Alibrary Mangement

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Project Report

“Library Management System”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the Award of degree

of Master of Computer Application (M.C.A)


Amity Institute of Information Technology

Amity University, Noida
Uttar Pradesh

Submitted to: Submitted by :

Mrs. Laxmi Ahuja Abhinav Bhatnagar

[Asst .Prof, AIIT, Amity University] MCA (2012-2015)
Signature………………………. Enroll no: A1000712070

Amity University
………Uttar Pradesh ………
Amity Institute of Information technology
Summer project -1-Evaluation

Student name: Abhinav Bhatnagar

Enrollment no: A1000712070
Course: MCA (2012- 2015)
Project name: Library Management

Project guide:
Name: Mrs. Laxmi Ahuja
Designation: Ass.Prof .AIIT. Amity University
: Project Information:

1) Project duration : (60 days)

 Date of summer project commencement(02/05/2013)
 Date of summer project completion (02/07/2013)
2) Topic:
 A project based on shop activity named as “Library Management

3) Project objective:

The main objectives of the Utility Application are:

1. Provide attractive graphical user interface

2. To maintain systematic record
3. Ease to use
4. Making less paper work
4) Methodology to be adopted:
 Front hand : Visual basic 6.0
 Back hand : MS Access
5) Brief summary of project :
 The project entitled Library management system which keep the day
by day tally records & complete Library system. This system provides
easily access book from the library.

 This can be used by entering with unique user name and password
of person for get book infrmation. This system will also follow the
necessary requirement of project.

Signature Signature Signature

(Student) (Industry Guide) (Faculty Guide)

This is certify that the student “Abhinav Bhatnagar” have undergone the project at our
organization. He has worked on the project entitled “Library management System”

During this project Abhinav Bhatnagar was active and working on the project. The work
carried by him is satisfactory and wishes him all the best for their future assignments.

This project on “Library Management System” has been made for the fulfillment of the
requirement of the degree of “Master of Computer Application (M.C.A)”.

This project has been made during 2nd semester under the guidance of
“Mrs. Laxmi Ahuja” (Ass.Prof. AIIT.Amity University). Further I declare that this
project is my original work, analysis and the finding are for academic purpose only.

Mrs. Laxmi Ahuja

(Ass.Prof.AIIT. Amity University)
[Project Guide]


 It is pleasure to acknowledgement the direct and implied help we have received in

task of development the project at its various stages. It would not have been
possible to develop such a project without the contribution efforts and deal of
encouragement on parts of numerous individuals. I am greatly thankful Director
Amity University for providing us facilities and environment for the successful
completion of project with in time and for his constant guidance and suggestions
during the course of project department. I would whole heartily thanks to Amity
Institute of Information Technology for its commitment towards students during
the whole MCA program.

 I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and whole hearted
thanks to my project guide “Mrs. Laxmi Ahuja ”for their valuable guidance, keep
interest and affection encouragement thought the work and correcting various
documents of mine with attention and care.

 And I am also thankful to staff member of library, lab and our colleagues for their
cooperation and from time to time.

Abhinav Bhatnagar
Enrollment no: A1000712070

Student Declaration

This project o “Library Management System” has been made for fulfillment of
requirement of the summer project of MCA 2nd SEM. This project has been made during
2nd semester under the guidance of “Mrs. Laxmi Ahuja” (Ass.Prof, AIIT, and Amity
University). Further I declare that this project is my original work, analysis and the
finding are for academic purpose only.

Abhinav Bhatnagar
Enrollment no: A1000712070

: Table of content:


1. Introduction

2. Objective

3. Analysis

4. Feasibility study :
 Economical feasibility
 Technical feasibility
 Behavioral Feasibility
 Operational feasibility
5. Design:
 Data flow diagram
 E.R diagram
 Form design and
 Logical design
 Physical design
 Database design

6. Testing:
 Test documentation
 Debugging
 Black box testing
 White box testing
 Unit testing
 Integration testing
7. Implementation

8. Conclusion

9. limitation

10. Reference and Bibliography

11. Suggestion


A library management system is a system that helps the library to improve

their task of issuing the books ton the students, maintaining the details of
students as well as books issued to the library, availability of the books in the
library etc, the library management system is proposed to have the following
 The system has login facility for the users.
 The system allows changing some of personal details of the user.
 The system allows issuing three books to the students.
 The system allows two weeks for returning the books.
 There will be a fine of Rs. 5 per day for late return of the book.
 Fine will be decided by the management.
 There will be a catalog of books in the library accessed by the
 Searching an enquiry of books can be done by the student itself
through the system.
 The searching of books can be done by either book name or
author name or ISBN number.
 Students have a feedback column for the library.
 For security of books the books have with an electronic device
pasted on it.


The main objectives of the Utility Application are:

1. Provide attractive graphical user interface

2. To maintain systematic record
3. Ease to use
4. Making less paper work

To understand system development, we need to recognize that a candidate system has a
life cycle, just like a living system or a new product. System analysis and design are keyed
to the system life cycle. The analyst must progress from one stage to another
methodically. Answering key question and achieving results in each stage.
A word of caution regarding life cycle activities:
We isolate and sequence these activities for learning purpose, but in real life they overlap
and are highly interrelated. for example : when the analyst is evaluating an existing
operation , he/she is probably thinking about an alternative way that would improve the
system or wondering whether a given piece of hardware would be a critical cost item to
consider for a candidate system . Therefore there can easily be overlap during any phase of
cycle. In fact, it may act as a basis for modifying earlier steps taken. Now we describe
each of phases:
 Recognition of need
 Feasibility study
 Analysis
 Design
 Testing
 Implementation
 Post implementation and maintenance

Each process in perform by diagram:

