The Decision To Go To War With Iraq

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The Decision to Go to War with Iraq JAMES P. PFIFFNER To undesn hos he Ue Ses dei 0 tor wih non mst go back Be Call War of 1091, When SadrnPusn invaded eva 1980, Frestdot George HW Bask sere a oa er aol con fo center Sdn ant is ows outl Ruy Ara tuhpot met halls. ten oops tn ren an needed boing ca pin U.S. omad lcs ad thls wor bl 0 {het tetagewtin 100 vee ACU tps hone theta aa Rosa, Bush mad the eon n ugh thet ag Woops onthe high thet om aa yl ag re porate epee ceded etait 36 °C) Arne to have dane so mould have exces! the UN, monte and woul anemone wel boyd he ‘laa at US ny miso. Bas sein Sage i Cone Fata pe de and is Attn for Naina Soasy A, Brut cower, pt tay “yng to limite Sa, eateing the ground tartan occupation ag, woutdhave vlted ‘or pln about na changing bjs in Sm, engaging inion rep” -- We would tee ber fore toreupy Bg nd ee, fue en the clon woul oan have cok Isp the Arabs cert tin ager tea Tes ling cat ob Unde tov cartons, thee aero vile -estemtegy” se could sce Hid ve gone the inesion rut, the Unie Sates ‘ud conceal be a acapying power ins nite os a Prednt Garg HW, Bo estat in ting the Colonsay sco orn eal 3 on Sf ksat whut campy daring ta stad Inglogaeto comeundercomaierble cits fom 196 Chaper Key Decon Moker Inside Public Adminisation 4 oup of public figures and delense ills ino neneonseraives econ Ths oaesy connec rou fics of US, de- tere poly beled tat he desson sot romans ‘idem cn. rolound sae. The neocons tngunized The Projet forthe New Arsetiean Cen {thy and pula 8 Statement of Principe” In 1937. The semen noted that the United Slates wt Ihe oleremaining superpower and advocated ans ferive US fain py anne dels spend ingto “accept esponaiy fr Armenia's unique le intpeseving and estending 90 inemaina! ort Fry ou secur, our prosper and ou pri. ples" 1986 the ogniztion wae an open ter {Preside Choton aging hat Sod’ ag Was 2 ‘aor thet te Unie Sates 25 well 2 9 esa Treg fre nthe Mile Eas They sted Wal US rans secuiysrogy “shoul ain, above 3a Thetemovl of Sedan user sregine rom poster” ‘ahi nea linger to ene may a Vion as diplmacy i seat Tallg The fe was Signed by among ethers, Donald Rumsfeld, Pou ‘ollowits and Rickard el «Mien George W. Bash came present in 2001, he apport Rural ibe Sertary of Dlr sc Willows tobe is deputy. Other neacans 30 ore the mnnttons Pee became Coto te Defense oly Board, alo tothe Seca of Deters Dougos Tesh. Undersecretary of Dele foe Poy [ers each, Chit of St Vie Present Cheney Steen Hcley- Depa to National Seuiy ‘eva Condesa Re) Bal Unde Oi Se for Ar Cortland Irmations Seuity ‘isi Vie Presiden Cheney was songally inthe Fest toward an shred the deste we US, tary poe to pple Sadar forthe fits month ofthe Bush adinstation, however ther angen net perce Presiden Bosh During dei eamgan, Basten 0 [vor Gsengyenor am te rato fe wot, core pote the Con amination. Bash elved at [BCU had heentninvlved inte mile Eas poace focess onde aug at he US shoul conser fe commit to pesckeoping inthe Balkans. He tho ced the Cnt asristationssterp © {nr areonchaton bebe North ands Korea tr carmmentng on for tlaions ring te pres da debe, Bush Sl,“ ely depen on haw (er nation conc alli fore poly wean ogo ation sey ogni. et humble a thn but strong hel welcome us" ih hs span (increased milly spending ad resen tos about Srscve torn ploy Buanenunadio echo Theaere Roose dice Spek sly bac) 3 sick Alvothi changed: however ar the evar atcks (n Septeer 1 2000 ‘The Public Debate over War with iraq ‘Athough te pubie campig or wt with ag not tein ntl 2003, President Bush and pt of is ade fain began coneing immediatly afer SCptember 112003. At the wor cabinet meeting 3 Camp Davin Sepa 15, 200 eat eas ‘ad by Depry Seomay of Defense Pal Wolo (tho rong favor going sr Saddam Huet and puch be eserthan warn Agha. See ‘ary of Soe Colin Fowl however, apd thatthe ‘alton backing the United Sates would not hl i theta washed Powells Wwe go ahor ‘Seu Vs we lose cur igh place at good fur OA Daec Core ost snd Cl oS Ane (Gta sped wih hoe opping the tock. The pre ‘et aly ecced nto prea tines ‘walled wetned ado too many thags te ack (fous would have beens huge tk ‘Neverthe, on Sepember 17,2001, President fuhsgna top-secret pan orth wa Alghansion thats need the Dele Deparment psn or tna with ag? Whie Haute ils [ter sid that Bish decided soon he eto ck tat and to bsconhoniad but tht hed pot mse hs decision public bacsuse hed ink he ena could han Sethe hock of 9) acl abou dealings St tht a wespans of mate exten render on ply gaia ns econ w pr sue war with kag fhe Sat othe Union message on Tanuary 25, 2008, though hs decsion was some Caner ad aed a high evel of neal y ‘lag ia, amd North Kare nt be ered {nvansofei™ Inthe spech Bush cared tha he {ited tse