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DPS Revision

Offline Test – 1
Based on DPS 1 to DPS 30
1. Fluid nature of membrane is able to explain –
(a) Mobility in membrane
(b) Membrane fusion
(c) Secretion and permeation of various substances across membrane
(d) All of these
2. Which of the following cell organelle (s) is / are double membrane bound?
(a) Nucleus
(b) Chloroplast
(c) Mitochondria
(d) All
3. Who observe the Mitochondria first
(a) Kolliker
(b) Robert Brown
(c) Robert Hooke
(d) Altmann
4. Prokaryotic origin of mitochondria was proposed by
(a) Rabinowitch
(b) Altmann and Schimper
(c) Salton
(d) Morrison
5. The presence of DNA in mitochondria and chloroplast supports the hypothesis that
(a) Mitochondria and chloroplast both originated as independent free living organisms
(b) Glycolysis occurs in mitochondria and chloroplast both
(c) ATP is produced in mitochondria and chloroplast both
(d) Mitochondria and chloroplast undergo meiosis and mitosis independent of nucleus
6. Larva of jelly fish (Aurelia)
(a) Planula
(b) Polyp
(c) Medusa
(d) Blastula
7. Highest degree of polymorphism is found in
(a) Protozoa
(b) Cnidaria
(c) Platyhelminthes
(d) Arthropoda

8. Metagenesis refers to
(a) Alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phase of an organisms
(b) Occurrence of a drastic change in form during post embryonic development
(c) Presence of a segment body and parthenogenetic mode of reproduction
(d) Presence of different morphic forms
9. Which shows polymorphism
(a) Physalia
(b) Trypanosoma
(c) Termite
(d) All of the above
10. Which of the following does not belong to phylum Coelenterata
(a) Sea pen
(b) Sea fur
(c) Sea cucumber
(d) Sea fan
11. Sea anemone belongs to class
(a) Hydrozoa
(b) Anthozoa
(c) Scyphozoa
(d) None of these
12. Corals belong to the phylum
(a) Protozoa
(b) Porifera
(c) Cnideria
(d) Mollusca
13. The nitrogenous metabolic waste in Hydra mostly
(a) Ammonia and is removed from whole surface of body
(b) Urea and is removed mainly by tentacles
(c) Urea and is removed from whole surface of body
(d) Uric acid and is removed from whole surface of body
Ans.(a) Ammonia and is removed from whole surface of body
14. A coral island with a central shallow lake is known as
(a) Coral reef
(b) Atoll

(c) Corallite
(d) Diatomaceous sheath
15. Ephyra is the stage in the life cycle of
(a) Frog
(b) Obelia
(c) Aurelia
(d) Sea anemone
16. Penetrant, valvent and glutinant are types of
(a) Nematocysts of hydra
(b) Tentacles of hydra
(c) Zooids of Obelia
(d) Tentacles of Obelia
17. The term species was coined by
(a) Engler
(b) John Roy
(c) Aristotle
(d) Linnaeus
18. Binomial nomenclature includes:
(a) Genus, species
(b) Genus, family
(c) Genus, subfamily
(d) Species, subspecies
19. The basic unit of biological classification is:
(a) Species
(b) Genus
(c) Phylum
(d) Order
20. In eukaryotes which of the following is not found?
(a) Plastid
(b) Nucleus
(c) Ribosome
(d) Mesosome
21. Triploblastic, unsegmented, acoelomate exhibiting bilateral symmetry and reproducing both asexually and
sexually, with some parasitic forms. The above description is the characteristic of phylum
(a) Ctenophore
(b) Cnidaria
(c) Porifera

(d) Platyhelminthes
22. The symmetry observed in platyhelminthes is
(a) Asymmetrical
(b) Radially symmetrical
(c) Bilaterally symmetrical
(d) Biradial symmetry
23. Platyhelminthes are also known as :
(a) Ringworms
(b) Flatworms
(c) Roundworms
(d) Longworms
24. The characteristic that is true about phylum – platyhelminthes?
(a) They are mostly ectoparasites
(b) They are mostly free - living
(c) They are mostly commensals
(d) They are mostly endoparasites
25. All flatworms differ from roundworms in having
(a) Triploblastic body
(b) Solid mesoderm
(c) Bilateral symmetry
(d) Metamorphosis in the life history
26. Solenocytes are the main excretory structure in
(a) Echinodermates
(b) Platyhelminthes
(c) Annelids
(d) Molluscs
27. Mehlis`s gland in tapeworm is associated with
(a) Reproduction
(b) Circulation
(c) Respiration
(d) Excretion
28. Prokaryotes are characterized by:
(a) Absence of cell wall
(b) Absence of chlorophyll
(c) Well defined nucleus
(d) Absence of nuclear envelope, nucleolus and nucleoplasm

