectus femoris com-
bined with positional feedback stimulation train- *According to VA/DoD, a grading of insufficient evidence (I) indicates
that one cannot determine from the evidence the net benefit of the
ing for improving selective ROM in post-acute intervention, either for or against, and therefore the clinician must use
stroke or NMES for feeding, tracking accuracy, his or her judgment in either including or excluding the intervention
and hand motor function in chronic stroke. in the treatment of the patient.

utes to muscle weakness. Clinically, neuromuscu- The various application modes of TENS repre-
lar stimulation may be used in these situations. sent effective therapeutic options in post-stroke
Future RCTs should aim to clarify the relation- rehabilitation depending on the practitioners’
ship between specific patient characteristics and dif- treatment goals and target outcomes. Indeed, on
ferent stimulation protocols.602,603 Age, gender, one hand, low-intensity TENS seems to be more
phase of stroke, extent of disuse atrophy, device effective for decreasing spasticity, improving sen-
characteristics, electrical stimulation protocol, sation, and increasing functional status at different
waveform, amplitude and duration of stimulation stages of stroke recovery. On the other hand, high-
trains, total number of cycles delivered, modulation intensity TENS seems to be more effective for in-
of frequency, and concurrent treatments are impor- creasing shoulder passive ROM in the post-acute
tant variables that require further investigation. stage of stroke recovery, which may be indirectly
related to pain relief. TENS, depending upon its
intensity and frequency, stimulates nerves and
muscle fibers and may improve muscle tone and
The Ottawa Panel recommends the use of several strength, reduce shoulder stiffness, and dampen
types of TENS applications during the post-acute to the perception of pain.60
chronic stages of stroke recovery. There is strong The neuroregulatory peripheral and central pain
evidence to support the use of low-intensity TENS relieving effects604–607 of TENS have been proposed
applied to the hand, foot, and lower extremity in to be more effective at higher intensity applica-
chronic stroke; low-intensity TENS applied to the tions.82,608–610 This effect was captured in the study
elbow and ankle in post-acute stroke; and high- involving the application of higher intensity, acu-
intensity TENS applied to the shoulder in post- puncture-like TENS to the shoulder compared
acute stroke. However, the Ottawa Panel does not with placebo. However, both conventional and
recommend low-intensity TENS applied to the up- acupuncture-like TENS excite afferent fibers in the
per extremity of stroke patients in the chronic phase A-alpha-beta range.611 Their pain-relieving effects
of recovery to reduce spasticity in the wrist flexors. are thought to be mediated by the activation of
The Ottawa Panel recommendations are in line intrinsic pain-suppressive systems612,613 and the
with the Royal College of Physicians’72 recommen- concomitant release of opiate observed in both
dation that high-intensity TENS should be in- animals614 and humans.605 That the stimulation
cluded as an intervention for patients undergoing parameters in TENS analgesia are important has
stroke rehabilitation, if nonsteroidal anti-inflam- been shown in both animal studies and human
matory analgesia has no significant effect. How- research. Changes in frequency recruit different
ever, the Ottawa Panel disagrees with the recom- opioid receptors, for example, and hence an
mendation of the Royal College of Physicians72 that awareness of the parameters used during TENS
TENS should only be used as a routine interven- treatments is essential.615,616 Several investigators
tion for improving muscle control for patients un- have recommended that vibrator stimulation be
dergoing stroke rehabilitation in the context of part of TENS application, especially when TENS is
ongoing trials. Finally, the Ottawa Panel agrees being applied for relief of chronic pain.617–619
with the St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s73 find- To establish clear evidence for the use of TENS
ing that there is conflicting evidence* that TENS in stroke rehabilitation, greater clarity is needed
improves a variety of outcomes, including motor about the optimal treatment duration, stimulation
recovery, spasticity, and ADL. parameters, and application site based on indi-
vidual patient characteristics.602,603

*According to the St. Joseph’s Health Care London, conflicting evi-

dence refers to a disagreement between the findings of at least two
Therapeutic ultrasound
RCTs. Where there were more than four RCTs and the results of only
one was conflicting, the conclusion was based on the results of the
majority of the studies, unless the study with conflicting results was of The Ottawa Panel recommends considering the
higher quality. application of therapeutic ultrasound to the shoul-
Clinical Practice Guidelines 95

der in the chronic phase of stroke. However, the cant and clinically important benefits of
Ottawa Panel agrees with St. Joseph’s Health Care electroacupuncture on elbow spasticity compared
London73 that adding ultrasound therapy to ROM to standard acupuncture in post-acute stroke.407
exercises does not change functional outcomes. With regard to motor function, surface acupuncture
According to clinical practice guidelines on with electrical stimulation was not effective, but
rheumatoid arthritis developed by the Ottawa needle acupuncture with manual and electrical
Panel, therapeutic ultrasound has the potential to stimulation showed positive results. The evidence
reduce shoulder pain and increase ROM in rheu- from three RCTs that assessed functional status was
matoid arthritis.82 The use of continuous ultra- also inconsistent, with two RCTs suggesting no ef-
sound is supported by its documented physiologi- fect and the other RCT suggesting statistically sig-
cal effects.602,620,621 The mechanical effect of either nificant and clinically important benefits.
pulsed or continuous ultrasound leads to an in- The Ottawa Panel recommendations are gener-
crease in skin permeability and facilitates the soft- ally consistent with the recommendations of St.
tissue healing process. Furthermore, both pulsed Joseph’s Health Care London,73 which found that
and continuous ultrasound are known to reduce “there is conflicting evidence that acupuncture is
nerve conduction velocity in nociceptive fibers. effective for improving stroke outcomes.” How-
Additional thermal effects produced by continu- ever, the Ottawa Panel wishes to emphasize that
ous ultrasound help reduce muscle spasm and the available evidence is not conflicting with re-
pain. The vasodilatory response associated with spect to all stroke outcomes. The Royal College of
these thermal effects also enhances the excretion of Physicians72 concluded that the evidence was in-
chronic inflammatory cells. sufficient to make definitive statements about the
To be able to adequately compare and repro- role of acupuncture. They expressed a cautious
duce the results of published RCTs, it is crucial statement based on consensus opinion that “acu-
that the following details be clearly described: puncture should only be used as an intervention
characteristics of the device (such as size of the for patients undergoing post-stroke rehabilitation
head and calibration), characteristics of the thera- in the context of ongoing trials.”
peutic application (including pulsed or continu- Existing meta-analyses64–67 have all concluded
ous ultrasound, frequency, intensity, pulse ratio, that acupuncture represents a safe and promising
area treated, and schedule of treatment) and char- adjuvant therapeutic modality for post-stroke pain
acteristics of the study population (age, gender, management, but they suggest that high-quality
acute or chronic stage of disease).602,603 RCTs need to be conducted before they recom-
mend its inclusion in stroke rehabilitation pro-
grams. Generally, methodological issues such as
randomization method, quality of double-blind-
The Ottawa Panel recommends the use of acu- ing, sample size, study duration, and selection of
puncture as an adjunct to improve specific out- outcome have limited the strength and reliability
comes during the acute and subacute stages of of results reported in the literature. Clearly, the
stroke recovery. The available evidence provides treatment application protocol differs between
support for surface acupuncture with electrical studies that used acupuncture and studies that
stimulation in subacute stroke and needle acupunc- used electroacupuncture. This fundamental differ-
ture with electrical stimulation in acute and sub- ence exemplifies the lack of standardization in
acute stroke for improving walking mobility, ROM, application methods and contributes to the diffi-
and balance. The evidence for the effects of acu- culty of pooling data.622
puncture on spasticity, motor function, and func-
tional status are however conflicting. One study
Intensity and organization of rehabilitation
reported no benefit of needle acupuncture without
stimulation for ankle spasticity in chronic stroke Stroke rehabilitation in the acute care setting
patients with spastic equinovarus deformity.403 should be provided by an organized and
However, another study revealed statistically signifi- multidisciplinary team that specializes in stroke

management. The Ottawa Panel guidelines pro- intensive rehabilitation therapies delivered in short
vide strong evidence in favor of extended stroke periods of time lead to faster recovery and earlier
unit service with early supported discharge during hospital discharge. Several existing reviews24–27,623
the acute phase of stroke as well as specialized also suggest that rehabilitation programs of greater
stroke unit rehabilitation at all other phases of intensity have better effects on functional outcomes.
recovery. Physiotherapy at high-intensity, en- According to Wall,472 the successful acquisition of
hanced physiotherapy, enhanced assistant physio- new motor skills by healthy subjects requires much
therapist physiotherapy, enhanced upper-extrem- more than 2 hours of practice per week. Compared
ity treatment, and enhanced occupational therapy to healthy individuals, stroke patients may require
have all been shown to be effective interventions an even higher level of exercise intensity to reach
during the subacute phase of stroke. The available new levels of motor performance.
evidence also supports the use of home-based ex- Unfortunately, there is no clear evidence in the
ercise training in post-acute stroke, home therapy current literature about the precise amount of
(physician) in chronic stroke, home intervention therapy per day necessary to optimize the efficacy of
(rehabilitation and nursing services) in subacute therapeutic exercises. In clinical practice, approxi-
stroke, early care and early physiotherapy inter- mately 2 hours of therapy per day (occupational
vention in acute stroke, and intensive outpatient therapy, 40.8 min/day; and physical therapy, 54.8
physiotherapy rehabilitation program in chronic min/day) is usually offered.555
stroke. Several innovative post-stroke rehabilita- The Ottawa Panel found some support for home-
tion interventions were not recommended by the based exercise training and home therapy (physi-
Ottawa Panel because their effects did not appear cian), which is in disagreement with St. Joseph’s
to be sustained over time. Health Care London73 that found good evidence
The Ottawa Panel’s recommendations are in con- that additional home-based therapy does not im-
cordance with the VA/DoD,75 which found good prove the overall functional outcome scores for pa-
evidence that early rehabilitation therapy should be tients undergoing post-stroke rehabilitation. The
provided as soon as the patient’s medical status is Ottawa Panel recommends considering the use of
stable and insufficient evidence as to whether inpa- enhanced occupational therapy in subacute stroke
tient stroke rehabilitation care is superior to outpa- patients, although the Scottish Intercollegiate
tient stroke rehabilitation. Like St. Joseph’s Health Guidelines Network74 found poor evidence to sup-
Care London,73 the Ottawa Panel found that struc- port occupational therapy treatment.
tured, stroke unit care leads to better functional
outcomes than care in a general ward. The Ottawa Conclusion
Panel is also in agreement with the Royal College of
Physicians,72 which found good evidence that acute Despite certain methodological limitations in
hospital care for stroke patients should be delivered the primary studies underlying these physical re-
in a ward or stroke unit by specialists with expertise habilitation EBCPGs, the Ottawa Panel was able to
in stroke management. The Ottawa Panel recom- analyze and include an impressive number of ac-
mendation for considering early supported dis- ceptable, well-designed trials that satisfied the ini-
charge with home rehabilitation in patients with acute tial selection criteria. A large number of positive
stroke is in concordance with the European Stroke recommendations were formulated to help practi-
Initiative.78 The conclusions drawn by other previously tioners make decisions concerning the use of evi-
published systematic reviews on the organization of dence-based rehabilitation interventions in their
stroke rehabilitation services are also consistent with practice. The recommendations of the Ottawa
the Ottawa Panel guidelines, despite some differences Panel cannot however replace clinical judgment,
in methodology and study selection criteria.37–43 which is critical for applying the available evidence
With regard to rehabilitation intensity, the Ot- appropriately to the care of individual patients
tawa Panel agrees with St. Joseph’s Health Care under specific circumstances. A careful consider-
London73 that there is good evidence to show that ation of patient values is always essential.62
Clinical Practice Guidelines 97

The publication of these Ottawa Panel EBCPGs Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
will help lead to their dissemination and implemen- (career scientist salary support), University of Ot-
tation, while directing the development of future tawa for the University Research Chair (research
RCTs in areas of rehabilitation practice where poor staff salary support), Faculty of Health Sciences,
or insufficient scientific evidence currently exists. University of Ottawa (conference financial sup-
The ultimate goal of the Ottawa Panel EBCPGs is port), and the Ministry of Human Resources, Sum-
to enable stroke patients to receive current and mer Students Program (salary support).
optimal care so that they can achieve their highest The Ottawa EBCPGs Development Group is in-
possible level of recovery. A related objective is to debted to Dr. Antoine Hakim, Dr. Peter Tugwell,
identify ineffective treatments that lead to delays in Ms. Patsy McNamara, Ms. Marian Thorton, Ms.
improvement and unnecessary cost to the health Tracey Dyks, and Mrs. Michelle Morin for their
care system. useful comments. The Ottawa EBCPGs Develop-
ment Group is also thankful to Ms. Isabelle Viau,
Acknowledgments Ms. Judith Lambert, Ms. Karine Maltais, Ms. Maria
Delgadillo, Ms. Isabelle Mayer, and Magali
This project has been financially supported by Scheubel for their technical support and their help
the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, the in extraction of data.


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120 APPENDIX 1. Literature Search Results
122 APPENDIX 2. Special Formulas for Clinical Relevance
123 APPENDIX 3A. Characteristics of Included Studies for Therapeutic Exercise
145 APPENDIX 3B. Characteristics of Included Studies for Task-Oriented Training
158 APPENDIX 3C. Characteristics of Included Studies for Biofeedback
177 APPENDIX 3D. Characteristics of Included Studies for Gait Training
192 APPENDIX 3E. Characteristics of Included Studies for Balance Training
199 APPENDIX 3F. Characteristics of Included Studies for Sensory Interventions
204 APPENDIX 3G. Characteristics of Included Studies for Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy
207 APPENDIX 3H. Characteristics of Included Studies for Shoulder Subluxation
212 APPENDIX 3I. Characteristics of Included Studies for Electrical Stimulation
219 APPENDIX 3J. Characteristics of Included Studies for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
222 APPENDIX 3K. Characteristics of Included Studies for Ultrasound
223 APPENDIX 3L. Characteristics of Included Studies for Acupuncture
227 APPENDIX 3M. Characteristics of Included Studies for Intensity and Organization of Rehabilitation
263 APPENDIX 4. Existing Guidelines on Stroke Rehabilitation

APPENDIX 1. Literature Search Results

Data base: Medline <1966—latest update (AutoAlert service here)>

SET Search Results
SET Search Results
37 (retrospective or case-control).tw. 80997
1 exp cerebrovascular disorders/ 131948
38 or/23-37 899180
2 (stroke or cerebrovascular or cerebral vasc 54754
3 (tia or transient ischemic attach$ or trans 1510
4 (cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral haemorrhag 1885
39 22 and 38 1482
5 (intracerebral hemorrhage or intracerebral 2130
6 717
7,sh. 7741
8 (cerebr$ or cerebellar of brain$ or vertebr 435874
40,sh. 10495
9 (inract or schaemia or schemia or thrombo 206602
41 ambulation disorders$.tw. 4
10 8 and 9 26108
42 locomot$ 70
11 (cerebral or intracerebral or intracranial 428049
43 388
12 (hemorrhage or haemorrhage or hematoma or b 108140
44 exp locomotion/ 22364
13 11 and 12 21288
45 or/40-44 31287
14 or/1-7 162100
46 39 and 45 122

15 10 or 13 or 14 172152
47 activities of daily living/ 18150
48 204
49 573
16 exp physical therapy/ 71533
50 ability focus$.tw. 72
17 rh.fs 77687
51 1540
18 (physical therapy or physiotherap$). Tw. 8037
52 (activities adj2 living) .tw. 3731
19 rehabilitation/ 7823
53 or/47-52 20806
20 rehabilit$.tw. 38359
54 39 and 53 433
21 or/16-20 162841
55 “biofeedback (psychology)” / 3629
22 15 and 21 6299
56 2613
23 clinical trial . Pt. 284041
57 electromyography/ 37921
24 randomized controlled 131937
58 (electromyography or emg).tw. 15673
25 random$.tw. 192625
59 muscle 5615
26 (double adj blind$).tw. 53060
60 muscle relax$.tw. 6196
27 placebo$.tw. 61787
61 spastic$ 12
28,sh. 7154
62 motor skills/ 9717
29 (meta-anal : or metaanal:).tw. 5900
63 motor 1894
30 (quantitativ: review: or quantitativ: overv 152
64 19228
31 (methodologic: review: or methodologic: ove 102
65 or/55-64 82304
32 (systematic: review: or systematic: overvie 1761
66 39 and 65 131
33 And 3462
34 exp cohort studies/ 366379
35 (cohort or longitudinal or prospective).tw. 159080
36 exp case-control studies/ 169449 continues
APPENDIX 1. Continued

SET Search Results SET Search Results

94,sh. 2594
67 exp electric stimulation therapy/ 9148 95 5933
68 ((electric$ adj nerve) or therapy).tw. 450623 96 sensory 826
69 (electric$ adj (stimulation or muscle)).tw. 23153 97 (tactile or brush$ or touch$ or cutaneous). 72059
70 1686 98 physical stimulation/ 7702
71 156 99 postural 594
72 (tens or altens).tw. 1601 100 acoustic stimulation/ 14745
73 769 101 photic stimulation 15537
74 neuromusc$ electric$.tw. 65 102 or/94-101 115884
75 (high volt or pulsed or current).tw. 204406 103 39 and 102 23
76 (electromagnetic or electrotherap$).tw. 6920 TOTAL FOR CYROTHERAPY AND STIMULATION = 23
77 231 (LINE 103)
78 or/67-77 669977
79 39 and 78 368 104 2633
TOTAL FOR PAIN CONTROL USING TENS, 105 (functional training or functional retraining) 57
ELECTROSTIMULATION ETC. = 368 (LINE 79) 106 functional therap$.tw. 220
107 or/104-106 2910
80 length of stay/ 20344 108 39 and 107 6
82 (program or session).tw. 107270 (LINE 108)
83 or/80-82 128546
84 39 and 83 272 109 exp exercise therapy/ 11322
TOTAL FOR LOS = 272 (LINE 84) 110 (therap$ adj2 exercise$).tw. 1771
111 20486
85 exp leg/ 69577 112 (endurance adj2 therap$).tw. 16
86 (leg or ankle or foot or feet).tw. 61944 113 breathing exercise$.tw. 293
87 85 and 86 17708 114 or/109-113 32424
88 39 and 87 16 115 39 and 114 70
(LINE 88 ) (LINE 115)

89 9233 116 exp arm/ 62019

90 range of motion, articular/ 7624 117,tw. 16097
91 range 4502 118,sh. 43127
92 or/89-91 19681 119,sh 10814
93 39 and 92 49 120,sh 121408
(LINE 93) 122,sh 8974

123 or/116-122 209310

124 39 and 123 166
(LINE 124)

APPENDIX 2. Special Formulas for Clinical Relevance

Regular case
Clinical relevance formula:
(et – bt) – (ec – bc)
( (bt * nt) + (bc * nc) ) / (nt + nc)
Legend: et = end of study value for treatment
bt = baseline value for treatment
ec = end of study value for control
bc = baseline value for control
nt = number of patients in treatment group
nc = number of patients in control group

Special case #1
When the baseline value was not available for an outcome, a formula was used to calculate the relative
difference in the change from baseline:
et – ec
(nt * et + nc * ec) / (nt + nc)
Legend: et = end of study value for treatment
ec = end of study value for control
nt = number of patients in treatment group
nc = number of patients in control group

Special case #2
When the outcome measure was given as a change from baseline value and the baseline value itself was
not given, but the scale was known, a formula was used to calculate the relative difference in change
from baseline:
Δt – Δc
Legend: Δt = change in the value from treatment
Δc = change in the value from control

Special case #3
When the outcome measure was given as a change from baseline value, where the baseline value was not
given and the scale was unknown or nonexistent, a formula was used to calculate the relative difference
in the change from baseline:
Δt – Δc
(nt * Δt + nc * Δc) / (nt + nc)
Legend: Δt = change in the value from treatment
Δc = change in the value from control
nt = number of patients in treatment group
nc = number of patients in control group

Special case #4
When the baseline mean was 0, we added a sum of 1 to all the values in the formula of clinical relevance
based on the assumption that:
Mean of “Scale + 1” = Mean of original scale + 1 and SD of “Scale + 1” = SD of original scale.
APPENDIX 3A. Characteristics of Included Studies for Therapeutic Exercise

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Aisen 199799 Total: 20 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: 2.8 wk Gr1: 58.5 Gr1: Patients’ hands and Gr2: Weekly to All patients received Gr1: 4 to 5 None 0, 1, 1
Gr1: 10 with hemiplegia SD: 1.1 wk SD: 8.3 wrists were held in a rigid biweekly contact standard customary hr/wk until
Gr2: 10 admitted to the support affixed to the robotic with the robotic care. discharge
same medical ward Gr2: 3.3 wk Gr2: 63.3 arm. Therapy consisted device. Patients
and team of Burke SD: 1.2 wk SD: 10.6 of flexion, extension, and actively moved the
Rehabilitation Subacute rotation movements across robotic arm and
Hospital, White elbow and shoulder joints. were able to observe
Plains, NY, 3 wk; These arm movements are the response on the
and who had SD of goal-directed and robot- video monitor. The
1 wk after a single assisted, and the therapy uses robotic device was
stroke. a computer-generated video also used to record
Hemiplegia: program that provides visual strength and quality
Gr1: 3 R; 7 L and auditory feedback. If of movement.
Gr2: 1 R; 9 L the arm was paralyzed, the
Treated area: robot initiated the movement
Affected upper passively. As function
extremity returned, the patient initiated
more often.

Carr 2003100 Total: 40 Stroke survivors Greater than 30–82 yr Gr1: Same aerobic protocol Gr2: 20 min of N/A 3 days/wk for N/A 1, 0, 0
whose ages ranged 6 months as Gr2; 8 different strength aerobic exercise on 16 wk
from 30 to 82 yr training exercises: chest a upper and lower
press, seated row, leg press, body ergometer.
leg curl, triceps press down,
biceps curl, shoulder front
raise; 2 sets of 10 repetitions;
free weights and isokinetic
machines; and flexibility
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Chu 2004101 Total: 12 At least 1 yr Gr1: 3.0 yr Gr1: 61.9 Gr1: Main objective: improve Gr2: Main objective: N/A 8 wks, 3 days/ N/A 2, 0, 1
Gr1: 7 poststroke from SD: 2.0 yr SD: 9.4 cardiovascular fitness in improve upper wk, 1 hr/session
Gr2: 5 a single CVA; stroke patients after 8 wk extremity function.
independent in Gr2: 4.2 yr Gr2: 63.4 of intensive water-based Each session: 5-min
walking (with or SD: 2.1 yr SD: 8.4 exercise in chest-level water. warm-up of active
without assistive Intervention: 10 min of upper extremity
device); medically land-based stretching, 5 min movement, 6-station
stable; no previous of light aerobic warm-up (7-min stations)
myocardial in water (marching on the circuit focused
infarction; no spot, single- and double- on gross upper
significant legged hopping holding limb movement
musculoskeletal onto the pool edge), 30 (reaching), fine motor
problems from min of moderate to high movement (adjusting
conditions other aerobic activities (shallow small screws and
than stroke. water walking, running, side bolt), and muscle

Hemiplegia: stepping) at target heart rate strengthening of

Gr1: 4 R; 3 L prescribed for that wk (50% the upper extremity
Gr2: 3 R; 2 L to 70%, 75% and 80% heart (using hand putty,
rate reserve +/– 5 beats/min theraband, weights),
for wk 1–2, 3–5, and 6–8, 5-min cool-down
respectively), 5 min light cool from upper extremity
down (marching on the spot), exercises.
and 10 min gentle stretching
in the water.
Dickstein Total: 131 Hemiplegic patients 16 days 70.5 Gr1: Proprioceptive Gr3: Standard N/A At least 5 Follow- 2, 0, 0
1986102 Gr1: 36 who had had a SD: 7.65 neuromuscular facilitation customary care: Gait sessions/wk for ups at 2
Gr2: 38 recent stroke. (PNF): Reflexes (most training exercises 6 wk wk (mid-
Gr3: 57 Hemiplegia: commonly the stretch reflex) performed in treatment),
62 L; 66 R frequently were used to elicit anatomical planes. 4 wk (mid-
3 bilateral movements. Mass-movement Progression was treatment),
patterns, such as diagonal encouraged either and 6 wk
and spiral patterns and total by gradual increase (end of
patterns of the development in number of joints treatment)
sequence formed an integral involved or by
part of the exercises. increased resistance
Gr2: Bobath: First step to a requested
of treatment sessions was movement. Passive
geared toward the inhibition movements were
of abnormal muscle tone, administered to
usually through application of immobile joints.
appropriate reflex-inhibiting Option of using
patterns. This was performed pulleys, suspensions,
concurrently with an effort to or weights. Practice
initiate normal movements of ADL training for
(automatic and voluntary). independence began
Through “key points of as early as possible.
control” in patients’ bodies. Each treatment
Imposition activity such session lasted 30–45
as effort to impose normal min.
sensations of posture and
movements in which weight-
bearing exercises played an
important role. Facilitation
of postural activity by touch
and proprioceptive stimuli
for low or flaccid muscle
tone. Resistive exercises,
mass movements, and use of
simple and abnormal reflexes
were forbidden. Progress
generally followed the normal
developmental sequence.
For Gr1 and Gr2, each
treatment session lasted
30–45 min.
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Duncan Total: 20 Inclusion: Gr1: 66 days Gr1: 67.3 Gr1: Home-based exercise Gr2: Usual care as Concurrent Gr1: 3 sessions/ None 2, 0, 1
1998103 Gr1: 10 30–90 days after Gr2: 56 days SD: 9.6 training provided by PT. 10- prescribed by their treatment: Speech wk for 8 wk;
Gr2: 10 onset, minimal min warm-up (stretching and physicians (6 patients therapy if needed. 1.5 hr/session.
or moderately Gr2: 67.8 flexibility); 4 blocks: had home health Patients
impaired SD: 7.2 1) Assistive and resistive visits, 4 patients instructed to
sensorimotor exercise using PNF patterns had outpatient continue on
function, to upper and lower physiotherapy). Visit their own for
ambulatory with extremities or theraband included balance additional 4
supervision and/or exercises to major muscle training, progressive wk.
assistive device, groups of upper and lower resistive exercises, Gr2:
living at home extremities. Progression: bimanual activities, Patients had
within 50 miles When patient was able to and facilitative approximately
of the University complete 2x20 repetitions, exercises. 39 visits,
of Kansas Medical increased theraband resistance approximatively
Center. or increased PNF manual 44 min per

Exclusion: Medical resistance. visit.

condition that 2) 15 min of balance
interfered with exercises.
outcome assessment 3) Patients encouraged to use
or limited affected upper extremity in
participation functional activities.
in submaximal 4) Progressive walking
exercise program; program/exercise on a bicycle
Mini-Mental State ergometer x 20 min.
score <18; and
receptive aphasia
that interfered with
the ability to follow
a 3-step command.
Gr1: 6 L; 4 R
Gr2: 5 L; 4 R
Duncan Total: 92 Stroke within 30 Gr1: 77.5 Gr1: 68.5 Gr1: Exercise program: Gr2: Standard N/A 12–14 wk N/A 2, 1, 1
2003104 Gr1: 44 to 150 days; ability SD: 28.7 days SD: 9.0 ROM and flexibility for customary care:
Gr2: 48 to ambulate 25 shoulder, elbow, wrist, Home visits by
feet independently; Gr2: 73.5 Gr2: 70.2 fingers, hip, ankle, and research staff every
mild to moderate SD: 27.1 days SD: 11.4 trunk. Strengthening resistive 2 wk for health
stroke deficits exercises, 2 sets of 10 education, vital signs,
defined by a Fugl- repetitions, balance training, and test of oxygen
Meyer score of 27 upper extremity functional saturation.
to 90 for upper and use, endurance training (up to
lower extremity; 30 min on bike), 36 sessions
an Orpington of 90 min.
Prognostic Scale
score of 2.0 to
5.2 and palpable
wrist extension
on the involved
side; and Folstein
Mini-Mental Status
examination score
> 16.
Gr1: 18 R; 22 L
Gr2: 22 R; 22 L
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Fasoli Total: 20 Diagnosis of a 31 months 55.5 Gr1: The robot provided Gr2: Same goal- Robotic therapy 1 hr, 3 x/wk for Follow-up 1, 0, 0
2003105 Gr1: 13 single, unilateral SD: SD: 17.2 movement assistance. directed, planar delivered with 6 wk Gr2 at 6 wk
Gr2: 7 stroke within the 12.1 months reaching tasks while the MIT-MANUS.
past 1 to 5 yr moving against Hemiparetic
verified by brain an opposing force arm placed in
imaging; sufficient generated by the a customized
cognitive and robot. The magnitude arm support and
language abilities of the opposing force patient was asked
to understand and was determined and to perform goal-
follow instructions; modified according directed, planar
and stroke-related to patient’s muscle reaching tasks
impairments in strength. that emphasized
muscle strength shoulder and elbow
of the affected movements while
shoulder and elbow computer screen

between grades provided visual

2 and 4 on the feedback.
Medical Research
Council (MRC)
motor power score.
6 R; 14 L
Treated area:
Hemiplegic upper

Glasser Total: 20 Inclusion: 3–6 months 40–75 Gr1: Exercise program: Gr2: Control: Therapeutic 2 sessions/day, Follow-up 1, 0, 0
1986106 Gr1: 10 Patients who have During the first week, patients Exercise program exercise program 5 days/wk for at end of
Gr2: 10 hemiparesis due received 1 hr and 50 min without Kinetron. that consisted of 5 wk treatment (5
to stroke and who of therapeutic exercise and techniques based on wk)
are 3 to 6 months independently exercised for neurophysiological
onset. 10 min on the Kinetron. and developmental
Hemiplegia: An additional 5 min of theories.
Gr1: 5 R; 5 L Kinetron was added weekly:
Gr2: 5 R; 5 L 25 repetitions of both lower
Treated area: Lower extremities was followed by
extremity rest for 1 min.
Inaba 1973107 Total: 77 Hemiplegic patients 3 months or 56 Gr1: Active exercise: Gr3: Control: No Functional training 4 to 8 wk Follow-ups 1, 0, 1
Gr1: 23 with CVA secondary less Gr1: 56.1 Consisted of bilateral hip and exercise treatment and appropriate at 1 month
Gr2: 28 to thrombosis, Gr2: 55.9 knee flexion and extension was given. stretching was (end of
Gr3: 26 embolus, or Gr3: 56.9 in the supine and side lying given if contracture treatment)
intracerebral positions; hip abduction that interfered and 2
hemorrhage; able and adduction; lower limb with function was months
to follow verbal coordination exercises; and present. Functional (end of
or demonstrated trunk flexion, extension, and training consisted treatment)
directions; and rotation. Reciprocal exercise of bed activities;
able to push a 1.1 without resistance was assuming and
kg weight on the accomplished by use of the maintaining sitting
Elgin table with Restorator for 15 min/day. position; operating
the involved lower Gr2: Progressive resistive a wheelchair;
extremity. Also exercise: Included mass transferring to and
unable to walk extension of the involved from bed, toilet, car,
independently. lower limb in the supine tub or shower; gait
Hemiplegia: position. Extension was training on various
Gr1: 8 L; 15 R initiated from 90° of knee surfaces; and
Gr2: 14 L; 14 R flexion to full knee extension getting up from the
Gr3: 13 L; 13 R ground. Stretching
Treated area: Lower was done for hip
extremity and knee flexion
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Katz-Leurer Total: 90 Patients who were Subacute Gr1, 2: 63 Gr1: Aerobic exercise Gr2: Control group: Regular therapy Gr1: 8 wk; first 8 wk 2, 0, 1
2003a108 Gr1: 46 hospitalized up stage SD: 11 training: Trained on lower Regular therapy in in rehab (physical part lasted 5 (end of
Gr2: 44 to 48 hr after the extremity cycle ergometer rehab and 5 days/wk therapy, OT, and days/wk for 2 treatment)
initiation of clinical with individualized exercise of group activity for speech therapy). wk; second part
signs of their first program (on the basis of general exercises. lasted 3 x/wk
stroke. initial stress test results). for 30 min
Hemiplegia: N/A Training divided into 2 parts:
first part lasted 5 days/wk for
2 wk: started with multiple
2-min intervals, according to
patient tolerance, with 1-min
resting period (up to 10 min
of work in first day). Add 1
min to one or more interval
working periods each day

so that by end of second wk

could work continuously
for 20 min at low level.
Second part lasted next 6 wk:
exercised 3 x/wk for 30 min.
Intensity was limited to 60 %
of heart rate reserve.
Katz-Leurer Total: 90 Patients who were Subacute Gr1: 62 Gr1: Exercise-training: Gr2: Control group: N/A Gr1: 8 wk; first Follow-up 2, 0, 1
2003b109 Gr1: 46 hospitalized up stage SD: 11 Trained on lower extremity No individualized part lasted 5 at 8 wk
Gr2: 44 to 48 hr after the cycle ergometer with exercise program. days/wk for (end of
initiation of clinical Gr2: 65 individualized exercise 2 wk; second treatment)
signs of their first SD: 11 program (on the basis of part: 30-min
stroke. initial stress test results). sessions,3 x/wk
Hemiplegia: N/A Training divided into 2 parts:
First part: lasted 5 days/wk for
2 wk: started with multiple
2-min intervals, according
to patient tolerance, with
1-min resting period (up to
10 min of work in first day).
Added 1 min to one or more
interval working periods
each day so that by end of
second wk patient could work
continuously for 20 min at
low level. Second part: lasted
next 6 wk: exercised 3 x/wk
for 30 min. Intensity was
limited to 60 % of heart rate
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Kim 2001110 Total: 20 Patients aged 50 Gr1: 4.9 Gr1: 60.4 Gr1: Isokinetic strengthening: Gr2: Control: Same N/A Three 45-min Follow-up 2, 2, 1
Gr1: 10 yr or more; history SD: 3.3 yr SD: 9.5 5 min warm-up (5 repetitions warm-up and cool sessions/wk for at 6 wk
Gr2: 10 of a single stroke of active alternative flexion down. 3 sets of 6 wk (end of
at least 6 months Gr2: 3.2 Gr2: 61.9 and extension of the hip, passive ROM were treatment)
before participating SD: 1.2 yr SD: 7.5 knee, and ankle sitting in performed for each
in the study; a chair followed by 5 min joint of paretic lower
ability to walk mild stretching of the paretic extremity using
independently for upper extremity) and 5 min Kin-Com Isokinetic
a minimum of 40 cool down (mild stretching). Dynamometer.
meters with rest 3 sets of 10 repetitions of Participants were
intervals, with or maximal effort concentric instructed to relax
without assistive hip flexion/extension, knee the extremity as
device; achievement flexion/extension, and ankle it was moved into
of a minimum dorsiflexion/plantiflexion were flexion and extension
of stage 3 for leg performed using Kin-Com by the dynamometer.

and foot on the Isokinetic Dynamometer for

Chedoke-McMaster approximately 30 min. Rest
Stroke Assessment; break if necessary.
activity tolerance
of 45 min with
rest intervals; and
non-participation in
any formal therapy
Gr1: 6 L; 4 R
Gr2: 2 L; 8 R
Kumar Total: 28 Patients who 14.5 64.9 Gr1: Overhead pulley Gr3: Passive ROM: Gait and ADL 5 sessions/wk N/A 1, 0, 1
1990111 Gr1: 12 had had a stroke SD: 2.52 days SD: 18.2 exercise: Patients were seated An OT passively training
Gr2: 8 recently. Range, in wheelchair between the ranged the patient’s
Gr3: 8 Hemiplegia: Gr1: 14.5 43–90 pulley ropes. The upper affected arm. The
12 L; 16 R SD: 1.51 days extremity was positioned OT supported the
Treated area: Gr1: 63.2 in 45° of abduction and patient’s elbow and
Shoulder Gr2: 15.1 was attached to one end of forearm with one
SD: 3.4 days Gr2: 70.1 the rope with a mitten. The hand, and upper
patient pulled the other end of arm with the other.
Gr3: 13.8 Gr3: 60.8 the ropes and moved the arm The shoulder was
SD: 2.36 days through a range of 130–150° ranged 140–150°
of abduction always parallel to of abduction. Care
the scapula. was taken to keep
Gr2: Skateboard: Patients the upper extremity
were seated at a 32-in. high in external rotation
table. A skateboard with a during abduction.
figure eight on it was centered The shoulder was
in front of the patient who ranged of external
was instructed to follow the and internal rotation.
figure eight with the affected Elbow, wrist, and
arm. The arm was moved fingers were also
through approximately ranged through full
90° of forward flexion, 90° range of extension
of abduction, and 45° of and flexion.