would “prever epimes that sponsor tenosatheatening America or ur Wands ad a es wih weapons of mas desiution. ~The United Sinton of Ameria wl not pei the woes most ioe a soot Sie en ond hai ee ood shew fond ‘ent Mors Hat ‘ghad Stn sei ‘eon cont by in med ‘atthe waat United James Pits The Dect to Gato Wa with ag 197 dangerous einestotiveten x witthe wor moa Sechecive weapons. Mir hosed Arar Sal or lis action." ecaring othe Sate ‘Bepamert Decor of Policy and Plrwng Richard Fabs ye summer 2002 Bh ad lend made vp his mid dha war wh to was neve Bang, ~eonttonty Sam Hush "Tbe present made Scns of 7002. We a sated that data tha te ay wor." Ha sid hat he bed ene of arto wth Conder ie: “sodas noe about wer we ely sre tha we ested tout tag ont an ceer 3s po, Theor ontrorm ander ues Ard Sedo Senay hat ecsons brea made. dont waste YOu Feta the pester may hve made up his nd ren eaor In Mave 200) the presen tld Rice ‘Shenae was ina meting wih evr! sent Seam, Weal tim ou" Ty spring 2008, mary planing fr og hed tego ante amination red aking poli eet stegine change into, The nest ear publ roan by fe preston national sey tia came nthe 2902 commencement adres a MoUs ary Acadamy et Po, New York. The freien ae “cernnmert et pose wen Uilonced ita wit weapons fms destruction “deter weapons on miss oc o ‘iether ern alles" ‘Sern vextce mons, ome rfesinal mie tury ater oked senor abot US. pans 0 seer, Aiheuh tw tus fr rly pratssont io dye wih White House dco, [esnuusualorther concrete ole scp {others Washnglon Post oes eed at ee UGS tay cfc an some tp genera anda rslsin ties ncang member {Tine Chie Shad aed fora cans Spposch a They werent conned hat aahad Beane he 97 eos atlas they eat Continent ad rocked pri hehe rough 3 ‘Snr mason waulb ony andy out “Tet Us wcony wl eral fengy occupation St by agate enor rent Buss ther Sno come out py gas a th tn, Bee Seowcret, Gage. Busts atonal Se tity ator and Rls menor, wrote an op five ened “Dont tack Saddam hat “thee ancien vo Sadat evr ganizations, Sievers to th Sop act» An aack 20 tq a hs ine would siusy opatize, it de foyhe global ureters comyalgn we ave un deren Woe te ial cons in he ‘Ro pint an tac on rag ahi ie Ines Bae Scary of Sao for Bush Snir, ako expec esate sou atack on agi ‘Sete change e epme nage il have 0.0 ttpy he county mit The Coss of ding 0, po ‘Phy comaniclly and ners of casales, coud be pret Caner Wesley Car, former NATO per AlilCommande a, Weave not gone [Sterough inthe woranterer-Noewdencetppors the bichadninsrtons meron Pot the United Sates imap need io inva ag Soo, o ae slr orem Sie hands of ta dhetorSaadam Huse" Com iateteras slo expose esrations soul he ws thvol war wth rae iam veteran Chck Hage IRENE sa cts resting to that many of one CShowanutowshthscouy ro ar don ow any ‘Bingabou var RetredCanatalAnony i, en- Ieee Secretaret Sat Powel ander Che (ne US Cental Corman which incluesthe Mid ‘Betas dai "We nod to ultmaking enemies ha tre dont ned io make ener ot > sre Icing atthe erase tthe ne way 2 [Slit olen who have never ed» shot oe ae not to go to war soe 4 anctbr way! lames Webb, “tm Yat and former Asst eee of De Tere ar Serco fhe Navy inthe Reagan Ain faation aod ht wares kag was conse bb wot ‘american ilar ls have bea ying ring Maer foc othe bel of peocoseratves that ‘cgan Devin he wards cnet hast Fodevenatleonthe Wes Tage Cee Despi Thetis tine noone them por ss them av ung wo dsl npicy sues, ese Ider, bah atv and vied. ve Been teary enoimous in thet cancers is thre a ab foluely viol navorl ire tat soul lend = Flom cersiment unser wor ad a one teeuaton oa Cees Nonman Schvanthept Commande of US. feces mihe 191 Gal Wat abies esonsions ‘Sout abacking la nest 203° de how what imalgence tee U's, goveomant as. = 1 gues ‘tou ie have bt formation =k “198 Quper7/ Key Dacion Maken nse Pubic Adisttion -seryimponuetowakandsc what elope come el and hop fey come up something ‘ecle™ The Lead-up to War (on August 5, 2002 at Con Powells naive, Con blezea Re aranged or hit spend wo hous ‘isthe preston nord explain is on rese on abt war wth rage guedthat would ese bie the whole sla Eat hat an Amescan fecupaton woul be san a hose by the Muslim ‘Tv ah ar shoul ot be undenaken ni Calyttbepresdenanted pursue milan tack, Powel urge tanto cerita prof teu he United Natons Ath Buss not persuade by Powells rearaone about war wy Wo, by mi Fog heist Secided tat he Petes ‘hod speck of Spt 12 othe Unie Na ore shoul be abut 3, Tesora the us amination fe that opo> sign to mar witha war bling 2d had 1 be Eoumired. Soe close consltation wth President Buh ae wibou tring Secretary of Sate Powel ‘ce Presid Chaney oo he ccasion ofan ads lose dota eign Wors Comer on Aug ettoas obi sou he srnaratonsase= Dalvie weapons ofmass destocton nth ands ts tor nwo or rr ett oF he 0 Srahangtogt,consttes as eave tetas canbe Taine. he it of con are fr eater thon thet acon Chaney's ple argument tht 2 presi ste gant raw juste and a FherUN pectin were sls undeetPowel's a fret tose frer UNC pocorn apo US. schon agar ag ‘Nawesngon Seplonber, he presen refed isdn to ota the Unie Natnsin cay Septer- ba that Chaney on Rss he are Mth Ui Sets soul move aga Sam Sinan ora ew UN relat di wan nee ‘Stuy i tsseporber speech othe nied Nations {eprom ase ef cay othe United Noire ad sed he er read rma telson be ered, lig Sea’ Pag i= [ane (UN resokaons, Bush deca hate have ton mo han pat The conduct oth ah epi bs wot othe abort fhe United Naors ‘Selbiettopesce."