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:I ~I~k 't:hriOlu~h 'It he aCiCCHri.I:J!il1lI!l\Yi'l'1lgi ,dlra:w 11 ng's.

'~1 !!rh'iI!! 'th~ <8X,;;I)lct OI1'"1~I'IU't'i I)I!I] and iI",@la.t'ionsil'dp

_. I.e -, lparts control] 11 11 ng tine f i thilgl cyt 1,B'.

"01 ,i!I,lb'nt ~ij{!!!, pes i; t iI v@ ~liId t'"'e 11 aiM 1B' fu nc 1l. i' 0111' 1'119 '.

the tri 9ger iIJ r,o lJIIP fo:r tine s,e'l ec t- fi 'l"e RUgJ~1t'

lO~ 22 ~a,'S, l'!I!!ii1e,s i Iglliled 1 n C of'pora. t: i 09 the b:\ll $,1 1;;;:

des i '!;rn I]f t tH:!' Be 1 g'fi ~n FN'- FILL a n·d! 'We's t Ge'nJ!a l'il

iHll(~G3 DEI 'It, 'It, l 'e 1:' ~.,1 e f,1ii"~ n l<t:H'L Botllit ,of t n:es'e

weapo.'lii sys:te;m:s a il"ie' l' egenear,y i Iil pe r-fo'ii'liiall'i ce

and 1f"@'1 i aM 11 ty. _

De IItOd1 n.eod lO~22 st'i 11 r-etaJhis tihe closIM-.;lt mode., of (Jp6ra,t1ion.

When 'f1 rlln<g] the- mifJJd~fted .·:eapl)n,. th@ 'fQ'UQW= fng seq~enC9 of @v@~ts occur:

1. As~uming there 1$ a loaded m~®~~fne 1n plac@~

tlile usar r-etll"",1!i'cts the D!l'Jf~. handl e (.tIiliuil ibo,lt

iJ'S;'5:emb 1'.y", I.!i'\h tc h rota" tas t hili! fiJJ~ .. ~r '!"'earW'aJ reB..

Th 1:5 ac.t'T on c;o!11l)"rE! $; se s t hi€! rec on s,prt ilIg,.

2:. A$ l!J\E;!! 1iI;ij!11tITI$ it'" ,i!J,1 millS t 'Eompl ii;! tas it's il"'ie:i21 Alii! rid. rotat 1 an [I' tlhl!!! bottolU i)'f the namm@'t" ;;::'ill'l't[l,C ts t.n:e! t(l'P' Ii) f tlhe i~U $corrnllilii;!'C tio,r ~~'~ L h ~ Ii! turn: pi'vo't:s Q.\owf'i\W1;!I rd ~ 're 1 e~ $i iln'g: the :s;e~.rr to fJ"li)(tlL te i,! p,l\\\i!Jlr"d '1 iIlIto ~o:s,'t ,t ion aoga i 'iii s t the ~a1IT11'!e't',. The en!3la geme!l'!lt

be~e-nl th'e-- ihlamnie'll" ~uld s e~,r i 5: 'i'HJ.'t yet $,e-t at

tM 5 tlllie' betiHI!'S:~ 'it h@ nal1llleir' 'ji s: fu H Y !rota ted !l"'!E!',iij,rw.a,r'ldi.

:3 i)ulif"r ng t ht s s,~m8< 'ii n i t'l a ] 1f~i!i,T"!;la rd m!J'!JIern~lillt

'il'f t~ii!' bo 1 t and] hiilClif!e<1i" ~ t.l!1e rril!! 1 ea s~, 11 il!!CI,I'il!!'t'. a,lillili

ca te hi iliJ :5,0 roo ~I!!! re,i1i r1.\liil,rrdi ~$111 glnt l y,. lPnil!! trra,'i,!',i!!i]'

,of t!h@ !!ii:~1 iJ'iIi rt s j s 11 rnl t~d by the Ii;! j'i;!,e tor pi'rII !iOiIhii e hi 11 is DQ ~ 1 t 1 QInIl;!!G Ull"r'@.Ug Ii! ~ $ll(1it 'i f.! t~e 1t'Ie-] 'i;!\~ ~e ~ i[:!'Ve,r- • Uotllil l~iI! rots, ,h~'l;!e t f!id!e~endeli!t ~OIt"S fl 'O!l!l

Sl~,ri 1II'!91!!!l 'wIil,i ct>! fQrC;!i;!'S' tJlIe;m t'lO rota tfill r;e,i!!!"",1 r..r;l,.

The is,te,t'1i @n~,1I',Y I rrn 'CP.1i' the~e s,pr'~1 ngi , '~>Gel t" ,!!,

'iI'9@11!'1'~t. Ulii' e'J~d~r ~1W'!. A,$ M';Eli bo'llt ,!!i~~1 ~I.~ __ ,-!r

,t:,ooopl ~'te< 'tne'1 r ~ ~ r'!!i!~,iI"dI ,t!Fi!J \l'ei'~ ~ t h, li!;I'I!Ii~ii!!'~)H!1!!'!I!i't S,l,Jir'f,.~H;e ,o,f th;e_ C:>!iiI t1:'h; 1 $ i!),gli!'~ !l'!IS,'~ tlile h!!i!:i'fl!er li"el~,diy teO >i;!;!,"gl~ 9et 'the II buli"s,'t I i'iIQtch.