Langhammer Total: 24 Patients with Not specified 78 Gr1: Motor relearning Gr2: Bobath: No Comprehensive, 1 session/day, Follow- 1, 2, 1
2000112 Gr1: 53 first-ever stroke SD: 9 program: No specification. specification. multi-disciplinary 5 days/wk ups at 2
Gr2: 29 with hemiparesis, Range, Treatments for both treatment for stroke until discharge wk (mid-
verified clinically 49–95 groups given for at from doctors, (followed by treatment)
and by CT scan. least 40 min/session. nurses, OTs, and out patient and 3
Hemiplegia: speech therapists. treatments). months
Gr1: 16 L; 17 R (end of
Gr2: 11 L;17 R treatment)

Langhammer Total: 28 Patients who agreed Not specified 78 Gr1: Motor relearning Gr2: Bobath: No Comprehensive, 1 session/day, Follow-ups 1, 0, 1
2003113 Gr1: 27 to participate in program: No specification. specification. multi-disciplinary 5 days/wk at 1 year
Gr2: 21 the first study Treatments for both treatment for stroke until discharge and 4 yr
were invited to groups given for at from doctors, (followed by
participate in a least 40 min/session. nurses, OTs, and out patient
follow-up study. speech therapists. treatments)
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Liu 2004114 Total: 46 1) Diagnosed Gr1: 12.3 Gr1: 71.0 Mental imagery program: In the functional Patients in both 3 wk with five N/A 2, 0, 1
Gr1: 26 as having had a days SD: 6.0 Patients were trained in the retraining program, groups were trained 1-hr sessions
Gr2: 20 first unilateral SD: 5.3 days technique of mental imagery the demonstration- to perform 3 sets each week
cerebral infarction Gr2: 72.7 to practice specific tasks. In then-practice method of daily tasks.
as confirmed by Gr2: SD: 9.4 the first wk, the focus was on was adopted. Patient There were 5
a CT scan; 2) age 15.4 days analyzing task sequences to were required to tasks in each set
60 yr or older; 3) SD: 12.2 days facilitate motor planning and practice the same including mobility
independent in problem identification process tasks following functioning,
performing daily using computer-generated a sequence and balance, or upper
activities before pictures and movies. In the training schedule limb coordination.
admission; 4) able second wk, patients identified similar to that of The difficulty level
to communicate their own problems for the mental imagery was organized in
effectively, as rectification through the use program. However, ascending order,
screened by the of mental imagery. In the the problems with the easiest
Cognistat, and; 5) third wk, the focus was on encountered by tasks covered in

having given their practicing the rectified task patients were the 1st wk. Patients
voluntary consent. perfomance using mental rectified with the in both groups
imagery and actual practice. help of therapists. also received 1-
hr physiotherapy
sessions for training
in walking and
general muscle
strengthening 5
Logigian Total: 42 Patients with stroke 7 wk or less Total: 61.6 Facilitation technique: Standard customary Physiotherapy Daily until N/A 1, 0, 0
1983115 Gr1: 21 documented by CT SD: 21 Treatment included bilateral care emphasized and OT exercises discharge (time
Gr2: 21 scan within 7 wk weight-bearing and weight- strengthening the in addition to not specified)
of onset. Medically shifting exercises; utilization developing motion ADL and speech
stable and fit to of reflex inhibiting patterns; and maintaining therapy. Extra ROM
participate in a and tactile, vibratory, and full passive motion. exercises if patients
nonrestrictive vestibular stimulation Treatment techniques wished.
program as activities. included passive,
determined by the assistive, active,
attending physician. and progressive
resistance exercises
and employed the
use of upper limb
skateboard, weighted
sanders, reciprocal
pulleys, and springs.
Each patient received
between 60 to 90
min of treatment a
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Lum 2002116 Total: 27 Inclusion: Diagnosis Time since Gr1: 63.2 Gr1: Patient seated in a Gr2: Conventional Concurrent 1 hr per session Follow-up 2, 2, 1
Gr1: 12M/ of a single CVA, stroke onset, SD: 3.6 wheelchair, torso movement treatment based on treatment: Home- for 24 sessions at 6 months
1F more than 6 months: limited, affected limb strapped neurodevelopmental based exercise
Gr2: 8M/6F months post-CVA, Gr1: 30.2 Gr2: 65.9 to forearm splint, robot therapy: 10 min regimen or
and obvious deficit SD: 6.2 SD: 2.4 manipulator attached to the establishing physical community-based
in upper-extremity splint. 4 exercise modes: postural base of stroke programs
motor function as a Gr2: 28.8 1) Passive: Robot moved arm support coupled they were enrolled
result of CVA. SD: 6.3 toward target. with assessing and in at the time of
Exclusion: Upper 2) Active-assisted: Patient facilitating the intake into the
extremity joint pain triggered initiation of alignment of the study.
or ROM limitations movement with volitional shoulder; and 35 min
that would limit force toward the target and graded application
their ability to worked with the robot as it of the arm’s use in
complete the moved the extremity. ADLs. Emphasis
protocols; unstable 3) Active-constrained: Robot on reeducation

cardiovascular/ provided viscous resistance of muscles using

orthopedic/ in the direction of the desired sensorimotor
neurologic movement and springlike approach to control
conditions; and forces in all other directions motor output. 5-min
unable to cooperate as the patient attempted to exposure to robot.
with the study reach toward the target with
tasks. maximal effort.
Hemiplegia: 4) Bimanual: Patient
Gr1: 9 L; 4 R attempted a bimanual mirror-
Gr2: 10 L; 4 R image movement while robot-
assisted affected extremity.
Emphasis placed on target
reaching movement, starting
close to the body and ending
further away. 4 point-to-point
reaching directions trained:
1) forward medial,
2) directly forward,
3) forward lateral,
4) directly lateral.
12 targets located at shoulder
or eye level. Progression from
easiest exercise mode to most
Marigold Total: 48 Patients aged 50 Gr1: 3.8 Gr1: 67.5 5-min warm up: walking Same warm up and N/A 1 hr/session, 3 Follow-up 2, 0, 1
2005117 Gr1: 26 yr or more; single SD: 2.4 yr SD: 7.2 and light stretching and cool down as Gr1. x/wk for 10 wk at 1 month
Gr2: 22 stroke; at least 12 5-min cool down: light Challenged dynamic
months from onset; Gr2: 3.6 Gr2: 68.1 stretching. Slow low-impact balance and tasks
and able to walk SD: 1.8 yr SD: 9.0 movements consisting of were progressively
with or without an stretching and weight shifting. increased in difficulty.
assistive device for Weight shifting: Tai chi-like Emphasis on agility
a minimum of 10 movements and reaching and multisensory
meters and have an tasks. Stretching: Major approach. Tasks
activity tolerance muscle groups while standing included standing
of 60 min with rest and while on floor mats. in various postures
intervals. and walking with
various challenges.
exercises: sit-to-
stand movements,
rapid knee raise
while standing,
and standing
perturbations. Eyes
closed conditions and
foam surfaces were

Moreland Total: 133 Patients who were Gr1: 36.8 Gr1: 69.1 Progressive resistance Same as Gr1 Standard customary 30 min/session, Follow-up 2, 0, 1
2003118 Gr1: 68 less than 6 months SD: 27.8 days SD: 14.8 exercises with weight at except no external care. 3 x/wk at 8 months
Gr2: 65 post stroke; able waist or on lower extremities resistance.
to understand and Gr2: 38.1 Gr2: 72.0 in functional patterns of
follow instructions; SD: 25.6 days SD: 12.1 movement.
motor recovery of
the upper extremity
at stages 3, 4, or 5,
as defined by the
CMSA stages; motor
recovery of the foot
at stages 2, 3, 4, 5
or 6; and informed
consent given by
the participant or
substitute decision
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Mudie Total: 40 Patients had Within 2–6 72.4 Gr1: Portable computer-like Gr3: Bobath-trained N/A 2 wk of daily Follow-ups 2, 2, 1
2002119 Gr1: 10 suffered a recent wk SD: 9.01 BPM feedback console used staff physiotherapists training at 2 and 12
Gr2: 10 stroke and to provide awareness of focused on increasing sessions wk
Gr3: 10 consistently bore weight distribution during trunk and pelvic
Gr4: 10 majority of weight training in sitting; patient ROM, normalizing
on one side. required to touch target with trunk muscle
unaffected hand at various tone, maintaining
heights and distances and appropriate balance
patients attempted to return responses during
to symmetrical position after reaching, and
reaching; 2 wk of training; 30 improving the
min session. patient’s ability to
Gr2: Task-related reach move in and out
training: Patient seated on of asymmetric
adjustable plinth, grocery posture; verbal and

items at about 140% of manual facilitation

upper extremity length were by therapist during
retrieved with unaffected seated reaching or
upper extremity and placed lying.
on shelves at various heights Gr4: Control:
and distances to allow Standard customary
reaching to extremes of seated care in physiotherapy
base of support. and OT.
Paul 1998120 Total: 20 Diagnosis of 93.4 days 61.75 Gr1: Music-making activity Gr2: Physical exercise N/A 30 min/session, Follow-ups 1, 0, 0
Gr1: 10 unilateral cerebral SD: 49.5 days SD: 5.1 with upper extremity group conducted by 2 x/wk at 10 wk
Gr2: 10 hemiplegia; had movement; participants had recreation therapists.
reached their to find a rhythm or beat Patients were
maximum capacity that was expressive and encouraged to move
of physical function comfortable for them. their extremities in
and subsequently various directions
discharged from and positions and to
occupational raise their affected
and PT; had extremities as high
sufficient verbal as they could in
comprehension to different directions
participate in the (involved shoulder
study, evaluated flexion and elbow
by the ability to extension).
follow 2- to 3-
step directions;
had at least 10°
of limitation in
active shoulder
flexion and elbow
extension in the
involved upper
extremity; had
at least stage IV
Brunnstrom motor
recovery in the
affected upper
extremity; were
able to hold a
drumstick that is 5
cm in diameter and
weighed 8 grams
in their affected
hand; and free from
cardiac conditions.
12 R; 8 L
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Potempa Total: 42 Patients who More than 6 Range, Gr1: Exercise: Exercised on Gr2: Control: Given N/A 3 sessions/wk Follow-up 1, 0, 1
1995121 Gr1: 19 had had a stroke months 43–72 yr an adapted cycle ergometer passive exercise for 10 wk at 10 wk
Gr2: 23 more than 6 for 30 min. During first 4 wk, for ROM to body (end of
months before training load was gradually joints in a systematic treatment)
randomization. increased from a workload procedure for 30
Medically representing 30%–50% of min.
stable and had maximal effort to the highest
completed a formal level attainable by the patient.
rehab program. The highest load was then
Hemiplegia: maintained for the final 6 wk
Gr1: 8 L; 11 R of training.
Gr2: 15 L; 8 R

Stein 2004122 Total: 18 Patient who Gr1: Gr1: 53.3 All patients received 6 wk Gr2: During active- N/A 3/wk for 1 hr N/A 2, 0, 1
Gr1: 9 had had a single 27 months SD: 16.4 of robot-aided exercises. assisted training, sessions, for a

Gr2: 9 previous stroke, SD: All evaluation and training the robot provided total of 18 hr
residual paresis 12.7 months Gr2: 52.5 exercises consisted of reaching assistance in reaching of robot-aided
with average SD: 14.4 tasks in the horizontal plane each target if the exercise training
strength in the Gr2: that involved shoulder and patient was unable to per patient
upper limb 27.3 months elbow movements. Patients reach independently.
(measured at SD: were asked to move between a
shoulder and 11.4 months center target and 8 peripheral
elbow flexors targets arranged in circular
and extensors) display. 60 reps of each round
between 2 and 4 of moving to the set of target
on the Medical were performed.
Research Council Gr1: During resistance
grading system. training, the robot provided
All the patients resistance to the movement of
were required to reaching.
have conclued
any conventional
physical or OT
before enrollment
in the study.
Gr1: 4 L; 5 R
Gr2: 6 L; 3 R
Teixeira- Total: 13 Patients with Gr1: 9.15 Gr1: 65.87 Gr1: Exercise: Supervised Gr2: Control: No N/A 3 x/wk for 10 Follow-up 1, 0, 1
Salmela Gr1: 6 unilateral stroke SD: 12.7 yr SD: 10.16 sessions included a warm exercise treatment wk at 10 wk
1999123 Gr2: 7 with residual up (5–10 min) consisting of was given. (end of
weakness, spasticity, Gr2: 6.4 Gr2: 69.42 calisthenics, mild stretching, treatment)
or both, of the SD: 6.2 yr SD: 8.85 and ROM exercises. Aerobic
affected lower exercises consisting of
extremity. At least 9 graded walking plus stepping
months post stroke; or cycling at a gradually
independently increased target heart rate
ambulatory for 15 of 70% maximal heart rate;
min with or without strength training; and a
assistive devices; cool down period (5–10
with an activity min) consisting of muscular
tolerance of 45 min relaxation and stretching.
with rests; and no Patients were also given
comprehensive exercises to do at home and
aphasia. encouraged to do 3x/wk. Each
Hemiplegia: session lasted 60 to 90 min.
Gr1: 3 L; 3 R
Gr2: 4 L; 3 R
Appendix 3A

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Trombly Total: 20 Patients who Gr1: 5.2 wk Gr1: 67.2 Gr2: Resisted extension: Gr1: Control: No N/A 1 session/ Follow-up 2, 0, 1
1986124 Gr1: 5 could grasp a Gr2: 3.4 wk Gr2: 60.8 Rubber bands were placed exercise treatment day for at 2 wk
Gr2: 5 2.5 cm cylinder, Gr3: 6 wk Gr3: 75.8 over the middle phalanges was given. approximately (end of
Gr3: 5 understand Gr4: 11.1 wk Gr4: 63.4 and resistance was offered Gr4: Resisted 2 wk treatment)
Gr4: 5 directions, and who by the maximum number grasp: A Jamar
were free of pain on of rubber bands that the dynamometer was
the affected upper patient could extend fingers set up so the handles
extremity and against and hold for 6 s. The were 2.5 cm apart
medically cleared pronated forearm and palm or a Hand Helper
to participate. rested on a board designed to exercise aid was
Hemiplegia: stabilize the wrist. loaded with the
Gr1: 2 R; 3 L Gr3: Ballistic extension: A maximum number of
Gr2: 2 R; 3 L ping-pong ball was placed in elastics the patients
Gr3: 2 R; 3 L front of the patient’s flexed could squeeze. The
Gr4: 3 R; 2 L fingers (middle finger) and the maximum grasp was

Treated area: Hand patient was told to flick the held for 6 s at each
ball to knock down the paper trial. The forearm
cup placed 30–45 cm away was in mid-position
from the patient’s hand. with the elbow
resting on the table
for support. For
every group verbal
encouragement was
given. Each trial
was repeated 10
times with a 5-s rest
between trials.
Volpe Total: 12 Inclusion: Gr1: 1098.5 Gr1: 54 Gr1: Robot treatment. 25 Gr2: Control: Standard customary 1 hr/day, 5 Follow-up 1, 0, 1
1999125 Gr1: 6 Patients who had days SD: 7 sessions, 1500 repetitions Patients received care in PT and OT days/wk at 3 yr
Gr2: 6 hemiparesis or SD: of goal-directed movement similar initial post stroke.
hemiplegia of the 137.2 days Gr2: 66 to a target. Patients moved exposure to the robot
upper extremity SD: 5 the handle of the tip of a except that half the
or lower extremity, Gr2: 933.8 robot that then moved a trials were performed
and who could days cursor on a screen. A video with the unaffected
follow simple SD: screen provided visual upper extremity,
instructions. 191.1 days feedback through targets and when patients
Hemiplegia: Chronic identical to those drawn on could not perform
Gr1: 2 L; 4 R the support board in front of the task with the
Gr2: 1 L; 5 R the patient and that tracked affected limb, they
Treated area: the movement of the robot used the unaffected
Gr1: Shoulder and handle. Auditory feedback extremity or
elbow (affected) indicated correct movement. technician assistance
Gr2: Affected and If patients did not respond, to complete the
unaffected upper robot guided their hand to the task. The robot
extremity target. Focused on shoulder, never actively
elbow movement pattern moved the patients’
organized in 3 batches, limbs. Patients were
consisting of 20 repetitions exposed to the robot
each. 1 hr/wk.

Volpe Total: 56 Inclusion: Patients Stroke Gr1: 62 Gr1: Robot treatment: 25 Gr2: Control: Similar standard 1 hr/day, 5 None 1, 0, 1
2000126 Gr1: 30 with hemiparesis onset/initial SD: 10.95 sessions, 1500 reps of goal- Patients received customary care in days/wk
Gr2: 26 or hemiplegia of pretreatment directed movement to a target. similar initial PT and OT post
the upper extremity evaluation: Gr2: 67 Patients moved the handle exposure to the robot stroke.
or lower extremity Gr1: SD: 10.20 of the tip of a robot that then except that half the
who were able 22.5 days moved a cursor on a screen. A trials were performed
to follow simple SD: 7.12 days video screen provided visual with the unaffected
instructions. feedback through targets upper extremity, and
Hemiplegia: Gr2: identical to those drawn on when patients could
Gr1: 13R; 17 L 26.0 days the support board in front of not perform the task
Gr2: 12 R; 14 L SD: 7.14 days the patient and that tracked with the affected
Treated area: Acute the movement of the robot extremity, they used
Gr1: Shoulder and handle. Auditory feedback unimpaired limb or
elbow (affected) indicated correct movement. technician assistance
Gr2: Affected and If patients did not respond, to complete the task.
unaffected upper the robot guided their hand to The robot never
extremity the target. Focus on shoulder, actively moved the
elbow movement pattern patients’ extremity.
organized in 3 batches, Patients were
Appendix 3A

consisting of 20 repetitions exposed to the robot

each. 1 hr/wk.

APPENDIX 3A. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)
Winstein 60 First-time stroke N/A Gr1: Gr1: Standard customary Gr3: Strengthening N/A 1 hr/day, 5 Follow-up 2, 0, 1
2004127 Gr1: 20 from infarction <35 yr: 2; care delivered by an OT; and motor control days/wk for at 6.5 to 8
Gr2: 20 in the anterior 35–75 yr: muscle facilitation exercises; training; eccentric, 4 wk months
G3: 20 circulation 18; neuromuscular electric isometric, or
confirmed by MRI >75 yr: 0 stimulation for shoulder concentric muscle
or computed axial subluxation; stretching contractions
tomography scan; Gr2: exercise; ADL; and self-care. performed in a
onset of stroke from <35 yr: 0; Gr2: Functional training: gravity-lessened
2 to 35 days before 35–75 yr: Systematic and repetitive position or against
study entry; and 19; practice of tasks arranged in gravity; progressed
a FIM instrument > 75 yr: 1 proximal to distal recovery against resistance
total score at patterns of reaching and using free-weights,
admission of 40 Gr3: grasping. theraband, or grip
to 80. <35 yr: 0; devices for the
Hemiplegia: 35–75 yr: fingers; alternate

Gr1: 8 L; 12 R 20; days for 3 days/wk,

Gr2: 7 L; 13 R >75 yr: 0 on other days, same
Gr3: 4 L; 16 R exercises with less
resistance and greater

Note: ADL = activity of daily living; BPM = balance performance monitor; CMSA = Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; F = female; Gr = group; L = left; M = male; N/A = not available; OT
= occupational therapy; PNF = proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; PT = physical therapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 3B. Characteristics of Included Studies for Task-Oriented Training

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Dean Total: 20 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: 6.7 yr Gr1: 68.2 Gr1: To improve sitting balance. Gr2: Patients N/A 10 sessions N/A 2, 2, 1
1997159 Gr1: 10 who were hemiplegic SD: 5.8 yr SD: 8.2 Emphasis: Appropriate loading performed of 30 min
Gr2: 10 at least 12 months of the affected leg while cognitive- each for 2 wk
ago and had been Gr2: 5.9 yr Gr2: 66.9 practicing reaching tasks using manipulative tasks
discharged from SD: 2.9 yr SD: 8.2 the unaffected hand to grasp while seated in
all formal rehab objects beyond arm’s length. a chair with arm
services; who can The reaching task was done and back supports
walk short distances under systematic conditions. and forearms
within the home Variations: Location or weight resting on a table.
and understand of object, movement speed, Patients performed
instructions; who distance, direction, extent manipulative tasks
have no orthopedic of thigh support on the seat, using the unaffected
problems that would and height. The number of hand over small
interfere with the repetitions and complexity of distances (less than
ability to perform the tasks were increased over 50% of arm length).
seated reaching the 2 wk. Feedback was given. The number of
tasks; and who can repetitions and
sit unsupported for cognitive difficulty
20 min. of the tasks
Hemiplegia: increased. Patients
Gr1: 5 R; 5 L did an equal
Gr2: 6 R; 4 L number of reaching
Treated area: Affected movements as Gr1.
leg Feedback was given.
Appendix 3B

APPENDIX 3B. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

De Sèze Total: 20 Inclusion: Gr1: 36.8 days Gr1: 63.5 Gr1: 1 hr rehab with the Gr2: 2 hr standard Standard rehab: 2 hr each wk Follow-up at 2, 0, 1
2001160 Gr1: 10 Hemiplegia SD: 25 days SD: 17 Bon Saint Côme Device + rehab only Bobath-inspired for 4 wk 8 wk (during
Gr2: 10 caused by a single 1 hr standard rehab (4 wk) approach and the wk both
supratentorial Gr2: 27.7 days Gr2: 67.7 then standard rehab (8 wk) functional therapy groups still
ischemic or SD: 15 days SD: 15 Bon Saint Côme device: 4 received
hemorrhagic stroke parts interconnected: trunk standard
that had occurred orthosis, 2 hemipanels (boards) rehab)
at least 1 month corresponding to the halves of
previously; static extrapersonal space with targets,
imbalance of the 1 keyboard, and a pointer
trunk resulting from guided by trunk movements.
the stroke. When pointer touches a target,
CVA type (ischemic/ visual and auditory signals are
hemorrhagic): elicited. Progression: decreased
Gr1: 3/7 cueing intensity; horizontal

Gr2: 4/6 then vertical and diagonal

Hemiplegia: exploration; alternation in
Gr1: 1 R; 9 L rhythm and sensorial modality
Gr2: 4 R; 6 L involved; and patient sitting
then standing when adequate
trunk control gained.

Dickstein Total: 27 Inclusion: Patients 4.9 wk 70.5 Gr1: Repetitive training. Gr2: Control. 10 N/A 8 sessions N/A 0, 0, 1
1997161 Gr1: 15 who can flex the SD: 1.4 wk SD: 8.4 Practicing 100 elbow flex min every other every other
Gr2: 12 paretic elbow for movements, 10 series of 10 day. Composed of a day for
at least 5º on an movements during each session. variable repertoire 19–21 days
exercise board Total: 800 repeated elbow of exercises to the
(constructed for the movements in maximal 80º of paretic UE aimed at
study), follow simple amplitude divided in 8 equal improving function.
directions, and sessions every other day.
who consented to Patients were seated and
participate in study. asked to flex the paretic elbow
Hemiparetia: repeatedly as fast as possible
Gr1: 6 R; 9 L until the index finger reached
Gr2: 7 R; 5 L the target on the board and then
Treated area: Paretic promptly return to the starting
elbow position. Oral encouragement
was given and rest periods
provided between series.
Edmans Total: 79 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: Gr1: 69.75 Gr2: Perceptual training with Gr1: Transfer General OT 2.5 hr/wk for N/A 2, 0, 1
2000162 Gr1: 40 well enough to 37.68 days SD: 9.10 functional approach for 2.5 training approach treatment 6 wk
Gr2: 39 be assessed on SD: hr/wk for 6 wk for 2.5 hr/wk for
the Rivermead 16.60 days Gr2: 67.85 6 wk
Perceptual SD: 11.38
Assessment Battery, Gr2:
with sufficient 31.15 days
functional use of 1 SD:
hand to complete 10.13 days
the RPAB and to
carry out perceptual
treatment activities;
medically stable;
able to transfer with
a maximum of 2
nurses; no discharge
date planned; able
to tolerate 30-min
treatment sessions;
able to do 2 out of
4 specified activities
(eat, drink, wash
their face, toilet
themselves) prior to
Gr1: 24 R; 16 L
Gr2: 21 R; 19 L
Appendix 3B

APPENDIX 3B. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Gelber Total: 27 Inclusion: Gr1: 11.3 days Gr1: 73.8 Gr1: Neurodevelopmental Gr2: Traditional N/A N/A Follow-ups 1, 0, 0
1995163 Gr1: 15 Patients who were SD: 1.1 days SD: 2.0 technique (NDT). This functional at 26 wk and
Gr2: 12 hemiparetic and had treatment philosophy stresses retraining approach 52 wk
an ischemic stroke Gr2: 13.8 days Gr2: 69.8 inhibiting abnormal muscle (TFR). Practicing
(maximum time from SD: 2.7 days SD: 2.9 tone, initiating normal (good functional tasks as
stroke to entry 1 quality) motor movement early as possible
month). with progression through even in the presence
Hemiplegia: developmental sequences of spasticity or
Gr1: 8 R; 7 L before advancing to functional abnormal posture.
Gr2: 5 R; 7 L activities, and encourages Techniques: Passive
Treated area: Affected patients to use their affected ROM in anatomic
side side. Resistive exercises and use planes, progressive
of abnormal reflexes and mass resistive exercises,
movements were avoided. early use of assistive

device and bracing,

and allowing
patients to use their
affected side to
perform functional
Kwakkel Total: 89 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: 7.5 days Gr1: 64.1 Gr2: Upper extremity training. Gr1: Immobilization Concurrent 5 x/wk for Follow-up at 2, 0, 1
1999164 Gr1: 34 who had stroke SD: 2.9 days SD: 15.0 Functional exercises that of paretic arm and treatment: 15 20 wk 6 wk
Gr2: 29 diagnosis (WHO facilitated forced arm and leg by inflatable min/day lower
Gr3: 26 definition); had Gr2: 7.2 days Gr2: 69.0 hand activity such as leaning, splint applied with extremity rehab,
primary first- SD: 2.8 days SD: 9.8 punching a ball, and grasping the patient supine 15 min/day upper
ever stroke in the and moving objects. for 30 min. extremity rehab,
territory of the Gr3: 7.0 days Gr3: 64.5 Gr3: Lower extremity training. 1.5 hr/wk ADL
middle cerebral SD: 2.5 days SD: 9.7 Sitting, standing, weight- training
artery; were 30–80 bearing exercises while
yr old; had impaired standing and walking, with
motor function of emphasis on achieving stability
the arm and leg; and improving gait velocity.
unable to walk at Treadmill training where
first assessment; had equipment available.
no complicating Gr2 and 3 training was applied
medical history; had by OT/PT for 30 min.
no severe deficits
in communication,
memory, or
gave written/spoken
informed consent;
were motivated to
participate in the
research project.
Gr1: 13 R; 24 L
Gr2: 16 R; 17 L
Gr3: 13 R; 18 L
Appendix 3B

APPENDIX 3B. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Kwakkel Total: 101 Inclusion: Primary, Gr1: 7.5 days Gr1: 64.1 Gr2 (upper extremity): Focused Gr1 (control): 15 min lower 30 min/day, Follow-ups 1, 0, 1
2002165 Gr1: 37 first-ever stroke in SD: 2.9 days SD: 15.0 on improvement in disabilities Immobilization of extremity rehab, 5 days/wk for at 3 and 6
Gr2: 33 the territory of the involving the hemiplegic upper the paretic upper 15 min upper 20 wk months
Gr3: 31 middle cerebral Gr2: 7.2 days Gr2: 69.0 extremity (grasping, reaching, extremity and lower extremity rehab,
artery as shown by SD: 2.8 days SD: 9.8 leaning, dressing). extremity by means 1.5 hr/wk ADL
CT or MRI; between Gr3 (lower extremity): Focused of an inflatable training
30–80 yr of age; had Gr3: 7.0 days Gr3: 64.5 on functional recovery of pressure splint.
an impaired motor SD: 2.5 days SD: 9.7 balance (sitting, standing
function of upper balance), transfers (such
as well as lower as turning over) and gait
extremities; unable (performance and climbing
to walk at first stairs).
assessment; had no
complicating medical

history such as
other neurological
disorders; and had
no severe deficits
in communication/
Gr1: 13R; 24 L
Gr2: 16 R; 17 L
Gr3: 13 R; 18 L

Logan Total: 466 All patients were N/A N/A Gr1: Treated with ADL activities Gr2: Treated with N/A Gr1 & Gr2: Follow-up at 1, 0, 0
2003166 Gr1: 156 recruited after a to achieve ADL goals. leisure activities 10 therapy 6 months
Gr2: 153 hospital admission (activities done for sessions,
Gr3: 157 with stroke. pleasure) to achieve each between
Hemiplegia: N/M leisure goals. 30 and 60
Gr3: Control group min duration
(not reported in
Luft Total: 21 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: 75 Gr1: 63.3 Gr1: BATRAC consisted of Gr2: DMTE N/A 3 x/wk for N/A 2,0,1
2004167 Gr1: 9 with residual months SD: 15.3 hr-long therapy sessions (four was based on 6 wk
Gr2: 12 upper extremity Gr2: 45.5 5-min movement periods neurodevelepmental
spastic hemiparesis months Gr2: 59.6 interspered with 10-min rest principles and
following a SD: 10.5 periods). Upon auditory cues at included thoracic
single cortical individually determined rates spine mobilization,
or subcortical of 0.67 to 0.97 Hz, participants scapular
ischemic stroke. pushed and pulled bilaterally, in mobilization, weight
All patients had synchrony or alternation, 2T-bar bearing with the
the ability to move handles sliding in the transverse paretic arm, and
the affected limb plane. opening a closed
and had completed fist.
3 to 6 months of
conventional rehab.
Adequate language
and neurocognitive
function to
Gr1: 6 R; 3 L
Gr2: 8 R; 4 L
Appendix 3B