29. Prokaryotic genetic system has:
(a) Histone but no DNA
(b) DNA but no histones
(c) Neither DNA nor histones
(d) Both DNA and histones
30. Intracellular components do not occur in:
(a) Prokaryotes
(b) Eukaryotes
(c) Lower plants
(d) Higher plants
31. Prokaryotic cells are :
(a) PPLO
(b) Bacteria
(c) Cynobacteria
(d) All of these
32. Totipotency was first suggested by
(a) Habelandt
(b) Steward
(c) Swammerdam
(d) White
33. Steward succeeded in growing ……… in culture medium.:
(a) Tomato root cell.
(b) Tomato stem cell.
(c) Carrot root cell
(d) Onion stem cell.
34. A sponges can be distinguished by the presence of :
(a) Tentacles
(b) Coelenterons
(c) Choanocytes
(d) Calcareous skeleton
35. Which of the following cells in sponges catch food?
(a) Pinacocytes
(b) Choanocytes
(c) Thesocytes
(d) Archeocytes
36. Function of thesocytes in Leucosolenia is :
(a) Food – storage
(b) To act as sex cells

(c) Secretion of slims
(d) As embryonic reserve
37. Gemmule formation in sponges is helpful in:
(a) Sexual reproduction
(b) Asexual reproduction
(c) Only dissemination
(d) None of these
38. Which of the following is detrimental to pearl industry?
(a) Cliona
(b) Oyster
(c) Euspongia
(d) Chalina
39. One animal that does not perform locomotion is :
(a) Sycon
(b) Sepia
(c) Neries
(d) Euglena
40. In chloroplast, chlorophyll is present in –
(a) Thylakoid
(b) Stroma
(c) Outer membrane
(d) Inner membrane of envelope
41. Stacks of vesicles in chloroplast from –
(a) Stroma
(b) Thylakoid
(c) Grana
(d) Oxysome
42. Which of the following is correct about the outer and inner membrane of chloroplast?
(a) Less permeable and more permeable respectively
(b) More permeable and less permeable respectively
(c) Both are equally permeable
(d) Both are equally impermeable
43. The stroma of chloroplast has –
(a) Enzymes for protein synthesis only
(b) Enzymes for carbohydrate synthesis
(c) Both
(d) Enzymes for dark reaction and oxidative phosphorylation

44. Venus flower basket belongs to phylum
(a) Porifera
(b) Coelenterata
(c) Echinodermata
(d) Mollusca
45. Boring sponge is
(a) Cliona
(b) Euplectella
(c) Chalina
(d) Hyalonema
46. Nematocysts take part in

(a) Locomotion
(b) Offence and defence
(c) Food capture
(d) All of these
47. Phylum cnidaria is characterized by

(a) Nematoblasts
(b) Coelenteron
(c) Tissue level of organization
(d) All of the above
48. One of the special characters of coelenterate only is the occurrence of

(a) Polymorphism
(b) Flame cells
(c) Hermaphroditism
(d) Nematocysts.
49. True Coelom is found between or surrounded by

(a) Body wall and ectoderm

(b) Ectoderm and endoderm
(c) Mesoderm
(d) Ectoderm
50. Sycon belongs to a group of animals, which are best described as
(a) Unicellular or acellular
(b) Muticellular without any tissue organization
(c) Multicellular with Ð gastrovascular system
(d) Multicellular having tissue organization, but no body cavity.
51. Metameric segmentation is the characteristic of
(a) Mollusca and chordata

(b) Platyhelminthes and arthropoda
(c) Echinodermata and annelida
(d) Annelida and arthropoda.
52. One micrometer is a unit equivalent to
(a) 10–3 m
(b) 10–6 m
(c) 10–9 m
(d) 10–12 m
53. The division of the plant kingdom into Prokaryota and Eukaryota is based on the characters of
(a) Nucleus only
(b) Chromosomes only
(c) Cell organelles only
(d) All the above
54. Which of the following is absent in prokaryotes
(a) Nuclear membrane
(b) Golgi bodies
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) All the above
55. Currency of cell is
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Chloroplast
(c) ATP
(d) Glucose
56. A scientifically acceptable generalization supported by several hypotheses and experimental trails is known as a:
(a) Theory
(b) Concept
(c) Formula
(d) Generalization
57. “Chance favours the trained mind”. This statement was made by:
(a) Ian Wilmut
(b) Robert Koch
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) James D. Watson
58. Which one of the following sequence is true?
(a) Observation, hypothesis, problem defining, experiment
(b) Experiment, hypothesis, problem defining, observation
(c) Observation, experiment, hypothesis, problem defining
(d) Observation, problem defining, hypothesis, experiment