4. W~e~ the b~lt t~ fully ~e'rac~ed, It is

~ 1 ei~,S'e'di. R!!\!!I'i;;Il)I'~ 1 S,j:rl" 'i 1'i!9 telil's i OiM t.he'!i!, plr"op;e'l s

ii 'It f{!rrd.

5.. A:1t. tllil'l:& SM'!e i ,n s ti!l,M, ~ the ruil!in'ler ~ re 1. ~~,s,ed frOlf! 1i:,~J r t~(:'It, ~1 t,h 'tIme b!'JI't t~ml :i)f thE' bo 1 'it ,) '!"'1!lI'ta,te,!;; f,of'W!u'id s'11g'h't l!;"ti,1'i d ~,eCute 11,Y e~~~lg,e's, . the s eat ,~,f!;~ iC~t( h ~ (b~'lth pi(le'v~ ~U$],!f po:s;'i' t if ~niH:~ ') l n 'thed r ir"es;~c:t'li 'lie en:!lli9Eimen'it trlot,(;,h;e 5 •

6. ~5, tnE!' j}i} 1 t 1 5 m!J'!.!'l! n91 'fO'r1tla rd, '~t is. td p's; i! l ] ''if,e eoil"tr iJ dg@ f'roo tlll@ ITI\3.Cj.!liZ'll11if:!' ariHl1 b@g'jin:s: to chamD@'I'" it",

i . A t. >ill 'gl'd '!fen Pillri nt j~ s't. b,eforre the bol ,t, 'e; 1 '!'!Ji:sre:s, coop H:rt,e'h!' ~ the top of 'time re 1 ea S@ 1 r!';!!¥e if {hi! '!d',!1J91 p,rl.:!'v1Iou:s. "I :II' lDi)'YEd nNt N-lJ! rell ) - ili.kJfi'S, 'C-OfI tiJ.'c:t 'Ii!l1 UI a rr~ eli UiSi@dl s 11 ilirt mac. i IUi!Ld! 1 inl tn~ ~Ii)tt~ of t'H'

blOlt. A,s the 0.01 t c1ont'h'l,lllte:s, hn·I!i~T'd IIID.,t,l(iiil~,

the r-.!3' 1 ifli as f! 1 is!'''''€! r r,OI ta t.e-:s fol"'ljil\i'- rd, • l1tu''(iIUl9'h

@!fl9_ge.nient w1 th' thiE' e,~t:ch hJ" M,Il!Iils.. o,f II ,'atelt".(!!Hy 11)0$'11 tieD!!'di r~ 1 P'~ n I' 'Ute rte 1!1!!~ Ie h' ro.ti!!,'I;e-:5 the catch .o1ut I!]rf ,e!'l9,a'[lei'le.r1It ~ ~ 'tt; th~~ '1!\~l!I!'!e'ir • ([[30t.h tlhe Cilil::,t;:n l3!lIlId i"'eh:iI:&@ le~1Ii:'i'" P]'yot 0111 ,i] caRmOn ~'i n) '.

At th'1i I p.o'tnt .. ttle weapon 1'$ W"ead1y to. 1fl'f'\e,.

1, The 1H'E!.;rupo,n 'Ii is now' i liiI 1 (ici'-ded iilnd cQt~ed

'p-'O,s1t.i,cm as, ,e'$.,tab'~1i:stried fin tlll@ ,~e!;;I'!,ijel!l<6e aoo~.

z, 'lrllt-e s a 'hi!! ,t 1 s hou l' d [!'lOW !b.oe III(jiv.e d, ttl, tM 'I!OF'F!I!I pillS: 1t t on '" (Tine' !~j,j:5,f\~t;r 'h 1!.iII!'I\it H,f,N'tN!il i ft, tnli:$ !lOOd] 'f~ !t~'t ii on liIlId: f!:llilte tlf'MS, 'iI,dent i oCll1 Y il.i!ii, _""'n:., By mov'~ 1'191 1!:JI'I.{!, saf,ety to. IlIOFF~ i U~ l~r ~'iIg' 'lJif the $e,jli'll'" h pro.'II',a@o ~H;,n. cll'~4n,'nce 'to' ~le !JlI(lWnWitN tr,ul!'l wilen th~ 'trr~'g!ge'r i'~ depte'S'se\'i,)_

3" IM'j;e, $,@'ll!!!!(; to'f' '~ft~r' 11M!:5i:t; be' PGI($:i 't i mrted i,n' th@ li"e~)rwall"d '" ~r 'II :Ulnl;!j! PO:5,~' t'f on, I iii ;tilf~, po:$ t ~ t'i' on aJ I ug on t n:e D()'t~ Gf the. se lector '~-eye," ~l ~,ot, w':j'l r ~ IPQs,ii't1'o~~d 'in ~ ,dN1~!Ii'd HS:U", • .!Ilrn(i ~111 11 !Itt t th@, !Ap~ij'rd tl"a v.e'~ 'of th!e' ~'!," sect 1 .0 n tI,t t.~>e' 'tri' glgf.!"',

- 'I I


4. :IJiI:!lPIr'i!SS tIM@ t r-i 9'9,E!'1"' !' therreby r,~" i!d~S;-] ng tm I!!'