APPENDIX 3B. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Mudie Total: 40 Patients had suffered Within 2–6 72.4 Gr1: Portable computer-like Gr3: Bobath- N/A 30-min N/A 2, 2, 1
2002119 Gr1: 10 a recent stroke and wk SD: 9.01 yr balance performance monitor trained staff sessions for
Gr2: 10 consistently bore (BPM) feedback console used physiotherapists 2 wk
Gr3: 10 majority of weight on to provide awareness of weight focused on
Gr4: 10 one side. distribution during training increasing trunk
in sitting; patients required to and pelvic ROM,
touch target with nonparetic normalizing
hand at various heights and trunk muscle
distance; patients attempted to tone, maintaining
return to symmetrical position appropriate balance
after reaching. responses during
Gr2: Patient seated on reaching and
adjustable plinth; grocery items improving the
placed at about 140% of arm’s patient’s ability to
length were retrieved with move in and out

nonparetic extremity and placed of asymmetric

on shelves at various heights posture; verbal and
and distances to allow reaching manual facilitation
to the extremes of the seated by therapist during
base of support. seated reaching or
Gr4: Control:
Standard PT and
Nelson Total: 26 Inclusion: Unilateral 53.5 days 68.4 Apparatus: Handle—when Gr2 (rote Preliminary 1 visit N/A 2, 0, 1
1996168 Gr1: 14 hemiplegia caused SD: 51.9 SD: 11.2 rotated to 40º first die falls exercises): Cap exercises: 3 reps of
Gr2: 12 by a first and only noisily and the last (3rd) die on handle weighs reaching between
M/F: 14/12 CVA; duration since falls at 90º. Rotation of the approximately the knees to floor,
onset of the stroke handle met with little resistance. same as the 3 dice. reaching forward,
between 9 days and Gr1: Instructions given: Instruction: Exercise reaching toward
7 months; age of at Exercise your arm by playing your arm by using uninvolved side,
least 45 yr; pronator a dice game. Patients were the handle. reaching toward
spasticity; full passive encouraged to get doubles or involved side,
supination after brief 3 in a row. 2 trials of manual moving wrist from
warm-up exercises; guidance– therapist assisted ulnar deviation to
no functional patient in grasping firm bilateral radial deviation.
supination; ability to grasp of the handle and
grasp a 3-cm dowel manually guided the patient
bilaterally with through the motion until all
overlapping fingers; 3 dice dropped. Slow and
no contraindication steady movement emphasized.
to supination Then patient had 10 trials by
exercises; and themselves, a 3-min break and
sufficient visual then 10 additional trials.
perception and
15 R; 11 L

Parker Total: 466 Inclusion: Acute Less than 6 Gr1: Gr1: Leisure. Patients practiced Control: No OT N/A Minimum of Follow-up at 2, 0, 1
2001169 Gr1: 153 stroke with onset of months Median: 72 the leisure tasks and any ADLs treatment within the 10 sessions 26 wk and
Gr2: 156 less than 6 months; SD: 7 tasks necessary to achieve the trial. lasting not 52 wk
Gr3: 157 participating in a leisure objective. less than 30
rehab program. Gr2: Gr2: ADLs. Patients practiced min each
Hemiplegia: Median: 71 the independent self-care tasks
Gr1: 71 R; 69 L SD: 6 yr (preparing a meal or walking
N/B: 13 outdoors).
Gr2: 75 R; 65 L Gr3:
N/B: 16 Median: 72
Gr3: 67 R; 74 L SD: 6.5 yr
N/B: 16
Treated area:
Appendix 3B

APPENDIX 3B. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Pomeroy Total: 24 Inclusion: 6 months At least 6 N/A Gr1: “Weight garments”: Simple Gr2: Control. N/A Gr1: 6 wk N/A 2, 0, 0
2001170 Gr1: 12 post stroke; not months wrist, biceps, thigh, and ankle After the 6-wk with the
Gr2: 12 participating in other bands, in addition to complex intervention phase, garments for
physical rehab; could bands around pelvis and the 12 control intervention
walk 10 meters with shoulder girdle. Worn on the patients were given phase and
or without assistance paretic side only. Patients were the garments and nothing
or walking aid; had instructed to adjust the weights asked to complete for control
no receptive aphasia and garment on a daily basis the logbooks. phase.
(scoring 18 or above according to how able they felt During wk 8–12 Gr2: First 6
on Body part and and were asked to wear the they were contacted wk control
13 or above on garments all day. An instruction by telephone. then 6 wk of
Commands section); sheet was given. During wk 2 treatment.
had no visual to 6, each patient was contacted
unilateral neglect; by telephone once a week.
could don and doff

the garments alone

or with help; had
laundry access;
had no neuro- or
disorder; had no
severe heart disease;
and were not taking
sedative during
treatment time.
8 R; 16 L
Richards Total: 27 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: Gr1: 69.6 Gr1: Experimental: Patients Gr2: Standard Standard 2 sessions/ Follow-ups 1, 0, 0
1993171 Gr1: 10 who met the 8.3 days SD: 7.4 started as early as possible customary care. customary day, 5 days/ at 6 wk and
Gr2: 8 following criteria: SD: 1.4 days after admission to the study; Started later; hospital care wk, for 5 wk 18 wk
Gr3: 9 were resident within Gr2: 67.3 they were provided with an performed
50 km of Quebec Gr2: SD: 11.2 intensive and focused approach nonintensive
City; were between 8.8 days to therapy that incorporated techniques similar
40–80 yr old; had SD: 1.5 days Gr3: 70.3 the use of a tilt table and a to those provided
onset of first stroke SD: 7.3 limb-load monitor; resistance to Gr3.
within past 0–7 days Gr3: exercises with a Kinetron Gr3: Early standard
(first episode of TIA 13 days isokinetic device and a customary care.
lasting < 24 hr not SD: 2.8 days treadmill. Started early; more
considered a first intensive than
stroke); and had experimental group
clinically identifiable but contained
middle cerebral more standard
artery syndrome of approaches.
origin involving
subcortical structures
confirmed by CAT
Gr1: 2 R; 8 L
Gr2: 6 R; 2 L
Gr3: 3 R; 6 L

Walker Total: 30 Inclusion: Patients 6 months after Gr1: 65.9 Gr1: Dressing practice was Gr2: No treatment. All other rehab End of N/A 1, 0, 1
1996172 Gr1: 15 who had been stroke SD: 8.16 given on a regular basis with continued as treatment at
Gr2: 15 discharged from the the amount of therapy at the usual. 3 months;
general medical care Gr2: 70.2 therapist’s discretion. median of
of the elderly and SD: 10.35 Treatment: Teaching patients 8 visits at
stroke unit. and caregivers appropriate the patient’s
Hemiplegia: techniques such as dressing home
Gr1: 6 R; 9 L the affected extremity first,
Gr2: 10 R; 5 L conserving energy, using a
Treated area: Affected red alignment of buttons, and
and unaffected choosing clothing. Relatives
extremity were encouraged to continue
the dressing practice between
Appendix 3B

APPENDIX 3B. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Wiart Total: 22 Patient with severe Gr1: 35 days Gr1: 66 Gr1: Experimental group: Part Gr2: Control: 3 N/A 1 hr every Follow-up at 2, 0, 1
1997173 Gr1: 11 left unilateral neglect SD: 9 days SD: 8 1: Patient wore a vest. The –4 hr of traditional day for 20 4 wk
Gr2: 11 syndrome who had Motor extremity of the pointer was 1.5 rehab each day. days followed
suffered a stroke less impairment: Gr2: 72 meters in front and above the by 2–3 hr of
than 3 months ago. hemiplegic SD: 6 patient’s head and forced him traditional
Patient with good or (6), to make an axial rotation of the rehab: (2 hr
poor trunk control. hemiparesis trunk under visual control to PT and 1
Hemiplegia: Right for (3), none (2) displace the pointer laterally hour OT)
both groups and explore the spatial field.
Treated area: Trunk Gr2: 30 days Part 2: A series of targets of
SD: 4 days different geometric form,
Motor house an electrical circuit, are
impairment: connected to a light bulb and
hemiplegic to a buzzer, are attached to a
(8), mobile wooden panel placed

hemiparesis in front of the patient. When

(2), none (1) pointer is in contact with target
= audible and luminous signals
Winstein Total: 60 First-time stroke N/A Gr1: Gr1: Standard care delivered Gr3: Strengthening N/A 1 hr/day, 5 Follow-up at 2, 0, 1
2004127 Gr1: 20 from infarction in the <35 yr: 2 by an OT; muscle facilitation and motor control days/wk, 4 9 months
Gr2: 20 anterior circulation SD: 10 exercises; neuromuscular training; eccentric, wk
G3: 20 confirmed by MRI 35–75 yr: 18 electric stimulation for shoulder isometric, or
or CAT scan; onset SD: 85 subluxation; stretching exercise; concentric muscles
of stroke from 2 >75 yr: 0 ADL; and self-care. contractions
to 35 days before SD: 0 Gr2: Functional training: performed in a
study entry; and Systematic and repetitive gravity-lessened
an FIM instrument Gr2: practice of tasks arranged in position or against
total score upon <35 yr: 0 proximal to distal recovery gravity; progressed
admission of 40 to SD: 0 patterns of reaching and against resistance
80. 35–75 yr: 19 grasping. using free-weights,
SD: 95 theraband, or grip
>75 yr: 1 devices for the
SD: 5 fingers; alternate
days for 3 days/wk;
Gr3: on other days,
<35 yr: 0 same exercises with
SD: 0 less resistance and
35–75 yr: 20 greater speed.
SD: 100
>75 yr: 0
SD: 0

Note: ADLs = activities of daily living; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; Gr = group; L = left; N/A = not available; N/B = neither/bilateral; OT = occupational therapy; PT = physiotherapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization,
blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion; TIA = transient ischemic attack; UE = upper extremity; x/wk = times per week.
Appendix 3B
APPENDIX 3C. Characteristics of Included Studies for Biofeedback

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Armagan Total: 27 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: 4.43 months Gr1: 57.00 Gr1: Exercise program Gr2: Same as Gr1 Exercise program 5 x/wk for N/A 2, 1, 0
2003196 Gr1: 14 had to be able to SD: 1.09 months SD: 10.53 according to Brunnstrom’s except the patients according to 20 min; 20
Gr2: 13 communicate, have approach and EMG-BFB. received a placebo Brunnstrom’s treatment
full comprehension, Gr2: 4.77 months Gr2: 57.92 Surface electrodes were EMG-BFB. neurophysiologic sessions in
no visual or SD: 1.30 months SD: 11.27 placed over the musculus approach with total
auditory defects, extensors, carpi radialis, a duration of
have significant and extensor digitorum 45 min/day for
motivation, have communis of the paretic a period of 20
stable health status, arm. treatments.
and have stage 2 or 3
hemiparesis according
to the modified
Brunnstrom’s scale for
the hand.

Gr1: 7 R; 7 L
Gr2: 7 R; 6 L
Treated area: Upper

Basmajian Total: 13 Patients must have Gr1: 3.5 months Gr1: 65.00 Gr1: Experimental group: Gr2: Control N/A 3 x/wk, 40 N/A 2, 0, 1
1982197 Gr1: 8 had a stroke 2 to SD: 1 month SD: 9.75 Integrated behavioral group: Standard min each
Gr2: 5 5 months before physical therapy exercise physical session for
(only inclusion, be referred Gr2: 2.8 months Gr2: 62.00 including EMG-BFB. therapy program 5 wk
the mild by family physicians, SD: 0.9 months SD: 6.50 Experimental technique using a general
group) and show a residual of regular physical neurophysiological
defect in upper (all 37 patients) (all 37 therapy as practiced in approach.
extremity function. patients) the hospital with the
Treated area: Upper addition of EMG-BFB.
Basmajian Total: 29 Patients had to Gr1: 16.38 wk Gr1: 60.77 Gr1: Integrated Gr2: Standard N/A 45 min/ Follow-up at 8 2, 0, 1
1987198 Gr1: 13 have: no previous SD: 7.60 wk SD: 8.50 behavioral and physical therapeutic session, 3 months
Gr2: 16 history of stroke; an therapy (EMG-BFB): exercise: x/wk for 5 wk
age of 80 yr or less Gr2: 16.00 wk Gr2: 63.77 1) Conceptualization: Techniques of
with an obstruction SD: 11.74 wk SD: 13.07 Demonstrations and facilitation and
involving the territory dialogue, patient active inhibition are
with distribution participant in treatment. used with selected
centering on the 2) Skill acquisition: EMG- sensory input
middle cerebral BFB goals are learned and to bring about
artery; impaired the patient is taught how automatic, high-
motor function of to direct cognitive skills. quality motor
the upper extremity 3) Repeated skill: Home output.
but with an ability to practice of the specific
extend wrist/finger; skills is emphasized and
have had their stroke the results are carefully
<1 year before; and monitored and discussed
comprehension of with the patient. 4)
simple commands Skill transfer: Using
and the purpose the Cyborg BL 900
of the treatment. dual processor: pairs of
Patients also had to standard surface BFB
be well informed, electrodes to the patient’s
sufficiently motivated, skin over muscles that are
and willing to being targeted for either
participate, have the active recruitment or
approval of their active inhibition.
physician, a relatively
medical history,
and mild motor
involvement of the
hemiplegic upper
extremity (> or = 20
UEFT). If it had been
> or = to 4 months
since their stroke,
the mild group: or
less than 4 months
post-stroke with <20
Gr1: 9 R; 4 L
Appendix 3C

Gr2: 7 R; 9 L
Treated area: Upper

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Binder Total: 10 Patients had to be 16 months post N/A Gr2: Experimental Gr1: Control: N/A 4-wk N/A 1, 0, 1
1981199 Gr1: 5 at least 16 months onset (therapeutic exercise Standardized treatment
Gr2: 5 post-onset; have regimen combined therapeutic exercise
intact proprioception; with EMG-BFB): EMG- regimen.
be able to walk on BFB was used to help The last patient of
level surfaces with the patient initiate a each group agreed
or without assistive contraction when he to receive 12 more
devices; have residual was unable voluntarily treatments over an
lower extremity to produce muscle additional 4 wk.
motor deficits, activity, maintain an
including dorsiflexion active muscle contraction
paresis; have no when the strength of
signs of receptive a muscle contraction
aphasia; no previous began to improve, relax

EMG-BFB training; a muscle contraction in a

and no concurrent hypertonic antagonist or
engagement in a in an agonist following
physical therapy active contraction, and
program. improve maintenance of
Treated area: Lower motivation by providing
extremity EMG-BFB to the patient
as soon as an activity was
The frequency of audio
feedback (audio tone)
increased with increasing
muscle activity. A pair of
small length and meter
displays provided visual
Bourbonnais Total: 25 Resident within 35 Gr1: 37.3 months Gr1: 47.2 Gr1: Using visual Gr2: A total of N/A 3 x/wk for Follow-up at 2, 0, 0
2002200 Gr1: 13 km of the Institute, SD: 14.3 months SD: 13.9 feedback, the patients 16 directions 6 wk 8 wk
Gr2: 12 aged between 21–70 were asked to control were selected
yr, single history Gr2: 34.7 months Gr2: 44.6 combinations of moments corresponding to
of hemiplegia or SD: 16.1 months SD: 14.1 of force in two directions predetermined
thrombo-embolic of either a single or two combinations of
origin, and stage 3, joints or to combine a flexion-extension
4, 5, or 6 of the arm moment of force in one movements starting
section on Chedoke direction with a handgrip with the hip and
McMaster stroke force. A sequence of 16 knee. The patient’s
assessment. combinations of moments task was to exert
of force, progressing from submaximal efforts
proximal to distal, was in each of the 16
developed to increase the directions chosen
level of difficulty. by using a cursor
The Gr1 was also control that is displaced
group for the lower in proportion to
extremity intervention. the magnitude of
Phase 2: Standard PT (see effort provided and
control group treatment) in the direction in
for 4 wk. which the effort is
The knee monitor was produced. The Gr2
not used in phase 2 in was also control
order to evaluate transfer group for the
of training to performance upper extremity
without EMG-BFB. intervention.
Importance of visual
input in maintaining a
stable standing posture
has been shown in
healthy adults. Other
activities: targeting,
reaching, stride standing,
and stepping.
Appendix 3C

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Bradley Total: 13 Patients had to be 35.6 days post Gr1: Gr1: EMG-BFB group: Gr2: Same Standard 6-wk Follow-up at 3 0, 2, 1
199850 Gr1: 7 medically stable stroke (for all the 72.4 yr Patients were encouraged technique with the customary care treatment months
Gr2: 6 and have unilateral groups) SD: N/A to facilitate or inhibit surface electrodes.
(severe weakness. abnormal muscle tone via EMG-BFB machine
stroke Hemiplegia: Gr2: auditory or visual signals was turned off and
only) Gr1: 5 R; 2 L 68.0 yr transmitted from surface faced away from
Gr2: 4 R; 2 L SD: N/A electrodes placed over the the patient and
appropriate muscles (on therapist to control
the motor point of the the placebo effect.
affected side). Treatment No visual/auditory
also encouraged normal feedback given
alignment of the trunk/ (standard
hip, active control of the customary care).
hip/knee/ankle, weight EMG 200 (Biodata,

transfer through the Manchester)

affected side, and gait
Burnside Total: 22 Patients had had a Disease duration Gr1: 71.45 Gr2: 15 min of exercises Gr1: 15 min of Therapeutic 6-wk Follow-up at 0, 2, 0
1982201 Gr1: 11 CVA at least 3 months Gr1: 5.2 yr SD: N/A with EMG feedback exercises similar exercise treatment 6 wk
Gr2: 11 before the study and SD: N/A regarding their efforts. to those used in
had residual foot Gr2: 4.45 yr Gr2: 68.45 Electrodes were attached Gr2. Electrodes
dorsiflexion paresis SD: N/A SD: N/A over the muscle being were placed over
and a minimum trained at that time. the tibialis anterior
passive dorsiflexion If there was spasticity, and the machine
from complete the 2nd machine was switched off
plantar flexion to was connected to the (eventually, patients
neutral position (with gastrocnemius while were given gait
or without a cane/ the 1st was connected training with or
brace). to the tibialis anterior. without EMG-BFB
Hemiplegia: Patients were encouraged depending of their
Gr1: 5 R; 6 L to practice walking as grouping).
Gr2: 6 R; 5 L much as possible between
Treated area: Lower sessions.
extremity The patients sat on
an adjustable chair in
front of the trainer with
their feet on the dual
force platform and they
rose up and sat down
as symmetrically as
possible, again by using
the trainer’s visual and
auditory signals. They
repeated the movement
for 20 min under the
therapist’s supervision.
Appendix 3C

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Cozean Total: 36 Medically stable No. of patients Gr1: Gr2: EMG-BFB: Gr1: Passive and Rehabilitation 6-wk Follow-up at 1, 1, 1
198851 Gr1: 8 patients referred more than 1 year mean: 62 Electromyographic active ROM for all program: Details treatment 6 wk
Gr2: 8 to the center for post-CVA signals were received major joints and N/A
Gr3: 8 rehab following a Gr1: 5 Gr2: with surface electrodes muscle groups of
Gr4: 8 CVA, who had the Gr2: 4 mean: 51 over the muscle surface. both legs.
cognitive ability to Gr3: 4 Patient was asked to Gr3: Electrical
cooperate and give Gr4: 3 Gr3: produce a 30 s maximal stimulation of the
informed consent and mean 52 contraction followed by a tibialis anterior
the physical ability 1-min rest. during the swing
to ambulate a short Gr4: phase and the
distance with the mean: 56 gastrocnemius
assistance of a single during the stance
therapist. phase of the gait
Hemiplegia: cycle.

Gr1: 5 R; 3 L Gr4: 15 min of

Gr2: 6 R; 2 L treatment with
Gr3: 4 R; 4 L EMG-BFB + 15-min
Gr4: 3 R; 5 L treatment of FES
Treated area: Lower (the first 2 wk).
extremity The next 4 wk: 5
min of FES + 30
min of independent
Crow Total: 40 Patients had had a Between 2 and 8 Gr1: 67.4 Gr1: EMG-BFB group: Gr2: Control Standard 6-wk Follow-up at 2, 0, 1
1989202 Gr1: 20 stroke between 2–8 wk after stroke SD: 10.45 Biodata EMG-120 group: There was customary care treatment 6 wk
Gr2: 20 wk before inclusion, biofeedback system, no skin or electrode
had some arm Gr2: 68.05 silver-silver chloride preparation and
function (i.e., at least SD: 9.53 Beckmann-style the system was
a flicker of activity electrodes were used with switched on but
around the shoulder saline conducting gel. The auditory and visual
girdle), had not electrodes’ placement was feedback were
already spontaneously based on muscle activity not switched on.
recovered, or did not at each treatment session The system was
have near normal (i.e., not a predetermined positioned near the
movement. Patients position for each muscle). patient to allow for
were also living in the Auditory and visual placebo effect and
Nottingham area and feedback were switched electrodes were
did not have global on. placed over the
aphasia or dementia. upper fibers of the
Hemiplegia: trapezius, pectoral,
Gr1: 12 R; 8 L or deltoid muscle.
Gr2: 14 R; 6 L
Treated area: Upper
Appendix 3C

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Intiso Total: 16 Patients were 40–85 Gr1: 11.3 months Gr1: 61.3 Gr1: Experimental group Gr2: Control: Only Standard physical 2 months N/A 1, 0, 1
1994203 Gr1: 8 yr old, had had a SD: 12.6 months SD: 12.3 Phase 1: Contraction physiotherapy therapy
Gr2: 8 first ischemic stroke, of the anterior tibial (standard exercises (no details)
and had a foot-drop Gr2: 8.3 months Gr2: 53.5 muscle to obtain acoustic according to the
deficit or paretic SD: 6.0 months SD: 18.5 BFB. 2 baseline sessions Bobath method for
extremity. about the technique and dorsiflexion) (only
Hemiplegia: learning to contract the for the control
Gr1: 4 R; 4 L anterior tibial. For the group).
Gr2: 5 R; 3 L next 15 sessions: 20 Sensory outputs to
Treated area: Lower isotonic contractions obtain automatic
extremity lasting 5 s followed by high-quality motor
regular intervals of 30 s output.
of rest (flexed knee at 30º
and relaxed foot). Phase

2: 2 baseline sessions to
determine the “threshold
value” and 15 training
sessions with acoustic
feedback activated every
time the contraction
value of the anterior tibial
muscle was higher than
the threshold value of the
baseline session.
Audio monitoring of the
EMG signals: Patient
instructed to activate
dorsal flexion of foot
during swing phase of
gait cycle. Patient errors
< 20%: increase the
threshold of acoustic
feedback 0.30 µV; if
20%–50%: increase to
0.10 µV.
Kraft Total: 18 At least 1 year Gr1: 26.0 months Gr1: 59.5 Gr1: EMG-BFB initiated Gr2: Bias/Balance Home rehab Depends on Follow-up 12 0, 0, 1
1992204 Gr1: 6 post-CVA, clinically SD: 23.4 months SD: 6.2 electrical stimulation stimulation: program the treatment months post-
Gr2: 4 stable, possessed of wrist extensors: 3 Respond II (no details) treatment
Gr3: 3 postural stability, and Gr2: 36.8 months Gr2: 64.8 sessions/wk, 36 1-hr electrical
Gr4: 5 had consented to SD: 19.8 months SD: 11.6 sessions. Transcutaneous stimulator: 5 30-
participate according electrical stimulation, min sessions/wk
to procedures. Gr3: 14.3 months Gr3: 67.0 triggered by a low- for 3 months,
Hemiplegia: SD: 2.5 months SD: 3.6 level of voluntary EMG low-intensity
Gr1: 2 R; 4 L activity began as low as stimulation was
Gr2: 2 R; 2 L Gr4: 24.2 months Gr4: 63.2 5 µV and was increased applied to wrist
Gr3: 2 R; 1 L SD: 6.0 months SD: 12.3 gradually by the therapist extensors muscles
Gr4: 1 R; 4 L as voluntary recruitment in 0.3 ms square-
improved. In addition, wave pulses at
EMG-BFB was used rates of 30–90
over paretic finger or Hz. Stimulation
elbow extensors, forearm was applied at
pronators or supinators, an intensity that
or shoulder elevators increased the
or abductors according patient’s voluntary
to the patient’s abilities. range of wrist
Auto move stimulator in extension without
0.2 ms, biphasic square- producing any
wave pulses at rates of visible movement
30–90 Hz, constant at rest. Patients
current of 20–60 µV for were instructed
10 s. EMG µV threshold to perform 3 sets
set at the median of the 5 (30 contractions
contractions minus 10%. or until fatigue)
of voluntary wrist
extension exercises
while stimulation
was applied each
Gr3: PNF:
the whole upper
extremity, including
wrist extension.
Gr4: No treatment.
Appendix 3C

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Mandel Total: 37 Inclusion: Patients Time since stroke Gr1: 56.8 Gr2: Auditory and visual Gr1: No treatment N/A Twice a wk Follow-up at 3 1, 0, 1
1990205 Gr1: 11 who met the onset: SD: 12.8 feedback of calf and for 12 wk months
Gr2: 13 following criteria: pretibial muscle activity
Gr3: 13 were a chronic Gr1: 32 months Gr2: 54.7 during active ankle
hemiparetic; were SD: 31 months SD: 13.9 movements. Minimum
at least 6 months 5 reps of maximum
post-stroke, with Gr2: 17 months Gr3: 57.5 contraction/trial,
various classifications SD: 10 months SD: 14.2 maximum 240 repetitions
of lower extremity per session.
deficits; and were no Gr3: 47 months Gr3: EMG-BFB for first
longer receiving any SD: 32 months half of study, followed
treatment aimed at by rhythmic positional
improving gait. BFB for last half. RP-BFB:
Hemiplegia: Feedback of dorsiflexion

Gr1: 7 R;4 L and plantar flexion

Gr2: 6 R; 7 L ROM. Use of auditory
Gr3: 8 R; 5 L and visual pacing stimuli
aimed at increasing the
rate of dorsi- and plantar
flexion alternation. While
walking, feedback at
precise points of heel-off
and swing through to
reinforce correct timing
Montoya Total: 14 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: < 6 months Gr1: 64 Gr1: BFB group: Initial Gr2: Reference N/A 45 min/ N/A 1, 0, 0
1994206 Gr1: 9 who had had a first- SD: 2.75 6-meter walk with group: Patients session, 2
Gr2: 5 ever stroke that had Gr2: < 6 months locometer analysis to followed the same sessions/wk
occurred less than Gr2: 60 obtain initial values of standard rehab for 4 wk
6 months before SD: 2.25 spatial and temporal program and walk
the beginning of parameters. Patients were session without
the experimental told to secure the best BFB. Description of
protocol; who walking performance. a session:
had motor ability Five 6-meter walks with 1) 6-meter walk
allowing them to BFB: the imposed right with locometer
walk 50 meters and left step lengths were analysis;
without any help; the initial step length 2, 3) 5 and 10 6-
who had an absence measures in the initial meter walks on the
of comprehension 6-meter walk. Patient had walkway without
problems as rated to pay attention to the the BFB;
by a Mini Mental task and place the foot 4) a final gait
Status of 24; who on the target. No effort analysis under the
had an absence was required to correct same conditions as
of biomechanical step length asymmetry there were in the
malfunction of or to increase step length BFB group.
the legs; who on the deficient side.
had an absence 10 walks with the BFB
of hemianopsia where the imposed right
as stated by a and left step lengths
complete ophthalmic were identical in order to
examination correct the asymmetry.
including visual field
measurement; and
who had an absence
of unilateral neglect
syndrome as rated
by a neurological
examination showing
that there was no
sensory trouble and
Treated area: Lower
Appendix 3C

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Morris Total: 26 Patients had suffered Gr1: 79.0 days Gr1: 64.2 Gr2: Experimental Gr1: Control group: N/A 8 wk N/A 0, 0, 1
199216 Gr1: 13 a CVA up to 4 SD: 41 days SD: 10.3 group: Phase 1: Electro- Standard physical
Gr2: 13 months previously, goniometric feedback as therapy that was
were medically stable, Gr2: 45.0 days Gr2: 64.4 an adjunct to physical based on the
were able to provide SD: 23 days SD: 11.0 therapy for 4 wk. EMG- Motor Relearning
informed consent, BFB during standing and Program and
and demonstrated gait training: when the incorporated the
the ability to safely patient hyperextended use of instruction,
walk 10 meters 4 the knee, the auditory explanation,
times without aids or signal was activated demonstration,
orthoses. (the pitch of the signal manual guidance,
Hemiplegia: was proportional verbal feedback,
Gr1: 8 R; 6 L to hyperextension visual feedback,
Gr2: 8 R; 5 L angle). A fixed high and whole-part

frequency warning practice.

signal sounded when Phase 1: 4 wk
knee flexion exceeded Phase 2: 4 wk
75º to discourage
overcompensation with
excessive knee flexion
(during normal gait
training, no signal).
Phase 2: Standard PT (see
control group treatment)
for 4 wk.
The knee monitor was
not used in phase 2 in
order to evaluate transfer
of training to performance
without EMG-BFB.
Importance of visual
input in maintaining a
stable standing posture
has been shown in
healthy adults.
Other activities: targeting,
reaching, stride standing,
and stepping.
Tham Total: 14 Patients had Gr1: 18.1 days Gr1: 67.3 Gr1: Video EMG- Gr2: Conventional N/A 2 days N/A 0, 0, 1
1997207 Gr1: 7 suffered from right SD: 7.67 days SD: 10.42 BFB group: Therapist BFB group: The
Gr2: 7 hemisphere CV videotaped the patients therapist gave the
lesions 6 to 42 days Gr2: 21.6 days Gr2: 68.6 when performing the patients verbal and
before testing SD: 12 days SD: 12.33 baking tray test (BTT). visual guidance to
Treated area: Upper To draw the patients’ help them see the
extremity Acute phase post- attention to their own neglected left half
stroke neglect behavior, of the “baking tray.”
they were given the
opportunity of seeing
their performance on
the monitor directly
after the testing. When
they missed placing the
“buns” on the left side of
the tray, they could see
this on the right side of
the TV monitor. After
video confrontation,
patients were asked to
describe and comment on
their BTT. The therapist
commented on the
performance and the
results. The patients were
asked to formulate their
own strategies to perform
better on tasks like
the BTT. The therapist
discussed possible
compensatory strategies
with the patients and gave
instructions on how to
use tactile discrimination
with the right hand to
find out where the left
edge on the tray was
and then systematically
place the buns from left
to right, upside down.
The therapist presented
the same compensatory
Appendix 3C

strategy in both video and

conventional groups.

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Tham 1997 Lines: The number of

(continued) marked lines (%) was
Test 3: Figure Copying
Task: The severity of
neglect was rated as
+ if objects on the left
side of the drawing
were omitted, as ++ if
the entire left side was
omitted, and as +++ if
some objects in the right
side were omitted.
Test 4: Line Bisection:

Patients were presented

with 15 lines in random
order, 5 lines for each
length of 25, 100, and
200 mm. Deviations from
the true midpoint were
measured to the nearest
millimeter, and a mean
error was calculated for
each patient across 15
Computer corresponded
to a preset target. To
encourage weight shifting,
the patients moved their
CoG and observed the
corresponding cursor
movement on the
computer screen.
Williams Total: 20 Patients had Between 3–16 wk Mean: 63.5 Gr1: Instructions in Gr2: 30 min on 2 Standard Gr1: 5 x/wk Follow-ups 1, 0, 0
1982208 Gr1: 10 a diagnosis of SD: 11.8 yr relaxation given with consecutive days customary care for 1 wk at 1 wk (end
Gr2: 10 hemiparesis or the first two EMG-BFB at beginning of program (no Gr2: 2 x/wk of treatment)
hemiplegia secondary treatments; 20–25 treatment week; details): 1 hr for 1 wk and 2 wk (end
to vascular disease, min of EMG-BFB on Jacobson method of given by various of treatment
were between 3–16 5 consecutive days; 2 relaxation taught in physiotherapists => after cross-
wk post stroke, had surface electrodes placed the sitting position in the over).
a painful shoulder over target muscles’ with involved department.
on hemiplegic side, upper tendinous area of upper extremity
had no previous latissimus dorsi and teres supported on
history of shoulder major; ground electrode a pillow; and a
pain prior to stroke, on acromion; and patient reflex-inhibiting
had ability to follow was encouraged to relax pattern (RIP) was
instructions and did to decrease electrical encouraged.
not show any signs activity of muscles.
of receptive aphasia,
could understand
English or French,
and were not taking
any medication to
reduce spasticity.
8 R; 12 L
Appendix 3C

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Wolf Total: 37 Patients who had Gr1: 2.2 yr Gr1: 51.2 Gr1–3: All but one of Gr4: Control: All patients 2–3 sessions/ N/A 0, 0, 1
1983a209 Gr1: 6 sustained a CVA SD: 1.2 yr SD: 13.7 these patients received 60 Without had undergone wk around 3
Gr2: 6 at least 1 yr before EMG-BFB sessions. The intervening previous rehab months
Gr3: 6 their participation, Gr2: 2.2 yr Gr2: 55.0 remaining patient elected treatment. (no defined
Gr4: 6 undergone previous SD: 1.2 yr SD: 12.4 to discontinue after 40 Gr5: EMG-BFB number of
Gr5: 16 rehab, and who did treatments. EMG-BFB treatment for the sessions)
Gr6: 8 not have receptive Gr3: 2.4 yr Gr3: 53.8 provided by Hyperion involved UE. LE
aphasia. SD: 1.2 yr SD: 13.8 4080 Biocoonditioner was also examined
Treated area: Lower or the Cyborg J53. for the generalizing
extremity Gr4: 2.6 yr Gr4: 57.2 Protocol: Feedback to effect of upper
SD: 2.2 yr SD: 11.9 relax hyperactive muscles extremity treatment
to recruiting weakened upon lower
Gr5: 4.1 yr Gr5: 56.1 antagonist muscles in a extremity activity
SD: 3.8 yr SD: 13.8 proximal (hip) to distal changes.