Recognition of need

Feasibility study





Post implementation and


10 | P a g e
I have personally gone there on 01/05/2013 and 16/05/2013, and try to understand the
system. Then I have seen their manuals. They are varying clean and complete. So
first we start our analysis with review of documents method. Then I am going to
arrange a interview session with owner and employees on 5/06/2013
This is the first phase of SDLC. In which the problem to be solved is identified for
improving the information system. it identified the need for a new or enhanced system
information need of the origination as a whole are examined and project to meet these
need are identified this lead to preliminary survey or an initial investigation to determined
whether an alternative system can solve the problem the analysis first task is to prepare a
statement specifying the scope and objective of the problem.
The question that arises at these stages: what is statement of scope and objective and
6performance criteria?
The study of the older system which was manual and requires much more concentration
on doing work is quite cumbersome to use. We have gone through the regular study of the
project in a regular manner and draw some reasons why the system is required and the
main pros and cons of the system. When customer will be come to for making a system
then may be customer have already an existing system then we or developer may be try to
knowing about the existing system why customer is need another new system. These are
some steps or drawback of system:
The study draws some of the conclusions like:-
 Data redundancy & inconsistency:-
the collection of a record at more than one place cause the redundancy of the data and
inefficiency of the management of that data.
 Difficulty in accessing the data
In earlier information system for those queries which, is not .Determined before the
development of data storage system creates problem in accessing the data. This problem
can be removed by data storage in fixed format of databases. In those Database the entries
be managed through different key restrictions.
 Data isolation

11 | P a g e
Since data are scattered in different files and files may be in different formats hence it
Different formats hence it is difficult to write new application programs to the appropriate
 Problem of integrity
The data stored in the information system must satisfy certain types of consistency,
constraints and information system should work as a whole system. The output of different
units may be used as, an outputs of the other units. In this way, the Whole system works to
achieve the predetermined objectives or goals. For the purpose, the System may constitute
different subunits which may work with interrelation other subunits.

 Problem of atomicity
In earlier information system there was no arrangement of making the transaction
automatic, i.e. may application it is crucial to insure that once a failure has occurred with a
consistent state that exist prior failure.
 Concurrent access anomalies
In earlier information system there was no argument for utilizing the multi-user facility is
provided by arrangement of client arrangement system. The system which provides this
multi-users facility is called server or host and the system which utilizes the multi-users
facility, is called client or nodes. In earlier information system there is no arrangement for
dealing with access request which are made at the same instant. This limitation is removed
in the database approach by providing client server environment.
 Problem of security
In earlier information system there was no arrangement for making proper security of the
information system but in database approach the data or information kept. Database can be
secured in various ways. In this arrangement access to the fix part of database can be
permitted to the particular group of the user, not every user of the database system should
be able to access all the data.
Otherwise we follow all phases of the system development life cycle in one by one order
to develop a new good and manner able system for our user or client.
We make a new system for customer to gathering the recognition of need from user about
the new system.
These are tools to gathering the information

12 | P a g e
 Review of literature, procedure, and form.
 On site observation
 Interview
 Questionnaire
Since the world is growing for globalization, every organization wants to beat its
competitors and want to grow. Enterprise Resourceful Planning (ERP) is the need of
today’s organization. Survival on manual system is difficult so, that’s why organization of
the corporate world wants to computerize their department. The modules should be
complete database driven and interactive that should provide the proper information about
the placement and training organization.

Success of a system depends largely on how accurately a problem is defined, thoroughly

investigated and properly carried out to the solution. Analysis is a phase in which the
requirements for the system are indentified. System analysis is a detailed study of the
various operation performed by a system and their relationship within and outside of the
system. The question is: what must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis
is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate
system should consider other related system. During analysis data are collected on the
available files, decision points and transactions handled by the parent system. Data flow
diagram, interview, outside observation, questionnaire are used as a logical system model
and tools to perform the analysis.

Tasks which are perform by the analyst:

 Gathered all facts about the present system from the employees.
 Studied strength and weakness of the current system.
 Determined “what” must be done to solve the problem.
 Prepared a functional specification document.

In order to reduce the time, there is a need for computerized system that can retrieve data,
insert data, update existing data or delete existing data. These modules are developed wit
the aim of reducing time, reducing manpower, reducing cost so that the records can be

13 | P a g e
easily maintained. The volume of work and complexity are increasing year by year. This
system reduces complexity and workload.

 Preliminary investigate:

A request to take assistance from information system can be made for many reasons, but
in each case some one in the organization initiate the request. When the request is made,
the first system activity the preliminary investigate begins. This activity has three parts:

 Request clarification
 Feasibility study
 Request approval

Many requests from employees and users in the organization are not clearly defined.
Therefore, it becomes necessary that project request must be examined and clarified
properly before considering systems investigation.

14 | P a g e

Depending on the result of the initial investigation the survey is expanded to a more
detailed feasibility study. A feasibility study is a test of a proposal according to its
workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use
resources. It focuses on three major questions:
 What are the user’s needs demonstrate needs how a condition system meets
 What resources are available for given candidate system? Is the problem
worth solving?
 What are the likely impacts of candidate system on the organization? How
well does it fit with in the organization’s master MIS plan.

Many feasibility studies are disillusioning for both users and analysis. First the study
presupposes that when the feasibility document is being prepared, the analyst is in a
position to evaluate solution . Second, most studies tend to overlook the confusion
inherent in system development – the constraint and the assumed attitudes. If the
feasibility study is tom serve as a decision document, it must answer three key : -

 Is there a new and better way to do the job that will benefits the user ?
 What are the costs and savings of the alternative?
 What is recommendation?

For “Library management system” Feasibility study is made to see if the project on
completion will serve the purpose of the organization for the amount of work, effort and
the time that spend on it. Feasibility study lets us to fore see the future of the project and
the usefulness. Feasibility study of banking system proposal is according to its
workability, which is the impact on the Shop organization, ability to meet their user needs
and effective use of resources. Thus when we proposed it normally goes through a
feasibility study before it is approved for development.

15 | P a g e
 Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of
candidate system. More determine the benefits and the saving that are expressed from a
candidate system and compare those costs. If benefits outweigh costs. Otherwise, further
justification or alteration in the proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a
chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each
phase of system life cycle.
The Shop data store system must be justified by cost and benefit. We maintain Criteria to
ensure that effort is concentrated on project, which will give best, return at the earliest.
One of the factors, which affect the development of a new system, is the cost it would
require so we created an approximate value of cost incurring in project.
The costs conduct a full system investigation:
S. no phase Min cost Max cost
( Rs. ) (Rs.)
1 System requirement 500 1000
And analysis
2 Design 1000 1500

3 Coding 1500 1000

4 Testing 500 1000

and debugging
5 Total 3500 4500

 Technical feasibility

The project evaluated from the technical point of view first. The assessment of this
feasibility must be based on an outline design of the system requirement in the terms of
input, output, programs and procedures. Technical feasibility centre on the existing
computer system hardware and to what extent it supports the proposal addition.

