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DPT : 4
Syllabus:- Body Fluids and Circulation, Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrition

1) Lymph nodes are abundantly found in

a.Abdominal mesenteries b.proximal end of the limbs

c.thoracic mediastinum d.All of these

2) Read the following statements regarding transpiration and select the correct option

I.Transpiration is the loss of liquid droplets from the plant

II.Low atmospheric pressure inhibits transpiration

III.Transpiration maintains the shape and structure of plant parts.

IV.Cuticular transpiration takes place only during day time.

a. I and II only b.I,II and III only c.III only d.III and IV only

3) Which of the relations is correct

a.Ψs =Ψp + Ψw b. Ψp =Ψm + Ψw+ Ψs c. Ψw= Ψm – Ψp+ Ψs d. Ψw = Ψs+ Ψp

4) Study the given diagram of stomata.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the above diagram?

a.Orientation of part A helps in the opening of stomata.

b.B is thick and elastic in structure.

c.Opening and closing of the C is caused by expansion and contraction of B.

d. All of these

5) Match the nutrient elements in column I with their disease symptoms in columnII.

Column I Column II

P.Copper i.Interveinal chlorosis appearing first in young leaves

Q.Manganese ii.Bronze colour in leaves

R.Chlorine iii.Loss of apical dominance

S.Iron ivInterveinal chlorosis

T.Boron v.Exanthema

a.P-v,Q-iv,R-ii,S-i,T-iii b.P-ii,Q-iv,R-i,S-v,T-iii

c.P-iii, Q-v,R-iv,S-ii,T-I d. P-v, Q-i,R-iii,S-ii,T-iv

6) Consider the following statements regarding mineral nutrients and choose the correct one

a.Mineral ion concentration in tissue which reduces dry weight of tissues by 20% is called toxic

b.Magnesium takes part in formation of chlorophyll and carotenoids.

c.Hunger signs appear when the availability of the essential nutrients rise above the critical

d.Both b and c.

7) Consider two cells A and B .The cell has OP=8 atm and TP= 5 atm , while cell B has OP=6 atm and
TP=2 atm. What changes do you suppose to observe in the cells?

a.Development of higher DPD in cell A

b.Reduction of wall pressure in both the cells

c.Development of same DPD in both the cells

d.Development of higher DPD in cell B

8) The food or carbohydrates formed in leaf are trans located through sieve tubes in the form of sucrose. It
appears most suitable for this purpose as is a reducing sugar b.does not react with other substances

c.chemically unstable d.all of these

9) Match the column I with column II

ColumnI Column II

A.Root pressure i.Cell wall

B.Transpiration pull ii.Active water absorption

C.Apoplast pathway iii.Plasmodesmata

D.Symplast pathway iv.Passive water absorption

a.A-ii,B-iv,C-i,D-iii b.A-iv,B-ii,C-i,D-v

c.A-iv,B-ii,C-i,D-iii d.A-iv,B-ii,C-i,D-iii

10) Identify the set of nutrients that are involved in translocation of organic substances in phloem

I. Potassium II. Boron III. Magnesium IV. Calcium

a.I and IV b.I and II c.II and III d.II,III and IV

11) The microorganism responsible for conversion of nitrates to gaseous nitrogen is

a.Nitrosomonas b.Nitrocystis c.Bacillus ramosus d.Micrococcus

12) You are required to draw blood from a patient and to keep in a test tube for analysis of blood corpuscles
and plasma. You are also provided with the following four types of test tubes. Which of these will you
not use for the purpose?

a. Chilled test tube b.Test tube containing calcium bicarbonate

c.Test tube containing heparin d.Test tube containing sodium oxalate

13) Globins contained in human blood plasma are primarly involved in

a.Osmotic balance of body fluids b.clotting of blood

c.oxygen transport in the blood d.defence mechanism of body

14) Which two of the following changes(i-iv) usually tend to occur in the plain dwellers when they move to
high altitudes(3500m or more)?

i.Increase in red blood cell size ii.Increase in red blood cell production
iii.Increase in breathing rate iv.Increase in thrombocyte counts

Changes occurring are

a.(iii) and (iv) b.(ii) and (iii) c.(i) and (iv) d(i) and (ii)

15) Potometer work on the principle of

a.Amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired

b.Osmotic pressure

c.root pressure

d.potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant

16) The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in the water column in vessel/tracheids during the
ascent of sap because of

a.Weak gravitational pull b.transpiration pull

c.Cohesion and adhesion d.lignified thick wall

17) The deficiency of micronutrients ,not only affect growth of plants but also vital functions such as
photosynthetic and mitochondrial electron flow.Among the list given below,which group of three elements
shall affect most,both photosynthetic and mitochondrial electron transport.?

a.Co,Ni,Mo b.Ca,K,Na c.Cu,Mn,Fe d.Mn,Co,Ca

18) Which one of the following elements in plants is not remobilised?

a.Calcium b.Phosphorus c.Potassium d.Sulphur

19) Which one statement is not correctly explained-

a.Erythrocytopenia –Causeshypoxial condition in body tissues

b.Wintrobhaematocrit –Volume occupied by blood corpuscles is determined

c.Sludgging-clumping of R.B.C after burn

d.Leukemia-Decreased number of W.B.C

20) Basic advantage of closed blood circulation is

a.It generates sufficient blood pressure to maintain far more rapid blood flow
b.Regulate the flow of blood to the organ according to their need.

c.Blood flows in controlled manner with the help of venus sphincter and valves


21) Match the blood pigment given in Column A with animals in which it is present from column B