S4~,~ r ,EI.n;d InaITll1'l:@'r' errn'g~'g,eme'lfl 1:.. The hEtrmn_@'F",~ lJ.nd@ II"

s·P!r'TI n'g t!!Il'I:8,'ii on '!fTO!n th:E!' hi!lmer s:prt ng.. rota t~1S f,OfIWiiI N. IS 'It'l"'i Ik:i' n91 th~ 'l"EHIj'If' o'f t h@ f] Ii] III 91 j:IIlllll a.1lI d. ·dJ~·tml:a.t'i' llig the< il;;il.1"h-hllge ..

!!Ii. TtI@ be It,~ ec tt ~gI em t ne p't:'E! !!;i'~IIJ'r'!e! !J@l!le<rr~ t~dI d~ring th~ pe~ultant elplo~1~n of d~tonat'i'o~i linov,~'S 'F'@!ilflf""{II'r(I ~, ,~~trract i n9 .I)'nJdi eJe!c"U Ing th@ fi 1I"@,dl C a.rt 't"1' dgll!! C;il:S,1l!! Co

15;. As Uiu!! bID T t 'IltO'~e S ilE!B r'iWij N. ~ tllll!!!! 'r@!'l @!a,S,@

'1 [l'!!o!)I1!'1I" movl!':s ,jJJ:~ IH'evi(lus;ly n)p'l~] 11@!!lil. I'I.~. th@!

tJ.!JI] t C:O'iriltdl !l!!te ~ [f"'ie·~.frlo\'d t.r'ijI ~e']!!, tll'le dl'~' ~.C~!lifl:@!C:tO'f' dl, SlElifl.9',ij g;!t$. tll[e .~eal'r enab-'11 nil9 11 t t,o Ibe 1 n pos,t t·~· ~riIi for rriii!;;o;'@llIg,(ll;glI!!!IIII!iIil't: iW·~ t.h the. li'lii!lim\e!'r' ~: ~:s I1JiIl"'~V'~ 'OIllIS'~ ')j dl~s,err1 ~,d flO

"I' • FOIf'W~'rd. ib(!!] t t ... ·i!! V-i;!!" IPE! r'f(l rIT!!s, the !5II__ 'FI!!i!i1 c."

,t'1 o !i11 s ":5i prev h,..! s 1,,!;' dlescr1 bedi i po,r i!.lI'Ilother·

S,hot to be ft r'e,c I' the Ul:5'El'r' I]fU.iS't -re'~ ea's:e the

'til"19l!ITtE!'f' iind timeD dep1i'\U is l t i3i Q]a.l n to ere s:ume 'the sle'~llife!lIC@ a:s. d@:Soii;:l"i !b:~,cl •

1. li1lile WE!!BlIill:i1i! '1i S, til'! @ 'l gaded i!!1~d cec ke,di IPID ~ 1 t1 Of! ra~ d!!!!scpibed j~ tl-1).

'2:", 1il1!!!! s,~ fe ty 1 $ aloV'~d! ·11 OIFF Ii (a s .dJE!!SIC ri bed:

lW!! '~~2-2).

3. TtI@" 1'ei''1ifff' u:st D:i!!' p{j,~t't1olr'l'edl in th:e' forwarn or i'IBURST~ plls.n ion. 1m ttr1's, IPQf$l= t,i'l)lh t.h~ hg !!tin the bottom ;(jof' tine :s;eleoCtor 1 e Y'e r' pi vet h~.s. re t, ted ri2E1irw:ai'r'~ eft!lilogh 'U a'Pj-Q'l d eon tac t i lIiIlg th,~ l.I'ppe-r, 'r'ei9rl" i!i lI"@lili o'iI" tlil:~ 'It'!:" i 9<gilli r·, The tri'9g@r' iI n tl!!1's pij}'siitilo1J1 can b~ dE.'!pres5!tld f~,H'ther"

~. Fu H y de(rre ss the tr; 91gBf'., the'rreb.y ir"1! 1 e~s'ii n~

t~e ·hlln:ml1! I"- SI~iilli" !i,imgiJilje'lfiIn t l!!ir1!d 'l!"iI!'~iIlIl rt i If!I'!!I' f n

det~nat1~n of the crtr~dg~ (as d~~~~1~e~ i~ iI2-4) .

