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Project Charter for

Team 3
August 6, 2019

Project Information
Project Background

The management team at Good Stuff 4 You (GS4Y) expect to increase their annual
sales to $7 million next year, a $1 million increase. They also intend to increase
their customer lists by 40%. Acknowledging these high growth expectations and
the current state of customer dissatisfaction, GS4Y management reached out to
JPL’s Weekend Designers for guidance.
Jamie Canfield, President and Sales Manager of JPL’s Weekend Designers met
with Mike Merrill, Vice-President of Sales for GS4Y on July 22, 2019, to request
training related to increased customer complaints and agreed to an analysis.
JPL’s Weekend Designers completed a full gap/performance analysis to identify
root causes between the existing state and future goals. Upon completion of the
analysis, JPL’s Weekend Designers found concerns to be addressed by GS4Y
management and made recommendations to resolve these issues and reach their
goals. This document articulates the agreed upon solutions.

Project Name and Description

The name of this project is Improving the Customer Experience and includes two
major initiatives. Both directly seek to improve customer service at GS4Y through:
 Usability Testing—We will develop a list of products and specifications
for selected staff to location product information. This will allow
verification that information is written and uploaded consistently for
product categories.
 New Product Training and SimplyOrder Training—The in-person training
will consist of learning about the expected exemplary customer service
skills and the top-anticipated products, and hands-on experience of
locating the product specifications in SimplyOrder.

Project Manager

The Project Manager is Jamie Canfield. She has been in regular contact with Jane
MacKenzie from GS4Y throughout the analysis phase. Both Jamie and Jane have a
reached a mutual agreement for phase one of this project.

Project Sponsor

The Project Sponsor for GS4Y is Jane MacKenzie.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 1

Stakeholders and Impact

This table displays a list of stakeholders, along with their roles and responsibilities during the project.

Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Impact and WIIFMs


Jane MacKenzie, Project Jane will oversee the project from GS4Y’s Jane will benefit from successful project
Sponsor & Tiebreaker perspective. She will ensure all products outcomes. She will see increased customer
and timelines meet the needs of the satisfaction and employee retention by
company. Jane will approve all stages of providing the tools needed to speed up
work completed and make agreed service calls. She will be viewed as a
payments. She has the authority to give positive leader.
clearance and disapproval. Jane will settle
disputes in case a decision cannot be made.
She will have the final say.

Marge Moorhead & Tom Marge will work on database layout and Marge and Tom will endure fewer
Swartz, SMEs for design of information pages. She will employee inquiries and suggested
SimplyOrder review all materials for accuracy. Tom will improvements in the future by establishing
work on the order process, improving an easy to use, consistent database before
screens and streamlining the sequence. the rollout. This will reduce future time
Tom will provide the sandbox and training spent handling customer calls/emails.
database, as well as login/passwords. He
will review all material related to this
component for accuracy.

Sheena Perez and Ray Primary contact will be with Ray. He will Ray will have more opportunity for
Johnson, Reviewers and provide specific product information for advancement due to his demonstration to
SMEs for Product the project. He and Marge will request take on more responsibility. This
Information additional staff to populate product opportunity allows Sheena the opportunity
information if needed, both inside and to coach and mentor Ray.
outside the company.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 2

Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Impact and WIIFMs

Sarah Commons, Maria They will review all versions of training The entire team will have a sense of
Gomez, Paula Moore & documents and provide feedback. Sarah ownership. They get a sense of ownership
Rosalinda Sanchez, SMEs will be the official contact for the group in the final product. Involvement in the
for customer service and and will request one final modification. special project will help in performance
sales standards Maria’s prior experience will provide a reviews and possible promotion
new perspective on procedures and opportunities.
exemplary customer service skills.
As the lead, Sarah will be regarded as a
resource and be more comfortable with the
content and to present the training more

Sam Fisher, IT for Sam will be our IT contact to ensure Sam will avoid trouble shooting last
classroom setup equipment for training is ready to go. minute technical difficulties while people
are waiting by setting up the classroom
equipment correctly prior to training. This
will allow him time to trouble shoot/fix
connection issues if needed.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 3

Description of Work
Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to improve customer service by developing a

consistent and thorough training program for employees at GS4Y.

