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1. To create awareness about the First Lady’s standing on the issue of criminal justice
reform and the policy work she is involved in in the Administration, for people in
MN who are unfamiliar with her work in New York prisons, through the film

2. To highlight the First Lady’s work to bring education, training opportunities, and
support services to inmates in order to reduce recidivism.

*For prep time with the First Lady prior to interviews*

Criminal Justice Reform (Through Education, Training Opportunities, & Support Services)
 It is clear that we have work to do when it comes to criminal justice reform.

 We all want to reduce recidivism and have healthy, productive members of society
that contribute their talents to our communities.

 That begins by evaluating the education, training opportunities, and support

services that are available to inmates.

 That is in part what this film by Lynn Novick and Ken Burns, College Behind Bars,
explores and aims to bring to light. It’s an honor to be a part of this collaboration
with TPT to bring awareness to the issues surrounding the corrections system.

 Part of that work is speaking directly with the people affected, as the Governor and
Lieutenant Governor have made very clear, the people affected by the decisions
made in positions of leadership should feel seen, heard, and valued.

 That’s why I have made an effort to visit our corrections facilities here in Minnesota
to visit inmates who have graduated from the education systems provided in our
corrections facilities—to see what is working and what is not and how we can be
partners in encouraging rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.

Doing the Work as First Lady

 My background in this work goes back to when I was a in the Congressional spouses
program… [tell story of how you began this work with Randy].
 That was through the Bard Prison Initiative, which is also the program featured in
College Behind Bars.

 There’s a lot of to dissect in this film—which is why the screening that will be taking
place on May 8th will also feature two panel discussions that dig into some of the
issues and topics the film brings forward around prisons, education, and reform.

 This event is reflective of the work and the conversations I hope to continue moving
forward as First Lady.

 I will chair the Minnesota Initiative to Reduce Recidivism taskforce that works
closely with the Department of Corrections and will convene our first meeting on
May 30th.

 I have been already begun working closely with the Commissioner and Assistant
Commissioner of the Department of Corrections and feel we have strong team
support in this work.

 We frequently meet and are working to build intentional partnerships with

communities, advocacy groups, legislators, and stakeholders—in fact we will be
holding a private screening for legislators and other key stakeholders in order to
continue facilitating conversations around criminal justice reform, felon voting
rights, education, and training opportunities in order to reduce recidivism.

 This is the beginning of our work and we will continue building meaningful
partnerships in order to create meaningful and lasting change for the better.

To communicate the First Lady’s work and involvement with Corrections as an
introduction of the work she has done and will continue to work on and a precursor to the
June announcement of the Department of Corrections’ Assistant Commissioner.

Launch the First Lady’s twitter account around this event

Content plan
1. Preview of the event with the First Lady tweeting the promotional ad and Eventbrite
link made by TPT
a. Retweet from the Governor’s account
b. Share on the Governor’s Facebook page announcing the event and expressing
gratitude for the First Lady’s partnership and work.

2. Share behind the scenes photos with Randy, Lynn, BPI alums (that they know
personally), and TPT before the event (during potential promo work at 2:00pm on
the day of, May 8th).

3. Share photos of the First Lady at the event

a. Introducing Lynn
b. Participating in the Panel
c. With members of the cabinet, program alums, key stakeholders and advocacy

 TPT’s Almanac segment the Friday prior to the event

 Media advisory announcing the event/open to press

 Pitching to individual reporters (the First Lady will be cohosting an event that is
reflective of her policy work and interest in corrections and criminal justice reform)

 Setting up preview stories to create awareness about the event and convey
messaging themes.

*For week of April 29th-May 3rd*

 TPT’s Almanac
o TPT has extended the invitation for the First Lady to appear on a segment,
that would be about five minutes in length, to promote the event and talk
about BPI.

 Stephen Montemayor, Star Tribune

o Has shown interest in talking with the First Lady about her interest in
criminal justice reform and how she might be active in this area.

 Kevin Doran, KSTP

o Is interested and passionate about covering criminal justice reform issues
and has shown interest in covering the First Lady’s work in that scope.

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