16 | P a g e
We have used VB environment so the project can be implemented on the any system
capable of running the windows operating system.

The two important points by which we can say that the project on “Shop Management
System” is technically feasible:-

 Shop project provides the better way to store data automatically, retrieve
them and do modifications. So we came at the conclusion that we can have VB
environment & MS-access that are suitable for developing the proposed
banking system.
 We can expand it to much more application and user’s need through further
coding so it would be feasible also.
 Hardware and Software requirement:
 Hardware requirement:

 Our product will require at least P4 class PC

 Ram require 512 MB
 Color display
 Hard disk according to the data base to be stored.
 Mother board (810 to i3).
 Monitors – Color monitor with VGA card having a resolution 640 X 480
 Software requirement
 Operating system: window xp/08
 for designing visual basic 6.0
 Data base MS-ACCESS
 Microsoft word 2003/10
 The resource requirements:
The requirement of being development of the software is:
Front hand: Visual Basic 6.0
Back hand: MS- ACCESS

17 | P a g e
 Behavioral Feasibility:
The project on “Shop management system” is also feasible as behavioral effects.
The main aspects and reasons behind these are:-
 Sufficient support for the user, provides well familiarity with the project, and it is
very much user familiar.
 Proposed system causes no harm.
 This project provides better ways to store data, and manipulate them easily so.
Harms relating to the project are redundant. The project would be beneficial
because it satisfies the objectives when developed and installed. All behavioral
aspects are considered carefully and conclude that the project is behaviorally
 As per the Shop environment the project is as per user requirement.
The system is feasible from behavioral point of view.


Operation time the present system takes more the candidate system takes
More operation hours for less operation hour in
Information retrieval. Comparing to present system

Reliability Human beings are more error the candidate system is

Prone so it is less reliable. More reliable than the
Present system.

14 1hr or more Few seconds.

Regularity There is no regularity of the candidate system is

Maintaining records regularly updated.
Procedures. Some time yearly Records are updated monthly

18 | P a g e
 Operational Feasibility:

It is mainly related to human organizations and political aspects. The points to be

considered are:

• What changes will be brought with the system?

• What organization structures are disturbed?

• What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If
not, can they be trained in due course of time?

The system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the End users to operate it. It only
needs basic information about Windows platform.

 Is there sufficient support from the manager or from the user is available for
the project. If the current system is working well the staff will not be able to
see the reason for a change.
 Are current Shop methods acceptable to user if they are changed into the
software? IS the user involved in planning and development of software at
the early stage that also reduces the chance of failure of software.
 Will the software causes any harm to society or to the company that may also
increase the chance of failure of software.

19 | P a g e

The most creative and challenging phase of the system development life cycle is
system design. The term design describes a final system and the process by which it
is developed. it refers to the technical specification (analogous to the engineer`s
blueprint) that will be applied in implementing the candidate system . it also include
the construction of program and program testing . the key question here is : How
should the problem be solved ?

Now we have gone through steps related to initial problem of the system and also
estimated the solution to those; problem. Therefore, now the systems design phase starts
this is the most creative and challenging phasing of the system development life cycle. The
term design describes a final system and the process through which it is developed. It
refers to the technical specification and that will be applied in implementing the candidate

In this phase we have design all the process through which the system perform its work.
As we have said above that in this phase of solution to customers problems and developed.
So here in this phase we have solution to our customers, “Library Management System”
they (solutions) are based on two different approaches. One solution works like a desktop
application and experts the networking power MS-windows.

20 | P a g e

DFD's are commonly used during problem analysis. Data flow diagrams are not limited

to poblem analysis for software requirement specification.

A DFD shows the flow of data through the system. It views a system as a function that

transforms the inputs into desired outputs. The DFD aim to capture the transformations

that take place within a system to the input data so that eventually the output data is

produced. The agent that performs the transformation of data from one state to another is

called a process (or bubble). The processes are shown by named circles and data flows

are represented by named arrows entering or leaving the bubbles. A rectangle represents

a sourcs or sink and is a net originator or consumer of data.

It should be pointed out that DFD is not a flowchart. A DFD represents the flow of data,

while a flowchart shows the flow of control. A DFD does not represent procedural

information. In drawing the DFD the designer has to specify the major transforms in the

path of the data flowing from input to output.

21 | P a g e

User Book Student Book Book

Account Database Database Issue Return

Access No
User ID Access No Std ID Access No

Stud ID
Passwor Book Name Std Stud ID
d Name
Issue Date
Author Roll No Issue Date
Publishe Date of Due Date
r Birth Date
Return Date


22 | P a g e
Entity-relationship diagram

The E-R diagram enables a software engineer to fully specify the data objects that are
input and output to/from a system, the attributes that define the properties of these objects,
and the relationship between the objects. The following approach is taken: -
 During requirements gathering, customers are asked to list the “things” that the application
or business process addresses. These “things” evolve into a list of input and output data,
objects as well as external entities that produce or consume information.
 Taking the objects one at a time, the analyst and customer define whether
 or not a connection (unnamed at this stage) exists between the data, object and other
 Wherever a connection exists, the analyst and customer create one or more object-
relationship pairs.
 For each object-relationship pair, cardinality and modality are explored.
 Steps 2 through 4 are continued iteratively until all object-relationship pairs have been
defined. It is common to discover omissions as this process continues. New objects and
relationships will invariably be added as the number of iterations grows.
 The attributes of each entity are defined. An entity-relationship diagram is formalized in
 Steps 1 through 7 are repeated until data modeling is complete.