S. Th t ii' !;J9e!l" r'f!M(Il t n:!l; d'E!'pfle's :S.e.dl as the· DI) 1 t 'cyc.·~ es rea 'I"k'.!ilrd·; e'c)l,t rae U fI'Iill i3li1Jdl @j!!!!ct 1l1li9 t.h e' fi I"'·e-d C·! s e' t. as d1@:~c'l"'1' bed l' n "'2~ 5 , "

ifi • The re 1 IB.iji!!lE! 'l!'e<'!!,er . IiId catc!h lIii~vl!!! FQ'U teo

Ii"e~ rw- rd (a 5 ~'Ii!IS'C 1"'1 b.e dl 1 ill in = 3) •

" • At 'itllii!l!! re.!!l r-rIIO'S t. t roil"i'@ 1 ;1)01' tti!re' 1)01 t. ,li'l,di hamm@r:,

the d"i :scoftnectQ r' IP i '\Iot·s. dOlllnll!t~ r-.d iii fila rce l eases

'the 's,earr'to p'i! v@t Up'!tI!18. rill ,. Ho'W,e'lle-'i':, ~eca III!S,@'

th. trr'i' ~g@r ls@i!!' iJ s·semb 11 I'la S r"ll,t.a t~.g fUlirthi2'i'"

d~O'Wfi! tho-am ~ t !l:II11 d ~ [1'1 ttie 'i-s811ri ii rno.rdoe I s"liill.1i

1 s not Ilri glffl en(Iluglh 'tID ellilgaJl~e· tlhe "·~!frnerr. The' ClI ti:: fill ;s@cur'@dl'l le'inga gles. t.ill;~ ... ha~r" Mlbu r-5 t lIiliQit!C hi I' !! tfteNf'€·by ftoldl1 i'!Ig the lhaillllilH" 1f·t:!!Ia."dl a 5; th@ bo,1t be griim; '!f'@.'rW cr~ 'ttav@'l':. stl"~ pp11ii1!9 aiAd ~lham'beriili!g iii! lii ¥@ ea r-t..ri d me' •

~L A.t the i 1'1 S t,a'nIE b~'f(l'n' 'lth!! bolt C 1,tJ,sl!s (olfl:=' III 1 @t~ 1 r! UtE! 'If@ 1~,p $e 1 ,e'l,l'~r corntBlc"il;,$ 'tlhe bo 1 t,

P i'viD.t.~ fo r-lff.a ('Ii:! an(;l d'hen§1i!l!Q@5. t.he ta·tc: h (l:S

desc t."i bed t IIii . ]'-7') . r 'f!:5 - a 1] {!~S the hamiTii!'t

'to .s;tr'] Ike t~e fi '1"'1 tn9 iF' 'i 1m . nd ,(I e't-cl"1'l iii te' tile c:a r-


Thh eye1 ~ h repeated until the tr]g9@f

1 S 'l:'e.l e.iilJ $e~ • The :5,ei!l, 'i" cen t.hi!1I1I r-i s,e Ii i ntero!!l!:pt

t~e - is;irmil:r'·t, arno i nrte rru:p't. tf"m cyc'll e.

:Sf:,1 fN;:::Wr jj S S'E!'li: ,tt "SEMi]' III.

18(1,1 t 'jj S' ill'! i(: 1 osee pos:t t'li,ljllli. HllimIe'r i '5 CO" !cedi, :::H:::i!I iI" '~n g;i1l,'g,~d_

Re 1 ea Sf: 1 @'!ilEr 'rn:dl ,C13 ten lila 'ill!!' pil voted fOl)"wi!IJ'I"d. Safe'ty liON Ii ,L

*. Hoy 1 DiI;g 'Soil! fe't,y 'Cto- ~iIl)FF~ ~m!(l d!epiJ'les,:~d iiIi~ tr'~ "gerw111 'fl 'riB W€!a ~-IJ'n •

Si£!'l >e'c tor ~ s s,e't !it II BiJR3;T IU • S~.'fe ty "'OFF'll.

'w,e\~PO;Jii ba s fi rfled a liid bOlt ts 'movt ng 'fo1f'W<ijI N L:llliI(ilie r i!-,e'C(l'~ 1 s[p'f'i FI gi t!2:1ii15,; 'l]il'1,.

Trr i g:g\e r ~ ~ ttl' l'i y dl@prr,~:s,:s,~d '! 1 iIliW!!1!'fi'] n9 !tIme $ii;!·iJ I'" i!l!iO'S!E!

'1 ffi\i ,e'I'I'O !Jl1g iilI to not '!i!!mlgage monmme'II'" '

i;te'h::lilIs<e' hl''III!!if'' and! Ci!l,tch h.!:l!'ve !Il(!I'!{ed r!l'e~ f,",,~ I"\d ,ud catc~ is ~~gagtng bMrst n~tcb.

Winen Do'll t (;OIl1It,aIC t,:) ~ii1d 'h'~ 'p,~ 1ih.~' IfIB'~ '!iN~ :!lie 'lever and! catcln ~:5:5ernhl s, t,m!€ h~~'r' f~ 1. 1 s to dletillinl'te e~1:"'it .. ' rUd!g@.


