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Acquisition of Lower Limb Joint Variables by an Inertial Card System

C. Ramos1 , C. A. Collazos1 and A. Maldonado1

1 Universidad Manuela Beltrán, Bogotá, Colombia

Abstract— The high cost and low portability of joint variables II H ARDWARE D ESIGN
acquisition systems that are commercialy used nowadays, make
this technology usually unavailable for the rehabilitation of or- The card IMU GY-85, shown in figure 1 [10], takes care
thopedic problems in the lower limb. This work searches im- of extracting the data of each one of the IMUs, sending it to
plementing a more economic, portable and efficient alternative the computer for processing and visualization. In this applica-
for this kind of instrumentation, by using commercial inertial tion, neither wireless transmission of data nor card integrated
cards (IMUs: Inertial Measurement Unit) and the Lab-VIEW
microcontroller usage is necessary because I2C protocol al-
software for registering the joint variables related to knee and
lows for the extraction of the data in a simple, fast and safe
ankle during human gait.
manner, by using 4 lines: two for polarization (the card works
at 5V or 3.3V) and two for control (SCL and SDA, which are
Keywords— IMU, human gait, gait lab, joint variables, lower
part of I2C protocol).


This work presents the implementation of an acquisition

Fig. 1: IMU GY-85 Card
system of lower limb joint variables using IMUs.
The fundamental goal of this work is adapt and evaluate a
portable system that is able of capturing kinetic and kinematic By having four IMUs GY-85 with I2C transmission, each
variables, by using commercial inertial cards, in order to de- working independently, it is necessary to use a signal hub,
tect gait patterns, by analysing the biomechanical behavior of a central device that receives all the information of the pe-
a lower limb kinematic chain [1]. In [2] and [3] a comparative ripherals. In this case, an ARDUINO UNO card was chosen,
summary is made of different acquisition techniques for joint due to its compatibility with ATMEL microcontrolers and
variables, showing their main advantages and disadvantages. the compatibility of ARDUINO’s IDE programmation plat-
These different movement acquisition systems can be form with I2C communication protocol [10], [11], [12], [13],
found for different purposes. In [4] a system that registers [14], [15]. It was necessary to include an analog multiplexor,
movement in three dimensions through the reconstruction of specifically the CD4052 chip [15], to handle the data of the
video sequences is presented. This system is applied partic- four IMUs on the I2C bus. The final implemented solution is
ularly for injuries in anterior cruciate ligament. [5] and [6] shown in figure 2.
present an accelerometer and inertial sensor for analysis of The inertial sensor has three sensors: an accelerometer
sports gesture in elite athlets. [7] makes a systematic review (ADXL345), a gyroscope (PS-ITG-3205A) and a magne-
of wireless inertial sensors for biomechanical studies of lower tometer (HMC5883L) which deliver data independently, in
limb. [8] also makes a review, this time of vision based sys- the three space axes (x,y,z). These sensors use an I2C com-
temas for recognizing actions and gestures in sports. Finally, munication protocol, which must be adequately configured in
in [9] a classification is presented for different mechanic, op- each sensors’ own registers, in order to obtain the desired res-
tic and electromagnetic systems, with the goal of refining the olutions and sensibilities. The configuration of these registers
golf gesture. is shown in [16], [17] and [18].
This paper has been structured in the following manner:
section II presents the hardware design. Section III shows the III S OFTWARE D ESIGN
software design. Section IV displays the tests and results of
the implemented acquisition system and Section V finalizes Two programs are being used: ARDUINO’s IDE and Lab-
with the conclusions. VIEW, which handle specific tasks. In figure 3, each software
ARDUINO at 115200 bps. Here, the information trace is re-
ceived from the sensors and each of the sensors’ 9 degrees
of freedom are distributed in a matrix, for a total of 36 data.
The storage matrix has a size of 4 rows x 9 columns, mak-
ing it easy to read and visualize each sensor individually, for
posterior numeric analysis [21], [22], [23].

Fig. 2: Data acquisition hardware final conection diagram with 4 GY-85


and its main task is shown.

