Artemis: Research Articles For The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Research Articles for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

1. “Huck, the thief” – Huck stealing Jim – look around paragraph 9 that begins “Imaginary julry, chickens,…”
Ch. 16, where Jim talks about stealing his own children; ch 31 where Huck makes his
final moral decision concerning Jim; how loyalty and religious convictions conflict-
2. “The Raft and the River”- The article is divided by pages.
Page 67 (The fog incident) page 70 (Ch. 16 – Huck’s conscience bothers him as they
are nearing Cairo) page73- (Grangerford /also on page 77) page 75 (Grangerford
home) page 78 (church) s:.
3. “Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” ( by Richard Wakefield) – This is
an excellent source for all topics – EMAIL it to yourself; it is long – Start with THE
VOYAGE OF HUCK AND JIM- The source gives plot summary and then makes an
analysis comment. It is the analysis comment that is important. The plot is usually
straightforward wording, not quote-worthy. Just a few of the ideas – Widow Douglas
and Miss Watson’s religious differences; Twain’s opinion of religion; Tom Sawyer; Jim
and Huck’s moral code; Pap in Huck’s room; Pap and the black professor; Pap and Huck
in the cabin; Huck as an Abolitionist; ch. 15 in the fog; Ch, 16 as they near a free state;
Grangerford house and how it reflects their false life; ch. 31 Huck’s final “test”
concerning Jim.
4. “Aristocracy in America” – Grangerfords (scroll down to Southern Comfort.)
5. “Huck’s Moral Reasoning as Heroism” – Discusses chapter 31 Huck’s moral decision;
also discusses religion - Look for page 119-121. There is a good quote about corrupt

Student Resources in Context

6. Under Reference: “Themes and Construction” – discusses the various themes in the
novel, such as freedom, racism, and conscience.

7. Under Critical Essays: “ What’s in Huck Finn?” – explores Huck’s internal conflicts
8. Novels for Students
This source has a plot, but it is too basic for you to use in a research paper. However,
it also has themes, characters, and criticisms. The third critic, Brownell, is very good.
The other two, probably would not be used. .

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