Par'ls To 'I. lemo!'_"ed Se'mi'-A1uhJ'

[lJ(;Jli;!! to t~e dJe':s:i [i'l ,aII'H~1 c ~a r,[!j,C terii' s,t i' c::s ,of the. RU:9!E!'i" lO'~ 22' jo i t. Iha s Ih@iE!'rl mi8C@'s:s.a'F'J to ;~]] I'II]',~ ~li!l,te the u'Se or the DO lit 1 {I!:;: k", and DO" t 1 iIlc'l( s'l!!!r'~ r!l91.

fh1 s 'W'iI'5 iitlil'C B'£,5 ill ry because th!}; 'lie 1 iI1!lilI,Se,

]~v~r~ ~elease le~er 5pring~ catchi c~tGh s~ri~g, ,i:I.fl1ld 'p1 '\fot IP 1111 0 cc,u:py tilile slpat!13 'Whew!!!! tlliu!'~1I!! par-ts orfgffl1la]]y are '~c~ted.


1B!0<'~ t lDCi~ SPi'1' 11151

~' 2

[1301 It;. l.'oc:k:



Palrllts 10.· Ie Mod~f led

F'(ii'1i'" !ii@'l;e,i:t-f'f rie eOn'!iNi~!if":5 hlilil 10'1' til!! Ruger-

U)-22:. tii'ii'rrHJr' mll'dU'iI'tl;;: . .,Uons t.(I' s'b parts o.f th~ ~'Und!"d ca!"'ttdln!ll1!' ~:s. re~~t~-d.,. Ihe 1111;)0,1 f~'c,~,t,~Ot.lS, !i1!d pW!lrposft !lit" !!!a.(:!~ ~:5. t bed ,~1 ow.

'1. lIte-celi' y.ftrr~ 1la'i"~Iif~ I\'!J fl..

Till e fli3<c.,e,'f'V,er requ f; te:s. t!if{!i 1/ l!lli ii' ,:ri, • 030. dle~ Pl

d'ri II ;ed~ d!!!!t!l!!l!!t s: I' j)O:5i' t i g.f1:~d ii' n ::; LIli::'h ,i;!! IIUllililile ras to sf!t::Ult",ely. 'J Ci!Ci!!'t.~ the PiJsi] 'UO!'1 @.~' the se l ectcr 1 iB''i1e!'i'''.

,2'" l'r'ig1JtI!i'lf" iIf{1[Jsi 1'191- I)r,~~i mg: f 2.

'The t'r'i ~'~f!'1I" 001.\1,,1 ~ 9 Pe>ql!lll'ij res that iii 1/9!' ho 1 e be dr'i n f!d thr~l[JJgh 'the: hous 1. rig ill S, ~ mH ~, (;~ ted '" Thl]' s fac'1' 1 '1 til tes a 5 5@ra:bly of the (:~:t(lIlIlll'elleas;€! ']'f!ver 1'5:5ein!bly. ,A.ils,o .. a Ul'2.!I' ihiill'l if!! and glIb i: 1 (I~g x lieu 'II'IIj'de s,l at '~' s

'f'e,qwri' red! a~, '~nd'i' C!!I t'El'di to' ~'11 '11 O~ as s·ef!'lDl y

of the' S,B' "~c.tQ i" 1 eveJr as.:S@Jnt'bl y •

3. St"Od:.= Uri1Jwfng . 3.

ne s t.iJlck eu $,t, [be ,I U,e'i"'~dl .iii s shOl'lllll! to ,I l l Q,lIi ,dear,iIIlffi<i:<ii! f,orr 'the :5<e'] ector levii1!1"' oII!,nem'bly.

4. Bolt- Driw1ng , 4.

~ bo11t r-equt lices ,I'i! sl(1t. t<l:l Di!' mi!J'Cn1 ",edl Ij]i'l" ,c,IJlt: tnt!;) tlhie®m as hHj:~',i:;Ei,t~dI. 'il"mj'~:5 Pl"'illiV] des a conta.!l;;:t su rf ce and IH'op@r t ~ Ii'i~ "gi fot c:on'it;act w. Him the re,],e,[iSIE: 1 e·v'B"Ir.

5. Ttl !U!!'rr:.~ Hllra,'W'i'llIig I, 5,;

th.e' tlf"i~g~r T@gld1ie"s a, .:;m~] 1 c'learancl! cut te !be m~:d)1il' tn lhe I!Ippe1"',~ 'rea r IP ort:;j'loin nea r

t.n€: 'Q] 5'C'i:lm,'I'1'~ e tor 1',,11i'1l ho 1 i!l:. lb€! W,f! b ,i) I'\i;!.a

mus t;. I])~ ff] ·ed (;I s ii"nd 11"1::.0 1tt!d] tD IP r(I''!' i ~e

further l"(litlt"1(l'1iI of thl!l' tri'gger' ~$Sern'bl.1.

Tlrne d~r',~~l'!'1gl' C.,Ull g,e. used as. ,Ei templtu,e, fiD!'

lecet ten. Al:sii)! Iii ,",150 ,x e 030 :sh~FiiI h eiPoxted' h'll p;Q,sii t, mIl 'in the S.1,01 at the p!l;lls~'tton iodicait@i!il. Tf1i1 s i s n,eii:ie:ss.a.rry to ll~mn, "t,~f: u~alf"d tr,~~ll of 'the sear 'Wh@<!li it d 1 s, from It mil!! d i scoanec tor.

t6. " H IiiJ!I!TI! 11"=' Illr:iailtll'ii ng ,~ 6 .•

,rr~mR:s, II n!l't'ch is cut ~ Ittl) 'the' IhallJIlIn'" as. ~nd 1(:~ ted '. 'Thii s @1iI4,jIluJes the catefil 'Wh@'flI as,s,emh 1 ed '.