™ shorty ar BasUN. speech, ‘he shinsaton ened nto Secu doe: {corte United Sesh echoed hoi eocon Tigers ra sid peep ye bythe Unites tes “Ati the congresiona vieon a resoklon ushering war wth ag the preside gave a speech {bie naton ram Cncinnal on Octbe 7, 2002 In ‘Shick expe the med for ating oy Sere cizns woe, Aer 1 yo Ing with tho problem, why do we aed 0 canon ow Indira enon We haveexpernced Be hoor STeeplenber he Th Weave echt se who fate rere are ing o crash airplanes Ito Ian lef tmocet pope Oar enemies would Beno teing In fcthey wou be ape use Bologester ches racer weapon Krowing these eols, Areca mates gro tothe gu ‘ingopin is Facing cer evr pe wean fer wat real ok te sing gun acu Coen helo of two cl” “The preset fey argu tha ria was oro te ates an that ste regime in fr might be ning t share its weapons of mas Sivcton WMD: chemical, logical, nuden) tech ogy rer: Tye Utd aes hoc pecshely to prevent sucha nighiare ‘Abou thee was btn Congress and ate mens by ose upon topping he elton {Dp towar with rag, there was reves much doubt Sheu the outcome The deliberations feked the dams ofthose in 1997 overthe Gul Wr Reson. ‘Nnumbor of Democrats ve othe esoltion fom feortht a negative vote cond be wed apis them inh upcoming clectons, and Majer Leader of he Senate tm Daschle and Hause Mino Ler chard Gephardt bath vse forthe measure, The ‘esoton posed inthe Mouse by 39610 133, with (SRepubicansand 126 Democrat ndependem) orig agurat the Senate, tha esluion pasted Frets wih 21 Democrats, 1 Republican, and? Tadepenion wating spans! The final ressao, fused the House on eto 10nd bythe Sete SeOctaber sats “The presides auiorized Chet aed faces ofthe United Sates she dee tres to Be necessary atd appropiate nore Wo {1 dled the national seconty oe United Sates Sanne the cotuing vest posed by lag; and thee yee cen Din Tay sth vow” toad tee feo ss e- ed rose sie Poa te the anton Shem ‘ender ve. The wih dence) pied wand ined 9 nee Prder 1 Stee pore) James Pliner The Osco a Goto Wor wih ag 199 |2hrfrce all avant Unie Raton Seusy Count resoltions ering aq" ‘Mere adnstaton conned Congress give te president the nates abo o sek ag ColinPowet long withoter US plore worked {obuilanineratoralcuiion to comncs ihe UN Secuty Counc topes ne sho on ag Ao ‘much septation itn the Security Counel ona Stony worde, unanimous reolvion, Reston 1441 wat formed gave rag ane wens opm © omy ond ul ebraty 2, 2003 athe efor The UN: nspecastorepanbsckon to's comple UN. weapons inspector sete a wih seeing cae blanche and surprise vite ses of poi “reaps manufotr ft by at nny ey had (card o “mating gun Chel U.N. rape Hans Bis sid hat he ended more tine toda throug ob Bu ste al reporting date forthe U.N Secs anny 27, 2008 approached President Bush became increasingly impatient wth ie nail he UN inpection eam loca evidence ag M0: "This bss abut you kno morn you kn haw much ome do we nodose lea at he's ising. This ook ike rev oad ve nd fm at ines n watching Ins Sato the Une sales, muy 28, 2003, Pre sh sid hte Ure Stns fa ie Saddam Hsin ml cance amb hehan showman wer context United Nato aed forthe opinion of tie work” Bah delved that he urs ie Unt Sates does not epee on ee ons of chandler ate hee be no misnderstanding. Saddam tasin docs st ‘las ora say ur pope eer te pence oe word we wld schon fo son hn The War in traq Though February anda Marche Unie aes 1g Bain conned wo ost op tp sgt ae ft supplies nthe Mid Eas ender oeepre ‘Gra As vanous stare peace stems aed, ‘Neen Suh decide stack. A8 pam, March 7 the prsidnt delved at “Stam Pscin aed Ws ore mat leave Wag itn 88 hor the Unie States would commence miary ation git em “wo dys Ie, 130,000 US. and Ssh oops began Td isin ofa and a ah Bagh Win wo weeks, U5. forces ware tthe ouskis ‘of Bphd, but supply nes were creed snd hadi be secured father vances Arena: ‘week of combat howeve, Ameren oops cree, ined the i Republican Gas With my tn ied Seat hing and lately fw Arena de latou 150 at hat pont U're succes oe copied Baga US. an Brih ope conn ‘9p up remaining resistance, an ag ban tore {ae that Soom Muses rule war over haion ‘ark the er of Sd eign bo many, but Ing along with general iorar and the