Business Objectives

GS4Y wants to focus on quality and improvement of customer service to generate

10% higher customer satisfaction scores. The company requires their telephone
operators to provide timely customer service by answering six customer service
calls per hour. Training and usability testing will help GS4Y reach this goal by
providing employees more efficient product specifications and effective training.
This will speed up the customer wait times and increase customer satisfaction

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 4

Project Deliverables in Scope

This table identifies the project deliverables, delivery methods, estimated seat time, and detailed description of the deliverables.

Solution Delivery Method Seat Time or Pages Description

General tasks:
Customer Service Training In-person 8 hours
 Lecture on proper telephone etiquette
 Demonstrate through role playing proper
telephone etiquette
 Search for product specifications
 Distinguish anticipated top selling

Skills to be taught:
Through lecture, role playing, and hands-on
experience, the telephone operators and
supervisors will be able to:
 Interpret the customer’s questions
 Operate SimplyOrder to locate products
and answers, place orders, etc.
 Resolve the customer’s product question
 Demonstrate exemplary telephone
 Model up-selling

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 5

Solution Delivery Method Seat Time or Pages Description
General tasks:
Usability testing In-person using the 4 hours
student  Time users for locating information
workstations  Verify answers are correct
 Compare look up time from previous
system to the new system

Skills to be taught:
Through hands-on experience, the telephone
operators and supervisors will be able to:
 Demonstrate the ability to locate product

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 6

Sub-documents in Scope

 Design document: We will develop a design document for the instructor-led

customer service training.
 Assessments: We will design a pre-and post-assessment by way of a knowledge
check of concepts covered in the SimplyOrder training.
 Scenarios: Focus on specific skills (etiquette, product knowledge, navigation of
system) where concepts will continue to build upon each other.
 Script for role play: Verbal practice of phone etiquette (tone, attitude, greeting,
closing, etc.).
 Scavenger Hunt List: We will design an interactive activity guide which will send
learners on a scavenger hunt to locate products in SimplyOrder and as well.
 PowerPoint: During the interactive training we design, there will be times that a
PowerPoint will be used as supplemental material during lecture.
 Facilitator guide (Train the Trainer): For all parts of training, an instructor guide
will be created. All instructor guides will be formatted into a facilitator guide
 Student workbook: Job aids as well as other documents that the learner will refer
to, will be formatted into a booklet.
 Job aids: We will design job aids as supplemental material for reinforcement of
concepts and processes.
 Usability test list: We will develop the product launch usability test and work with
Judi Thompson, Sheena Perez, Ray Johnson, top telephone Operators, and
supervisor to review a list of products and specifications within the ordering
system prior to going live each catalog period. This will allow for verification
product specifications are consistently located while involving those who know the
new products and the ordering system.

Out of Scope

JPL’s Weekend Designers are not responsible for any of the following:
 Any training or course materials not outlined above.
 Updating training materials after the implementation of this training is
 Providing the facility/training space.
 Any paper product, notebook, etc. To print on or use for as training
materials. All training material will be delivered electronically.
Any of the below items mentioned as a recommendation;
 Onboarding training
 Newsletter
 Coaching for low performing operators
 Annual performance appraisal
 Customer call survey

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 7

Project Completion Criteria

This project will be deemed complete when all deliverables have been signed off
on by management and training is complete.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 8

Project Parameters

This table shows the estimate of time and dollars required to complete the project in its entirety. These numbers could vary by ten

Deliverable /Solution Type of Training/ Deliverable Seat Time or Total Hours Rate Cost
Scope Figure Estimated

Instructor-Led Training PPT, Live scenarios, role play 8 400-450 $200/hr. $80,000-
Design Time scripts, design of product $90,000
scavenger hunt, design of
pre/post assessment, meeting
with SMEs (9), needs
assessment, data gathering,
performance analysis, and other
miscellaneous documents

Facilitation of Training Training room set-up, in-person 10 50 $200/hr. $10,000

training, room
breakdown/clean-up, debriefing

Time users for locating

Usability Testing 1.5 4 $200/hr. $800
information, verify answers are
correct, compare look up time
from previous system to the
new system

Total 454-504 $200 $100,800


JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 9

Project Team Members & Roles

Consulting Team
This table shows each team member of JPL’s Weekend Designers, their roles, responsibilities, and expected number of work hours
needed to accomplish the project.

Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours Needed

Jamie Canfield Project manager Oversees the project at all levels: 90 Hours
She works closely with team
member and client to schedule
meetings, write reports, obtain
feedback from client, tracks
hours, creates and monitors
budgets, participates identifying
and removing any roadblocks.

Peggy Zickert Project She works closely with the 100 Hours
Coordinator, Project Manager and Instructional
Business Analyst designer. May assist with creating
and distributing agendas and
notes, helps with defining weekly
tasks and deadlines, assists in
defining types of data needed
form customer and formulates

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 10

Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours Needed

Lisa Wolfcale Instructional Oversees analysis, determines 160 Hours

Designer objectives/desired outcomes,
determines assessment of
objectives, determines
instructional methods, and
organizes course into units and
lessons, creates course outline,
presents prototype to
client/sponsor for evaluation and
modifications, and assist with
creating usability tests.

Sarah Wendtland Technical Creates supporting and 150 Hours

Writer/graphic illustrative visuals, slides, charts,
artist videos, creates first drafts of
facilitator guide, student
workbook, job aids and finalizes
all instructional materials.

Total 500 Hours

Client Team
This table lists the GS4Y team responsibilities and the estimated hours for their participation.

Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours Needed

Jane MacKenzie Project Sponsor Provide input and feedback 60

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 11

Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours Needed

Marge Moore SimplyOrder SME Marge has been assigned to 20

program the changes and
additions to the product
information within SimplyOrder.
She will review all materials for

Tom Schwartz SimplyOrder SME Tom is working on the changes to 20

the order process within
SimplyOrder. He will provide a
sandbox and training database
and will assign logons and
passwords. If remote access is
needed, Tom will be the contact.
He will also review for accuracy,
the training materials related to
the ordering process.

Sarah Commons, Maria Train the Trainers Sarah will coordinate comments 200
Gomez, for Telephone from Paula Moore, Rosalinda
Operators and Sanchez, and Maria Gomez and
Customer Service submit one final version of
and Sales SMEs requested modifications to Jamie
Canfield. Maria will provide
insight into procedures and call
center exemplary customer

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 12

Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours Needed

Paula Moore, Rosalinda Customer Service 100

Sanchez and Sales SMEs
Paula, a high performing operator
and Rosalinda, a new operator
with prior call center experience,
will provide information
regarding their experiences and
will review training material.

Sheena Perez and Ray Product SMEs and Sheena and Ray are the product 20
Johnson reviewers information experts for
SimplyOrder, they will provide
detailed information about the
products and will review training

Total 420 hours

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 13

Project Milestones

The table below outlines the major milestones and anticipated dates to keep the
project on track.

Milestone Date

Design Document sign-off 8/12/2019 (Monday)

Facilitator and Student Materials signoff 8/30/2019 (Friday)

Usability testing product list approved 9/6/2019 (Friday)

Pilot Training Conducted; revisions sign-off 9/10/2019 (Tuesday)

Vendor Assistance Required

No other vendors will be assisting in this project.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 14

Possible Problems and Risks

This table conveys the potential risks and problems that could impact the project. Likelihood rating scale with 1 being low and 5 being

Problem Area Likeli- Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan

hood Project

Availability of SME’s 2 Jane MacKenzie Due to the time Request that Jane
limitations of this continue to set-up times
project and nature of in advance, as discussed
shift work, some in the sponsor meeting
individuals may have on 8/1/2019. She also
limited availability. approved overtime as

Employee turnover 3 Jane MacKenzie Meetings and Ask Sarah and Maria to
document review can develop a contingency
be impacted plan to cover customer
depending upon the service should a
shift in which the telephone operator leave
employee vacates due the company.
to the need to ensure
proper customer
service coverage.

