Question No 1. What Has Comeau Learnt About Building A Global Brand Identity From The Project?

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This is report of case about Harmonie Company and also give some brief crux about the
bottled industry. Well this also elaborates that what sort of projects like Unify and Aqua
have been done in order to know exactly the reasons that is it suitable and reasonable to go
with standard advertising and standard brand image and brand personality. So the
marketing director has to resolve this issue by cooperating with respective country’s
managers. Because they had conflict on this point and system is also decentralized that’s
why every country manager try to force marketing director to have separate advertisement
due to cultural differences.

Question No 1. What has Comeau learnt about building a global brand

identity from the project?

Well there was conflict between marketing director comeau and different country’s
manager on whether we should go for global brand or we need to respond differently with
respect to local markets. So comeau decided to overcome this conflict by doing the projects
like one project was Unify, it was planned to identify the characteristics of different
consumers associated with Harmonie. Another project was Aqua which had the perspective
to use the results of unify and try to that people either fall in revitalizing or in refined. Now
question is that what basically cosmeau learnt about building global brand identity from
above discussed projects? cosmeau had the perspective that brands should have

 The same positioning worldwide: he had opinion that a constant and consistent
market positioning provides functional features along with innovation when
incorporated with emotional appeal that would be same positioning worldwide.
 Concentration on single product category: well marketing director try to focus on
standardization of operations on the production of premium water similar to other
brands like Nokia and Intel. I mean they had focus on single product category.
 The company name should be the brand name and all advertising budget should be
spent on Harmonie water in order to develop perceptual entity in the minds of
Cosmeau thinks because of some benefits like each and every consumer will exactly know
about the logic that what basically brands stands for and what value brand claims for?
There would be no confusion in the minds of consumers. Another useful point is that
uniform advertising would convey one message and meaning because advertising would
solely focus on brand name. Well financial benefit would be cheap cost of promotion
techniques in case of standardization and economies of scale is logic behind bring cohesive
global brand.

But cosmeau had to keep in mind cultural differences and other concerned peoples
differences so it would be difficult to establish persistent image because as the projects
give information that different people prefer and value different perspective and show
differences in revitalizing and refined. Revitalizing group used to value purity while refined
did not value importance of quality. Both projects Unify and Aqua gave good idea to
marketing director that how it is too much complicated and hard to search and implement
marketing strategy that fits all. According to Delaney 2018 a cohesive global brand need
to have similar positioning, similar core values, and similar cultures, similar product
features and benefits similar product formulation and similar product production but it is
too much difficult for Harmonie to be internationally was considered to be no
good way of finding and searching comprehensive market awareness.

Question No 2. How can Harmonie develop its brand identity through

advertising and what would be the brand value that you think will be
most appropriate?

Well Comeau wanted to develop and cater brand image and brand identity and wanna try
to attack the minds of the customers about perception of company name and brand image
through some sort of well-organized and standard advertising. But it was not as just easy
as Comeau thinks so! Because if we observe and analyze the per capita consumption and
market share of Harmonie we would be able to find that there is huge discrepancy in PCC
and market share in different regions of the world. Well it is also discussed in case that
Comeau then prefer to use a country’s PCC of water to measure that market is mature or
market is new and Harmonie’s market share in that country to estimate Harmonie’s
competitive position and brand image. Now comeau had the thought that the bottled water
I mean Harmonie would be best-selling and would be purchased by customers where PCC
and market share is low because the customer will want to try new taste by new company.
Opposite scenario would be possible if in case of high market share, one well known author
said and elaborated the role of advertising is considered to be really pivotal in brand image
development in his journal and he pointed out that brand image and brand personality could
be possible by many factors but the most important is the role of advertising and promotion
techniques. He was Mr. Meenaghan who basically gave this comeau must keep
his perspective and try to come up such advertisement that basically not compromise
cultural differences and other factors like per capita consumption and market share. They
should informs consumers about functional capabilities of the brand while simultaneously
permeating the brand with symbolic values and meanings relevant to the consumer.

In order to create the brand value what I perceive the brand equity model would play a
great role in long lasting relationship with customers. Well the main perspective is to create
and maintain long term and forever relations with customers in order to have profits in
company and real brand value and image in minds of consumers. This model uses four
steps involving six sub steps within four steps. Following are:

 Brand Identity – Who Are You?

 Brand Meaning – What Are You?
 Brand Response – What Do I Think, or Feel, About You?
 Brand Resonance – How Much of a Connection Would I Like to Have With You?

In this first step, goal of Harmonie should be to create "brand salience," or awareness I
mean Harmonie should ensure to communicate that what basically brand stands out and
aim would be that consumers identify it and are aware of it. Harmonie must keep in mind
that company not just creating brand identity and awareness but also ensure that brand
perceptions are "correct and accurate what they try to claim “at key stages of the buying
process. Comeau should have aim and goal in step two is to identify and communicate
what your brand means, and what it stands for. The two building blocks in this step are:
"performance" and "imagery. “Performance" defines how well your product meets your
customers' needs. Well “Imagery" refers to how well your brand meets your customers'
needs on a social and psychological level. Your brand can meet these needs directly, from
a customer's own experiences with a product; or indirectly, with targeted marketing, or
with word of mouth. Then your customers' responses to your brand should fall into two
categories: "judgments" and "feelings. “Your customers constantly make judgments about
your brand in case of quality, credibility, consideration and superiority with respect to
competitors. Customers also respond to your brand according to how it makes them feel.
Your brand can evoke feelings directly, but they also respond emotionally to how a brand
makes them feel about themselves.

Brand "resonance" take a pew at the top of the brand equity pyramid because it's the most
difficult and the most desirable level to reach. You have achieved brand resonance when
your customers feel a deep, psychological bond with your brand. Because this is the main
tool to maintain long-term relationship.

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