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You have to declare the attribute in two places in the report, and both are in the properties..

Initialize line

Custom Object
These will match what the attribute is in the printing ruleset, and will let you pull in what the person
inputs on the print questions. So then you will have to make a decision between that delay period they
typed in verses what is being calculated in the main ruleset.

I would use an “if/else” syntax, but there are other ways to do this too. So that is what I will give an
example of below. I did not have an exact example, but to show that you use the “this.attrbutename” I
am pulling in one from another report. In yours you would be cheking in the “if” expression to see if the
declared attribute is greater than the one from the SQL command.
Then you would have an else statement that would be followed with the SQL attribute if the one they
typed in was not greater than calculated one.

Hopefully, this makes sense, but if not I can try to help you input it directly in your template.

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