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TYPOID- is a bacterial infection transmitted by  Serological Tests : Typhidot – confirmatory Muscle spasm & stiffness, difficulty of swallowing,

contaminated water, milk, shellfish and other foods. It ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunoassay) difficulty of breathing and spine will arch backward
is an infection of the GIT affecting lymphoid tissues of  Widal test
the small intestines called Peyer’s patches. DIAGNOSIS: Physical Examination
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT &TREATMENT: TRETAMENT: Within 72 hours, administration of
CAUSATIVE AGENT: Salmonella typhosa, Antibiotics- ampicillin, chloramphenicol(Drug of ATS, TAT or TIG, especially if no previous
Salmonella paratyphi choice for treatment of typhoid fever ), immunization
fluoroquinolone Amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin  Tetanus toxoid
1. Prodromal Stage- headache, fever, 1. Isolation by the medical aseptic technique  Muscle relaxant
anorexia, lethargy, diarrhea or constipation, 2. Maintain or restore fluid and electrolyte
vomiting, abdominal pain, feeling of un balance by giving nourishing fluids in small
quantities at frequent intervals. Isolation
3. Monitor the patient’s vital signs. Protect the child from any stimuli
2. Fastigial Stage / Pyrexial Stage-the
4. Prevent further injury (such as falls) of patient Administer oxygen if dyspnea and cyanosis occur.
following signs appear: ladder like curve of
with typhoid psychosis. For tetanic spams,
tempt, splenomegaly ,Rose spots 5. Maintain good personal hygiene and mouth Protect the child from falling
(Pathognomonic sign of Typhoid fever) care. Note the number, duration and frequency
usually occur between the second and fourth 6. Cooling measures are necessary during the
of convulsion
week of illness. febrile state.
7. Administer medication as prescribed Record any change in trismus or inability
3. Defervescent stage- fever gradually
Prevention: to swallow
subsides severity of previous conditions
1. Sanitary and proper disposal of excreta For inability to swallow
,onset of complications
2. Enteric isolation IV therapy for nutrition and balance
4. Convalescent Stage- gradual disappearance 3. Provision of adequate amounts of safe
of signs and symptoms Gavage feeding
drinking water supply
Incubation Period: 7 -14 days Accurate I and O
4. Education of the general public on the mode
Source of Infection: of transmission Oral care
 Feces, urine and vomitus of infected person 5. Immunization Prevention:
 Ingestion of shellfish (oysters) taken from 6. Handwashing Active immunization with TT, DPT
waters contaminated with sewage disposal 7. Avoid mode of transmission (Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus) vaccine;
can be a source of infection. 8. Decontamination of water sources Passive immunization-TIG, ATS

DIAGNOSTIC TEST TETANUS (Lockjaw)- serious infection; this

bacterium produces a toxin that affects the brain and
 Clinical examination
nervous system leading to stiffness in the muscles.
 Culture of Blood, bone marrow, urine , stool
CAUSE: Clostridium tetani.
for S. typhi, rectal swab
SIGN & SYMPTOMS: diarrhea, fever, and headache
MENINGITIS-inflammation of the meninges, which CAUSATIVE AGENT: Dengue virus- DEN-1, DEN-2,
2. Monitor patient's general condition.
cover and protect the brain and spinal cord. DEN-3, and DEN-4. Spread by Aedes mosquitoes
& Aedes albopictus 3. Provide tepid Sponge bath
4. Encourage the client to drink water
 Meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis)
 Streptococcus pneumonia 1. Sudden-onset fever 5. Explain to patients and families sign of
 Mycobacterium 2. Headache (typically located behind the eyes)
3. Muscle and joint pain bleeding, and immediately report if there
4. Rash is bleeding
SIGN & SYMPTOMS: Head ache (steady or
5. Chills (shivering)
throbbing) fever, Neck immobility , Positive Kernig’s 6. Facial flushing 6. Anticipation of bleeding: use a soft
sign, Positive Brudzinki’s sign, Photophobia 7. Loss of appetite
DIAGNOSTIC TEST: CT SCAN or MRI, BLOOD 8. Sore throat toothbrush, maintain oral hygiene, apply
TEST, CHEST X-RAY, LUMBAR PUNCTURE 9. Abnormal bleeding such as nosebleeds,
pressure take 5-10 minutes after each
bleeding gums and/or blood in your urine.
Penicillin G, Dexamethasone, Phenytoin, DIAGNOSTIC TEST: 7. Monitor signs of decreased platelets

NURSING MANAGEMENT:  Hematocrit, accompanied by clinical signs.