59. Which of the following are characteristics of living things?
(a) They reproduce
(b) They acquire energy
(c) They respond to stimuli
(d) All of these
60. Organisms which display properties of both living and non-living:
(a) Viruses
(b) Diatoms
(c) Lichens
(d) Bacteria
61. Species is:
(a) Population of individuals having same genotypes and phenotypes
(b) A group of individuals inhabiting a geographical area
(c) A group of interbreeding populations
(d) Population of one type
62. Chitin is chemically a polymer of:
(a) N-acetyl gluconic acid
(b) N-acetyl glucosamine
(c) N-acetyl muramic acid
(d) None of these
63. The energy transformation in the nervous system is :
(a) Chemical to radiant
(b) Chemical to electrical
(c) Chemical to mechanical
(d) Mechanical to radiant
64. Energy transfers or transformations are never 100% efficient. This is due to
(a) Entropy
(b) Catabolism
(c) Anabolism
(d) Homeostasis
65. Maintenance of internal favorable conditions, despite changes in external environment is
(a) Entropy
(b) Steady state
(c) Enthalpy
(d) Homeostasis
66. Bacteria were first discovered by
(a) Robert Koch

(b) L. Pasteur
(c) Robert Hooke
(d) A.V. Leeuwenhoek
67. Membrane-bound organelles are absent in
(a) Plasmodium
(b) Saccharomyces
(c) Streptococcus
(d) Chlamydomonas
68. Bacteria whose cell has only a curve/comma is
(a) Vibrio
(b) Cocci
(c) Spirilli
(d) Bacilli
69. The main difference between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria lies in the composition of
(a) Cilia
(b) Cell wall
(c) Nucleolus
(d) Cytoplasm
70. Bacteria bearing flagella all over the body are called
(a) Peritrichous
(b) Atrichous
(c) Monotrichous
(d) Cephalotrichous
71. Plasmids are extra chromosomal genetic material of
(a) Bacteria
(b) Virus
(c) Algae
(d) Amoeba
72. Who is the author of work philosophia Botanica?
(a) Bessey
(b) A.P. de Candolle
(c) Linnaeus
(d) None of these
73. The taxon which includes related families is
(a) Class
(b) Phylum
(c) Order

(d) Genus
74. According to the four kingdom classification, the unicellular non-nucleated organisms are placed in
(a) Monera
(b) Protista
(c) Animalia
(d) Plantae
75. In Whittaker`s five kingdom classification, eukaryotes were assigned to
(a) 2 of 5 kingdoms
(b) 4 of 5 kingdoms
(c) 3 of 5 kingdoms
(d) All the 5 kingdoms
76. Figures of cork cells observed by Robert Hooke were published in:
(a) Species Plantarum
(b) Micrographia
(c) Historia Plantarum
(d) Systema Naturae
77. Smaller cell is:
(a) With larger nucleus
(b) With smaller nucleus
(c) Less active metabolically
(d) More active metabolically
78. If a cell expands in diameter during growth:
(a) Its volume will increase more rapidly than its surface area will
(b) Its volume will decrease more rapidly than its surface area will
(c) Its surface area will increase more rapidly than its volume will
(d) None of the above
79. The technique of obtaining large number of plantlets by tissue culture method is called:
(a) Organ culture
(b) Plantlet culture
(c) Macropropagation
(d) Micropropogation
80. The statement omniscellula e cellula of Rudolf Virchow has been taken from his book:
(a) Micrographia
(b) Scala Naturae
(c) Cellular pathology
(d) Cellular potency
81. Who is the father of Botany?

(a) Treviranus
(b) John Ray
(c) Hippocrates
(d) Theophrastus
82. Who is regarded as the Father of Taxonomy?
(a) A. P. de Candolle
(b) Carolus Linnaeus
(c) John Roy
(d) Charles Darwin
83. Mayr`s biological concept of species is mainly based on:
(a) Morphology
(b) Reproductive isolation
(c) Modes of reproductive
(d) Morphology and reproduction
84. Which of the following species is restricted to a given area ?
(a) Sibling species
(b) Sympatric species
(c) Endemic species
(d) Allopatric species
85. The replacement of two kingdom grouping by five kingdom classification was proposed in the year:
(a) 1859
(b) 1758
(c) 1969
(d) 1862
86. Sequence of which of the following is used to determine the phylogeny?
(a) DNA
(b) t-RNA
(c) r-RNA
(d) m-RNA
87. The type specimen used by the author in the original publication is known as:
(a) Holotype
(b) Isotype
(c) Lectotype
(d) Syntype
88. Biological species concept emphasizes on:
(a) Geographical isolation
(b) Reproductive isolation