Entity-Relationship Diagram of Library Management System

23 | P a g e
Following are the entities and attributes of library management system

 Author : (authe_id, name, mobile_no)

 Book : (book_id, title, price)
 Student: (student_id, name, year, fine)
 Publisher: (publisher_id, name, address)

Book_id o

Book Written by Author

Issue date Publish by



Pub_id address
d name
name fine
Form design:

24 | P a g e
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = "abhinav" And Text2.Text = "12345" Then
Unload Me
MsgBox "please try again ,may be your user's name and password is wrong"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

End Sub

Main form:

25 | P a g e
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Form2.Text1.Text = ""
Form2.Text2.Text = ""
Form2.Text3.Text = ""
Form2.Text4.Text = ""
Form2.Text5.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


26 | P a g e
Form3.Text1.Text = ""
Form3.Text2.Text = ""
Form3.Text3.Text = ""
Form3.Text4.Text = ""
Form3.Text5.Text = ""
Form3.Text6.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Form4.Data1.RecordSource = "select * from Issue_mast"
Form4.Text1.Text = ""
Form4.Text2.Text = ""
Form4.Text3.Text = ""
Form4.Text5.Text = ""
Form4.Text6.Text = ""
'Form4.Text7.Text = Val("1")
Form4.Text8.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

d = InputBox("Enter the member code to delete the record", "Delete")
Data3.RecordSource = "select * from issue_mast where mem_code='" + d + "'"
Do While Not Data3.Recordset.EOF

27 | P a g e
If c <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The member has not returned the book", vbInformation, "Library"
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from mem_mast"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

On Error Resume Next:
r = InputBox("Enter your member code", "Book Return")
Data3.RecordSource = "select * from issue_mast where mem_code='" + r + "'"
qty = Data3.Recordset.Fields(6)

Data3.RecordSource = "select * from issue_mast"
b = InputBox("Enter your book code", "Book Return")
Form7.Label2.Caption = Data3.Recordset.Fields(5)
Data2.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast where book_code='" + b + "'"
s = Data2.Recordset.Fields(4)
cs = s + qty
Data1.Recordset.Fields(0) = j

28 | P a g e
Data2.Recordset.Fields(4) = cs

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

d = InputBox("Enter the book code to delete the book", "Delete")
Data3.RecordSource = "select * from issue_mast where book_code='" + d + "'"
Do While Not Data3.Recordset.EOF
If c <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Don't Delete, we have issued this book", vbInformation, "Library"
Data2.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

If SSTab1.Tab = 0 Then

29 | P a g e
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from mem_mast"
Command1.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command3.Visible = False
Command4.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command6.Visible = False
End If
If SSTab1.Tab = 1 Then
Data2.RecordSource = "select * from Book_mast"
Command1.Visible = False
Command2.Visible = True
Command3.Visible = False
Command4.Visible = False
Command5.Visible = False
Command6.Visible = True
End If
If SSTab1.Tab = 2 Then
Data3.RecordSource = "select * from Issue_mast"
Command1.Visible = False
Command2.Visible = False
Command3.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command5.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

30 | P a g e
Private Sub SSTab1_Click(PreviousTab As Integer)
If SSTab1.Tab = 0 Then
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from Mem_mast"
Command1.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command3.Visible = False
Command4.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command6.Visible = False
ElseIf SSTab1.Tab = 1 Then
Data2.RecordSource = "select * from Book_mast"
Command1.Visible = False
Command2.Visible = True
Command3.Visible = False
Command4.Visible = False
Command5.Visible = False
Command6.Visible = True
ElseIf SSTab1.Tab = 2 Then
Data3.RecordSource = "select * from Issue_mast"
Command1.Visible = False
Command2.Visible = False
Command3.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command5.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Member detail form:

31 | P a g e
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from mem_mast"
Data1.Recordset.Fields(0) = Text1.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(1) = Text2.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(2) = Text3.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(3) = CInt(Text4.Text)
Data1.Recordset.Fields(4) = CDate(Text5.Text)
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""

32 | P a g e
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
End Sub
Book status:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast"
Data1.Recordset.Fields(0) = Text1.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(1) = Text2.Text

33 | P a g e
Data1.Recordset.Fields(2) = Text3.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(3) = Text4.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(4) = CInt(Text5.Text)
Data1.Recordset.Fields(5) = CInt(Text6.Text)
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Form1.Data2.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast"
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()

On Error GoTo errorhandle
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast where book_code='" + Text1.Text + "'"
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF
If c <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Duplicate Code", vbExclamation, "Duplicate"

34 | P a g e
Text1.Text = " "
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error occurred!Wrong Book Code", vbInformation, "Error"
End Sub

Issue book:

35 | P a g e
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from issue_mast"
Data1.Recordset.Fields(0) = Text1.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(1) = Text2.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(2) = Text3.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(3) = Text4.Text
Data1.Recordset.Fields(4) = CDate(Text5.Text)
Data1.Recordset.Fields(5) = CDate(Text6.Text)

36 | P a g e
Data1.Recordset.Fields(6) = i
Form1.Data2.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast where book_code='" +
Text3.Text + "'"
Form4.Text8.Text = Form1.Data2.Recordset.Fields(4)
Text8.Text = Val(Text8.Text) - i
Form1.Data2.Recordset.Fields(4) = Val(Text8.Text)
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = i
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Form1.Data3.RecordSource = "select * from issue_mast"
End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()

Text4.Text = List1.Text

37 | P a g e
Form1.Data2.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast where book_name='" +
List1.Text + "'"
Do While Not Form1.Data2.Recordset.EOF
Form4.Text3.Text = Form1.Data2.Recordset.Fields(0)
Form4.Text8.Text = Form1.Data2.Recordset.Fields(4)

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()

On Error GoTo errorhandle
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from issue_mast where mem_code='" + Text1.Text + "'"
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF
If c <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Please return the book first", vbInformation, "Book Return"
Text1.Text = ""
Form1.Data1.RecordSource = "select * from mem_mast where mem_code='" +
Text1.Text + "'"
Text2.Text = Form1.Data1.Recordset.Fields(1)

38 | P a g e
Form1.Data2.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast"
Do While Not Form1.Data2.Recordset.EOF
Form4.List1.AddItem (Form1.Data2.Recordset.Fields(1))
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error occured!Wrong Member Code", vbInformation, "Error"
End Sub

Private Sub Text5_GotFocus()

Text5.Text = Date
End Sub

Private Sub Text7_LostFocus()

If Val(Text8.Text) > Val(Text7.Text) Then
Text8.Text = Val(Text8.Text) - Val(Text7.Text)
MsgBox ("Please check your stock")
Text7.Text = " "
End If
End Sub

39 | P a g e
Delete member form:

Private Sub Command1_Click()