(ankle) manner. Initial Gr6: General

Gr6: 3.1 yr Gr6: 53.7 treatment in a supine relaxation group:
SD: 3.2 yr SD: 19.2 position with progression 20 relaxation
to sitting, standing, sessions: Patients
and finally, ambulatory were taught
activities. autogenic phases
Examination at 3 months. and underwent
procedures for
specific muscle
groups while
receiving audio
BFB proportional
to activity from the
target muscles.
Examination at 2
Wolf Total: 31 Patients who had Gr1: 3.8 yr Gr1: 55.3 Gr1: Experimental group: Gr2: Control N/A 6 months Examinations 0, 0, 1
1983b210 Gr1: 22 sustained a CVA at SD: 3.6 yr SD: 14.8 Patients were trained group: No rehab at 3, 5, or
Gr2: 9 least 1 yr before this in 45 to 60 sessions to treatment. 8 months
study, who had no Gr2: 2.4 yr GR2: 55.9 relax specific hyperactive (approximately
previous EMG-BFB SD: 1.6 yr SD: 10.9 muscles through the 6 months)
training, and no provision of audio
evidence of receptive and visual EMG-BFB
aphasia. detected with surface
electrodes (attempts
to recruit weakened
antagonist muscles).
Patients received
feedback from spastic
muscles to reinforce
previous training directed
toward their inhibition.
Biofeedback proceeded
in a proximal to distal
direction with each
patient progressing from
isolated joint movements
to manipulative efforts
requiring voluntary
stabilization of proximal
Appendix 3C

APPENDIX 3C. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author and Sample (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Wolf Total: 16 Patients who Gr1: Gr1: 63.88 Gr1: EMG-BFB group: Gr2: Non-feedback N/A 25 min/ N/A 1, 0, 1
1994211 Gr1: 8 had hemiplegia 32.63 months SD: 10.88 Uptraining of the triceps group: Same task session, 2–4
Gr2: 8 secondary to a CVA, SD: 16.37 months muscle during the elbow performance and sessions/wk
a time since onset Gr2: 62.00 extension task, using progression, except for a total of
of 1 yr or longer, an Gr2: SD: 14.39 one EMG channel of that EMG-BFB 10 sessions
involved extremity in 65.50 months the Bioprompt program. was not used (the
Brunnström stage 3 SD: 39.54 months Patients were encouraged monitor was turned
or 4 for longer than to increase the output of off and the program
6 months since the the triceps muscle based was not engaged).
patient’s most recent on the visual and auditory
session of PT or OT feedback provided by the
for UE, an absence computer. The patients
of receptive aphasia, worked to increase the
visual fields deficits ROM of elbow extension

and proprioceptive within the context of a

deficits in the task. Patients progressed
involved elbow, and in subsequent sessions
an ability to obtain at to tasks of greater
least 60º of passive difficulties based on
shoulder flexion and ability to complete the
abduction. task. Regardless of ability,
Hemiplegia: all patients advanced to
Gr1: 3 R; 5 L the task of next highest
Gr2: 5 R; 3 L difficulty after three

Note: CoG = center of gravity; CVA = cardiovascular accident; EMG-BFB: electromyographic biofeedback; FES = functional electrial stimulation; Gr = group; L = left; LE = lower extremity; N/A = not available; N/M = not
measured; OT = occupational therapy; PFST = positional feedback stimulation training; PNF = proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; PT = physical therapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R =
right; ROM = range of motion; UEFT = upper extremity function test; UE = upper extremity; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 3D. Characteristics of Included Studies for Gait Training

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Ada Total: 27 First stroke between 6 Gr1: 28 months Gr1: 66 Gr1: 30 min of Gr2: Home exercise N/A 3 x/wk for Follow- 2, 1, 1
2003248 Gr1: 13 months and 5 yr previous SD: 17 months SD: 11 treadmill walking and program to carry 4 wk up at 4
Gr2: 14 to inclusion; hemiparesis; overground walking out 3 x/wk for months
between 50 and 80 yr of Gr2: 26 months Gr2: 66 with the proportion 4 wk, exercises
age; walking 10 meters SD: 20 months SD: 11 of treadmill walking to lengthen and
independently with a decreasing by 10% strengthen lower-
speed of less than 1.2 each wk, starting at limb muscles as
m/s. 80% in wk 1 and well as to train
Hemiplegia: decreasing to 50% in balance and
Gr1: 8 R; 5 L wk 4. coordination.
Gr2: 6 R; 8 L

Barbeau Total: 79 Admitted to the Jewish Gr1: 68.1 days Gr1: 66.5 Gr1: Treadmill Gr2: Treadmill Both groups: 4 x/wk for Follow- 2, 0, 1
2003249 Gr1: 43 Rehab Hospital, Laval, SD: 26.5 days SD: 12.8 training while a % training without Maximum of 3 trials, 6 wk up at 3
Gr2: 36 QC, between Oct. ’92 of their body weight BWS, harness was not more than 20 months
and Jan. ’95 for physical Gr2: 78.4 days Gr2: 66.7 was supported by an worn for security. min, walking on
rehab after stroke. SD: 30 days SD: 10.01 overhead harness, the treadmill was
Hemiplegia: up to 40% BWS initiated at 0.0 km/
Gr1: 20 R; 30 L at the beginning hr and increased by
Gr2: 29 R; 21 L and progressively increments of 0.15
decreased. km/hr.
Appendix 3D

APPENDIX 3D. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Bogataj Total: 20 Inclusion: Patients who Gr1: 116 days Gr1: 53.4 Gr2: Multichannel Gr1: Physical N/A 5 x/wk for End of 1, 0, 0
1995250 Gr1: 10 met the following criteria: SD: 66 SD: 11.5 FES to the peroneal therapy for 1 to 2 3 wk treatment
Gr2: 10 had cardiovascular nerve (dorsiflexors), hr a day involved
capacity sufficient to Gr2: 104 days Gr2: 59.1 plantar flexors, a passive approach
sustain therapy without SD: 62 SD: 9.0 hamstrings, that focused on
harm; could stand quadriceps femoris, preserving the
independently or with gluteus maximus, and ROM of the joints
therapist’s assistance triceps brachii (for and sensory
(required substantial reciprocal arm swing). input through
weightbearing support Treatments lasted 30 modalities such as
of one or two therapists); min to 1 hr; pulse icing, heating, and
had sustained perceptual frequency at 30 Hz brushing; active
and intellectual abilities lasting 200 µs. methods facilitated
post CVA; and had functional

sufficient functional movement and

response to stimulation. proprioceptive
Hemiplegia: neuromuscular
Gr1: 8 R; 2 L facilitation and used
Gr2: 1 R; 9 L BFB exercises.
Area treated: Lower
Burridge Total: 32 Stroke causing a Gr1: 3.58 yr Gr1: 52.25 Gr1: Experimental. Gr2: Control. Both groups Two End of 2, 0, 1
1997251 Gr1: 16 hemiplegia of at least SD: SD: 14.25 Odstock Dropped Concurrent received ten 1-hr treatments/wk treatment;
Gr2: 16 6 months duration; 7.17 months Foot stimulator (FES) treatment only physiotherapy for 4–5 wk follow-up
single drop foot; Gr2: 61.25 to the tibialis anterior sessions during at 8–9 wk
sufficient dorsiflexion Gr2: 4.92 yr SD: 8.5 muscle and common the first month of
of the ankle; no mental SD: peroneal nerve treatment. Time
impairment; no other 9.83 months proximal to head of was spent on arm
medical conditions that fibula. Duration of posture, trunk
impaired walking; no treatment was not control, balance, and
hypersensitivity to the reported. functional activities.
sensation of stimulation;
and who could stand
unsupported, walk
10 meters (walking
aids permitted but not
another person), stand
from sitting without
help, and walk 50 meters
independently prior to
Gr1: 9 R; 7 L
Gr2: 8 R; 8 L
Appendix 3D

APPENDIX 3D. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Cozean Total: 36 Inclusion: Medically Number of Gr1: 62 Gr2: BFB. Gr1: PROM and Rehabilitation 3 treatments/ End of 1, 1, 1
198851 Gr1: 8 stable patients referred patients with Gr2: 51 Electromyographic AROM for all major program wk for 6 wk treatment
Gr2: 8 to the center for rehab less than 1 year Gr3: 52 signals were recorded joints and muscle
Gr3: 8 following a CVA, and post-CVA Gr4: 56 with surface groups of both legs
Gr4: 8 who had cognitive electrodes over the in a 30-min session.
ability to cooperate, Gr1: 5 muscle belly. Patient Gr3: Electrical
give informed consent, Gr2: 4 was asked to produce stimulation of the
and physical ability to Gr3: 4 a 30-s maximal tibialis anterior
ambulate a short distance Gr4: 3 contraction followed during swing phase
with the assistance of a by a 1-min rest in a and gastrocnemius
single therapist. 30-min session. during stance phase
Hemiplegia: of gait cycle in a
Gr1: 5 R;3 L 30-min session.
Gr2: 6 R; 2 L Gr4: 15-min

Gr3: 4 R; 4 L treatment with

Gr4: 3 R; 5 L BFB and 15-min
treatment with
FES for the first 2
wk. For the next
4 wk, 5 min of
FES and 30 min of
independent use.

da Cunha Total: 12 Patients who had had Time since Gr1: 59.67 Gr2: Body-supported Gr1: Only Concurrent 5 days/wk for None 2, 0, 1
Filho Gr1: 6 a recent stroke (< 6 stroke onset SD: 13.58 treadmill training concurrent treatment (1 hr 2–3 wk
2001252 Gr2: 6 wk ago) secondary (instead of the 20- treatment each):
to CVA based on Gr1: 14.33 Gr2: 57.83 min gait training the PT: Strengthening,
clinical presentation days SD: 5.56 control group received function mobility
(hemiparesis) or MRI; SD: 6.06 during concurrent activities (including
and who displayed a gait treatment). Training gait training).
speed ≤36 m/min and Gr2: 15.67 started with support Kinesiotherapy: To
a score of 0–2 on FAC days of up to 30% of body increase strength and
scale. SD: 7.66 weight, progressively endurance.
Hemiplegia: decreased as patient OT: ADL training.
Gr1: 4 R; 4 L became more capable
Gr2: 2 R; 5 L of more self-support.
da Cunha Total: 13 Recent stroke; significant N/A Gr1: 58.9 Gr1: Regular rehab: Gr2: STAT N/A 5 x/wk, until N/A 2, 0, 1
2002253 Gr1: 7 gait deficit as evidenced SD: 12.9 Daily sessions of (supported discharge
Gr2: 6 by a gait speed of 36 physical therapy, treadmill (average of 3
m/min or less and a score Gr2: 57.8 kinesiotherapy, and ambulation wk)
of 0, 1, or 2 on the FAC SD: 5.5 OT, 3 hr/day, 1 hr/day training) same as
scale; sufficient cognition; Gr1 but the gait
ability to stand with or training was done
without assistance; and on a treadmill
stable medical condition. with an overhead
Hemiplegia: harness. Training
Gr1: 4 R; 3 L started with
Gr2: 5L and 1 brainstem support up to 30%
of body weight
support and was
gradually decreased
aiming for zero
BWS. Subjects were
trained daily for 20

Kosak Total: 55 No prior stroke; Gr1: 39 days Gr1: 74 Gr1: Patient asked Gr2: Hemibar and Concurrent 45 min/day a N/A 1, 0, 1
2000254 Gr1: 21 independent with SD: 14.07 days SD: 9.38 to bear as much KAFO if necessary treatment: Physio plus 45 min of
Gr2: 34 ambulation before of own weight as (least restrictive that was functionally physiotherapy,
current stroke; no active Gr2: 40 days Gr2: 70 possible. Affected brace needed). oriented and 5 days/wk for
angina pectoris or SD: 23.32 days SD: 11.66 ankle wrapped with Therapist prevented incorporated a ~2 wk
orthostatic hypotension; elastic bandage into patient’s pelvis variety of motor
no neurologic or mild dorsiflexion from shifting away facilitation and
orthopedic disorder that position to avoid toe from the bar. Once motor control
might preclude normal drag if needed. Patient patient was able techniques, often
walking; FIM walking walked until fatigued; to walk 3.7 to including bracing
subscore of 3 or less; and speed increased and 7.6 meters at the and walking assistive
hemiparesis of the lower BWS decreased as hemibar, device devices.
extremity and whose tolerated. Therapist was changed
iliopsoas strength is provided assistance for hemiwalker/
graded as 3 or less on the with weight shifting, quadruped cane.
Medical Research Council leg advancement, and
scale (0–5). foot placement.
Gr1: 8 R; 12 L
Bilateral: 2
Gr2: 12 R; 16 L
Bilateral: 6
Appendix 3D

APPENDIX 3D. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Kwakkel Total: 89 Inclusion: Patients who Time since Gr1: 69.0 Gr1: Upper extremity Gr3: Gr1&2: 15 min/day 5 x/wk for Follow-up 2, 0, 1
1999164 Gr1: 29 met the following criteria: stroke onset SD: 9.8 training: Functional Immobilization leg rehab; 20 wk at 6 wk
Gr2: 26 had stroke diagnosis Gr1: 7.2 days exercises that of affected upper 15 min/day
Gr3: 34 (WHO definition); had SD: 2.8 days Gr2: 64.5 facilitated forced-arm extremity and upper extremity
primary first-ever stroke SD: 9.7 and hand activity lower extremity rehabilitation;
in the territory of the Gr2: 7.0 days such as leaning, by inflatable splint 1.5 hr/wk ADL
middle cerebral artery as SD: 2.5 days Gr3: 64.1 punching a ball, and applied with the training
revealed by CT scan or SD: 15.0 grasping and moving patient supine for
MRI; are 30–80 yr old; Gr3: 7.5 days objects. 30 min.
have impaired motor SD: 2.9 days Gr2: Lower
function of the arm and extremity training:
leg; have no complicating sitting, standing,
medical history; have weightbearing
no severe deficits in exercises while

communication, memory, standing and walking,

or understanding; gave with emphasis on
written/spoken informed achieving stability
consent; are motivated to and improving gait
participate in the research velocity. Treadmill
project. training where
Hemiplegia: equipment available.
Gr1: 16 R; 17 L Gr1 and 2 training
Gr2: 13 R; 18 L was applied by OT/PT
Gr3: 13 R; 24 L for 30 min.
Kwakkel Total: 101 Inclusion: Primary, Time since Gr1: 69.0 Gr1 Upper Gr3 (Control): Gr1, Gr2, & Gr3: 15 30 min/day, Follow-up 1, 0, 1
2002165 Gr1: 33 first-ever stroke in the onset (days) SD: 9.8 extremity: Focused Immobilization of min lower extremity 5 days/wk for at 3 and 6
Gr1: 31 territory of the middle Gr1: 7.5 on improvement in the affected upper rehabilitation; 15 20 wk months
Gr3: 37 cerebral artery as shown SD: 2.9 days Gr2: 64.5 disabilities involving extremity and lower min upper extremity
by CT or MRI; between SD: 9.7 the affected upper extremity by means rehabilitation; and
30–80 yr of age; had an Gr2: 7.2 extremity (grasping, of an inflatable 1.5 hr/wk ADL
impaired motor function SD: 2.8 days Gr3: 64.1 reaching, leaning, or pressure splint. training.
of upper as well as lower SD: 15.0 dressing).
limbs; unable to walk at Gr3: 7.0 Gr2 Lower extremity:
first assessment; had no SD: 2.5 days Focused on functional
complicating medical recovery of balance
history such as cardiac, (sitting or standing
pulmonary, or other balance), transfers
neurological disorders; (such as turning
had no severe deficits in over), and gait
communication, memory, (performance &
or understanding. climbing stairs).
Gr1: 16 R; 17 L
Gr2: 13 R; 18 L
Gr3: 13 R; 24 L
Appendix 3D

APPENDIX 3D. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Laufer Total: 25 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: 35.8 days Gr1: 69.3 Gr2: Ambulating on a Gr1: Ambulation Concurrent Training 5 N/A 0, 0, 1
2001255 Gr1: 12 who met the following SD: 17.3 days SD: 8.1 treadmill adjusted to on floor surface at treatment: PT once x/wk for 3 wk.
Gr2: 13 conditions: had first Gr2: 32.6 days patient’s comfortable comfortable speed a day, 5 x/wk based Total walking
supratentorial strokes SD: 21.2 days Gr2: 66.6 walking speed. using walking aids; on Bobath approach; time: 4 min/
in ant brain circulation SD: 7.2 Training 5 x/wk. assistance and OT and speech day for first
as evidenced by CT; Same walking time as resting periods as therapy if needed. wk, 6 min/day
had no additional control group. needed. for 2nd wk,
neurological and/or 8 min/day for
orthopedic deficiencies 3rd wk.
impairing ambulation;
no cardiac/respiratory/
medical condition that
could interfere with
protocol; and no severe

impairment that could
hamper understanding
simple instructions; had
onset of stroke no more
than 90 days prior to
beginning of study; and
could walk on treadmill
at speed of at least 0.2
km/hr with minimal to
moderate assistance for 2
min without rest.
Gr1: 5 R; 7 L
Gr2: 5 R; 8 L
Macdonell Total: 38 Patients likely to remain Gr1: 25 days Gr1: 65 Gr1: FES and Gr2: Control: No Both groups received CES: 5 days/ 4 wk post 1, 0, 0
1994256 Gr1: 20 as inpatients for the SD: 6.5 days SD: 9 Cyclical Electrical FES-CES a self-exercise wk for 4 wk; treatment,
Gr2: 18 duration of the study (4 Stimulation (CES): program 5 days/wk, FES: 3 days/ 8 wk from
wk). Gr2: 26 days Gr2: 68 Patients received CES and exercise or wk for 4 wk; baseline
Location of hemiplegia SD: 6.5 days SD: 9 5 days/wk for 20-min functional activities Self-exercise
was NR. sessions and FES 3 3 days/wk for program: 5
Treated area: Lower x/wk for 20 min to 20-min sessions. days/wk for
affected extremity the peroneal nerve at Passive, active, 4 wk;
the knee to produce and active-assisted Functional
dorsiflexion of the exercises and activities: 3
ankle in the affected functional activities days/wk for
leg. FES was given were performed. 4 wk
at a frequency of
30–50 Hz and pulse
duration of 0.3 ms,
whereby the intensity
was adjusted to the
patient’s tolerance.

Montoya Total: 14 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: Less than Gr1: 64.0 Gr1: BFB. Initial 6-m Gr2: Control. Standard rehab 2 sessions/wk End of 1, 0, 0
1994206 Gr1: 9 who met the following 6 months SD: 2.75 walk with locomotor. Patients followed program and walk for 4 wk treatment
Gr2: 5 criteria: had first stroke; Gr2: Less than Patients were told the same standard sessions
whose stroke occurred 6 months Gr2: 60.0 to secure the best rehab program
less than 6 months SD: 2.25 walking performance. and walk sessions
before the beginning Five 6-m walks with but without BFB.
of the experimental BFB. The imposed Session lasted 45
protocol; had motor right and left step min.
ability allowing 50-m lengths were the
walking without any initial step-length
help; and had absence measures in the initial
of understanding 6-m walk. To correct
problems, biomechanical asymmetry, 10 walks
malfunction of the with the BFB where
legs, hemianopsia, or the imposed right and
unilateral neglect. left step lengths were
identical. A last 6-m
walk with locomotor
analysis to evaluate
short-term gain of
step-cycle parameters.
Session lasted 45 min.
Appendix 3D

APPENDIX 3D. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Morris Total: 26 Inclusion: Patients who Gr1: 79.0 days Gr1: 64.2 Gr2: Phase 1: Gr1: Control. Physiotherapy 5 sessions/wk Follow-up 1, 0, 1
199216 Gr1: 13 had suffered a CVA up SD: 41 days SD: 10.3 Electrogoniometric Standard PT based for 4 wk at end of
Gr2: 13 to 4 months previously; feedback during 4 on the Motor treatment
were medically stable; Gr2: 45.0 days Gr2: 64.4 wk. EMG-BFB during Relearning Program; (4 wk)
could provide informed SD: 23 days SD: 11.0 standing and gait approximately 30-
consent and demonstrate training. When the min sessions.
ability to safely walk 10 patient hyperextended
m four times without aids the knee, the
or orthoses. auditory signal was
Hemiplegia: activated. A fixed high
Gr1: 8 R; 6 L frequency warning
Gr2: 5 R; 8 L signal sounded when
knee flexion exceeded
75° to discourage

over compensation
with excessive
knee flexion.
Approximately 30-
min sessions.

Nilsson Total: 60 Inclusion: Patients who Gr1: 22 days Gr1: 54 Gr1: Walking training Gr2: Standard gait Concurrent PT: 30 min/day of Follow- 2, 0, 1
2001257 Gr1: 28 met the following criteria: Gr2: 17 days Gr2: 56 on treadmill with training. Approach Transfers, ROM treatment plus up at 10
Gr2: 32 were <70 yr, had first BWS. 2 therapists according to a exercises, techniques 30 min/day of months
stroke with residual assisted patient’s leg motor relearning to improve motor PT, 5 x/wk for
hemiparesis, and were and trunk movement. program for function in paretic approximately
within 8 wk of stroke BWS gradually stroke by Carr and side. 10 wk
onset. decreased and speed Shepherd.
Hemiplegia: increased as fast as
Gr1: 21 R; 11 L possible (adjusted to
Brainstem: 4 the improvement).
Gr2: 18 R; 14 L
Brainstem: 5
Pohl Total: 60 Inclusion: Patients who Gr1: 16.10 wk Gr1: 61.6 Gr2: 30 min of Gr1: Had 45 min of Standard customary 3 x/wk for N/A 2, 0, 1
2002258 Gr1: 20 met the following criteria: SD: 18.5 wk SD: 10.6 limited progressive control gait training care in PT (not 4 wk
Gr2: 20 had hemiparesis caused treadmill training; using PNF and described)
Gr3: 20 by R or L supratentorial Gr2: 16.8 wk Gr2: 57.1 speed increased by Bobath concepts. 8 times for 45 min
ischemic stroke or SD: 20.5 wk SD: 13.9 no more than 5%
intracerebral hemorrhage; of maximum initial
had impaired gait; had Gr3: 16.2 wk Gr3: 58.2 walking speed each
hemiparesis lasting for SD: 16.4 wk SD: 10.5 wk.
>4 wk; had no or slight Gr3: 30 min of
spasticity (Ashworth speed-dependent
score 0 or 1); could treadmill training;
walk without personal maximum overground
assistance; and whose walking speed
time required to walk 10 was determined,
m >5 and <60 s. then halved for
Hemiplegia: 5-min warm-up
Gr1: 4 R; 16 L on treadmill; over
Gr2: 4 R; 16 L 1–2 min, belt speed
Gr3: 5 R; 15 L increased to highest
speed at which patient
could walk safely
(Vt1) and was held
for 10 s. Recovery
period —during
which patient’s pulse
returned to resting
level— occurred
before Vt2 phase,
which saw an increase
of 10% over Vt1.
Patient tried to hold
speed for 10 s then
had recovery time,
and so on until Vt5
(during each phase
speed increased by
10%). If speed was
not kept up for 10 s,
speed decreased by
10% in next phase.
Appendix 3D

APPENDIX 3D. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Schauer Total: 23 Inclusion: Patients who Gr1: 53 days Gr1: 59 Gr1: Practiced Gr2: Control: 20- Neurodevelopmental 5 days/wk, 20 N/A 2, 0, 1
2003259 Gr1: 11 suffered from stroke in Gr2: 67 days SD: 12 walking with music. min training session therapy (45 min/ min each day
Gr2: 12 the middle cerebral artery Music motor feedback each day: warming day)
distribution and could Gr2: 61 device: sensor insoles up and common Total: 15
execute at least task 7 SD: 12 that detect the exercises led by a sessions
but failed at task 11 or ground contact of the therapist (such as
higher of the Rivermead heels and portable slow walking with
Motor Assessment music player. Music support of parallel
(RMA), able to walk 20 was played at an bars and hand rails,
min without any assistive adjustable speed that stepping sideways
device, did not exhibit was estimated from and backwards,
any severe cognitive the time interval etc.).
or communication between 2 consecutive
impairment, no signs of heel strikes.

Parkinson’s disease or
Huntington’s disease,
and willing to walk with
Gr1: 4 R; 7 L
Gr2: 7 R; 5 L
Sullivan Total: 24 Inclusion: Patients who Gr1: Gr1: 70.9 Up to 40% body- Gr1: 0.5 mph N/A 4 x 5 min N/A 1, 0, 1
2002260 Gr1: 8 have unilateral stroke 22.51 months SD: 9.8 weight-support was walking/
Gr2: 8 within the middle SD: provided initially session; 12
Gr3: 8 cerebral artery or basilar 3.6 months Gr2: 66.5 & progressively sessions over
artery distribution SD: 13.9 decreased as the 4–5 wk
resulting in unilateral Gr2: 27.6 subject increased
hemiparesis, time months Gr3: 64.4 activity tolerance and
since stroke onset > 6 SD: 21.5 SD: 13.4 could maintain proper
months, living within months limb kinematics
the community, able throughout stance
to ambulate 10 m with Gr3: 27.2 & swing. Assistance
or without an assistive months of 1 therapist and
device and no more SD: 13.7 1 aide to provide
than standby physical months stability, assistance,
assistance, and walking and monitor posture/
speed reported to be weight shift/limb
slower than before stroke. position. Rest periods
Exclusion: Subjects allowed at any time;
were excluded if no orthosis.
they were receiving
any physical therapy, Gr2: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
had musculoskeletal mph
impairments that limited
full knee extension or Gr3: 2.0 mph
ankle plantarflexion to
neutral, and any other
neurologic condition
other than unilateral
Gr1: 3 R; 5 L
Gr2: 3 R; 5 L
Gr3: 2 R; 6 L
Appendix 3D
APPENDIX 3D. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group Concurrent therapy and duration duration R, B, W

Thaut Total: 20 Inclusion: Patients Gr1: 15.7 days Gr1: 72 Gr2: Rhythmic Gr1: Gait training Concurrent 2 sessions a N/A 1, 0, 1
1997261 Gr1: 10 within 3 wk post CVA SD: 4.0 days SD: 8.0 auditory stimulation for same amount treatment: day, 5 x/wk
Gr2: 10 who could complete 5 (RAS) using of time as PT based on for 6 wk
strides with hand-held Gr2: 16.1 days Gr2: 73 metronome or experimental group neurodevelopmental
assistance. SD: 4.0 days SD: 7.0 specially prepared and with equivalent treatment approach.
Hemiplegia: music tapes; 1–2 instructions but
Gr1: 5 R; 5 L min warm-up walk, without RAS.
Gr2: 5 R; 5 L matched rhythm
frequency for first
quarter of the session,
5%–10% rhythm
frequency increase
during second
and third quarter,

last quarter RAS

intermittently faded.

Visintin Total: 100 Inclusion criteria not Gr1: 68.1 days Gr1: 66.5 Gr1: Gait training Gr2: As Concurrent 4 x/wk for Follow- 2, 0, 1
1998262 Gr1: 50 mentioned. SD: 26.5 days yr on treadmill with experimental group treatment: PT to 6 wk, with up at 3
Gr2: 50 Exclusion: Patients who SD: 12.8 yr BWS up to 40% but with no BWS. maximize function. a maximum months
met the following criteria: Gr2: 78.4 days (progressively duration of
who had normal gait SD: 30.0 days Gr2: 66.7 decreased as walking 20 min per
pattern, severe cardiac yr ability improved). session
problem, or cerebellar/ SD: 10.1 yr Assistance for proper
bilateral/brainstem CVA; trunk alignment,
whose treadmill training weight shifting,
is contraindicated; who stepping, and limb
are unable to understand control. Speed
simple commands; who increased as walking
were readmitted during ability improved.
study period and not
ambulating before stroke;
whose anticipated length
of stay < 4 wk; and
who had onset CVA > 6
Stroke location:
Gr1: 20 R; 30 L
Gr2: 29 R; 21 L
Werner Total: 28 Inclusion: Subjects had Gr1: 4.2 54.7 yr Gr1: 30 treadmill Gr2: Received 15 Both groups Gr1: 30 Follow- 2, 0, 1
2002263 Gr1: 14 to be within 8 wk post months training sessions with treadmill training participated in treadmill up at 4
Gr2: 14 stroke and no more Range, 2.5–7.5 BWS (progressively sessions with BWS comprehensive training months
than 9 months after decreased as soon as with no additional rehab program session: 30
a first supratentorial Gr2: 5.1 possible to enable PT. for another 3 wk. min/session,
stroke; nonambulatory months full load of the lower After return to their 5 x/wk for a
(required continuous or Range, 2.5–8.2 limbs. 10 subjects homes they received total of 3 wk,
intermittent support); needed 5%–15% BWS outpatient PT and PT for 40
participation in a until the end). 2–3 x/wk. Patients min/session,
comprehensive 9 wk Added to single and family were 5 x/wk for
inpatient rehab program; session of instructed to practice a total of 30
able to understand physiotherapy: gait as much as sessions
simple instructions and gait preparatory possible. Gr2: 15
the meaning of the study; maneuvers in treadmill
no other orthopedic or sitting and standing sessions, each
neurological diseases following Bobath 30 min long
impairing mobility. principles and the for 3 wk
No exclusion criteria practice of gait on
were mentioned floor or on the stairs.
Gr1: 5 R; 9 L
Gr2: 7 R; 7 L

Yan Total: 41 Inclusion: First acute Gr1: 8.7 days Gr1: 68.2 Gr1: 2 dual-channel Gr2: Stimulation Standard rehab 60 Gr1: 30 min/ 5 wk 2, 0, 1
2005264 Gr1: 13 stroke, unilateral stroke SD: 5.8 days SD: 7.7 stimulation connected from electrical min day, 5 days/wk
Gr2: 15 within the corotid artery with a timer to form stimulation device PT based on NDT x 3 wk
Gr3: 13 system according to CT, Gr2: 10.1 days Gr2: 73.3 one stimulating with disconnected and OT focused on
aged 45 to 85 yr old, SD: 2.8 days SD: 8.1 unit for FES. circuit. ADL x 5 wk. Gr2: 60 min/
independent in daily Surface electrodes Gr3: Standard day, 5 days/wk
activities before stroke. Gr3: 9.1 days Gr3: were applied rehab, 60 min x 3 wk
SD: 3.5 days 70.4 yr on quadriceps, physiotherapy
SD: 7.6 yr hamstrings, tibialis based on NDT and
anterior and medial OT focused on ADL
gastrocnemius; x 5 wk.
0.3-ms pulses at 30
HZ, max tolerance
intensity using an
activation sequence
that mimicked normal
gait; treated 3 days
after being transferred
from acute hospital.
Appendix 3D

Note: ADL = activity of daily living; AROM = active range of motion; BFB = biofeedback; BWS = body weight support; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; EMG = electromyographic; FAC = functional ambulatory category; FES
= functional electrical stimulation, Gr = group; KAFO = knee-ankle-foot orthosis; N/A = not available; NDT = neurodevelopmental therapy; NR = not reported; OT = occupational therapy; PNF = proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation; PROM = passive range of motion; PT = physiotherapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 3E. Characteristics of Included Studies for Balance Training

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Aruin Total: 16 Ability to stand and 18.0 days 65.34 Gr1: Feedback information on Gr2: Standard Gr1&2: 10 days, 2 N/A 1, 0, 0
2003284 Gr1: 8 walk up to 4.5–6 m SD: 1.8 days SD: 3.4 base of support as an adjunct customary gait Standard x/day for 25
Gr2: 8 with assistance of to conventional gait therapy. training (pregait customary gait min each
physical therapist Device: 2 sensors that were training focused training time
and ability to strapped to the subject’s lower on weight shifting,
understand and extremities below the knees stepping, trunk
follow verbal and next to tibial tuberosity stabilization, and
instructions. with Velcro tape and a main facilitation of
unit that provides distinct muscle in the lower
signals (tone of 500 Hz) every extremity), followed
time the distance between the 2 by 3–4 ambulations
sensors is less than previously that did not exceed
established threshold. 15–18 m with rest
periods of 2–3 min in


Chen Total: 41 Ambulatory stroke Gr1: Gr1: 58.7 Gr1: Visual feedback balance Gr2: Control group: Gr1&2: 20 min/day, 6 months 1, 0, 0
2002285 Gr1: 23 patients admitted 3.00 months SD: 0.19 training with the Smart Idem to concurrent Standard 5 days/wk for
Gr2: 18 to the rehab ward. Gr2: Balance Master. Encouraged to treatment. customary care: 2 wk
Hemiplegia: 3.78 months Gr2: 5.33 maintain their posture steadily PT and OT
Gr1: 13 R; 10 L SD: 1.78 and to maintain symmetric programs.
Gr2: 7 R; 11 L weight bearing while adapting
to different static sensory
conditions through verbal or
tactile cues. Dynamic function
training: Practice controlling
their weight shifts by tracing
the moving targets on the
screen in every main direction
while the limits of stability
condition was set at 50%.
Cheng Total: 54 Medically stable; Gr1: Gr1: 63.1 Gr2: Training group: Standing Gr1: Control group: Gr1 & Gr2: 3-wk Follow- 1, 0, 1
2001286 Gr1: 24 could adequately 2.9 months SD: 7.8 postural symmetry and Standard stroke Standard program up at 6
Gr2: 30 comprehend SD: repetitive sit-to-stand training rehab program customary care months
our instructions; 1.2 months Gr2: 62.3 through use of a standing (neuromuscular
could stand up SD: 8.0 BFB trainer. Patients stood in facilitation
independently Gr2: front of the table with their techniques, functional
and walk with or 2.8 months feet on the force platform and electric stimulation,
without a cane. SD: their paretic hand fixed by an mat exercises, and
Hemiplegia: 1.4 months elastic bandage to the handle other therapeutic
Gr1: 13 R; 11 L of a weight loaded box and exercises).
Gr2: 13 R; 17 L they pushed and pulled the
box. They were instructed to
maintain a symmetric upright
posture according to the
trainer’s visual and auditory
signals. After a 15-min rest,
patients performed a sit-to-
stand movement.