destin ol ovement ullings abo enpted US oop guarded Parts ofthe inactive, but mx bere pay, Frais, and te ag National Museum were erry mage by looes. AS US. nce bean to fesore ‘rer Uwoughout the county and sought et te ‘agin ealshing an mtrim goverment resident Bush declared the endo coma on hay 2003 atin elvised dese fom the deck of an ica {air of he eae of Calor he president pro lad: inthe atl oag the United Stats or alleshave prevails." edhe arin i othe ar ‘ontovsmtyayng atthe bate fone we toy ina war on toro it began om Septet TT 2001, nd att goes on, We hve removed a hy ‘(Al Queda, andl cua Sours of ere nding" eso Bush ad been ashy eral ofthe ‘means inspects wha had been unable oot be ‘Slgeal, chanel ormclear espns nag oa US troops hal net fund them earn is spec the president ssid tho we Rave bog the search fr bln chemical an logis! menpons He iret ‘erin the char weapons tat he United Sates ad peice tht Suda vos developing The pupose ofthe pete, acorn o Whi Hose fics wae (to sate that he oa of US fores n lag was shiig tom war to apes uncon (210 Sha hat ther court cout sen mata and {ed sgl Amarin voters ha he Preset ‘as siting is focus fm wt ta domes eh Failure to Find Weapons of Mass Destruction Alerter of US. trops find WAND in tay he CIA seri search one of 1200 exp ed byDavidayolocate the weapons Kaysmason wos 200 Chapter? /Kay Decon Makes ne ble Adinstvation to scour the county for WMD apd ep back tthe [rset Ashi serch conn wy succes et Ico the anitation began to change at he res nth aised ecouey atte presence of WD {nog and termminet ato he Une ies. The Sesh mitation sl elas wih woe cesiny that log poses cerca and blogs weapons Presiden Bush on Sopot 26,2002 sane hat he ‘aghepe prtencs algal nd cherie weapons ‘Tg repre bung te ais nace 10 rake mere bilgi ar chemical weapons Tat aq had chem anedbeologal weapons inte 1980s it corin inp ers ome of to moter cme from the Unted Sats and beeatae Saddam sed _humicl egos gan an an agin he Rude ere ag Nontelesy seis question su the {rmination cime wer rated when US. tres ould ro fd evidence of o's cher and B- Toga weapons mmedaaly ar the war, despie igen Searing by bath US. mir Fees the 1200 member of Did Ky rag Suey Grou “wo ober aspects of the psa cams trad cutlobe prabemot: he mpd connecen been Skin Mussina he aces of 9/1 are eo eso at aq had nace weapons, Two day ts the Siterorit ack, a TmetNN pol oud tat epee otrespondensthaug hat Sadar Hsin \eaimlvedwih the atackson New Yorn Tae Tower andl he Pentagon in Washington From 8 ‘ough se’ 12005, President Bashan ‘misao tong implied ht hte wa nk {wean Saddam apd the al Que hijackers, despite ‘Osa in Lake's conten fr Sodom 35 he et fa asculr ste The evidence connecting Salam Huscin ard 2 Qaeda was never vr sold ther ho FB noe {OA was able to establish thal the 9/1 tort "ohamed Ata ad wn in Prague to met i 0 og ical Us Bush ainnaion seek es ould 2 UN. tees carne ind kb wen al Qaeda ans" Desh the ck dence, ret Bh conus the wa nto, ‘sh sl Qaeda 9/1 tn is May, 200, voy ‘perch, ef sil, “The tle of Faq one vetory Ina war on tor ha began on Sperber the 11, 20... We've raved an aly of ae, and ea Ca Source tenors ung Ww teks Toft hetero andthe sujponsdetared wat onthe Ute Slats And wa wha thy got" Yet (on Sear 18, 2003, Bush conceded, "No, weve tudo evdrce ht Sl Hun was ioe ‘wh Septembre The peat gave no or Daton why te suddenly abonorel the peste Imps omesion "Dang 100, reside Bush and i aniston hacmode snus een Sina ua ass Poel acl eapacyor example that Sor. fad veconsived hs moc weopons program ae sts piel ee hanya ay rom posing Ila weaprs, Ths as power argumen even thos who hog that ado could be etre om ‘ing came nd lal weapons hho nen Inv¥oi)mighbepeounded atm atack was racer ‘Seyi Stam coe fo cesingrclesr pene ‘The ci of Seas nuclear epic aed oa tne th strongest argent ta Bush mae or ‘hang war wa, "ort fe eso’ campaign cerince Com tress garth atertyoaack ay hee Fused ecko pare Nair lignce Estimate INE} av Foghat on autora sate ‘mertolhe comensnofinellgence ances sou he Penal heat or rq’ TH IE served at ferPeiden Bats peechinGncinnal on Cech 7 2am to cenveceCongesso yar cpl ouberizaton {or war with ta and: more bol to cance the ‘son oth sr meine ft fom Sao ‘iste a theapeech Busha ‘We age tat he agra ot be pie {eden Ameen snd We wold ith Role Doions and diseases and gases and same ‘seapns.” The eidence nde ta re ovctting Is nuclear weapons programs He ‘Then nhs Sse ofthe Union spose on nur 28, 2005, Prion Bah ni. "The Br Goverment ia earned ha Soda Hus ee sought sig rileant quite of ura trom Aa THe ‘Aca country in qastion was ge. “The problem with hese same agin une out tote latk ofhad eden upon hich he presto laims wre fosed. Two asselans abou Sitar Husseinsncear psi tha he admiration eed ‘on were of dbs tent, The it was