Fig. 4: Lab-VIEW tasks.

In the final user interface, the following results are given

for each axis and IMU separately:

• Acceleration values normalized to 9, 8m/s2 .

• Spin speed values in [◦ /s].
• Normalized magnetic field in Gauss.
• Graphs of the previously listed values for better visual-

In the kinematic data analysis, the following values are

Fig. 3: Software Task Division
• Joint angle measurement for each card, with respect to
The sensors and the data hub use the same programming the vertical.
platform, which is ARDUINO’s IDE. This software has the • Joint angle measurement for hip, knee and ankle, with
logic that differentiates and organizes the data that comes respect to the vertical (which is the reference).
from the IMUs. It also transmits the data to the computer • Joint angle measurement for hip in a graph, with positive
through serial communication and in the computer, data pro- and negative values with respect to the vertical.
cessing and visualization take place [19], [20],[21]. • Joint angle measurement for knee, with positive values
In order to extract the data from the four IMUs in a con- with respect to the vertical.
trolled manner, digital pins 11 and 12 in the ARDUINO • Joint angle measurement for ankle, with positive and neg-
UNO card are enabled. These pins control the selectors in the ative values with respecto to the horizontal [24].
CD4052 multiplexor. The selectors choose one of the four
IMU cards, adjust each of their own parameters and register IV I MPLEMENTED S YSTEM VALIDATION
the 9 values of the sensors. The program finishes by send-
ing the information to the computer. This process is inside a In order to confirm the quality of the data obtained by the
loop, making a continuous register of the data given by all implemented system, validation tests were run through the
four cards, allowing real time visualization [22],[23]. Biomechanics lab BTS-GaitLab of the Universidad Universi-
In the Lab-VIEW tool, the tasks shown in figure 4 are dad Manuela Beltrán [25], [26].
performed, beginning by the serial data reception from the The evaluation was done on the data delivered by both
joint angle measurement equipments, in knee and angle. BTS
System markers (green) and inertial sensors (red) were used
simultaneously, as shown in the figure 5.

Fig. 8: Variation in ankle angles graph. Taken with the BTS system.

For analysis, the following time lapses and their respective

subject movements are taken into account:

• From 0 to 5.19 s. Flexed knee. Beginning of the measure-

ment and 1st. evaluation point.
Fig. 5: Location of markers for both systems (Inertial and BTS). • From 5.19 to 6.68 s. Change from flexion to extension.
• From 6.68 to 3.00 s. Knee Extension. 2nd. evaluation
Figure 6 shows the geometry that was used for the joint point.
angle measurement, which are measured simultaneously by • From 38.00 to 39.00 s. Change from knee extension to
both systems [24]. flexion.
• From 39.00 to 42.00 s. Change from knee flexion to ex-
tension. 3rd. evaluation point.
• From 42.00 to 73.00 s. Knee extension. 4th. evaluation
• From 73.00 to 76.00 s. Change from knee extension to
• From 76.00 to 88.00 s. Knee flexion. 5th. evaluation

In table 1 the values measured with both technologies

(BTS and inertial) are shown. This measurements were taken
in the five points shown in figures 7 y 8. The extracted data are
compared from statistic parameters, like absolute error, aver-
age error and standard deviation of the measurements [27]. In
Fig. 6: Taken joint angles. the taken data of table 1, it is observed that the average error
is not greater than 10%, which gives a validation of the data
Figures 7 and 8 show the variation between knee and an- obtained with the implemented system.
kle joint angles during the measurement. Red cirles show the
points where the comparison between both technologies was
In order to make the reconstruction of the kinematic chain,
when using the BTS technology, the location of the markers
is of vital importance. On the other hand, when using inertial
technology, its location must be respected but it is not neces-
sary for it to be so specific. This is due to the fact that each
marker delivers its own variables and any linearity issue can
Fig. 7: Variation in knee angles graph. Taken with the BTS system. be eliminated in the algorithm, thanks to the rotation matri-
ces. These matrices allow for the calculated angles for each
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