Command1.Enabled = False

Command4.Enabled = False

Command3.Enabled = True

Command2.Enabled = True

End Sub

40 | P a g e
Private Sub Command2_Click()


s = Data1.Recordset.RecordCount

Command1.Enabled = True

Command4.Enabled = True

If Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = s - 1 Then

Command2.Enabled = False

Command3.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()


Command1.Enabled = True

Command4.Enabled = True

Command2.Enabled = False

Command3.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()


41 | P a g e
s = Data1.Recordset.RecordCount

Command2.Enabled = True

Command3.Enabled = True

If Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = s Then

Command1.Enabled = False

Command4.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()


If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then




End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()



42 | P a g e
Form1.Data1.RecordSource = "select * from mem_mast"


End Sub

Delete Book form :

Coding :

Private Sub Command1_Click()


Command1.Enabled = False

Command4.Enabled = False

Command3.Enabled = True

43 | P a g e
Command2.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


s = Data1.Recordset.RecordCount

Command1.Enabled = True

Command4.Enabled = True

If Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = s - 1 Then

Command2.Enabled = False

Command3.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()


Command1.Enabled = True

Command4.Enabled = True

Command2.Enabled = False

Command3.Enabled = False

End Sub

44 | P a g e
Private Sub Command4_Click()


s = Data1.Recordset.RecordCount

Command2.Enabled = True

Command3.Enabled = True

If Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = s Then

Command1.Enabled = False

Command4.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()


If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then




End If

End Sub

45 | P a g e
Private Sub Command6_Click()



Form1.Data2.RecordSource = "select * from book_mast"


End Sub

46 | P a g e
FINE Form :

Coding :

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim i As Integer

MsgBox d1

i = DateDiff("d", d1, Now)

If i > 0 Then

Dim s As String

s = (i * 5)

Label2.Caption = "You have a fine of Rs " + s


Label2.Caption = "You have no fine"

End If

End Sub

47 | P a g e
Logical design:

The logical flow of a system data and functions, it defines the boundaries of a system.
It includes the following steps:-
 Reviews the current physical system-its data flows, file content, volumes,
frequencies etc.
 We have gone through the manual working of keeping data stored in shop
area. So, the study pulls out the concept that we need data store management
as per customer requirement.
 Prepares output specifications – that is, determines the format, content and
frequency of reports like no of reports giving user’s requirement.
 For our project we have prepared the report generation as per he
requirement of the staff and the customers on daily, monthly basis.
 Prepares input specifications-format, content and most of the input functions.
 Like textbox needed to specify about the numeric or text both data type as the
 We have used various inputs on combo box, textbox as well as message box.
And each has its own functionalities.
 Prepares edit, security and control specifications .we have given the edit,
security option to the user of the system. Like he can change the Log in
password from time to time and also delete the records.

Physical design:

Physical system produces the working systems by define the design specification that
tells the programmers exactly what the candidate system must do. It includes the
following steps.

 Design the physical system like banking data store has computer system
running VB has access as database.
 Designing of the system is done keeping the user interface, staff requirement
in mind.
 Specify input and output media like keyboard for banking data store system.

48 | P a g e
 Design the database and specify backup procedures.
 Design physical information flow through the system and a physical design
Walk through.
 Plan system implementation.
 Prepare a conversion schedule and target date.
 Determine training procedures, courses and timetable
 Devise a test and implementation plan and specify any new
 Update benefits, costs, and conversion date and system constraints.
Database design

A database is an organized mechanism that has the capability of storing information

through which a user can retrieve stored information in an effective and efficient manner.
The data is the purpose of any database and must be protected.

The database design is a two level process. In the first step, user requirements are gathered
together and a database is designed which will meet these requirements as clearly as
possible. This step is called information level Design and it is taken independent of any
individual DBMS.

In the second step, this Information level design is transferred into a design for the specific
DBMS that will be used to implement the system in question. This step is called Physical
Level Design, concerned with the characteristics of the specific DBMS that will be used.
A database design runs parallel with the system design. The organization of the data in the
database is aimed to achieve the following two major objectives.

 Data Integrity
It is achieved by making the table in the database correlated in terms of their primary
key and secondary key. The fields of the table are related through the concept of the
primary key and foreign key. The fields are not duplicated in the table. So it maintains
the integrity of the records.
 Data independence

49 | P a g e
The concept of data independence is also kept in creating the database of Banking. The
tables are independent in terms of the updating and query.


Normalization is the process of decomposing the attributes in an application, which results

in a set of tables with very simple structure. The purpose of normalization is to make
tables as simple as possible. Normalization is carried out in this system for the following

 To structure the data so that there is no repetition of data, this helps in saving.
 To permit simple retrieval of data in response to query and report request.
 To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions, deletions.
 To reduce the need to restructure or reorganize data which new application
requirements arise?
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

A relational model represents the database as a collection of relations. Each relation

resembles a table of values or file of records. In formal relational model terminology, a
row is called a tuple, a column header is called an attribute and the table is called a
relation. A relational database consists of a collection of tables, each of which is assigned
a unique name. A row in a table represents a set of related values.

Relations, Domain And Attributes

A customer table is a relation. The rows in a table are called tuples. A tuple is an ordered
set of n elements. Columns are referred to as attributes. Relationships have been set
between every table in the database. This ensures both Referential and Entity Relationship
Integrity. A domain D is a set of atomic values. A common method of specifying a domain
is to specify a data type from which the data values forming the domain are drawn. It is
also useful to specify a name for the domain to help in interpreting its values. Every value
in a relation is atomic, that is not decomposable.

50 | P a g e
Testing ;

Testing involves executing the program (or part of it) using sample data and
inferring from the output whether the software performs correctly or not. This can
be done either during module development (unit testing) or when several modules
are combined (system testing).

Defect Testing:

Defect testing is testing for situation where the programs do not meet its fictional
specification. Performance testing tests a system’s performance or reliability under
realistic loads. This may go some way to ensuring that the program meets its non-
functional requirements.


Debugging is a cycle of detection, location, repair and test. Debugging is a hypothesis

testing process. When a bug is detected, the tester must form a hypothesis about the cause
and location of the bug. Further examination of the execution of the program ( possible
including many returns of it) will usually take place to confirm the hypothesis. If the
hypothesis is demonstrated to be incorrect, a new hypothesis must be formed. Debugging
tools that show the state of the program are useful for this, but inserting print statements is
often the only approach. Experienced debuggers use their knowledge of common and/or
obscure bugs to facilitate the hypothesis testing process. After fixing a bug, the system
must be reset to ensue that the fix has worked and that no other bugs have been
introduced. This is called regression testing. In principle, all tests should be performed
again but this is often too expensive to do.