Column A Column B

I.Chlorocruorin a.Holothurial member

II.Haemocyanin b.Linguila

III.Haemoerythrin c.Sabella

IVMoledin d.Snail

a. 1=a,II=d ,III=b,IV=c b. 1=c,II=d ,III=a,IV=b

c. 1=c,II=d ,III=b,IV=a d. 1=d,II=c ,III=b,IV=a

22) Foremen Ovale is present only in the heart of embryos leading from the right auricle to

a) left auricle b) Postcaval vein c) Pulmonary artery d) Right ventricle

23) Systemic heart refers to

a) entries in lower vertebrates b) the two ventricles together in humans

c) the heart that contracts under stimulation from nervous system

d) left auricle and left ventricle in higher vertebrates

24) Cardiac output is determined by:

a) stroke volume b) heart rate c) both a and b d) blood flow

25) ….(a)…. does not account for the majority of water transport, most plants meet their need by…(b)…

a) a- active transport, b- Root pressure b) a - Root pressure, b- Transport pull

c) a- Osmosis, b- active transport d) a- Transpiration pull, b- Passive transport

26) Which of the following statement is correct for absorption of water from root hairs

a) Concentration of cell sap is more than outer environment

b) Concentration of outer environment is more than cell sap

c) Concentration of outer environment is less than cell sap

d) Concentration of outer environment is equal to the cell sap

27) Read the following statements and Pick up the correct statements

I) Potometer works on the principle of amount of water absorbed equals the amount of water

II) The osmotic value of guard cells is highest when the stomata are open the lowest when the
stomata are closed

III) Loss of water by cells without external sign of leaf drooping is as temporary wilting

IV) Water potential found in root hair cells is generally – 1 to – 4 atm

a) I, II, III b) II, III, IV c) I, II, IV d) I, III, IV

28) Rate of transpiration will increase if

a) RHdecreases b) (Relative Humidity) increases

c) RH remains unchanged d) water potential gradient remains unchanged

29) Match the following

a) a- s, b – s, c – p, d - t b) a- s, b – r, c – t, d – p

c) a- s, b – r, c – p, d – t d) a- r, b – s, c – t, d – p

30) Figure of hydathode has a labeling what is correct

31) Read the following statements and pick up the incorrect statements

I) The deficiency of molybdenum causes whip tail disease of crucifers

II) Mn+ + is required for the synthesis of Auxin

III) Chlorosis in young leaves occurs due to deficiency of calcium

IV) Transport of sugar is regulated bvy boron

a) I & II b) III & IV c) II & IV d) II & III

32) Match the following:

a) a- iv, b- iii, c – i, d – v, e- ii b) a- iv, b- v, c – ii, d – iii, e- i

c) a- i, b- v, c – ii, d – iii, e- iv d) a- v, b- iv, c – i, d – iii, e- ii

33) Read the following statements and pick up the correct statements

I) Dieback in plants is due to deficiency of copper

II) Reclamation disease occurs due to deficiency of zinc

III) The deficiency of iron causes intervenial chlorosis in young leaves

IV) Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ are balancing elements that minimise the toxic effect of heavy elements

a) I, II, III, IV b) I, III, IV c) I, II, IV d) II, III, IV

34) Why is that in certain plants deficiency symptoms appear first in young parts of the plant while in other
they do so in mature organs

a) Deficiency symptoms appear first in mature organs for those elements which are mobilised from
senescing regions for supply to young regions.

b) Deficiency symptoms occur first in young parts for elements which are immobile inside the plants

c) Both a and b d) none of these

35) Which of the following statements are false

I) Every mineral elements that is present in a cell is needed by the cell

II) Deficiency of boron causes death of shoot tip and root tip

III) Nitrogen as a nutrient element, is highly immobile in the plants

IV) Aeroponics is the technique of growing plants in above ground strands provided with fine mist
of normal solution

a) I, III b) III, IV c) II, III d) I, II

36) Which statement is wrong

a) Plants take very little amount of mineral elements from soil

b) Plants absorb one thing at a time either water or mineral salt

c) Roor hair absorb water and minerals together

d) Mineral absorption primarily takes place by active method

37) Which among the followings is correct during each cardiac cycle?

a) The volume of blood pumped out by the Rt and Lt ventricles is same

b) The volume of blood received by each atrium is different

c) The volume of blood pumped out by the Rt and Lt ventricles is different

d) The volume of blood received by aorta and pulmonary artery is different

38) Which of the followings statements does not apply to reverse osmosis?

a) It is an active process b) It is an passive process

c) In this technique, pressure greater than osmotic pressure is applied to the system

d) It is used for water purification

39) Reaction carried out by N2 fixing microbes include

Which of the following statements about these equations is not true?

a) Bacteria carrying out these steps are usually photoautotrophs

b) Step I is carried out by Nitrosomonas or Nitrococcus

‘ c) step II is carried out by Nitrobacter

d) Both steps I and II can be called nitrification

40) Plants can be grown in (pick up the incorrect option)

a) water or soil without essential nutrients b) either water or soil with essential nutrients

c) soil with essential nutrients d) water with essential nutrients

DPT - 4
1 D 11 D 21 C 31 D
2 C 12 B 22 A 32 A
3 A 13 D 23 D 33 B
4 D 14 B 24 C 34 C
5 A 15 A 25 B 35 B
6 B 16 C 26 A 36 B
7 D 17 C 27 D 37 A
8 B 18 A 28 A 38 A
9 A 19 D 29 D 39 A
10 B 20 D 30 D 40 B

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