lam hat oq soup rani end yoke) ve James Pin: The Decision © Gate War with aq) 208 ‘rom Nige. The Bish asserion tht Sodom sought traniom sede fom Niger turned puto have been ‘oed tle i pa an fed documents The CIA ad sertus doubts abou he curacy ofthe a ae od eve convineed NSC des fo UAE cul of he President's Geter 72002, speech to te son” Fre the word ott the 2003S the Union 2 (hess nas at lea meio 16 the Niger yl lim. hea ination sto dace vidance fare ‘hung te ncleay rogram report oftarge nore of ‘Shamim bes purcssed by. Present Bush sid inhi September 12,2002, speech to the United Nato taq hat made sever ate 1 by i Srengh artnu tes ued enc ua 3 Alar wenpon, Shou aq cout fe mater ‘ould be able to ball» huclear weapon satin 2 Jose The edence fhe alumina tuber wae seo rahe inthe Nios ieligence Came ied in tly Octo 2002, which had played an important toe convincing members of Congres ovate ore ‘olan ging tho presente autho io goto ar ‘nag The Sse Depron’ Breau of ligence {iu Recarch, hosevey dst to ti aumento there ofthe Nstonalineigance stmt" NR Sot evened the bes in erin tenders SScenuge for. --INRonedars ar moe ely thr thet ae inde for anther purpose, mon lth rection o til oct The is ‘alchaacteritis ofthe team eth, cm fovton csing-msched coy the menor of “Nomina tes ose in Mey oct bat i ot tock nto wh the dimensions of entuge rotor, The Sine Deparent conchae The ac Nese ave ete ao however apt com paling cet agi cen pursing what IN ‘ould cst be an megs and comprehensive $ppeaich o aie maces! weapons” inh intr repo to Congres in he lf 2003 sve ay told Congres tht Fags racer gram train the vary mos adm tet cety ‘bes orn kes asses progr sted fon wha we dncovera" Accor 0 Rays op, lag scone snd “ode we Rave mot uncovered rience tat aq nderaak giant pos 198 Sep actually bud nuclear vapors or rode Ise mater” The sdmevseaton’s irene a Sd Hanon was contra presous weapons Programs was not urveeonabis et ile eidence eed to suppor th cenclsons abou Sam’ races capacity ad hey hd sed ins dubious ‘aly tomake src Aner people abo Tocca weapons ands connecion between Sadan, {the avoches of 71 Was the Intelligence Process Politicized? (ne pole explanation forthe sdmisatio's nae urate cas abut g's WMD wos that the ili [ence polniona ofthe govermman wre pressured {ui their anaes othe pobygoal oft admin tation Allegation center rum evi presidens ‘iso CIA hesdgusers, he ceaton a the ice of Spec Pnsin he Of oth Secretary of Osten, the the use of te Defers Pelkey Batd. Richard ‘Cheney srl is ide, Scone Ly. modes rumba of personalise he CIA hooters 3 Langley © {quction the C1 gent hat ag ld ot pose 3 inomedine 2 tea ste amination ae apg ‘thoughts appepiate or th ce president ar ‘Ger igh sdninataton ofa o challenge l= [ence agen ako pose ht areca ‘Sno my oe this uated pola! presse Sich tions ding 2002 orcening la seemed Smal within te teligence community and were perceive yee CIA veto opi press fo {hsagencyo comet he concrete sie ‘ston waned" Ray MeGovern whe hadbeena CIA Salt to 19681 1980 and ad ie! ic Pres he Googe H-1 Bchin th 1980, "Daring my Spear cao atthe Conta nligance Agency, 90 ‘ee pein ver amo uf" working norton ove atenton re tice presct ‘cASndys wat ao wetted wit siepicin nthe Oe. panment of Deere because the CIA was nol coming {othe condusons out a's WND cpabiis that ‘hese raya deputy sera of defense exec 2 nomber of CIA analyte pee! as plea preset Inthe Pergo secodng a emer of {lwo ated he mewings, They were Pe bow eaten tragency menting Wolo ated tho ‘Stal work lh compe From he perspective ‘tome CIA veterans the sminsration was Unde ‘lrg the bjectiny 2c proesonasm a he rh igen proces Former Defense eligence Agency {DW sls and spect on Hag W. Pack arg ‘Sacesand the aminiratons eos to ilones imalgence 38 unpoferianal: “Wha we have hee 5 advocacy, ot nligence work One senior Sate Depron ars oa congesonl crite ht heh restated th sdrinraton shits only Sis tobe more cet shout th dence an Wa 0 {tes Other anal tld the Senate inigence Commitee hat th drntaton wa scsi the wotcate sana agp of teligence ep tnd oo acutely represen the woke pros Sonal aah ‘Stl Rural pond tis satscton “nine anata othe Cay cing an fice a Spe {ial Plan headed by Deputy Undersecretary of Ge fense Willam Lut. This lice war crested 10 do ittigenceaaysshat ic aioe paspecive than the DIA and te IA One important aiterencs In her anahysts was the weigh they pave to line Imad Cala about Sas Honteins WMD, Chai ho ft ag when he was young, and inthe 1990s cue the rai National Congres a een bythe neocons athe bes cance a nad a ar Sheldon mended. Te Canad counted Chala hd he tap exe’ clans Beate he exes had 3 Ste in the outcome of US. poly Tas the CIA "ot cars than nei Te Oe of Spec Pans ud According a Paik ang, omer esd ‘of Mi fat imligore forthe DUA, she DLA. as teen