What Is Gans

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Definition of GANS: A new state of matter; a molecule of a gas (GA) which

becomes Nano of itself and appears as a Solid state of matter.
GAs to Nano of Solid is to be called ‘GANS’ for short. Ref 1

We have learned to make CO2 GANS by using a nano layered copper plate and a zinc
coated plate in a salt solution. We created the condition between the plates to act like
a magnet and attract the magnetic fields of the carbon from the environment. The
fields of carbon manifest themselves in the salt solution and combine with the oxygen
to create the CO2 GANS. For the first time we can see the CO2 gas as a nano of itself
and appearing as a solid state of matter.

GANS is the state of the structure of the light that has changed from a dynamic
cylindrical plasma of magnetic fields to a dynamic spherical entity of the same matter
magnetic fields and its state of manifestation in the matter environment is dependent
on the internal gravitational condition and not on the environmental condition. Ref 2

In the two pictures above, each jar will contain billions of tiny GANS particles. Each
one of those tiny little GANSes are independent and not attached to anything.
View every single one of these little balls as a little sun that is radiating energy
continuously outward and receiving energy in. A single GANS has both magnetical
and gravitational fields, fields flowing out and fields flowing back in. Each one of
these can be made of millions and millions of fields that come together and spin
continuously creating dynamic field interactions.

The composition of our body is about 95% made of Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and

The gases Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen make up 77.7% of the body. So why are
we not in the shape of a balloon floating around?
Because our body is made of different GANSes, from the bones, skin, blood, organs,
etc. This is the 5th state of matter. (Gas, Liquid, Solid, Nano, GANS)
Each GANS we produce (CO2, CH3, Zinc oxide, Copper Oxide) has a different
Magnetical and Gravitational field strength that is continuously radiating into its
environment (Air, Water). These different magnetic fields interact with the body’s
magnetic fields to bring them back to optimal strength.

1. The Origin of the Universe. M.T. KESHE. Published 2011.p14
2. The Origin of the Universe. M.T. KESHE. Published 2011.p47

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