Test documentation:

A test plan as a general document for the entire project which defines the scope, approach
to be taken, and the schedule for testing, as well as identifying the test items for entire
process, and the personnel responsible for the different activities of testing. The test plan
can be done well before the actual testing commences and can be done in parallel with the
coding and design phases.

51 | P a g e
The requirement document and design document are the basic documents used for
selecting the test units and deciding the approaches to be employed during testing.

For our problem domain we start this procedure be defining the Test Cases. During
testing, the program for the test cases are evaluated to determine if the program is
performed as it is expected to do.

The kind of dynamic approach can only ascertain the presence of error in the program; the
exact nature of the error is not usually decided by testing.

We begin with defining test cases for each Use Case identified earlier in the requirements

The test plan would specify the following:

 Test Unit Specification.

 Features to be tested.
 Approach for Testing.
 Test Deliverables.
 Schedule. (generally defined for big projects)
During system testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure that the software does
not fail. Specific test data are input for processing, and the results examined. It is desirable
to discover any surprises before the organization implements the system and depends on it.

Testing objective:

 Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error

 A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet
undiscovered error.
 A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.
Testing principle:

 All tests should be traceable to the customer’s requirements.

 Tests should be planned long before the testing begins.
 Testing should begin “in the small” and progress towards “in the large”.

52 | P a g e
 Exhaustive testing is not possible.
 To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third
In software development project, errors can be injected at any stage during
development. Because code is the only product that can be executed frequently and
whose actual behavior can be observed, testing is the phase where the remaining
errors from all the previous phases must be detected. Testing performs a critical
role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of software. During
testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test cases, and the output
of the program for the test cases is evaluated to determine if the program is
performing as expected. Due to this approach, dynamic testing can only ascertain
the presence of errors in the program; the exact nature of errors is not usually
decided by testing.
Testing a large system is a complex activity, so for a project, incremental testing is
generally performed, in which components and subsystems of the system are tested
separately before integrating them to form the system for system testing. This form
of testing introduces new issues of how to select components and how to combine
them to form systems and subsystems.

Testing can be mainly of two types :

Black box when we know the specified function that a product has been designed to
perform, tests can be conducted that demonstrate each function is fully operational while
at the same time searching for errors in each function. a black box test examines some
fundamental aspect of a system with little regard for the internal logical structure of the
software. black box testing also called behavioral testing, focuses on the functional
requirements of the software. black box testing attempts to find errors in the following

 incorrect or missing functions.

 interface errors.
 errors in data structures or external database access.
 behavior or performance errors.

53 | P a g e
 initialization and termination errors.
White box testing:

when we know the internal workings of a product, tests can be conducted to ensure that
internal operations are performed according to specifications and all internal components
have been adequately exercised. this testing is sometimes called as glass box testing. using
white box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test cases that

 guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least
 exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides
 execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds
 exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity
in this project our main emphasis is on white box testing .in order to test loops, we used
the loop testing technique which is a white box testing technique. most of the loops used
in this project belong to the category of simple loops. we applied the following set of tests
to test loops, where n is the maximum number of allowable passes through the loop.

 Skipped the loop entirely.

 Allowed only one pass through the loop.
 Allowed two passed through the loop.
 Allowed m passed through the loop where m < n.
 Allowed n-1, n, n+1 passes through the loop.
In order to test the control flow structures such as if conditions etc. we used the
condition testing technique. the condition testing method focuses on testing each
condition in the program. condition testing strategies have two advantages. first,
measurement of test coverage of a condition is simple. second, the test coverage of
conditions in a program provides guidance for the generation of additional tests for the
system. branch testing is the simplest condition testing strategy. for a compound
condition c which is composed of two or more simple conditions, boolean operators and
parenthesis, the true and false branches of c and every simple condition in c need to be
executed at least once.

54 | P a g e
Level of testing:
The basic levels are unit testing, integration unit testing, and system and
acceptance testing.
Unit testing:
In this different modules are tested against the specifications produced during
design for the modules. Unit testing is essentially for the verification of the code
produced during the coding phase and its goal is to test the internal logic of the
modules. It is typically done by the programmer of the module. Structural testing is
best suited for this level.
In our project each form works like a unit. Some forms are used to display the data
stored in the database and some forms are user to submit data to the database.
Before submitting the data to the database, it is tested individually using front end
capabilities. The tests that occurred as part of the unit tests are as follows:

 The module interface was tested to ensure that information properly

flows into and out of the program unit under test.
 The local data structures were examined to ensure that data stored
temporarily maintains its integrity during all steps in an algorithm’s
 Boundary conditions were tested to ensure that the module operates
properly at boundaries established to limit or restrict processing.
 All independent paths through the control structure were exercised to
ensure that all statements in a module have been executed at least once.
 Finally, all error handling paths were tested.
Integration testing:
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure
while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with
interfacing. The objective is to take unit tested components and build a program
structure that has been dictated by design. Integration can be either top down or
bottom down.
Top down integration testing is an incremental approach to construction of
program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the
55 | P a g e
control hierarchy, beginning with the main control module. Modules subordinate to
the main control module are incorporated into the structure in either a depth first or
breadth first manner. Bottom up integration testing begins construction and testing
with atomic modules (i.e. components at the lowest levels in the program
structure). Because components are integrated from the bottom up, processing
required for components subordinate to a given level is always available and the
need for stubs is eliminated. In our project, we have used the bottom up approach.
When all the forms were tested independently, they were integrated to form a
Regression testing:
Each time a new module is added as part of integration testing, the software
changes. New data flow paths are established, new I/O may occur, and new control
logic is invoked. These changes cause problems with functions that previously
worked flawlessly. In the context of an integration test strategy, regression testing
is the re-execution of some subset of tests that have already been conducted to
ensure that changes have not propagated unintended side effects. Regression
testing was used frequently in our project.
Validation testing:
At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a
package, interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected, and a final series of
software tests– validation testing– may begin. Validation can be defined in many
ways, but a simple definition is that validation succeeds when software functions in
a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer.
System and acceptation testing:
System testing is actually a series of different tests, whose primary purpose is to
fully exercise the computer based systems. Although each test has a different
purpose, all work to verify that system elements have been properly integrated and
performed allocated functions. The following types of system tests are worthwhile
for software based systems: recovery testing, security is testing, stress testing,
performance testing. At this level of testing, the entire software system is tested.
The reference document for this process is the requirement document. Its goal is to

56 | P a g e
verify if the software meets its requirements. It is essentially a validation exercise,
and in many situations it is the only validation activity. Acceptance testing is
sometimes performed with realistic data of the client to demonstrate the software is
working satisfactorily. Testing, here focuses on the external behavior of the
system, the internal logic of the program are not emphasized. Consequently,
mostly functional testing is performed at these levels.
After self testing, it is tested by the different persons present in the lab and staff
members along with students and accepted by them.

