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Task By : Deris Rizki Aditia

Vocabulary List.

1. augment - (v) make (something) greater by adding to it; increase

2. corroborate - (v) confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding

3. diminutive - (adj) extremely or unusually small

4. banality - (n) something that is boring or ordinary; unoriginality

5. compassion - (n) sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes

of others commendable - (adj) deserving praise

6. politicized - (v) cause (an activity or event) to become political in character

marginal - (adj) - not very important; slight or small; not included in the main

part detachment - (n) lack of emotion or of personal interest egotistical - (adj)

excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centered

7. philanthropic - (adj) seeking to promote the welfare of others

8. reconcile - (v) restore friendly relations between; make (one account) consistent

with another figurative - (adj) departing from a literal use of words;


9. inconsequential - (adj) not important or significant

10. reciprocity - (n) the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit

11. extravagant - (adj) lacking restraint in spending money or using resources

12. fabricated - (v) invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent

13. diversity - (n) a range of different things

14. atypical - (adj) not representative of a type, group, or class

15. discriminating - (adj) having or showing refined taste or good judgment

16. sentimental - (adj) of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or


17. expose - (v) make (something) visible, typically by uncovering it

18. frugality - (n) the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness

19. reluctant - (adj) unwilling and hesitant; disinclined

20. autonomy - (n) freedom from external control or influence; independence

21. conditional - (adj) subject to one or more conditions or requirements being met

22. foreshadowing - (v) be a warning or indication of (a future event)

23. wry - (adj) using or expressing dry, esp. mocking, humor

24. symbolic - (adj) serving as a visible symbol for something abstract

25. obsequious - (adj) obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree

26. contentious - (adj) causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial

27. inscrutable - (adj) impossible to understand or interpret

28. loquacious - (adj) tending to talk a great deal; talkative

29. whimsical - (adj) unusual in a playful or amusing way; not serious

30. eulogize - (v) praise highly in speech or writing

31. adroit - (adj) clever or skillful in using the hands or mind

32. provincial - (adj) outside the capital city; unsophisticated or narrow-minded

33. maverick - (n) an unorthodox or independent-minded person

34. dilatory - (adj) slow to act

35. exploit - (v) use in an unfair or selfish way; make full use of and derive benefit

from steadfast - (adj) resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering

36. bitter - (adj) resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust


37. belied - (v) disguise or contradict; fail to fulfill or justify

38. irate - (adj) feeling or characterized by great anger

39. cryptic - (adj) having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure

40. obscure - (adj) not discovered or known about; uncertain

41. remorse - (n) deep and painful regret for wrongdoing

42. ornate - (adj) made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns

43. cliche - (n) a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original


44. charismatic - (adj) exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in


45. myth - (n) an inveted story or idea; Legend

46. heyday – (n) a high point of success or abundance: Pinnacle

47. refine – (v) to make pure; to improve- Perfect

48. ancient – (adj) something form long time ago : very old- old

49. alter – (v) to change or make different- modify

50. enrich – (v) to make rich; to make something of greater value- enhance

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