A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Lesson 3

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 9)

Preapred By: Marichernelle Dela Pena

At the end of the1-hour lesson, students with 85% mastery, will be able to:
a). distinguish the Interpret the theme and meaning of the poem;
b.) appreciate the poem in relation to real-life situation; and
c.) perform a choral reading of the poem.


a). Topic : Sonnet 29
b). Reference/s: Almonte, L. And Soliaban, A.C. et.al (2014), A Journey Through
Anglo-American Literature (pp. 116-118). 5th Floor Mabini Building, DepEd
Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City: Department of Education
c). Materials : Visual Aids, Tube of Cartolina and Power Point Presentation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a. Greetings

“Good morning, class!”

“Good morning, Ma’am Chernelle!”

b.Opening Prayer

“Before we start, please lead the opening

“Let’s bow our heads and feel the presence of
(The student starts leading the prayer)

“Before you sit, kindly pick up the trash

around your area and arrange your chairs.” “Yes, Ma’am!”

“How’s your day, class?” “We’re fine, Ma’am.”

“That is good to hear.”

c.Checking of Attendance

“Now, let’s check your attendance. Ms.

Secretary, who are the absentees today?”
“None, Ma’am. Everyone is present.”


d. Daily Review

“Last meeting, we have discuss about the man

with a hoe.”

“Yes Ma’am.”
“What is the poem all about?”

“Ma’am it is all about the man who is

“Exactly.How do you think the speaker of the working hard.”
poem feels about the man with the hoe?
Where do you see evedences in the poem to
support your answer?” “The poet describe the man with the hoe as a
pitigul and pitiable figure. He is bowed down
with the weight of centuries signifying that he
“Yes, very well said.” presents all the multitude of burden.
Impowerished farmers whose sweet is
emblamatic of suffering and degrading and
carries the burden of the world on his back.
Continues crushing labor has so dehumanized
the farmers that become a thing that grieves
anot and that never hopes. Furthermore there
seems to be no vehicle for his voice to be
“What do you think the speaker means when
he describes the man as showing the
emptiness of ages in his face?”
“This could mean that unfairness of this
farmers situation has been an issue for many
“Very good.”

“Do you have any questions regarding our

lesson last meeting?” “None Ma’am.”

“If that so, let’s start our next lesson. With a

quick activity.”
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Activity/Analysis
Title: Picture Analysis
“In this activity, I need seven groups. When
your group is already complete you will raise
your hands and should for your group
number, one member of the group will go
infront and get the envelope. The teacher will
post some pictures on the board.The students
will be tasked to give their analysis about the
pictures. The teacher will call students
randomly to give their interpretation about the
pictures. I will give you three minutes to
analyse the pictures.”
“Are my instruction clear?” “Yes Ma’am.”

“You may go to your seats and timer starts


“Okey times up,.”

(Students will do the said activity)
“Let’s give them around of applause.”
“Settle down and reamin seated with your
groups.” “Yes, Ma’am.”
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

B. Abstraction

“Based on the pictures that you analyze

earlier, what did you notice?”
“The people looks depress and lonely.”
“Yes, good idea. Any other answers?”

“It looks like that they are lonely, and being

bullied by the others.”

“Based on the color of the sky and the

“Excellent! Based on the picture, can you
weariness of the man, the painting could
identify what is the time of the day?”
portray the end of the day. It might also
portray the morning: the man could be weary
for several days of work and he portrayed
taking break.”

“Definitely. By the late 1800s. Jean Francisco

Millet’s Man with the Hoe was a well known
private collection in San Francisco. The
painting became one of the famous in the
United States at the turn of the 20th century,
and it inspired an American poet named
Edwin Markham to write a poem titled “The
Man with the Hoe” in 1899”

“Edwin Markham was an american poet and

became the headmaster of Tompkins
Observation School in Oakland. He was
inspired by the paiting that he came up to
write a poem, where this poem tells about
farmer who was force to work hard in the
field without enough time to take control by
the wealthy people.”

“Markham uses hyperbole through out his

poem. Can you give me an exampleof
hyperbole in the poem?” “The hyperbole in the poem is Bowed by the
weight of centuries he leans.”

“Excellent. Another one.”

“This monsterous thing distroyed and soul-

“Very good. How does the poet use hyperbole

to persuade the reader?” “He may use hyperbole to make the man’s
situation seem even graver in order to elicity
symphaty to him.”