Delay of product 4 Sheena Perez and Delay in product Sheena and Ray will
information entry into Ray Johnson information input into want to set input metrics
SimplyOrder SimplyOrder can and have a weekly
impact usability check-in to verify input
testing and scavenger is on track to meeting
hunt during training. deadline.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 15

Problem Area Likeli- Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan
hood Project

Accuracy of product 5 Sheena Perez and Inaccurate Request Jane hire

information entry into Ray Johnson information can lead additional temporary
SimplyOrder to poor customer employees to review
service. accuracy of product

Unexpected work 4 Jane MacKenzie An unexpected work JPL’s Weekend

absence of any key absence from a key Designers and Jane will
team member client team member have predetermined
can impact meetings meetings which should
and document review include a virtual meeting
deadlines. link.

Additionally, we
recommend Jane
identifies a back-up
person to assist if
reviewing documents if
necessary, to meet

Network/Internet 1 Bruce Bennet Network/Internet Bruce will need to

outage outage could delay ensure IT staff is
product details input, available to restore the
product details network/internet access
review, usability ASAP.
testing, and training.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 16

Problem Area Likeli- Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan
hood Project

Weather Conditions 2 Jane MacKenzie Weather conditions Jane may need to add an
could possibly impact additional training to
the ability for ensure proper customer
employees to attend service coverage.
the training.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 17


JPL’s Weekend Designers is responsible for:

 Develop a list of products to search and report selected specifications.
 Develop and train eight hours of training for 29 staff members on new
ordering system, SimplyOrder, including 20 of the new holiday products.
Materials will include PowerPoint for lecture, facilitator guide, and
workbook for role playing feedback, product scavenger hunt, and
 Pilot first training and allow a day in between to review training, if needed.
 Develop training schedule: Two morning sessions will start at 7:00 am-
3:30 pm, evening session will start at 6:30 pm- 3:00 am. Breaking up
session start times will allow for customer service coverage. We will also
offer a make-up session in case of absences, which will be partially led by
Sarah Commons and Maria Gomez. Pilot will include a mixed level of
experience telephone operators.
 Provide feedback regarding Sarah Commons and Maria Gomez’s on their
aptitude and preparedness. Allow Sarah Commons and Maria Gomez co-
teach one or two of the later sessions.

GS4Y is responsible for:

 Provide a training room with 10 student workstations and an instructor
computer linked to an LCD projector. Sam Fisher will be our IT contact to
ensure the computers have everything needed.
 Provide a list of top-anticipated products, including specification details to
JPL’s Weekend Designers to allow us to develop materials for usability
testing and training materials by August 30, 2019.
 Printed materials for usability testing and training sessions.
 Allow Subject Matter Experts time to work with JPL’s Weekend
Designers. SMEs are: Tom Swartz – programmer to update system
procedural changes; Marge Moorhead – product database design and
layout, Ray Johnson – responsible for all data and product accuracy in
training, two supervisors – Sarah Commons and Maria Gomez, who will
be future trainers, and two operators – Paula and Rosalinda.
 Schedule staff for training sessions.
 Jane Mackenzie will be making all final decisions.
 Jane Mackenzie will discuss with Ray and Sheena regarding the product
lab concept. Product lab is to be determined.


The following situations will constrain JPL’s Weekend Designers ability to carry
out part or all of the project:
 Time limitations dues to expedited training rollout date.
 Software limitations that does not allow for a sandbox for practice.

JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 18

External Influences/Dependencies

The successful completion of this project can be impacted by the following

external considerations:
 Catastrophic events such as weather-related emergencies in the area.
 System outages such as power or internet.
 Possible bugs in the SimplyOrder system outside GS4Y’s IT abilities


Role Signature Date

Jane MacKenzie, Project ___________________________________ _____________________


Jamie Canfield, Project ___________________________________ _____________________


JPL’s Weekend Designers Project Charter 19

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