57 | P a g e

Implementation uses the design document to produce code. Demonstration that the
program satisfies its specifications validates the code. Typically, sample runs of the
program demonstrating the behavior for expected data values and boundary values
are required. Small programs are written using the model: Write/Compile/TestIt may
take several iterations of the model to produce a working program. As programs get more
complicated, testing and debugging alone may not be enough to produce reliable code.
Instead, we have to write programs in a manner that will help insure that errors are caught
or avoided.

Top-down implementation: Top down implementation begins with the user invoked
module and works toward the modules that do not call any other modules. The
implementation may precede depth-first or breadth-first.

Bottom-Up implementation: Implementation begins with modules that do not call any
other modules and works toward the main program. Test harness (see below) is used to
test individual modules. The main module constitutes the final test harness.

Stubs: Stub programming is the implementation analogue of top-down and stepwise

refinement. It supports incremental program development by allowing for error and
improvement. A stub program is a stripped-down, skeleton version of a final program. It
doesn’t implement details of the algorithm or fulfill all the job requirements. However, it
does contain rough versions of all subprograms and their parameter lists. Furthermore, it
can be compiled and run. Extensive use of procedures and parameter are the difference
between stub programs and prototypes. Quick and dirty prototypes should be improved--
they should be rewritten. A stub program helps demonstrates that a programs’ structure is
plausible. Its procedures and functions are unsophisticated versions of their final forms,
but they allow limited use of the entire program. In particular, it may work for a limited
data set. Often the high-level procedures are ready to call lower-level code, even if the
more detailed subprograms haven’t even been written. Such sections of code are
commented out. The comment brackets can be moved, call-by-call, as the underlying
procedures are actually written.

58 | P a g e
Incremental program development: As program become more complex, changes have a
tendency to introduce unexpected effects. Incremental programming tries to isolate the
effects of changes. We add new features in preference to adding new functions, and add
new function rather than writing new programs. The program implementation model

 define types/compile/fix;
 add load and dump functions/compile/test;
 add first processing function/compile/test/fix;
 add features/ compile/test/fix;
 add second processing function/compile/test/fix;
 keep adding features/and compiling/and testing/and fixing.

A crucial phase in the system life cycle is the successful implementation of the new
system design. Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert
from the old system to the new one. The new system may be completely new,
replacing an existing manual or automated system or it may be major modification to
an existing system. In either case, proper implementation becomes necessary so that
a reliable system based on the requirements of the organization can be provided.
Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using
the new system, but improper installation will prevent it. It has been observed that
even the best system can’t show good result if the analysts managing the
implementation do not attend to every important details. This is an area where the
systems analysts need to work with utmost care.

This system will be implemented using VB 6.0 as front end and Oracle 8 as back end and
Windows 98 as the platform. For the successful implementation of a system, the training
of the users of the system plays an important role. Because even well designed system can
succeed or fail because of the way they are operated and used. Therefore, the quality of the
training received by the personnel involved with the system in various capacities helps or
hinders and may even prevent the successful implementation of management information
system. Those Who are directly or indirectly related with the system development work
must know in detail what their roles will be, how they can make efficient use of the

59 | P a g e
system and what the system will or will not do for them. Therefore both system operators
and users need training.

System operator training: Running of the system successfully depends on the personnel
working in the computer center. They are responsible for providing the necessary
support. Their training must ensure that they are able to handle all possible operations,
routine and extra- ordinary in nature. Operators training should include such fundamentals
as how to turn the equipment on and use it, how to power off and knowledge of what
constitutes normal operation. The operators should also be trained on different type of
malfunctioning, how to recognize them and what steps should be taken whenever they
arise. As part of their training, operators should be given both a troubleshooting list that
identifies possible problems and remedies for them, as well as the names and telephone
numbers of individuals to contact when unexpected or unusual problem arise.

Training also involves familiarization with run procedures, which involves working
through the sequence of activities needed to use a new system on an ongoing basis.

User training: User may be trained on use of equipment, particularly in the case where,
for example, a micro-computer is in use and the individual involved is both operator and
user. In such cases, users must be given training on how to operate the system also.
Questions that may be trivial to the analyst, such as how to turn on a terminal, how to
insert a diskette into a micro-computer, or when it is safe to turn off the equipment without
danger of data loss, are significant problems to new users who are not familiar with

This is also the case with our system. In most of the cases, user training deals with the
operation of the system itself, with proper attention given to data handling techniques. It is
imperative that users be properly trained in methods of entering transactions, editing data,
formulating inquiries, deleting and inserting of records. No training is complete without
familiarizing users with simple systems maintenance activities. Weakness in any aspect of
training may lead to awkward situations that cause user frustration and errors.

60 | P a g e
In our project also it is necessary to train users on how to commit the transactions.Training
of operators and users can be organized in several different ways. Most important ways to
train users are

 Vendor and in-service training

 In-house training
Often the best source of training on equipment is the vendor who supplies the equipment.
Most vendors offer extensive educational programs as part of their services. In the case of
our project too, we’ll provide training to the users of our project. Conversion is also
important in the implementation phase. Conversion is the process of changing from the old
system to the new one. It must be properly planned and executed.