nite an besten oa pul And tars no ppt stall nthe CLA Anethr ute Seretry Ruled we clcum veatthaesablsiel potesionalimeligene pparata othe executive branch wos ie raliance yp he De fens Policy Board (DPB. Te OPE watcha by chord Pale. 3 hawk on aga former mom of the Reagan admit’ sopra the CAs Fuca abt ag is worth th oper ween fn The OU ako Raat members ther hi biti cons and Rae om faq such at mes Wooly and New! Ging, wells sme er fo er ene nt cerry comme ovat ‘wih ates, hs based font aioe flayed a much moe highly ie olen suparting the odrinaations war plan tom heaton ou Silay bard th resin, the Presi Fo. ‘gn lige Avior Board IAB Perape tha ‘rasbecaust the FAB was hae by Ber Senco, Nations Secutty Aso to Pest George H.W. {eh andere of war wath ny ‘Atul excetve ach gence should tae there om th president nd saps, Is dangnous for any amiitaon to presere el (Chapter 7 Key Decision kes nse ble Adinaton gence agencies dizon hk poten dren io Sport an aminiraton's shore pity gol (Oneeimaligence's pola pret ind te Fealiodstingish tn potesionl bx james om wht hey tinh president rants Eines ‘nun peste rom he adminstatn resin nea {tise and chews at hs te, nsf 3s the Ba sdmntaton pu resure on U3 teligence agencies os th aalses os ply goa, but Jeoparcaed ts own est sare of igen. Conclusion Disgreemens inthe itsmstonal county sd sri ag were mitted in dase win he US {gremmont On the poswa side were the nee | inte ial ee he ah nian ice Pride Cheney, Sere of Deere Rua, el is deputy, Pal Welw slang woe {also the sf. The neocons wee consnced at Soda Fuses wat a9 minent het to US. onal secu sn they were atm abut the iy of US milly acto to esabish 3 democratic {gerne in gis boeia coneaqance ort Miele fact. Ater the 271 stacks Prem Bush ‘slp the neocon som of national sec oly shld del with he et ‘On the ote side were the Sess about he ite. nc ts wart dpe Som Musi wou led to democracy or ag wel athe vo wer bur about tome othe ca the dniataton mace Shou Salam’ WMD. The skeptics ince many tsugh ot ad ements members Coorg H.W. Bushs sdmnbiraton (patcuarly Sconctol and Baker, some tay leader nthe poesonl fice ‘ops active dty at eed, and sere meee of the acer series inthe Deparment of Sate see CCenal Ieligence Agency. Member ofthe cre series, However, re bved ofl the lars ‘te pest shen lhe exec ranch ge ‘erm and commande in chat othe red res Thus thi heaton was general confi 0 ne ral arly with same less to he pee abou thet tetewation. None ofthe doubters hough Sadan ‘vas ood or tag nr were thy agin demo) tag Thor dou Sprang om ther jgmars to ison ala would mot chloe the gos sgh by ‘hopeidnt and ght caae mre avn ote Used > Ps a Np fan by sel ‘States than good Thay wer poe concemed at ‘arin aq would dive esoutes fone war ne Toru, lente ota nations oe ceopeation Was teed in he war on tortor an awn ew errs Somos sie who mighbe mabe by he Ui cceupation ean Arab coun. Pose stations lo war eth ig ranged om the dealt goal of ringing demacacy to agi ad the humanitarian deve to idem of 2 tat 10 (rosategl concerns abou he hate of The dle Frc Tt Sadam Hunan waa vous ant whoo {ured polical enemies, gasedhs own people and Imvded oer ceurries war known log before the Bish ecnaaton deceto golowara depose hi prope were he arts a he ana secant of fhe" Unted Sater oat a sk Hence, chains that nidon’s WMD pou dic eat to Arica ware trot elective in suming pata suport for wa ‘Mere wor when na WMD ee found the ami [Seton began ta hit jain ortho war the ‘punt at ag could become a democracy ‘Mould fser democracy nthe Ne as cours, ‘Wht the wa th aq wasn Be et en em rational set eres te Uned Ste dopendson Cetesing the lowing quntore south hte tgwhichcan only be anand he pssingoftine 1. Were tags beter of afer the war han under ‘hkl seit The removal of Sada was ‘era inthe best rere ofthe people of a But itr! ecrty a abe economy ‘reals earl i ny sory, and fg term vee oul ea quesions about te ‘cacy athe ae. 2. Wallon Hera democracy wth i= tows telerance, plies! panes, feedom of Spech and the pss and other station of tsi canal o emer these b= {Sat domocrvecharaceses Boi Fa the wor il be deemed wiceesfl I ag d= Sends at chronic clr oF anew cae {hp the reson for he war wl be questioned 3, Wil he US. aeupation Be sho with ew "ue, of lang and dawn-out th any Gotaest WU. les areseen a litera ond ‘Stak steal seer tugh Wag sve ‘Spy, he ocupation sl be coniered w= ‘sub US toopscometabe seen asafotgn ‘Seeubyingammy unde cont atackby pie ‘ed the sceupaton wil ba seen gute ile: Noes 203 ey anc wills th widow of US frat Erm dic 4 Wil he an ag be ken y error 352 traning sd thus dacourage them Wom atacke Inge Unted Sse Or wil he US. occupa ti ofan Ara country become new lng pon ad eciing mechanism foros ho ‘Sine ta wan ram st mach mare {fc forthe United State President sh as sake his historical