Engardt Total: 30 Inclusion: Able to 1 wk to 3 Gr1: 67 Gr1: BFB group: The patient Gr2: Control group: Gr1&2: 15 min/ 33 months 1, 0, 1
1994287 Gr1: 16 understand and months SD: 6.05 sat in a standardized position Training program Individual session
Gr2: 14 follow instructions, on an adjustable armless of rising and sitting standard 3 sessions/
have adequate Gr2: 65 chair with a back support. down with vertical customary care day
hearing, and SD: 8.46 The patient placed one foot ground reaction force 5 days/wk
able to stand up firmly on each platform right without BFB. for 6 wk
independently. above the strain gauge force treatment
Exclusion: Normal transducers. The patient was duration
motor function instructed to stand-up, to
in the lower stand for 1 min and to sit
extremities; stood down again. The patients
up with ataxia or supported by the auditory BFB
who had severe signal received knowledge
cognitive deficits of performance immediately
Hemiplegia: when the load of the paretic leg
Gr1: 6 R; 10 L reached the preset body-weight
Gr2: 8 R; 6 L distribution.
Appendix 3E

APPENDIX 3E. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Geiger Total: 13 Hemiplegia as a Gr1: Gr1: 61.8 Gr1: EMG-BFB group: The Gr2: PT interventions Gr1&2: 4-wk N/A 2, 0, 1
2001288 Gr1: 7 result of stroke; 99.9 days SD: 16.9 training session begins with a to improve muscle Received the treatment
Gr2: 6 able to maintain a SD: warm-up period, a period of force, ROM, balance, same physical
stationary standing 96.0 days Gr2: 58.7 stationary standing with eyes and mobility. These therapy
position with SD: 14.8 open and eyes closed. The interventions include intervention
or without an Gr2: subjects were instructed to mat activities,
assistive device for 133.8 days maintain or shift their weight, stretching and
a minimum of 2 SD: as appropriate, to make the strengthening,
consecutive min 203.4 days representation of their center weight-bearing
without manual of gravity reach the target(s) or shifting and
assistance; and presented visually. Emphasis standing lower-
able to follow was placed on anterior, extremity exercise
instructions. posterior, lateral, and diagonal in parallel bars, and
Hemiplegia: weight shifts to the subjects’ balance activities.

Gr1: 2 R; 5 L affected side as well as weight Interventions were

Gr2: 3 R; 3 L shifting sequentially to the individualized
targets. for each subjects
based on his-her
impairments. 50-min
Grant Total: 16 Inclusion: Patients 33 days 65 Gr1: Visual feedback balance Gr2: Standard Gr1&2: Gr1 & Gr2: Follow-up 2, 0, 1
1997289 Gr1: 8 who can follow SD: 5 days SD: 3 training on the Balance customary balance Standard 30-min at 4 wk
Gr2: 8 directions (scores post-stroke Master. Standing with each training. Based on customary balance
>21 points on the foot on a force platform activity. Progression: physiotherapy. training
Modified Folstein (23 x 46 cm) and shifting Symmetrical weight Details: N/A (either
Mini-Mental State) a cursor representing the distribution, weight standard or
and who have center of gravity (CoG) shifting, reaching, experimental)
no neurological, within the theoretical limit and performing per day for
vestibular, or of stability (LoS). Goal: To functional activities 19 sessions;
orthopedic problem attain symmetrical weight that challenged 5 days/wk
that could affect distribution, shifting the CoG balance. Tasks as inpatient
balance. toward the perimeter of the became more (3 wk
Hemiplegia: NR LoS, and stabilizing the CoG difficult: changing minimum)
position within predefined base of support (BoS), and 2
targets spatially oriented within increasing the speed days/wk as
the LoS. Progression: Reaching, of performance, outpatient
stepping in place, having or altering visual (maximum 8
targets placed close to the LoS, input. Functional wk)
and increasing the required balance activities
speed of weight shifts. included locomotion
with an altered BoS
and stepping over

Hocherman Total: 24 Inclusion: Patients N/A N/A Gr1: Platform training. Each Gr2: Control. Gr1&2: 15 sessions None 1, 0, 1
1984290 M/F who suffered a session comprised two 5-min No training on Standard over 3 wk
Gr1: 7/6 CVA in the anterior sessions. In the first 5 min, the platform and customary
Gr2: 6/5 cerebral circulation patients stood parallel to the concurrent treatment physical
10–21 days before movement axis; in the second, only. therapy
entry to the study, they stood perpendicular to the Details: N/R
can stand on the movement axis.
platform for a 2- Apparatus was a 60 x 60 cm
min period with the platform that could move back
platform moving and forth along a horizontal
back and forth, and line. Movement velocity
have appropriate profile was sinusoidal, and the
judgment. frequency was 0.5 Hz. Peak-to-
Exclusion: peak amplitude was adjustable
Completely flaccid within a range of 1–16 cm.
or spastic patients.
Gr1: 5 R; 8 L
Appendix 3E

Gr2: 5 R; 6 L

APPENDIX 3E. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Mudie Total: 40 Subjects had Within 2–6 72.4 Gr1: Portable computer-like Gr3: Bobath-trained N/A All groups: N/A 2, 2, 1
2002119 Gr1: 10 suffered a recent wk SD: 9.01 BPM feedback console used to staff physiotherapists 2 wk;
Gr2: 10 stroke and provide awareness of weight focused on increasing one 30-min
Gr3: 10 consistently bore distribution during training trunk & pelvic session/day
Gr4: 10 majority of weight in sitting; subject required to ROM, normalizing
on one side. touch target with non paretic trunk muscle
hand at various heights and tone, maintaining
distances; subjects attempted to appropriate balance
return to symmetrical position responses during
after reaching. reaching, and
Gr2: Task-related reach improving the
training: tests extremes of subject’s ability
seated base of support. Subject to move in and
seated on plinth; grocery out of asymmetric

items of approximately 140% posture; verbal &

of upper extremity’s length manual facilitation
were retrieved with unaffected by therapist during
extremity and placed on seated reaching or
shelves at various heights & lying.
distances to allow reaching. Gr4: Control:
Standard customary
PT and OT.
Sackley Total: 26 Able to stand for 1 Gr1: 20.1 wk Gr1: 60.8 Gr1: Experimental training Gr2: The patients N/A 4-wk N/A 2, 0, 1
1997291 Gr1: 13 min and displayed SD: 15.8 wk SD: 12.3 from a therapist using practiced similar treatment
Gr2: 13 an abnormal stance EMG-BFB program of the activities to the
symmetry (outside Gr2: 18.8 wk Gr2: 67.9 Nottingham Balance Platform treatment group but
2 SD, allowing for SD: 19.3 wk SD: 9.2 (NBP). BFB signals displaying without the visual
age and gender). weight distribution and weight BFB of at least one
Hemiplegia: shift activity were continuously therapist. Therefore,
Gr1: 4 R; 9 L presented to the patient in the the targeting and
Gr2: 8 R; 5 L form of 2 vertical red columns. balancing column
Each column moved upwards exercise were
with an increase in weight on performed using
the corresponding foot. When the subjective
the columns were within 5% impressions of the
of each other, a red triangle patient and therapist.
appeared confirming that
stance symmetry had been

Walker Total: 46 Inpatient with Duration of Gr1: 65.4 Gr1: Visual EMG-BFB training: Gr2: Standard N/A 2 hr/day, 5 Follow- 2, 0, 1
2000292 Gr1: 16 hemiparesis disease: SD: 13.8 Use of the Balance Master customary care: days/wk until up at 1
Gr2: 16 secondary to a first Gr1: consisting of 2 force plates Extension of the discharge month
Gr3: 14 stroke, within 4 65.4 days Gr2: 62.4 positioned side by side. Tactile regular rehab
months of their SD: SD: 13.3 and verbal cues were provided program. Symmetrical
stroke; could stand 19.5 days as necessary to ensure proper weight distribution
unassisted 1 min; Gr3: 65.8 alignment and stability of the was encouraged
in need of balance Gr2: SD: 9.9 hips, knees, and trunk (erect through verbal and
training according 35.1 days posture with no observable tactile cues and was
to the judgment SD: leaning to one side). The task made more difficult
of their senior 22.3 days progressed through to the by the addition of
physical therapist. addition of an upper extremity arm activities or
Gr3: activity or introduction of actions requiring
Hemiplegia: 42.0 days trunk rotation. To increase trunk rotation. Use
Gr1: 7 R; 9 L SD: weight bearing on the affected of stool to increase
Gr2: 7 R; 9 L 13.4 days extremity, subjects were weight bearing on the
Gr3: 5 R; 9 L instructed to shift their weight affected side. Weight
until the bars on the computer shifting.
corresponded to a preset target. Gr3: Control:
Standard customary
PT program and no
additional balance
Appendix 3E

APPENDIX 3E. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Symptom (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details duration for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Winstein Total: 42 Inclusion: Time since Gr1: 53.8 Gr2: Standing feedback Gr1: Standard Concurrent Training: None 0, 0, 1
1989293 Gr1: 21 Patients who have stroke onset: SD: 3.2 training. Static standing customary standing treatment: 30–45 min/
Gr2: 21 been diagnosed Gr1: 6.3 wk progressed to stepping: 1) balance and weight- Physical day, 5 x/wk
with unilateral SD: 0.7 wk Gr2: 51.9 equal weight distribution, shifting training. therapy for 3–4 wk
hemiparesis; are SD: 3.4 2) sitting to standing with exercises
medically stable; Gr2: 7.7 wk equal weight distribution, (sitting balance,
have the potential SD: 1.0 wk 3) lateral weight shifting, coordination,
for functional 4) anteroposterior weight motor control,
locomotion with shifting with affected extremity strengthening);
rehab; show ability forward, and 5) stepping in functional
to stand without place. training
external support (transfers,
for at least 30 s; walking); and
and were to have at functional

least 3 wk inpatient electric muscle

stay. stimulation
Hemiplegia: when indicated.
Gr1: 9 R; 12 L 90 min/day, 5
Gr2: 6 R; 15 L x wk.

Note: ADL = activity of daily living; BFB = biofeedback; BPM = balance performance monitor; CVA = cerebral vascular accident; EMG-BFB = electromyography-biofeedback; F = female; Gr = group; L = left; M = male; N/A =
not available; N/R = not reported; OT = occupational therapy; PT = physical therapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 3F. Characteristics of Included Studies for Sensory Interventions

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and Year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Fanthome Total:18 Subjects were not Gr1: 1.0 months Gr1: 66.3 Gr1: Feedback group: The Gr2: Control: Did N/A 2 hr and 40 N/A 1, 0, 1
1995297 Gr1: 9 blind; under 80 SD: 0.7 months SD: 10.7 eye movement is detected not receive any min/wk for
Gr2: 9 yr old; had no with glasses connected treatment for their 4 wk at 40
history of dementia Gr2: 0.6 month Gr2: 71.1 to a feedback device that visual inattention min/day; 20
or psychiatric SD: 1.0 months SD: 7.6 delivered auditory signals or other perceptual min in the
problems; were in the form of a continual deficits for 4 wk. morning and
not too ill to be beep (if the subject did 20 min in
assessed; were not look left within a afternoon
right-handed; had a fixed interval [15 s]). Eye
score of more than movements were recorded
6 on Abbreviated while looking at slides: 1)
Mental Test; right Practice slide with 3 letter
hemisphere stroke; As; 2–3) With 6 letter
and scored <130 As; 4) Pictures from the
on Behavioral Western Aphasia Battery;
Inattention 5–6) Two short passages.
Test (BIT). Left Subject was instructed to
hemiplegic. count the number of As
Treated area: Eyes, and was asked questions
visual neglect about these slides.
Appendix 3F

APPENDIX 3F. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and Year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Feys Total: Inclusion: Diagnosis Gr1: 21.40 days Gr1: 65.62 Therapeutic intervention: Control group: Standard customary 30 min a Follow- 2, 0, 1
1998299 100 of ischemic SD: 5.94 days SD: 11.81 Patient was in a rocking Patient was in a care in rehab. session, 5 ups at 17
Gr1: 50 brain damage chair with the affected arm rocking chair with days/wk for wk and 43
Gr2: 50 or intracerebral Gr2: 24.02 days Gr2: 62.78 in inflatable splint. Rocking the arm rested 6 wk wk
hemorrhage; SD: 6.98 days SD: 12.03 movement performed. on a cushion
obvious motor on patient’s lap,
deficit of the no additional
upper extremity stimulation.
(Brunnstrom-Fugl- Placebo: Shortwave
Meyer score on diathermy.
the subscale of the
upper extremity
lower than 46);
ability to sit

independently or
with a minimum
of support; and
ability to perform
the experimental
Gr1: 22 R; 28 L
Gr2: 20 R; 30 L
Treated area: Upper

Feys Total: 62 A diagnosis of N/A Gr1: 62.34 Gr1: Patients were Gr2: Patients also Patients also 30 min/ Follow-up 1, 0, 1
2004298 Gr1: 33 ischemic brain SD: 11.33 positioned in a rocking positioned in a received standard treatment at 5 yr
Gr2: 29 damage or chair with the arm rocking chair; customary care once/day
intracerebral Gr2: 58.14 supported by an inflatable they received fake performed by same for 6 wk,
hemorrhage, an SD: 10.86 long-arm splint in a short-wave therapy therapists in both totaling 30
obvious motor position contrary to of the shoulder groups. sessions
deficit of the upper the typical pattern of during rocking.
extremity, and the spasticity. Patients were
ability to perform asked to perform rocking
the experimental movements, pushing with
treatment the affected arm.
Fiebert Total: 20 Had had a CVA 3 Between 3 wk Gr1: 71.9 Gr1: Passive vestibular Gr2: Control: No Standard customary Once a day N/A 0, 0, 1
1979300 Gr1: 10 wk to 6 months and 6 months SD: 7 training: Patients were vestibular training. care in rehab, for 2 wk
Gr2: 10 before study. strapped into a rotary chair, 1x/day for 2 wk:
Hemiparesis: Gr2: 71.2 but their heads were not ROM exercises, eye
Gr1: 5 R; 4 L SD: 6.5 secured. The chair was tracking, brushing
Bilateral: 1 rotated to the right, at a of the involved
Gr2: 5 R; 4 L velocity of 8 rotations in 20 extremities, and
Bilateral: 1 s. After 20 s of continued balance activities.
Treated area: rotation, the chair was
Vestibular system stopped abruptly. A rest
period of at least 20 s
followed. The chair was
than rotated to the left for 8
rotations in 20 s and once
again stopped abruptly.
Another rest period of 20 s

Jongbloed Total: 90 Admitted to the 40 days 71.32 Gr1: Sensory integrative Gr2: Functional Standard customary 40 min/day, NA 1, 2, 1
1989301 Gr1: 43 hospital within SD: 42 days SD: 9.07 approach approach: care (nursing, 5 days/wk for
Gr2: 47 12 wk after a first 1. Patient preparation: A) Emphasized medical, and PT) 8 wk
CVA; a weakness normalized tone (brushing, the practice of
in the UE + LE joint compression, neutral particular tasks
on one side of the warmth, vibration). B) (ADL: dressing,
body on admission; approximation to improve grooming, bathing,
were not admitted equal weight bearing and toileting, mobility,
to an extended trunk rotation activity. and homemaking).
care setting before 2. Treatment: 1) compensation,
the stroke; and A) provided sensory ex: taught one-
were not severely stimulation: patient had handed techniques
aphasic. to be actively involved and assistive
Hemiplegia: (bilateral activities, devices to ensure
44 R; 46 L activities with numbers independent
Treated area: or letters, cards, pick up function.
Upper and lower objects from different 2) adaptation:
extremities places). modification of
B) made activity environment.
meaningful, used cues, and A) participated
facilitated developmental in functional
sequence. activities to
increase function,
tolerance, and
Appendix 3F

B) splinting.

APPENDIX 3F. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and Year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Mazer Total: 86 Hemispheric stroke Gr1: 91.2 days Gr1: 65.5 Gr1: Received a visual Gr2: Received Concurrent 2–4x/wk for N/A 2, 1, 1
2003302 Gr1: 41 that occurred SD: 51.8 days SD: 11.4 information-processing visuoperceptual treatment: All 20 sessions
Gr2: 45 within the previous training program using the retraining with subjects from both
6 months, were Gr2: 66.7 days Gr2: 66.5 UFOV, a software program commercially groups received
licensed to drive SD: 28.2 days SD: 8.9 presented on a large available computer 4 sessions of
before the referent touch-screen computer software, such as physical training
stroke, had driven that measure 3 aspects of Tetris, Mastermind, on the Baltimore
in the 6 months visual attention: speed of Othello, and Therapeutic
before the stroke, visual processing, divided Jigs@w puzzle, Equipment
and had a desire to attention, and selected on the same large work simulator.
return to driving. attention. screen computer Simulation of
Hemiplegia: as the UFOV. They turning the steering
Gr1: 22 R; 25 L were selected so wheel and pressing
Gr2: 25 R; 25 L that they targeted the gas and brake

perceptual and pedals was provided

cognitive skills but to refine motor
not the elements skills and familiarize
of speed of visual with the adaptive
processing. equipment. 20
sessions, 30–60

Morioka Total: 26 Patients who Gr1: 65.4 days Gr1: 62.6 Gr1: Perceptual learning Gr2: Control Rehab program Gr1: N/A 2, 2, 1
2003303 Gr1: 12 were receiving SD: 18.6 days SD: 13.3 exercise: Exercises to group: No exercise. (PT that included Everyday for
Gr2: 14 hospital rehab and discriminate the hardness ordinary postural 10 days over
whose standing Gr2: 61.9 days Gr2: 61.3 of sponge rubber placed control exercises, 2 wk
maintenance SD: 20.8 days SD: 11.0 under the sole of the foot. such as maintenance
was becoming Three 30-cm² (5,10,15 of standing, shift of
independent. mm thickness) sponge the weight loads to
Hemiplegia: rubbers of identical shape the non-affected and
Gr1: 6 R; 6 L and material composition affected side of the
Gr2: 9 R; 5 L were placed under the sole foot on the health
of the foot. Subjects were meter, and OT).
in standing posture and
were blindfolded. They
were instructed to estimate
hardness of sponge.
Page Total: 16 Stroke onset 1.8 yr 63.2 Gr1: Tape-recorded Gr2: Listened to Both groups 4 wk N/A 2, 0, 1
2000304 Gr1: 8 between 1–3 yr. Range, 1–3 yr SD: 4 imagery intervention: 5 a 20-min tape received OT 3
Gr2: 8 Patients >55 yr of min of relaxation followed with instructions x/wk in 30-min
age. by 10 min of suggestions and information outpatient sessions
Right arm for external cognitive requiring the for 4 wk. Treatment
hemiparesis. visual images related to patient’s attention consisted of 40%
Treated area: using the affected arm and participation, neurodevelopmental
Affected arm in weight-bearing and provided techniques and
functional tasks that were with recorded 60% compensatory
being practiced during information on strategies using
OT sessions and finally 5 the causes and the ipsilateral,
min of refocusing into the pathology of unaffected
room. stroke. The course extremity.
of stroke and the
outcomes that they
could anticipate
from regular

Yekutiel Total: 39 2 or more yr after a 6.2 yr Gr1: 64 Gr1: Feedback group: 45- Gr2: Control: No N/A 45-min N/A 0, 0, 1
1993305 Gr1: 20 major stroke with SD: 4 yr SD: 9.25 min sessions, 3 sessions/wk treatment for any sessions, 3
Gr2: 19 persisting sensory Chronic for 6 wk. Identify the possible learning sessions/wk
deficit in the hand, Gr2: 67 number of touches or lines effect of repeating for 6 wk
no communication SD: 9.25 and of numbers and letters the sensory
problems or drawn on the arm and examination.
significant cognitive hand. Blindfolded “find
or emotional your (paretic) thumb.”
disturbance. Discrimination of shape,
Hemiplegia: weight, and texture of
Gr1: 10 R; 10 L objects or materials placed
Gr2: 9 R; 10 L in their hand. Passive
Treated area: Sound drawing: Patient is unable
and paretic arm, to see his hand. The
hand therapist held his hand and
a pencil and drew with it.
Patient had to identify the
figure drawn by choosing
from 4 figures on a card.
Difficulty increased as
proprioception improved.
They alternated between
functional and paretic
Appendix 3F


Note: ADL = activity of daily living; BIT = Behavioral Inattention Test; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; Gr = group; L = left; LE = lower extremity; N/A = not available; OT = occupational therapy; PT = physiotherapy; Quality
R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion; UE = upper extremity; UFOV = useful field of view.
APPENDIX 3G. Characteristics of Included Studies for Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy

Age, yr Session/
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Dromerick Total: 20 Inclusion: Admission to Equal or less Gr1: 61.5 Gr1: CIMT circuit training Gr2: Standard Gr1&Gr2: Treatment N/A 2, 0, 1
2000319 Gr1: 11 inpatient rehab within 14 than 14 days SD: 13.7 encouraged the use customary Routine Gr1 and Gr2:
Gr2: 9 days of ischemic stroke. of the hemiplegic arm OT treatment interdisciplinary 2 hr a day,
Persistent hemiparesis leading Gr2: 71.4 with a variety of UE and that included stroke rehab. 5 x/wk for
to impaired upper extremity SD: 5.3 functional tasks. Subjects compensatory 2 wk
function (score of 1 or 2 on wore padded mitten for at techniques
the motor arm item of the least 6 hr/day to discourage for ADL, UE
National Institute of Health them from using their strength, and
Stroke Scale). Evidence of unaffected hand outside ROM and
preserved cognitive function of therapy. OT treatment traditional
(0 or 1 on the consciousness, focused on ADLs and UE positioning.
communication, and neglect training. Patients also
items of the NIHSS). Presence participated in a
of a protective response circuit-training

(score of > or = to 3 on the program,

upper-arm item of the Motor allowing them to
Assessment Scale), and no perform bilateral
upper extremity injury or self-ROM and
condition that limited use functional
before the stroke. Exclusion: activities in
Hemorrhagic stroke. a supervised
Hemiplegia: setting.
Gr1: 8 R; 3 L
Gr2: 6 R; 3 L
Ploughman Total: 23 Inclusion: N/A Gr1: 57.8 Gr1: Wearing a thumbless Gr2: N/A N/A N/A 2, 0, 1
2004320 Gr1: 10 1) first ischemic or SD: 10.65 mitten that extended Conventional
Gr2: 13 hemorragic stroke, from the fingertips to just treatment
2) currently receiving Gr2: 61.62 below the elbow, on the involving
physical rehab at least 2x/wk SD: 5.68 uninvolved hand. The facilitation
as inpatient or outpatient, mitten discouraged use of proximal
3) no more than 16 wk of the uninvolved arm motor control
postroke, 4) motor control and hand but permitted progressing
of upper extremity not more bilateral activities and to skilled-task
than stage 6 on Chedoke- use of sound arm to training. Subjects
McMaster. stabilize when walking. also received
Hemiplegia: The protocol of wear was strength and
Gr1: 4 L; 6 R progressive, beginning with endurance
Gr2: 9 L; 4 R 1 hr/day and increasing to training,
6 hr/day by wk 2 of rehab functional
and continuing at that level electric
for the remaining rehab stimulation, gait
period. training, and
education, as

Sterr Total: 15 Capability of extending the 4.8 yr Gr1: 49.9 Gr1: CIMT standard Gr2: Same as N/A 5x/wk for Follow- 1, 0, 1
2002321 Gr1: 7 affected hand against gravity SD: 4.7 yr SD: 18.5 protocol with constraint Gr1 except that 2 wk ups at 3,
Gr2: 8 (wrist: 20º; fingers: 10º); of the unaffected arm the shaping 4, 5, and
minimal balance problems; Gr2: 68.4 for a target of 90% of procedure was 3 6 wk
only minor spasticity of the SD: 7.0 waking hr and 6 hr of hr/day.
affected hand; no receptive daily training by using a
aphasia; Mini-Mental State shaping procedure. Every
Examination score > 20; and weekday during 2 wk.
post-stroke interval > 12 On the weekend, only the
months. constraint was worn and
Hemiplegia: no training was provided.
Gr1: 1 R; 6 L 2 types of constraints were
Gr2: 3 R; 5 L used: Resting hand splint
and arm sling together (for
patients without balance
problem) or a specially
designed half glove (for
patients with balance
Appendix 3G

APPENDIX 3G. Continued

Age, yr Session/
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

van der Lee Total: 62 Single stroke at least 1 yr Gr1: 3.4 yr Gr1: 59.6 Gr1: Constraint-induced Gr2: Control N/A 5x/wk for 4 wk, 1 yr 2, 0, 1
1999322 Gr1: 31 before the start of the study, SD: 2.45 yr SD: 6 training of the upper group. Patients 2 wk
Gr2: 31 the stroke resulting in extremity. Patients had their were treated
hemiparesis on the dominant Gr2: 2.7 yr Gr2: 62.8 healthy UE immobilized according to
side, a minimum of 20º of SD: 2.8 yr SD: 8 in a splint and a closed the NDT. All
active wrist extension and 10º arm sling. The duration of activities were
of finger extension. Age 18– immobilization was 6 hr/ performed
80 yr. Able to walk indoors day. Training of the affected bimanually, and
without a walking aid, no arm focused on functional if necessary the
major balance problems, tasks for 10 sessions. affected arm
no severe aphasia, and no Therapist’s assistant was supported
severe cognitive impairment. was there to give verbal with the
Sensory disorders and feedback and hands-on unaffected hand.
hemineglect were recorded. facilitation and to inhibit Symmetrical

Hemiplegia: inappropriate muscle posture and

Gr1: 26 R; 5 L contraction. Attention was inhibiting
Gr2: 25 R; 6 L paid to avoiding associated inappropriate
proximal movement and “synergistic”
to relaxing through verbal movements were
guidance. emphasized.

Wittenberg Total: 16 Exclusion: Patients without Gr1: 34 Gr1: 65 Gr1: CIMT group. Restraint Gr2: Control N/A Gr1: 8 days N/A 2, 0, 1
2003323 Gr1: 9 voluntary extension of at least months Range, of unaffected upper group. Passive of 6 hr and
Gr2: 7 10º of the affected fingers or Range, 16– 41–81 extremity (using hand therapy 2 weekend
20º of the wrist. 86 months splint and sling ensemble) (stretching and days of 4 hr.
Hemiplegia: N/A Gr2: 63 during waking hr and heat) to the Gr2: 8 days
Gr2: 28 Range, task-oriented therapy of affected upper of 3 hr of
months 50–75 affected upper extremity. extremity for therapy and
Range, 12– Progressively improving 1 hr during 2 weekend
48 months motor task performance by weekday days of rest.
a successive approximation sessions.
procedure during
combined physical,
occupational, and
recreational therapy.

Note: ADL = activity of daily living; CIMT = constraint-induced movement therapy; Gr = group; L = left; N/A = not available; NDT = neurodevelopmental treatment; OT = occupational therapy; Quality R, B, W =
randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion; UE = upper extremity; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 3H. Characteristics of Included Studies for Shoulder Subluxation

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Chantraine Total: 120 Participants were Patients were Gr1: 52.7 Gr1: FES; 4 channels, Gr2: Control: No Conventional 3 sequences/ N/A 0, 0, 1
1999340 Gr1: 60 diagnosed with a followed in SD: 12.6 4 electrodes; current treatment. rehab therapy day for 24
Gr2: 60 subluxated and the rehab rectangular biphasic wave; according to the months
painful hemiplegic service starting Gr2: 52.3 pulse width: 350 µs; duty Bobath concept
shoulder. between the SD: 14.4 cycle: 1:5; 3 sequences: 1st
Hemiplegia: 2nd and 4th wk = 8Hz, 90 min; 2nd = 40Hz,
75 L; 55 R after the causal 30 min; 3rd = 1Hz, 130
lesion was min for the 1st wk. In 2nd
diagnosed. and 3rd wk, sequence 1 and
2 increases of 5 min each,
same in 4th and 5th wk.
Participants were followed
for 24 months as inpatients
during their hospitalization
and then as outpatients after

Dean Total: 28 Inclusion criteria: Gr1: 32.1 days Gr1: 58.1 Gr1: Prolonged positioning Gr2: Control: No Concurrent 5 days/wk for None 2, 0, 1
2000335 Gr1: 14 Fewer than 10 wk SD: 13.4 days SD: 12.5 of the affected shoulder, treatment. therapy: 6 wk
Gr2: 14 from the onset of 20 min in each position: Multidisciplinary
stroke; score of less Gr2: 35.3 days Gr2: 58.2 1) supine, shoulder in therapy (PT,
than 5 on the upper- SD: 11.9 days SD: 10.5 max tolerable ABD and psychology, OT,
arm function item of ext rotation, elbow flexed; social work, and
the Motor Assessment 2) supine, shoulder ABD speech therapy
Scale for stroke; no to 90°, max tolerable ext as indicated).
pre-morbid shoulder rotation, elbow flexed; 3) Active training
pain; no pre-morbid sitting, shoulder forward of reaching and
restriction of shoulder flexed at 90°, elbow ext, manipulation
movement; passive wrist ext, cylinder in hand determined
ROM shoulder to provide a web space by the treating
abduction and flexion stretch. therapist.
>90°; and able to
comprehend and use
VAS for pain.
Gr1: 6 L; 4 R
Appendix 3H

Gr2: 6 L; 7 R

APPENDIX 3H. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Faghri Total: 26 Participants had Gr1: 16 days Gr1: 65 Gr1: FES: 1.5–6 hr/day, Gr2: Control: No Conventional 6 wk, 7 days/ Post- 1, 0, 0
1994336 Gr1: 13 recent hemiplegic SD: 5 days SD: 13 7 days/wk, for 6 wk; treatment. physical therapy wk treatment
Gr2: 13 stroke or patients active electrode over follow-up
with shoulder muscle Gr2: 17 days Gr2: 69 posterior deltoid and done at
flaccidity/paralysis. SD: 4 days SD: 12 passive electrode over 6 wk
Side of hemiplegia: supraspinatus; frequency
left: 17 of 35 Hz; contraction/
Gr1: 8 relaxation ratio progressively
Gr2: 9 increased (10/12 s to 30/2 s
ON-OFF); intensity set to
obtain the desired motion
of humeral elevation
with some abduction and
extension to pull the head

of the humerus into the

glenoid cavity.

