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1. Improves blood circulation and digestion.

2. Flexible lower body, strengthens sexual organs, tones body muscles (hips, thighs, calves), cures joint
pains, urinary problems, weight loss.
3. Calms mind and relaxes the nerves, enusres slow and rhythmic breathing in this position can induce a
meditative state.


1. Nadi Shudhi, improves immune system.
2. Brightness to face, protects sinus and other nose illness
3. Deep inhalation diminish the TB infection

1. Stretches & strenghtens the neck and back, loosens the spinal vertebrae, Reduces fats in the
abdominal area, thighs and buttocks
2. Increases the efficiency of the internal organs by increasing blood flow and stimulates the nerves
3. Improves digestive system
4. Sterility and impotence. Massages the pelvic muscles and helpful in stimulating reproductive organs.
5. Solves menustral disorders

1. Stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest and abdominals, Decreases stiffness of the lower back,
Firms and tones the buttocks, strengthens the arms and shoulders, Stimulates organs in the
abdomen, strengthens the spine.
2. Improves menstrual irregularities
3. Improves circulation of blood and oxygen, especially throughout the spinal and pelvic regions also
improves digestion.

1. Strengthens the abdominal and toughens back muscles
2. Promotes Better Blood Circulation
3. Increases Sexual Stamina
4. Excellent source of stress and tension reduction
5. Daily practice of this Asana can cures cervical spondylitis and spinal cord ailments.
6. Strengthening your wrists, hips, thighs, legs, buttocks, lower abdomen and diaphragm.
7. Toughens back muscles

1. Effective in weight loss.
2. Improves digestion, appetite and cures digestion,
3. Gives flexibility to the back and strengthens back muscles ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal
4. Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
5. Act as a stress reliever.
6. Cure menstruation disorder.
7. Improve function of kidney and liver.
8. Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.
9. Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.

1. It is an excellent yoga exercise for relieving back pain.
2. Improves blood circulation.
3. Much effective to prevent constipation and indigestion.
4. Stretches your spine and brings flexibility.

1. Increases the flexibility of the spinal column and because of this, the nerve fibres emerging from it
becomes invigorated.
2. Due to the contraction and stretching of the muscles of both the sides of the waist, the abdomen and the
chest becomes flexible and strong. The fat deposited on the sides of the waist and abdomen disappears.
3. Waist ache is relieved.
4. Lung capacity is increased. Breathless is reduced.
5. This asana can be extremely useful as an auxiliary therapeutic measure for problems connected with
breathing and as a preventive against tuberculosis.

1. Blood circulatory system, respiratory system and digestive system will be vivified.
2. While practicing this yoga pose more blood flows into throat, thyroid gland will be invigorated.
3. Sexual disorders are cured easily.
4. It rectifies disorders in ears, nose and throat.
5. Hair loss and premature graying of hair are put to end or controlled.
6. Practice sarvangasana regularly decrease or increase body weight and maintains the perfect body
7. Menstrual disorders, frequent abortions, leucorrhoea and barrenness in women are also cured.
8. Shrinking of skins, wrinkles in face, aged look and stiffness are re-freshened and skin begins to bloom.
9. Asthma, liver disorders, intestinal disorders, constipation, diabetes, varicose veins and insomnia are


1. Increasing rate of blood circulation, solves problems of varicose veins, improves digestion.
2. Help in relieving the strain from the heart, stability of the core and strengthen the wrists and lower arms.

1. Improves Body Posture and Health
2. Efficient Organ Working
3. Strengthens the Lower Body
4. Develops Balance and Coordination
1. Greatly calms the body and mind. Of benefit for the hips, digestive function and haemorrhoids.
2. Reduces muscular tension and brings blood pressure under control
3. Relaxes the mind
4. Helps pregnant ladies during childbirth
5. Reduces menstrual discomfort

1. This pranayama cleanses the cranial sinuses, and this helps in relieving from cerebral thrombosis.
2. It purifies the nerves as well as pranic channels.
3. It is the best practice to be followed to oxygenate the blood.
4. By practicing Kapalbhati Pranayama, one can regulate the breathing mechanism.
5. It adds luster as well as beauty to the face and makes it more radiant.
6. It drastically reduces the risk of developing hernias.
7. It is an excellent pranayama which should be done to control the effect and reduce the damage due to
diabetes. It helps in controlling blood sugar level and hence control diabetes.
8. Digestion system will improve.

1. Renders your voice clear and pleasant
2. Helps to alleviate pulmonary diseases
3. Removes phlegm in the throat
4. Has the potential to keep Asthma in control
5. Provides relief to people with respiratory disorders
6. Encourages the muscles of the face, throat, and nose to relax
7. Balances the nervous system

1. improve lungs health, helps curing cold & flu and neurological issues
2. Heals the thyroid problems
3. Fat burner
4. Blood purifier
5. Clears blocked channels and centers

1. Cures insomnia, relaxes body muscles and blood pressure.

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