1. Infection control precaution until 24 hours  CBC, 8. Give the medication as prescribe by the
after initiation of antibiotic therapy
2. Assist with pain management and rest  Seroloy Test (MAC-ELISA –IgM antibody physician
3. Encourage the patient to stay hydrated capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay PREVENTION:
4. Ensure neurologic monitoring
(MAC- ELISA), &IgGELISA, Health teachings about Do’s & Don’ts of Dengue
5. Monitor daily body weight and I & O
 Molecular testing (polymerase chain reaction,
 Antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis: Rifampin
(Rifadin), Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (Cipro), MEDICAL MANAGEMENT &TREATMENT: of the Central Nervous System (CNS) caused by a
Ceftrioxone sodium (Rocephin); Vaccination
Paracetamol for fever, pain relievers with virus CAUSATIVE AGENT: (Flavivirus) transmitted
(Meningococcal conjugated);
acetaminophen, rest, and Increase fluid intake to the man by a mosquito.
DEUNGUE- also known as breakbone fever, is a SIGN & SYMPTOMS: headache, high fever, tremors,
mosquito-borne infection that can lead to a severe
flu-like illness 1. Monitor Vital signs and I & O nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, spastic paralysis.
Serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to detect virus- CHIKUNGUNYA is an infection caused by NURSING MANAGEMENT
specific IgM antibodies the chikungunya virus (CHIKV). 1. Monitor Neurologic Status with GCS & Vital
2. Administration of non-steroidal anti-
Suramin -a drug used to treat trypanosomal disease, Fever and joint pain. These typically occur two to inflammatory drugs help in relieving pain.
and diethyldithiocarbamate have shown reasonably twelve days after exposure. Other symptoms may 3. Antiviral drugs like acyclovir are also given
(but given only in complicated cases as
good antiviral efficacy against Japanese encephalitis include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, and a prescribed by doctor).
4. Fluid intake: Plenty of fluids intake helps in
virus in vitro rash. keeping hydrated.
5. Infected persons should be isolated from
anticonvulsants for seizure control COMPLICATION-long term joint pain.
mosquitoes as much as possible in order to
NURSING MANAGEMENT: avoid transmission of infection to other
1. Monitor Neurologic Status with GCS & Vital DIAGNOSTIC TEST:
signs  Reverse transcription–polymerase chain PREVENTION
2. Provide security for patients by providing reaction (RT-PCR)
1. Use insect repellent containing DEET,
assistance on the bed use the side rails  Enzyme-Linked Immuno-sorbent Assay Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus on exposed
skin. Always follow the directions on the
3. Increase patient awareness and sensory (ELISA) may confirm the presence of IgM and
function IgG anti-Chikungunya antibodies. 2. Wear long sleeves and pants (ideally treat
clothes with permethrin or another repellent).
PREVENTION: Prevent mosquito bites. Mosquitoes 3. Have secure screens on windows and doors
to keep mosquitoes out.
bite during the day and night. Use insect repellent, MEDICAL MANAGEMENT TREATMENT: 4. Additionally, a person with chikungunya fever
wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, treat clothing and  ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or should limit his exposure to mosquito bites to
avoid further spreading the infection. The
gear, and get vaccinated before traveling, if paracetamol person should use repellents when outdoors
exposed to mosquito bites or stay indoors in
vaccination is recommended for you.  chloroquine phosphate- for Chikungunya areas with screens or under a mosquito net.
 Bed rest & Increase fluid intake
RABIES- a contagious and fatal viral disease of dogs 1. Washing the wound thoroughly with soap and
and other mammals that causes madness and water
convulsions, transmissible through the saliva to 2. Provide wound care
humans. 3. Give Ainti-rabies vaccine as prescribe by the
CAUSATIVE AGENT: Rabies Virus 4. Manage the patient with rabies:
SIGN & SYMPTOMS  Isolate the patient
Flu-like symptoms such as a fever, headache, muscle  Encourage family to provide care &
aches, loss of appetite, nausea, and tiredness. company
Neurological symptoms develop, including:  Give food if the patient is hungry
 irritability or aggressiveness  Keep water out of sight
 excessive movements or agitation
 Observe Universal precautions
 confusion, bizarre or strange thoughts, or
 muscle spasms and unusual postures  Instruct to have regular antirabies vaccinations for
 seizures (convulsions) all pets and domestic animals
 weakness or paralysis (when a person cannot move  Provide educational information and awareness
some part of the body)
 extreme sensitivity to bright lights, sounds, or touch
 Serum and spinal fluid test
 Fast-acting shot (rabies immune globulin)
 Anti -rabies vaccines

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