Hanger Total: 98 Participants had Gr1: 12.2 days Gr1: 79.1 Gr1: Strapping: 6 wk Gr2: Control: No N/A 7 days/wk Follow- 2, 0, 1
2000337 Gr1: 49 acute hemiplegic SD: 7.9 days SD: 8.2 or until able to achieve strapping. and 24 hr/ ups at wk
Gr2: 49 stroke (excluding abduction to 90° against day for 6 wk 6 and 14
subarachnoid Gr2: 12.4 days Gr2: 77.8 gravity for 2 s or until
hemorrhage) in the SD: 6.9 days SD: 7.3 discharged from hospital.
preceding 4 wk. Replaced every 2–3
Side of hemiplegia: days. Technique: 2 main
Gr1: 27 L; 22 R supporting tapes, 5 cm
Gr2: 24 L; 25 R above elbow, moving arm
front and back crossing at
top of shoulder; posterior
tape anchored down past
clavicle, whereas the tape
from the anterior aspect
came across the shoulder
and down past the spine of
scapula; and 3rd main tape
applied from medial 1/3
of clavicle, around surgical
neck of humerus and along
spine of scapula (medial
Kobayashi Total: 17 Patients with Gr1: 60.3 wk Gr1: 59.3 Gr1: FES to the Gr3: Control: No Conventional 2 times/day, 0, 0, 1
1999341 Gr1: 6 hemiplegia as a result SD: 57.1 wk SD: 13.1 supraspinatus: active treatment. physical therapy 5 days/wk for
Gr2: 6 of a stroke, who electrode: 5 cm from 6 wk
Gr3: 5 showed downward Gr2: 95.0 wk Gr2: 69.3 acromion, on the
subluxation on a SD: 90.5 wk SD: 7.4 supraspinatus fossa; passive
stress X-ray. electrode: acromion.
Side of hemiplegia: Gr3: 190.2 wk Gr3: 53.2 Gr2: FES on the middle
Gr1: 3 R; 3 L SD: 65.5 wk SD: 9.2 deltoid: active electrode: 5
Gr2: 5 R; 1 L cm distal from acromion on
Gr3: 2 R; 3 L the middle deltoid; passive:
posterior part of the axilla.
Pulse duration: 0.3 ms,
15 s ON, 15 s OFF; ramp
up/down: 3 s/2 s; negative
monophasic rectangular
pulses, frequency: 20 Hz,
5–15 min

Linn Total: 40 Participants had no N/A Gr1: 71 Gr1: FES, asymmetrical Gr2: Control: No Conventional PT 4 times/day Follow-up 1, 0, 1
1999338 Gr1: 20 previous pathology Gr2: 73 biphasic pulses, 4 times/day, treatment. and OT for 4 wk at 8 wk
Gr2: 20 to the shoulder; CVA with a minimum of 2 hr treatment
had to have resulted between sessions, 30 min in and 8 wk of
in significant motor wk 1, 45 min in wk 2–3, 60 concurrent
deficit of upper limb min in wk 4, 2 electrodes therapy only
with a grade of ≤ 2 on supraspinous fossa and
on Manual Muscle posterior aspect of upper
Test; adequate arm, 300 µs, 30 Hz, 15 s
communication ON, 15 s OFF, ramp up: 3 s,
ability; no cardiac ramp down: 3 s
pacemaker or metal
in situ; no women
of childbearing age;
and recruitment
and all initial
measurements must
have been completed
and treatment
commenced within
48 hr of admission.
Side of hemiplegia:
Gr1: 4 R
Gr2: 5 R
Appendix 3H

APPENDIX 3H. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Wang Total: 32 Participants Gr1: 15.9 days Gr1: 56.1 Gr1&3: FES for 6 wk, Gr2&4: Control: N/A 5 days/wk; N/A 1, 0, 0
2000339 Gr1: 8 were required to SD: 3.2 days SD: 7.4 routine therapy for 6 No treatment. 6 wk with
Gr2: 8 demonstrate a wk, FES for 6 wk. FES: FES, 6 wk
Gr3: 8 minimum of 9.5 mm Gr2: 14.9 days Gr2: 56.4 Asymmetric biphasic without, and
Gr4: 8 of acromiohumeral SD: 2.7 days SD: 8.4 waveform stimulation of 6 wk with it
distance. 2 groups supraspinatus and posterior again
short duration: Gr3: 427 days Gr3: 58.1 deltoid, active electrode on
symptoms lasting <21 SD: 45.5 days SD: 6.0 supraspinatus, 6 hr, 10–24
days; long duration: pulses/s, frequency set to
>365 days. Gr4: 433.6 days Gr4: 58.4 create a tetanized muscle
Side of hemiplegia: SD: 47.4 days SD: 6.7 contraction; duty cycle: 1:
Gr1: 4 R 3; increases of ON time by
Gr2: 5 R 2 s every 1 or 2 days, when
Gr3: 3 R a 24-s decrease of OFF time

Gr4: 3 R by 2 s every 1 or 2 days

until 2 s.
Williams Total: 26 Participants had 64.9 days 66.1 Gr1: Bobath shoulder roll: Gr2: Henderson N/A 1 session (1 N/A 0, 0, 0
1988342 a diagnosis of SD: 30.0 days SD: 9.4 A strip of foam-rubber shoulder ring: day)
hemiplegia, impaired padding 1-cm thick and 1.25-cm thick piece
motor function of 14-cm wide secured into of polyethylene
the affected upper a roll 5.5 cm in diameter foam modified to
extremity, clinically placed inside a piece of the size of subjects,
subluxated GHJ of stockinette 4-cm wide and warmed in oven
that extremity as long enough to pass under until flexible. With
determined by finger both axillae and form a teardrop extension
palpation. figure eight across the back. lying across chest
Side of hemiplegia: wall, the foam was
16 L; 10 R molded around
the shoulder.
Shorter end
contoured under
paralyzed axilla;
longer straight
section molded
over superior and
posterior aspects of
shoulder, joining
the section from
axilla to form a

Note: CVA = cerebrovascular accident; FES = functional electrical stimulation; Gr = group; L = left; N/A = not available; OT = occupational therapy; PT = physiotherapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding,
withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion.
Appendix 3H
APPENDIX 3I. Characteristics of Included Studies for Electrical Stimulation

Age, yr Session
Author Sample (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency and Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment group therapy duration duration (R, B, W)

Baker Total: 63 All subjects were Gr1: 46 days Gr1: 55 Gr2: NMES of the Gr1: Standard NA 5 sessions/wk Follow- 1, 0, 0
1986356 Gr1: 32 required to demonstrate SD: 51 days SD: 12 posterior deltoid and customary for 6 wk up at 3
Gr2: 31 a minimum of 5 mm of supraspinatus muscles. “hemi-slings” months post
shoulder subluxation Gr2: 49 days Gr2: 56 or wheelchair treatment
in their involved upper SD: 32 days SD: 13 arm supports
extremity, as compared when sitting or
with radiographs standing.
of their uninvolved
Gr1: 18 L; 14 R
Gr2: 16 L; 15 R
Treated area:
Hemiplegic shoulder

Bowman Total: 30 Patients had: Ranged from 3 wk N/A Gr2: Received a Gr1: Control: Both groups 10 sessions/wk N/A 2, 0, 0
1979357 Gr1: 15 1) unilateral hemiplegia to 4 months combination of Standard received standard for 4 wk
Gr2: 15 as a result of either a positional feedback and customary customary care
thrombotic or embolic electrical stimulation physical of the hand and
CVA ranging from 3 (referred to as PFST) therapy (no wrist that, while
wk to 4 months; 2) a to the wrist extensor PFST). individualized,
minimum of 5° and muscles, twice daily generally
a maximum of 30° for 30 min, while involved PROM
active extension at sitting. The stimulator exercises,
the wrist from normal had a duty cycle of active resistive
posturing position, 6–8 on, and 20-s exercise, classic
with full PROM; and 3) rest. The stimulation neuromuscular
sufficient cognition to would result in wrist facilitation. and
follow instructions. extension, which the training for ADL.
Location of hemiplegia subject was instructed Physical therapy
was not reported to repeat between 20 was given 5 days/
Area treated: and 100 times, based wk for 4 wk.
Hemiplegic wrist upon his/her level of
Cauraugh Total: 34 Inclusion: Diagnosis Gr1: 3.18 yr Gr1: 65.15 Gr1: Surface electrodes Gr3: Did N/A Gr1 & Gr2: 1, 0, 0
2003358 Gr1: 14 of no more than 2 Gr2: 3.29 yr Gr2: 67.28 were attached to 3 not receive 2 days of 90
Gr2: 14 strokes, a lower limit Gr3: 3.03 yr Gr3: 65.82 sets of muscles in any active min training
Gr3: 6 of 10º of voluntary the impaired upper stimulation. for each of 2
wrist/finger extension extremity: extensor Each joint/set wk with at
from a 90º wrist flexed communis digitorum/ of muscles least 24 hr of
position, an 80% extensor carpi ulnaris, were passively rest between
upper limit of motor triceps brachii, moved and sessions. 1
recovery as assessed anterior/middle deltoid. subjects session = 3
by rectified EMG For each movement, attempted to sets of 30
activation patterns and subjects voluntarily voluntarily successful
force generation while generated a target execute active
directly comparing threshold level of EMG wrist/finger neuromuscular
the impaired and activity. Automove EMG extension, stimulation
unimpaired limbs, facilitator provided an elbow trials with 3
absence of other electrical stimulation extension, and movements
neurological deficits, that assisted the shoulder joint executed 10
currently not muscles through full abduction. times/set.
participating in another range. Settings for Gr3: 90 min/
upper extremity rehab stimulation: 1 s ramp day over 4
protocol. up, 5 s of biphasic days.
Hemiplegia: stimulation at 50 Hz,
Gr1: 8 R; 6 L 1 s ramp down, initial
Gr2: 7 R; 7 L threshold 50 microV,
Gr3: 4 R; 2 L 25 s of rest between
Treated area: Upper trials. 10 consecutive
extremity movement trials
(blocked practice)
were executed before
the electrodes were
disconnected and
replaced with electrodes
for another set of
Gr2: Same as Gr1
except that electrodes
for different muscles
were changed after each
trials (random practice).
Appendix 3I

APPENDIX 3I. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency and Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment group therapy duration duration (R, B, W)

Cozean Total: 32 Medically stable (No of subjects Gr1: 62 Gr2: BFB to the anterior Gr1: Control: Standard 3 sessions/wk Follow-up 1, 1, 1
198851 Gr1: 8 patients; cognitive greater than 1 Gr2: 51 tibialis: subject was Standard customary care for 6 wk at 4 wk
Gr2: 8 ability to give consent; year post stroke) Gr3: 52 asked to repeatedly physical as prescribed for from end of
Gr3: 8 ability to ambulate a Gr1: 5 yr Gr4: 56 produce a maximum therapy for 30- each patient. treatment/
Gr4: 8 short distance with the Gr2: 4 yr SD: N/A contraction for 30 s, min session. 10 wk from
assistance of a single Gr3: 4 yr followed by a 1-min Passive baseline
therapist; common Gr4: 3 yr rest during 30-min and active
dynamic gait problem sessions. ROM, and
of spastic; equinus Gr3: FES to produce strengthening
posturing of the the contraction of exercises were
affected leg; and had the anterior tibialis practiced with
suffered cortical or during swing phase all major joints
subcortical infarction or and gastrocnemius and muscle
hemorrhage. during the stance phase. groups of both

Hemiplegia: Treatments lasted 30 legs. Special

Gr1: 5 R; 3 L min and were given by attention
Gr2: 6 R; 2 L a Medtronic Respond was paid to
Gr3: 4 R; 4 L II stimulator, while ankle and
Gr4: 3 R; 5 L pulse frequency was foot control
Treated area: Lower set at a level where in the affected
hemiplegic leg maximum contraction limb. Specific
was achieved within ambulation
tolerable levels of training was
discomfort. also conducted
GR4: BFB and FES: to overcome
Within the 30-min dynamic gait
sessions, 15 min abnormalities.
were devoted to
each modality. In the
subsequent wk, FES
was used for 5 min,
with 30 min provided
for independent use
of the stimulator post
treatment sessions.
De Kroon Total: 28 Patients had interval of Gr1: 14.7 months Gr1: 58 Extensors and Extensors only: N/A 3 x/wk a Follow-up 2, 0, 1
2004359 Gr1: 13 more than 6 months SD: 11.8 months SD: 17.3 flexors: Splint was Same as GR1 starting at 6 wk
Gr2: 15 since unilateral stroke prepared in which the except that the with 20
in territory of middle Gr2: 21.4 months Gr2: 61.7 electrode position was exercise/open min/session,
cerebral artery; between SD: 16.1 months SD: 9.7 individually adjusted mode was used and during
18–80 yr old; impaired to evoke optimal finger and subjects first 10 days,
function of the upper movements according received stimulation
extremity due to spastic to randomization; NESS stimulation of time was
paresis; voluntary Handmaster was used: the extensor gradually
extension of wrist (at 5 surface electrodes muscles only. increased to a
least 10°) and fingers; with external control maximum of 1
and stable general box connected to the hr/session
health status. splint with a cable.
Hemiplegia: Frequency: 36 Hz, duty
Gr1: 3 R; 10 L cycle: 40%; exercise
Gr2: 8 R; 7 L mode was used.
Treated area: Affected Alternating stimulation
upper extremity of extensor and flexor
muscles for 6 wk.

Faghri Total: 26 Recent hemiplegic Gr1: 17 days Gr1: 69 Gr2: Functional Gr1: Standard 7 sessions/wk Follow-up 1, 0, 0
1997360 Gr1: 13 stroke patients with SD: 4 days SD: 12 NMES of the posterior, Control: No customary care: for 6 wk at 6 wk post
Gr2: 13 shoulder muscle deltoid muscle, and neuromuscular 1) bed mobility; treatment
flaccidity/paralysis. Gr2: 16 days Gr2: 65 supraspinatus muscle stimulation. 2) head/trunk
Hemiplegia: SD: 5 days SD: 13 for 1.5 to 6 hr/day. control;
Gr1: 9 L; 4 R Electrodes were placed 3) sitting balance;
Gr2: 8 L; 5 R over the deltoid muscle 4) using a tilt
Treated area: and the supraspinatus table for a sense
Hemiplegic shoulder muscle, utilizing a of verticality;
configuration that 5) active assisted
minimizes activation ROM to the
of the upper trapezius sound side.
Appendix 3I

APPENDIX 3I. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency and Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment group therapy duration duration (R, B, W)

Heckmann Total: 28 Right-handed Gr1: 56.1 days Gr1: 50.1 Gr1: EMG-BFB: Gr2: Standard N/A 4-wk N/A 1, 0, 0
1997361 Gr1: 14 stroke patient, large SD: 24 days SD: 14 Transcutaneous customary treatment
Gr2: 14 supra tentorial electrical stimulation care only:
cerebrovascular lesions Gr2: 61.6 days Gr2: 54 was triggered by Treatments
SD: 40 days SD: 11 voluntary EMG-activity based on
in the target muscles Bobath’s
Acute phase post- (upper arm/forearm/ principles; 45
stroke hand extensors, knee min/session.
flexors, and ankle Also OT at
extensors) to produce least 3 hr/wk
joint movement; and up to 2
parameters of hr of group
stimulation were 0,3 ms therapy.
biphasic sinus-waved

pulses at 80 Hz, and

a constant current of
20–60 mA for 1 s; 15
stimulations/session for
each group of muscle.
Also standard
customary care:
See control group
Kimberley Total: 16 Subjects at least 6 Gr1: Range, Gr1: Range, Gr1: NMES: First visit, Gr2: Same N/A 6 hr/day for 10 Follow-up 1, 1, 1
2004362 Gr1: 8 months post stroke 11–58 months 33–75 patients were instructed instructions days over the at 3 wk
Gr2: 8 with at least 10º of SD: 11.75 months SD: 10.5 in the operation of the as Gr1 but the course of 3 wk (end of
active flexion/extension electrical stimulator. machine did (total 60 hr) treatment)
movement at the Gr2: Range, 7–74 Gr2: Range, Subjects maintained not deliver
metacarpophalangeal months 41–78 records of use to show any current.
joint of the index SD: 16.75 months SD: 9.25 compliance. Half of Half the hr
finger; must have the treatment time was of treatment,
score of at least 25 spent with active effort the subjects
out of a possible 30 on the subject’s part, were asked to
in Mini-Mental State requiring him or her lift the hand
Examination. to trigger a stimulated actively when
Hemiplegia: response, while the the light came
Gr1: 4 R; 4 L other half of the time on and the
Gr2: 4 R; 4 L was spent with the “stimulation”
Treated area: machine automatically started.
Hemiplegic forearm stimulating the muscles
to contract cyclically
without any volitional
trigger from the patient.

Popovic Total: 28 Had >2 wk and <6 Gr1: Range, 4–11 Gr1: Range, Gr1: The exercise Gr2: 30 min Standard 30-min long Follow-ups 2, 0, 1
2003363 Gr1: 8 months following the wk 50–68 was assisted with a of supervised customary care. exercise with at 3,10, 23
Gr2: 8 first CVA that was Gr2: Range, 4–8 Gr2: Range, neural prosthesis that daily exercise the paretic wk post-
Gr3: 6 caused by ischemia wk 53–72 controlled the opening, with the arm and hand treatment
Gr3: 6 or hemorrhagia and Gr3: Range, 4–11 Gr3: Range, grasping, and releasing paretic arm every day for
confirmed by MRI or wk 37–75 functions by mimicking and hand. 3 wk
CT; were above age Gr4: Range, 5–11 Gr4: Range, natural movement. Four Same tasks
18; were able to give wk 45–72 channels of electrical as the FES
informed consent; and stimulation were group without
were able to understand applied over the finger a neural
how to apply electrical flexors, finger extensors, prosthesis.
stimulation for thumb extensor, and Gr4: Same as
controlling the grasp. the thenar muscle Gr2.
Hemiplegia: group. Frequency: 50
Gr1: 3 L; 5 R Hz, pulse duration:
Gr2: 1 L; 7 R T = 200 µs, intensity:
Gr3: 1 L; 5 R 20mA–45mA. During
Gr4: 2 L; 4 R the sessions, subjects
were instructed to try
to functionally use a
toothbrush, comb,
Appendix 3I

telephone receiver, pen,

small food, etc.
Gr3: Same as Gr1.

APPENDIX 3I. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency and Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details Time since onset for control) Treatment group therapy duration duration (R, B, W)

Powell Total: 60 Hemiparesis due to Gr1: 22.9 days Gr1: 66.4 Gr2: FES of wrist and Gr1: Control: Standard 3 half-hour Follow- 2, 0, 1
1999364 Gr1: 30 acute stroke with SD: 5.5 days SD: 12.2 finger extensors. No FES. treatment from periods daily up at 24
Gr2: 30 Medical Research Standard ward rehab team for 8 wk wk post
Council power of wrist Gr2: 23.9 days Gr2: 69.0 customary PT. (e.g., contact with treatment/
extension grade of 4/5 SD: 7.7 days SD: 10.8 physiotherapists 32 wk from
or worse; and at 2 to 4 and occupational baseline
wk after onset. therapists).
Gr1: 20 L; 10 R
Gr2: 18 L; 12 R
Area treated:
Hemiplegic wrist

Winchester Total: 40 1) Minimum of 5° of Gr1: 59 days Gr1: 60 Gr2: 1) PFST of the Gr1: Control: Physical therapy PFST: 7 N/A 1, 0, 1

1983365 Gr1: 20 active knee extension SD: 40 days SD: 10 quadriceps femoris No electrical 5 days/wk, 4 sessions/wk for
Gr2: 20 in antigravity position. muscle and rectus stimulation times daily. 4 wk;
2) No greater than Gr2: 45 days Gr2: 57 femoris muscle for and PFST. It included Electrical
a 25° knee flexion SD: 38 days SD: 13 30 min. Standard neuromuscular stimulation: 28
contracture. 3) Absence 2) Cyclical electrical customary PT. facilitation sessions/wk for
of severe quadriceps stimulation, involving techniques, 4 wk
femoris muscle tone, the quadriceps femoris progressive
as determined by muscle. resistive exercises,
observation of the and weight-
patient’s response to bearing activities.
a quick stretch of the
quadriceps femoris
Gr1: 8 L; 12 R
Gr2: 7 L; 13 R
Area treated:
Hemiplegic leg

Note: ADL = activities of daily living; BFB = biofeedback; CES = cyclical electrical stimulation; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; EMG = electromyography; FES = functional electrical stimulation; Gr = group; L = left; N/A =
not available; NMES = neuromuscular electrical stimulation; OT = occupational therapy; PFST = positional feedback stimulation training; PROM = passive range of motion; PT = physiotherapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization,
blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 3J. Characteristics of Included Studies for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Population (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Leandri Total: 60 Patients suffering from hemiplegic Gr1: 3.42 months Gr1: 67.90 Gr1: High intensity Gr3: Placebo: Standard 3 sessions/wk Follow- 1, 2, 0
199068 Gr1: 20 shoulder pain following ischemic SD: 2.17 SD: 7.01 TENS, high Patients undergoing customary for 4 wk up done
Gr2: 20 stroke; all were affected by a frequency (100 Hz) sham stimulation care. Basic 1 month
Gr3: 20 discrete loss of motor function, Gr2: 2.72 months Gr2: 65.65 on the shoulder were connected physical post
but were able to stand or walk if SD: 1.88 months SD: 4.94 muscles and the to the stimulator treatment treatment
assisted. glenohumeral joint. whose output every day in
Hemiplegia: Gr3: 3.17 months Gr3: 64.30 Gr2: Low intensity was loaded with the morning
Gr1: 7 L; 13 R SD: 2.72 months SD: 5.40 TENS, high 3 kOhm resistor, (no other
Gr2: 6 L; 14 R frequency (100 Hz) while the circuit details
Gr3: 7 L; 13 R on the shoulder was interrupted. available).
Treated area: Hemiplegic shoulder muscles and the Patients received no
glenohumeral joint. stimulus, but display
showed appropriate
Intensity: N/A values and current.

Levin Total: 13 Spastic hemiparesis due to CVA; Gr1: 26.4 months Gr1: 58.5 Gr1: TENS to the Gr2: Placebo: N/A 5 days/wk for N/A 1, 0, 1
1992390 Gr1: 7 spasticity in lower extremity; SD: 21.9 months SD: 14.7 common peroneal Subthreshold TENS. 3 wk
Gr2: 6 Minimum 10° passive ankle nerve, posterior
dorsiflexion; no history of Gr2: 29.2 months Gr2: 64.7 to the head of
previous neurological disorder; SD: 17.2 months SD: 10.6 the fibula on the
and no pain or major sensory hemiparetic lower
impairment in lower limb. extremity, 60 min/
Hemiplegia: day.
Gr1: 7 R; 4 L Frequency: 99 Hz.
Gr2: 3 R; 3 L Intensity: 125 µs
Treated area: Hemiparetic lower
Appendix 3J

APPENDIX 3J. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Population (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Peurala Gr1: 32 Hemiplegia: 3.3 yr 54.4 Gr1: Cutaneous Gr3: Placebo N/A 3 wk N/A 0, 0, 2
2002393 Gr2: 19 14 L; 35 R SD: 10 stimulation stimulation was
Gr3: 8 delivered to delivered in the
affected upper same way but no
extremity with a current was applied.
glove electrode.
The intensity
was adjusted
to just below
sensory threshold.
constant current
twin pulses at 50
Hz. 20 min each

time for 3 wk.

Gr2: Cutaneous
delivered to affected
lower extremity
with a sock
electrode as Gr1.
Intensity: N/A

Sonde Total: 44 Nondemented patients who had Gr1: 8.3 months Gr1: 73 Gr2: Low intensity Gr1: Control (no Standard 5 sessions/wk Follow-up 1, 0, 0
1998391 Gr1: 18 a paretic upper extremity (score SD: 2.1 months SD: 3.5 TENS (1.7 Hz) TENS). customary for 3 months done 3
Gr2: 26 of 0–50 in the Fugl-Meyer motor for 60 min on the care at a day (total = 60 months
performance scale: 0 points Gr2: 9.1 months Gr2: 71 elbow extensors care center sessions) post
means no motor function, 66 SD: 2.2 months SD: 6.0 and wrist extensors. twice a wk. treatment
points means normal motor 80% had electrodes (treatment
function), following their first- placed over the group
ever stroke occurring 6–12 elbow extensors only)
months previous to the study. and the shoulder
Hemiplegia: abductors.
Gr1: 7 L; 11 R Intensity: N/A
Gr2: 10 L; 16 R
Treated area: Hemiplegic upper
Sonde Total: 28 Patients who had participated Gr1: 47 months Gr1: 70.4 Gr1: Low TENS to Gr2: Control: no Daily rehab 7 sessions/wk Follow-up 1, 0, 1
2000397 Gr1: 18 in a randomized trial of daily SD: 7 months SD: 6.1 post-stroke paretic TENS. (no other for 12 wk at 3 yr
Gr2: 10 treatment with low frequency (1.7 arm: elbow flexor information
Hz) TENS on the paretic arm for Gr2: 47 months Gr2: 72.1 muscle, wrist flexor available).
3 months starting 6 months after SD: 7 months SD: 3.7 muscle.
Location of hemiplegia was not
Treated area: Post-stroke paretic

Tekeoolu Total: 60 1) Stroke with hemiplegia Gr1: 40.8 days Gr1: 55.9 Gr1: 100 Hz TENS, Gr2: Placebo TENS: Todd Davies 40 sessions N/A 1, 1, 0
1998392 Gr1: 30 or hemiparesis; 2) diagnosis SD: 11.4 days SD: 7.0 200 µs to extensor sham stimulation: exercise over 8 wk
Gr2: 30 determined by physical and muscles of elbow patients were program—a
laboratory examination including Gr2: 44.3 days Gr2: 52.2 and common connected to basic neuro-
radiological examination, CT, and SD: 13.1 days SD: 5.4 peroneal nerve stimulator with a physiological
blood screen; 3) patients affected posterior to the resistor and display treatment
by discrete loss of motor function head of the fibula that showed results; program.
but who were able to stand or on the hemiparetic however, the
walk if assisted. lower extremity, for patients received no
Hemiplegia: half an hour a day. current.
Gr1: 16 R; 14 L
Gr2: 17 R; 13 L
Treated area: Hemiparetic upper
and lower extremity

Note: CVA = cerebrovascular accident; Gr = group; N/A = not available; L = left; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; TENS = transcutaneous electrical stimulation.
Appendix 3J
APPENDIX 3K. Characteristics of Included Studies for Ultrasound

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group Concurrent therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Inaba Total: 33 Subjects chosen Gr1: 7 months Gr1: 57 Gr2: Ultrasound to Gr1: Control All groups received ROM exercises 7 sessions/wk N/A 1, 2, 1
1972399 Gr1: 13 were patients with SD: 9 months SD: 8 the paravertebral (only and arm positioning. Self-ROM for 4 wk
Gr2: 10 hemiplegia who and shoulder concurrent exercises for shoulder flexion,
Gr3: 10 had shoulder pain Gr2: 3 months Gr2: 59 joint areas for one treatment). abduction, and external rotation were
occurring within the SD: 2 months SD: 10 5-min treatment Gr3: Placebo: performed with pulley equipment 3x/
range of 0 to 90° of prior to exercise. Ultrasound day, repeating each motion five times
flexion or abduction Gr3: 4 months Gr3: 58 with the during each session. Positioning
of the arm. SD: 3 months SD: 11 energy turned programs were attempted 24 hr/day.
Hemiplegia: off prior to The arm was positioned in maximum
Gr1: 9 L; 4 R exercises. pain-free abduction and external
Gr2: 6 L; 4 R rotation through the use of pillows
Gr3: 3 L; 7 R or slings when the patient was in
Treated area: bed, and with troughs, overhead
Hemiplegic suspension slings, or pillows when
shoulder he was in a wheelchair.

Note: Gr = group; L = left; N/A = not available; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM = range of motion.
APPENDIX 3L. Characteristics of Included Studies for Acupuncture

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Population (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Fink Total: 25 All patients had Gr1: 66.5 months Gr1: 56.0 Gr1: Acupuncture: Verum Gr2: Placebo: To avoid N/A 2 treatments/ N/A 1, 0, 0
2004403 Gr1: 13 hemiparesis SD: 50.2 months SD: 11.8 needles were inserted transdermal stimulation, wk, 4 wk
Gr2: 12 and spastic at acupuncture points placebo needles were
equinovarus Gr2: 64.2 months Gr2: 61.3 GB34, GB39, LR3, LI4 of inserted at defined
deformity of SD: 48.3 months SD: 8.4 the affected limbs, and, nonacupoints. The tip
the affected depending on additional of the needle is blunt,
leg. Threshold symptoms, according and when it touches
Modified to traditional Chinese the skin, patients feel
Ashworth Scale medicine criteria at ST36 a pricking sensation,
(MAS) score and LI10 of the affected simulating puncturing of
required for limbs, and at SP6 and LU9 the skin. A cube-shaped
admittance to this bilaterally. In addition, elastic foam was used
study was 1 or GV20 was needled in 10 to fix the needle on the
more. of 13 patients. The needles skin. It is not visible that
(maximum of 15 needles the blunt placebo needle
per patient and treatment) is not inserted into
were left in place for 30 deeper tissue layers, but
min after insertion without the blunt tip on the skin
further manipulation. may be felt.

Gosman- Total: Patients 40 and Less than Mean age: Deep acupuncture: 10 Placebo control Standard 2 x/wk for 10 months 2, 0, 1
Hedstrom 104 over with acute 1 wk before Gr1: acupuncture points (superficial) customary care. 10 wk
1998404 Gr1: 37 focal ischemic randomization M: 77 were used according acupuncture): 4 short No details
Gr2: 34 nonhemorrhagic F: 75 to traditional Chinese needles (15 mm) placed provided.
Gr3: 33 lesion. Stroke medicine. The needles just under the skin in
onset less than Gr2: were 30-mm long; on the each extremity and left
1 wk before M: 76 nonparetic side they were for 30 min.
randomization. F: 82 stimulated manually every
Patient could not 5 min, until the “de chi” No acupuncture
walk without Gr3: sensation was achieved. control: No acupuncture
support and/or M: 74 On the paretic side, an treatments.
could not eat/dress F: 78 electrical stimulation of 2
without assistance. Hz was used and increased
Patient able to gradually to achieve
cooperate mentally muscle contraction. Each
and willing to treatment last 30 min.
Appendix 3L


APPENDIX 3L. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Population (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Johansson Total: 78 Patient able to Wthin 10 days of Gr1: 76 Acupuncture: Treatment Control: No Daily PT and 2 x/wk for NA 1, 0, 1
1993405 Gr1: 40 cooperate during onset began 4 to 10 days after acupuncture treatment. OT. 10 wk
Gr2: 38 examination and Gr2: 75 stroke. Acupuncture
tests. Patients’ was given on both sides,
paresis had to 10 points according
extend to the traditional Chinese
point that patient medicine acupuncture.
could not walk Needles were left in place
without support and stimulated for 30 min,
and could not eat manually and electrically.
and dress without Electrical stimulation was
help; they had to performed on 4 needles
be independent on the paretic side at
for ADL before the 2–5 Hz. The intensity of
stroke. electrical stimulation was

Location of stroke: adjusted to induce muscle

35 L; 43 R contraction.

Kjendahl Total: 41 Patients with Gr1: Gr1: Acupuncture: Sites were Control: No Individually 30 min/ 12 months 2, 0, 1
1997406 Gr1: 21 hemiparesis, median: 39 days Median: 57 selected for the treatment acupuncture treatment. adapted, mul- session, 3–4
Gr2: 20 following a first SD: 22.5 days SD: 17 of stroke in compliance tidisciplinary sessions/wk
ever stroke. with traditional Chinese rehab program. for 6 wk
Patients with Gr2: Gr2: medicine. Manual No details pro-
global aphasia, median: 43 days Median: 58 stimulation of needles was vided.
only if they SD: 22.5 days SD: 16.5 performed in most cases.
had a sufficient However, if indicated,
understanding for low-frequency electrical
participating in stimulation (2–4 Hz) was
the study. applied or moxibustion
Location of stroke: was added. Contralateral
Gr1: 13 L; 8 R motor and sensory areas of
Gr2: 11 L; 9 R the scalp were treated with
high frequency electrical
Moon Total: 35 Patients with Gr1: 3.7 months Gr1: 58.2 Gr1: Electro acupuncture Gr3: Routine All 3 groups: 3–4 x/wk N/A 1, 0, 0
2003407 Gr1: 15 elbow spasticity SD: 3.7 months SD: 10.8 group: Electrical acupuncture therapy Same
Gr3: 10 who were more stimulation was applied for stroke and ROM acupuncture
than 5 wk out Gr3: 2.7 months Gr3: 65.1 every other day for 15 exercises. therapy for
Gr2 from the onset of SD: 1.4 months SD: 7.9 days (total of 8 sessions). stroke and ROM
is not stroke. Frequency of 50 Hz was exercises once a
defined Affected side: given to 4 needles on day, which had
here Gr1: 8 R; 7 L the paretic side for 30 been ongoing
because Gr2: 5 R; 5 L min. Amplitude strong since admission.
we did Gr3: 4 R; 6 L enough for patients to Given on both
not use feel stimulation but not paretic and
values to elicit visible muscle nonparetic side
of this contractions. during 30 min
group each time.

