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Fold Fold

3 SELF-TEST SHEET 1 Write the translations, fold them over, and test yourself

Topic Phonetics Translation Topic Phonetics Translation

Town and country (nouns) office /ˈɒfıs/

animal /ˈænıml/ park /pɑːk/

apple tree /ˈæpl tri:/ pavement /ˈpeıvmənt/

barn /bɑːn/ pedestrian /pəˈdestriən/

billboard /ˈbılbɔːd/ pedestrian /pəˌdestriən

crossing ˈkrɒsıŋ/
bridge /brıdʒ/
plant /plɑːnt/
building /ˈbıldıŋ/
plough /plaʊ/
bus stop /ˈbʌs ˌstɒp/
pollution /pəˈluːʃn/
café /ˈkæfeı/
pond /pɒnd/
castle /ˈkɑːsl/
postbox /ˈpəʊstbɒks/
cattle /ˈkætl/
river /ˈrıvə(r)/
chicken /ˈtʃıkın/
road sign /ˈrəʊd saın/
cinema /ˈsınəmə/
roadworks /ˈrəʊdwɜːks/
cottage /ˈkɒtıdʒ/
roundabout /ˈraʊndəbaʊt/
countryside /ˈkʌntrisaıd/
rubbish bin /ˈrʌbıʃ ˌbın/
crops /krɒps/
scenery /ˈsiːnəri/
cyclist /ˈsaıklıst/
seed /siːd/
farmer /ˈfɑːmə (r)/
sheep /ʃiːp/
farmhouse /ˈfɑːmhaʊs/
shop /ʃɒp/
farmyard /ˈfɑːmjɑːd/
sports centre /ˈspɔːts ˌsentə(r)/
field /fiːld/
stream /striːm/
flat /flæt/
street lamp /ˈstriːt læmp/
flower /ˈflaʊə(r)/
telegraph pole /ˈtelıɡrɑːf ˌpəʊl/
footpath /ˈfʊtpɑːθ/
tradition /trəˈdıʃn/
fox /fɒks/
traffic /ˈtræfık/
fruit /fruːt/
traffic lights /ˈtræfık ˌlaıts/
gate /geıt/
village /ˈvılıdʒ/
hedge /hedʒ/
wheat /wiːt/
hunting /ˈhʌntıŋ/
wood /wʊd/
industry /ˈındəstri/
zoo /zuː/
lamp /læmp/

lane /leın/

nightclub /ˈnaıtklʌb/

noise /nɔız/

Solutions 2nd edition  Pre-Intermediate © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE

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