epattion on restive answers 2 many athe qasions posed above Fics however comendtat he arian ve {Stine he Tet the Und Ses fom Slr ‘eran to ay, Ansett there ili and Sive qason il not ey bested soon Notes 1, Foran analyst ofthe 1991 Gul Wa, se “Pres Ident Poe Making an the Gul Worn The Presidency and the Persian Gl Wa, aria Wicks Tames Pier, and Raye ‘Moore Meir CT Praeger, 1950, 328 (George Wi rh and Bre Scone Ward Torsone New YrkKrop 1990) £8. |. Teton neoconenatver gal eles to Neral Democrats, sr ose on the fe of ‘Aercon poltics who became dsilstone toate Heal domestic polices ofthe Great ‘Society and War on Poverty ofthe Johnson Aditi, ne 1990 the fous of he trocar shied ogn py anced tmany conserve Repblans. They avred Sr eres feign pty ot was wing the miliary power fo undermine epresive ‘esos and ple them wits demecraces. “hove the “vain” ign poly ‘iho beleed that necessary tol wah Tepresive ragines when they soppor US. pales 4. Prjet ore New American Century, "State ‘ment of Princes” We 3,197), posted on {hak le sit, piv. newamerieancen tung lAcstsad December, 20031 Uierte the Honorable Willan |. Clixon {anwar 26 1988) posed on ther Web si hptnenewamaneanceray.oyAccosed (rcenber #20031 ‘taper 7/Key Decision Makers nse Pubic Ain “The Second 2000 Gore- Buh Preeti! De ‘desl Ost p.2 of vane dowland oman oy Bush aos." gng tobe ao how to re the ml. ‘eee nou il mre. he ison ness (oe dar andthe extaingy cou Sob Woodward Bust Wr New York: Son {seu 2002, 84.91 lens Kesey "US, Decion on aq Hae Psa Ps” Washing Pot ony 12 Key, US, Doon on tra Davi Fram, The Right Man New Yo Ran om House 2003), 28, 238-240 ‘Week Compton of Presidents Docu, ‘Adtran of Gorge W. Bush 2002 (a ay 39,2000, 133-198 had Wtfan Tomar Lippt,"Powelin be Bankr” NewsweokMarch 2,200 31 Soe sk im Hogan "How He Ct Here is ingon Pos, March 2,200, Se ao Nas (veh 31,2003) 36 Hae sad “The moment ra tht week oy [2002] when had 3 ‘etn wh Cond [Condoeaza Rel chosen, "How h Cameto Wt” New Yorkie 3, 2008, 36, Michel Ellt and ames Caney, Fist Stop ag” Tine March 31, 2001, 173 Wooly Compilation’ of Presidential Docu ments’ Admiiration of George W. Bush, States iiry Acaemy in West Poi, New York ane 1, 2002, 344-848, ‘Tham ck, "Sme Top Mary Bras Favor Sts Qu na” Magon Post al 28, 20D A, Temi. ks “Genta Ofek ‘ee Sy over a” Washington Ps uit 2002 inwhich sys, Mach fe sean fered mia, with te notleexepion of soneop i Forcesndmarioe ene opps {ogi wa ina nom ace i ‘okig aston among fics ithe Fenton aint Wis Hout” Bret Scovel. “Dont Ak aay” Wal Sretfoural Aug 15,2002. James A Bake The ight Wyo Change Reg” New York Tins August 25,2002 “Tcl Dt vai ee ExAATO Cid ‘Say Chart Gatti Otc 15,2002 20, Thore who argued strongly fr war wih ay whe dex have combat experience incloed Prien Or Vic Mesent Chrey, Nato ‘Sreuy Advisor Conolerea Rc, Setery 1952-54), Deputy Sectry of Deters Pal Wotowte, Haus Whip Tom Osta, Ca of Detese Foley Bod Richard Pele, Dense Paley Board membs New ing, leon fervatve conmenitr Willa Reto. Con bate owe sepa othe wisdom ar with rag incloded Secretary of Site Calin Powel: Dey Secretary of Sate Richard Aimitage sre mene fhe int Che of Sel inth ural 2002 many eave ri itary afer te surver 0f 2002) Sertor ck Hagel tedor theater on ron Tan 202 Seat: bn Kery sed for ees ohn rete Cerra an omer rational Sect ior Bet cometh ames Web (etna veteran nd former Secretary fhe Nav: General Wey Clr former NATO. Supreme alied Commander; and: Norman Schwanthop commander of US foresinthe 1991 Gul ir Reed General Antony Zn, fame Chef Us Cental Command, jit wih somebody inten of command ftvkove sen corat thine rng the ‘iaram Wa They were my contempt. {ey shoudhave ban thant ound oy notte Ard whee rete dst Ae The eavng tyson tn he Maes? “Tom Rik Yor Velnam Vet Aon Zinn niet Wr a0 Shaky Terry.” Wa Ingon Post Decenber 23,2003, ‘NevoweetSeponow 2, 2002, 28. See ako ‘eect Press stayin the New York Tims, ‘higon Pst towel Aide Diputes Views ning Angus 26,2002 inns Wein rouble,” Wing ton Post Sepa 2, 2002 Former Cont theta swath product neocons wo tide onder te ton ad wee going creas haoc there Tae were diet ts rom Washing hk ns wh never fad an ea tat worked on he eur ‘Thomas Rik. “or Vira Vet Anon “Bont Avather Wa an Shaky Teor? Wath Inton Po Decerber 23,2003 4 a irot Som vena vibe Senator stagon here rational wp othe NATO. score ‘ony Zin snd si" Toman ing be tempore hoard corliit Ae fet chon tony” Wh 22. See abo sete Views co Woshing lie neocons on and wer severe ie Ses who sever the gourd” ‘et Aathony they Was 5 2 3. 