Naeser Total: 16 Patients who 1–3 months Gr1: 61.25 15 to 16 needles of 34 Placebo: Points of Daily physical 5 days/wk for N/A 1, 2, 1
1992408 Gr1: 10 had suffered a SD: 8.6 gauge were inserted into normal electrical therapy. 4 wk
Gr2: 6 left-hemispheric standard acupuncture resistance on the
infarction and Gr2: 61 points on the scalp and nonparalyzed upper and
had significant SD: 8 body and left in place for lower extremities were
hemiparesis. 20 min. Low-frequency identified with a Fluke
Patients had electrical stimulation (1–2 Ohm meter. Needles
to have greatly Hz) was used on selected were inserted into these
reduced arm and points on the paralyzed normal resistance points
leg power with size. and left in place for 20
reduced or no min. Clips were attached
voluntary isolated to the needles but they
finger movement were not connected to
the electrical stimulation
Appendix 3L

APPENDIX 3L. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Population (mean, SD Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size details Time since onset for control) Treatment Comparison group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Wong Total: First stroke, 10 to 14 days Gr1: 60.4 Electrical acupuncture: Control: No Standard 5 x/wk for N/A 1, 0, 1
1999409 118 complicated by SD: 11.1 was given at 8 acupuncture treatment. customary rehab 2 wk
Gr1: 59 physical symptoms acupuncture points via program with
Gr2: 59 of hemiplegia, Gr2: 60.6 adhesive surface electrodes multidisciplinary
physically stable, SD: 10.8 of 4 x 5 cm squared at approaches,
with a clear 4 points on the upper including OT
consciousness and extremity and 4 points on and PT for
no complications the lower extremity on the more than 2 hr
during medical paretic side. Stimulation every day until
course. was of 20 to 25 Hz, to discharge.
Affected side: induce muscle contraction,
Gr1: 31 L; 28 R treatment lasting 30
Gr2: 25 L; 31 R min. The magnitude of
stimulation was set at a
level sufficient to induce

muscle contraction (10–20


Note: ADL = activities of daily living; F = female; Gr = group; L = left; M = male; N/A = not available; OT = occupational therapy; PT= physiotherapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; ROM =
range of motion; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 3M. Characteristics of Included Studies for Intensity and Organization of Rehabilitation

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Ahrens Total: 120 Age 70 or older, N/A 70 or older Gr1: Patients were Gr2: Patients N/A N/A 6 months 1, 0, 0
2004422 Gr1: 60 resided in the study immediately transported received standard
Gr2: 60 catchment area, home after being stroke care and
and had a caregiver stabilized. This rehab services
available. group then received in the general
services at home from ward of the same
multidisciplinary team hospital that
of geriatricians, nurses, provided home
therapists, and social hospitalization
workers who specialize services for the
in stroke care. Such experimental
care included daily group.
physician, nurse, and
physical therapist visits.
A physician and a nurse
remained on call 24 hr
a day. Rehab focused on
participants’ individual
interests, and caregivers
were encouraged to
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Andersen Total: 155 Admitted with acute 3 months Gr1: 69.8 Gr1: Visits focused Gr3: Standard N/A Gr1: Three Follow- 2, 0, 1
2000423 Gr1: 51 stroke as defined Acute SD: 9.9 on early detection aftercare; 1-hr sessions up at 6
Gr2: 44 by WHO criteria; and treatment of outpatient rehab at 2, 6, and months
Gr3: 43 discharge to own Gr2: 74.1 complications, by hospital 12 wk post- (end of
home; impaired motor SD: 11.4 maintenance of physician or GP discharge. treatment)
capacity (SSS score of functional capacity, and and home care Gr2: An
<58 at discharge). Gr3: 68.3 psychological and social to compensate average of
Hemiplegia: SD: 12.3 adjustment to a new life. for disability (no three 1-hr
Gr1: 21 R; 28 L Discussions, medical follow-up home sessions
Gr2: 26 R; 20L exam if needed; patients visits). over a 6-wk
Gr3: 22 R; 19L and caregivers were period.
provided with info on Gr3: N/A
stroke-related issues.
Gr2: Instruction and

reeducation by hospital
PT; evaluation of range
of functions related to
indoor and outdoor
mobility and ADLs.
Instruction given to
relatives and caregivers.
Andersen Total: 155 Admitted with acute N/A Gr1: 69.8 Gr1: Visits focused Gr3: Standard N/A Gr1: 3 6 months 2, 0, 1
2002424 Gr1: 51 stroke as defined Outcomes were SD: 9.9 on early detection customary sessions x 1 end of
Gr2: 44 by WHO criteria; taken 6 months and treatment of aftercare; hr at 2, 6, and treatment
Gr3: 43 discharge to own after discharge Gr2: 74.1 complications, outpatient rehab 12 wk post-
home; impaired motor SD:11.4 maintenance of functional by hospital discharge.
capacity (SSS score of capacity, psychological physician or GP Gr2: 3
<58 at discharge) Gr3: 68.3 and social adjustment and home care sessions
Hemiplegia: SD: 12.3 to a new life with to compensate average x 1
Gr1:19 R; 14 L stroke related disability. for disability (no hr over 6-wk
1 cerebellum Discussion concerning follow-up home period.
1 brainstem health conditions/stroke- visits). Gr3: N/A
Gr2:15 R; 24 L related symptoms/
0 cerebellum functional capacity,
5 brainstem medical exam if needed;
Gr3:15 R; 17 L patients and caregivers
1 cerebellum, 1 were provided info on
brainstem stroke related issues.
Lesion type: Gr2: Instruction and
Haemorrhage/ reeducation by hospital
infarction/no lesion PT; evaluation of range
Gr1: 7/28/12 of functions related to
Gr2: 7/37/6 indoor and outdoor
Gr3: 6/28/8 mobility and ADLs.
Instruction to relatives
and caregivers.
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Andersson Total: 124 Patients admitted N/A Gr1: 79 Gr1: Patients received Gr2: The acute N/A N/A Follow-up 0, 0, 1
2002425 Gr1: 56 either to the University SD: 6 treatment from all ward was located at 1 year
Gr2: 68 Hospital in Linkoping categories of personnel in one hospital
between November Gr2: 76 that are requested in and the rehab
27, 1996 and January SD: 9 rehab (PT, OT, nurse, ward located in
8, 1998, or to Eksjo hospital social worker, another hospital,
County Hospital speech therapist). They but under the
between September spent their initial acute same management.
15, 1997 and May 18, care period in a stroke The patients were
1998. All patients had unit. assessed and
a diagnosis of stroke followed up by
and needed continuous a PT and an OT;
rehab after discharge the assessments
from the acute ward. were made

at admission/
discharge from
the acute ward,
discharge from the
rehab program,
and at 6 and 12
months post-
Askim Total: 62 Diagnosis of an acute N/A Gr1: 76.9 Gr1: The extended service Gr2: The ordinary In principle, the N/A 6, 26, 52 2, 0, 1
2004426 Gr1: 31 stroke according to Gr2: 76.3 consists of stroke unit service consists same primary wk
Gr2: 31 the WHO definition treatment combined of treatment health care
of stroke; SSS score with a home-based in a combined system was
> 2 points and <58 program of follow-up acute and rehab available to both
points; living at home care coordinated by a stroke unit and the ordinary
before the stroke; mobile stroke team that further follow-up service and the
inclusion within 72 hr offers early supported organized by rehab extended service
after admission to the discharge and works in clinics and/or the patients, but
stroke unit and within close cooperation with primary health the cooperating
7 days after the onset the primary health care care system. mobile team was
of symptoms; able system during the first 4 only available
and willing to provide wk after discharge. The to the extended
informed consent. mobile team was based service patients.
within the stroke unit and
consisted of a nurse, a PT,
an OT, and the consulting
service of a physician.

Baskett Total: 100 A need for ongoing N/A Gr1: 71.7 Gr2: Home therapy: Gr1: Outpatient N/A Gr1: 5 hr/ Follow- 2, 0, 1
1999428 Gr1: 50 PT and/or OT Acute SD: 9.1 Therapists devised a group: Multidisci- session, 2–3x/ ups at 6
Gr2: 50 after discharge as program of exercises and plinary team as- wk wk and 3
determined by the Gr2: 67.8 activities in collaboration sessment followed months
treating clinicians; SD: 11.6 with the subject; the by goal setting. PT Gr2: 13 wk of (end of
subjects were able to subject could continue practice followed treatment treatment)
travel to the hospital this program throughout principles outlined
outpatient therapy the following wk. This by Bobath, Corr,
departments; subjects was a functional approach and Shepherd.
were residents in a that incorporated, as OT practice was
private home or rest far as possible, goals set centered mainly
home (residential toward restoration or on Bobath neu-
homes for frail elderly improvement of normal rodevelopmental
people) within the activities within the and Corr and
health service region of home and extending the Shepherd motor
the hospital. boundaries of limitation relearning treat-
Hemiplegia: that people had set for ments, together
Gr1: 23 R; 27 L themselves. with Kielhofner’s
Gr2: 16 R; 34 L model of human
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Bautz- Total: 82 All patients with N/A Gr1: 79.5 Gr1: Early supported Gr2: Conventional Initial care in N/M 3 and 6 2, 0, 1
Holter Gr1: 42 acute stroke (onset Acute SD: 7.5 discharge: Patients were rehab: Patients acute stroke months
2002427 Gr2: 40 less than 6 days prior assessed by a hospital- received the unit. follow-up
to hospitalization); Gr2: 78.0 based multidisciplinary conventional
home-dwelling and not SD: 4.0 project team consisting procedures for
severely disabled prior of a nurse, an OT, and discharge and
to the stroke; no other a PT. One of these 3 continued rehab.
medical condition (primary contact) started
likely to preclude immediate preparations
rehab and medically for discharge and
stable (Barthel score continued rehab provided
5–19; 72 hr post- by the general community
stroke). services organized in
Hemiplegia: 11 different local areas.

Gr1: 16 R; 23 L Caring for the group was

Gr2: 23 R; 14 L encouraged to establish a
multidisciplinary team for
each patient and support

Claesson Total: 249 Patients aged 70 yr Less than 7 Gr1: 80.1 Gr1: Stroke Unit (SU): Gr2: General N/A Patients Follow-up 0, 0, 1
2000429 Gr1: 166 or over, acute stroke days Gr2: 79.7 The treatment program Ward: Received in need of after 12
Gr2: 83 within 7 days before was built on the principal conventional acute prolonged months
admission, living in of SU care with a team medical care, PT, rehab were
their own homes in work concept for nursing and OT, although transferred
Göteborg, Sweden, and rehab. Support and not within the to geriatric
without recognized information for relatives framework of stroke units.
need of care. was an important part a structured
Hemiplegia: of the program, as was stroke unit care
Gr1: 85 R; 74 L the focus on the patients’ approach.
Gr2: 37 R; 35 L needs and participation
Speech disorder: in the treatment. Patients
Gr1: 79 in need of prolonged
Gr2: 41 rehab were transferred
to geriatric SU. Patients
received significantly
more occupational and
physical therapy than the
General Ward group.
Corr Total: 110 Patient discharged alive Days from Gr1: 75.1 Gr1: Intervention Gr2: Control N/A Gr1: Patients Follow-up 2, 0, 1
1995430 Gr1: 55 between April 1991 stroke onset SD: 13.75 group: Rehab at home group: No special were assessed at 1 year
Gr2: 55 and January 1992 to stroke unit by an OT. Interventions intervention by an OT at post-stroke
from 2 stroke units admission: Gr2: 75.8 based on the model or follow-up, 2, 8, 16, and
in South Glamorgan, Gr1: 11 days SD: 10 of human occupation. although they 24 wk after
irrespectively of SD: 21.5 days Included: teaching could receive any discharge.
discharge destination. Gr2: 10 days new skills, facilitating available services
SD: 12.75 days more independence as required. No
in ADL, facilitating contact with
return of function, researcher.
enabling patients to use
equipment supplied by
other agencies, giving
information to the patient
and caregiver, referring
to or liaising with other
agencies. This model was
in addition to any other
follow-up services and
community PT.

Drummond Total: 128 Hemiplegia: Gr1: 29.52 days Gr1: 58.95 Gr1: Leisure rehab: Gr3: Control Hospital and Gr1&2: Once Follow-ups 2, 0, 1
1995432 Gr1: 21 Gr1: 8 R; 12 L SD: 21.75 days SD: 13.11 The treatment program No additional social services a wk at 3 and 6
Gr2: 21 1 bilateral reflected personal input over months
Gr3: 23 Gr2: 7 R; 14 L Gr2: 28.38 days Gr2: 70.10 preferences and abilities. which they were
Gr3: 8 R; 15 L SD: 10.43 days SD: 6.69 30 min of treatment per receiving from
wk for first 3 months, hospital and social
Gr3: 25.44 days Gr3: 68.65 then 30 min of treatment services.
SD: 17.80 days SD: 9.95 a fortnight for 3 months.
Gr2: Standard customary
OT: OT activities such as
transfers, washing and
dressing practice, and
perceptual treatment.
In situations where
subjects were virtually
independent, the visits
were checkup visits and
subjects were questioned
about their progress and
any existing problems.
(Same time as time of Gr1
Appendix 3M

with therapist.)

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Drummond Total: 315 Patients admitted with Within 5 wk of N/A Gr1: Stroke unit (no Gr2: Standard N/A N/A Follow-ups 1, 0, 1
1996a431 Gr1: 176 diagnosis of stroke acute stroke description of specific customary ward at 3 and 6
Gr2: 139 between January 1, treatment received). (no description of months
1991 and June 30, specific treatment
1993. received).

Drummond Total: 65 Patients who spoke N/A Gr1: 58.95 Gr1: Leisure rehab: Gr2: Received Hospital and 30 min a Follow-ups 1, 0, 1
1996b433 Gr1: 21 English, had no SD: 13.11 Advice and help falling standard social services session at at 3 and 6
Gr2: 21 severe comprehension into the following broad customary OT least once months
Gr3: 23 problems, no history Gr2: 70.1 categories: treatment, activities, such a wk for 3
of dementia, did not SD: 6.69 such as practice of as transfers and months after
need to be transferred transfers needed dressing practice. discharge,
for further medical Gr3: 68.65 for leisure pursuits; Control: then 30 min a
treatment, and had SD: 9.95 positioning; provision Gr3: No fortnight for 3

an address in the of equipment; advice intervention. months

Nottingham District on obtaining financial
Health Authority. assistance and transport;
Hemiplegia: N/A and liaison with specialist
org. and providing
physical assistance, such
as referral to volunteer
Duncan Total: 20 30–90 days after onset, N/A Gr1: 67.3 Gr1: Home-based Gr2: Usual care N/A Gr1: 3 N/A 2, 0, 1
1998103 Gr1: 10 minimal or moderately SD: 9.6 yr exercises program as prescribed by sessions/wk
Gr2: 10 impaired sensorimotor provided by PT. 10-min their physicians for 8 wk; 1.5
function, ambulatory Gr2: 67.8 warm-up (stretching and (6 patients had hr a session.
with supervision SD: 7.2 flexibility); 4 blocks: 1) home health visits, Patients
and/or assistive assistive and resistive 4 patients had instructed to
device, and living exercise using PNF outpatient PT). continue on
at home within 50 patterns to upper and Visit included their own for
miles of the University lower extremities or balance training, additional 4
of Kansas Medical theraband exercise to progressive wk.
Center. Exclusion: major muscle groups resistive exercises, Gr2:
Medical condition of upper and lower bimanual Patients had
that interfered with extremities; progression activities, approximately
outcome assessment when patient able to facilitative 39 visits,
or that limited complete 2 x 20 reps, exercises. approximately
participation in increased theraband 44 min a visit.
submaximal exercise resistance or increased
program; Mini-Mental PNF manual resistance;
State score <18; 2) 15 min of balance
receptive aphasia that exercise; 3) patients
interfered with the encouraged to use affected
ability to follow a 3- upper extremity.
step command.
Gr1: 4 L; 6 R
Gr2: 4 L; 5 R
1 brain stem
Treated area: Upper/
lower extremity
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Duncan Total: 92 Stroke within 30 Gr1: 77.5 Gr1: 68.5 Gr1: Exercise program: Gr2: Standard N/A 12–14 wk N/A 2, 1, 1
2003104 Gr1: 44 to 150 days; ability SD: 28.7 days SD: 9.0 ROM and flexibility for customary care:
Gr2: 48 to ambulate 25 feet shoulder, elbow, wrist, Home visits by
independently; mild- Gr2: 73.5 Gr2: 70.2 fingers, hip, ankle, and research staff every
to-moderate stroke SD: 27.1 days SD: 11.4 trunk; strengthening 2 wk for health
deficits defined by a resistive exercises: 2 sets education, vital
Fugl-Meyer score of of 10 repetitions; balance signs, and test of
27 to 90 for upper and training; upper extremity O2 saturation.
lower extremity; an functional use; and
Orpington Prognostic endurance training (up
Scale score of 2.0 to 30 min on bike): 36
to 5.2 and palpable sessions of 90 min.
wrist extension on
the involved side; and

Folstein Mini-Mental
Status examination
score >16.
Gr1: 18 R; 22 L
Gr2: 22 R; 22 L
Evans Total: 267 Moderately severe N/A Gr1: 74.6 Gr1&3: Gr2&4: In the same N/A Follow-ups 1, 0, 1
2002434 Gr1: 80 stroke was defined SD: 8.8 Care provided by a Care provided hospital, teams at 2 and 11
Gr2: 84 as persistent stroke physician and by general wards were comparable months
Gr3: 49 neurological deficit Gr2: 76.6 multidisciplinary team from admitting in seniority
Gr4: 54 affecting continence, SD: 7.2 with specialist experience physicians. The and specialist
mobility, or self-care in stroke management. generic nursing experience and
abilities and requiring Gr3: 75.4 Individualized rehab and therapy had access to
multidisciplinary SD: 12.6 plan with clearly defined staff on the similar resources
treatment. Confirmed goals based on joint ward provided in the hospital
diagnosis of stroke. Gr4: 73.4 assessments. rehab, but the and community.
Hemiplegia: SD: 13.5 specialist team Treatment after
N/A provided input for discharge was
assessments, goal provided by
setting, planning community
of treatment, services.
and liaison with
patients and

Falconer Total: 121 Adults admitted to Gr1: 23.5 days Gr1: 68.6 Gr1: Critical Path Method Gr2: Control: N/A N/A N/A 1, 0, 1
1993435 Gr1: 53 Rehabilitation Institute SD: 22.3 days SD: 11.9 (CPM) (method for Functioned
Gr2: 68 of Chicago with visually charting the steps more like a
diagnosis of recent Gr2: 21.7 days Gr2: 67.6 that must be completed multidisciplinary
(within 120 days) SD: 15.5 days SD: 14.9 to carry out the project): team (discipline
stroke. Functioned more like an oriented).
Hemiplegia: N/A interdisciplinary team Usual care team
(team oriented). CPM members from
used to plan, monitor, each discipline
and control the patient’s individually
program and progress. evaluated
CPM designed to the patient.
facilitate interdisciplinary Semimonthly
communication and meeting to update
coordination. patient status.
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Fang Total: 128 Stroke was defined 1 wk post Gr1: 65.49 Gr1: Gr2: N/A Gr1: 45 min/ Follow- 2, 0, 1
2003436 Gr1: 50 as an acute onset of stroke SD: 10.94 Therapy included Bobath Did not receive day, 5 days/ up at 6
Gr2: 78 neurological deficits techniques and passive professional wk for 4 wk months
lasting more than Gr2: 61.8 movement training of the or regular
24 hr or leading SD: 10.94 affected limb. Initiated physiotherapy
to death with no within the first wk after during the whole
apparent cause other stroke onset. hospitalization
than cerebrovascular period. No
disease. Confirmed specific cognitive
CVA diagnostic. or acupuncture
therapy was
symptoms and

were treated with
the help of a
team (the same for

Feigenson Total: 667 Patients with stroke Gr1: 64.61 days Gr1: 67.14 All groups: Similar Gr2: Therapy N/A N/R Follow-up 0, 0, 1
1979437 Gr1: 589 admitted for rehab. SD: 77.65 days SD: 11.73 therapeutic programs. provided off the at 6 wk
Gr2: 78 Hemiplegia: Same standardized units in separate (end of
Gr1: 266 R; 262 L; 150 Gr2: 48.75 days Gr2: 69.03 protocols utilized therapeutic treatment)
both; 460 none SD: 47.81 days SD: 10.74 throughout the hospital facilities.
Gr2: 35R; 33L; 10 Acute for nursing, PT, OT, and
both; 9 none speech therapy. Most
of the staff had rotated
through the stroke unit.
Family teaching was
emphasized on all units.
Gr1: Stroke unit; therapy
on the unit.
Feldman Gr1: 42 Have a diagnosis of N/A Gr1: Range, Gr1: Rehab Gr2: Control: N/A N/A N/A 2, 0, 0
1961438 Gr2: 40 hemiparesis secondary 37–82 program prescribed Program of
to cardiovascular Gr2: Range, by a physician on the functionally
disease; be admitted 36–80 staff in the Department oriented medical
to hospital within of Physical Medicine care supervised
2 months of the and Rehabilitation. The by the personnel
onset of hemiparesis; programs were prescribed of the medical
demonstrate a individually and were and neurological
nontransient varied according to wards. Training in
neuromuscular deficit. patients’ needs and sitting, standing,
progress. The prime and balancing
limitation was the patient’s was usually
ability to participate. instituted early.
Training was given
in ambulation
and self-care
activities. Social
and vocational
services were
provided when
indicated through
the hospital
social service
or community

Fjaertoft Gr1: 160 Patients from the Within 72 hr of N/A Gr1: Further follow-up Gr2: Both groups N/A Follow-up 2, 0, 0
2003439 Gr2: 160 city of Trondheim, admission and was organized by the Comprehensive received similar at 52 wk
Norway, admitted to less than 7 days primary health care follow-up stroke stroke unit care
the stroke unit with after the onset system. service organized during the acute
signs and symptoms of symptoms by a mobile team. phase with
of an acute stroke; focus on early
inclusion within 72 hr mobilization/
of admission and less rehab combined
than 7 days after the with a
onset of symptoms; standardized
SSS score between 2 acute medical
and 57 points; ability treatment
to live independently program.
before the onset
of stroke; and no
participation in other
Appendix 3M


APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Gibson Total: 50 Patients hospitalized N/A Gr1: 74.7 Gr1: Occupational Gr2: Control: N/A N/A Follow-up 0, 0, 1
1997440 Gr1: 25 in acute care after Acute SD: 7.25 adaptation group: ROM exercises at 3 wk
Gr2: 25 onset of CVA, were at Received combination of and facilitation (end of
least age 60 yr, were Gr2: 73.5 occupational readiness for the affected treatment)
seen for OT treatment SD: 5.75 (ROM, bedside ADL) and upper extremity,
starting in acute care occupational activities that cognitive activities,
and followed through stimulate occupational and bedside ADL.
rehab at the same environment/role (OE/R) When transferred
facility, and received tasks (gardening, domino to rehab unit,
the customary amount playing, cooking). subjects received
of OT intervention in kitchen activity,
acute care; ability to a community
tolerate minimum of outing, and ADL
3 hr of therapy per focused treatment.

day, follow directions,

and potential for
improvement in
Gr1: 11 R; 14 L
Gr2: 15 R; 10 L
Gilbertson Total: 138 Clinical diagnosis Gr1: 31 days Gr1: 71 Gr1: Intervention service: Gr2: Control N/A Gr1: 10 visits Follow- 2, 0, 1
2000441 Gr1: 67 of stroke; admitted SD: 10 days SD: 30.5 Designed to be client- group: Routine within 6 wk ups at 8
Gr2: 60 to a Glasgow royal centered; developed service (routine Gr2: N/A wk and 6
infirmary NHS trust; Gr2: 23 days Gr2: 71 through focus group follow-up). months
had been to the OT SD: 13.25 days SD: 58 sessions with patient, Inpatient from
department; and caregivers and local OT multidisciplinary baseline
discharge date had staff; 6 wk domiciliary rehab pre-
been set. program (approximately discharge home
Hemiplegia: 10 visits lasting 30–45 visit for selected
Gr1: 34 R; 33 L min); tailored to recovery patients; provision
Gr2: 33 R; 38 L goals identified by the of support services
patient such as regaining and equipment,
self-care or domestic regular
or leisure activities; OT multidisciplinary
worked with patient to review at a stroke
achieve these goals and clinic, and selected
also liaised with other patients referred to
agencies for advice, a medical hospital.
services, and equipment.

Gürsel Total: 43 Patients with no N/A M/F: Gr1: Rehab program for a Gr2: Patients N/A Gr1: 14 wk Follow- 0, 0, 0
1998442 Gr1: 21 previous history of Gr1: 12/9 mean time of 14 wk. The were informed in rehab up at 6
Gr2: 22 completed stroke and Gr2: 14/8 same standard customary about the disease program months
with relatives who Age: therapy techniques were and instructed to (end of
agreed to take the Gr1: 63 applied to all patients. exercise according treatment)
patient to the clinic (11) to program at
for a 2nd evaluation 6 Gr2: 59 home.
months later. Gr1 was (13)
formed by patients
admitted to the rehab
unit in the early phase.
The other patients who
for socioeconomic
reasons or a lack of
rehab beds received no
rehab were recruited in
the 2nd group.
Side of hemiplegia:
Gr1: 13 R; 8 L
Gr2: 11 R; 11 L
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Hamrin Total: 59 N/A N/A Gr1: 73 Gr1: Activation program Gr2: Control: N/A Gr1: For 4 wk Follow- 2, 0, 1
1982443 Gr1: 33 SD: 10 in nursing. The following General medical up at 11
Gr2: 26 were emphasized: ward without months
Gr2: 72 psychological activation, activation program
SD: 11 verbal communication, in nursing.
prophylaxis against
contracture, prophylaxis
against pressure sores,
movement therapy,
ambulation, personal
hygiene, dressing, feeding,
bladder elimination, and
bowel elimination.

Hayes Total: 30 All participants had N/A Gr1: 70 Gr1: Received an early Gr2: Received All evaluated N/A Follow-up 1, 0, 0
1986444 Gr1: 15 diagnoses of acute Acute SD: 12 intervention of rehab care standard and treated by at end of
Gr2: 15 CVA upon admission within 72 hr of hospital rehabilitative same physical treatment
to a large metropolitan Gr2: 70 admission. treatment between therapist.
teaching hospital. SD: 9 4–15 days after
Hemiplegia: admission.
Gr1: 5 R; 10 L
Gr2: 7 R; 6 L
Holmqvist Total: 81 Acute stoke, 5 to 7 days Gr1: 70.8 Gr1: Rehab at home. Gr2: Routine Managed in the N/A Follow- 2, 0, 1
1998445 Gr1: 41 independence SD: 7.6 Team: 2 PTs, 2 OTs, one rehab: All patients wards before up at 3
Gr2: 40 in feeding and speech therapist, and in this group were randomization months
continence, Mini- Gr2: 72.6 a social worker on a also admitted to Total duration: 3 (end of
Mental State SD: 8.9 consulting basis. In each the Department to 4 months treatment)
Examination score of case, the case manager (a of Neurology.
>23, impaired motor therapist) was responsible Heterogeneous set
capacity and/or, for coordination of of interventions
dysphasia. discharge procedure, ranging from the
Hemiplegia: at-home therapy, liaison best established
Gr1: 15 R; 24 L between therapists, and in the hospital,
Gr2: 23 R; 14 L contact with neurologist day care, and/or
responsible. The program outpatient care to
emphasized a task- others introduced
and context-oriented during the study
approach, which implies period; for
that the patient performs example, daily
guided, supervised, or afferent sensory
self-directed activities. stimulation by
TENS and home-
based rehab.
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Indredavik Total: 320 Signs and symptoms Acute onset Gr1: 74.0 Gr1: Extended Stroke Gr2: Ordinary N/A N/A Follow-ups 1, 1, 1
2000446 Gr1: 160 of acute stroke Gr2: 73.8 Unit Service (ESUS). Stroke Unit at 6 and 26
Gr2: 160 according to the WHO Stroke unit treatment Service (OSUS). wk
definition of stroke; similar to OSUS Stroke unit
SSS score between 2 combined with service treatment
and 57 points; living from a mobile team that – according to
at home before stroke; offers early supported evidence-based
included within 72 hr discharge and coordinates recommendations
after admission to the further rehab and follow- – combined with
stroke unit and within up in close cooperation further inpatient
7 days after the onset with the primary health rehab when more
of symptoms; lack of care system. Team: long-term rehab
participation in other nurse, OT, PT, and a is necessary, and a
trials; provision of physician offering part- follow-up program

informed consent. time services. The team organized by the

tried to establish a service primary health
and support system that care system after
allowed the patient to discharge. The
live at home as soon as service includes:
possible after the stroke systematic
and to continue necessary diagnostic
training and rehab at evaluation;
home, in a day clinic, standardized
or by a combination of observation of
these 2 alternatives. For vital signs and
some patients with more neurological
extensive needs, the deficits; an acute
team also offered training medical treatment
and support at home in program; very
addition to service from early mobilization
other agencies. and rehab in a
stroke unit.
Jongbloed Total: 40 Patients had incurred N/A 69.6 Gr1: Experimental Gr2: Control: N/A Five 1-hr Follow-ups 1, 0, 0
1991447 Gr1: 20 a stroke within the Acute SD: 11 leisure activities including Subjects were visits at home at 5 wk
Gr2: 20 past 15 months, had individual or social visited by an over a 5-wk (end of
completed a rehab Gr1: 68.2 activities carried out in OT and asked consecutive treatment)
program, were not the home or community questions about period and 13 wk
on antidepressant Gr2: 69.6 environment. leisure activity
medications, were not involvement
severely aphasic, and throughout their
had a close relative or life span. The
friend who was willing therapist also
to participate in the asked each person
study. about the effects of
the stroke on his
Hemiplegia: or her life.
Gr1: 12 R; 8 L
Gr2: 12 R; 8 L

Kalra Total: 71 Inclusion: Stroke N/A Gr1: 77.2 Gr1: Individualized rehab Gr2: Treatment None N/A Follow-up 1, 1, 1
1995448 Gr1: 34 patients with SD: 8 yr program reviewed on according to at 3 yr
Gr2: 37 Orpington Prognostic a daily basis; focused existing general
Score >5 and referred Gr2: 80.4 on problems affecting ward practices (no
for rehab on a stroke SD: 12.1 yr ADLs and mobility in details available).
unit. the context of home
Hemiplegia: environment and support.
Gr1: 18 R; 14 L; 2
Gr2: 19 R; 14 L; 4
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Kalra Total: 447 Inclusion: Patients <72 hr Gr1: 75 Gr1: Stroke unit Gr3: Domiciliary None Tx for 9 months 2, 0, 1
2000449 Gr1: 148 with moderately severe SD: 6 care provided by a stroke care 3months
Gr2: 150 stroke (persistent physician supported by patients were
Gr3: 149 neurological deficit Gr2: 77.3 a multidisciplinary team managed in their
affecting continence, SD: 6 with specialist experience own home by a
mobility, and in stroke management. specialist team
ability to look after Gr3: 77.7 Routine management consisting of a
themselves, requiring SD: 8 involved joint assessments doctor, nurse, PT,
multidisciplinary and goal setting, OT, and speech
treatment) who could coordinated treatment, and language
be supported at home and planned discharges. therapists, with
with nursing, therapy, Gr2: Stroke team support from a
and social services. patients were managed district nursing
Hemiplegia: on general wards and and social services

Gr1: 69 R; 76 L remained under the care for nursing and

Gr2: 76 R; 67 L of admitting physicians. personal care
Gr3: 70 R; 76 L All patients were seen needs. Patients
by a specialist team were under the
with experience in joint care of the
stroke management. stroke team. Each
The team undertook patient had an
stroke assessments and individualized
collaborated with ward- care plan outlining
based nursing and therapy activities and
staff in goal setting, the objectives of
planning of treatment, treatment, which
discharge, arrangements, was reviewed
and liaison with patients at weekly
and relatives. Day-to-day multidisciplinary
treatment was provided meetings.
by staff on the ward.
Krespi Total: 704 Inclusion: Patients N/A Gr1: 62.9 Gr1: All hospitalized Gr2: Nurse/patient N/A N/A N/A 0, 0, 0
2003450 Gr1: 352 admitted between SD: 14.4 acute stroke patients were ratio 1:12 (day),
Gr2: 352 January 1997 and followed for at least 48 hr 1:24 (night). The
August 2000 to the Gr2: 61.23 in the Stroke Intermediate main aspects of
Istanbul Medical SD: 15.47 Care Unit: nurse/patient care (nursing,
Faculty Neurology ratio 1:4 (day). Stabilized physio) were not
Department. patients were transferred different from
in subacute care-bed: the rest of the
Hemiplegia: nurse/patient ratio 1: patients having
N/A 4 (day), 1:8 (summer other neurological
vacation), 1:12 (night). diseases. 2
One stroke fellow residents took
patient and 2 residents part in the
took part in the daily management.
management. Nurses Nurses were not
were dedicated to stroke dedicated to stroke
patients. 3 PTs evaluated patients. PTs were
patients on admission consulted when
and followed up on them needed.
until discharge. Follow-
up on patient weekly (by
multidisciplinary staff).

Lin 2004451 Total:19 Stroke onset greater Gr1: Gr1: 61.4 Home-based physical Gr2: Same as Gr1, N/A Once a wk for Follow-ups 1, 0, 1
Gr1: 9 than 1 yr; severe to 44.0 months SD: 11.2 therapy administered but 10 wk later 10 wk at 11 wk
Gr2: 10 moderate residual SD: by PTs, consisting of: (control group for and 22 wk
disability with Barthel 29.6 months Gr2: 62.8 50–60 min/session, the first 10 wk).
Index score 5–14; not SD: 9.4 motor facilitation,
involved in any kind Gr2: postural control training,
of rehab program in 62.8 months functional ambulation
the past 6 months; SD: 9.4 months training with gait
ability to follow verbal correction, ADL training,
instructions; and and daily exercise
living in the Nan-Tou programs tailor-made for
County area during the patients’ needs.

Gr1: 3 L; 6 R
Gr2: 2 L; 8 R
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Lincoln Total: 76 No other medical N/A Gr1: 73.5 Standard customary Standard N/A N/A 6–16 1, 0, 1
1996452 Gr1: 39 problems requiring Acute SD: 7.5 stroke unit treatment. customary ward wk; no
Gr2: 37 continued treatment treatment. subsequent
on an acute medical Gr2: 65.5 follow-up
or geriatric ward; no SD: 10 done.
planned discharge date
within 2 wk; able to
tolerate rehab (in .5
hr sessions, 2 hr/day);
able to drink, eat, and
wash own face; able
to transfer from bed to
chair with help from
no more than 2 nurses;

and independent for

toileting before stroke.
Lincoln Total: 282 Patients had no NA Median Gr1: Qualified- Gr2: Assistant- Gr1& 2: Gr1: Senior Follow-ups 2, 0, 1
1999453 Gr1: 95 planned discharge age: physiotherapist (QPT) physiotherapist Patients received research PT at 8 wk
Gr2: 94 date from the hospital Gr1: 73 group: The patients (APT) group: standard PT gave specific and 20 wk
Gr3: 93 within the next 7 (IQR: received standard PT in Patients were under the sessions for
days; were able to 65–81) addition to being treated treated by a supervision of a approximately
feed themselves and Gr2: 73 by a senior research PT. trained PT senior research 2 hr/wk.
wash their own faces (IQR: This additional treatment assistant. assistant. Gr2: Therapy
before the stroke; did 6–80) consisted of facilitation, Gr3: Routine sessions for
not have premorbid Gr3: 73 specific neuromuscular physiotherapy approximately
dementia; were (IQR: techniques, and functional (RTP) group 2 hr/wk by a
able to speak or to 64–80) rehab, all broadly based (control): Patients PT assistant.
understand English on the Bobath approach. received standard Gr3:
before the stroke; Motor and functional PT as is given PTsessions
had no premorbid tasks had to be practiced at the City each
severe impairment between therapy sessions. hospital. This weekday for
of the affected upper Ongoing assessments and therapy follows a approximately
limb, but had some specialized advice were Bobath approach 30–45 min.
impairment of arm given at each treatment. predominantly,
function; and were and most patients
reported by the received treatment.
physiotherapists as No additional
being able to tolerate treatment by the
a half-hour session of research PT.
PT daily.