“How do you think the speaker of the poem

feels about the man with the hoe? Where do
you see evedences in the poem to support “The poet describe the man with the hoe as a
your answer?” pitigul and pitiable figure. He is bowed down
with the weight of centuries signifying that he
presents all the multitude of burden.
Impowerished farmers whose sweet is
emblamatic of suffering and degrading and
carries the burden of the world on his back.
Continues crushing labor has so dehumanized
the farmers that become a thing that grieves
anot and that never hopes. Furthermore there
seems to be no vehicle for his voice to be


“What do you think the speaker means when “This could mean that unfairness of this
he describes the man as showing the farmers situation has been an issue for many
emptiness of ages in his face?” years.”


“In the poem what does God intend him to “From the poem, the poet is trying to tell us
be?” that God originally intended the farmer to be
a powerful human being one with supremacy
and control over the sea and the land. This
farmer was meant to live fully and to search
out the mysteries of the stars and universe.
The poet laments that instead the farmer is
living a wrong dream he is betrayed by
faceless masters, lord and rulers in all lands
who all have plundered, profaned and
disinherited him from his true heritage.”
“ Very good. The Man with the Hoe is a Slave of
the wheel of labor. What does the wheel
“The wheel symbolizes never ending

“What is meant by the line, What to him are Plato “Plato is a classical Greek philosopher and
and the swing of Pleaiades.?” mathematician. He represents education ,
knowledge and pleaiades is group of stars
named for the daughter of Atlas in Greek
Mythology it represents about Astromomy.
So the conclusion is to tell the farmer does
not have a chance to learn any knowledge
niether philosophy nor astronomy.

“Very well said. What does the fourth stanza

mean?” “The speaker asks question to someone who
calls master, which is address to the ruler
have an unlimited power.”

“What does the body of the man with a hoe

signifies?” “The bent body of the man with a hoe
signifies that he is one of a multitude who
have labored beyond there strenght to support
the whims and desire of masters, lords and
rulers in all lands.”

“Very good class! To sum it up, in the first stanza

the poem discribes the miserable condition of the
farmer because of the cruelty of his master. In the
second stanza the poem illustrates the
contradiction situation. When the farmer should
luve freely and persue dream but in fact this
farmer live with adversity and terrible fear. In the
third stanza the poem conveys that there is a big
difference between farmer who suffered and ruler
who lived in happiness and wealth. Furthermore
the fourth stanza the speaker satirizes the masters
to fix their mistakes and stop there cruelty
because God created humans not to act arbitarily.
And in the last stanza the speaker conveys the
anger tone to the master. He believes that there
will be judgement day in the future and at that
time the cruel masters have to be responsible for
all they have done to the farmer.
“Do you understand the poem?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

C. Application
Instruction: For your activity you will do a
tablue together with your groupmates think a
scenario about poverty. You will creat a still
picture without talking to capture and
communicate the meaning of the concept.
You must truely understan the meaning of a
concept ir idea inorder to communicate it
through physical poses, gestures and facial
expressions rathe than words. Have one
representative to explain that picture you pose
in three sentences. You have 5 minutes to
think of a scene.”
“Are intructions clear?”
CRITERIA “Yes,Ma’am.”

Relevance - 3 points
Content - 4 points
Grammar -3 points
Presentation -5 points
TOTAL: 15 points
(students will perform accordingly)
“Times up! Group 1 will be the first to present
then followed by group two and so on and so

“Great performance, indeed class.” “Thank you Ma’am.”

“Give yourself around of applause.” (students will clap there hands)

V. Evaluation
Direction: Now relate the experience of persona in the poem with the modern
man’s situation.You have 5 minutes to do it. Write it on essay form.
1. How can the generation of more jobs influence the Filipino workers?
2. How should the jobs challenge be address ?
VI. Assignment
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Have you learned a lot today class?”

“Yes ma’am!”

“That nice. For your assignment, I want you to draw

venn diagram describe the similarities of the modern
worker to the worker in the poem. Write it in a long
bondpaper. Is it clear? ”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Let’s call it a day! Goodbye and God bless class!”

“Goodbye and thank you Ms.


Prepaired by: Submitted to:

Marichernelle Dela Pena Ms. Marie Grace S. Buenaventura
BSE-E4 Engling Department
Student Teacher Cooperation Teacher

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