2% Thomas. Ries, “Das Caton” Washing Poa nary 28,2003 Styne ‘hesboveremons with, “Theta ol Sam "usin eth sophisticated nla apa Sa tighening though okey?” Woodard dosh at Wa 83-336, any Cbs. “Double feed Sword” Time (Decenbe 30, 2002, nd nr 6,203) 51 7. Dans hla, “Cheney Sasa Si ee ed* Wetinglon Post, Agus 27, 2003 “hepreidon' speech inthe ah- ingon Poa Septanber 13,2002 ‘George Bish, The Natoa Sean State tn Unie Sates of Amari ine Ho 202, fwalble romwhiteowse owns ‘sll (Cerg Bush, speech ened ine Washington Fost October 8, 2003 US! Cones “Authorzaton forthe Use of Miltary Force Agi hag” New Yok To October 12: 2002 aren DeYoung. "US. Ecabes ta Rhetoric” Woeingon Post fanvary 2 2003, Sut fe Union aren rey 28,200, ied nthe Washington Postar 23,201. "resident Sys Saar Husen Must Leave qin 8 ows" Remaksby the Preset fn Ades 1 the Nation, rans on While ose Wb se Thaspeech vas rnin New Yr Times ‘When sled bout the aim upto that tie of US: forest in he weypone of mass de rotting but was jist a moter empha" “Ther payed down he imprance of WMD as the plmary ean lo wth ag al em phate Ihe 71 ack oth Und Stes nd the new 10 deen thal to United Sites waewilingto projet tec aight form The oficae wore quoted By lhe Cocivan, “Reason for Wari” Pot 25,2003, ‘ABCNews com [Acco gi 29,2003), Elba uri, “Co abe behind Pop,” ew Yor es ty 220, ‘on ag Ame Went beyond An ‘Wasthingion Post ne 7.203 {nthe 9805, te US Deen of Commerce Buthrizedthe sl to ag of lial gens Sicha ants ad bubonepage Acording to3 memo to Sereno Sate Garg Shue In 1983, the tags wore ing, chemical ‘espons against the bane an a8 “slo ‘bi ase" The Crmmerce Orpen ls ‘Spproved the saleby Dow Chertcal ol set estat were thought tobe wed or chemical ‘weapons. Repu by Wichael Debby, "US Had Key Role in aq Bulli” Washington Pos, Davee 30, 2002 56 ko Kenneth. Palle The Threatening Stem ew Yo an dom Hou 2002) 0221, 170 Water Poco nd Bana Pi, tag Weapons Report Wont Be Cnelsve= tein os, Sep 25, 2003, Dana sink and Claudia Denne, “ussin {ino 1 Unger in Many Minds Washing {on Pos, Seles, 2003. Ina tape ong Muss 1 aga he Unie Sats Oss in Laden el Ing sot bole Coho or psa einen athe eb cunts, incl le Si. iss aff where ya thr in gh dbs or Aden” anit pos on Wa se ‘ince Al 10,2003) Dana banana Wiser Pn “Chaney De lens US tons in Bi to Revie Pb Sop an” Wasingon Pos, September 15, 2003 Mik and Deane, "Hoss Link to 01 Unger” ‘eco Pres, “UN. Panel finds No Ev dence Link rg, Al-Qaeda” eline version Bt TathOu og, tne 26, 2003. {Que in ban ad Dene, Hussein ik 2970 Unger Dans Miban, “Bush Dione usin Sep Tr Link” Washingion Post, September 18 2003; Davi Sang, “Bush Reports No Ev lence of Hostin et 9/1," NewYork Tes Sepeamber 18 2003, Feral analy on the mislead sserments 1 rent Buh on the boon Sam Sd 9/1 and Sedans euler epi, soe Inmet Pitre Pee Sash Med the coun in is Aarons or War ith?” President Sls Quay, 341 (2008) Cental Iteligence Agee, 203, Key ‘mens fem Qeabe 2002} e's Conti. th Prams lor Wespone ol Mos Bescon Declsstiedexces pubes o the Ab Se: waa gvlictpubslesewch, pp 5-5 thecesed October 10,2003 206 Chapter 7 kay Dacian Makers nie ube Adansation 49. George uth, peechpsined inthe Washington Pow, October, 2002. = 50, Soe ofthe Union aes Unuary 28, 2003) ‘red inthe Washington Post anuary 23, fon 51, Asc Pres, “While Hease fica Apo ‘gies for Role in Uranium Clan.” New York Times ly 22,2003, myimes om. Accessed ay 22. 20034 52, rose Bul's adres 1 Unod Nations, pitied in the New Yor Tens September 13 Soa, 5, Cental lneignce Agony. 2003, Key Jd net om October 2002 Nl Was Cotin= Ing Programs lr Weapons of Mas Desc. Decl exer publ onthe CIA Web she weno gavnepuesuc, 9. AC ‘essed Octbe! 10.2003) 54, Ban Glan and Wale Pincus. “Depiction ret Our Supporing Eine.” Wh Ingo Pus August 10,2003 8, Canal Inligene Agen. 2003, Key lu ‘re om Cetaber 2002 Nl kf Con [ePmgans or Weapons o ss: Destin Dect excepts pblishadon the CIAWes te wera goniipburencch, pp 9 iecesed Oceber 10,203] 5. Dana Pest dae Pec, Sete ng Fs NoBaned Wears” Wshingon Post, cot 5, 2003 7, Dold Ky. “Rapa on the Ativies ofthe kg Sore Grp tothe Hose Permanent Sect Commie on tine alte Hos Co 6. rites on Appropriations, SUbcommitee on De {ens ane Set Select Commer on ligerce p. 7. The page veerence tthe casei pon publahedo the CAN We “Stchtp/smalgaies(Accesed Ocober 10, wos! Fon pts and Spence Ackerman “The Sel Ingol tea Tha Fs Cassy” New Re pub 30,2003) one verona, ps ay eGoven, “Cheney andthe CA: Nex Busi het As nal “one vesional FuthOutory ow 27,2003 lames len, “CLA Ades foe Pes ia Prparing ap Repo” New YOR Times, are 24200 ‘Water Pca Oana Pro “Some tag An shyt Feltreure s Cheney Vis” Msh= ington Fs ne, 2003 ‘Broce Ar Mk ezai, a Edson Pound, “ath aed Consequences” US. News and Wort Repo re9, 2003) p. 17. Times sen ane Oo "Exper Sa Yo {el egiatore He Vis Prasred To Oise Some Evnce "New Yor Hines, lune 25 2003, Ne He Times We se fatal chen, "he Selig of the ag Woe (5, See Seymour Hun Selene ligne” os w. Ise rr ay 12, 2009, p45 te Fabs Acern, “The Selig ekg We

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