14·/C. =--;

." .... .;;;l .• -, I


Se1 eetor Pos"iitiioniing ()@tents o'r111 1/1611 dilameteil" x .• 030 dleep.



Eh"'~ 1 '] 7/32''''' ( .. 2'18" ,l:

d'jj ii'rrn!ti'.!1"" 11901 e tt.n:";olilg,h

r'il glI1t tri gge1:'" Im~!J!'~ t rlgl Ol'i:ly

1h_ V

Ilr-H 1 lIB!~ L 125D dii(jJ .. me~'t:Je<r hill 1. If!! thr:O~:- h tl"1~ger ho~s1ng 'f~r

R _ Lev,e~ " Ca ten p,~ v~'t P'1:f'!,}









I 40() ,I

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h'fJ'e't :s,tocik 10 thi 5: (lJr'ea to 1P-1i"{I~1rde f'O'F :$,r£!'lec'tiJr Asse:mD]y.


D~pUi of :$1 j).t, ./50

J lO-ORAD/US t4=-~~~2,975


Til; c~~ess of $.1 ct .O'BO



mit ~'!Ji)!'IJa, 1 '" Y :tlu,dt;!!d ~'!"e,aJ 'relJl'r'fHi!f!In"t~ tile f1 iii. t sur-f'liI ces I)jf IJ;nrl:e r:!l,h~e i)f DO!" t.

"ille! b!lll' t ,ct~s.1' gil!! for tM e 1A,;IJ'Q"e',. 10- 22 w.a s eha,tlJge.d at 801m' [p(Vhit. lBellow Ire :s.lliIIlr~n @J:;(Ij[Jp,loe5i Il)f 'e\~<Eh. for t.hii;s, !Xii'ficlfei'lJn~ e,ll.>ch Ibnl t elm] be u s.ed or ,]' nt.!'Ii':c liJ.ill1lT1'!J@!I1I "



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IPa rts To Be, Manu'fac tu r"'ed

'The f'o 111 OW'] ng ,iii re t.h~ ne~!'!i"t:$ 'r~qlll i 'r'@foi! for" ;s,el ect~'f'ir~ it!!)i1IVe'r:5 i ~ilI orr i~h~ IRJl;Ilg;e r 10'=,2,2,. M'il te.rri' ~J s fo'fi" tlJie 1"11" 'C;(rf;) s't i"1!J!(:,t,~ lOrn' a 'FI!;!! ~ 1 so' 1 liic'h.:ll!!l= edl.

],. Re" eiilise l.e",ret- itl:r~w f!iilgl f '2'.,

Tine Fe,1 ofNI5iil;! '~ e:'If~'! '~:$ ,die:~,1 911il1(!<di to Iw m iIi.d <8' frelll .05(11 1l.h l' ~I~ne~,~ $,'We< ~ s Iltfil~;t 11m t~ 1 • Thii s part ha:s a, II t-~!)" ~.h't tin , s ~~llIt a rQlm(!l ~ 1111~S,t Clout{]@'i Pr"i)vl 'di] rlg' i!I" il'!IOti!::~ f.Qrt ~ (Ie", 'Ii, ~(i;f'li I~idf tti@ \\IorrJk'ii ng am ilF th~~' ['Ie 1 ~'1Ii,$oe '] e'ver $iPlr~ rtgl e Th~ iO'IJ'4?tr-a 11 :5,h~ Ile' It,aml IDe t.lJ"i~,1I'JIi5,f'eil"Jted b1l !!I'S; ~ H!~' t~~ dira1'1!'f og as, a t!fl~p,h te • Tille dlii me'n= :5: t oftle<i! ,(i! !"ie,,"'S s hQoulhl. be as ~ICIC'l:il'r'iii:t€' ,iii S pOS :s,H) Ie '~(I' E!:!fj $llHr~ IH'\QiPifl r' tiimn ng of h~lIJIIIIg.i d,i 5}, i'!\Snl't .,

:2';, (:~ een- [Iill"~wi I~ig: f :B.

lihe ta tdfl '~ilu~WV!! can b~ rnaG@' Ib.y 00'111 dlil: ~g a

'Pi] ece 'lji '. 0100 s,he~t II1I!ltilil i IliitiQ' iii! CliiaJIiiOill{] :;; Mpe' @if' t.he Pi""il'il,e'l"' 'wl dt h .' and then f'l 1 1 rng t!t~, ~'r~f~ 11 ill! t~ 1Il~.tch t he drarwii ng., ,A ,31 J:2'101 x • !UOI j"iiJ 1 ~ ~1: n i' s ~1r,e~s;~dI thr!lliuglh IO;Qth s,t die's, of, th!! ci;i,tch as 'ii nd'h:::iiI!b1!d '" " (iP'r'€'5 S i!!! 1 (iij'j;g,-e~r p~ n tlm!)u~1li and, tllil@11i glii nd to fll1lu:::; h:=

eg: ~ EH'i:glth - }.. -

[\l;:men:s.iioned sYr-fiIlces II11lills·t. be as, a!l:CI!J!r'I!J.te

a.s [po so ~ i b 1 ~ t@ elf,) S'UI("\E!' plF'op!l~rr ,engfCl gelMHl t

wi' tll_·he. h!l1llR@r.