(c) Physiological isolation
(d) None of these
89. Aristotle is associated with:
(a) Parallelism
(b) Biogenetic law
(c) Scala Nature
(d) Catatrophism
90. Who published the book species Plantarum and provided a basis for classification of plants?
(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Robert Hooke
(c) Antony van Leeuwenhoek
(d) Carolus Linnaeus

1. Ans.(d) All
2. Ans.(d) All
3. Ans.(a) Kolliker
4. Ans.(b) Altmann and Schimper
5. Ans.(a) Mitochondria and chloroplast both originated as independent free living organisms
6. Ans.(a) Planula
7. Ans.(b) Cnedaria
8. Ans.(a) Alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phase of an organisms
9. Ans.(d) All of the above
10. Ans.(c) Sea cucumber
11. Ans.(b) Anthozoa
12. Ans.(c) Cnideria
13. Ans.(a) Ammonia and is removed from whole surface of body
14. Ans.(b) Atoll
15. Ans.(c) Aurelia
16. Ans.(a) Nematocysts of hydra
17. Ans.(b) John Roy
18. Ans.(a) Genus, species
19. Ans.(a) Species
20. Ans.(d) Mesosome
21. Ans.(d) Platyhelminthes
22. Ans.(c) Bilaterally symmetrical

23. Ans.(b) Flatworms
24. Ans.(d) They are mostly endoparasites
25. Ans.(b) Solid mesoderm
26. Ans.(b) Platyhelminthes
27. Ans.(a) Reproduction
28. Ans.(d) Absence of nuclear envelope, nucleolus and nucleoplasm
29. Ans.(b) DNA but no histones
30. Ans.(a) Prokaryotes
31. Ans.(d) All of these
32. Ans.(a) Habelandt
33. Ans.(c) Carrot root cell
34. Ans.(c) Choanocytes
35. Ans.(b) Choanocytes
36. Ans.(a) Food – storage
37. Ans.(b) Asexual reproduction
38. Ans.(a) Cliona
39. Ans.(a) Sycon
40. Ans.(a) Thylakoid
41. Ans.(c) Grana
42. Ans.(b) More permeable and less permeable respectively
43. Ans.(c) Both

44. Ans.(a) Porifera

45. Ans.(a) Cliona
46. Ans.(d) All of these
47. Ans.(d) All the above
48. Ans.(d) Nematocysts.
49. Ans.(c) Mesoderm
50. Ans.(b) Muticellular without any tissue organization
51. Ans.(d) Annelida and arthropoda.
52. Ans.(b) 10–6 m
53. Ans.(a) Nucleus only
54. Ans.(d) All the above
55. Ans.(c) ATP
56. Ans.(a) Theory
57. Ans.(c) Louis Pasteur
58. Ans.(a) Observation, hypothesis, problem defining, experiment
59. Ans.(d) All of these

60. Ans.(a) Viruses
61. Ans.(c) A group of interbreeding populations
62. Ans.(b) N-acetyl glucosamine
63. Ans.(b) Chemical to electrical
64. Ans.(a) Entropy
65. Ans.(d) Homeostasis
66. Ans.(d) A.V. Leeuwenhoek
67. Ans.(c) Streptococcus
68. Ans.(a) Vibrio
69. Ans.(b) Cell wall
70. Ans.(a) Peritrichous
71. Ans.(a) Bacteria
72. Ans.(c) Linnaeus
73. Ans.(c) Order
74. Ans.(a) Monera
75. Ans.(b) 4 of 5 kingdoms
76. Ans.(b) Micrographia
77. Ans.(d) More active metabolically
78. Ans.(a) Its volume will increase more rapidly than its surface area will
79. Ans.(d) Micropropogation
80. Ans.(c) Cellular pathology
81. Ans.(d) Theophrastus
82. Ans.(b) Carolus Linnaeus
83. Ans.(b) Reproductive isolation
84. Ans.(c) Endemic species
85. Ans.(c) 1969
86. Ans.(c) r-RNA
87. Ans.(a) Holotype
88. Ans.(b) Reproductive isolation
89. Ans.(c) Scala Nature
90. Ans.(d) Carolus Linnaeus


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