Logan Total: 111 First-time stroke N/A Gr1: 71 Gr1: Enhanced OT Gr2: Standard N/A Varied Follow- 2, 0, 1
1997454 Gr1: 53 patients discharged Acute SD: 10.2 service: Patients were customary OT according to ups at 3
Gr2: 58 from hospital and seen and treated by a service: All each patient months
referred to the city Gr2: 74 single research OT. Access patients were (end of
of Nottingham’s and SD: 11.5 to aids and budgets for prioritized by the treatment)
the Boroughs of adaptations; provided senior OT. All and 3
Gelding and Beeston’s more frequent visits to urgent cases were months
social services OT patients than control. seen immediately;
departments. Diagnosis others were placed
checked with on a waiting list.
Nottingham stroke
Gr1: 29 R; 24 L
Gr2: 32 R; 26 L
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Mayo Total: 114 Persons who had N/A Gr1: 70.3 Gr1: Prompt discharge Gr2: Regular N/A Variable per Follow-ups 2, 1, 1
2000455 Gr1: 58 persistent motor SD: 12.7 from hospital with discharge service individual at 1 month
Gr2: 56 deficits after stroke and immediate provision of (PT,OT,ST) as (end of
who had caregivers Gr2: 69.6 follow-up services by requested by treatment)
willing and able SD: 12.7 multidisciplinary team patient’s care and 3
to provide live-in (nursing, OT, PT, ST, provider and months
care for the subjects dietician). Individualized offered through
over a 4-wk period treatment. extended acute-
after discharge from care hospital
hospital. stay; inpatient or
Hemiplegia: outpatient rehab;
N/A and home care via
local community
health clinics, but

private care was

also possible.

Nir Total: 155 Stroke survivors after 13 days Gr1: 72.3 Gr1: Concurrent Gr Control: Concurrent 1x/wk, 3 months 2, 0, 1
2004456 Gr1: 73 an average of 13 days SD: 6.8 treatment and a Concurrent treatment: 12 wk
Gr2: 82 in an acute care setting structured written nursing treatment only. Standard
Hemiplegia: Gr2: 73.8 intervention program. inpatient
Gr1: 35 R; 37 L SD: 7.6 Nursing students met rehab program
Gr2: 37 R; 45 L with the patients 1x/wk consisting of
for 12 consecutively half an hour of
weekly session of 1–2 hr PT and OT 5
each. The intervention days/wk.
was based on a written
guidebook based on
Orem’s model of self-
care. It emphasized the
broad care approach
that believes in the
ability of a person to be
active, responsible for
his or her condition, and
responsible for restoring
his own well-being.
Parry Total: 282 Patients had to be able 12 days N/A Gr1: Qualified Gr3: Routine Gr1&2: Patients Gr1&2: 10 Follow- 1, 0, 1
1999457 to participate in at least physiotherapy (QPT) physiotherapy received hr additional up at 5
Gr1: 94 30 min of routine PT group: Patients received (RPT) group: No additional PT. treatment wk post
Gr2: 93 per day and to have additional treatment additional therapy over a 5-wk treatment
Gr3: 95 motor impairment of a from a qualified PT. The was given. period (6 months)
previously functional additional PT aimed to
arm. reflect current British
Exclusion: N/A practice. Principles of
Hemiplegic: N/A treatment followed those
of the Bobath approach,
with some influence of
movement science-based
Gr2: Assistant
physiotherapy (APG)
group: Patients received
additional treatment
from a trained supervised
assistant trained with the
help of a manual.
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Partridge Total: 114 All patients with a N/A 76.5 Gr1: Standard amount Gr2: Standard Aims of Gr1: 60 min/ Follow- 2, 0, 0
2000458 Gr1:54 diagnosis of stroke, SD: 8.5 of therapy, plus higher amount of treatment with day ups at 6
Gr2: 60 according to WHO intensity of rehab; therapy; the Bobath Gr2: 30 min/ wk and 6
criteria, admitted over Duration: 60 min/day. Duration: 30 concept: mid- day months
a 2-year period to the min/day. line alignment, (end of
Canterbury Stroke postural treatment)
Unit. adjustment,
Hemiplegia: and symmetry
53 R; 60 L and control.
of full range
of movement.
Working to
improve base

of support;
all aspects
of transfers;
muscle tone;
sequencing of
balance re-
and stability
and transfer
of weight.
of positive
support reaction;
Working on
girdle and
functional hand/
arm movement.
All aspects of
Rudd N: 231 If patients lived alone, N/A Gr1: 70 Gr1: Community therapy Gr2: Standard N/A Gr1 : Follow- 2, 0, 1
1997461 Gr1: 167 they needed to be able SD: 11 team. The patients customary care. Maximum ups at 3
Gr2: 164 to perform functional were assessed for rehab Patients allocated duration of 3 months
independent transfer, Gr2: 72 needs before discharge to continue with months. (end of
and if they lived with a SD: 12 in conjunction with the their treatment, Gr2: treatment)
willing caregiver they hospital-based therapists discharge Maximum and 9
needed to be able to to set initial objectives planning, and duration of months
perform transfer with and to ensure continuity outpatient care in three 1-hr
assistance. of care. After discharge, the normal way. visits daily.
patients were given About half of
a planned course of the patients who
domiciliary PT, OT, and were admitted
speech therapy, with received treatment
visits as frequently as in general medical
considered appropriate or elderly care
(maximum 1 daily visit wards. Outpatient
from each therapist). Each resources available
patient had an individual to them included
care plan, which was a hospital-based
reviewed at a weekly team stoke clinic,
meeting. On discharge geriatric day
patients were referred hospital, generic
to standard customary domiciliary PT
services resources. The and speech and
community therapy team language therapy,
comprised a senior PT hospital outpatient
grade 1 with neurological PT and the usual
training, a senior OT community
grade 1, a halftime ST resources, a home
with adult neurological help for personal
training, and a full-time care, meals on
therapy aide. A consultant wheels, and
physician coordinated community nurse
the team and chaired the visits for specific
weekly clinical meeting. tasks.
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Ruff Total: 113 N/A N/A Gr1: 78.98 Gr2: 7 days/wk Gr1: Standard N/A Gr1: 6 x/wk None 1, 0, 0
1999462 Gr1: 57 Gr2: 70.96 treatment program. customary 6- Gr2: 7 x/wk
Gr2: 56 Received an additional day treatment
7th day of rehab regiment. The
treatments, comprised of 7th day was
occupational, physical, open for rest and
and speech therapy. visitation, with the
patients receiving
necessary nursing
and medical

Rodgers Total: 92 Patient had to have Within 48 hr of Median age Gr1: Early supported Gr2: Standard N/A Gr1: The Follow- 2, 0, 1
1997460 a home address in admission Gr1: 73 discharge group: Stroke care group: discharge up at 3

Gr1: 46 Newcastle; could not Range, discharge team consisted Inpatient and rehab service months
Gr2: 46 be living in residential 47–93 of OT, PT, SW, ST, and OT outpatient care was available post stroke
or nursing home care technician. The team was was provided by 5 days/wk,
prior to the incident Gr2: 73 based in the community standard hospital but home care
stroke; could not be Range, to establish a relationship and community component
severely handicapped 44–91 with referred stroke services. Discharge of the service
prior to the incident patients and their families planning and was available
stroke (Oxford early in hospital stay. services post all day,
Handicap Scale 0–3); Before each discharge, discharge arranged every day if
had no other condition a member of the team and provided required. No
likely to preclude would do a home visit according to the time limit
rehab; had to be without the patient and usual practice of involved for
medically stable with the day of the discharge each participating the duration
a Barthel Activities a team member would ward or unit. of the home
of Daily Living Index bring the patient home. Community care program.
between 5–19 at 72 hr support was
post stroke. provided by the
Hemiplegic: primary care team,
N/A and community
rehab services,
services, and
social services as
were provided as
Rodgers 626 Stroke in the previous Gr1: 5 days Median age Gr1: Enhanced upper Gr2: Control Gr1&2: Gr1: Follow-ups 2, 0, 1
2003459 10 day resulting (2.5) median Gr1: 74 limb therapy time: 30 min Interdisciplinary Enhanced at 6 wk
Gr1: 62 in upper extremity Gr2: 75 of rehab from PT and OT treatment upper and 18 wk
Gr2: 61 impairment due to Gr2: 5 days 5 days/wk for 6 wk. program: extremity
one or more of the (2) median Current stroke therapy for 30
following: weakness, unit PT (Bobath min, 5 days/
sensory loss, ataxia, based) and wk for 6 wk
or visual impairment. OT practice Gr2: N/A
Exclusion: not combining
medically stable a normal
within 10 days; movement
persistent impaired approach within
conscious level in meaningful
days 0–10 (Glasgow activity and task
coma scale); significant analysis.
difficulties; cognitive
problems; and severe
handicap prior to
Gr1: 28 R; 34 L
Gr2: 26 R; 35 L

Sivenius Total: 95 N/A 1 wk Gr1: 71.5 Gr1: Intensive treatment Gr2: Normal The patients Gr1: 30 min/ Follow-up 2, 0, 0
1985463 Gr1: 50 SD:10.5 (IT): One department treatment (NT): received the session, twice at 1 wk
Gr2: 45 was redesigned as a rehab The patients were normal physical a day when in (end of
Gr2: 70.1 unit with the especial discharged from therapy in the medical treatment)
SD: 9.1 purpose of treating stroke these departments the standard ward of the
patients. The remaining to their homes customary University
patients were treated in or, if it was not medical wards, Hospital, 4
neurological wards of the possible, to old the duration and sessions/wk,
University Hospital. The age homes or amount of which 15 days/
principle of the treatment chronic care was determined month.
was that PT should be departments by the internists. Gr2: 3
given as long as functional of community sessions/wk,
recovery was taking hospitals where 15 days/
place or the patient could some of them were month.
perform independently able to obtain
at home. PT. The guiding
principle was,
however, that no
Appendix 3M

patient’s condition
worsened as a
result of study.

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Smith Total: 133 Inclusion: Confirmed Gr1: 35 days Gr1: 63 Gr1&2: PT and OT Gr3: Control: No None Gr1: 4 full Follow- 1, 0, 1
1981464 Gr1: 46 diagnosis of stroke. Gr2: 41 days Gr2: 66 treatment in groups and routine rehab; days/wk up at 3
Gr2: 43 Patients should be Gr3: 37 days Gr3: 65 individually. regularly visited at for up to 6 months
Gr3: 44 able to manage the home by a health months. (end of
most intensive of the 3 visitor; referred Gr2: treatment)
treatment regimens. back to hospital 3 times per
Exclusion: Patients or other services half day
making a full recovery if necessary; and for up to 6
while in hospital. encouraged to months.
Patients too old or continue with Gr3: N/A
too frail for intensive exercises taught
rehab. Patients living while in hospital.
outside the district.

Smith Total: 307 Patients who were < 60 days 72.5 Gr1: Stroke unit, Gr2: General N/A N/A N/A 1, 0, 0
1982465 Gr1: 78 conscious and had independent patients; ward, independent
Gr2: 47 an established or duration: 34.8 hr of PT, patients;
Gr3: 49 developing hemiplegia 56.8 hr of OT; duration: 41.1
Gr4: 60 at the time of total number of treatment hr of PT, 71.2 hr
assessment. Patients sessions: 37.6 days of PT, of OT;
were classified as 36.4 days of OT. total number of
independent if they Gr3: Stroke unit, treatment sessions:
could carry out the dependent patients; 35.2 days of PT,
following 7 activities duration: 67.2 hr of PT, 39.3 days of OT.
without human 93.9 hr of OT; Gr4: General
assistance: getting total number of treatment ward, dependent
in and out of bed; sessions: 82.7 days of PT, patients;
dressing; indoor 70.7 days of OT. duration: 127.6
mobility; toileting hr of PT, 125.8 hr
and personal hygiene; of OT;
cooking a simple hot total number of
meal; feeding oneself; treatment sessions:
and controlling 128.1 days of PT,
heat, light and 98.1 days of OT.
Sonada Total: 106 Stroke patients; Gr1: 49.8 days Gr1: 62.8 FIT program: 40 min of Standard N/A Gr1: N/A 0, 0, 0
2004466 Gr1: 58 days since onset to Gr2: 54.1 days Gr2: 64.7 PT and 40 min of OT customary rehab: 7 days/wk
Gr2: 48 admission ranged from similar to conventional 40 min of PT, 40 Gr2:
30–80; had a motor rehab, 7 days/wk; and min of OT, 5 days/ 5 days/wk
subscore of the FIM speech therapy 5 days/wk. wk; gait exercises
less than 80; and had In addition, patients were related to ADLs;
a cognitive subscore encouraged to stay out orthoses used if
of the FIM greater of sleeping area during necessary; passive
than 25. daytime. Patients freely ROM exercises
ambulated in the corridor; for affected side
spoke and interacted and muscle
with each other; and self- strengthening
initiated exercises and exercises for
self-care activities. unaffected side;
and speech
therapy 5 days/wk.

Sulch Total: 152 Patients transferred < 2 wk Gr1: 75 Gr1: Integrated care Gr2: N/A N/A Follow- 1, 0, 0
2002467 Gr1: 76 to a stroke rehab unit SD: 11 pathways: Therapeutic Multidisciplinary up at 6
Gr2: 76 within 2 wk of the activities were grouped team care: Patients months
acute event. Gr2: 74 according to stage and were assessed
SD: 10 predicted patients’ for individual
needs. Key goal for each needs and a
therapeutic intervention customized rehab
and the time estimated program was
to achieve these were designed under
defined in advance. the supervision
The integrated care of a consultant.
pathway covered all Therapeutic
aspects of inpatient activities, goals,
rehab from admission and the time
to discharge. These taken to achieve
goals were discussed in these goals
weekly multidisciplinary were discussed
meetings and changed in weekly
on the basis of patients’ multidisciplinary
progress. meetings and
changed on the
basis of patients’
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Sunderland Total: 137 Clinical diagnosis of Gr1: 8 days Gr1: 65 yr Gr1&3: Enhanced Gr2&4: Standard N/A Follow-up 2, 0, 1
1992468 Gr1: 36 unilateral acute stroke, SD: 8.25 days SD: 14 yr therapy. More intensive Conventional customary OT. at end of 6
Gr2: 35 supported by CT treatment for the arm. therapy. months
Gr3: 29 scan when available. Gr2: 10 days Gr2: 68 yr Used behavioral methods Based on the
Gr4: 32 Inability to complete SD: 7.25 days SD: 8 yr to encourage the patient neurophysiological
the Nine Hole Peg and family to be active techniques
test (NHPT) within Gr3: 9 days Gr3: 67 yr participants in arm described in the
18 s when using the SD: 7.5 days SD: 11.5 yr rehab and to help the text by Bobath
affected hand despite patient avoid becoming a and Johnstone.
visual and verbal Gr4: 8 days Gr4: 70 yr passive recipient of expert This text describes
prompts to try to SD: 7.25 days SD: therapy. Specific aims the major
overcome any visual 12.25 yr were to promote greater techniques used.
neglect. Being well and adherence to self-directed The emphasis is
alert enough to receive exercise programs, to on expert hands-

active therapy. Patients combat overprotectiveness on treatment

who had suffered from spouses, to prevent by the therapist
previous strokes were learned non-use of the and patients are
only included if it was affected UE, and to not routinely
clear that they had full facilitate learning of new instructed to
use of the arm before motor skills. An eclectic exercise between
the present episode. approach was taken in therapy sessions.
Hemiplegia: selection of treatment Active movement
Gr1: 22 R; 14 L techniques, which may not be
Gr2: 19 R; 16 L included Bobath exercises, encouraged until
Gr3: 15 R; 14 L EMG biofeedback, abnormal muscle
Gr4: 17 R; 15 L microcomputer games, tone is well
and goal-setting. controlled.
Emphasis was placed
on giving the patient
tasks of graded difficulty
and providing objective
feedback on performance.
Patients received more
than double the amount
of therapy for the UE.
They also received more
encouragement to practice
between sessions.
Teng Total: 114 Persons with persistent N/A N/A Gr1: Home group: 4- Gr2: Standard N/A N/A Follow- 1, 0, 1
2003469 Gr1: 58 motor deficits after wk tailor-made home customary care: up at 3
Gr2: 56 stroke who had program of rehab and Current practice months
caregivers willing and nursing services. for discharge
able to provide live-in planning and
care for the subject referral for follow-
over 4-wk period up services (such
after discharge from as extended
hospital. acute-care hospital
Hemiplegia: N/A stay, inpatient
rehab, outpatient
care, private care,
and home care
provided by local
community health
service center).

Turton Total: 22 Participants who Gr1: 24 days Gr1: 59 Gr1: Home therapy Gr2: Control: Both groups N/A N/A 0, 0, 1
1990470 Gr1: 10 achieved less than SD: 25.8 days SD: 11.97 2–3 x/day. The patients Patients were followed regimes
Gr2: 12 95% of normal were provided with a visited at home for recommended
performance on a task Gr2: 16 days Gr2: 58 booklet and a program assessment only. by the hospital
requiring a repeated SD: 6.1 days SD: 6.86 of exercises, which Both groups rehab staff.
reaching action (a were considered to followed regimes
peg transfer test). be appropriate to recommended by
Those with sensory their individual stage the hospital rehab
or proprioceptive of recovery and to staff.
problems in addition the problems they
to motor deficits, experienced. The patients
apraxia, and were asked to practice
perceptual or cognitive their exercises at the
impairments had to agreed times until the
be able to understand next visit, when the home
instructions. therapy program could
Hemiplegia: be reviewed following
Gr1: 7R; 3L reassessment.
Gr2: 6R; 6L
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Walker Total: 185 Hemiplegia: < 1 month Gr1: Gr1: Standard OT: The Gr2: No OT: N/A N/A Follow-up 2, 0, 1
1999471 Gr1: 84 Gr1: 39 R; 45 L 73.6 yr aim of therapy was Patients received at 1 month
Gr2: 79 Gr2: 41 R; 40 L SD: 8.1 yr independence in personal no additional
and instrumental ADLs. input from the
Gr2: Personal care included research therapist,
75.1 yr activities such as bathing, but may have
SD: 8.6 yr feeding, dressing, received input
and stair mobility. from existing
Instrumental ADLs services, as would
included activities such as occur in routine
outdoor mobility, driving practice.
a car, traveling by public
transport, and household
chores. The focus of

therapy was active

intervention rather than
assessment or liaison.

Wall Total: 20 Inclusion: Subjects 18 months to 45–70 yr A series of 10 exercises Gr3: PT and N/A Each exercise Before 1, 0, 1
1987472 Gr1: 5 demonstrated a 10 yr to promote an efficient home-supervised: lasted 5 min: treatment,
Gr2: 5 reduced support phase gait pattern and weight Patients attended 1.75 min at 1-month
Gr3: 5 time on the affected transfer was designed PT for 1 hr performing intervals
Gr4: 5 lower extremity; hierarchically in terms of once a wk to 10 repetitions during
all were capable complexity. Gr1: Patients undertake the and a treatment,
of walking with or had PT for 1 hr twice a exercises under 45-s rest. A and for 3
without a cane. wk. The exercises were the supervision of total of 10 months
Treated area: Lower taught by the PT who a PT. The patients exercises were after
extremity provided feedback and also performed performed treatment
corrected the patient. the exercises once in 1 hr with
Gr2: Patients performed a wk in their a 5-min rest
the same exercises as Gr1, home under the interval after
at home with supervision supervision of 15 min of
from their spouse. PT their spouse. exercises.
monitored the home Gr4: Control: No
exercise program to exercise treatment
provide the spouse with was given.
clarification on matters
Werner Total: 54 Between 6 months Gr1: 2.9 wk Gr1: 59 Gr1: Interventions Gr2: No outpatient N/A Session/wk: Follow- 2, 0, 1
1996279 Gr1: 33 and 5 yr after hospital SD: 1.8 wk SD: 19 oriented toward therapy. 2 hr of OT/PT ups at 3
Gr2: 21 discharge following an functional tasks such 4 x/wk a for months
acute middle cerebral Gr2: 3.3 wk Gr2: 66 as transfers, walking, 12 wk (end of
artery vascular event SD: 1.9 wk SD: 13 self-care, and feeding by treatment)
(CT scan/clinical Acute using modalities such as: and 3
presentation); strengthening, stretching, months
functional mobilization, muscle post
comprehension; no retraining/facilitation; treatment
medically significant given by trained OT and
comorbidities that PT.
would compromise
functional status
beyond the effects
of the stroke; no
generalized sensory
deficit; no history of
recurrent stroke; no
ongoing therapeutic
rehab intensity in past
4 months; or ADL
Hemiplegia: N/A
Appendix 3M

APPENDIX 3M. Continued

Age, yr Session
Author Sample Time since (mean, SD Comparison Concurrent frequency Follow-up Quality
and year size Population details onset for control) Treatment group therapy and duration duration (R, B, W)

Wikander Total: 34 Incontinent stroke Gr1: 12.7 days Gr1: 74.0 Gr2: Rehab governed by Gr1: Standard N/A N/A N/A 1, 0, 1
1998473 Gr1: 13 patients SD: 1.1 days SD: 1.5 FIM. customary
Gr2: 21 Hemiplegia: Repeated assessments methods of rehab.
Gr1: 9 R; 12 L Gr2: 17.5 days Gr2: 74.6 using an FIM instrument Standard
Gr2: 4 R; 9 L SD: 1.3 days SD: 91.8 were done by the staff customary method
to determine the rehab of assessment
planning and fix goal following
making on an individual the Bobath
patient-by-patient basis. concept. The
Bobath concept
underlines the
need for inhibiting
the stroke patient
in specific ways

so that he or
she will have to
relearn normal
movements, which
makes the patient
dependent on
ward staff for a
longer period of

Young Total: 95 (Inclusion criteria from N/A Median Gr1: Home PT. The Gr2: Day hospital. N/A Gr1: 11 N/A 1, 0, 0
1993474 Gr1: 52 a previous study): age: patients received active The patients sessions in 8
Gr2: 43 Over 60 yr of age; and Gr1: 69 hands-on standard received standard wk.
about to be discharged Range, treatments by PT for a PT. Gr2: 2 x/wk
home after a new 60–89 total of 11 sessions in for a total of
stroke that had caused 8 wk. 15 sessions in
persisting disability. Gr2: 70 8 wk.
Exclusion: N/A Range,

Note: ADL = activities of daily living; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; EMG-BFB = electromyographic biofeedback; F = female; GP = general practitioner; Gr = group; IQR = interquartile range; L = left; M = male; N/A =
not available/not applicable; N/M = not measured; N/R = not reported; OT = occupational therapy; PT = physiotherapy; Quality R, B, W = randomization, blinding, withdrawals; R = right; SSS: Scandinavia Stroke Scale; ST =
speech and language therapist; SW = social worker; PNF = proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; ROM = range of motion; TENS = transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; UE = upper extremity; WHO = World Health
Organization; x/wk = times per week.
APPENDIX 4. Existing Guidelines on Stroke Rehabilitation

Department of Veterans Scottish

Evidence-Based Affairs / Department of Heart and Stroke Intercollegiate
Rehabilitation Clinical Practice Defense US Army (VA/ Foundation of Ontario Royal College of Guidelines Network
intervention Guidelines DoD) (2003)75 (2002) 71 St. Joseph’s Health Care London (2004)73 Physicians (2004) 72 (SIGN) (2002) 74

Therapeutic Quality of Levels I, II, and III evidence Levels I and II Levels I and II N/A N/A
exercises published (see Table 2)

Clinical Existing good evidence Good evidence existing Limited evidence that the restorative N/A N/A
recommendations that the use of overhead on enhancing sensory- approach increases the number of patients
pulleys should be avoided. motor recovery of who are institutionalized, and that the
Fair evidence to support the upper limb as Bobath treatment improves the quality of
that stroke patients should an intervention. Fair gait.
participate in a regular evidence about avoiding Strong evidence that strength training
strengthening and aerobic the use of overhead improves gait, that balance training
exercise program. Poor pulleys for patients with improves outcomes, and that sensory-
evidence to support that motor impairments and motor training with robotic devices
strengthening should be moderate shoulder pain. improves functional and motor outcomes
included in the acute phase. of the shoulder and elbow. Moderate
evidence that aggressive range of motion
therapy, commonly using overhead pulleys,
results in markedly increased shoulder
pain, and that the gentler range of motion
program is preferred.

Biofeedback Quality of Level I Levels I and II Level I Levels I and II Level I


Clinical There is insufficient Electromyography Strong evidence that biofeedback training Existing evidence that Existing fair
recommendations evidence as to whether (EMG) biofeedback improves gait and standing. biofeedback systems evidence that EMG
routine use of biofeedback should be included should be routinely biofeedback should
should or should not be as an intervention for excluded as an not be used routinely
used as an intervention for patients who have a intervention for post-stroke in the rehabilitation
patients undergoing stroke high level of motor rehabilitation. of function and
rehabilitation. return for reducing movement.
motor impairment and
improving functional
motor recovery.
Appendix 4

APPENDIX 4. Continued

Department of Veterans Scottish

Evidence-Based Affairs / Department of Heart and Stroke Intercollegiate
Rehabilitation Clinical Practice Defense US Army (VA/ Foundation of Ontario Royal College of Guidelines Network
intervention Guidelines DoD) (2003)75 (2002) 71 St. Joseph’s Health Care London (2004)73 Physicians (2004) 72 (SIGN) (2002) 74

Acupuncture Quality of N/A N/A Level I Level I N/A


Clinical N/A N/A Conflicting evidence that acupuncture is Insufficient evidence to N/A
recommendations effective for improving stroke outcomes. make definitive statements
about the role of
acupuncture. Acupuncture
should only be used as an
intervention for patients
undergoing post-stroke
rehabilitation in the
context of ongoing trials.

Balance Quality of N/A N/A Level I N/A N/A

training published

Clinical N/A N/A Existing strong evidence that balance N/A N/A
recommendations training post-stroke improves outcomes.

Constraint- Quality of Level I N/A Level I N/A N/A

induced published
movement evidence

Clinical This therapy should be N/A This therapy should be included as an N/A N/A
recommendations considered as a treatment intervention for patients undergoing stroke
for a select group of patients rehabilitation.
with 20º of wrist extension
and 10º of finger extension,
who have no sensory and
cognitive deficits.
Electrical Quality of Levels I and II Level I Level I Level I N/A
stimulation published

Clinical Recommendation for the FES should be included Recommendation for the use of FES for FES should not be N/A
recommendations use of functional electrical as an intervention for the gait training. FES should be included as routinely considered as
stimulation (FES) for gait treatment of the shoulder an intervention for the treatment of the an intervention for stroke
training. in sub- and post- shoulder in sub- and post-acute stroke patients.
There is insufficient evidence acute stroke patients. patients.
as to whether multi-channel Electromyography
FES should or should not be (EMG) biofeedback and
included as an intervention electrical stimulation of
for severe hemiplegic patients the wrist and the forearm
with gait impairment. FES should be included as an
should be included as an intervention to reduce
intervention for the treatment motor impairment and
of the shoulder in sub- and improve functional
post-acute stroke patients. motor recovery.

Therapy for Quality of N/A N/R Levels I and II N/A N/A

shoulder published
subluxation evidence

Clinical N/A There is existing good Existing good evidence that FES should N/A N/A
recommendations evidence that FES be included as an intervention for the
should be included as reduction of shoulder subluxation in sub-
an intervention for the acute stroke patients. There is limited
reduction of shoulder evidence that shoulder slings influence
subluxation in sub-acute clinical outcomes. Shoulder strapping
stroke patients. and prolonged positioning do not result
There is limited evidence in significant reductions in pain or
that shoulder slings improvements in upper limb function
influence clinical or range of motion. Proper positioning
outcomes. of the hemiplegic shoulder helps in the
prevention of subluxation.
Appendix 4

APPENDIX 4. Continued

Department of Veterans Scottish

Evidence-Based Affairs / Department of Heart and Stroke Intercollegiate
Rehabilitation Clinical Practice Defense US Army (VA/ Foundation of Ontario Royal College of Guidelines Network
intervention Guidelines DoD) (2003)75 (2002) 71 St. Joseph’s Health Care London (2004)73 Physicians (2004) 72 (SIGN) (2002) 74

Transcutaneous Quality of N/A N/A Level I Level I N/A

electrical nerve published
stimulation evidence

Clinical N/A N/A There is conflicting evidence that TENS Recommendation that N/A
recommendations improves a variety of outcomes, including high-intensity TENS
motor recovery, spasticity and ADL. should be included as an
intervention for patients
undergoing stroke
rehabilitation, if non
steroidal anti-inflammatory
analgesia has no significant

effect. TENS should

only be used as a routine
intervention for improving
muscle control in the
context of ongoing trials.

Therapeutic Quality of N/A N/A Level I N/A N/A

ultrasound published

Clinical N/A N/A Existing evidence that adding ultrasound N/A N/A
recommendations therapy to range of motion exercises does
not change outcomes.
Gait training Quality of Levels I and II N/A Level I Level I N/A

Clinical Treadmill training with partial N/A Conflicting evidence on the use of treadmill Treadmill training with N/A
recommendations body weight support should training, and body-weight support and partial body weight
be included as an adjunct treadmill training. support should be
to conventional therapy for Strong evidence was found to include included as an adjunct to
patients undergoing stroke FES for patients undergoing stroke conventional therapy for
rehabilitation. Conflicting rehabilitation, and for the use of rhythmic patients undergoing stroke
evidence for FES for gait auditory stimulation in patients post-stroke. rehabilitation.
training following stroke,
and insufficient evidence
to recommend multi-
channel FES for severe
hemiplegic patients with gait

Task-oriented Quality of Level I Level I Level I N/A Level I

training published

Clinical There is insufficient evidence Existing evidence to Conclusion that the benefit of leisure N/A Existing evidence to
recommendations to recommend for or encourage functional therapy post-stroke is uncertain. support the use of
against neurodevelopmental task training for stroke task-specific training
training compared to other patients with functional to improve task
approaches for motor deficits in affected limbs. performance.
retraining post- stroke.

Stroke Prevention and Agency for Health Care

Educational Awareness Policy and Research
Diffusion (SPREAD) (AHCPR) (1995)70
Collaboration (2000)76

Quality of Level I Level II


Clinical Existing evidence to Evidence to encourage

recommendations encourage functional task functional task training
training for stroke patients for stroke patients with
with functional deficits in functional deficits in
affected limbs. affected limbs.
Appendix 4

APPENDIX 4. Continued

Department of Veterans Scottish

Evidence-Based Affairs / Department of Heart and Stroke Intercollegiate
Rehabilitation Clinical Practice Defense US Army (VA/ Foundation of Ontario Royal College of Guidelines Network
intervention Guidelines DoD) (2003)75 (2002) 71 St. Joseph’s Health Care London (2004)73 Physicians (2004) 72 (SIGN) (2002) 74

Sensory Quality of N/A N/A Level I N/A N/A

intervention published

Clinical N/A N/A For sensory function training of the hand, N/A N/A
recommendations strong evidence was found that perceptual
training interventions improve perceptual
For visual attention retraining, there
is strong evidence that visual scanning
techniques improve visual neglect with
associated improvements in function.
Existing conflicting evidence that external

sensory interventions such as eye

movement feedback are beneficial in the
treatment of visual neglect.
Intensity and Quality of Level I N/A Levels I and II Level I Levels I and III
organization of published
rehabilitation evidence

Clinical There is insufficient evidence N/A Existing good evidence that: a faster There is good evidence There is good
recommendations as to whether inpatient recovery and an earlier discharge from the that acute care for patients evidence that
stroke rehabilitation care hospital can result from intense therapies undergoing post-stroke stroke patients in
demonstrates superiority in delivered in short periods of time within rehabilitation in a hospital the acute phase
outcomes when compared the post-stroke rehabilitation process; should be delivered in a should be treated in
to outpatient stroke care pathways do not improve post-stroke ward or ward area with a multidisciplinary
rehabilitation. rehabilitation outcomes; care pathways specialists with expertise in stroke unit.
There is also good evidence do not reduce hospital costs or decrease stroke management (i.e., a There is poor
that early rehabilitation the length of hospital stays for patients stroke unit). evidence to support
therapy should be provided undergoing post-stroke rehabilitation; There is also good evidence that occupational
as soon as the patient’s post-stroke rehabilitation provided by that stroke patients should therapy treatment
medical status is stable. specialized stroke units enables patients only be managed at home should be based on
to maintain both short- and long-term if the services delivered an assessment of the
functional improvements, when compared at home are part of a individual’s unique
with general medical units; stroke service provided problems.
patients undergoing post-stroke by specialists and that
rehabilitation can maintain and even otherwise, these patients
improve functional outcomes for up to 1 should be admitted to the
year; additional home-based therapy does hospital for initial care and
not improve the overall functional outcome assessment.
scores for patients undergoing post-stroke
The evidence is fair as to whether the
improvement of patients’ functional
outcomes is a direct result of an early
admission to post-stroke rehabilitation.

European Stroke Initiative


Intensity and Quality of Level not reported

organization of published
rehabilitation evidence

Clinical The evidence is poor as to

recommendations whether stroke patients for
whom care services are able
to provide adequate and
Appendix 4

flexible support within 24 hrs

should be considered for a
home management program.

Note: This previously existing clinical practice guideline was looked at though it was deemed not applicable: the European Stroke Initiative (2003).78 N/A = not applicable; N/R = not reported (N/R); N/C = not considered.

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