S\r;u"'1'!'1tgJ- Re" e:aS,e _ L!!v,I!;!!'r'-' D'ro8lwi IiIg ,~ '9.

In:'i s 't(l1 tS i: (!in sipri 111.91 1:5 to!) b@ .~ de from .. l30 IrILi S i iC ~1' re or ,r;!Ill1l ,eQui 'j,!',a.l"l!nt. ] it cen be f!iasily madie· ~i't,h ~ litt.lE!· prlct.l(;e. !lJ~e

a .ll8~' illJpprOK] maJ'te dj',ilmi1!'tJj~rr - r-od cl al!IIpe.r;l

.; III I). v~ s e 1fo,r an aribolf' • Cut ~lb:D-1:I t a ' J~I'

1 I';m!) IP i EN:.e of wi ere Ii I!ldl clamp both ends. iI!!.Iii tn ~hl,e' 'SU"'l ps . I!!lru~11i !the a ppIFoK1' mate ang 1 Ii;! ,iI ~ .S l"Io~n i 1111 th~ drl'"w'i ng +s ac h'1' eved.~ re l@·,asl;! tine' sp'ri!fig illlllld bend! 'the it;W{I 'C U ii¥',es, as :sllio!o\llli .•

Gut s pr'1' 1Il!ill ,aJ rns to' 'tllile ijl!p.~ro;( t iM te '1 @H!tItlr!

;arS! $~o.r;m On tln@ d Ii" J!!I'~ In QI.


S~rf~9-C~tch- 9r~wtnl , 10. SI)iD1e as, ~bov~ .~,!'II , j ~


SE 1 e,c,tl)r l,~~r- Driillild ng ., 11.

The SiB: 1,ect!illr . 1 II! ite r can lb'e iRtilc:le 'frnm + 0 5~) t'hic'k.:liu~ss s·teel 5pif"'~ng 'stock i' or band fig U f alta nlbl e)1 ~ If In@'1 thi~r ]' s. !3!'foi'~'n a:b'T e- i :s'hck as; u.sed 'fOIf" the rt!l~:N:l.S'~ l:t;!!ver alllid ca tch ii 'S< :~u'fn (:] ent ~

S-e'~.~ctor' Posiit'hm'~n9 lUg, Olf"aw.'i:flg ~ ].,~. _ hu ] u9' 'C,iitll'li be 1'I(Id)e< 0', tI'fil.)i' a V,illl8,D 1 'e s t,e-B'l s tD-c.t. 1'~ a'5setm,l e· 1" 'the se 1 ~!'J:tor' 1 e Ye I"'" i' i iA Sf: rt ;8I:Si SlbOWl'il and fl -I tte!i'l 'tllile • ],;25 .~ .• O'6Q d i .aJn;e·tJfl·r lit l'!Ii s t th@ 1 e\!e r. Th@ ('msrmfe r' tn the hr'l'er' f!!Il'i1 1 all"w the lug to., 1IWI,s;ll1rroom li'!ind be 5€lCIIJ r-e ]!t ofi J:.eod i In fill Iace.

7. Selector Kn~b- Dpa~lng * 13.

Ths 's,@'lectCi'r k;n,ob U~ be lII1ad}~ iDf the s.ailTle:

I1\3!t@T'i' s .[II 5 the: hi9 t n '1. The Iknob 'h. ~filH"li eo to pl"llJi'i!'i die, II bE t:liie'r- 91"" p. The JI190 dj~lIW!t.@r' x ,JJ4IO, bal pI f;11 pos'i'tfr~n$

th:<ii!' 5181!E! c tOll" U.:s emb] y by Irna tlllig ,ltll"i' th 't~e

l nd .. l3'n t 5 ~ !l the 1! ver , li 0 ii!.'s;:s.entb'11 e 't,be

tIflOD.. e ither brue' tlhe knPD 11n [pll,oce,Jo Q'ii-

n a 11"13' tlhe l/ l6'i! ( , 18'1 ) d l ,Ellre1te'r i In ~o 'it,hill! c haJll'fre'1I" i! Ii 'rt;he l ~v,e:1F ,i) U,~'r the ,t'Wil:!! 1~1f'\~ i IIiI 1iJ!00:~d U Olli • he i) I"~ @C@ (liT 5; ro(j wi t.h

a. liB" ~o'l e ff n t.~>e Ci!n' ,er a:$ a, 'pry !"Ireta tiD.'

fhtre 'th~ Iknob !;iif;!!c"n'@']y.,


1 ~_200

---II ~ ,3.30


:t1:6C 187 J


Dd 11 3;J3.;21i1 (. 09tl") thrtl1_j,gh catch (,ROll IP i llil L.,~JC,iII t. i on )


Dr'] '11 '1 lf81~ ~ a, l2'51) h~]~ t~~~ug~ catch

J/32U dJi' am~tf!!1f" by . 510 ] !2ilgtt.l Rloll .Pin

\ ,









.,8'50 ...

