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1) Write the HTML code for the following table:

[10M – D16] [5M – M16]

- Write the HTML code to display class time table. [10M – D15, D14]
2) Explain the life cycle of ASP.NET application. [10M – M16]
- Describe the life cycle of ASP.Net. [10M – D16]
3) What is JQUERY? Illustrate the use of JQUERY for FORM validation. [10M – D16, M16, D15, M15, M14]
4) Explain 3-tier architecture of web application. [5M – D15, D14]
- Explain 3-tier architecture and its application. [5M – M15]
5) Differentiate between:
i) GET and POST [5M – M16, D15, M14] ii) JSP and SERVLET [5M – M16, M15]
iii) Client Side Programming and Server Side Programming [10M – D16]
iv) Cookies and Sessions [5M – M15] v) HTML4 and HTML5 features [5M – M15]
- Write short notes on cookies and sessions. [10M – D16]
vi) Static and dynamic web pages [5M – D16] vii) HTML and XML [5M – D14]
6) Explain built in objects in JavaScript [10M – M16]
- Explain the JavaScript objects Window and Document. [10M – D15, M15, M14]
7) Explain AJAX – PHP framework. [10M - D15, M15]
8) What is CSS? Explain the ways by which CSS is included in the web page. [10M – M16, D15, M15, D14, M14]
- Write short note on Types of CSS. [10M – D16]
9) Write a program to find the current date and time using JSP. [5M – D16]
- Write a JSP program to display today’s date. [5M – M14]
10) Write JavaScript code to display today’s day (eg. Sunday, Monday,..). *10M – D16, D14]
11) Write a simple JavaScript example program for Fibonacci sequence. [5M – D16]
- Write a JS to write out the multiplication table for the no. 5 from 1 to 20 using while loop. [10M – M15]
12) Explain ADO.NET object model with suitable diagram. [10M – M15]
- Write short note on Important classes in ADO.NET. [10M – D16]
- Explain ADO.NET with example. [10M – M14]
13) What is session? What are the ways two do session tracking? Explain session handling using cookies. [10M – D15]
- What is session tracking? What are the ways to do session tracking – How is it done in PHP. [10M – M15,
- Explain all methods of session tracking in ASP.NET [5M – M16]
14) Explain the life cycle of servlets. [10M – M15, 5M – M16]
15) Explain JDBC with example. [10M – M15]
16) Explain the life cycle of ASP.NET application. [10M – M16, M15]
- Explain JDBC drivers. [10M - M16]
17) Explain the function of web server. [5M – D16]
- Explain the need of web server. How is it administered? [10M – M15]
18) Explain PHP string functions. [5M – M16, M14, D14]
19) Write a JavaScript code to change a background colour using buttons. [5M – M16]
- Write a JavaScript program to change background colour continuously. [10M – M14]
20) Explain page life cycle of JSP application. [10M – M14, 5M – D16]
21) Explain XML, XSL and XPATH with Example. [10M – M16]
- What is XML and XSLT? Explain with an example. [5M – M14]
- What is XSLT? Explain with example. [5M – D15]
22) Write a JavaScript program to validate a form which accepts Name, Age, Email and Phone Number of a student.
[10M – D15, D14]
23) Write an ASP.NET program to insert a new record (Name, Date of Birth, email and Phone Number of a student) in
the database using C#. [10M – D15, D14]
24) Explain XML DTD? [5M – M14]
- What is the purpose of XML DTD? [5M – D16]
- What is XML document? Design DTD for address book XML document. [10M – D15]
25) How to connect to MySQL database using PHP. [10M – D16]
- Write a PHP Program to insert a record into MySQL database. [10M – M16]
26) Write an HTML code to illustrate use of table and lists. [5M – M14]
- Write an HTML code which includes table, Hyperlink, character formatting, ordered and unordered list to
display you resume. [10M – M16]
27) Explain web services. [5M – D15]
28) Describe the life cycle of ASP.NET [10M – D16]
- Write short note on ASP.NET Web Server Control. [10M – D16]
29) Explain cross browser Compatibility. [5M – M16]
30) What are the major components of a web browser? Draw a neat diagram to explain them. [10M – D16]
31) Explain issues in web designing. [5M - D14]
32) List various events on various HTML elements and explain Event handling in JavaScript with example. [10M –
33) Explain links in HTML. [5M – D14]
34) Explain the following HTML tags:- [10M – D14]
i) <form> ii) <table> iii) <iframe> iv) <doctype>
35) Explain features of PHP framework. [5M – D16]

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