Four methods of conversion are common in use. They are :

 Parallel systems
 Direct conversion
 Pilot systems
 Systems phase-in

Each method should be considered in the light of the opportunities that it offers and
problems that it may create. However, it may be possible that sometimes, we may be
forced to apply one method over others, even though other methods may be more
beneficial. In general, systems conversion should be accomplished in shortest possible
time. Long conversion periods create problems for all persons involved including both
analysts and users.

61 | P a g e

The project has been a learning experience for us. Here we are able to computerize
the “Library Management System”. We are also able to learn to connect the front
end with back end using connecting tools.

This project is very use-full and important for shop because it is very simple, user
friendly and easily operates able.

This project of “Library Management System” of gives us the complete information

about the shop.

The member, book are given a particular unique id no. So that they can be accessed
correctly and without errors. Our main aim of the project is to get the correct
information about a particular user of shop.

1. Project completion in time.

2. Proper documentation.

3. Project is with in the budget of the company.

4. Studied the behavior of the end user.

5. User friendly software.

6. Flexible to add new features.

7. Secured.

62 | P a g e

In the existing system we have many problems, Such that they are time consuming,
needed a lot of man power ,maintainability is so complex. The needed information we
can’t access within a short time. The customer was not sufficient by information
provided by existing system.

The existing system is error prone. Exiting system requires a lot of maintainability.
Maintainability of register is a tedious job. Moreover number of Register makes
existing system bulky to handle and the job more tiring.

To avoid all such problems, we have to build a new system that Is removes all the
problem of the manual system. In this system you can add, delete and update new
places easily. It provide full information about the visiting places so that customer
can easily decide a visiting place.

 It can only be used as a stand alone application not in network computers.

 Platform dependent (supported by windows based operating systems).
 Software is suitable only for the single organization data store system.

63 | P a g e
Reference & Bibliography


Following reference’s are used during the system development:

0. The Waite Group’s Visual Basic 6 Database How to, Tec media
1. mastering Visual Basic 6, Petroutsos, Evangelos
2. introduction to database System, Bipin Desai
3. An Introduction to Database System, C.J. Date
4. Visual Basic 6 From Ground Up, Garry Cornell
6. Teachers.

64 | P a g e

“Library Management system” is large growing software in the area of library. It

becomes very difficult to keep records for large no. of member, detail of book and
issue book etc. This project is very useful in the “Library Management system”.

Almost care and back-up procedures must be established to ensure 100% successful
implementation of the computerized “Library Management system”. In case of
system failure, the organization should be in a position to process the transaction
with another organization or if the worst comes to the worst, it should be in a
position to complete it manually.

65 | P a g e


Amity Institute of Information Technology



Enrollment No A1000712070

Programme MCA

Company's Name and Address AIIT


Industry Guide



Contact Number

Ph.(O) :

Mobile :

Fax :

E-mail :

Project Information

66 | P a g e
1) Project Duration : (60 Days)

a) Date of Summer Internship commencement (02/05/2013)

b) Date of Summer Internship Completion (2/07/2013)

2) Topic

Library Management

3) Project Objective

To develop the such kind of system which is able to manage the all Query related to the library..

4) Methodology to be adopted

In this project i am using the VB as the front end MS Access as a back end.

5) Brief Summery of project(to be duly certified by the industry guide)

This project have the several modules which can resolve the different problems of the library which may be

documentation , interest or many more very easily. And this project also can manage the details of the


67 | P a g e
Signature Signature Signature

(Student) (Industry Guide) (Faculty Guide)

68 | P a g e

Summer Internship 2013-2014

Weekly Progress Report (WPR)


Program : MCA III(B) Semester. Company Name : Amity University.

Student Name : Abhinav Bhatnagar Enrollment Number : A1000712070

Industry Guide’s Name : Ms. Laxmi


Project Title : Library Management


- Gathering information about issueing Books.



- To implement the gather information about the project

69 | P a g e


Summer Internship 2013-2014

Weekly Progress Report (WPR)


Program : MCA III(B) Semester. Company Name : Amity University.

Student Name : Abhinav Bhatnagar Enrollment Number : A1000712070

Industry Guide’s Name : Ms. Laxmi Ahuja

Project Title : Library management


- Finding problem statement and preparing strategy for further Action like technology to be
used and etc.


- Information is gathered .


- To implement the gathered information .

70 | P a g e


Summer Internship 2013-2014

Weekly Progress Report (WPR)


Program : MCA III(B) Semester. Company Name : Amity University.

Student Name : Abhinav Bhatnagar Enrollment Number : A1000712070

Industry Guide’s Name : Ms. Laxmi Ahuja

Project Title : Library management


- To implement the gathered information


Information , documentation and moduels are created


. To complete the rest of modules .

71 | P a g e

Summer Internship 2013-2014

Weekly Progress Report (WPR)


Program : MCA III(B) Semester. Company Name : Amity University.

Student Name : Abhinav Bhatnagar Enrollment Number : A1000712070

Industry Guide’s Name : Ms. Laxmi Ahuja

Seminar Title: Library management


- To Implement the rest of modules.


- Member details ,book details module are completed


-To Implement the rest of module.

72 | P a g e

Summer Internship 2013-2014

Weekly Progress Report (WPR)


Program : MCA III(B) Semester. Company Name : Amity University.

Student Name : Abhinav Bhatnagar Enrollment Number : A1000712070

Industry Guide’s Name : Ms. Laxmi Ahuja

Project Title: Library management


- To test the project to work over the project testing.

- Black box testing and White box testing .


-All the moduels are created and connected to the MDI


- Database entry.

73 | P a g e


Summer Internship 2013-2014

Weekly Progress Report (WPR)


Program : MCA III(B) Semester. Company Name : Amity University.

Student Name : Abhinav Bhatnagar Enrollment Number : A1000712070

Industry Guide’s Name : Ms. Laxmi Ahuja

Project Title: Library Management


- To show the project to my mentor.


- Testing completed .


- Project completed .

74 | P a g e
75 | P a g e
Amity Institute of Information Technology

This is to certify that I have scanned the project report/ dissertation/summer

training report / seminar report/ research paper titled ______________________

of ___________________________________ (student’s name) Enrollment No.

________________________ on _____________ (date).

I found that __________ (%) of the report is original according to the Turnitin

Based on it I recommend it to be accepted in its current form / with minor

revisions/ with major revisions /to be rejected.

Signature: _______________________

Name of the user: __________________

Date: ____________________________

76 | P a g e

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