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Relationships, Humans And Society

 Extended family
 Acquaintances vs Strangers  Mates /couples / match
 Family and Siblings  Co-worker/fellow worker / associate
 Friends vs Colleagues  Employee / employer
 In-laws  Boss / assistant / companion
 Biological / Foster family  Co-worker / coadjutor
 Love child (not biological)  (To get) engaged and married


The family

 To mollycoddle / spoil / pamper / fuss over / cocker / coddle the children

 To be the breadwinner or the anchor  To be like one of the family
 To be part of a kin group / kindred / clan  To be in the family way (pregnant)
 Blood line / ancestry / lineage / line of descent  To be the black sheep of the family
 To be a family guy  To be under one’s thumb
 To run in the family  Children should be seen and not heard

One’s job

o To work in pairs / with a team-mate o To offer moral / spiritual guidance

o To work like a beaver / mule / horse / slave o To be lost without someone
o To lie down on the job o To be stuck in a rut
o Way to go! / Nice going! / Well done! o A nine-to-five job
o To do a bang up job o To suffer from stress
o To be more than one’s job’s worth o To be overworked
o To give something up as a job o To juggle demands
o To make a valuable contribution. o Family commitments
o To be a good role model o To find a compromise
o To have an impact on o To get the balance right
o To look up to somebody o Flexible working
o To work tirelessly o To work flexitime
o To inspire others o To take unpaid leave
o To take responsibility o To job share
o To offer an essential service o To take a career break
o To make a sacrifice o To spend quality time
o To lay down one’s life o To pursue interests outside of work
o To serve the public / nation o Increased productivity


To be a fast friend (good, loyal friends)

To make a friend and to make friends with someone
(Even) the best friends must part
To be a fair-weather friend
To have friends in high places
A friend in need is a friend indeed
He that hath a full purse never wanted a friend
Lend your money and lose your friend
Short reckonings make long friends
Hunt with cats and you catch only rats
Birds of a feather flock together

Love relationships

To intimate with someone

To have an affair with / cheat on someone
To propose to someone
To fall out of love
To marry the wealthy offers
A cubboard love (e.g. for money)
When the wolf comes in at the door, love creeps out of the window

• He used to pick on me because I wore glasses. Se metía conmigo porque llevaba gafas.
• It was quite a weird bunch of people. Era una panda de frikis de cuidado.
• I couldn't get a word in edgeways No me dejaron meter baza / decir ni pío (en una conversación)
• Stop fiddling! Deja de trastear / juguetear con eso / ¡Para!.
• 'You're going to drive me nuts! Me vas a volver loco / majara.
• They used to be the best of buddies. Eran de lo más amigos/colegas/ compinches.
• We just drifted apart, really. Simplemente nos distanciamos.
• Mmm, that's gorgeous! Está genial. 'You slob! Mira que eres vago.
• She's constantly sticking her nose in. Siempre mete las narices donde no le llaman.
• He never lifts a finger round the house. No da palo al agua en la casa.
• Are you taking the mickey? ¿Te estás quedando conmigo? ¿Me estás sacando el paso? ¿Te estás
riendo de mí?
• I've had it up to here with them. Estoy de ellos hasta aquí / la coronilla / las narices.
• The guy's a complete egomaniac. El tío es un completo egocéntrico / egoistón.
• Stop whingeing and do something about it! No seas quejica / deja de lloriquear y haz algo
• He's very in touch with his feminine side. Tiene muy interiorizado su lado femenino.
• Some of my best friends are black Algunos de mis mejores amigos son de color.
• He's a right yuppie Es el típico yupi.
• He's so smug. Está tan pagado de sí mismo / creído. 
• I don't like to be pigeonholed. No me gusta que me coloquen una etiqueta.

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