)v .. : .\.......__~ .l40

iM@l(e s,pr~ i'i9lS froo ..IJ30 dh:rne"ite'l" IlL1.H1d,c; ~~ Fe = jl="'om

SIJilf'""i rlg·s to I[p:prn,xi ma tie. ~hQp.e as shoWTI.


.' ®"'. =="=1"=

, .




. 125 ~ , ~ ~.09~310

500 ~

- ~' -~--

".p,.' .... , ... + ... ' .. ,.

~-.! .. .. ~. I .115 125

'7 d ~r-,,250

'-.2- ,"::1.- .... , ." 1"ii6'j"'jj

..J,c;;. '" -- _V' · .. IJJ


I!..-...._ 0 Ai ,01: • .i? J!U' oM

, . ',;;,:'::JI ~L!?od ~..f" 7r



F1 ,8 itE' th1i S, S,Ul"· ace ""hen

,ill 5 flem'bl@d 1: I'i 5~ 1,B'C tOil" lever

1, R~l~as~ L~vey

2. Re1ea&e lev~r Spring

3. [;U!t~

4." Catclm $p'Il'.f! 111'£1

5, IP i "lot iP i 1I'i=1R.e h:,[Ij S;J3' ~.e ~iB I'" ,ililliid (at~h


I Ii; I _, Thf s ~~Ifved ,~H'-e<li Ciiii [bot,hi s,prrtlillgs. '1 S, to be ~ oca ted ~t9a 1 n:~ t 'th e' raa 1'" $] d~ of tIll-e: ,~·,j,~·c- tOrt' pin. Th1$ provides te~$tQn on b~th sprflil~~ to fo rte ~W!!i1! (,g te hi ~~!'!d 1"1e] e~ s Ii;! h!'Vie'li r.e·,iU··W~ rds.,



. .


. ,

~ I" •


1.. ~~c~f'i,!'e'i"

2. r~igger G~ard Assembly J. Ehu"re'l

4, St~clk

5, Reeeiver Cro5~ Pin~ (2)

6. Bpl 't ,Asse;mb'~ J

7. Bolt ~~~d]e~ G~ide Rodi and R@coil

.spri r1J91 As s,emb l y -

,Il, Bi:!! rWle] Re-it.aj ne:r

9. Bili r'1I"8'] 11I:~1ta]' nii!'1i" Sc,if'i!!!W'$.

'W. B:.ilI,rlf'~] EIla,n:dl

11,,, lHa'g'ilI::!]' f1.i:!-

1 ::t, 'i'1i"'1 'g'g~ r- Ho u s i1rri'9'

11" Hal1l1".lEill""

:n..4L ~aJ~ t'" S,t rilJ'II;,

1 ii" 1hIa:~ t'" S,p-,t"'1li'r19 _

1,6", Ho3JlMif;! h'" Ill:! ~ n 1 ~g$ (~)

11" liIaJl'IIm<I!jir P'i ~ot 1P~i'ri

1S. iii a rnnll1fr' Strut W'a: s.~@'r'

19. P, lIot P i n~,M.itga:z: i n~ l~t'e h cUlllri(!! ,~,je'c tOi"'

P'ln -

20, Ejj ect~r'

21. B~lt Lock S~ring

2:2. H'ao;az:] lJi1E: Latch ,p 111.1Ilm'9li!!'t'"

2,3. M~~a::r] lme ,batcllil P] IJ.iIllii'g~t'" SlP,ll""ill1i9 24. B~"t Leek

2~5. Ml3:~aJz i!lii@ Latclhi

26. SaJ'f@ty

27. Sa.'f@ty D~tiQ!nt IP T Uiliji!!!'t'

23. Sa.'f'@'it.y D@t~llit PI I!Iilligl!;!!'i" $~ r ~ ~9

29. Tr'T gger

30. TT";' 'lig~r P'll!ll~lg~'1f

31 . 'fr'i gger Pl !lI'~ gli]'ir Sprr j: ilg

32. Di5C~mn~&t~r

33. D~se~n~ece~r Pjv~t PIn

34,. ,S,e ,a. If'

35.. S,i;Hll! S'PIf] Fi g;

36. Tid gg@!ri" pi 11 '\l'C\!t IP i 11

37. 81)~ t-

J\S. Pi 'i:!il'~ Pin

19 . r1 ri rn,Q. Pi.n Re,tmu n d 5:j)r'~'llg 4.0" r't r'] 011 'P"i r.t .5.h"p P'l Ft

4,1. lEx tra:Cto I""

42. .tractQP f]~~~~r

43. Extra~t~r Spring

44. 801t Sto~ Pj~

A IJ G tER 1M 00 El 1 OI~2 CAIRIB. N E


... '" I ~-

i I I.


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